bol vas the Meua re"uitli 3 t Civlil , appint te UlIt rd. Tht duia mander ulxig on mmali, hue uppoert eC bo&th Ct i. holti the cons rece hF et le l a on tht mnaure. cde biti »ý S , :i- l'ce foîn solton. e liens. ie moi551 nablinit ttlnhis th pue- u padd ie vi. ad the I fr the d te the tht Sme- r'iatlug ameemr e. Tht auj Mn. e (uft- slId m- a asmI wn vMd 45 -a rmer e Jutes eti f R.- ati tel e"Vies.e t-OU et iog lae gi a t n posa- reyte p tAei rat o asti. Rt aovl- n 1ew a tas sel, mal OCCU RVtS-ÔMA TM i PA8« WalK Jess» Orendorf of 1ndianol& in a lit of jealouiy fatly cbuC bis wife sud thn, kille-d huaelf. Toth mSt umid end elf-Sppnsd Matoon bondst amountlng ta $13,UU uàlmtsu erfIilArrmetd- Uiet,111- ere eanceled by the- $tate Auditur of, Wf. end Cosumie -s uicide- Publie ACCOUtu. *steel Pleut Atnuoet Copite. james Crow, a fermer rieur M@MPtLis. wau tbrown front hi* wagon and klled Angatt ottgag, I ove.tiiaed joulli, by a fightened tensm. oht MsliIatle Van Glostere et Mur- Quarrymen et Qincy are out o phyao e ndthen cumiritteti «sicide. jitriike for bighî'r wagee. They want .8 Mua Vanu<lotaere uagsh aopinllg during per day lsteed or $123. th afteriîoon and Younig ansksd if be Section mon and latiors-ra 0on the tlli- bO"aid k home wth ber ln thte eaînng. noix Centra! quit work et Litchfield. Pbe refased plermieiop und sterlet! hhome They want $1.50 a day. ci nther yuîng nIn. Whea tbey Br.William J. Botledge,,-Who rt recee the gale Yoiing stepped ap andi auggested lthe formiation of the (0. A. , seketi ier fur a drink of water. White lu deld et Jac-ksonvlle, igstd 86. uie wa handig inahl the glass he drew a Reubea Buiaitwon fateiiy hurned esoh-e- andàtIbr te trle. Oae bellet whie pinying arouiid lire t Mount Pu,- enterei theiiîcet and the other bit ber issUi. Riltie siter was ec i'.'s-amed. ia the ha-k a he tîirned tuOplIe. Young bt wllt recover.s batth rusuas he treetaîd a The village of Milon was înuedated by bolle ebrugb Ie bain.the. overgowing of 3MiliI cetk. The rtsi- 'Allueild Coinere Arrested. dents eseupei fromt quickly floodeti bonnes Thrre ali-g:ed cunterfeltero were &r- wth tee, of tbeir belongnga. t reuted ia Motnd City. Théir ampae l Lewis B. Judson. tht oldet esidieat of Jack itimuleel, lames IleAth mli William Arora. dk-d. front thet effecti of a f ail Dishennett. Ail of filetm Are wel-kaDOWi whlch he receiveti lent year. lie was M1 youiig mea of the e. Moitis andi dieu, yearu or age and until hie aceiet wqe pewîec. la crué1ble andi ther apperatiu la tIgçrosas bestIih for mtti; *-qneer" coins wece fonati lu Te oitofilea t Wempietou n w rob- th rouata of Wilaia lsheaniett contit- litaior ail the money on band on a recent per Man trett. Chief of Police "tat ght. Two days iuter a min eas ar- Mihonsy of 'aico StatIesp?5oitt5tresteti hy the local police who had hie Caire, as the Unitt mite radJury potbeCs illeli with lp-nnies and other lsala a'uInn înthat iey, Warrants are minaey. lHe n-tneed lu gise is aime or ont for tther pesi-une inapeted of being aay where lie lises. memht'c uf tht ~aug.Tht Weituaninuter l'resbyterisîî Chu ituicide Poglown a Merder. wte edIcîteti ue Jacksonvsille. Tht- ser- ilaIElgin Sdnîey Poueas atbi di- mon was pren-i-ht-l hy lDr. Hesrick John- voi-ced wfe dîeuil ad thea klILed himatif. son of ('leue'aud at thtetiedic tory der- th G0 umet boitîf.u ber foraitr Brown. pator of the ct-bu-c. Westalin- Lbad'supeunion ad hia angeiet i hm.- 5er Chîîrch iost *32,000O. ~ferss-cnt to her boune, and chaied Word ha# rs-iched Waukegaa front Met- bier lu saî-éighbor'a. ahoo)tlng ber as she borat. Fia.. uf tht-dros-ning in the surf ras.