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Lake County Independent, 18 May 1900, p. 7

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uty summowd at "yfMd mat lel vateS st WIL 1. oo4a Olrsspsril wW on. sbocam # rOI reitr. te th 8e lo Abs Saaqllee il aeda ta o-r Sal. trsihi @m saithe b.mua- cia, rvs 34a softhteibodY. Il giu umt rafrahsal aeep aud Im- part*jaw 1ut*sMd tlg.r. Inbte aprng 1 u-pd at noapeite sud u-old feel tlred and - ithouit ambition. Took ooaSarsaparIla ila malildoses, lu- erniag as l. peu- tronger. That tireul feeling latI me ai I fet better lu ever way." -W. IL Baker. Bot 96, Mlford, Olale.Reniember I. 1h. eat àiçdkleè Mney Can Bny. preéiMreg by C. 1. f006 & Co., Lowell, Mass4&.mold by ail drugglsîs. Prie. q4, 0f Tire UV" Mira. Yougpp-Dear, ne muet get eue of thomeburgar alarma. bir. yoaagpop-Wlsat for? lIrs. Youigpop-What do yeu sup- pose? Yaa kuow If any one trios t0 break Imtolte bouse Il nlli go off- )gr. Youigpop-Yeu, sud nake the baby. Nt muc!-Phlladelphla Press. Wesatled, MIain., Nov. 27. l"0. The Gnesee Pure Food Ce., Le lRay, N. Y.: Gentlemen - Having naed jour GRAIN-O for the past tIre. monhm I tiiotglt 1 would irrite aud let 3ou knoo kor much good it bas doite me. Wbeu 1 was zwey on mi vacation liât animer the people 1 viaired aied me Io lry soin. CUtAI.N-O. aud I dranksnome, but 1 didut ike JIlt ai, but bthe more 1 drank il lbe better 1 iked I, and non i wouid't drfik suylbiug .1.'.. 1 nouer nelîlard ave! 106 poun uaiat ninter 1 was dowa te 103 pounds. sud non 1 t ogI Junt 12(), and I urver felt btter in ml lIt.. Il gin«a me an awful appetîte. sud Maltesumetroug. lla 'bing me mure good tha* auytblng I ever Inoi. ad I wôuld recommend Il te every"ati. lonra truly. mIas. 020. R. BROWN. Unaleationel. Tobacconlst-'--Hold on! This quarter FOU gave me Just naw la pluggpEal Custauarrtsrning-l beg your par- don. lu-w« an acident. 1 thougt I bail dt'apped Il In île.contribution plate ai chpfeh Ibis mornfing. g.ne, ia 114.tb.~ 1 et evt'ry Il mi ini, B. e ln- bet-lb-- I a. At Ir Ait liraI - imper -fors t114 in te- hlm rhe-î . bMstmb inuant forJ sudS huer apeOiplas )in Pomre, eMt Juan a. "Whe i as nm And »eo S. There * a poniier *te! Very a"i te it 'd barol A go gu, sa. of. ly mtiS, ant- 0 no go01t v aur top>- mn s don- ire. Jnudge] h. bre ge kt ponder âge, sud opesd Il tteed l kas le anu v for tot- g,0of slied kgf ot lin- shies, lut- capble et rday anîd re Ine cel raon Mûrt thon w-alch i ln gottie netionam I mil wii- ha* sertIr- ilrly.s la Ot Ner cmnuade a tue ruade- rdayv nltk ie Blagua 2e.000-.w the Cien- Jcairo lasn n of lis utc and e'x- ct-m liki- id instular bas glura dom-iag th. iii tie ce- titres, a-ar. )l alta-ud- rom 4,145> uSers. Al1- teachu-rs expo'cs. rear rm--h e lsiaund 1 re luth- S étatem. as a piscC f a, cailo OU la rh-h, oStages- tued pli)- ouft îînd sulil nid s of S,4O3 aint con- ewée cosl Coa. mponyl eOcf Ha- r , tas psy< ailfie lefli allir dei. a k 'iltd carl Merls, th. e ujuasr, hue pthe s blàorror for uailiboy eonfedel!a155. sud Do Wounder. On eue oecoele hwra performlng la London. aniS ber-wlbng baif a crowu tramn on of thie guee, b. placed il ln the. conter ci a aage- The Idea cf tie trick ras for the. cala la dlsappear a land ndIls wr ylIsote pochet Of a ycungster aI ans. distn train tue stage. 1fr. Hertz, aI ibe prap- e? momsent, calloiS upan a boy hIDthe crowd ta produce, uli'nintuinginel pockels for a monto or tu-c.nue ile& eyea 5-cre turned upon hlm, lie boy at lest Ilsbod out a quauîIi O f arnal change. "Heres brwo and threepdnc-islfpeu- ny. ir." le siiauled; "I poatt hbrely. 