r.-, .- -- DAN. E Penas Cita 44.80 Tsi. umber ru hall!f fto tise em 1111- itotsed Tain-I jourai- r"o- lu thse acepe, ÀtaIied Thura- Vaine lowus super- is tu selS in ti the topu' Bolin- BraS. sud el- publie isr of publile -ariit- nanosi 5<.> are publie îsd tise .Law- riary edite gras>- a Jeu- cisuOl tcman. Spapev le bigla la tbe -ih lu a lu Sp et tise Tue Sg cea- 11ocal. Oeb- pea- t." hy versity ater r ert latok. )obais; e oum- Mcm. APE tu Amr iued 'cater a, tise lit, lu iISera essecîl. ut lu- places ise as- tupen- ss for tsgi a. 1n toc, Mninue e>. are à very beat elrer, c por. s brfs e voy lest lu ernies ai tu on tie 'pig. .15 bip Thommpultiton oc SPRAINS BRU ISES osjor tseptire>as prmi kwbaiaequlou. StjacobsOil ~ra *mmla plotiito the naslii. OP mud=m a.4eS1. obed. OM tuaca!uou& Il la Rot dying- sas«" satsi»,10 rets, alt. ~jLoi Unos. Daml. A. Oroavimomr utheb. Vau mion. Dni.. rallnor. air uty ii tor toi tbe a Dqdtue:t 1M»w. rtt oufbU Wu,~u. .<.glals uni .t ~ u *ew~Ia ex.au il MY t casica eome da enedi oati »fon. Lbea lfsermeU, 'itth saeet thye ., d otatiss1a uiy "if te a Dor»mait oniti o. à a" "Ce MWq AIM19.0 C5e Ibet l a gt oute la thes meot a bu os £ bOSu ta akle n1'rnos. as gort the a f Ise andtth isth e fod. soIât lusriai do dtla. lae a Hu toei seeot 0f obast.' tba h am erencebasd.il.ee W. atimleri. t et n obuetVu., g o,0larrOfe ee tie. m'ae e fthe bra0%is, sd Crdsse -L lwas taie. amorIO 'hs as &fir bs:hure a# it W«s gret thng for thse serres. The" la â otteraPI slst'Ifoue an& i harea sas About luitor tIem-. Vot Oa frer bok eus "Sommei Catarrh.- sddteu The lParu» liledtine ce., Cls, bus. obis. Tho level-Bonead Nev.r Loge Nerve. Worry 10 thse twln sdoler of nervous- uAs. Nelthser siould ever enter lint the daiiy lite dit an>. ont. God, la it *Il-wlse providence, put the bead of huain l*ng ou toi). tiai ail beneatb I iuigbt bc subservls'nt tu It. Tisero 1 aonethlog wrong ebove tise cyan. lit1.1 roglon of tIse seul poweer, weien one be core nervouoi ln th es ut ofexeitL bllty. "Kuow tisyseit" la good; cou trol thyseila le etter. Worry aud ex citement névp-r alded an>. une. Au] foui eau ge along Wseueneverytiing ail rLglit. but it takes s *1.0 nman. ievel-ieaded man, to get aloug and Do worry uer becoose orvons seien every JhIng la ail srong.-l.adig-s' Honu Jotual. Tri Grain-0.1 Try Grain-O! h.4 jour Grocen to-day tu show 700 packageofult I.Ai-0thelb. 5Wfoi drnuk tisaI takea thse p lace of offee. Tbi ciildren Ma drink Il 'ithout inury i 'veli sasthe Adlait. Ail villa try il 1k I UIN-0 hufilet nehseual browna ucaor Jaea, but i lanmode frous pur »Ioa. and tie mon deilcte stomsciste eaI 'vthot distress. 14 tise prie M-yo.1e sud 25e pe pachag. B& grocers. A Wonderfoit Lttis P»Aatluog. Probably the stalct pantiug ln th world lea ta by s Fiemis artist. thsamoth aIde ut a grain of commo whiite corn, and picturos a mlli an a malle mountIsig a %lait wth a sac of grain on bis bock. Aak Tour l«Ieleor Alirus» Foot-Rem À powdertu ihsue loto poeur sboea. Il rez the. fret. curacoras se.Iunions wollC. au Ht.(Callous, AcIsg, . 'etli lefet asdIl gro.lsg iNalo. Alîrsa Io-ut o uil sew or titrai ho" easy. 8odlby ailidiUggl aud sMieeastores. 27'. d' Ossipe talledskiÈtt Addrsa Aies 1. tjimased. Le ISoy. 14. y. ai tangesl fr Cille.. Recet r'vent% have brought Abont sidespread Intercat ln rifle practIce Engiand. and l cosei safety range that members ufthtIe rifle clubs cna tend are lu contemplationl. Douoble Trouble aIPoosn e tuodatChuveis, WashhugtçRk Aril 17-19 1Â Tise 8ev. baculS Pattison ceatod à sensation lu tise FîIit Baptibt Cisircis .1 ï5]i..rfo&SA 0. . aasî Budai Sioclutli - olS landS I tsed. te n stut .