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Lake County Independent, 13 Apr 1900, p. 2

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~~V PAIIIIE Viiw y. . MIhhDbareturuea iafter a = beaineu trip te Georgie anti ut" Jouie Mitchell vil! begin "amObt 0011h1oluinthe itaul district »Urt Umdmy. M.ILElEmtan recetly aold tbree lots 60 Ia. D. F. Krager. file viii souo, &eedvolllng ilieroon. Dr. Bd. Rtzeuilualer, ot Wisconsin, hareturiiet bomne alter a veek li.it amous reitivea lun thte viclîity. W. A. Bock -is testing tle grave], trouatho different ptta lu towu. by Ilamllng a car ut hay ta Evereti. Mr. and Mr@. W. P. Dlckhaoii are re- jiing ou acconnt of the arrivai of a baby boy. Ail concerned are doiîg weil. P.F. R offin, of Oceola. Iowa, lias ecieeth 1e sale of timber land andi r,- turned ta bis borne after a short riait vlth relatives bere. FOllOwlng close ater ibe Churchil "-trgedy," a man gets mliot ut ibis place but as le kbought oniy ivo polnde andi paiti for lh, abat of Il? il Paul Pdac <1.0., of l.îhortyvihle, Was la toan oking alter businems inter- nes anti as Macle a delegate ta the Skite convention, itla r mrei fiai bis frienda nuay bring hlm ont as a -dark baigse"toi Attorney Ornerai as hoe la faut on tle roadt t faine. ' uyoue vlislng ta gel ibeir mail Iy rural delivery musetse tîstItin i marketi -Rura deivery or give ortiers toi the carrier or posmater to psendi tJa wbiay. The carrier viii bi eady ttee regilatereti matter alter April ~lih. Many new rouies were siartoti throntghoni îlefilai. his vrek. Four itetiug tram Carbo)ntiie.it la the up-ta-date methlod af mail service anti amhob put inta affet smon as practicai aIl over the conuiry. But no doubt many changes in routes vil)l bîîmade \ta hep îhe serviceacson as iley have 4 a fs aitrial. UTe. W. E. Sihizer, W. Caton, . It ariies, "f1batidyspepsie over tweuty 7Z=mand irieti doctars anti medicine ~'b -,2»0ti. t vas perenade t'Ot Uëse odai Dysnepsia Cure and it helu-I LEITIITUN. Mr. Markey Andrews la ptinting til aeek lIn ke OForeat. Igr. Amil Eistov madie a business trip to Chicago ou Montiay. Mr@. Iessie Wilo uharnned tram a vîsit among relatives at Rockefeller. Mis. Saanudera recelvati a fine pair of irnported But! Legliorua ou atur. dasy. Itias Mnie Meyera la vliltiug ber eîsier, lira. Charles Bryant et Wlieaton. Professer E. J. Sabin. living re- turnetitromi i steairi tp, openeti achool ounilouday. Mr. John Kruckmau and daugbter Ida vent to Chieago ou Mouday. Misa Ida iîteudlîg to riit trientis ai Oak Park. lies. Vincent, Pastor ofthîe M. E. durirmadie calîs au. Diamonti Laikeon pVaturday, topping ait1Mr. Fayette Buiierfielis over Suuday. Mr. William Meyers madie a business trip to Cblcago ou Saiurdsy. He reports Leithion milk ail rigbt ln Clicago. Sorne aaty ibat ibrir miik vil) net tuera $1 12 ptr cvi for île m Dtli, ot MarrIý Mr, Laliranti Fiagler gave a phono. grapli entertalumeni ai thesechool bouse ou Saiurday evenlng, a large audience being present. Several gentleman came up fîom Dismonti Lake. The proceeds vere $10 DIAMOND LAKE. Dud roui get April foolet' Theo. Milla is vistiug lits son Henry ai il.,.tarim home. Oseo Mitchell in sufleriug fiuum au aitack of Lagriplue. Fred(Grnse Pavet vooti f orM. Hutigkins Ian Saturdsy. Mis. Lena Mitchell and lier tianghter Luielis are als iththîe