50 t changed that balf-ronu FOU gale me,"l T5e Lake Shoeiu'eNeu Tain. Tiihe ewHugland express. Frin ChiI- ton neit day nt 5 p. m. 'ftmougl aîeep- ers. diulng car, buffet, smoking aud Ih- brmary car aniS cocl, Fuslli nfarmation nil l ee t intorest 10 tbose coulemplatlag au caotern sommer Iit. fWite iP. M. Byron, G. W. A.. Chicago. A. J. Smll. G. P. & Ir. A.. Cleveland. No Casse ta Wora.y 111 uppoa." tesaaId. as iller Undu- lated &round thlia.hl, lbatmy notbier rouliS bo art lly norrled If 51. ltner I ras bore, Shie'a nom-y religions. and bîlaka Il la a tamrible in te dance." "oh,. never ualnd," the girl aliS "She wouldn't knon sou wrme dancing. oven If she sr jau."l-ýClaso Times- Herali. Fr - o auetead tuWestern Canada Write fr ropy of Western Canada aniS fritivil Columbia pamphlets, wîlch con- tain usafuI and accurale information for iboso' sockiDg nen bone. For pampthlet»ansd furier informaton aiidrcaa J. Fraucia Le. Oerai Agent, 1a&«. Dep.. Cis. Fac. lty, =2S1. Clark atret, Chicago, "DIS your rite scold rien Yeu came home mc late last nist?" *"YuU dont khon nIatIItlalnte bave arIte wbo ras once a seloal teaeiser. Sla' almply muade lmt, rte 100Ulies un a slale, 'I mulsýb 1e at lame by 10 u'clua-k. "-Non York iVom-ld. Asir Tour Dernier for Alleu'&Puai-Ras.. À powdc-r te usae loto jour 3110e». Iltresta the feet. tiares corsa. usinIons. aisolien, ilore, l101. Calio. Sehlue, sweslIng tet sud ta,- grownsgNus. Aniea ioot-ilal maieS De. or thaSt sf055 ssi. 14010 brmlldfiglots and shoe torrs, 25e. saMple maauicd mit£al. Address Aile..ë. Ulsasîed, L~e goy. N. Y. A Belgtai Primse. Tbe Itelgiau Goveramielst Offergas prize or 8i1.000 luany une WIa nîlI discover a a'bemical bIsaI îlI lteotlb place ut wbhtepboapharus la match- maling. ________ The phriasers aIut ahlgtOu -ýOn May 19. 20 aniS21tIthe Big Four.' C. & O., nIl oil round-trip excursion tickets la Washington aI ane.tare for round trip. For moups, rates, etc., aiS- dmes. J. C. Tucker, G,. N. A.. 234 Clark atr-est. Chicago. Neeaa$choos Chîtlre. ln MIexico acboal children are alîcu-ed toa sioke In acboolbheurs rbttn theu lesosaara neil pm-pared. I do ual belleve PIsa' Cure for Con- sumoptioli las an equal for cougas ad colda.-Jobn Y. foyer, TrWty Su pringp luad.. Ilel. 15. 1900. L'ou Cu twstaiPalace. it requlros over $300000 a yeai ta rua tle Crystal palace ln London. and Il bsreîy paya ltsolt. Carter» ek Sa th. ea uk made. bot no licarer rosnatth. pouesnt. Bas the Largeat asic ut &onjloikla lt.he ndI. Great Bril a@ as hirty-slx service- able baIlle saipa and FranIce and Rus- il bhlrty-elgll. A chicuinler tarin ut 1,100 acres Ia tho lateal Lawrence, Kan.. projocl. There arce W.000becs unatile CitysOc Paris. Bivar se ic cdten ttii, a1mg Cal16sal go daofb. pàaly finalceep. aMd ste tired &il iiclime? Ae Low is'il vii yoursef?7 la your aîcauïlqpmgaway.? Doyoif trembile e5se jor til 0& raf.do 78 o e u lnsd aslp. su Lve y.s lest Il ,bifisa?7 That's SprinDio Ncsrly evcry onse ucedsa 5good stgmedicias edicr 16t vdi removeimptirits tem tieclmtreagý&ticat digestion. mdi 5 ing ck tic 014 force and vigo t thte -Ameve A perfect Sonarsi s jut sucksa uedicine. a sàispsaiat contins tz.Ic ia6eta1 a? uinai- gredicie; *aasparilla accoritely sud csrfolly madc. snd one tisat ciperieace bas miaou-a u perfect i.a "Q.7y-.Y. That's ÀYED' «Thefl Smi-Sa'flBut aier Nnle puma supervIsin c cm oe