À I@ )4"w iIS VI,*M Rurilarls barre b... todeoUi la Tes eau lie ma*de fè ittSd " edlIl 09 mpany emelfte ZA06 Wi > . ruaeon. Ail.. et laste. The lndtbuha by a new atta(-bment, laavlng à Moel- tled hy tha wmlI aiel fa au &ttald se proportions tilat niereh- lie disktojent on the top ot théý cuP. 1iYGuft$%l Was burte4M ao tI5 OIE tu Ibiies S ouiT Eau.N CUBA. QH msa no longer une their mtes for the wit a ereen basket ln the ceonter lu la si serions complaint ifs a s à a hall Te fM he temus etthis UfALI.OUB& tormage or colin, chooelngrather to bang whlch the tes lis place(]. a cap elomlng that sould lie beeded.I-l 4.1 L ffl Portant doctrnt &fier détb hi op prlnted carde saylng: "This smate la thse oppnlng after the bot water Io train an 1(onent tired feeling. li la à 4 150 ** a fl e 1 * nlocked." Deupite these précaustions pour-d In. mr ia0 orbod o u u sied ber bëdy te lio embalmed, siaed sue______o bod Tuesaa 'lu a gliss as, and placed lu the u.aolcI.AMaml ettuea* ... several raluable lanlocked nates baveai mking yomr blond ricis and "us ier <danior 01 hest bouse, wneres El Bo t the~~< Alumai gobbftyba% bales wreckod. 'TIe mystery box been lu5 tIse Lake omm il:GUOtma Peained for thirty yars, but no par. Iave*a ?etmàutr Ru lod nits retofayngMx-ota Iorln àlignls Wcth ar b ion e wthe peopdo -arauparEll ofm tiblia ~w h()Il5 w,, ever pesmpittedl te enter tIse osijuatea >tcud Uad. Asit. an by nalme BamEirez. cauglit ln thea MIhaitug Stiuer re srds tea eotie o t ba4 Sel tm«> buot mer i ».t of Isamnsertag nt tbe combl nlon or thse MnotrnstgSuunrIeot ueatbti ftl e~m KeQX4tIee 1 . urther investigation losto thse defalca-ti of1 __________u the mate of Ral'@ bottllng works. oh- awaltsn froi- thei.a Sothoin d u ost duea uuw sud, exosi l etd o 1h lEWI. by Thse 'Wam la Uouth Arloa tion ln the deamrtslet of posta in cubta Uflons of the placard lselore hlma tbant rlu gfrous hall irtaniEat ~ k auud xautdtu b« 114- han desnonatrateil the greait tora.ligbt has brougt ta lght a &horoela the lei tatie hote b it ne aebot Anogtels u nearhy paePsare lrrdFMIn MutTopinbnbt is ml nde or fl * andlcapped ln ltsa profealss iy lnabil- l )îoîovs 'aEssra The Itous1 eota h mx 1umalas~e oi.ppntr.pnretuat nittr rth lindW H . Ity to rend.-Cuctuuati Enqtslrer. Uelis ilKilbotu-i. EEkliart adMmdi- gave me relief and Ù50 u but..i ~~Reevu sud two ot the Cuban et5Up jj.o. whils. a little Vurther offz on MInocý uta tentiency.",. .MEt >rldex ut';, trun.sa5 uCtu-s'a quis.efo w4tar Siaki-. foroutemsc nonl Ira. B.ac Mch. Rem fN- aboutid tend jou lu Emprove 'tie oppor- cek aeag enstme.mdmu .x I hav ta ulîîy of rellug botter farnea than awa.elts are liî.y et t olIw. Tib trudOu..' r*"y. in-otam aqsts uLs- 1 have ta tnitre la tla country.They are o a fraülsi merUryl VIII susrelly desîtuO the masse of SNlurtu: n Maqet nLk ctslr n tiE ou ty. T e a e o are more, extensive thosu was et tirâ P u el .H p l graitffitlt i severat hué of the C ihcago, M ilw aukee and S . po d t Io %taled th t th or a làas hO t- m onsa andi co sp etels' derange In balle syge ni ild s S a s p r mewhea aisterl l thisugs the amicaux surfaces. For pamplet ot **Stissînier tOn es for la thé Bout Mtedicine Morley CAeS hate lah euile a nntu laI ueNer bu ses exmoPt en 19M." or fotu yo itrhnsml Enuiu Rallway lu Marluette Couuty. mg 8t8,000 lu thse havanle place. 80oline - Mu la Kt Wisconsin. where tIsa cropa arc of tIse ut the msen aime bellevedl tu have Iel Ema- U )aaeitiosfot r be physien. sits -y dn rte Incld Ie*.. r eau ecO>bltl doriE, front thora. tailla (= I Tise Lake' Coutry." alqîily le nearegt 0. 115 lent EEmaite, pure, zoft wrater; land sold stolen ettmps. ... du. 0.. coain nu inereîî,y. as la rtion iter- tIktaet4%>tlssswtîfsirsni BS 0< 55 cbettp and ou tong tEne. Wby renI a erngaspud uhvabahadd-nt.mle drtyson1.boisum- aiu booil by Noeey probaubly mode its mhette . -- ly osait i me ut the lon ma mu, i ll' n politage. Geo. IL l.tenifurd, Générasl PTOVES~~~~~he retpberae-efr osch»il ia CatuitI Cure bue sure yosi get tIse rim.i àPammesger Agent. Olt Colu'ny Btuildinsg, E hog sa the stmp Channoel.t$OUOJ mr Ilîu pro taltenin lternJl ad aE nT d.Oi. itartEu yon pay for reut? Afidroa C. Irung 1he ,Ulew malle- in- o@s ain 'rpr-IMLLLINS, Laudi Agont. 