w- t, lihe uisctt- la M, P.m. an Or1s. ua Capti. r pnimbeti >om the. earra55 bus»I*ep in#e 101 whie t v[al tr At the ' for * f lGan titany oc the pi- n ppot' fr libtls i the les,ý ird. resait- 'ker. Chi- n. oyer, înJsk-' Chiago; - . A. 0 Jeveil. Sk. IL e. grck- et 0. A. )elegatme ;.A. IL oa mu- tim4 lti-i Ut-niraI. or destin iii die tge viii mm. The. A tic,. - 1 la the 10 bapin hIp h4e te G. Maths y olk, 7; fil- 4 of the - Florne ia K. s. Cii- Lbi Brot- ns of Peoi. .suiz, 0lsbc. - Rl. Ci- W.C -~ ~ 1. ev.TïhlD7îlatwIU*il1Iballe a tlvt $hem.,1 e-0, traug.. mn 1k that. Why deno eshow ers«ae e Mille Wtif amet tes .VIII the"ola oi me Oi.wek -tu the sprtSMdnt tite bav. a m01 i ttgiypgU, >etop division oft he yImrwbmsâne one dise bote. j Own sometrant? 1 I tbolleve the T'r ame f 0f et' al, gm h en bdballà se ltêt~ee iverta - 0et] Olawbat He-YOD wong bun. Br aâher1ng to those whio vere.ugne w tb o m sh. oi tU5t*UV oa thu central 'Naive--Whofl "UDCIO Toms Q0~i,'bis systoe. ,as be duos. Ihé soUilit ts <cure* bave oxeIteti wmht &M Mr" Atilsel uubrsplateau suld Bicomet m---'--pluys hems.Thon lheedame PeoPie Oiemaires It Impôsaible for ber to think of mîration.ilbs emumoatil b* -s" eY . A lacge' Pa% et TZoas indiblS Arthur 0r fth, thtmlelS CI t ,uanoeryprorple-Ci fytigee 0.y eam 5tt rjletriteenlà lt0 4k tii. estn t ti.~st 104o! ufe gy ! ColiloCoNeilld, hoChicago Tmes-lerald. and It IIIUOD oothe Uep - <Joy.1* toias d.vrd frqàm -teW o 1 audedt bbcmeinhers ai! theAmdonc otliers. f iI 111 fie m'fî0>50 out sud leuO btu af «ex. blei credible mirl Io 1 i e Ms'§bteApwe t bs ol er"e.I et Pr --------- - ,A pmadeor- haSe . 10700f 550.5.ll elt I appette sud make Y0ODt.g é dnUsI li fee.t' eCon, l5inoniWGlff. 0r.'oo lie àt~ pt éurý« ebiwebo& d, . tent over the0 mIt' subl uio1po g fci :1alOl èe ptbuOuse ýt Ou mi om el brsl ga tibens t thliaiso, Taso mneh ain Ibas l at 1). ll 2 e o s al l III eeWad le- di o sto- e.lssh lis No t s... grtelum- the pbg al *00 orlth vogol escpital '<elirali! retard"i tarin wotk ,lnutth .V de sol tiva 1<50551% o rtis or 111. ,0e. a.8 SQfld 1.711ail IIStsn l'f 81110 P5W5I~~~ITI Taou i Mna,. ~aes£.J.eaet&rksasa i et.,of th Mlaqsul vali sud midlle fâs. nd <hie Ore CWand Site-stx eot-ha trainple nitilcd . six ni am ek*& lesculte I m os.5i. théUnky Momttslusiopo. maifetatofeta ceilOt t . hemrs !I &nl ale i lroun s frnI mdueml1 Ospeatefstfullatwrdbt15 >lslsipbriercou Meilget'.e ivere i em x aAddres, Allen 8. ijlm.ted, Le Il07. zy. Y. neruneasdIipt lo.I - ai _weiýml<tss a. letgad or det ihecu riecorn n blyd ud taking Hoods SarnapaLrlll. anM '.-I'tb-- ten. iraIk yobavoards the. direction whicb the wlnd Frank Nlen. Oakland, Ur. p sw %01ot.e mvuom t te-i ls pu s X res15 a tu. as the seoirai Prtions Ïhi cod cousJ~ it VOIL Tb un là biowlug. rmin or snow vill fIliow n lw 4i-aàM«#aquis '«tsomi of Illinos, Indiana anti Olo sud ll Wod ht 1~).Be Es,4D15or uth etfe ora asa ai et» M iu jqhjte N lc »V ail 4ndM, au. on i as " t ,5Xa .H D» O" » uth laiielbomHcdanlasaar# ha.te ltelo vuS SIi t- agcii.li henpante! lu soia.tel O s uid plant-W J. N'ho g <ly a ,. la ÂuieilC's Gisattt gedamu N5M. b 051Uit*0NO 5505 st e po nrgîof adplan-. M, Pite lis Cure tcFnsul Vlie ton bhghiy spok' , Deraist 5am sol . albl si e p i.e e0ftM t;> I - lwlusviib. suafl lb. i elg o.Oun a. u i iraT ItU !apl - i1 Olfh0.7'F,' ur cniO jute. _________ SALe 101s ccoutntof vet tber lltl cmcocu vu, tMill %a'op teseuet as a cougb cule.