grippa. Miss Tlle Rouies las reininedt t her selou , lu % sniega aftrieuloyhng a weeke vacati)u ed me trom the tari I believe h ta lie P.cumoula lm o0e of ithe Most a panacea for ail forma of indigestion" daugerous atnd fatal diaeas. It It digesa abat you eat. F. B. LOVELL, aiWays re8ult.a from a cold. Cbamber- UAbetyille. J. R. BRAsuax. (bribe; laina Cougli Remedy v1ii quickly cure P. L. WESTRRUAN, Riockefller. a colId and perliapa prevut an attack Q I puefluia. I& la ln tact made esipecially fur (liai ailmeait and lias Wm. Orr, Newark, 0 says, -We become tamnous for isà cures over a ni teeesle *Abhout 0ne Muni large part ut the civilizeol vorld.fit Cosgh Cure lu the hanse. Xitsaved my counieraci uy tendency of a colti liUle boys@ lite ahen he bad the pneu- tavard pneumoîîia. Can you afford to Mont&. We ihi k it la thse boit medi- negleci your cold when so reliable a c» madie.-' h cures couglisand ail remnedycan behadforatrill& Forsale I» l nmes. Pleasant totsake. harm- by F. B. LOvELL, Libertyviiie, J. R. lman d givea ixumediate regulta.- F. BRÂCaREBUrnee, F. L. WEaTimii, E. OYLLLiertvile;J.R BAaERhlckfilî,GRAYBLARKE PHARMACY, Garam . FL. WESTERN, 4Roctfeller. jJORN MEIKLE, lVanhae0. Wall Paper:= We cary the new Spring stylea right in stacko~yau doat bave ta wait a week or two befare you get the Pper.IH yau bave any hiI roUas left over,. we take thero béckf if yasi run short. yau cao get mart at once, Be- aides this quick service. we ask yau ta campare aur qualities ad prices with thase ai any other store ar agent. Paper, 4 1-2 to 1 5c per roll, 9 to 30c per double roll Border 1 1- 2 to 6c per Yard. Carpets: - Yau are invited ta look aver aur Plegant line af Samples as we kqow aur prices are Iwest, quality cansidered. NOTICEAfil carpeta ardered during the manth af April wiII pe sewed FREE 0F CHARGE. This means a savng ai 3 ta Sc per yd. VSauer & Bro., LONG GROVE, - . ILLINOIS.1 ktpefli. . tht Suutan T..If. nu uxe.denmoa aLitl. Ftad iSoll oua" a oisfr Chidreu Al.sys A.k Y.- e Dealifro uneulwa'îShom IAYSCS thor Masfartaur s tise W. WRIGHT & SON Is the place to go if you want to buy builders hardware at reasonable prices. We an l0 save you monley on coaI of ail kinds; nut, egg, range, furn- ace and soft coal. Buggiès, Wagons and Farm Implements. $ When you want anythiniz in this lino cail on WRIGHT & SON, Mb.~yvII.. - - - -Illinois. WIaCOoigilN OUvx». EAIWAY 0 TIME TABLE. 9ctua o OIE. oIvo iOUla. . .106861 A .i 321 P 2: 5810 - - tO .51 p M. 4860 ô DaflY exePt Snday. ROCKEFELLER MAIL8. ABIVE ANtiLUAVIVEOM SOUTU ANDi OUTS AT 7:.32 a' in. 10:03 A. m. 4:56 P. iM. 6:49 p. m. arrives frotu Chicagoý STAR LIIE. Leave Rockefeller at 8:30 for Diamond Lake, lmer, Ivauboe and Freinant Center. lieturnlng arrives ai Rocke- toiler at 4 p. mn. M.r. John Ronse lsa loviy recovering f rom liasreceut ilUnai. Mr. S. lramer lisat vorkibuildinug bis nov bouse ou Maple Ave. lira. J. C. Karues i vtilng relatives at Kenoalia the praseut veek. Three car loadi of Uye stock vere mhipped frtrmiiaplace ibis veek. Mfr. tieo. S. C arIea peut the tirst af tle veek witb triend.a ai Janeavle. Henry VanHaro, of Oak Park, vas hareono business Tbursday of ibis week. Saturday in the liai day of Knigge's romarkible carpe$ oller. A charge for sewing vil) be matie thereatiar. lieurs. Grldley and Fiaier, of Evauston, madie