Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Lake County Independent, 18 May 1900, p. 5

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"v lisyc1es-..~- The--Crescent Bicycle 1is the1 bicycipe on the market for the moi bath ln looks and durabllity.' "The Wheel That Stands Up. .REMEMBER--AIi wheels sold Ibyme are warranted. 1 arn representing the Shoninger and Shaeffer Pi4nos. Corne in and see them. Established 1870. Endorsed by Ileading musicians such as: Campanini Liszt Rubenstein Wagner S. B. Mille Ernra Thursby C. A. Cappa- Arpad Laszlo m many others. C. R. 51ERMANI, JEWELE.R AND OPTICIAN Libertyville Illinois.1 We have a large and assorted line firorn which to sélect at frorn 4 cents ta 20 cents per roll. Carpets... See aur samples of fine ingrains. .We can seil you anything you want in the wair of carpets. $2.oo, Wool Trousers $2.oo Look like»rnacle-to-order goods. *They are the best article ever pffered for the money in Libertyville. F. C. SMITH&SON Butler Bidg. Libertyv ille, Illinols. Ice Cream You can always get it at LoveI's. POPULAR FLAVORS. Pure, Delisclous, CoId Besm Ice Greem to b. ha-i at aMy cost. F. B. LOVELL, - - - - Illnois. -h-ese emavialesa Bicycles. lisCluUiaI eileer rmmuasla,,r Do yoli kuov a <coi tl rîs-unuTlt'R nysi Csmall; Pain sca il? liera te your ch ]talui la thse nuly smedyi thsB affordo visuelfoi $19; 1% SU 0110efg liai elle! Itisa NewmRn la a mucis bicycle fot $19.75. Tb roeap#-ted roitleit o! tis* villatgeiaiis esnpviela but are lu Gray. N. T.. sud maes $lis taatesuen i are eaied ta be. A vril forthie l',nr.tilo to! 01 metaivt Jgunassfan aneyFer .o. .. - PT. à L..#kn u n4à i saiSIwhi. <ao d 5*60 ,IKDUP HERE AND THERE. Local Items of Interest to Libertyvili R eadersi lAmoMuwoo OX NNo. lie.- K:ablir. *ud lys. <,hae. LingRare 110W meti¶a eond . tt ibeir nevisome on Newberry IW.PÂA=cas?. Ait lira. IDaniel Lee- la vimitîug ber ý'A». *.'e41, aiter, lira. Jamen Porbeia, at si. Joe, _s .ldlois. 1. W. PEEUW55~ £..Mr. Joe Hirt viiimetc a barnu 4OX80 *01 1 CM. O lm te bu onthse site visere bis larua vwer, àWo g a iim ,rec*utiy burued, Pusr Ilondont. Hungry> WVheu you bave it you d"n't vaut it. When you dont have it Yeu want it. This may seem 1ke a paradox, but, uevertbeless, it's true. Our oice fregh go id *tÀ croate tihe lîursg feeling and then' Matisfy it. Besides this veaou demonstrate that the mûre money you spondl witls us thse more you Sa1ve. Tri ggs &Taylor, Libeýrtyville - - Illnois. hast I1_ ___ ______.__ t Mfr. John Cao in building a tva' &tory iddton lto itihoute.. Tisleisde Cemstery Asociation viii me@& vislira. A. . French., Fri. day, May Skis. . - 1 Thsa iss Ce astauvisai ntursports go isting asd retauu ilS vondroua tales or liosi look, but no fiais. Carpanters are bumy onlise Interfar fluisis 9 as is. . cisurcis parsnage sud lt amiould bc reàdy lot occupanci iu a couple aI1vea. Levi Witnhey aud Lester M orte put tise croque$ grosudasok of tisa Town "I tlu shape Ibis veis