*WompM< u mUc OUT- Tie sumar4 IN IULL.CANADA; * Dbmt weekiî cioprepu bureau. la as 90l L.m etet poAox OO0 - Vlaa*« wegop "Tise tuapol Aar@sý verilss Wpe nt "m eralj hlgbl fi Assua Ulni Ud WPtain% ln tise But teflailuietlet. Ottawa-MARI CR- tertered I et i saitles eapowted. destructive floode bains, luisail Oss of ixaemot dmaftrug s inlathe igplsiitinsg 'viiiel hbi t . aut sai sbroke out antKllkaet (ettise undallon 1'icle;i Thursday moreimg. Thse lum., ieen retarde& sa ait 10 6clock 'Thursday uidsl owaa cti- In tise eateru pot matred at upward u 1SO H/J0 ulun raska &d ou eu a pace et 16,000 peepe, ou tise Quebe murs neoded ina ae u ti« thé 1ilver., aud 0,cer the Dort Iramsed by a tu'loa slt ind tramn nota. Wi ine tise ur&*Mm. ot.'i hieisn mueillatisun- curred llu tee n abo4ad eW#mla &Wai l d r d tanlth de Middle and norti -1 . Sa a -i g=rthugheore glonsa Il apers ibm1wloIUg00it tisewboe Cilty. croasi a - see- con.- ha. gtWag49 lo-getor>, rtis rougi Tise week ison t4 eanet bh.be r da. Uiledi.dhlplies of tise rspld progrez mi.lc aMbr. ad Itise Ottsswa-Cbau_ Preparalloos tort am district. ive in the more ie 1la a *1< boira doua fiam ti îtbresk derc torable, wm herbogusithe.ceutrol o orese arpidiy. bo* khesfimedqpaamaoî ofHull aud 0Ot- taliy retardecé tw,0111- Wjislbù im ed IlsPaace ofthtie Soutiseru sta tisse bal swpe p atIsuai a mile Ion, us sud Okiahot t4.s*b igis si, ifp seafestise uacrow centrai Miwaui vartof du tVgr-gkt he Ohaudiere tails, thllefr maftjiY r ë sa ia alasudstà oisiamoos tise ions- .,Auimprovese i 111101 a0.bthe Ota aaide. From w'viter oheat l lm eb«4 Ilt ut a 'ide iouaIS ticongistise Cet lu Miciîgi 'visais01 G»e vetes Pellu nof Ottawa, Ploa'iug up for làtiteugis Msaealsrvhlla, Manlto, the sois- Witis ample mui i. b st .tmaobuig. Tise patlisvsjof lise perature tise croi si iname va, *aut five milea inl etgth, lu lbe ceutrai el Munt of lhe buildings 'viicis ore hurB- Stales, its cou "a o est th e o u sa l 'e r . 'oo d e is sn d lie T e o ues e bel S Pme,, orced lbt thseiigiswind, icked Wisteal a eadial le tsem op like sisavinge. Houuebuld et- yieid la ludicated . £*et tisaI 'er. carrled luto lise streeta, Ou thse Pacifiece and surcleaau'ver. pIsced ujsé e cta for Caiforiel, Coutl In veierai, serre conusmed in mest la- iseat la cemins & stances 'viece lie «tond. tise aom~erup.. *. The seiole iudustriai district of Ottawea regiu. Seedin, 10 ba4 been compleely miped 01>1.l'Tis slu- except lunSorti r'.cludea htienet faclorses of E. B. «Eddy, whiere frotteune 'a consltig ts weodwovksng, match, plple.-h crop la yet %. And paper foctories, valued nt $.0.0.res8pecisg liseQ B" The large bomber mille t Both. Brus- scediî beng w - son. îthé Hull Lutuier Couspety, illouuc ern sections." - ell Hugescu, aud otiseral, togetiser wltis DEATi4 IN Ci A' tise dlotmlli.oft McKaî. ver.shlm, de- . tcoyed. A;ýa esoit7,(000 upevtorsare Union picket1 -tiscown ons t fenspiynent sud 20,0M) i. perfflus etdeced bosnei..-s luebotis cities- lu sn attack - Abot u0mo.