bouac: satinâM ais h iouaq.s adirnie émobry, sud a a ut a e ile. ,-lmr paiy consUeS Ihat AYWIIoea asuisandS Milabs ve m yllM, - a. ais. - fnR .u 1m Y L..1 ikt L .5 lthe Imm . SOM, A72ICÂN Win TIlIRD STAM Epv THE GREAT OONFLIOT BEGIN&. Lard naherW Arany Nen Adisealas loardanPretosis-Eue's ght MSts 1urly, but Are, Gudualti lare.ed maek-PnesideatMatau I.the Field. TIc ihird grest stage of the Sonth Af-- racn anrm-began rien Lord Roberts le- gan bils advanee froua Bloemnfontein la Pretoria. Th irs IrIstage maslesaiS to oxlend- tram lise ieglnanug of the nar last October to the arrivaI cf Lord Rol' erts in South Atrica. The. seond la- ludes lb. relief t Kimbemley, lhe cp bure of Croaje aiS the occupation of Bloemfonein.' AniS non afler a long mest at tle lFroc State capital Lord Rab- erts anas tereti upon lis tuird tage nhislhasnas Ils goal the capture cf Pre- tora, tue capital of the Transaal. Betore th. pressa i mtsh dvace lie Boers are fallin a lainlagood ariSer ta saine point where lb. nature of tie ground nIl ensIle then te oppose tiair terces to grester advantag o 10hes.army af Oea, Roberbs. Juat siiere bhe Booms bave elected le make Iheir sansd la un- kaown. but il la practicalsy certain thaI front that pont on ta Pretora5tuey nU dispute ove?! inch ai tue nal nIiLord Roberts. Keantime tàere la né new. tram Natal,.(Ian. Buller mîgit as reil le In Indus or England no ortam-a active aperaliona are concerneii, lut doublest lb la passive Iy Lord Boberta' niah aiS wil rage an sggresslve campalga rlien the proper ime cames. Tihe situation aI Mafekng la uncbsaged apparently.. The Boers are tifl besleglng il, nule the. plucltj garriaan t'll hoISa oui LThe rosing of tle Zaud river iy tue Brtish appeara to bave been affecteS meoner thonaeontue mont sanguine ex- pecteii. Lord Roberte' adraîsce farce, eorlatiug Of fron 10,000 ta 12,000 inoanald mou, baliSes infantry, smtiler!ý and tue naval cotingeut, appears ta le snfficieitiy poweyful te, overwielin anr uBitho ie lurgbers cau oter. uiOn Sdsejpiaatreading In lise dtail@ ocf tis.forcing utf1e ZSua'lu thle clan et t#e lBoers la the direction of Kroa.slad. The saines oftutruing mare- -mils deviaed 17 Lord IRoberts seemed ita strike consternation Iala tue hearts of lie lnrghers as ring atter riug cof their army rams hattered hi lb. charges of th. Brtish cavari andS monnted la. fantry. Tii. Boer- lie. as Onng tweuti miles acrosé th. country, but lthet dieteasive executlo a s. dan. y the. sr- tillery section et ai gons. The.East Lanucasirme saii Sussezregments, under Oea. Tuclt.r, maSe a da* on th. Boer artilleriats, anS lu the face of a m-kiai Sm r trahe lslbery campellei l e lnrgh- ers ta retire. This charge completed the vom-cu ofthtie Bor. Tiseir main teench rwu captured ad al thoir positions an lh. ridges coaunsiblg lh. advanre fel lnto the banda cf Lord Roberts' men. TIh. censorahui maltes Il impossible foi Loadonewri eperts ta figure nitlb cs tainty uhat mr le Oea. Bullem-' pro- gramn. Gemi Hualer's dvînce north oa Fonrteen Streamas itu the. PMafeing r.