sud are pie- pared l lameensaIl orners. A nev. aigu adoras tise front o! Win. Warouds is értessnthie am BM r. Walroud dma ever hod ta indicate bis visereabaute or Une o! busiuess. The IAdiesAid Boclely viii give a social tn tis lecture room of tise M. X. churcis, Pridsy eventng, May 26tis. Loo Craessud Cake viii b aerved. If blaopeo è re su indicaton Irunitlta la ho pletiut iSta yeu. Tise iraprance viscispeimealesetise air ta lndeed refreshlng. Neyer vs. lie countlry mocre beautîf ni. islta ezpeeted It liste vans of gravelbng Use rond b.d o! lb. lit. Peul1 exanalou taFoi Labo w b.o eum. pleted usazt waei. ravei for tisa *toppingl-vii.i anfledfrom Slpanid- ang, Peur £Ilui.4 A large lto a single bernasses $7.5<5j ga $12. (1.Jil. bcuLêIcx, Llterlyvîlla. Marsissi krouisman issuateiad upon bisi dunltes ils à vili, sud bis expersencail baud la avîdeul îin nany sections o!flise village viserae idewaiieJ mdsly lu neail of repai bave beaun attandes loansd ho con lampistes1 usssy more repaire juil ais son as liea c"aunud lime tu do tise wovansd tisan1 tu au bis owu words la "-golug aller1 tise attiaal." Dlrectora o! thPise iule Aiêoclston ulth Lise biaCauuly 1a. W. A. sud Royal kiasgibuba mtaI Wanbegiin Luedsy aitarnouu tu il80l55Plans fur tise1 cuussy pieuse a& Dinuiond Lake July 4tit. ise premidaul appintail s cons- misstes of lonr, aou siug oUtloban e4d W ankagau, Auderauis of North Chilcago, Lyncis uf LLltsyville sud Pay ne o! lvauisae tu provide ands arrange à pro- grain-. A large lut ai bicycles ciseap. (. IH. liciiAstit, Libertyvslte. Cash.-ltay, vWho le ,MPIOSad by ladie ot! Iakasda Coeery AssoUia &Isuon ttai eetth! ie roundis, valisa sud driveu, boai gea&#y ieatined tisa eameley sita sprlng sud sevetal loudu si gravai voie hiasl Ibis vei sud pfisceil ta lise bats dvantage mader liai dlrecùui. Nu piauler burnyiugl grornnd le to b. tounsi lu liseeuntuY. lisanisata the consadabitteffolata o! mir ladies. Triggs & lIsytara îiellvary rbui-le carne hlgistened Monday wite larry Boites, tisa driver, vas lu Diais,'m11a1ai ivitlsaise giscenlem, and suililnly alrttiuig up sîpped wie agonu cve, sud brpaiusg idocatrou' saine rau as fur sei E. W. Pankiisrta lbruu wiiara Il sLt,îîspad, un, parîciular danmage liavfusg Iusýei douestuer tisaistise diwasa- torture canseilBise trae driver aud esîbequent IJOahilaig" by tise boys 1a viicisha vas.obliged la asumit. Tisefinit auual road race o! thse Amatica Ceiuny WhMae, a nev evaul ofItmportSale i yliug olîclem, viliihoermn an liay l tu10Waubeg!s. Tise course, viiai1l 100 miles, Otans as Chiscgo avenue and gises Ibenos listougis Evauton, Grass Point, Omis Gleu, Wie-ltg, Hall Day. Itberty. ville,, Warrtenitoii, Wankegaui aud te- tutu, iby tisa saine roiit.q. Tisaps-tas lII iKi àarnîunt ta 1S001. lluie3-issîur jiti mous vii start a ab . m.suud tisa owrtcl5nil 1et8 s. iM. "-DeWlt1'e [4111e Eanly'fitseis are îiso 1 es plai er asi," D. J. MasIna AI&- uhyatat u re ... 11 e .