* They bth tell deid la the yard. 0f tW-illiant and Jamesët Powell, sons ut Pouers was a mera.ber of Company 1. former Mtayor John F. Powell. The Pow- Vriffy-setoitidl llnois nfautr!. la the civil cl fauily ileteintccling tflere. atidi hlh war, iigbldbeen lu the Scîdiri oni- s uppoacti the yonag umtn were lu Instilât t Qulacy. lie lft ltters itialo hid nt Ithe fine. They wece ags-d respective illiermitaitin tô doe d-ieeti. y 2S'anti 2- years. Etteel MliNésr Coupleiln. ATsestn>Puli tererle rsit areshep a Tbe rebulldiag oftCl iiibg wlre tmili f mAuallat Potuibsaite Bberof iRrteia the Amrican teei and Iiré Comipay tnalgt t eauene fa et Wnkean, hic wonbured tut u f counlecfeitt-re who hase liernatperît- roseler. slth a lusof nîarly fl)(MOcm ing la tat siinity foc a nti pst. rhe fa approaching complellon. anti a portion ua arresteti s-as James Loweiudatimoids et thteutc s-orbesn about tu ster op. and about $2U la dites sud t1arers -et. la thet- tactfirsemothe Che big s-orbes-was fouad l in i ossessionui lithe- offi- have bt-ti rehlt ua a forgter sele. wlîlî r* F ~aay mproein-i-nit andt ehn tht-y get la coiapliance sith tht e emstion adupt- 1'-6 runliluit tu tht-r ful l>ty ,tf cd by the ineî managers andi txamiriers '5WI mn will h .mie tii f iBellevillce u-districts Nos. 5 and U al the metiagers. examiaer* and pif ýbsses Al Xütooi Cty iai Dotnd. eMployiu murin tiic-than 100 mines in tht-se 1in C. metoon(y mI l Gu te o tff o ilatrîct4 struck. The managera desîaid Io EnKgneering, ICni'tîrsity of Illinoiis, -bu mothly s-ages as folluws: la quine pro-,rts vus cals-ti 1o Mattoon hy tht Cty Coun- dtitg 10) tons, $M: 100 to .5w tons, Loi i ente exainne the- -ity building. tht- futin- $100; octr 500 tons. $125.* Tht- examinent Pune dation oti t u- t ls-sii%.luat $65,$75 antd $85 a niontél. eral ui.el'Iearî-d egniiont baà u ibiiittî-d a repoart r(-îiiîiing th- Owlag ;0 the trîbe ly the Mine Man- the- structure.,fleINa alarge ftiir etîir3bri-k ager datiExaminer' Association eork T buildilig--The cty acqîirtd iî lain 1wbas bts-n gan ded hrla alarge nîîmber of iteav su a* lie amie orepied t il cithé tititiy cAI mine. 'rhe lîw lAextlicit in ~t- lia moart, tire departiutItuhble lililary anti t1iiring taily ezaudination of milie, antipt-ri éther public utrea. for a miner tu go tu wurk in a uu iiiet- tht - - d mine releans higempîîloyer froint ail bo., Pintia ttold ilaMer ar iden. liablity fur accident- The aines idle in wun While tiging in thte garden of ber re- Sprngfieldi district are seai Dason. aniý rently acquircîl prtiperty ut Windsor. Mns. Spantdlng, Itisertou and Barlay. hr James ('acter unesrtlicd a box ýconati- lTht Ilinois Supreme Court bas deslac- perd L lr*40la" oiud sd-srat dollarsliniil-ai Cthe Gig lau- tu lie uncontitutional. thtu ~ >te bx ani eînt @te0howesitence Trhe decislun s-as rendered on an appeal at v eaing Wbts-nitîrd s long tiitis-llht by A. Ituhsîrat and John hIcyers, cgar lite ~ urtJ s-as soiftai ypear for talt-d. tcalers, en a fine of $10 escli asieflued of« eî _alaiant tbem hy Jodge Hutchînson la the- soit Town of 0omne Suairched. eriminel court la Chieago. Itlantîpes-teti F Pir tro ot f ie toc-a of Oko- that tht desisba will hart the- effett of tile amt. Tht lire origînuted lulath L. F. Bit- trMain front the coure docketu 300 or he brulcb building. lgnitlng tht bnilding of 4W0 siular cases s-bith are pt-nding- Ma G. . Rees-ot, uofficeansd sersrai other Thomas James, 75 ytars oId, of Chs- the bezisiaca ouses. The bu nl.t l etc anti Miii%4nsme,3. Kelley, 30 years amn, wth $15(KI0 inearanc. The lire wsaitlu oll. f St. i'aniulý iii., were marniedt e- la' eesdlay. ______csnly. lC. James wan for maay ytara Acidetut tihot Utile ia Wte. a member cf thteIlinois Legilature. la Ill Whitecacuienasly handliag a revolver thet itepublcncncinT hii h i lobaItoder a pomîeat(Jeinanfar- rhumLincoln oas nomainsteti tht second en. politian and ex-ouilltial of St. Marnie libe setouditi the nomination of the lovaabip. $hot and lnglanly killeti ie gîcat cmaactl.olor. ie le tht- om-nec o0fut me"a îîi bti Cabiin. extensive farisa in Ilinois aandi isqqit cl twief stata bspptulusag. ludden dcath caloet u wo 1 t- i Bd Sloliumandti sy Shava wer mer- &Iw'so014 ant i sl-knoe-n citims-llathetu 1 ried ai Eldorado. otber day. bohb bting ictime ut alto a A gît.iicut ron Pentysatilll pltxy. Thomiie Conier, abseeor (it Cap fro À jèohgi.t fontPensylani itl dtownship for at-erai starsanad prom thé propect for oil me Alto itas. ent ln basinses inice 1855,. die tbis Ie Hetaiy ta%îcr of Carlyle- bas fallt-a heir home. ie s-as 68 yeans