- ler ecumu han boen unnnterraaplci. Il r nIl aot le aurprlie la tlearu tIat tucrs base bees su Important engagement ai 'flamîsac«haries.Il la reporteii thai Pi.esdent Stern la in commad of 10,000 -Boera. Gens. Rundie snd fBrabata.n faclng Ibis fore: d It la nid tuaI SteYn'a. division la at cr Utquatllng'muek. Tis ari ha been «sslerP Part cet tue alate and tram Bar rlsaihl. He la alto reported ta have got d men tram the Ladybrand dittlm-lc b, e Boers eldeutliy canaiSer il important lu checklt h adrance cf tue Britishlo Ito Seneltal, l'kbnrg maidBethlehem dis- troies. n l: Soutu Atrican Itevien asserts tust il1a menabor or the Ieidature of Cape Col. ony offered mooey ta a man lu shoot Sir Alfred MIner, île Britishbigi eomis. viener. i CHIARLES A. TOWNE. Charles A. Tonne, acaminateii 17 tue Popnlialsat aiounx Faut for 'e-Prm-- dent on the ticket nut W. J. f ryan. ras bora la Inglaun Counly, Michigan, near tue cls 0of Lansing, torty-one years ago tant Ocîcler. Ho graduslcd in lotI thte acadernlc and ian courses antue Univer- aty of hMichigan. lu 1804 ho na-a given the. Repubican congresienal nomination for lie Duuthl district, and ras elected iiy an onerwbeiaiue majorils. ln thie *arly nommer of 1M111 e declam-td hlm- self in fanaur of fre iliver, lu tue fan b. waa uominaied by thce )umocmats and Populiste a tiir candidate for Congress, but ras defeateul. lu tIc ran I 188hb ras again nomînatoti by tle tusioniala, anS ras again defeatcd. In lie summor or 1898 he ras clowen ai national chair- Mlan of tle silver Repuahicans. POSTAI- FRAUOS IN CUBA. iFormer Tressuela RetSdonuRahex- alemnct Carge. Charles F. Neeley, fornirly roasurer et tue FoaboMeec Deparumetln Cula aniS nar In custody lu New York, le allegeiS ta have embezicti $36,000 af Ooverument *tnSa. During tue last tour montua, t in cbargt'd, tIc sbortage lu tue aggregate ha@ neyer talien belon Ihal aum, aniS tisa p rior tu the begannang of tle year lthe average vuas nci bigiler, It la also chargea> on sutuorli. leieved te le tm-atrortbs tisat ince JIly cf ast jear tie Goverumeut bas ben detrauded et nêarly, $100.000 ou stamped paper alune. The culprit or cuiprits are blie-. ed tu have receined m0uthlY $28,000 and te have accounîcd for cnly $113000. The acnons orflise sm-mest of NeeIey in Rochester, N. Y., ras thetilret intimation tu tele Hvanu publie tisat allegeii frauda b.id been discoveru-u. Ollicialis, honorer, hail beau nestigialiautfor salue Ine through tue ageucs of Col. furgon, tue insptior genersi. The. coloneltonS f aira no aeriously Involvedti taIesode- - rdeS to go te Washington 8t ance sud ule a ýpersonal report la lb. Govert- mot l.Il la believedi lbe sileged trouée wUiidvolvea she o&cia inSlAoaua*s Casplste Tia-Vp et Use t Louis IS TYS ,,il CpOMF'S Line.. on. ofthe Iaset i stsrikes lu tue, hie tory ef SI. TLous asIinanguraed Tnee day, whien l pursanre uof action takes at a mass meeting. 8,32M eaupîoyes ofthIe St. Louis Transit COMPsuY quit nork ta compel lie sccepllie ôtcf udr de- manda previoud ull at'nlied. TIc salieut tp&tures of the men's de- manda. rhlcb tise tratutit Compsany re- tumod tu grant, ore brie-lly as folows: Thot ail cotducton, l tiitatilleil. giPuiiti, aud ail men emplojed l111bethelnabohai be couspelled ta b. mornuur, Of the unon; lIai the officeua of bh' unionu, tugether. wltb tue oicet's of th-'-unPHIiy. "bill bave full ps'.? te sdjii-t ail dlfferi-ncel tht mes arise, sud haot intle eveul of Ibeir failing tho Xrft"-4111i.-if omittilii &greed 1, place liaS cae bufore thra-eac- bitralor». Tho st Y ls%-auoîaî'atd by tht union Wahi!be su.tru y listue company, nilliout psy- UntIl -u-li tit'as tue union reqnegs hiu.r-n-staenlt Thot auy mon eeeed Vta"suOffice iluIlie union requiritg ie bis leî'for otfmore thon on' eorp», %alal, jpi. hin retireiutn froin sul oilice, hava- h-i,,d place sitia bbe Company. 