-.. -A $7 r122; goosi arse 5>but visaIh., & en biInstng W. C. Acuax. Clrk. »R . F'EIEN§DMHuï, DUTICT COURT Op' *HOIIOE..t0. t an sd ad Tues- day oef Ub pu Hll. xLieon. W. 0. 8a -I1uP.m qeim d 1:3 is p. nt.e mwD5J~tfIfJ. ,e a .syie be**slte lSudinem IL.ILEn i. Pastr. 1.2M. *' T. P. :T6E p.U m. 4:50a. . 1*4a , . 8:41 a. IM. 6a2 P. Mi. t:S56-8amp. M. Ni5r0Jn. 7i ( L v :158hP. i aoa lke .» 5.. M FolLagvl a Aebt 1i :60 Lu ae 61 LAbe.. 8:06lis Fo gae 8:180 Ar 6 VxJSe 6l -4;IntawtIsas <i mi (lento onsplaMart sud aasstitectu t 1 Ireousnsiý chiamberiin'm Colle, t'iolera aud Diatrtsaeâ llasedy," assya Drugglt A. W. ÉlteIe, of Hartford, Cornu.-"A lady custamer, sas'sisg tise remedy exposes foiraie an îuy sow canse ssfid tn sue: -I reslly belleve tbat medicine saved ay file tise pli@ssentmesr visile as tise abore,' audise became en entiutîlcoyat itaseit tisat 1 at; once suae up my immd tb reciumeud si l tise future. tsconly a <entlie. man -a.eita sMy oaln o vetoome vils canfle palsbtio besaisaoncle ta tise foot. 1 gavefilm a dome o! &ise reuupdy wviisss elpqd lai..I repetaed- tise dose sud tu l5ftequ Minte« iseloft My lstote aniiingly lu- formlung me tisat ieafit lui veil as. ever."' Sold by F. Il, LovwàL, Liber-, #l'ville, .J. b. BuiCUsu, nreea, P. L. W»sT»usiN. liseeller. OuAta- .Qts.Jubtuies>! tise lPeace. Crosby, lii.-.. inuit-sitisa Fiisswing 'tatCmaist: .-I ensetify tisai Ooa muite.Congit 41ns-wil d<' &Hithis n i ltsu.d for I". eiy %vifse cossisnsIgai lier'br,'th aui tisatirat dose of il reltevesi lier, IL lia. sica beucetilmy iole lillY il acts lmsmdstely ddeS-osugisa, cnida, oicip,gtippe, OIL4wouelsle stista aud ail Ibroal sud 'Ira. Alice Davis. f Chicags, viso isa been vlsýtlng iser motisar. lira. Svift lise past week returned- homss Wedu5s- the Yung lidus clisolia Club aetiue 'Town1Hll Weduesday evoulug, May 23d. Gond munis.- Supîser viii be s.rved lu bascul. B. B. Eger havlng dispogesi of one car iosd of buggies, rond wagons sud surries. bas ordered snoliscr wviteisl expectad daily. Uai ibsisomae gond bargalus lu vehieoe. 1ev. A. E., Bo11VIII preacis morning sud eVautung at lise Prenbyterlan chutais x naIiunday. Moriug cubjeol, --Chistian Perfectida.' lustise aven. lug, "joisutise BapBtsVs Idea of great- nas." Wrghtst.Bon ca" Oeiliyen a buggy, wagon or tacladuy kiid of a eau. voyance or tarin machines-y ai lovait prices cansient vils <oui standard producta. A "ciseap" aerticle la dear at any price. fi. B. Ege a sd à beièpbone piaced lu bis iarudware aWore thîi veai, bis nuniner belng 17. Wm. Wsiroud alto bas a 'phone et bis uàagbt, nuinier 21 sud R. J. Proclor bas onealns bis isauspv, uumbet 16. Mfr. Lewis Whisttuey, vis a teampioyed by . iB. Eger lunbshieUsop, bis ratad tise Cavenl hbunneuiuw accupled by Rev. Dix, and viii reunave biss lamtiy tiare fromt Alden, la., tm- dlately Mrt. Dix vacslles. Mr. E. becisl Bie Chicago gantlemsau visa laut eeis purebàosad tise Brsîlan lares sdjolslng- hie-'property on Ml-i vauiee Ave., nov hms uaarly 70)0 acres. Wthln