în0f)0W eet ut sanufaclssc- ilssîd at tise to ed puie luneiser bas heen cmlusmed. lîîbsgropbers in s 'csctlcally thse 'iolset ftise city t [full§in suprogras, ai iblotted out Anidlbilishewiisd bren brounglithse be it we trly dirctio-, b>.H. C. Haut la ng ceuid ihave saveid Ottawa irons lise tactory. Jobes detruction. tiscougi tise iti i. The lire orliaed, IlrlasaiS!, ros a tise supeclateîi e- defecive chisiney. but not su boutrtend Ihougis Dot ft@ x- elspsed after hisail gaineS a teeîisold te tts afftir, lu ou tise Ottawea aide wescuBûmes isere lnteusifsed byi ». 500 te break out in tiscee different places Gubis, prest lu Ihat City over an cstent eft tse miles Union. He wa t res> liseriver aide. Antetisusicion% 055citiug rdol. Civeurtmtaisce ualise oulbresk outhtie lire Tise troublea aia Gimuuca lumber mille, lseu miles psuys plantw lt Soya tise irer ou tise Bull aide sud tu proportions et 1- windward ofthlie main Orce. Tis a W a strike uhici me sndoîsblesly lise 'urk ofetnsu tueudiaci tise tactory aime Other coincidentah tres lu Otawea seiicis duiug tise day broke ost ilunuexpected CALLS FOR places. wcce also. it la thouset, tise wo<k a Of ire busg. Reptetativ' Sd Tise Otawa Electrie C'omspny'% princi- Ramli be pal poer bouse a-as bsrned early inu tse Represetati *9 day sud tise street cac service use put treduced l is h l*osat t business. Tise Parlîineult build- tien for su in ofings oece nt one Ime tireateued b>. iiss loging of 1we te- burning tItubers ohiis flonted doth-is Steel sud Wire ut river sud sererai tiînes selthtie iushe4 porpose oetllt Id lu tise escsrpmieut o*dame. Al businessi stock. and of i lu thse ity asa suspeuded .oud tliHoune stock excisasi ot Commons met for a te. minutes, tises actaetflise coi aSjou rneS. Tise esluti ise Many serions accidents bappeued. but Commiter ofI (la1 go far ss epocled tisere issre been oui>. gare tise cause Ion tiscee tslihties, one ieingtishat uf Chie! teise or1cfthe en Benoit, ufthtie Hull ire brigade, ovio Compan; a,:. c was au seiouslY iucuesltist he died. ibut New Yock ttc 'ins sncb a large aud capidi>. upeading _cgIting tisel ire tise desth istîlot isa e larger. tions sud the Tise Csusdian Pacific Railway depot stocka andSbu '*e sud mach collng stock standing lu tise therein." Ore, yard> sa-sjssl*dup b>.tise hanses. Tise ts- rus rsifie bridge. whiic in lethe oly une tïs et arieent beliseen Ottawa sud lstillin 111a aIs,. gone andi travel can uo nîy bec lt. mnade b> fe-rr. A coservtve etimaite oethlietoa Isnsu ofac îuslained lbt tise wo cities ls et a paedS et trout 815,00.000 te $20.000,- e n 00(l. of uies tise ls.inlumnier alone lus seil anossut te over $I10.000.000. ai- - CHURCIS AND CLEROY. <4 Tise Caussdi 0.-cc 2W0 applicstionis are ou file for lise touJuin otissrr vacant Pulist of tise Prealsylersan Chssrs hilious.. et Atlscissu. Kan. ,Tise rtes'i rThe Fssvyth Street Melisodist Cbiisrris Mariou ts Th New York, ehbvted ità 11115 auliver- fur pissengett 'lsc e rý. FatiSer Dure>. o! St. Leuus coad wilii isst Itinian Catisolic Cistrcis, Newe Yorkisa New York pa - conduetiug s sent> utr speeiai services for Tise lîrlse sciue. Kausas Midis A marble tableS lu meusor>. of 1)r. Johnit ito1Elisatr Hlall ias bs-ciipisscd in uhe vetibule e! Tise Lake8 tise Iiftb Ave-nue Presisyterian Cisîtreis new train tres New Yoirk.. wouli uake t]e Descendan1tso!flise niiouarics lun tiseboucs. IHawîiiass. Isiaude cousîlîuîe stbout sue- Tise Rock.. tseentietsofuthtie white population, exclu- obîiained cort ire of tise Purtuguese. and uih coue Tise bIc. Dr. Iainsford of St. Georges Kansas and1 Epiaropsi Ciuci-i, New