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Lake County Independent, 4 May 1900, p. 1

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TY INDEPENDENT Vol. Viii. No. 30e Libertyvill e. Lake County, Illinois. Friday, May 4, 1900. $1.50 'a Year. in Advag,io. ADEAD SIIOT FOR DIRECT RETURNS 'as the resut of purchasing your clothiné of Us. 'We trust You-you -fruit us in esrivimg to give Y.( full * valui er y MIdo6as. Our styie-fif--wrkmmmhip amd price are gooi clmar hrougi, amd veariàg lourmae toomeaure Suite or Overcoaf s is a pleaaure f0 the aSet i tread, Oui lime of Shirt,. Hmanid Necwear s cotupicte. New ide an d confimual fhought of bettemet e"ales un. to fR11yous- vanfi ai you deire fhem-dW"o.'odafe,.' SANBO0%RN& CO., Tailors and ilaberdashers. Kaiser Block, Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over Lovel'a Drug Store BOUU5 VMO1 i TO 3 AUI) Tu m P. X. Libertyville, - Illinois Dr. J. L. TA YLOR. office over Trlggs & Tayior's. - oule---- 1teO A.D. i to 4 and 4. bu a P. in. itealdeue on IBroadvay opposie Park *-LlbertyvilleIlilinois. DrH. 0.B. YOUNG. h.Phystcian andi Surgreon. 0 a E OPSIELEm AitUoTlm»L».. ~un- ------Ilinois. Or. E. H. Smith, Officever Lake CountY Bank ous te 12IL ta. n sd 1i1sor.p.sm. îDA 1LY Libertyville, 111. *PAUý MacGUFFlN, *AtorEiey and ConnIsilot ut Law.a NOTrARY PUB3LIC l>FVI<'tWITII LAKtE 1COSJNIT BAN1, Libertyville. Illinois. BE(JJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. t -.IBERfTYVI,.LE -ILLINOIS. I LNi<SlT DitMK. a TIma ND Y o a TILEPONt N. 24.*USPESS ac.00*O W. B. Scbaeffers Ntery. 0 .Lsils; trove Lsake Co.. MI. f Fruit and'Shade Trees.r Grapevines e' and Smali Fruits. EveMgems 'and Fr.weriflg Shrubs.m MAX LE BEAU, L ....Fine Cigars . . To6sccosa and Smoker' Materials. Cagar Wholetale and Pefai. LýirT$'Y ILLE - ILLINOIS. La~oCemy Badik -ý,LibertyvIlle,Ililinois. Issues InterefetBearing Certifi-c #Meos Paysible. un Demand. -;TWmothY. Clôver, Millet,1 Hu.ngarian, Red Top. Blue Grass, 'e-. AND ALL KINDOS0F PURE Field & Lawn Grass Seeds 1 Soe4 lCorn & Fodder Corn Fr sale et iaaêsPria by ÇIIARU3ES STE3MPLE9 - - - Libertyville. 111.1 WA .E 1N Barrîy Bras. Traspýrlation Company of Chicago, Inau5uraled tics boutservie ta &bis city ansé Kuaha sMonliay. Tise etesmeèr Mabel Braliàalsrrrîveilibor. about 1 ociock. ThoughIs ilboiito beau oflially anonnedlitu Chicago tisaithe bout vusineMatri Mouds!. ih brought up 35 tous of ireight. Thse Brads a oioun1the route oaly Soin- porarily. Il viii bereplacel tise latter po»0th ie vanS by thse Cty of Grand Raptds,à aller Crît alibtter idapieli to the vork. It la ov unlierg.iag .veUietf ~to y ~boueg Put ingo service. Tise Brsdthaw, bsoagis a smali Croit. lA baud.9ly Sitteli Qui, the dllfiereut appariîmeata bekng et- ceptitsnaily veli eqaîppet. i. Jeluqulte cosves'utly srranged andi ba a gond speeti. Ediwmrd, 1the lOus' yesrnid son o Mir. simd trs. Esivarîl Iiootly as terrilily btirnmd Itnday afternonu, îitilInglsjurfis wsleh uay prove fatal- 'lise lttie fsiioW vas piayiug aIovwî lu fron1tif 1the famlly reeldenea, (M[l arIoliistsreet. Unknutyn lu his moîter liii asfmatoises Rudftrom borîmes