1 Prnclia'aliY evory car lt- in St.1114oui ras lied uop. The Buburliu use, Ite culs anc in the cty Do t a ori rtheîe ixlen' nive St. LjouIs Trasit sulli YSs tet, au, m-u Crsfor severuuli h,,r', liat later ras compelluiS 0e loia t a. - an aeir men rer, pulleul off th,. - rs br itrikers. Du-spile tIc polie. lIer- ut -ru-%% id ,ru'es of disarder la tie vers iui-uru o? te uil'lsi' noas section, Motoirmen aloui ondqi-tona rome tonod ud anil ves f roatiheir a-arge whiie the pasoeongerg fttd turriicd sud preferred te ola i te big treurio ut -îes- Irioss hicI poured in froni aver stsreuti 10 tle office-s aud stnrasý. '%oiviolence Wou ot coaftied othe na- ai- one. waîn- o nd sudelîdren wno , niutstiizs'd with tie strikers humled a51 i-v s ndepithets Of coulempt ait Iose Mu114, tied lu bsndle tilt'cars. ThousatîdsofSIe o. ns 'uffared the inconvenieuceO f nut liviîfug tran"Otla lion fsciliitiez. Aàuaurity W.usLked te wrmk Wedaesday, -hile ohers roule richsor presse l mb use vehii'le'u oft 1- ors description. Owrrtrof wwogolia tara- ed mna sdollar b3 tu-nspurtiaf rel;b- dets la tue outijisa diStricts. DOwruý towZl sud on ever treel alariat tht' esrly bours tuer.rag tula- si-en sauoaslaal prociession of noode*criait vehuý-leg. The staminrailroads entring 'the i-aIs froan the norqb, .utmenti diiw-t brilautul011by pitting on aditti nilruîiu sud nakies Rlaaeroua stops. The St, Louis Tra-ou 'Companysioeal sud opratease»arîs Iil e street rail- trondUlinos lu tuaï Cils. h bas more tisa r3W0 miles of strest rairsd îmack uonier S ia. control amidl esrries more than 100,' 000,000 passengera a yesr. PaitcallY 9tue ctir. population of St. Louis is de- -pondent upen IL. Empioved on ihiir cars and in the abeda the Si. Louis Transit Company laad 9.000mes. mont Of Whou' bolenBged ta tle Amolgsmaied Associa lion cf Street Car Eralioyes. For the prtiseul rear ai leataiti seoma sie 10 assumie thAl hlb ading parties nl ding lu IbeirBills.. A. candidate for ('ounty Tru'u'uuîmer at Jeffersonville. luîîi - introducel iii bis campaiga li ne luIty of tunalu aekilg by phonograpb. Tibere in an active movemoent ia 'Mis- issippi amon e liii- iilaaau oward1 soine measiare for tacresaldue ihh- tuail nuiniler of coitu jiiiillts in the- Stale. Th'e voter, aI trittit'. Kan., tu-ia a vet ato electt'd îuauyiu'îî tut11&ratlthemuiiali offices. hanve iurneî.-t eru ntouibei'uaue luey dia> nIaI liae uromiseul b ia, lo elare they goainii. The Virijis t.eeitartre îdopla s -- oltition callit ipon th îe IniteviilStaes Seniui9rs fronai b:i; itatstla' in "tluielr a ruustilutionai .ameuniint iirtha-cl,l' tiop of Senatoru. 1, lie people-. The ltcpubii- î-îtIdîao tulîl hulu jîleý State cauzuii ut 5Biseîutl 17é. A (4overtor .ieaîîute îlta-cir Secrelary oait Sut- uand Aturîa->laiir are 10 bie voleil I.: in Noveiuîiýrý Sonnee iig tiatiîrpiv',tees wl-,- uîailaln thie e ui iî: of i 'Clak. EsSiitl Faulknter of W--!'irginasluokeAI li-r Mc. Ciark's ilu i--.,and eci eilotirEl naatidu apris'ii-iNam-,alîui A untion t=: î-rnaOoitii-.u-uilth'. meubcrs ofr1il- lt uu'yit'a1 it-0il tiir- vilu-a'Ataociat'.tiandi iitIhe ali3 u111 Baltriillefuartu A- l tii.i, iais leeteai 10 aid liitii a ffoci lai rafociai the bllot lauuofat tiiStite lîrniagla the cali - tioi of munber.i i le Legilittire pli-aig- ed 10 suirk lowoii tuait eu'd. Tltere are set a-ut-i faruartraiîîiiufIa-ra insurauce mnn îî tu- llasuchiu-uutts I1,-g isiatiire, oîad il iiiittd qot jait. iaiî- ta' af lose c-i isexiuting ltIu ii tle variug Newt-Eiîgiaad States that sec- Cailleta nesrafithe Legiuiiauttru' tara- bot-tuin hMa',e.iu-uciî ln New lHanaîsalire. su-veu jlta'e-naiit. t uvo in Riiada' Is-hi Thae lidorseiiiaa-iuî y salepibii-an State conentilonlai N.