Yeck, nus> e lie- HereutterS lievea thut tise beut tbisg e be doue oilble sold1 amongtlise pourofet aCity. is 10 teacis Passenger A tiseinlove et ceunIry. lirai. teligous uesessity ofu1 ~itimeut 'ilI tises, ie se ., toussw et a- cales. uraliy.Ail tise ru sud Kansas 1ls.ugb tise efforts, ef Catisolir mes, tise éeaauple Wei1aeu, anS chisldren h,- vis oluuli-ered tu exursons as 'verkRas, solicitos, tiseausuo $3b.3t.4U ebe au bas licou caiued i mntgtise varions sCityj boadCi anSdessaItry porlahea ut the Piiladelphia A train ors 1 .areidôe«e t u support thé Tiseloical ulitisnhasi Seminavi cf St. Chares Bocuoeso ai Ii.. taicteîy kTise Ber. Artisur Cranse, pastor efthtie aud a bransa1 -rat Baptist Csurccisof Ciarleston. M. The Centre C., isas beeu viating tise gasnbling bouses decided te a and remorts o! tisaI cty sud makiug dis, coupons tur .ber .d a .ro . iOgecarersil tglon ma>. parallel the -Non cacks lu Ogdeu. dian l'acific lîsilcossi ogn rcronde in abolisbing rousil ion ufthtie C. & .,l r Scibes. I111,.bas lices oirs cr businiess. nted Ibat the- Nicke~hl1'h lu i as-rvce anotiser ('bisa asseuger train. Co lise bas Purcbsssed sued. -sviicb raustrous Wl urll, a distance uf 100 usi Sisore isaesît imb servie rt Chicago le Bouton,.e-b se 1,030 umiles ilu teet> nfreilers ace ceporîrd lu h strol ufthtie Missouri Pat -so1iîiste it suils tue >4ipssu 1Teas. Siteraot Cisacit> in unit, 1isalt-rate tickets hy Cen Assciation Unes ultisul ftbeic aaciritsg clinT>. cet anda tros> Chicago. St. L aCilty te Colorsdo .111 tel uto tise Rock Island and nt boit rates te Denver, olocade lSprings. ,r tueoîy five flat cars 100 hing macines ftcuaa c -y was a tken a-est ftrus tBucliugtou. A private abaud accenspanied tue tr -ai Passengcr Association adulit a nousposite ticket, br butis tiret and isecondc lu order te do se-a>. ulis yfer tisarouda tu offer ai jvie ou second chass tieketi capitaliste isave puciase interest lu tise Muuising 1 corns troiu >sunldiug ike, MIeS., a distance et s te jnrehase la luncideut tu So ever 80,000sacesoftM r land. ;-', rs for six big Western sada bas-e secided lu sue îlesu Govecu oent toi- ne r cscryiug sohdiee. froni aFranciscro dîîring tise Spot 'var. Iîuiiediately atter ewan tise roade fled claimui ag tise trouva. Tise claima il tarifi rates, lent dedue cent msade bj lise Jipotu «rsa. Tise <Uormae eefflûêtii. e ulsu' ail 1111*96~ la *5ce Apgtsu ret thimpoallo emtisalubas grethelu o ft W u dr e ' siso e n w e at se r >or. onditions uer. gs- fvorable, but excessive anis work sud cnu-ed de. - Inportion& o! A.la- pi and Lonialana anucis bcalseceaar>.01a1 oresuit e. panu work bas aise sg a recuit o!fiseavy raina ortioa o! Kaaaaa end Ne- lisera Misaouri. Rai ll , Montana, Northi Dakotat oribtca porti«aut ou ige- eeaflag tempeistuceac- sper Misaouri Valley asd sers ROdit>.Mount" esr- ae tisaI nu serions laluy sg sot been tavorable for rems ut cocu plAuting. but rtibis seoci have iseen act- sortser>. section# and un- weatiser conditions w'ii y.Plouling bisubeco ges- [ isece npt cunspleted lu aIa, ans blite frtctiKan- nias weitttld ovec tise sppi Valley, bcbng haler yerasanlaTennesse. cent la tise.condition cf la generalir reported en- îu anuS Wisconsiu, 4Re trotiser creps continue. lasture sud favorable Inn- sp hisaavs>de ipd-growts valieys and Soulisecu adition ho Kentucky sud e!u exceptionsily fine. ig lu Texas, sehece a good ed. Tise tavorablie ulool cost.except