of aile. lienson esi to $20.tule tCe y anuns-lte in Jersey City. iRobinson, & hardw-arc conractor gaaiet si Tht.ctu'mivesrilp of the- Big ?tudtiy 18Wl, tirtppet i inlutht- lobbt rte 89 Couatinmpany ai Cartervilîs e hi en Leiad fotel sehils- tllini wi th to d terminateti. fricade. or PireenI tht- pqo faetory of the MI. Wiitia,îRobinsona of titshvillt. ageel 8 o &huit% Uîî inaylaChicago Oeauadd R -uaro hid a dynamite cartriige bs-etenet e bs of $.i,tKll. -hiefing,re swhile a comupii Or fthetinemtCo Ii-ni-y Ilanke. ageti 50, dia-ti t Nasit- us-age tîlird a mtatcht.'rhe- cartridîci- t-- qu ville. froi initjuriéa s-c-rdi aln-1iul-luîitt ad tthe irsetibiger -lu frffip a siofl- - andl huiobou bath han&b blown off, *ehile ov ' John ('ullagitan kihicti himas-If e ishebis unlpnlou wsait huîtliy tdt-r huieu. bh boruîn -ar Weauu.oa. i>s-seadeucy la t 'flhcexpîlosion ut-î-îrreti white the lad wsa trîlnîtti s th case.tu-tu muefronuîhbutand motthtetsliow wallt- 20 Csibut ale cSa lcbcause.,.id the't-unti(istt- efre baning it lire tord bkst- ugrî--ed o eu¶tmitu ecitralionu wouulîti hanu tidreïa-d. de inl s-tliig nilinit difil-ultits. M isMonda iliâiterett as bu rie t-li ik, t.Ceogc I. Sinîmoas of Terec -Venice with thet oot litculiilr-fitral set- Haudt, ulb us e ien callil tatothe Frt1 lees s-er cieneed t-t ihose prts. Site H titClitirch tpaseorale in l'eocia. I s e h-pretietiember of thte gypsy Dvid C'. Fiýe-r. a tînneon grain demt- band cumped nut-s tht-ce, and s-heu le Pr ae-uj ft-mlezling $5 i54)(1 front Cr- caWmenCo tri.IofiiiU tc coma ie usua)ld rngtton. lanîîab &Co., ('hicago, e-satenstierofth tib fee ui, aquilteti aftsr a ive uays' triai. tos-ela anti ail of hiec Jewelry atiti cith- s- "ýTh nirrige f Carle R.Croc,à li; la tht- casket btfore tht lid wsas clos- A ThtnIa-rise f Cai-es . Coac, ~t-i. Then the menibers sang a wesirti lit- n St. I.cuia attorney, anti Mises Isabel Mac- ant- and flhc corteigt- muret oit foot towardth bey bas juit bts-a uaode public. thougit tht hurl grounti seriil mles awayi. At- m ilie cecemiity tos-1l place more thon six rutted by tht otitirites andthIe srcuge u monthas ago nt llillehoru. The s-etding tnthod of prepacring the ticad for thetn was tht- culmination of a romance whieh mtacht-he ie yond. several intirt-tVpt- cm bait its ociia la a damge suit hctinght sons assembleti sud tollow-ês the protes- ru by Mi% MMackey againt a treett ralway i ieac -mpîny. sihe baving been injurs-tinluali trolley car accident. M. Crouch wsabehrt, A terrifie electrical storm in the nature attorney la tht case, anti bei-mme eo lut- iof -a loudburat vîsiteti Motine. Torrents e renseti with ies fair client hat lhe de- o f -alec fel, flodlng hasenîeto asîh- d r idedtu opeuad at thtet-oui-I cf Capiti aneIlag down fercrureanti damagiug truilwiy J weil. Ht-encctedcd la sinnlag bath property te sOt-h an cItent ýhat ail ratlle e rases,e-as delayed elevna hurs. Grat Fecceil. colored. wsmsbaht and A dontssticeceonomy deparîtct a riooaly ljureli t Eldorado. Ht ae- litea opfednel athe- Illinuois toldie' or- cases Chailes Clayton. c-ite. of firing pas oe et Normal. A publi- rct-p te alot. tin vas iteld o mark the uctasion. e it i J.t T.pke ...- hcîgoflde- ment lis5 lk~ *7 ;ol rai 9. PuI Ponter-Prffa. M 7REST FIRES IN TH4E N 4RTI4 RAINS 1DELUGR THEIHSOUTH. C atAcasl llnesi ati3mai loba j-.0I t)euit-iusTorra5nt itOsr Ail the gee WrlIpptttin la ians. IIoei l d 1Jtii Att. Lan la ljmost tht cutîce iortbeca gu.î-tiitn tf -Th.- 0t dalaluLasalsaiI ins-isota anti tht-lowec portion orfle-Mississippi cas mut itginînt tebrlght' On, ta us a ie--. i Mîicutu thet-ise--- tiee thunpolgn vrd5 e _x deti Miauy nîîleatoh Se os-fthet ait flltCtÉale. Repttton Cid Pa a fnilsefr a euuotilesutht- ght.s . - Mississippi andtI oolelia ttell of a seau, fes Aleti t-- -dccnchug fail ant ietttht strealusare Ot ne tumber ut thtae, c 1amein i-1giag. I te, Iaîl s s-tirili-t5huis-eucc wîpcil Thisadelt bas bs-en the musC destrue- cet ai a s tht fins lr- $a ndiuite utît futs tise of ant- viehin tht m atonS Of heOlti- i hubggt-r tossas a ei-t lîr.tii d. Nu-w Yo k-Th e oliClo