- -Orleans orftCo méa-ius N. Blas 0of New Yorck for l'ire-lcegitlitl on the grovanal îhst ule sa native ait tuaI State la au eeï-a. MNr. fIlas utas torua ai Fait River. Nla:ss.EHo nais ediuaoteul la Nen Orleans.i.ud froinliai uiru-uîta- stance nroe tise eror loto nIchsorine ot bils Pelican parti-out supporters have fail- t'a, Bs lise Fouerai censnus of 1890fouir States aly-Nt-ut- Yorkt, Peanssivaiiia, Ohio and Illinaois fiaud more tlan 1,M10),- 000 male refAdesu. ao votlng agle. TIaere -uilI b. no additlimt iotuIhe grhupî of ,tnili.- ion'voter" State-si 1900,iuesouri, ilicli- igan aniS Texasi. lIc next bigical on t. lisI, bing sevecai iuuuiured tloiîeand vol- era acI short ofal i uilio. lb is pru-tly geuralîs agrua-l iaioag poitiriatas thsat tise totlivote ortflici- counry' tii tu(l t. 000,000 thls y5aOm-. t tiici li(,KlO toi- ltctiu'elynililie au-t ini tue fluir States uf Ner Wrk. 1-u-i il -tI rîunIa. I itiîlos ainîd Ohio. A.Ililldelllil aniiduiidate tir (Conagre- ota thlteîaltaiu- licwkttI 0ouiau-l'i Fotiier of t'Ile -r"Alfred '. iar- mer, is i.hl. ENui-niV. %Morreil. w atigi- $14341 liathe euaîîu-î ii giorsny ut îîid- 'l'isre aîtio- i. a State l'tîiuu Geurgia fai-or t-rhu-andîl uîlîu'M ,.4.1.its la thr inonil f 4iiilm.four se-t.- l adv-itiau-u' iof lthe p-idleullail teleion.ii.]t- ter aitfGuuvrrioir I 'uîler sa ut iaur Sînue aufirà,prainug oti Oct. 211ua'xt. TolaI lu a Pen Lime. McKinley tulil visil Cantona, Ohio, K(talshWillty,.104, Kn.zvills, Tsuao, on. tAfffht'S AUVICEj 10 Bongkt by Joa .Suifer- to OceM. 1- crartinem. "Ikiaam," s5aid the tramp, aas a mld- dle-aged lady came ta thse door lu re- apoinse to bis knoek, "rould you give a poor aid in a bite to, est?" -"Wby." repîlidthe. lady. "you're Cer- talnly able 10 carn a living. Yan don't look very oId." "Loolta are offtrt deceîlful, lady," an- srered. lb.eIvauderer. *"I Sm nid enougb 10 te yaur granlifather." -. A moment 151er ho ras seated lu lh. kltcben snd notlsing aIe hsd ln tle pautry ras 100 gond for bim.-.Chicago News. Try Gralu-Ol Tri Grain-O! Ask sonr Grocer la-day 10 show.jon a packaoge or GItAIN-O. the. uer fond driRk that taikes the p lace oftrobfe. The ebldren May drink il rithout mi lyas reil as île aduit. Ail wno Iry il lik.IL GRAIN-O las liat nich seal brown ot btocha or Java. but Il la made troin pure grainsansdlb. mont delicate stomuach re- ceives il ritbout disîroas. thelb.priceof colle. Me aud 25e per package. Sold by ail groccra. Tas Unit. 5the Opposition. Old Flsh-LeDt, my dear. la a IO5sofl La nilicil nome folk@aestfisb insîead ot moat Young Fisb-ludeed! It la a plty ne cai't molte soin. sort of a combînation nitil bie butchora ta bave it stopped.- Puck. fils Naina. *'Does lb ar s gaad amele '"Well-er--r-it la SmIlla. Wbat do y00 tllnk about il younelf?"-Har- per's Bazar, BLUES Il THE SLuNDn Happiness and GOd Feelin Kiled by Lazl Liver. Constipation Breeds a saisi Microbes Thal poissa the Il.d-Depmsa.g 811.tmi the Sesitive Brais TIssa. )on'tliti jour tirer gel anut torder. rif loaido,, Irlaht dais wlil ne dors, de- prcaessw 1 i laerand o ju'Il have on@ i rét-CIsss fit o f &ltheblu« er ttanotber. Il la the' poison that remtalus lu your blond Itp'ad of belingexpelleal frcm îthe body i's irritates thte delleste brain tisasu, iultes sour hesd ache. iases jas dempaasd- I.suj 110Cr causesonstiatiosn snd niake the whenole achloery of the body nio, 0 IowIy; da.presses the vitai eucrFj. laie our advice. Mate jour lîver reeaa ay a eaod IveI . 