-J. W. OBrien. bag 'gos tepIelc juNebaus. ad lanin ~, Ofl u e dy andt t rainsi of moa Vonit Have Becs ISard on Bas. ~Third avnulN.. Mnepls llu "-5 I m uWam *n ho as a bales retarde t le u o ri ind aoutes. Ileoite othe cic ten s sto 42,173.' Thé II «lo1 b I at uîdid la " ele id M inu., Jan.6 19 0. mogbe etdi l Kass su Tta su prtins,~lad dO.id net .80 toseboolOuntil lie Was110 tSgtOlftiIy. >t t141 à" OMMSh <Ot9gaUt 5.8. . &axe$ tus. et -Reire- Mssissippi, Arkansas ad alt ianuemueS rialoM. andt blen lé ho it 01 ilbs - Il vouit have been a bitter OKP«i- l tin bler nals are being used Il soult oartuis wtb a mitb«Ogitarl eYe. Oee-oe sce for you." lie answerod. Germeny in places viiere nietal nule P m~~~~ 5051* b ýlim omed c er me replantlit viii hoe ecessti as arai !rpyb ee.* a malter of uiieq "w» soal ebdemanded. oid0ro. ______________ la u ilovrt oue and 15cm asat- overgova.. ra ut1iphy* qî-lins0 Tu edt av hd dlt ioni ord s, *t.-1 ev8ear&O anosite leu Banl .5 vha lc ba*isO, Furtiier lupr.vemneut Is generally re*days, boutsn sd miu.l is reinaka- lodge havé tho laut od'-Chicato -chitines k aJu10 rt iryç bli a ueoar toeure. peai. denal ported ilithe condition of vlnher wvii es tculty for untubero 4tràcted the a-e aI- *a:Mnipln elbr10bt1,gi ihia u isosnteto t rf.nntwad ea f et sioey Olsp ' 7 athetInion&Profs. Lind ,-ad Bis t à W"Dete ____nflu? TU."'p. nt.e t n.nik%ce âR. oh btu rinenot ha. jleod ai WasbigtOu, tormerl are.contlug ta plow op whésttb nsaSteIJlWtmdbvs chidtwd tb wlon mbs Em Ct i Cel 'Art. fHe servet5aileits for ther crops. Thi e rp leDow n ov hthsa-Cet* e tam te o coce Hae verai lie.n- 5ec1n IIIAa. i "W u t » a peleshe lae taC.sfadaste arm~i e ditigausfar notth as Tapineuse,Ar Aun OIat q*,;l 5h50 Dt e himtl fee"Chthe IlDr8n115T.aypo)Oreobnetihis. otmaDa 5twbuulonb tbc var,oand aliUa cse veut tammsansd Oklahomua. 11ucentral sud y.Vl..Gr fthtaiJoeth hW .ug .t e v tood drink caollt- Li 5. ..n,.t lte~ aplntr.Atsaties alfoni -'-bo.belet * OtItlasdeliinus and nourbob- . b"ttei0ihmbl m'f,&plater M ugim el theirIltriteave____th gn~Éai* ¶ l~ ¶ ~ - te- .bye'pla. fe a tinte. fI l a sa lace of coffea. The ,c eet t = 7 C Ou âge a of ni84 h a e a n e .practice . aa ea l. bu rp b i b eutilm- auiy le n ha w S l ac urj an dti ýraiLaî4 Y u si're thse chld enu hae ~U J . cofflle e A" Pl [m55i. lu an t 1bcu.the t. enarelitienil 5.preveil 57 rsins ln the *Outilerai part of lu the great stock m ne nos mlaimde mouebeu. srbuelte t prube ia. ' 'e' CtAe'10UCTO hy ail pâture bins sele te t e tate Sonte lu7Il the State. Ailreports ludicate that 5frins for himtief for sil Orsgda-0ile modeaeti-uretegraine.ula-O Is mmdW4 Beo ame eulot