okI for tht- rilst inhabiats. Ont in '71 aPProache d 94h Theluiâ o lie wllilj* ulived tu ýma iteel tratit- obisie-tthe- subit-ct of ilbut tht-i-nIa viws not se lidespread. dis -ay, asru-ports neceir1Is't . Mnu-au -itisitii-ile îcommtei. holîla setcitile From Vicksburg on the- Missisippi river er: show flint mas ptr,.uiiî.base ahi-i-u d iiîslcitimsate business tirs-les. Meute ar-russ e tJackson, Cheace O'a u tne tga laitus-ut a h-lait ut tfîbttersudtti- nuecoinoing tromt lhîriti OUntht aie-lt- iridian. Misa, mati on tioca taMobileulie hmue tluitidauts-itcanination base brefs decillt-li> coafluctîni.t- i nidsltsmaktePtto h îmuateaticrs. S es-t eiii ug partît-ss -it l u T -h s--osing dos-a Ô t Smesrai Of fte A m en- rm a flod . C ol t on a ontarrotst îth of lt , gonub*nt arouîipaun ed bl uttictor s a nîcinas Steel ad W lre m Ill s caume-ti coneit 'i- g ,t-ut foue.,- to n e n r p r a rs-s, are seonring tht- t-tges cf ls rîî ectteifo ht - tetàeédesîroyet andi as thtewatars begi8t ti trins; dstri-t in tht-hhope cf picki'ng ail viction hbas en forcinag itolt houme Open tomclitait Citedetiiîe onitin 0f tha hf srons w luo but-t nianuige teto escup e. Ai- m os pe ple titat the c hu e thing pea t la ouat e rra distt ue - eatd th* cf so i th e- c h a n c e s uf t atin in g m e n s a rt- s-at e e f e e e & n eP ila B a y4o 11 9 9 ie rre i s tr MIct, o n t o t ,hu q ail. If latht opinion titttht tuss of att gambîtinlathe stocku imarkets. Waillrt-lt oiQ etsof Ml ut.sbse &Ph, no ae s-ill t-tll iatut utthe Hlnckley lire etreet nautrglly aufftcednme disturb- ounll aetiht -rope eto-tbu h ns i a f-e ~-sr lit. i-h-aassmlt-40 pr-nome by tesson of Chia 'noye, soit althé fiels b as but-ndisetestee ae4 iii r ew ustt h-missuce. Cv y40 ptA apecal frain llntepm-lat, Mica. il I t )'or fotthe ir i-e ui ot-sas ie Chlcago-Aftt-r sas-cikof comprite jthewater la standing lice feet deep la the'i auir the tirsutt fe nnea rtne llnesla the grain anti p»61viiontmarkets Ibons"s10 1 stores, la 'Il h meahtd à di amSitentiynlu eit-brs portion ofr1 loset et a dées-is.The"e ronfinuelite blit'ofTniy tvo lent la the buildings, a satbe sdirn tetiner, paortinbOftlie- iqabundaai-t -of s-ossOf a bers a- iTht-gîte vire gas t algois are raîned fle eaitb i acb ry nt ietht abs neil bity- r nt fqieasimut-h importance COe'and that bouses s-ere Carriti Off teto hu 4 ns-ac o isat sdter htme bac îe tit- ali the grain nmark-eslse the rt-portis deep sen. Ail bridges s-bisbharyébîn fi rititi ht-jrposti atinalpar ofilmd telltitttisfChu- et seren ias. a h mas flgreusu sd *- tmesm lvely. ivadd th prposei ntionl Pr s-as..the Gonecament crop report tht pne- fbeents-ept sway. Tlie farmerni ail eOfubs linneauta, i in lhueeh faite region. suid vienas-tek. This ellt-îsion f t ith ht a lesurrouaduig country are nov mn bldI ci snuil ius-suita-t localiitt- are brings vCi le if te irr*esseeiht-net- chape fformskling s crop Ciaet-car. hMeutn -itiar tornfliu.ofte halptotterftisrand x Thec iountry rs-sn iiiting anti raryiag pnospec-ts (or tht nes- crope eliich o hthdpteeterfrîltamdf mener fail Ce canas-- anxlty anti aronse planted cura anti Cotton. Theîr fen-es, il ehw suuc rie .u-t*) tui-snace vititofiDu-tintersetst oug opt-ciilatort. Tht spcead have been as-t-pt awsy. tht croise plmnt- unis ofllen, ts- ti- uts-estitrelivig bets-en the pniuts of the MaY anti JuIt edtiotull rainesudaniouse cf their lace batue thf tiecluItfo rthus fac îf alitiu- options helti ateatilsuit 1%r. A epreati of stock tirusneti. rit or teire igln cams, nrmflairubtîua 2e us te général tait The oniysauppotrt___________d siedrraieili9Cuis e.unehin au-itpeo-cMrn bas bâti has t-eu tht speenuodit- TONGOE elT seea> m ati n u aes-1d mbt ies-n ert buying by tht huillclitque, vhlctd altiiongli _______ uSH O the bsaufOtiratWordtfs eploei in anali. in supposedti tilie practeallt- ln Oin thebnrd fmneulYdi CotýoIorf e situaition ant i leiuekinit lita Wurt MlgglendersamnCnsatî Y- ttnt.' A gtali t th e W te . béat. dspt- tsaa ha h fr gainst amists- maitiy. BrerYtlings À Anincterous plttfor the extermination t WinnjKý- dipatbý,, sa filt la-so - en inlavearr of lutter ptices. the moattth iesatvýÉdYunsaiosal t tii-se aloîls- t e son at e se n border are im portant anid ifs-m-i1 étoi- being t t th h let- i tita uta them r l y is tsiantfln a hItl i-ruit'. tilt the t-xact atatount of dam- infiueuîtiu{ -t bu 5e i-be, C lrebantset-us acectain- osemîher. 