a short viait ai the home of Mr. (Jeo. Gîidley tbis veek. M»a. Dean Ayuesiey, ot Diamond Lake apont several tisys visting ber parents, Mi. anud Miat. Burdick ibis veek. lise. B. lmon andi litile daughîar, of Waukagin, voe ruiertalued SSun- day Mouday by ber brother, Mi. B. P. wilooz. Our nev barber la oqipped aih ail the necesaranes required lfot a gondi dlean sbave or haih eut. I y lie re- ceive bit a@bore 0f patronage. The bouaahalti ffecte aoflWV. J. A. Cola voie remave frtrmthe parsou- agle Wednasday of hi@is eek. The building la nov in readinesa for tbe nov pastar, walin laexpecieti about AprIl l5tb. FREMONT cENTgR. Gene Smith bas inobrd froin the Me- Coîaty tarm to the Smith faim ai Ivan- boas. Miss Mâtla Fretierice returnedtu t Waukogan wbere she la aitending acbool. Everybody corne ta Ivaubiue Fîiday evenhng Aprîlfil taîl te Liteiary Society ant ihear the two farces, viz., "The Irishi Liueu Petdiler' and -Ou 0 nard" The Freinant Creauneiy, lormerly ovueti by J. E. Glynch wvas suil a tea das@aiago, ta E. R. MoyerneanafutSI . larges&îfarmnera lu ibis vicinity, Mr. iloyers is tbe rignt Matu ib e rigbi place. It yl lac dlefor a couple v4eks for repaira. IVANHOE. Mr. Fiank Smili vas a Chicago viator Sainnday. Misa Emma Grable returued home tram île ciy last Friday. Bchool recommenceotibheo1l"t Mon- day aller a veeka vacaioj. Miss Alice Smih, 0f Wankegau, is spending ber vacation et haine. Frank Doriier, aba le vaîkiug lu Chicago, open& SaWjudayand Snnday ai home. The crokinole party lait Tunday evening vas veili ateudeti anti leartily enjoyeti by i&H. The social hbet ithe haome oflira. Wells laui Tuursday aveuing vas a successtnl source of antartalument to ibose abo attendeti. Be mire anti attend lbe enteilain- ment given by the Ivatthoe Lltarary Society Fritiay eveuing. Mnuh Urne han beau spetit and extensive prepara. tians have beau conductedtu t make %iem vening a oroe 0of plaeure t'. ailwh ah, ttend. GU RN BE. Rob. Thorrnrnoved back teoaur tavu thia ..ek. William Sage wad dhidren bave baen on the @ick liai. Misa Mabol Backus retnuedtiet Waukegan Sundsy. 0. W. 80hauber vw u nlChcagoon. business Wedueeday. hialph Dady and Nornman Browu vere homne tram Chicago over Sunday. Mri. Frank Notinghamn, aofChicago, visiteti ler mot ber île Orsi tt fthe ueek. Polea are belng plaeed for a private telephone lin@ fîom tiuee went and South. Mr@. John MeClure returnotiftrim Chicago tnnîlay w liert, Sie visiteti friands. Sam Steatimmu ioved lis fauuly tramn Wnkagan ta foli oMcCoînickm hanse île tiret of tue areek. He vhll ivoîk for Mr. Mece)rnitc ibis Yser. The tavu Ot Warren elociedtihîe flOllîug aficers ast Tuesday: J. L. fivayer, supervisor; i). B. Whinuoie, 1Clerk ;P. W. Stewart, Assessor; J. W. Sumith, ('aliector. it. B. iltraiug, sool Truaites Prof. J. Rt. Dotubain, ot Chicago, ieceutly 'cloaeti s very uceaful 1 Musical conventiou liha. Be bas organiseda sciasa ai tRussell. Hia oloehi3g concert Weduestiay nigit vas veli aitended anti riloyeti by ahi. RUSSEL.L. Mr. Coiby wvss lriChlelago Iattsatiir- dey. Mr. anti Mia. C. E. -hîîwe are visitung1 J. a hicago. Berry Wiiliatun ai»ent ast Wedumem-1 day ln MHwu«an, Mri. Warner, ut ( ' hi,.go, v isiteil Sun- day ai1. t0. Caloy s lira. Pair le eitu-taliràng ber wîivie, Mia. Nicolla tram NWîscua. Dr. anti Mis. Thompeon are enter. tilning lis brother and two ihiltien.1 Mr. and Mrf@. 