bt boy tarigosea veat is comint up fiuaIy and smoking merîl e tiéns. %llegil ldcoail-sudorie t .rl, IPrepaoredteste* lit.Wmm e meu o The avetalO amterre.insihmualong talin fie bassa the excellet grovîli. Seetiug j la nVrac-- cttaîlmtcl r Xii s te helb.choie»stades tof el but ashso % k[W YU HMDAis p f h __________________ bm5 co benrear tabuto . eS Al ror! oil1h la ______la_________ Me la 10 tra' ps auin,- Ifineulal mn lu riienas poi'-bcliy cOmPletet except ije, 'tOçtb D'sulve lu h* lhet bfoye s.n ordinary masudt lU._________os.t eJca kola. ________________ eas write dnto h b eemry figures. .~ or. ~e - ou vdoa ! uioar vtaoa CNL aL 1 P8SD CaresH. Allen, the-irsttcivil tes- Broa- plaitetit ' ngeea are wbtîl ofe pnsol uitiioyvtgi t omme Adoptu ensuelre by a vote oni monof!fPotoeIRico, canme Into national oIiaple«e u10 o ur uvslow________TUOIC C111. sel van <of-the.revolullon Slerit120 jsans W25 t.a 3& prommnence vlien ho ancocel ' Theotono Islnposassaise.M nomHiT l VAL! U UT 5 .V o l< age. Tbiuoge lu age frim 83 % ». Ater a stortu! telate witiidevelopet lRoosevet as assisl- Zký oe-W»? *y uct ma*a.us.& nsa% »uis.r Soen taugiteps et revolutionsry s e.mcibtbotadnsl rvktav u ertr !Brown-l voultl'tknov viher 5'~ui Nc.su aritci, . are tfili rfti'vrpensions. Of bue gel,-vrai physicai encouhers thUi Nlcan te Navy t the. my country vaute te 0honor me or gel 000.00 uiciV bas balen palO in revoiu- canal blli passel the Houn a 1b.Wetnea- onîbreak ef tse tii of me.-tndieuSpoIla Journal. BA O ~ - - ~* O ?~ tionary paos»Im p,ooo,0oo vas mmavidey aflernonby btcetemrkabie vite et -civil "rr. But this - «M , Y T ES IE C O Z I hy i vd.vs.Ousepepsoeisrio 25te -3.Deotaland mO EpUulcoArs vUnt isirstIl M;.B Dy stei eo' 4l.-W .I4.*. 808 W Iaa0aÉS.AU Cro'uh, 9 yeas n0d. sud bis home la le on record lei tarer of the vateta tint, Hé bas beli ,Vert- jom_"__ 'liqi obmmNwVet.Tichat-pu--oTe on ete divsionvhtb icn eu Iportaný t rîtisb Columbia. pamphlets.vileS ose-or -ld siier o!f<lic revolulîonudit mut ciie.i. ol at iIIatrn i lis fie ttineiirejint acuae nornsln o Oitwi 81. H v.19yas6beosdys' tebate va. cier e tc Omnuite LovcIl as. oes ckig bornes. ________________ de ntissul is ol. H e h19ve ure. aeu6ietssIstuting tii9 Word de- vbich bas blicebis For pamphletosuitd fardier Informatise dom. N. . MrtioaImsodcafu. or otiicsbionii.' Th Demo' home since is bitlbCRAS <tfiîLSv1. ddes J. Franicis Lee, Goera] Agont, ta toe- n usE.s omit i li vne!112 0enluc.le crnts votet saimnt si ily for fortificra- fifty-two yesrs sgo, bas bee-n RIeire- Pais. Dept.. Ca. Pac. Rai, M i S. Viait avtlseti Ilet r f 81 ere pn Ljd u uet hcao èeil OXN. l as ,(is. u er17: %lor ;t iai an296,916 soltieirs served ixty iens, edaimlng &at the Cay*p-Blil cuaMveanM e.te l le iasaiu- btet Citgo -m day or mare. lh'.peusionet were 30,. treoty vaa deat. T>eReBcçbllmus'otOOd uêttiLegalatire, asisatw tioerme ia * 000 oldieus snd 35,000 vltos<. To tieblie he mmltee-eu intestale sud for- Congresandi Once ranset-rGovernnot. Mrt. Tearo!etirivslrtu.dbai sOstnath si survivor <of