'Appreheasn d bfet ha l the si cide f t thesearrer nic ôloos-9 I. n cti-u 11t- el traits eut-cees-ed oase of Che henrars htciau-t etibyth s de o httrueieiec td A itri-a tui luîîuîg tt, Ieutt aie ts héplmLntilngWsténIi -délayes] anti fartal- mittetetio fttpos h ý rec uoiliiluus triedlate afeitr neie'sdeliviarltu reta-tiî by bmd roulis. Tht, prompt Vll-t-ing et tueoOf tht negro Conu ifth i-ilotuuîg lintbriponh ae-it uy raine have eenetin lttplaces andtis :pliraCtorslistht- record cf tht-111m35 s% et N tsi-nilroatriirg.Ief outin m,,eserte ey imibe attitpiisi y eoreiîug day In the- liitorY 01 Allt&iVaLa. e t h bee ac*,t caChe, w 'r.rts White, foremOn of AlileBie, ~nlitin i-i-Vusa Eeities immense c fnesrwlg epiui .t adttt-î samiil. 'c-as &but andtinl-1 natltictt f eaVsati oitt-olnepris-es.'- _____stantis killet i byJiff Itiston. 8a iUsgot imberlingitfîitis eith fetty Wovns anti îmhcc gi-ateici n his smpluy. Tht mur-.1 sec sixty otier wagonsi ai-e o- OV te COAL OUTPUT 15 IMMENSE -lcci- er -eaitet tne i a,but,ralizhug i ec lauuti. Tht dirs eanti buiînen-tittbi-s capture esas ltevltable, sent a i ast-acatti-retiin ail directions smati oetproui on tarins- nOGO Bt-eake Ali buîilet tlîmougîshibuosOnbeauf. 200 unit- about thirts sce kiioso otu haet «,ý :-,Prevîtit. iRecordslInvs tigation tisvelupetiltht tact tit raclettà uplace oftsuifety.'rThe romuain' Acs-ordlng C te 'iit repi-ceutinr tic- tht-re- cci,i acîtul.-liract- amour tht-mitgi-oas i-r tinctîllcss strûrgling tittperately teen 80 anti 90 peîr i- -ut o! tht- total tinti-. o uassaicre -the white@. ,Enourh cvi- I titglîhChue-Woods for their lista, auage. the production -if eallantht-unicidu-ouce- sfutoîute t>inaillctîtiJoithut ugit-1 - - ~ Stmtes in $8119is l tiînattd by Etisarit 10- anti L-dAnses, twsv t-ro-5 itemployez of SULTAN WILL PAY. - W. Parer.r tatitIttian lt tht- Unit'îî tht-failli, ns iigleuaders i laithtPlot. Otit- i ________ liStates geoliiciii s-it-, to havs saOilut i-u s--i-s-probabît- ciieti, hut ihe tri- - ligiele t-omu Tirentta ed aai dte 2110,808.073 1,119 ' tons, k4quiva et tte ouc a e ocuie n hYWr Bringa Favriaiilt C(eply. 1258,539,6530 short toi- As cempaur-ti nuit illoiLcsted. Hais landi Ante s eft1 Theî- Por-tes- e r-liedta Clthe Anus-ri-an the production cf 1-lt". h eCs-prodtt cti dtua cspot about 3(10 yards distantfroin ls-mauud foui- aymtht flthe- 10,U0W daim- antotteliCoIite 4ir,93long toila, Or lthe aili. ThIe s-hite ms-a, nnaniteciag -ti aits-u ttt.utnfoi- damiageste t219.974,1167 short i-t.tiChie intii-ktts au Iluirt-. îîaccd tht pnisonere lWa aposition tcoltrui-aul pns-erty durîuîg tht Acinenian intcease of ovr 4lt.0 long tons, or agaunse iati-cu; tite revolvers vert utm- msaes-. The1eSultan agi-es te pay 17.5 prcent. Tiî--ý figutrea excut-ti tus ossît- adetth wd4 the Aumîei-iiutiuitier tht- saunt-conditione 15,000,000 shoretto iithe onttideeti angoutw abt-ns-rpore. The bullet us ahp îs t u c i xs-ne tof ther fors- uo m ae-i eretofore î îs-ndeon thte o ul ton- rang lel otî s es eth but oe th y al states sm'ho anstaînet loues la- thteiiams- nage foi- 1815. faît-n. _piine Tht- Suiltan dreatis an Anueri- Tht produnction ci20i0.U( hr eau naval tii-lusutratiuinlathte tsduter- tins in 18M8 a,,tu-i-lt- J l0itit n ranean, atd his nurs ver the indemtulYext-ss of fiet ln . it, and both of these LN ATO NIN IL complication has 'tatidtht- cffet of leadiar 3-ears vert banner ycari la -the- iodust-t. HUsTake PrcclilY No Nourlshnt bin tobianadon tht arbitrary ralaing utof le laDot impossible- that tht figures for for Ftour lntea customa dulies. WVhert-aa tht anuhassa- 1899, as eutimated. îîîsay le îomnevhnst te A reniai*lhle laitanceof faetiuïg is i-e- -ors hiîhccto hIse ýlotigi-eilb hh ie an ucsidby lateruandtre trs oipîte netttrna, pocted fronts