thse past aine mantus.ohana puriamd lise Pricesand Brovn farme sud lait veel ise Sraéto ferai, aud la aurions tu acqlre moreland adjoluing Tise Laie ConssBy Cay aud (iravel Compansy have orders for 19,000 yards of gravai, sud are sàUiousiy vallnsg for lise B$. Paul empsusy tlanéscl tisei pIisaih"lhey may gel la vonk ou Bieir orders, ollhoug t iey are nov vorkiug fourteumen, but la s dtasdvanlsge, oviug bc tisa preeence of lise langer gang o!1lise 8St. Paul Com- pany-$. Arrangements for Neaotal Day. Wednasday May l30is, hava been parfected by John 0i. liagasPont, (i. A. B. A de"il roin tis" pont vîli supervis.eBise decoratiou of aaldier'a graves Mlu lisemretsrIeet aILiberty. ville, Damnoud Laike and Ball Day la lise moruiing suddii tise aflernoon Services viii b. isid lu tise Ivaisioo otcis iholiowlng wiicthie graves of soldiara in Ivausioa cs-metery viii b. deaorated. 1ev. Cola viii deliver tise addresa at vanisoe usnlise aieruoa. Lait veai, Byron Colby aaid te 'lrlggs .& Taylor a extenmontbs.ld baller, vich is liboasista is e fluent b..! ave? illeinluLakte 0Cuuty. t tlpped tise sosies atI 1150paunidsansd drsed 661 pounda, or 63 per cent boa!. Average caIlle dise &bout 140 pet cent boni.. Mr. Colisy explains lise remaritabta isuaceai s oad inu Uiscms witi B i nformsation tisé a ie nvet gave tise balter s %drop of vite; aivays milssud Iloi t, andi daclarens ta llaae visa are !arlunst.e enougis ta oecnre a cult rai tise b.ef is question ilii pranounce tl tise hait ttiey ever aie. The itaoftis e sk tirae "aport4" train Lilurlyvîlle vaut taelRound Laise iailg. Upon arrivlug lhey deoter. miued t51mBnilsinowia vr. lise baut bail sud isavtugi pracured a gond auppiy tiey roved about tliirty roda Iroun shore, ogncisotng osesr spateoo weeds, visere for tva banra Biey vere isapt busy pnillug luais, rebatlng sud clâtlng thiaifUes. Thiaitday. isisor or f un, as you please a, s. rloisy te- warded usnd ltsey brosîglit homne 160 as flue liait s s.lonecould desire. Tisa lree --Sport&" eau i viyorn '-tipae'on Élaialsg sure la prove perofitable lu ovent yous ioult $ponu aday at tise Isa.CONTBIBUTUv. lionday'lghts villsg board.- met 1 oaider »l fPosible up offla 1frncise for *lgbllg the village. floever Be fahiit Was40olire- sentagdlfor o"aderslon, s- -11n4 ta the, absence fron Btse village of Bthe at- torneys vWho verci goprefare a malia- factory franchise te ail conoerued, il haïd beau impossible 10 bave Bthe lter attended tb A.M ». lair, of Cfiticgo vs 1010?. the boqualuaBthe In»reata Of àgime- mas, Wiso by gname, wv iaised a franchis., nd su application foir e was preliented, visicisvusretored tu thse commîlitec on lîkisItiresud vaSer. Tihe-meeting sdjourmed vithuson -7 motion belng gallec. but boUs fvsachiae viiie o6 p teroransad.rstiou at the f051 regular meeting, ehentg ls boped deite action viii bie posible. "'Walka About Cicago."9 Under lise brav. capton appurs su futerestlng article ln sundaisChbcogo Ifflume. Tise vritaeeribesibrmp of nineteen mileu framc Waukegan ougisOunrue, Liserlyv"W, Bout sud bc laie Bluff, uoU in nreslUg scenery sud tlling is impressIons of country msud lovus cnroug. 