lthe van et 1812 bbe Gov- ite. commerce. A motion ta reeimmit Allen sà a markofest leaith. undioflotoNev Tort by John (reeuvood boma'Mr cruen l nv oius$18 ya thaie cbill vth instructions tu retient bacli artiatic baste sud temperrament. Bila homne lu1788. lHe la oMdte bave madete ii NN Wetiet lvoow tha v fige.0OaTo ein - mdanothenblui Il gtic seiccîlon eo heiou tic Meruiact ahRoeli ls one o ebbc tutartificiel telthevet- imniifactelU icDveto euhe b.poymenha nov are $.rote thIle Président vms buried niter mot betnîltul private eîbsiitsi h.cuty 7~ 07304 sd t vtov e Meic an auadverse msjolite ut &2 ho 171. country. He issuuacoetihied amateur-- UOllO5 81.07.On dia Union ite tic The passage of thlie Nicita canai bill photoraphes, and vboa lu ongresi ho oeilletonnereth e civil van veto 2,776,j- by theBlota.e toc. net nmantat the ielli oait freqneablî pomaisplographO os 89 34. 0f tiee thene tlet la set-vice3M.- viii heconie a 1w. À Wpthi>oiorre- Mimbars comph5ccmhil aecjiug tbhg 941 1%he pensones paît on sccouer o! spoudent delare tatir1e Selatt t'il ROnet elimbe autoffe le isrbute gratia- ha îr amofeu ho e t b h iI, session.. andmay net con- aIsII aroundthie sait C',ngreyunna ath ~e vilwrcnovout 23.00,000, aider I.L Mr: Heplauant ev vieiese- districts copie% ofth1 e ldsputabieestv- a" te» re ow n1te pension roile cuset the cosia-tien of bis bill lu thc dence of their vaîciti guardianshiluof * dW&W 901,519 ererns ant vidows. Thea Pen- Bloua. tbsbt te cansi commisiotn duO net constituenbs inlee al t le .as *jouera violedicOlstd srnmert r4-tegrd it as geloopeiy tapasossbill ILh scultivatet masici ,sud on excrlhent oeil, At the raeshec veteransarse yiug. ratîl there are stlsfactoty negotialiotis speakes. -eue Itin laestmatet. thiere viii ho a redctboa 'eti îiagesand OostaaRico t0acceure et t. pnalolo e 80,00,00 lu thetc rigt ni vaY. rliase nextistions ase The superosacent that Mlies Ais «te« leuers, alttie more Ilan eue-aî nov golng on. snd Ibis Goverumenr in aotRcefirl. nyamteidugto oS hn resnt nnsi pprpt-sbiu. residy te dcclate n lu f t!hbe Nicr- o ofphn 1). V Ocefelor. lantoainarry Pst- gua route unil itilhas assurancesa liaItlbmale treutice. s P&Itlkthe, UUftMd- M glise. the prenant o.. et oh noney ovas cou secune tihe trlorytyhiro5h viai ' Young Chicago lav- &cagnyla.4d msu hi*î a4eplein a1800 thc Unite Statre bas lM- the caai lso ta aou fovorable ternis. ye, vorti $10,00t), malSe a grand total or 118,11,2621,108 ia TheBronate. tic costýepndeutl Me i erve ta rscala 07I&a as etref eui cotaes andI cher o!f<lie troaty maklng power. aid vii it b 0ose heBochefe- tsa-s oftplp -cu elc. oe!wvig $7.-refus« e e atfy 1h. HayPouaaatOe W MLr A =G4 ba ba s rst< treaty oor &edIII, b ctnof coustotnlY m"ie - tinleasing outoltndine 901.XI7.- enset legisht io iieldaime&lula - I&et ina* patmospete .- . 