1,-tp jour lancIa muriez uatoraiiy sud drive the poisou froit jose my.tein. t'y latin g Cascsréte Cmndy Ciîhartie. the Ideal laxattre. Casteets sevet fait. We vrant jou te beeleve vrhat vse ay. fils thetrailh, haued t'y anu solute zuaraoice. If Castarels rail te piesse shen fou une tlutsi os zjet jour money bath. Il a niaI Cssrarets do. ulna neta as mith.y do. fthit pruavruathir Merît. 1 Yeu an uby thic. for a taille. 10e, 25e or 510c s box. ai jouir cena drugint or malled for prlu-e. Write for bobklet. "Ltgbien the tilua uHmaulty." and teocs. a-pt. malied for thcesaklng. Addres B terragg Remedy Ce.. Chicago; )tontra4 .Cas.; or lNew York. a Thîs la th. CARCARZT tahiet. ,er aLo t theacuir sgenulue Caert era the.moite letters "ICCC." Look et th. tahiet before jo anysd ereffau. i1b ave.. Rock dileid for five il ihentaa Wtiic marued and - Was gresngti Ume1 o -eruna - ar I YOurO Ailove th oenlr tIr ae s Olau Uta avebee InalIa fr oaemn t 1 safftingwlh fesale wragemit hiact, Iheîaliy4010eO.natheprn liasbis1h11mai las tsa raiya karia bs aazs Hay gas ea tbOUi*S~ sudlie alerstver v- masnhavii wrte e ilaiertsymp- laas~u 44 bi tory -l1iertroub eIe MY eaumuent obtaned .5 aj drg strud ihe loe tt nîtlinlb.resol ai iyre oine dehbe bemlIalttid a or maY >joui tht ahe shoca onomm e 0mk lealtimls rohustremen et heraeU basboi meai baimitli i ba rpOlià b&Myior goura la tille oua nttbet kmsbsdMe.ne cues 'kcostai tbm tact bu la rs d la rouaa,în mnl eat ivfreete sny sdresy Dr.Narman. Coretuba, toube.fa os" -Wda h~ fil 9 1.1 MWd ia.*rea- a *.u i.tR a1 w. bu oe whfoe£h S. N t>.No. 20-1à900 1900 'St. Jacobs OR RHEUMATSU NELJRALO LUMBAGO ost sa is-it dues cee May EIXAND P,0MlY 14!E LETTER WA* ÛiU ME D CONTAiI4ED frilcTa à Formuer Asuarlcsm ettied ln wes.1 or. Canada Flood"d witb laqulet.ý A short turne ainea letter appeared nu these colummusisguad by Mr. W. H. Kînkade. of Alameda. Atiolniboia, West- rn, Canada. whcb causeli that gentie- Inari Io reeeive a great many Inquicies, *1051 of theur allons 10 kuow If 11he letter was genuine. To a large number of the laquirlenansu-era vere sent, but Il sas Impossible to reply to aIL We aire piensure tu submittiug tri our rend- ers a spe-*imen of replies sent by Mr. inikadcý: "Yes. the latter dated Dec. 22, i1899, suppo.,ed ta have beeu written by mue. elticil you 58w la 700? local papers. was genuine and contained facits. 1 i n say of the Information receivcd froui the Canadisu Goi-erument agents prior to coming bere i1îlid flot iitda single uute uateuîent. The Canadia-n Gov- erument la bonorable, sud ita agents duare trot misrepretreut Ibis coutry, or tbey wouid lose their jobs. There ls qulte a bit of laud for hotoesteading yet. a very littie close b market. bot mainiy f romt six to twenty miles froni stations. The country bereaboute loai prairie. nesrly level. aligbtly rolling: not a rougb country by any mnas. Honiesteali entries cost l811h; ounlaend Iliat bas been cauceiled there la a $5I canceliation fee extra, aud lu some cases au Inspection fee of $5; and wbere Ill former occupant bas made auy substautial Improvemeuts there are aurait amounts ta pay for Improve-U mnieta. Tila i a poor place for a Pooi' marn,,itulesa 11e bas bramas and muucle aîîd 'gt aud grit' but witl these requisites be can succeed. The popula- lion of tila part of AssInibola bas don- bled during the prisr two yeara. ThereW bas been as mucil prairie broken the past Ina yoars au waa alreqdy broken preonus tri 18M1. 