paper fond on th5e !awa, lie vasq ovtenitiy ligbling i la play, whieîî is lsthea caugit lire. Th5e ui.sller iuil uloru vere attreoteti by big sereamBansd as 1he rsa arounli thse bonne ilvasu»en bis little body vas envelopesi lu iuen. Hila motiser rumbemi issîlasudas sonu as, possible 1the Sire vas extiagoishei. Tiss as bt1 siwousplished oever before 1the 11111e fleltt's boay vas terribiy hurueli sud act-ratet. The borne wreprliucpalli omn iq backsud abtout,lise idsmes ha-ing benu extiagulaises befote reac-ilg 1the lover part of lise bodiy. Tise meuibers of 11e Waulegsn il:seuelr's lub) met hioudsy nigbl, ,eecteîl oillkers. revloees Mieir vorS sud sutenced a member ta commit matrimony. Tfisat a is a4the otiser membera cal il. Buntvils &U Usaîr brave reuolves tise club bas not pre- served s soiid front. Sine girls Came in nt différent lines, avoopoli dovu upon tiseounîpusta sud canrieli off nine nf tise men viso vere ce&M rellabies by th5e reet. 'Jheyuaniel tissu and nwtshtie recialuder of 11e brigade Wsslit lsmtrLà vicluiy from)tise jans of daeaant u have chosen une of tise muembers lu gel&nsifflid. Tiaissa vay.ilsey bave of rabin«lontishe atlng of rise niflunsapthsorrWialmarriaes. [Is as îîîely anu CD~011the eteptief sasy, 151.1ltse man wvls uebeau ehoseu vill unI 1e calieli from tise onlside sud &bat une noflIse serllsîg mauhara,,Oaa of ts. ev dm aieelisebulwarb eof1the orgsulatlon, nl bear a sumuosa trou vîthoul aud vili pasa up lise1 Bacislora' club for a llreaeie 0f hiei ove. It uakqs lise deteuiaêd meu. bers and. Tise ofilceis tliey ochos. Moeday ulght 1gnsurd tise traditions sud lise bools of 11e eluis are: Presi- tient, Charles R. Lyon-, vice.prostlia A. W. Siuth;s; ecretulansd t*-sure,1 T. fi. DuraI; cisaplala, Dr. Perelvel Parce; musical direclor, Louis Yeo- man, aud athslo cdirector, Dr. Doeriecker. miss Florence. Novman, vWho lis been a great aufferor front mmsulr1 rbeirnmtmanys OSsaberlaiu'o. Pain1 Saint 1lise oily r@eldy tisai afforde lier relief. Mis. Newman le a a"eis reffpffteio eidet 01 tise, vage. 0f Gray, N. Y., sali oaS.. hieséaitemnet for,. tise blit et, oUseu allar 1 alliotol.2N ietlm b-eMr e me Si Fi B.Loza. iblL l 1.t Meet ut Li bereyville Wednto- dey, Oifaaiisu d 1.115 Over iituation. I.ake Oonnty doesiatea lun1the BIaIs (' weno bili convene mi;Poa next Tqleday %met ai Libertyville liotel Wdensday and pertaceid stifr organizotion. Wmn. huilock, of Waukegau. vas made chaltma. alsi (Jet.. Mes, of Lake Forait, Beretary. Il vas deelded 10 let tse degailon staud nnipledged and 1the imembere ffgread to met la Peorla Monday. liho dilglesare: >ý W. 0. Wolf%@.................... Vaslienn W. a. lluiiik .................. a.0. lilioaus,............. ..... Julius Braases....... .... Paul mat <juma ...............ULbertyville tien.1B. tee .... ..............f4îwDort id.T. Lancer........................cuba (). X. Conter......................AuUOeh P. M. Ju"W ................ Higbland Park Oo5,. C.leu ............ ............ belds E.B'eil........ ...............Aven M. J. BaymoRd................... W4110oda C. àt. Brown....................... Warren C. M. Couler ad (eô. B. stevens ver. Rot premutntaitishe ting saand J.. Ilymualiandi J. braaeh vere represented by A. K. Stemmarnfd U Wlle It la dilDeal tu delaruue the compleion of the lake Conty dois- gallon, 1.1 Il uns ma udlge trom csase expressions let ldrop by Mena- bers of1h deiegatlon aller thse meet- lng Wedne.day there vawu enougis HaSeej' setrongth ovideat le cause indignatIon among Use auti-iancey inesbers, vhicb are »Id go be lu the Unse member #xpremoed bimeaely tbus: ..WeilIf I Hlosey Win& out et 1the Convention Tnosday, ve'Ilibeat inl eloeton day." 'isaetiment leq ie gon"rai n LaS. Couty. Thse farmers are almoat viisoni exception against Haaeey, ad la eveni hie» iseathe nominsation, 115.7 mil vote for 1the Demouacra nomnie eapeeially il ibsi nomine. flappeasi u b. Carter Wba" uppoEt ancey limas laLake -Conatyappears o bc15oblefly amoug "poliutcin." fae ertainl'y LI no$ the, peuples'lchute. 19iEJAMEILULNE. Berviço Inugus-mted Monday-- One Trala »aily. ýT1e *lirrgulan peagar train for Fox Lake over the.lit. FanI rosd loft lise Chicago liopottai4:.06 p. m. Mon-' day, reacilg Lîbertyville ut 5:25 aud Nlpperuia, Ithse ed of th5e ner division afr ascomplaeli, at 6:25. Tisasuvas Ianguraied lise Orsi train service uver vhalt the company terni thse "Jamnville Lune." Coaductor 0. P. Talalor ia la cisarge of thSe train vie ici îlutn daily, Banday nluedl, aud James Loo la al; the throllle. Tnesdsy mraing tise train,- wviic replaces AveflIstrai nefur m ascarry- lug milS lu coneerued l iceli op 105 cana belveen Nîppersial andi Liberty- viSSe, au exeeptiousliy good soving for the tiret rua. The oi!oivig schieule for 1the Dur trsa isinanvogue: itOrNe SOUTH. OINO NORTH. sa] -' pim Lv up'gliiSs 7:00 Lv cistîs4:0 A:5 <r AyerLake îs5: iraylalme 7:55 Baiemviiile stI Ar liberlyslil- 7:80 LoDn Lae :10i Lv atm:0 F'omae : LB Ar Clieauo 9:anAr Nittwraluk 65:uà lntermedîste stations belveen Chi- cago and Lîhartyrîlia are nul sisowu, bast ail usinai etope are nmade. Avenus itreaisicis (ormerly ieft Libertyville ut. 7:25 a. os. nov leves si 7:35 arriviug a& Chlîcag odpost ai 8:45 a.m. lustesti of 9:00. Ia tise afteinoon Averilla graiu louves Chicago depot ai usual time, 5:»0 but arrives lu Liberty- ville ai 6:35 inateas ut 6:,56. Time o! lUnguley's grailnetulcisnged. huIs Libertyvilie local. siiay oveîr' ai Libartyville sasformerly bol une of them nl probably rua ibrougis te Nipperaiub oommeneing JounelIn. W. 0. T. U. Notice@.. 'rhe HsSae Correspondiug lecrptary of W. C. T. U., Mra. Mary E. Hiopper, ili ie bulu Lake t5nnuîy lan1the inierest of tliseorgautînion Itoum ay4Zd 10 15115 loinosilve. Her dates as fanras arraugeli are as toUouia: lra. James BoIsonsa. Bentr'u, Mlay Iri, 2:30 p. o.; lira. Oeo.I Waite's, Voua, Msy 41à, 2:30 p. m.; lira. Mary L. Drace's, Gages Lake, May 811, 2.:30 p. m.; Melliodiat ohurcis, Aablocb, May 011, 10:.30 &.m.; Christian cbarch, AuhloniS. May 011, 8:00 p. m.; Mis. Ferris, Autiocli, May 711, 2:30 p. mi.; M»r. C. 0. Amas', Hickory, May 81à, 2:30 P. m.; C1uc'hRloaectaua. May 911, 2:30 p. mu.; Mra. Win. Lewlue', lus5Sell,. MRAY loin, 2:30 p. m.; Parmaige, LaIe Villa, May 111h, '2:30 p. Ms. Otber dates viii 15e slnounoed later. Tiiere yl hea sGolsi Medal Contest In tise Like Villa cburch Priay even- iag May-11115 ai 8 o'clock. Five con- teiltavn i l tale part and is. Hopper vlIii hoeprenantan d give s short aliures a e .youug people. Gooli ame. A oolection nilb. takes lu ieifsy oupenses. "DeWIîl&;tu. uBieEalf tsr.are tise Oma* »ÉIls1l*ver 1U»694" 1D. J. or CONFIDEEE IN, PROJECT. Nortlîwesteru9lBuck tof Electrie .