la Seutiierz mtiues. Early seun apring gu up te good stands ovi irtion ofthlis prins ubeai î ai nu. ueariy completed bt Dakota sud Mostaus se-qoarter te eue-hait 0! ,te lie sous. Ail report est ccop are encotscaging reU advanSd la the noclis 1IMCAUOa LABOR RIOT t ees u Altaci end I lCild. -- kopeni non-union men -eus eBaker-Vawter eotuiiiu in Chsicago, ubere a trinS tPeter Miller 'vas sisu bead andS loatanîly kille àter. aiiperiateudeofuth i io MeG;uir vrai aise aisc ~it anus end clgist ceek b udent, sud sevecely, a ttaly, isJured. Ila dditio rtue Iabor aituation seul rtise arat o! George 1 aidentoet'tise Brickhayer a taken on a charge o! il et tise Baker-Vooter cul obi amont aseurncd t, fa îlot ustise outeosue s ih bas bac- n l rzimlence I irce lat Jsna>. i AN INVffSIOGATIOP ie NeouiÉnu Iotccdstce ltion on 8teel DeaL ive Noonon o!fIllinois i e National House s vesol invedtigaliou ot tise tees: velve mille orthtie Asuertei e Compasy, for tise ailegq infiurudssg thse value et I 'tise tallure et tise New To âge te prcpecly reguinte L -mpan>. tion provides tor "a $Pecl r een members te lavec ne toc thse clelng Sou-n te AmerIran Bteled SW id, fssrthec. le huvestîgate t >ck excisange, ils maner tacteansd dolera of conte, le offIcers tisorcof. seli bonde are liated er tcad cii trai tise- jouis mded [Cino- car las, ta. il a Rail- Bay sixty Éicisi- land ,srly tnise- ts fer 'hieS gS a- Ses-l Tise chain trust siouId adventiae ter mlaaîng I.ka. Tise Duke ot Msrlbornoughs bas Peue- trateS tu Bloeusfontein. stil) the oar gos on!. Poiecat skins are isrced tron tise msile. Thisila cerainly tise decision of comdson accula. T his Iotise titue utf>eav e-heu sosue nen taib tiscougisthelis îta tise>.expeef lu cast s-ay atter eîruties. 1 Mleeting UnitedSt lates BSeatora by di- rect vote cf tise iscîsise tigist muSe it aii more expensive sn Motitalua. A Ciicago val; tvas arested for lc>iug f0 bock due-n n esue. Tisashows atue thi fortune eofliing Isadâtng. A Miw-aukee girl scise 'as aarriesi for Ion-two e yaca ugo Isow-'eauto a divorce. bI soulS ho funsif t!sine siould't. Il seonid bave tus-s-i cisaper as oeIl as~ taster lb Scusior ClarS SaStgzote 10 taly aud purcbased a dukeslom, for instanc, Te-o Ioa-a girls serre ment tus rctocss seboci for guiusg tiste tuester, but tise actora vere alusi. s-s lego "uulesbed. F'rance in tô o uavy vtis public execss ticua. Il u-ihi certaiss>. Se neoisarra 10 ieense esldenc o! relinquisiig bar- isarissa. A New York mnshan been acrealed laimase eobjecteS ta payiog 12.30 to * dUb 1of .muaisruuuss. Cape o! 100 mucis joa4s speOsw'i id, «s-~tois làreporteS - t, i'v -t >.1 1 ESCAPE RODC*t1W TRAP N&AR WEPEheft £140FLEE. Týrai for thse Norths Aftec FreeinsWa aar--Brias Net te Ittcsp 2:1Z Aran n! Je5ems-Ii5aalein la Freta Arseal-Tos orkes ilied. Bouth Âtcea .asvireasSay . tisaIater iseavy figbliug, Wspener hsaniseen MO Iliera sud th ise s-lay arîsiier>. issthe ai Dewetsdorp Wedn«d&sY resuited la tise qoccupation of Ihl point b> tise Britiis L toupe. Between Dg-ietsdusrp sud Tisa banc-bu Ges. Poia-Carew ausi French bave beau dnlving tise Boers. bs-fore thA&t 1 Jeu. Robert@, aimy ie usn, depio>.cd .along aextruded lino. oltis i tu. Frenchs Fapparent>. cepeatinslise taetir.s wiiicis se- aulted 5 sgo cssulj aI Paardehserg. rTisece lus notbing La this lisiiitvbesa ta IL ndirates tise Bogie aire UsIliing ut ce- trestiugîirtbe-srd, even t1isu thte field 'vere