Converse, lad.,Ps-ai-rlCui-ry, jei§ty four îuîeffu-ctnaî Proteste, nos- hte antinlatatt.this IîuuaY be predicteti as 18 i t- tdi h rsswma fet Consenti te nu-gotiate tht- nuatter. probabile, buteye-tn a réduttion of 5.K) ýet mndati cit. eetht-bounse urbemailafet- Terepreeutatlyce. fti tel ra fi os-wolnetaoine2per etWilliami Corry. For four moulins site han pos-cre ut Cnstautinouile s-atch Che issue cf errtîr la tht totul-- taken practicshly no nourisitment. nIait- of thet-rurco-Anieit-mo ifultnIs svth The total vaue O- f tit enoctolus 'Pro- lng filet the- slght ot foodi malles bei- g r t t i n t e rc a t , c r c c s p e u ti u t s a i , f o i- if d u c t io n le e s t i a t o i ti e m 4 5 4 2 n d a h y s e , a d b r % o j e e e t th n t d Statua s tii ret- d s ib gettinit a in r é ée »of o r :or00 30 4 5 41 , mn d at î ic , an i iti so m ac t re e -t i stt Unetitos bshaldhtrth .-rl 0 e cn rfi vleo hpro.icl-viants. as-tes-uent Cinii atd the imédite ot- 0 ercet s-i-fît 1l808.ttepr- Tht orilu of file trouble dates luark postiles ofahei mai tt s.Ifmlna-imes-dusto 19.ainiost a t-car, s-whenlthe gir.,Cs--urftil that b oeient esof îhci i le cAtier-î 18S - ahe e-I. il, ould grew si tuai, ther- ieing-îiniiire- tut- foeig resneu cuute tht Cte Aen-ssWTIt oAAi takahle ttndt-nvies luthat direction, ha- sent tht Ttmrkisb mnieCci, Ali Fermasrouthat id.isls:wti areqln Bs-, bis pitmspurttt unîtess ehe mette!islatities tof atroui .iiutegar.'rThe liaiti cf tht qamekîs elesred vp atoinut;-h e-us destroyctilibyt-heu-avi-l.anti itletrauibs--ar aothinit. no muatiter huev light OKLAIIOMA, gLiVEN YEARS 0120 file dit-t, hies Ciiri-s leteriby Pt-ia- ____ __ A riaiteti. liing bot a shuiti of bt erfoi-mer Youinoïot Tcrrtto-y No-UneHalpais- -soit.____ tien cf tIrer 400,000. Oklhom i PlvenyP r6 Apit,: teIP otc oCrreut Steuta Oklias hole tItst îs- nai-s lltands wasJapan l a sd (tue- eutCcget a football] 18811 Cie teetrtt tian landa sbeo-iin soîuthena Chia. - oeti 10 oit tu .0142»telr t e re - - George liotîcke'a paint auud tin shlp. atrp e les ( 012.and erilth esras;,% asSpringfie-lti,Ohio. urneti. Los$7.001.11) cis -ti la 1 )3anrt hâ m mt i 00W Cie ttb jti seorge $caer g olf vite. Cincinnati , airea £Tbeare* tof OklaitomiDl& 8, 5 iVseerohbt- cf $1,500 jte-tiiy. s»"are iles. 'Tiers- crp aOw itet- Us-a. Botha'ti vfe s-as a Mhne Emmet, tte ecm-anletis-otntes hnai te Lb. udeced t oe arelative ot the Irish ion1 fi ocam 40,4X0 Ta aamt idiL y a4quofrl~at tChe t.rritqgr r -s-' - British GOuerumtCexpenditure la ru- Joie -- nias no*r$7,1,000, a weekb eload-feve- "nee la th* s»Cent eai sCribe lu JioteMIa. - morutm: pd Odaliacte »oO,000bada THO porti, IX-2S Aft,-i vüýf Nitin ed f. and 11-re rend pri- rhe ( ha'f tetra tion Il as of h tee 1 ciple thiel incrî Th tigt &t dout Who wbf merf desii firtn WIAS tem by by T bav wam atro irs the, ~n An american by acquisition e dia gagînu mrature showa-lime. It fletl nionkeyOfr a nlghtmare. but siminly aIFil pino member ef the elimbia; mârsaglai family. le ha* pouches. a tetlring dispo- sition like that of Agulaud. And a bed tî-mper like that of à Tagalog. Iti sciý entitlc name le the %potted, ismu. sud lit ii uifle known in tiAiscotrY or lu Eu- rope. because ithbabeeni icpid prattleai- iy impossible to keep siieciâca s ie ta captivity. The fs-w that have lvid for a Tin SMB1IAY 800016 T UGmTS WORTI4Y 0F CALM REF=ETIOP. A le[asant, Cnteretaamsimsd IeantrCt- lv Leasun, anti Wheno it May Bu c iuu- Lemrntd Raid Concise Mm- vii or u the Same, -si-tu-t t Jti.ohn thteHipt tit-, thlis aîjoeit oCfIti-eiesson tfti-April 291. Tlu pio n tif Se-upti- t-o-leectedti , lili !t ' s 'be litdenT iî xt s Mark 37C. A ,.r - thetibI-tins- tortth-e et i-otuc -"r- i tC u-suis ruioethe titi- cuit I ii t oiiiclit Nin L.îulu 7:il-l7t. Thie oui-ache cutît- dfetai- anud Wonder a an ga lthe îîrPnle. lit,.t l re -ports of t-ti- id, e pri-at arti-i w ui-,lt tian bufre, The rîlmore c.- ii .