$.'bal t &hCisiaigu .àFox lAke EIec- tric rail vay eoparly iiiworklng lu Ltnijunetion ite C hicago à Norib-- westem kratirima sîîmpsuy la -au seured faet. SOtcnf idence ite1the project bas greatl i nvreased eclause o! that knowledue - r rom a reliabie. ol1rcî' tiesle içoa- DENT lerna 1theelectrie eompausy la merely an oegaulration lu construet t5e ruali, after VidehIl it ii b. old tu snd operated by Use Nerthwessern as a "fleeder" lu fhek Milwvaukee Igne. Tisa iufornsatiom'la anîhantie .s»d abould prove ais Ienive te Liberty. ville people, bai avery possible, effort illade po euoovage the,- project. Waliè'egan ts endtvrog lu have tise projecori localte die eateru terminal lisere, ln vbIck evs'ut Libertyvîlle i ili of course bu -off" thse hue. liowever, pieSt indications are mui favorable fer lthe Lakei Bluff- Llbertyville routq the only obstacle being th.eeenfln<tiiily of Liberty- villo people 10 ameure a free rigisi-of- Way for th5e rosi Sllrough a Ile ove, Iliree acres 0f pulvate property vitisi th5e village limill. To accmplI4 Ibis and botefloesf y the objecting properly bold4e15itle aproposeei 10 open a streel (iOOltinuatiun of Broadi. way Street thrbul tise property ln question. Thils *Vll directly beueit Lie uvuera ut machsot thse properly by "lopening ap" a& present iusaee siite land, for résidence purposes, and th5e goueraI publie vili *ln itara 5e beuellted by the location of tihe olectzie rond hele& Having opaneli a atreet or Continuation of Broadway from-Milwatik. Ave. to th5e cemetory it ia proposeli au give 1the eleolo compauy a riglt.-i-ay ovar »ma and thus uvercome Me egreal dtfficulty experiene ln l eeuring 1the x4,ired rigisl.of-vay. I§peaking of thse proposeli road a Chieago papet of luti latnrday nid: An oele catr ride from Cimleue te thse populur sommer remoot at Fox Lake. Lak. cornat,'. 1ut. vinI le a pos.ibiiy belote au othor spring toilé rund, as operailons tu complote thse mooh-tdbd-of Fox La bNe- trie railwar vil be.a îthîn lblrty day. Yesterfay Pilaefor dis il rot division vere aboynand sqllumaf urnlèbed ho con. tractors. viso aa te Jottent tbisaideison tue onotrnetiou cfet WproeîtfroinLiSe Bluff Co UJberyville vStblu 'a kev deya. Whle thse pro3eet bas butin under ooasidurst.on for sanur iàonUas, uorogrema on tise vert bus Wsaad u»Ui laiarested peoS"as rsan to be- Sieve il bâad loess gives sît. "Wu have beeu w&Iailir for thse opportune tUmu. MM done of therirîecters yesterllay. *and before ltse falit 1-ovor ve expeel lu bave the roadtiil'bed ae fat at Fox LAire. Tisep plam nulude au exten4olnto bWiaon. alfr-J CaUUfl0 it hsy[15 c ra-but t iWI tie but fartiser tlt., Wisconsin tisan these pubie hbaua Sr ides . .Thse linaitbranei, gromn Lake. Bluff te Lii.