1J (. cuanes, utRockie taller, came up Priday eveuhîîg ta vîsit rilentis. Mr. anti Mis. '. JaeiîîAOn vialteti Mri and itirs. A. (-iýlso in Mlvankea Sunday.1 iii. Win. Murrsy anti Lester saatid ai midight Friuay ulght for Bar CI!y, Wisconsin. lir@. Colliy sud Molie vsiteti ber sisten, lira, Eddy un Beiton tant Satuir. day andt Suntay. Mis. John Whie, Si., retrn.d lhast veek from a vieil in Waukegan aili ber daughter. Mis, W. Kennedy. Dr. anti Mr». Lewin viaiteti their danghter, Mris. 8. B. love l1at sun- day. itbeing 1the Doctorai ftty-aeouîlg birihtiay. Th1e tva childres of Mr. anti Mis. W. Scott have beau ute iii. Dr.é Thorupeon aitentiedti ein. Letesi reporta are that iliey are boiter. The mati nova came idâ ai iaurtay atternou 0f1ithe death of Mr. Th4pssc Iving, cf Kenosha. -The bereaveti rilaives have the iympathy of &ail tleir friendi.1 1ev. J. F. Munies eniartaneti bis fatler, Mr. J. Sautier, o! Orafion, North Dakotia, 1mai veek. Tbay aere tn Chicago the irai par the îevek vimling triandi. Mr. Hanter utarted for hig home ln North lDakota hantiay evenung. In aimosi eveîy neigîboîhoodt ibre ha saineOune ahose lite bles beau savetir by Chamberlain@ Colle, choiera sud Dlarrboea Remetiy, or aho la beau cared of chronhc dianniiooa by tle nue of ihiat nedicîne. Bnch parsons make, a point 0f telling0u t hvenever opportunfty offer, hoping ibat it nuay be tba meana ut saving athera live.a. For aie by F. B. Lovabu, Libeityville, P. R. aaceuY, . urnes, UA»NRLA - PR . aMAC F.L. WirSTeMA(i l'& à e. taller, JOHN MeIKrn.. Ivanboa. XM a, M noyr obua Dm q isea nd Dr. »MDibas aom na. = *%pelo pidnashine, of S rn seJet oiti.valJ.Frnta a'a.makes day.0 - - - - -N ' -rv the t t é " youll vnt ta bIghen up the home J. stempellangîadeally recavering Md ~YOUll viii your money ta go fw'theat, yol vot beat tram bie injuries reoeived tsa ineun eutaotllgtt oe1 necmmelvy Mr. D. lilixenihaier andi fanily 1UamI 0w pi epsredtashow a luger varlety oaioa vialled leat Suudey nt J. P. litze- ple cap"ots mil al payer hin al gradma ever belone tihaiers. koni àOt lolc n hnl ut That wia a flue Y. P. A. Meeting kav atpae Aialc un chile wIn suuday eveung. hu vas th1e alier- table and couch cavera. Meeting. L. B llenbach laid lai quite a lot ut suppliesa for bieshsbp anti factory. Lu aie i a fi or, youn et. leai Sînday the sebolars 0f 8the German schou n lua opasaeti la the exaninatiln viil ibe coulhrmeti. Mr. ttepheun anti tamily are abouni Weil &g1aintiudgratetîully Sppieeiate th1e kindnns ut tbeir nelgîbors. Bey. Siierle vent ta canhreuoe Mois- day. cuîtereue canvenesasa Freeport sud viii continne for about a veek. Mr. J. lieliners hau reitedth ie builiti inga wygl soine ihirty actes ui the tioisveiiei tar n near the sebool house. Thîis e te ââseauî allen tiekianti geseomiigrai@ norîlivart. Thera ara hover. saine vingleas gageoWho aie in eson ail thte Year. April ftuainlaputatndui ao laInlte bigéget fouiai Iésat? lMant likely the girlsiba ut vere ohasei tntut lf ed. Hurrah! for th1e Big Four. Mr. Coites ahuaId tnn foi governor. Ho recenîly soit a data sAn for a innls,anti fi.qui. hlikeiy ibat ho voulti luae a botter Tannuer &han ilie governor. Weil, Ih surely vas s Sainr crihk. Yonr coaepandeni vhite as Downersa Grave ab ont a tortnight mgo, solti s