upen. iaieail tiey are litgitD 1 ang tise entice lUne. Tise Biis hope of reu--iusire resulti asetmlas ais>et preocli. tise Buera escapi iing uniseaten and having arrolthsed *s-n immense amont or dasîsage. TiseY cieung to lisein positins s. long au it oal saate tou o, .sud tison allpseidoff 10 bolS ,ftise nelconmnaniug cidge îhcossgis a bruken country allai auiteil for a rear guard detense., Diapatebes tcomn Aliosi Nortis, under 1-date utf Weduesal. gay tise Boera letI IlWepcensu hurriedi! tisathuas>.Ofuthtis m Seudivere iert la the trtns-hea uubucied. ilCommandant BS. Cronje sa reported te P.have been kiid. si Accdrding to s-SuCes trustuBiceinfon- lkotin, tue attenipt of tue Boers at BranS- s ft to getlalutouch w'ilS tise commnd tgaiThalle Scisu woaacerustrated by a focci ?rdiapatcsed b>. Gen. Tockel frons Glen, Rtý Apparenthy, bo'vevr, thse tiSe. sftec i il moenutsry deisy, le kgaiiu .ttinl Oseaci a. lb. Britishstihde, tisougis su fsr as vie ofpoctedlishe engakgemess O)dth.le os ie reile te et Wepcec. ,are scureely ut sufficieut ian gportance tu warrant aue sslepisig. a geii h-ecaiaatiou. iu oune-estouI> pan tIs muvemnt agalual Wepeuer Se regarde as a Boer sîsellu,h. sssiakiug tisis 40 veraion sud isy the rere,1 vd actirit! il aNatal., wiere tise Boers sr i,-nassiag a Tintoa pais. tisam,-ucsiss llhec's ai ns>.. ,tis e iv o t th.-.'Fr.ay el h ,Y gais bren delinlte.ty s-sy- Le A dispatcis to tise L'osuisu Dail> MaL Ot ftressa LeCcuo Ms-rqu-s. iîated Weduoi ad dey, says tisot a daristg ttesupt ws e made Sendsy ulgis:t leds--trOy tise bici lot et Komslipoert, the terîilulio f e a y Driagea Bs-y RailwaY iini-, ensters pas i- of Pecloguese, %aet Atnisi . Tise altemi n taihed b>.tise mereat acii'-sst, SaMrs gin "l lug tise aharsu. The Boscrs ihsve cous, P quently ineressed their !',rs'e un tise fros rit tien sud tise billoe- uare--Iný ils cfles>ei in- thse bîicghers au»peelluf tiat lise Brille s-cc advancing opon tii Trasvaal1 gamone mysterions. route. Ever>. approal he to tse bcidge la gisardesi b>.hanseS 'vîr of Tise correspondent Socs nutit sdicate oh et il wona seio ttasaptesil se dsstcoy I] bridge. Part of tise Begbl hlc sci] asty e.-t Pr E. lents hie.top tise Otier r.t glt. Ten tus uer. SieS aud tirty-t-u sounded. T1i tirette moit>. Frenchs sud ltahiaus. 1ý cause e!tishe explosion lu assigued. b In it lanflot iaelieveS 1tuise sdue te rcacher du- The favtury ban beon working dent eut tinetafocr'veeka. Msteo f tise importa ,an sfcbinecy oas sigved. ita MAO$.IINEGurtoUS£E ON REBEI ork b'ý Elghty Fiplsoa mMoueSd oWh' Amarloanu Are Net Masmed. i OUcenu 'visehave orrive lan Man ilti- irons Nenva Cs-cerau. province 01 Ses of Os-marines, bcing detaols cf a ligisl r. u'hieis 'ltyjFilipissos 'vere kilied. T the Americs-n curpost, reporteS M00 ntil c!o assembleS tisree ises f rOm the toos aa w- Gen. Bell sent thrse detacisine et t se Forty-iftureginsett. ulth. two Mania ded woe uely succouided tise Fiipssoa. t majorit>. cf a-issuspee rnsed aits ho s1ud auce cacabas haie iseliseta. runasa siescd. Tise Filipioos ocre <suickl>. t 10 ligiI, iesvissg tisefileldi strewn 'v acmec. Tieir r ws-i e eeautable ~shoisot atcaigist and tise iolousen ne, got nesr enougislutiste Amerirana tu au>. exe-colion. -Fi--ceftee ne Of SAmecîcana uas wi. ,isded. Lieut. Bah 'vilS leet>. lavilr:'sen fronttise Thir sevenlis regimemîs. rnered fitty belon lu a river anS siot '-verY One, tise buS liîsaliug aseay. 