- rtyvllie vii le'1 con- et.riautuil at onus,* PILAIS FOL 1CHzLOUTE. Fromt Laite BluiT u, Fox Lake. on thse route a laid eut. tii.- diatanse im about ty.suty-flve miles. ast 11the rIgistiof-vaY crosses thse Chînigo. Mulwnkaeo and Ut. PauuS treusskand tlsi, the Wisconsin Cen- tral andi juins tihe Nurtbwestera ad tise Obi. cagse anld Milwauke'ELieutrie railvyaits Lake Bluff. Asmamue..as1the braneh g roin Lake. bluff tlu Lberti 'file l pl aIteîl IL wiii e posile le rtadt FOX Lake ovor tise uew brancis e sMlt. li'toa séerected tast Sali. and lstrhe tu tioftis breutb mar e fiued out b aecomnmoute lbelectric mams If tisaI lm acoosplhsied il :ill te possi ble lu ride froin clisago to Fot lImma v is e 0is tsagu janii Nlwaukee Lt Lake Bielf sud tilesec ers Lake ceunI,' 10 lie Sommer r-'eorl over thise w rotut1i Tise ronsd as ptro- p~.e..jSa10001 eaitî:s.a.LakeGoJneva. WlS., iton. of tih" obi...tive peints oun1the route. S.1B. Leland, of Masos Vil,'lowe.' - W. Taylor. ef Findiay, t0. sud (U. H. On«. cf1 Cbarlea (lity. Idys a ie rie uTrao tise rjeut. sud tisey 1Itte lnterested il wt lieum eeveraieaeteru Liussllss vse aDame. bave Dot iseen anrunuu'd. , WII.L CARRY FILEIGUT CARS. Tise road ito 1e eqîssîî,ei ts isavy ex- presa caste andil iii iaitîle freigbt as weil as lîsscugers. FcfÏ Lai.. bau fferedMi mny trie rossi-buiding for it me limre, sud an. otlser oompay retiy litas been Induced to liroiuole àsrondi from Wssîskegaato t e - sort illatrict Whelber tiese home viii tie suieaeful or col ceantiort e prodltim. Th", roule outiin.,d by tihe Jex Lake £We- trie t('ompassy rune lu stroxioit,' lu tise c"0 of Labeo ounnîr Saits aud is, afford convea- lent maous of transortamtion fréa sona eil. muer ramoli;tnte noîber. Wheu tise toast la eonuplete aitise hIsus of uorthveslern L111- cois aud mouiletsoWiscsin cali1e reaibemi re-atily vîtisîsa reusacsieleng0ls uf lime. Tise usin bei tii. ýrotsîibitit1the lmaon (lily eleîutre on. vit ,isruas thsrougssev- orai lova leiVisi. Thse reference lu abuça article lu 1theq poaaibtlity 01thlie Si. iaul companysg tracta belue ilted lte asýoomadam e i olectie Cars le pnreiy iniereedani erroneona. The menlionéd_]Momotion of aisotiar road frtemWautegan lu Fox LaS. la simply coîsfîsiug 1the lvo routes laid out by saule proinotelés. Tisat the Lake liiff f.ibert"vlle rentee rAil 15 bcisosen tle ertalu If Concessions asked- are grasîtesi. Congrcesstonal Conuvention. Tise h"ongresslisssl (Couvention vill bce lieldl iatiarday.%liay 55, ah Belinont Hall, cornertof lBel mont Ave. ansi Clark eireet, ChJbogo,, aI 2 p.sm. Tise dole- galesn IroinsLake Cosînt, v111 mel It lise Shermani Houser, torner 0f Esu- doipis sud Clark strep t'sI11:80 a. m. and ait go ho tise ConveistionfHall la aà body. _____ ____ '-Ater sufferiug frosu pilii for fifleen ymirs 1I vas bolre 15v îslug to boxes of DefWli1'aWlis Usuel Salve,' ville. W. J.Daxiar Nortshiircç,k.I. C. Il heià ve 8. aBeyare ofuitialor. ï i BAiN ANS STOCK MIN. Disantrosîs Fis-e oun IeJep Mart: Form ltSt Modoutr lucendlary Osigin. 