01. oi uéoSblamee i at o stion et tbe nid Claten-Btiivot trente. ,,4 opiheqr, bbeî ver.tâg lucIplatin, anBd vat proportion ef lb Tii. men vho oppoedthbecHepburn bil inute sor@ n et eal- d mdcmdko* wh ï, lastie . pevmsmnhll ]et, vontont- or tise Bouse assert tbat thie modificaton ofe! IRlovedtu .pick hein -l L--A ltCRM a w . c .boeau pâli ho conlcctnred. Unied tic ClastOn-Buiver treaty is t-- --t- tVs ODELUos n Sushando. lies- tes t.or-aftelcictahave beau i.« proper shelta thbc canl IcgIltJtin. sic, iii. *001 te msrry. telilualove vitb*,h- te alloat of ,0,8.Od-utProf. Chatle dIront, vho lectures ln IM 1.72bas haies praeat ete- AOHNRDRBL ILE hcg li.s t thle mont lihoral pIoleariug 834.081016 nuint- FhIIIiptmos'TwentlVitttime t Catimbaentat. be vam not Worth more tIbsu - sI.t a - a -l'ultter m i la dadj.epotilta tO Avenagetib:Ceusaada,. $3,000 vbeu he marrieti ilssle Rock.- t s. t...,BîW yb&t felier. Tic second dsugitct, 1101h, mat- asm1enoft rebici a i eilsd-. Fnrtben tetails <of the ighing nt Cobu- 1 -theMcorako!Ciceofot-fl ,but. stritinit an ancragle lu tieQI. ubg. IsînnO <et Satmar,.luii ihitvnty r'ed Harold MelSj"7 tof Chicago, tour -Yeff jean of bbc tressury experts si1taicheAmerican.t vere tille and <vo votuded. rears ago. -efw afatewiebdok aittuin reels-t. ht-Fmederick Wblliîni. crove in ince o!f On. tp witK fi&. Every urne u value of grêectbacs ooabaantig jI.noet ison of Cstubîg. Islaud o! Samar, con x" mW mtisnhbn$33.0000009. a»d lagrovisg uîsbîng :tftlirty aveu lconging tu tic Germnti, vihas, nchldbis egteenth nt S-a1d st-molleeery yesr. Forty-thitti reginicot. vas sîtactet îy birtiday. làa asoidieri> roul . iitng c a" Z rebein. Tventy of tie Americans wev ùlioo! us fathet*s - -Seke etero esnsvodnIi tid. Tic temoaiuden vere reâcuet. military spirih, aoei au u Ed ytm m Mr mb at Osashenr-y wabiug stick. He vas Tic Autericatît acre quartercd in tirebs ee dctenil __ YMatm 4,cl d fhWPIPeO m 9*l SIt* to-Mg t-ans îa.bWs-kae- tunaet aticettie of Sui, onthe Cpttnbig (2bunel hi, l hie e ifl,7.nm . adirect,& bel£t & kno ia mw e .gtl or kdIf iniue kg va cu e d Ui bttlfilt berinc see-roh uli bdiia mn, surrounded viti cvcry alen' face "l d utsc M c sbigehti. d ta tee C S.("RB OuP.issVls Ue5Ocu as t W %10BaeIls !.Te u gel[ o e sbat on irceilatita.t.The Atneni'as,-tio t10thie art of A4 E4tel s&I IfyxAna la ta sae bis lte. 'Ilh surgeos mailea bad dflercel ottai- d. war.Hieareye- ckW SEeie bosost la mq 8*cLB& Std pe"y &M ancotIy s. gsrBud*0iiàott mss lio! Itlievodt mcver hesiet anti fouglt for liso days ondt etie irebel.t. i ee, et s üi su d Is se y a" 5 d l t e p srr'b s ehu ujc.t 0 out itttlt ltu igie the roof o! th b en lt blanc, ta W illiam - oh peakn p gbJic ed a mtiur rn isandomi llu ell o Il., w nthle E- detet0i75sVd5â55aSIaS~ mou Iv yenusag: Ot tateccsit toe s ithe icedifice. 'The wals ne petO vs Ifol Pots etraisrsdhW*eul" cage lbe derline rubrbilte cher >sud st upon amincti intact. howev<-t. andi ver, tis<t as o azir, sAittlo-t the poràcng ablediretingthe sur heiten îs the bèsieged Amrcrcans for to! a.nsaofgthA pi lm i'.,t s.t lcoertnsli. iecitbles r sne tiys longerth lie -icusattacii-grpohieE' iftbeauu 1.' «NIi.lieisus ct-olîit tctiidu naist.