0t1w-suidier iadbis bt atruek off svilis a l-s0. O-en. Bcll'a te-o -eg;iments s rt hi ,ris- orSeS la clearisng tise couîntry. TI uscet astis niansy-, m quadu o!fibehon Sandi hast woe k ifllltotal ut 125. G il-Bell bas lssird a t..uelamatien declac tisaI he 'viii retali, s reliesly unh 510i Ibis gueccilla war:.ure venues ansi i seS be oUilburys&Ilai u-t, e-ns we-cSbac guevrillas. _ _ _ tte Dewvey Gris a Watch. Ug-A gold bisinig use Sat-iss., u sented te Admsiral i e-cweuliud thi- bichait ot 50,«K) - ,1hOcisildrcu ut 'ch- Nursiseest. Th is u-u'etation eIs i les, b>. Rcpreseutativ- NleCleairy of!'%is ce s- sota, sud lu tisenisue of tise -hihdcen icis made a feliri toi s-ecis. Tise sdsi ï-a responded lna abrie! c-xpression o! api clatios. have vire uti qq 1 Iok 1 mlOf= anA My aov mm cto I i tom test. but mdep mm 10 do' me negod S611i ve tell yon 'viat is the matel? met-ita s ctiiermmuf or gta$sd blooda tua btocd. pour bloosi.Of couse duas uat the kud t.ins-ve. Wls- 7on vut as tick bloc& red'blood. You 'vaut tde olU Clot back t0 yuur eth mian lips. You vaut yont me once mre strong s-ad tesdy. To e tm c i car Io muutaa t&lç a perfect Ssaupmrlit. asSarmarilla madie*pou. kosor. s Sarspanila îlot youu lavecudmcue iu. That's ÂYeIWS,ý -lse*S frnisIs a*fraund the puma, a frai el la cbmhty, sud a gralhals tu mudms. $ S1.00 a bottie. AU *dggisbt. "Tactuars claitte miS ia trai f Aurs5uim si. Siscakiagit fe rise a dimeul "n. 1 au. snjoy a b~* ..y laapins. Mympped lu mes, My serves ns uts U sud ady, sud 1k. n>blesS I6 poa--FANKs Wmsamaa, Dus Mlelova, Oct. 9, iS99s 23 cents a li..AU drutgglt. Il ourilvr sn~ aciugua riisi Ifyo ar costiatd or sillus, ais Ayc'u illa Visn as boeisar. il the ts I Eu puisa 'vitE m i S.N1. U. ---. Buy a RIEN IND ltOWITO OTAIUMS F Pofage ot DS9 OATS AND VALUABLIE PREMIM This only shows a few of the premiums. W e have many more. A Complet. Premium List' sent on application to FRIENDS' OAT8, MUSOATINE, IOWA.- M'any Valuabie Pme id users of FRIENDS'i Bave tis. RoJND TUASà sterling Silver Oold Dowl BB on SPOci Ooid Plated Brocis - S.L USp~Mn MUi~ à,ontact ma& *vier thea telsphuf la *'Who defray tisa«enosaof the 4 lgai sud biuduflg, aeeodlflg te a de- goverument or thse o-called Flipino re- mn a *m 0lI s tiuon receutig reuderd lu a PenaYl- pbic' aked Spett. lu s t S1b lia P u b vanla la sa uit.,, "Tisere are noue Dow,." repiied Bloc o i-M.pgj uia ______butuper. Ileacopt Aguinaido's running omm cd o telle yeur mai. r Malaga h» ~ R ixtoeu ralnY days expésses.' IDetroit Froc Press. I~~atsll d. ihaUUU s~~~eu ieaiaanterrible 0010,aja whe tii. _______ a ye ta OlOs 2w dSy. w'en th dea sgcod MM7iyth -ime -" IvsWy p _________in___________ 'v aiarouawusrl>oia rwasîl'r u of My body se u , P> O»o ln --* _________ roMe u atri cthat conusliea bed by lu swsy. At time ocflstrUtas Calareis Cura. Iautfrlsarg lm a thinu< lovelli. r T hatW tis udersgnedt hava kown i.J. Chou thought there w»s no C e r m, bust T h tluai be incrraou ay oliatinmad b T ired Feeling t 1ry au y bad feelings weikdmotUa.lMAs Juat as srely ludicatesa tis thse A1l1( HINNAN à& ÂARVIN. Wholse wladaiangod*U1 o& blcod lu iacklug lu vtailty and ts !the .. ~ 'ielatkeIt Reall always pruFE5inLeI5 Byo Dm.,Ni elemeuta of beaiti as dos tise îdirertîy CsI&cu 111e l.is.osl auOmîst26,s surfaeaed muet obstinate humer tisattise Par be Z11 ftLnl senDafret.s PsassA700.