1 Mnuday night about te n o'eioal1the -- large haro oun1the Jus. laitetaisJui gorth.easi of Itondontut vas coveied go 15e on lire sud before siiy of th5e stock ceuildli eIliberaleli or macinery reniovelieiluva amalesorftesas.. Tt vas7 o'elock of tha" aveag vlen Mr. Hart, viso vils bu son-n-ls, Walter Daleynonks t1he fera, 1loft1the pburn&Mitr isstontl theb.deore. About y 0-00cloie b aan vent la Use balm, and nolio.d a door open. lf is aatIl a second lise, aller loollag tision gh thse barn tu sne If Irsupa vere about. About 10 o'clockli1e vas arouseli by one il bis ohillrea viso Vasresîleuandul on lhisev»y tu au sdjoihing beli room dlscovMa hbrntlis, du lire. lie rosSai ont is ain b" onvd iShudoor 1liai IviMe sele parily upeaviic conllvely proves sr.oneOa ba bseeu lu théa-barn. Before Ma-.Sart or lMr. »aley coold reacis the hors.or «&il$11e 1e-fluor Ili Jalen la, erematiag thea. Tvenfteevn coole.mil* nove. ivu balisaes ali a pris. hull periehl, bâîeeesixu in» hormis tliten mail pige anli Iveive iogi. TIhé o*M bain vwu.Ox@O vilS9U loui poste ad ili e eu huilebot a 1ev y.7e. A lurge paney, $001 laie., lo. house. ad numerouegsmelles, buildings ver. lso teieJY istred vitis al Ma fetainmaoisinoey andiole. Il vs.w vitUs Usegreâtest iMfsu4ly Use Hart raideMdsth" Ui cf Mn. DMO>alayn cours. oi ereetion, ve» savei. I $M000ta asonoses-ativiestima. af tise Iors astainei ad bat 03,0(10lasuremc vas carrieli on tise bain, tools sud stock. Tise tusurenre vas piscoli la Use Phoenix, of Brooklya. ANT liBM tiN$. -Thse bain a$ Warrenlon blonging ta J- ]&FMysaVas demlteyaid by ire Sundea atnoon about thiseo'ocmk. Tise building, i"y! adail farmidng lm. plameulaver@ detroyei. -7The hban vis s novOe.ali hle laI.probably about 81500. lices. «VisitaeMlibara. Mrs Geoirge Coper ai, lodoo, va- put el to bc One of the riciseit vomen la the. vorili, iavilm nisrlia bout $26,W00,000 troux ber gisat undie Use labo banker Gaorge'SmIU4is, liel Use ssonis et1lier ehldsoodl n Lake Couuty Thuisday of lad wvet. Accompaaylug lira. Couper vas ber brother George SmIlla, ai EYaSIRon. Mma Cooper vimîteli the olli oemetery et Milîbur and lafitboquats on lise grars of ber relatives 11e. Tise partyilieu visileli Use oll ithlisfante, lire Couper~s lomo belon. mise lt LASe Conuy to go and lire vilS ber oncle visn.Vaia"letsupon hie desî ll oU eMnm.Cooper and b1er broilier Jamue"l,thallant minuof Wall 51f eei." Tise villagers nuel oui enusase 10grael Mis Couper and aIl la aIl betrIits uqaite uevejit. livappeli Lot for Ferra. Te be Csigo Clsnonlcie of Munday last îeoonnled ou. iuoreetàng auto- dote" of Jnige.1"L.Joues, ci ibis county, and sls.aeoiors. Willard Joues, Julige Joue*' faliser, purcliomeli s lot la Chicago lua1833, OilOS fest, fruuiing on Monroe slreol. sali extenliiug bacit tu Clark visais non la Arcade copit. Hie bouglit tisa probuity for UN0. ITouryeara Inter lie sold Il for MW00and vils tise uoney bougisi 160 acre. of landi la LiSe Coanty. Tise laitlime Willand Jones visîtel Cbicago after moathalbeor, lis deti, May 14, 1872, sud, althougisthlisecfty vis nul ibea ono-quarter rebut llfer thiegreat ilre,Se learaeli tisabgrouniaon tisa corner aM Monroe aidClark sineet vwu Worths 1600 front font, an mach