0 bua esuihes Liberle over a fiue bard roSd. Thse Dame 09 LUbertyville la eno tu 0 IatI a àgood Âmeiricau tu- tsevillage, sud'Uhe sgaitI of ise place ta su invitaticn for hlm t10 ay. Perchait on a fiaitridgc loping svsy on orne aide bclie =spanea aud on tise otiser goBaglleaie, fi in veil esaded sud veil boilS. 'tise)bioums« are ouforlge msd subslsulisiasd Uhe visole place prosperua appeeir- suce. Aa ou*e "$MrsBisevillage ou, cames &0 s ruslsushl nlise rigisi isand aide of lise rouat vire a flood metimay lie boiaiusf7 our--cne sucis a seai Aumeries Usa <d. .lor Use flk 0f9LibeBYVM &M 01 c gro native alceis. This tae oe "utselllemulaBs Lie Conîily. Tis end bc Mlie BonIs ba beeu Uiesnoplunch esr, sud lu 181&M aller bc resi! etPrairiedu chien, Ausils Ouimelle 104 htels the tsuai allottled haimeby Usala tresty, Who" thésevillage of Wiimelltnov stands, Lu Use nortsern m»" township of CookCOnly, sud bai bul a eubelsuliallog houms Bie. OUser msllers sMill near shere, sud ai llii, lu lU39 ineong nupeople ha" <ore norli so the open plina a- roula is e upper Desphaeansd 104 Selied tu tise valiey oer visere LibSqlville nov sanea.lu Sisal Yeux lake Oounly vu. cul off .fades Mclienry sd Bise tiret Board of 00mmltonorsaite Libertyvilit for the connly 11a41. Waukofgs wuas ul1411e poil, 4son. mtutina chielly of sa nS f otai tue .month of a eaitemplymloto blaie Michigan. Bal il promiiel beattu Bima the aile by lise river, sud.lise nexB Yemausee cyvwu taien îavar front Liberlyvllle fcrever sud W..i.. galama"e se aital. Tissle wve Ib la iesOossnty lssa, liocalla M«$l et tiseaàsalmov*d baci(rmfé border a u10. Tise houas. 0f1inDl c0Bises.esille seBles arse @mli sading Binlise surrouning eonn"e, sud as nmbeof gâteau =esv alredy éuono thUe «u eyros umr hlsocd. Thory Vite li e se0£4 Io near IberlVIlle. Andibsla tu bu seMnaielse Me rsM or thse masy faites viscishbave gives tise couuly lse usme. TisJetalUer laak., a iléle bodyol voter surrousided by meladoave, sud lyluf a bsII Mile West oofBise main êtreeli of Laiberlyvllle. lB la drained by Wynoops Creek, vioisemplies lto lie Desplabne near viser. e 1.l1it tB river. Front Libertyville go Bocidoul Ihere la a rsllrosd by vistis Béhe oio nes May mye lis?., milesa!01vsliiug. or Isy witoi ey nm aurel u Chicago. But for tise pedesirsin Biere le a rcdd stralgisl out 10 the souli s multe or lesa sd Uses 1 Use fl ef rsiu isafte river ssTl nohrml. here taauisur visg nesr Use bridge, lit ilsveet snd, bultisehvaSer. beleved- ta bc medicinal by LtbeijtMfl 1k, ta lll-aulted la Use paoulea of Oiencgouus. Fox Lake to janeavile. Warkaun tise Liberiyville exleumion of thS t. Paul rallroad front ox«LIae, la jauesaville a inausVpr0re. From laut veek's Havarud ltdlW*e clip tise fofloving: Tisait gleslt. Paul rsllroad company anov loun buliaseanevtdeiscet