~ ~c.Tcperor at 18 ilaimot indltlngulshshile e5.514 k ?m m geons- As ithe tefrer-rolîrations ebidn nalsdsa ne ed rat thte tourti ttempt ohoubdt i l miAut,în omttgu iii fottcvnfou n !bcoh t î stcfc smOiii sucritiçt ît ulbniiz at e-dollars ntd docroof thec <hureli. ond dit concere. Prince ,lliaa îat sula.liecaelite olnp lias troubl-i e-,iim mn lt iiinsl 0rdeahta ltr i a su% e 1 wb. opertiou wot peror jela ctiinaet ial oset 2X) o! thelat,, atb o n hindi, a bt' ertua el 41M lessa uInce te peaton asp ,fori cvre kiliet, tmans tend biI bling ne- a-. is imlperiai sire. oolasau expert mos-eltfraint tic ateut. o!thetIiting. After ise ditys' rteistance by lits.Amen. Lord Thomtas Brass-t. via la .sota0es m1uy. ..s'uctsku.5s At bhe cl~o e bct fiscatal ycar tien, irons a lieutenat ont iglt ierarriet le satet for theI, lit dci embassy a et~IEa V-5v 's ere 2,61-à rilw'y mail roules, o! a total f rom Laonnan sd eigageti the hsiegerg. NVashilsgtou on tie logeagor 176,726.910ilsos-en vlicli who ticreulion retiret]. Tiheforîunoe an- eitos PauncofoSir l De-tiecmaol cars tras-ce isle est 287,51. ,-rivah o! lem»se t,',orceiiits pcienlet n is faîl i ee O.A 211.21 mil". Thc Goyernmengt poilfor tonheonnihiationi o! tic Amerinctiforce in-ittei 2 t h the nmiwsy post.Mi car-us $4,175.724.86. trenchet ini tiec cirt-Li. bo badtrepelbei ten t Gts-rnor 2c.5C R G I mut ft <lie traieposlsbbo! btbchemail@.Il, decittedtato onteiiilet vben otdrtectebenerai of the cul- T n *d u-l uh MatlpO . o ÂAESv ii et o ue $31.,150.8. or a totah to lie aioada do su by tie Fiiipinos. Tie heu sursis- ony0 etO!Victoria. tt lot t o t6117.7.74, whihb as Oan averaga ors vere vithoibout I lad lutile snt.îb j l ie lu teie t lord lugRsiQ .<bp Nvoetniin aaiain miae. etm o 12%, cents pes mile for transportmtion tien anti vene piysically exhouu.bed ns-len or f-stile galtheii __ dd*- sd ota ar omied r %cet1àrlivd.e ;îson of bhe Ve,, T' . -::- o eare nov acting bu an uggressine tian- Inen SeAastïi. tailwaiyconbtore mile for th cors slou. . Tusaflgb us ene..mtsgttthge <jimt-essnKm icuecuso O er and brntseningtst sertinuonfO!the < iot- l ~tt ha uighs- AIMN EV.L E PR.EIUIUMS FREE. DtIsan i. Rouoarh s o!Utmi t o caser, aab îoticuiarly the, tovnofCtsrntn. sdmnistatlio! ofcolonial afa4inluAue- A Y O A UA IE P Robers ut"tub'who ax lieoce the garson viii ptoals bchotrolla Lard Brasses lintaWOU ail licarta anal. pos-te tabotaie is sent lu Cen- rlbdrana 10î.oan. and ùtiâa nerly failet ta evinee lie arr-Thse Round Trade Malta aiI vaiable. A cou~lteprem ium liaI ilil .8bss<on titi grount, liaI he vas aobllg-gance and -prite tuaI l saotten coni- babsebha un is licol- plainetiof lu coonial office-s o! higi NlCtOIt ~ ibbspr«eessor ahouit ho repli.Lord Brassl i 64 leurs old.. *comssefo'r certain et bisatisburrie- r'a, oW*-' RIND ' A s, Miutemde, in the enteaver ho obtaimi Tiiefortune ot Maty Crockerth tirent-Macat~ I lma.Caltfoni&,iClrez, i. ttiresilînAmer- -I Ç ~Ica. Si. bai Jnsb nieoti flber cuiatr- S OM'e Kgv3 U The laor bureau lsaconipletila t-ry cment te Francia B. - hmpotsnb investgtioni homing open the ar, Harrison, a Nei rSOLOZ. J' l -