sUhiscipgilan0f thbe I 5DZPE<DuiT ta-M. E. kStanger, the postinsser. Be asys Ihinlais fiesa County aokiy mn lie over saw. fn tesi aeekm Issue IL ahoulti bava boau statedtirâlit the prilg tarim cf île Lonig (.rove aboul openà April 118h net tie21oti. Mia Mitchell lebau hireti for the ternei hiconsistaef ut o, sud a hait mentha. The crosslig a&thile sehouiou me ought tw bc videneti 18 la so narrav ibàta t p over nuighi eesly occur, vhlhb oulti cemt the tavi nîdli more iban tho ea batsude0f grmvel requis ie ta remedtiebodatait. NORTH NORTH FIELD. Misenlit @pent several tisys ln the City. ie. S. Stanger, see Clara Eiey, lias beaui viatingasaihume. Bey. Siierle marteti for fnoterence, which con vene ai Freepuri, Monday. The asasmaor. Otita Fiieue, hanbaen calllng araunutila hl@ officiai «eaaity. Flots Bach attendaid 4 concert giron In tle Auditoriumn, Chicago, by tle glas club ai North.Westera Collage. The young folke oftihuvlehiiy assembledti buruday evening ta deliborate about starthng à minging cIaua. Mev. Memaner bu abeau siaioueti by conference et Piarceville for vhich place lie etarieti Tburutiay. Bis uneceoar la the Barv. Mr. Febi. SHERMERVILLE. lira. Sherman la on tbe ick liai. iae. Auna iele ick vitb île grippe. 0. B. Shesi lga laidl11P vitli(ho ilion iatisin. Mr. lirodie principal ofounr os-huait vas an the siek liai liai veek. 1 Ueo. A. Whlia as ick teabale iii le ont again. Meuris. H. Lorenuz anti Wiii Freeze are oin jury thlsa eek lu Cideago. Miss 8usan Sherinan Who bas iel) on tle auek tint for a tea veeko la aiovly umpraviîg. Mr. Meleegheierofers bis realinic bwuu__________foi mie. WAUCONDA. i HALF DAY JohnSBrînlaidi bas taken île ageicy Notic IL.W. Hghe' ad.Mis. 1LShuler lias becu on thleck toi the Champion Harvester Ca. Notce . W HuhesBdlist. Mies Josie Walter visitaitii. Chicago Uni. Mila, moveti inta tle Kirvin ts ek u i o euaa oo lou" aistaurtiay. Mr. huhun M,-Langblin vaa tmiler ilie ls ek uttt o euua Mm A& HcksretunedMatr"ycane uf lIn Taylor hat vrek. as anticiiîatel; neyer miii ve Riov MiasAdaBich rennnei lainray by. froin ber viit lu the ciîy. MIse Dîrul Fuote ls biatiug lier suint, lira. liulp Jouesua expecis MIiosel! ontl Mr@. W. D. Wenivarthlnha entiîng Mis E,uhlur liJelleisan Park. iebre anluli uunuu t.VIberbhome o l the aeek ai Geneva Lake. Min. A, C Rihards bas bren suifer- fIndiaa Ç. E. Jeuka anti Cari Erickaoun ook luug witb au, atiack of! mahaial feyer.,1ev. ;eoý Water f rîm Genesu atten- an Jun a a oWauLkegan Fîlday. Sua uuuinef uniy deit ceufereuce aiilarnington also Mr. and Mis. J. M. FntIer ontertaineti î u y 10 i cock verjoSne inviteti.@pont rvens[ ulys visiting tîlendu hua failier train Libeityviîr 1ai veek. uall31,'lc.Eeroonie.here. t3iaride Pratt lias enlîsnteti lu tie Misiîîý TrippSr. anul lins. Fiaia 1.1luc.un a 5me out Ihue the ait navy. Be Witloave the eek Satuur i nlhbave- ueo auuhertîug wth ta-. t tell tu, usth. 1lknouot et - day. grippue But I tmuly tope an it teli!frontI lb-u *Lester I)urdthck ta vornut aiîper 'lic Free &fail Drivery la ici met I )I,m1 05e se-lu-r in tt,,u-yý langlug lit ii lekeete-r ai prearut :wltli air aPPrielàcluhituaVleitiltY. wrîîîng. IAil Soutî uf tbau talk of getting iieir O tHLLU. Mr. isîud Mis. i'eriy Johnsoin, (If malaiut'plskihe'f dur Office 18 taken1 Morgan bas cleareti ont ot toan. Crystai RLlke, si-re- Waiuondta