aBWal. vorlth Already imnnare-on Bhe grouad suddBise wvo f mskiag srosat li.d viii cobobgin. Thq. wite BenI- of thse rolrond camp lata imiiar to Use eoe.oaIreieïlta of Walvoli, s one ta airedylocal lautBie voode beiong- lng ta W. O. Clarie. miabll for Use nev rosâintabetng dravu £rom Darien: Mfr. Vilander, ofi. Peal, ihmalie con- tract for elgis miesof IlU nev ro.d b.d constructions. vih commenes it the stage luinse thUe viclnily 01 Busseilasd extendi noribveel. Tesastere are valeil sud good vagon ara lu aigisl. men viUs Iqma can gel $3.50 par day sudauY sud .au lu ga vielutty vWho aire iaokiug for vènis aisoutitgo au ouso. 10 Use nrlîrosi mile. T-lre. and a hal! dollare per day menua $21 s veei. Tisewvite toteamare aso amilia near lRicismond sud north o0f Rébron. Mr. Vilauder expecta 10 bave noliser camp on lise fariof Frimât Lavion sud notore a feu, veeba tiser.viiilb. a raliroad camp here aud Biser. &long lie réafiraad mite belvees Foi Lake sud Janeatllae. Notice. Tise i,11sartyvllle Hlgbvay Commis- sionars vili recelve bide Jue 2, 1900 et 2 p. M .-taor tise llling nt euet end or Btinuley baridgre. Tise commlasioneis 'ue5t1oflS Tiseutue dwre. ihingo oasyoisrslf vien you enter a store. % e . Quality, tise Prices amitheseervice Ri1htr Our prucs are lovest t"atcam b. mads. quelity conidsrt&d m my of our customers il tell vou tWhtie quality lu tthe higiseeth Ie servie. les.m goo as conscientious ami experiîeùnceblp cau maeIs.Ai AMs another orne of our ways of do4ngbuslases. s to urg you 10 Winmg.or @scm Iscis amytiing yco tiim le wrcags Tise vonst Isariyou ram do dtue store le to e hepse. thig oct 0" N. V e Isq t recelyed tise hMW stle a hitVau. ~ to S25. Al o carpets.lainhm t agnam Md cosoriage. Our sj1" are &ni of tise asobb* eptineofLavas, Perales. et. Set aur latat Tollet SeÙ4tstie prttiest Yet becgist oui Buy yow rGardesStc edi e.. me Be COLBY &-Co., DRALCRO IN £vgotiTHIN Libertyville. ,,,Boys' Wash SuÎt'. A smple lot of Boys' BouseVais&"Ais.sues4 te 1 excellet qumlty. Mmd spndldy nma&s»d timnisi vi b. soU at lms.tisashall atuelVa lu. Te subt, M, mad. irom AIL LINE - RASH I id Strlms md. PlainColor. Isite DucIs. SWIW d md Chbed Dur icu.. Moet of thte ots vertma& oSH mm bos$LSO 10 53.oe Boys' Linen Crash md Duck Coats, 50c ed........ 65 Boys'Crash Koc Pinta .........1..... I BoY'ad Mes cresHRate.l5C and.........20. Boys' Long PminlaGuy Vool Kmrey with Mach strpes,00 OOvaues t .......................I 25 Boys' Vool Ko.. Puis........... ...25. The P air, Libertyville - - - liQ The Lake County Telephone Company .... CONNECT& WITH.... The ChicAgo Telephorme CompanM H ave yau a 'phone in your residence c place of business? if you want ta b. up wlth the times you -$houi have. The expense la nominal. onlya few cents a day. r IformsIU«,.rts. et, wfs- CONTRACT DEPARTMENTO Lake County Telephoe à pa LibertyvillO, Illinois. 735i555iU5#OMM" 3 Important Ida Klein LibjLrtyville AMB116-

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