0. P. R. land (odd sections) jolnlng bomestend land selle et $3 per acre. lmproved quartera u-tlin four ta 0vi" miles of torDsel at $1.000 ttus spring. Thisla.flot a Zar- den of Eden at ait. No man ueed tblnk bel eau coule bore and gel rtcb lu a short lime wilbaut piueb labor; but If be willu-ork and be saving bie eau %nou be, an Indopeutient farmner tlling bis ou-n soli aud gotlug gooli retorus for bis labor. "W. buru cri, wblcb coste us 81.85 par tend ai tb. mines. whlcb are Iren- ty miles soutbwest of os. --Peuple with étock and machinery sbould coule lu Mai. mc as to bave sIl Joue te break lu. Tiiose u-bo expeet te u-ork for rages for tbe Brut yqar or lu-o saould coule by the end of July to u-ork Ibrougil barvet ami thresblng. andi thon go te the coul!flolds andS rork ail *,Inter, sud bY the spring lbo coul4 . be ready ta, Improve bomestesrd. "A quarter section of railu-ay landS sella at $3 per acre. The internat là ail figaîred np. sud a man has about $71 te * pay cash, sud If be breaks ettleint test acres tir t brosklug season bis $21 Inter- est for tirelBrut jear la tbrown off. andi the second fail follownug purchase be bas 800 ta psy, sud lheD 8W10tu0psyrfor elgiat more f allu. whicb maltesa totl, of $011 th1e quarter conte hlm. incuiS- lu.- ail Interest. Paylug for a quartier of landa tawy ls 1ke keeplug a lite Insuranes, pallcy pal&. anl t les n5 ot take so long ta do It. Dy a insubhone stradlng on. quarter snd buyisau a- oîber quarter, givea im a chance la bave a 820-acre farta ait l biscruasd bave Il pald for lu test yenre. andi after tbal be la sure of an easy living If be le auy good at aIl. <"Sîged . .KINKADH." ose spiritual PadOîn r. à Wlsbiug that hef heurt seoin large, SIhe practice», with art. And tuas paris ont her heurt. -Detroit Journal. LTUo O sO. C"om olo. ts lucA coiNT5 FRAN . «.ra maSAeuhkwlàNClé Swota efr te mduor F. d a pra dacs. bua0Js thf ity ofmTeo. C0..l .- E,_ ar an tht alWtGLSA'ION adsctiy ou@ .bofATd lau ieu urfaces at las, Woli by teum of RA. ICNA a. 11 A BsIessDiApp j- tm er t . oth didu't dof bit. . . ..1: Cieîk 1i'hatbfir. Hiilrchat sue alcouleintlre aUy ndse sbrec nonîrdthe bo anmsideuril su fte Wh£tniSeDfor t1itoniqhîlfee. îlui Fo rîdl. J.e(.Ho"KYdàinO..T led0 lng. md takegs e laeotco5r._b more GrinOyu ie te ilitienthe sysema. ri-O is mwoaeo uegrains. W 1ndelle neproperîpreaedetastesand lb. eboie 1grae ocoffee. bul cat uboRIAn? as much. Aigoues edl IL 15e A Teunesseue tomubstone bears tila j epilapil: "Some have cilîdren, otbers bave noue; bore lies tbe mother of- twenty-one." I it neomai This only shows a few of the premitims. We have many more. GATS AID FIRD 10WTo 011*1m THE ROUND TRADE M ARE VALUAULL A Complete Premfi«tt l* on application to FRIEND$' QI -FRENCH JEWELRY. Wlmnn cfè ,* Lighi Gold Plaied Beit Buckle.,~Aulu of l Gold Plated Brooches. f Aluminuin Combe. Sterling Silver Hearts. SCISSORS, 5-INOH. Silver Napiuin 1gs. Sterling S'lver Show Horn. mrieSisr. Stérling Silver Cot- O Sterling Silier Nail Pile. Gene's Siag Haudie Knife. Ster6iij Siver Ce Sterling Silver £raser. Ladies' Pearl HandleIe Kie. Sterling Shi'wer i&8u,Ém Sterling Bilver Darning Bail. Boys' Jack Kuife. steng sUd-à - - Sterling Silver EHair Ourler. RAnos taUiM IIu &F¶iv~Btt Hok Booka for MUiýta g gPq & b R la Up I dèred tarin, la Ove-i sale, wlth f011 dIse

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