-heu J- -ubaîttht- Baptise a ie i prie tu il tht- foitre, tif tl uhuerus tit titi-e-rut chocs- cf tht-e i-ilS'n. lie haihi- onfinedti Clure ly lt- ttet heut C iiuri-i mi sc-ouaitutfthilt-clui uilenîuneiui ao of Ihat monai-che eîîîlfutll oui-ii ie. xt a r e s iCh t esd u rini lt h e t c l e r m o ith s bk is illuprusoamenet e e aie-lt aî- risitore, antisoetie cf bis faitlufal dis- cieî s s-ho bath ciluai;h blaun hrotîgb hek andti hia hi-onit hhm sord et tht- mc s-aing fanute of Jesîtis. Tr is- question, e-heCt iltJohn the Mt-tp tia thiab ef Jesos uit Ibis tinte, weutnes- rke eantWly ans-ered . Wt knov Chat l u n esîler tinte the ilaptiet bat no do h that Jssa eatht -Lamb tof <lotI sob taketh as-as tht in o ftehe vorîi." Whether grave doabte bat arisen. or mersly suspicions, or etili moi-e litelt- tht ueiCable wvrerlig of a man ls-t long in bau tuas-s anti Iooklng deat it he face. ol canntbs-l]. John May have rettîlatt hi joli confident-e la Jeaus anti t-st have esiet an nnietakle a n- d cenenete tOn- i atlon of hie saisih. Certts-lt tr le nothinit dlshonorahis- or -eak la bis tme pocar>- nncertainty, if s-t Matayige ytht lofîs praise htetovs-d pon humai by su Jti s. 24-35). T he frenkns-ss cf .John's inquins muai Iae i-s lu-c attractive tuo'Jeesme. Th-ru, as notiig about J Ohn ebatws-ains- ir aightforstard. I-tht-be!ati dtubt ht ex aessed ti e neqnirocallt t he Ont ps-r un -ho ceald islpel le. Hus- fev douhe- r-à are s-luing Ce do that! Wbtn doubt » ut divine thînga conte to us, s-s-amc g to shue car ete-t C the littît lighl ut la ieft. andtiut grolle lu dînkatas for ns- ns- seiuort. l is atematareu ie Co ce.--ottt.±5-tîtietionsings Ce Cli Lauter. lie has never t-et buta know-î tatu avay an hoaset douitler. With vitat keen intercet Johnes msst-n er muet tisse vatcheti tht- sork uo eing me it vent un before their est, laI et at- tis-e a ight tChat Ctu-bei me*s sympathies antigrsioest-sontssen jalent Cc &tend i wth thet stillful phYsi au or nurse by te beuliit cfr ones- so ?er ufei- nother, sant Cc t-shie pais ithei, te vountis dreiseti the atrengti rivet, andti hias-st-n vititthe as-wpro eses cf ms-dit-aIscience. -liow saine uie seonderful te ceanti beaids- Jesua il te midttof a s-rowdtiof-tht Maimedcth'li iteasei, tht lt-proue. the afflîcteti of c' r ici-t, anti to ses-lisittcrue ns-lt us-a aont- alte-r nother gûes g3l asms1I aith anti etreiigtit. Ts- blinti bans- their sight reetored. th unie, tht s-pers anti tht deuf are heslet ie tisat are cîlseti, anti gocdti nwi eruldet to tht poor; these are te.Virent ifMeseiahip, the aes-wer tu John testion, thetfultilmeént of prophe- It mat- bu that Joha bati Pedppttdfr tns mortetfthe seernen and more Pi C.ttie Ceai-bing, saemt i t a s-m get jotigment; John's own preseblis âd bema-01 et haC sort, sali*'tChe bisf anus" vas la his mînti asoetilat s- j tlrrlug of ibtmaîtnentell. ia ear ug of heanta, amn&aisemenit befora Ut nl s-hange of lite. Ail Chese Chiaga s-e rund la jeeans' preas-hîni, but not ilaJO iq tom Cs hat Jobs mai have expéit sud me thîs partit-alan time healîns IIv ont promissent. Jeans ateba, theretOr nt inere> to ans-en the qutstion Of I areranner. bat tu broadea his thoaght te Mtiaanckiagdont. jeans ws not gîren to praleing me res caees are ret-octeti l wh ha Cot qecqsion to comemniatipubli-It-any>' orcfb dsciples. lie bos-et bis censate pti- Citlon of iteir titislit>'Iifnt s-wat-s, k geltiot bis-s-at t-unît ha callet Prait But here he eipoka 0f John the ilaptiât termes of loftleat praigt, as men speate heir hem-tes. Titere, la a pecublar t-bu an Cie Incident; a gluipse Into'the wi sote chàamter cf Jesa s hicits -ms i solottît- incapable of inYthinit uPProa- jit jt-ahousy or hit juirment. lieÉ teadu John tronc svs-n -the- suspIion t-emass.lit stands Op fer a tan th cannot esaiup forui- iiseif. ,John.' uays to thtetPeupile, "is aIl that t-oue posedtstm Cc b. Yeu diti not 9gOfi tie wsilteritsss te lise-atu a man-c Ces tit-ks anti ssuak, bundinit liket erdti Or gerg-ollt- ubeothet i lke a cO' tici; be os anud stili is of suotui- niM -a prophtutt. "Titis is lît-Of e-hum lt le erltten. 