-Ih.d t vital fluid la fuu» cf impurîtles. Hood Saaapalli curs tsatBonheur. trouble. pasuful mues, a"d kMui1 tired feeling by qnicing and vi- Rosa Bonhieur left I nn unglilshed compl9ant, SlaOatomacli trouwiohu1 taizugtie lod.crcatîng -pitures. notahiy a large cinvas repre ja-a- apeOdtu es good appetite and ivgrt gnAn g brnes startIng atitfu gallup. 1paper that coutained san advetI@@»WW,ý ivgaTl C1tigl1o5 110 l etfl oiofLydia E. Pinkbsm'a Vegetable Osfl,. gvrjorai u Uc c&r.Liotgî ufeedfl~OO ustiispanhl p ci, ndshen Iread howeil b:. tise refusîrd lu finish l. h ldo thers. ci'to g titm g Hood's ctou t taL' tla? me. and desded1.0 give itatr WhIat Do lthe Ciildren ff d? id i sd e atannwgIU~ *Do n.t xie tises> tes or coffée. Ha&v a i o n sa re t a o e ' arS paJ -ui j ied e~t ew food drink caled rfectly sell. I wish to thankuk delicionalla uri-0 - hbenefit yous'mdicine bas beent i "I htsat tsred teeling ail theise -ansd takes thse place et coffre. Thea me."...Mn».CLÂAÂSTiE5S, Dlee. tie Wsa, iedimheuran re Grain-O jeu give tis hde n thaforoe Pain lime Ws s~hird l tie iorusigmore beaitis jus dstribsta tiscougis hid uben 1 ruse as 1t 'vo. hesi i 'eut ssa. Grain-O la made cf pure graine. DzAR Ma. PLqexalu t-Your VTeus lu bed. 1 took tour botties of .dcise rpripeae atlk table Compouud bas btvss of muéb Hood'o Sarsapariiis and ili made me tise cioice gradies of cuffee, but cuots bemet lu me. Wheuni>my usntezUn teel like s uew mn. i couisi work sbout y4, samich. Ail groceca .oil . 15e peedteywrvrylggW. bard aud sot teed tired.- A. ci 2s5c. ____ aTiea.orved lau llere sud sué soS ChrtrCrson ba.- A Forto sa Mohamnseds t onsb. leave for a week or mure. 1 always Need'Il e raamrilla sold by ail drug- Tishe to f Mohammled le covered suffcred ais these timea witb terrIiles g»51. Get Hocd's and onty ioods ,w t diainonds. soppiresand rubicu. pains lu ny back and abdomen. Wo.W la a dable sud valiss'd St $12.500.000. bc lut bed for aeveral days aud wou» naturel cmats- uot lhe exaet]>. rational at 'jasa.IL bais val cotinug, Thaeitakem of Crters luS nkbys tcok Lydia B. Plukhaiu'a Vog.lahê*- tu 5 h. 1fpalerpkagsa.inadruedrfor nosaina W. rost inSe &Dy beter loit thanse'Compoud, andumentez beca iuW- vista ns isrtsa asoill tnt byml los;edo: r l' o 5w 50W te. Weeas moite p»l ef eetaI.-~ while ands fr. Il a tal ie bi t ias1opoort'r lautit or wont." Carters litmnb am etm ut*Y U110 Vt004qa. tta à mtta o ethe ben;. tY. Cunim. BruieWl.. throuh a proamisaof utalg, hardons wtts*ge aoanaau @$U d*iissmid wion alas A Spanisis patent le sobject 1.0 au an- ai<odoaasteeawli noal tes,. the amoutint belng soessed b> INE la1u7tirl.oivernnseut officiais according to tieir Mrmluaiens outhtie vaiue ofthtie devîce. an nso kc te cib6 - oisl vrc used for ait affection% of thse tiscoat fauuotes bominist s aavi theOSOI paeàagssproçaèehld. flmo*U isou a nIsd longs.-W~m. O. Eudsiey, Vanisucen, &Ublmiatioss bsslaah1lsOu d., Feis. 10, 1900. A Amrdn tu tise Patent -aws Ot Soit- - - serland. -ý-ork on a patent device muîst prasatmuhslknsa.,atAeIlriihaatad ears Iron tise date oftIhe patent. d5urS.atributable amm @isttoa ne- «a&Is. bash b in a papai pubsiilinhilise hw esr Bosne Eut hat onacon" sof teils amu t V" 'es~~r tioaily oedassaadma L-as le= iea. J nte ossîthonJapan, bas twenttW plasases val meun ilam1Oier emusa.tor trac umm oa unisf________ feint es îaerdl susnu s.relers 9 W.ussu wi"Iws- n laout spopulation la eas stel a va milaseatlg iekalaisi is j250.000. ý IL