vîeîtoruîs ay. Wliy lut pethtion anti keep Oui .A rni 1iei emv u receuitly. Pont Office' .A rnzsatdt oeti Mns. Jliaplul -aîuh d lpl,.ut A lovemeut ilaoonnt<,tahave Our "ep'Iieiue îy e isnal Vaukegan, vishtti relatives hure lchurehtirepaireti anti tecoisteul in tibe rocetty. iutenlinr. Lii evryone iehp un tibis eiuipioed lis nov aur ship. Mr.andMim M(refeid ý4Elgu, gooti vuint' ton ther cb i'h sa ouise iHa&I8nhe legatemau. vas #ceeu ou (lin air.d Mlaives murlii.ut Eibis, ietuî veroiuie [o lise. sireeta cf ibis lîrg Sutiay. calein relvssd rad l,( sMr. J. M. LeClear returneul home viciniy îoeîit. L5om anoiluer Correatuouetij lait Wuuetisay tramn a trip to Nev J. M. Flier lias renteti lira hItigglee ')tir açboh tugan ou1'iuesday. York. ofthe Oas oen antrmoeu n.. at Miseg L'iuY ,)uhnoi net t,,Cicagoî Mr. Wm. Merrîmaru lias gou n ' aI la akabaal astvee. uesuhay. Highland Plark tu live wah litlus brother A. Mirai. vli mave lmia tIe rouei Mr. Win. J. Wiells retuinned frtîta "5(1m hi the Bapke building tUis veek. visit lu Chicago on Mantiay evening. CA. S. in fre<iueutîy RCern treiliuig Oit,, warti i iltaoe nt luh. C. Bill's Mia. fias Hooattinn vtisteti ber eut IPrairie Ave. bts ithe aurai,. houes. -danghiter and hfriend uîta Cihicago luiot jiloîuchas. Tt il; reported that Mn. Cary, Oftveak. Mr. A. H. Mlihike le invening s Chicago.,bls îeuted ilie Lakeside lotel ln aul Hlite nivalve tar savlng lsteam ou iebisbot air Pat .W Pathisrnetia bouse.tiangîter, ut Chicago, are vîaîtîng lber machine. Mr.ts an M. M .fuhg parents, lin. ajîti Mrs. Baller liere at There sas au ancihon helti on tle Mi atiMi. . . lubeJ. present. Merrmman tarinMardi 28tli. Quite s Gotding, J. Reilly, H '. Fular aî,lJ E. W. Brooks vere Chicago vimtors lefain» Cr uese iamvt a ~ vsreiei fini f th wee. inly froin the eauj otahîe Kainaler Devys orchestre viii tuîniah the L. rsiol uneknmv oM. place biewe abe ay viii reside for muic al; ibe Columbia. Be viii L. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 thnbo mvt na i .îe camîug yesn. recelve a vain recepîjon. thB. oa, lt vek.hi a rothei Mr. EBd. Churchill vIa vas ateketi A acrap biveau mWin, Devy anti J. intE e e vii fut rauîe.ciy by a tranger eaithbaMili bridge tesatHorenbargai vas stappei ly thîe Tn he fnear gcadiatture.Olet v eak uatains comparatively siglit policelai Saiuiday ai île Dearfielti Th tllvig anidte vreelcttiinjuries au a resuni. round baune. Devy maye Jack hu gai Tuesday: A. iJ. Rayminti Spervisanr; et m o to wu eldtgokpaaes109saieé &@r E. IN . Brooks. Aiseaor; E. A. Golding, Op.W ona s ait at epaa iln sh aMse Towa Clark; A. Baseley, Commimloner Chicago tesaiveak an acount oathîe Madhenle anti band maaiei. of Higbvays; J. Reilly, Collector. tiesil of tle infant dbiid of hlm eO. Broughion vanita îîte cîîy deugbiter, Mlis. Lyntis Aahmei. PALATINE. luta aeek anti puicîmasti a met of Mi. anti Mn. Henrîy Englebeiiy vent Mia. Loomia la Miiil very Ili. tinnarsa toola anti a atock of îner'a ta Chicago Manday evening lavIng Miss Daielson la vithng tiienda ln gootia. Beoai open a a&bop in the ban cahle Ythe verY serions lness Osney ihhi vuek. buiement of the Huoghes' building. of ber muiter Miess Balle Oamaa. Ban Wilaon la iecoverhng tram lis Ur. Danilel Calisanti lia sttr, Mis. About sixty voies ver. outaiorbai tpiotractei Illlea. Whitney