asn 5e blSgot toi his lot, 9buIS8tao$. Wore lie mlive tofty bh oen a"ra Usasth is nueproqertyla Worth s icual i llion dollars villaut fise buildings. Th5e Chrouicle alide: Jalige Jouai duse not lamant thal bc dii nt Ill haïr 10 1the properiy above lieserisel sSan uno Intention cf MJolg Usa counilaisu rmber of tisôge Who are fond of telllng 150v nier lhey came 10 haiug made ibis by lise rise tu Chi- cago rosi estâte. To Argiue For New Trial. lioudsy, Msy 141h iliste date se to1 bear argumente for a uev trial for Ueo. Kîneger, couvictesi ut uurdering hie. vile sudsoutiuced 10 lite lu- prîsoueut. TIi. imous case vic Sais sttracteli su much luteresi la Lake Coenty vili agala bu brougilhafubelt lb. pohîit sud lise argumenta &0 ha isesîlitise 141h vîlIudoubtedly ha la tise prononce of a erondei court rMin. It la aliegeli tisi Stes Attorney Hayliacler'a refereuce 10 bisa tact tisi Krueger falled tu talee is vlueai stand lu hie tien haaf, made latuith atloiuey's pis& hafore the jory, leaa strong point ln favor orfa nen triel. Tise deteitie doay tissasyliisg Mr. ileydeeker1sad 00014 be neoawînei. TsiMsu isée, teehalalitli n IIWushI"1114111tueortb& m0111si M HM SECLEANINO u. Time to change aid thinýgp for ne*. A aew Carem. a Rug, MeW Vimw Sds, L a e Curtais .W~ Drr y heme.a*" Ihere wW brbntten up ymw homeaut make thinga rnuh MorM hert ... THIS OS THE TIME TO Do UT .. We've beca gâfherlg fogesher "me- thiaga"for mnd uaf f to -e show fhe-'laeut pettras a in du m& o! *houe.decorailve Ium"mimgm. Moqday we receved direct froin New Yor.k City 2S ev plaes of36 inch Swima CurtainMusil " wh e -acwo MWe tosdY at 15e per y"rd, Saie are dated&smem are stfed, & mn adotaMd striPe comiaatongothers have bacY gecaefrlai gures interwoyen. Ofhom ev thiagu which arrived rectlly ane S&1 Drapai Silkoim DraperiesGrendie Draperim esF y Tuiob cige DraperiesCufalaNefs 72 inches vide s,é 1 Demins forcermg chairsor couche s. Ruu materials for making Pilos nos se sassOis Md s. m"e tiSses 186koii miidosmm c-s be ds-iet s samas barse-dsy. -Houat ESTABLIUM CD NOV. 2U. '104 W4,UKEGAN. ILLINOIS. T';O"N A t our Reduced Prices. Gdv dz IdrbWire, par cnt ................ 8, 10Mda2ilinsiln, par 100lb keug...... ..... NaUs, les.tisan Sq lots, par lb...... Poultry **Moun. per 100 square tait.......... 6 3 isurner Gamoline Slave.............................. 4 M 2 B le Illme OUlsîove .. .......8 ... i .. . .. .. .. ..m.. ...s.. Large o usanIroit Ovea .......I lu-meislava over ......... ...................J8 Cail and ses our new Detroit Gasoline Stový PlymSoth Dindiag Twlne .....................14 . Dodt place Your order untilyou se au "tu'ime WCeu it f. ke llghter, stronaer Md rua sm"oter flua acy Other t*k fthe market. LIBERTYVILE ILL. Summer GOodýs,. Lap Rob -es. LightwHorseCovers. Light Single and Double Driving Harnesses.- 1 have some excellent bargains in single harn« My stock Is complet,, contalhlng many varieties at right ....prices .. $1.00 whlps at 60c. These are barge purchased before the advance In Dri Cal and see them. Cias.,Kaiser,, LIBERTYVILLE, - - - ILLIM use -Il

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