1 aulti C en auis-i n îsss-aiib-fs-i-t- ,face, ' hicit ahueil prepar- tht- oat bs-ft tiec-, 1Thteîroeîîuc-le Mai. 3: 1C, Itos Expectet Elijuiitto ertum lain ion bt-Coi-c tls-comîîng tof te MIsl iesiii du-tlares lot-tuhvotllly that JO te the proîîhct or messe-ar proiied pnotalset. I "Net s greitîi-tiipophet titan Jobl bs-cause John atooti t-naret tbtht Ni sihand vas Most iutltattly canet s-ith tht advent oC tht vortd'c 5ev fia vs-il as ecutbae his peceinai t-harac s-as su serOng ail îuoble hYet it pi Icite anti otportumits. "Ihe that ie I' la tht- kingdi to(loti le atti-st 'the rerts tit efolios-art inmporte Su-t maCt. 1l: .12-19 sand Luke 7: iii La Mattites- alPpcmi- the obscurseeut- "IFront thes das of John tht- BaPtiat Cil -nov te ting4Itiofet heraBuffet chois-att, and nien of riobtace take Il foi-ce." lu bbgospels810a8iPPears te hte of tht e'Ps-ips-for th-m Incou tnt-y; ts-y tu;astn-at-frentJohn ,atubte s-ai an ast-tit-, atdfront JE buceas- its-'e-asnos- '1ihe, woocîtbas ehmiogst i nlu titis ccspettt. letfurn a ,a fi-uni ont leader tuescuise he lisIc, ar anti trot anoiher hteue bheo leo, 0 AT os-s- u1P Tx* a u liom campa immeèiatelt lire ni jau. 20. pi qi other iothlag s-reho rutt fugealites. ; i 4w *uortilaot nloain Ulai msat hernie mdas tsi demie, it t o- rbej5utht #icer a èâtse occurulai- 4vhich itlé lmpoet C lafect) inla oudenned is tenta ad bunusé to thu Admirai George C. Bs-mut- ancea Attirai Watson ho command ot Chu Xi &tict iqumdron. se-ititestiquartens AtI Bila. Acoriirespotndtet ofthe BcstOnU U» c-ho is ramubliat urotmnit the d9tAMl Oit- loyal eandlroyal frit-titi.lnta Mis ut Sulu, ct-porte titat tYoauiganti lM botit sexes ini that localit>- dYt the tQ black auîticits-osthteliset-i net as dlffl as gluhulandti icittco ore nteCl-u titis counti-y.Tht noninaion .-Or tistel juie anti biuîtk dys-protins- au s tot et once hidi-cimeanti repuielve. " ehes-ing, like tuiltuco citesles" «70 s-m-ter, "ha an ac4ttuhuel habit. hut nulI .etai dprottot ki-ee autaalpef the ff$ developtingti- tasti-. Boys and i ris gin e tetndeir tuse te umitete their mli la thi e eit, bîut tuckealng the ta stenusta le hel-d aloof frnt ehildltua 'onis soclitsn of imature t-airs aisé able to saesh vigoroue l>' ib î aâ« kniie seeni to epunt mtch distinction. lites-tartling fattsas rnetnid puîblie hat hin uiauy dliuittCk-of » Ritc, si-ht-ne tht population m-tche i sauutiethtrt la no res-ident phYsadéa. instauree. wauta, a4Cps-n cf IAUX s tispenti on t impiet t mtais-dIts case ut Itines. as there is no pby, we-lhin emil. At Utoadu the desth r ile 80 Per cent ann»tLlIt- ad tl$s w1ft a dat-t ride fi-ot one eeWý 9monntaiaa. lt app«M thait P»leii bave basta sent tu ChaI.tilatrils, tht> refuse o remaib.ytîy bes-ati. Ces-n la able tao uppqnt eue. A liavane, papen sys. Takiait $31M 000 as Che a mutl aseots-t letcr ban antirual iprotierti- eof CIlIh«set lut to thet asmt-hlt-uIt uf W. ia. nsi tallelîtg it e10 lp-rt-sni. $818.IK e wutId h ohtinuti el the total rsi -tht-propectica ufthes- Iianti Siubtit 1 $248.000.000. tht- autout, oath bé$ a~~~ ~~~ dnng$s uatt peo.erty. al - (5>0.000.tCe cilue- cf tht ausa apropurîs. s-oulremalbi. Thw.lia Ziyet îurintht e tr, vdl A man iit.fith aatItaUSu uUloglA short perlod verte trikingly Intractiblew sarage ati morose atd i pnediavay '-h apotteti lentur là a flilarge. ai fOl-gcolM specimen attaininit a l-agth of thi-te feu and over. Tilt fore feet are moch nebathe liante cf a n"btey, .anti sach . sadt' 15 ,t-o thambs, foi- s-bt s-ould ha the Ind«It inger le plateti ln theseaine drection IM ls tht thunti. The peit la buutiful. m80 as silk, changnlaits tinta frequtatit-.Li le a night pros-lt?, anti tha traset-W awful s-ses are adupet for bhis blnd 0 lieé. They are bright carmine ft& w shine me nlght s-ill eem-Ie glos-. ~'t tires os- tht Philippnes, Chi' MutI. 1W entis anti theNes Gixiaa Ilad. s-e thse bemîta lIre, liant then mi ll~ sult haithelr flash la like thiaI etnSiS A traveler for ah-ot len. shgb starteti on a business trip Ie the U"i Ly s-ay ot Honolulu. wheru hhohabu detaineti on accouttof te. a1 e a tht original of tht e xeuintai Shoe atdi*Latber Gazette.-tit low* lot c set aandl otber lothln'or s-hi ja aunthar of Japanese mýatid na, - dirtuted lie tht>e sar hWM t ceeauseti atd purifie t MaIOmOfse! h t