vIa laye beasa spandiug the the Vermon tavra elecilan Tuaaday. Ur. eut Mn. PFSith voie guesisai paat foa veeks vieiiing lu ibis place There being no opposition uitile inter- lis faîlera» in Idunda over thuutiay. anti veiuiiy lave saiteti on tilar aeitvasmanîfeatti. Thea speoill Ur. Bsingas people bave moveti lu- returo trip 80 bhihome tu fSonuli lection on Tburaday promîmes goalehath îe Radhonliorsi cottage on Chicago Dekowe more exciting. Ave., for a ubile. Lavis Ackermnan, 0Oo4anlad. mye. Ta eture île original piteh baisaI 3"0»aafixing toir astS untiay. De Wit'@ Utile Eariy Bislera alamys attiresktai De Wir vitcl Base), guah This, tramChicago, la visit- lring certain releU cure mj hesadhe vatt kuova as cer$"in ure o laigfrad hi ài ek anti neyer gripe."II liey getl clasae andi ski. di...ses. eve f 'or ilestga nd ee&M @ anti invigorate tbe bovola anti liver. oonteffetta. Tley are uuaaageas. Mma Miller, us Miauta lient, diet YB.Lovacul, Libertpile; J. R. Sld by Y. B. oiM lîbt'v1JilJ et be ha«s la Colorada rposSly, anti B -1ar , .L. W»mxx, . BE -maG ][& .laW vau'un beouk houeta opalefue tor Bring the exact meastureinent ai your roama for a new carpet and il viii bc sewed for votu fret ai chalga This wiii be a saving af irai» 3 ta 6 cents per yard for yau. Remeaiber this oSfer halls goal oniy an carpet$ ardered an or before April 7th. Order yaur fuuniture ai the saine turne ad yaur money wil secure yauu sch ececllent reaultai it will go farther andl the amniai e ave Wpé over prncesadrsedi yau by others viii enable yau ta secure maay additianal items that aid you i. making vatur haine attractive. Just received my fulll une of 1900 BicycLq- and Bicycle Sundries. Examine my wheels before you buy. Everything in the fine of Furniture and House Fu rnis hi ngs. Prepaired Paints, Glass -Anq Putty. A comple liue ot undrtakiag godaalways on ha.d. A finsas ws Funerai Car ln cometiosi. PRICES REASONABLE WiII Knigge, 1Robkefeller llilnois.j Cheap Shoes... 1 have a lot of ladies and childrens sho., which 1 arn closing out at 49c perpair, worth from 75c to $2.00. 1 also have a new lot of men's working shirts and pants whlch 1 arn selling at from 35c to 75c. My stock of mens shoeiý is complete and when you want a pair of good work shoes or a fine shoe caîl and see what 1 have 'in that line. In Groceries 1 arn selling: 1 0 l's (Jatrmeal . . .... 1 Z 1I1il Baklng h'ud,-n atlidC f!.- pitf......45c hlulng 5per bhuile ...... . .... 04r iZ boxe i ic lie ... .. . .......... Prun« es par ,I.... .... 6 Iba Rien ... ..... ....8 3 is vaporateu(l ap lh ....s..... ..... cZ 3 cua.& tuUuu................... .... ...Uc z 3 'curn...... .................. Uc ô Ilsn etarcli ...... ..230 Lemonu,per uhuzelu ..150 I. Iuîî per sac-k . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .e.. . 9 r 1 ,I ii u ilug ...... ......t......... . . . -1 e Blari) vire, her II). .. . .. . .. . ... .. . c Miik C aUne. ... .. 1093 Wbeeltusnrow . . ......1.30 Grin lî.ue ... . ... 3.00 MaUil ves , p lafurke, vire ,.iretîuI, nlalims. e. Maya ganlen aide, fper Pkge .....O0C USE PRATT'S FOOD. Rockefeller F .- W - - an, Illinois., The Champion Leads. l3very Machine Warranted. OUR____ Mowers and Binders Always Give Satisfaction. Libertyville, W. Hl. APPLEY, AUENT. 1 - Illinois. IL

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