161 LagatUe thuus vtîs alue; and tisen be-rtei that tg.. 750 parsSS£io Ttl5orlieC.Chaolt 010 a fine St., Chicago. HL &Mosut En new %temps. wbich weoO de.<' .~ The Grabaîl1 Farnily. usant En poultadl la thea place et mutel evrn MOnth Mter Choiceof Kyi le. "Politlcs," veutitredtl te long-iîaired Nît Ions Thse Wiunling no»e whmn thea rétamas came tro tise îsîassd tfT -5,....aptelgb-Mis Bmytte le a jolty fine pammeisger, "lm on tEe tîccîusie:' »d Apsit Wimnling race ermes aire geuceralti BSlancu wera thon kept. correct BîRmP$ girl. Sise neyer objecte to My' smoking tdWet thatis usore thass yens ian say ety haieisud3 brown. sdd ran ts lce0 u t ations Rbltn elgt-Yes; aise tld me the olher drummer. --Ttey uot onty ac-ept every- ma er o aaamoug tIsera thera are 50t When th n'oteamaiit the sales o a. itboled etetst u 0bon.Ttere la no &temps frlous Mgtaiuub ând the ~ lit,îus à day that eise atuvays llkod for you to ttulug offered. but k-eck foi- iiiore." enorent Ne-sont of au Important rae being tir thé &amant vrai tonaid iuch langer tisan, Thse ouflook for the season.-St. Paul Pioneer-Press. amoke trhen you catied. altisoug mse >1 ieur, by a nlebaid. lilial: cenditen ut csh or &tempeti un band. éet iaets reHmoed uWs-uCnd mere lie._________ Tâte millîary. autisorities ara uuw gel-dtescgrte.F eIdmsad nWsenCnd Tel Grain-Of Tri osuîs-O! ting returun train ail stations Of stansP« MEETING 0F PRESBY 1 ERSANS. BRITISH TAKE BOTH-A. SaplelgIs-Tsn aile sacrifices tuer oWo Write for copy of Western Canada and hai lurGrca l-dj u ho i somud le compare with Neely' b iooks. lu cotutont for thé sake o! glving mue pion- Brillish Columîbia pampislets, a-lues con- Mt@W tu- ssk ye ut GrAIN t-O, ti shonw #o aIbIs wsî tise approximaîr amont ot tihe Ohe Natrait andTwelfîh Amkust As- Boser Comamansdant ftrpimei snd Cap- aire. Now, tIsat'a Julî ceer o? tuer, tain umeful aud accorat informsation for 40 buletin ern kI ; aoises thse place of cotfe. 'fIse oged défalcation wiIl hae fournd. Neeli suasbly HedEs I.LoltoeiIsa runtd 't Fhoe aribe n rhoms nomto a aoâ hru aLd lt vlthout nnu cuid have put 015 a atrng défense tisaI The P'resbuytérien géneral assiemnty, tise tIl has beau offirioll sunouneed by h peg- do'nIllv al? Forid ass phiFtansud fLer Génfra i e unis ~. Wei se the ndit. AtU who tri it H1k Et. bis balaince, are rigisl sud tIsaI il was bmwmaising bsody ot tbisa churcis, begati its London war office tisaI Gen. Methuen an- eR i- Eo'beevstcond desJ.raaLeeealAnt sellele A& N.O bon thisa ricis oel Bv 01 smpli a mintalle lu creditigg saIe if hie eue hundrad od tweîftis sunual Meeting tered Hoopstad Tisursday ssiopposed, ors Et a sacrifice. Bilo says yoss don't peu Delit., Ca. pugc. lg., 28~ I. Glis ent» 0 a or lava. but Et la made fr051 conféderates bits net contessad and turu- Thuuda et tise Wasington snd CosUeP- that (.ense. Dssprey &ait Danieis sud forty tatk go mucb wtuen you empoie. street. Chicago. WteeI.lnI 2«15761i -eiu.sud thse me«t dellcute utoai Itapa oneeu-r^. _ _ .*spl i 1551t Te- ceiras il wîthoat disiress. 14U e.ut ai over $5,00 Eu atamfPs. TIoll apel osAvorPelberaehra d t e urndedsdtsi in tod 54 0141-cotaie. 1ec sud 25e pe isgck Bu hat tise frauda ramîllail in aiment averi Louts. Neariy 1,i01 andmimiOir s oi odL occupitis LidîC. IL is tîrtuen au- Libby. MoelE 4 tLbby. a nl Bia.. by ail grainer. possIble direction. Eveutte nentai iqiai delegaýes, reprreentiO all tise Northeru noouced tisat Ilutt0i' o istdian7 Hoskeesreuty ettauai M.Pe- Yukow-n ele- d eut,. have beau made a source of illegltimnate sud Western States sud territoie ut o lonceon Moula@ wiich are either resdi ry, tist l'm a womuu of few worda.s. - N. U. No. 2-111 Mier Oppor-tuatty. gain. tivani adititioual révelatlin En- many of thffoee in tisa Soutis. wEUs tise te serve or cap lie preparesi for the table Henry-Tisse, uîy dean. but lise few ov» a. - A"She-How dreudfui! Tiene bargaîn creases the amazerueut et Use Améericain, oynuda of Ceutral sud 8oI0 hts Nbe oetntce ui siE r tan-thy rrokd li5 sMwifm ___milss don't mtche our chairs. Eaniv1e5au N<orth Chieu nd judain. w-ea attend- abuatîspie ntiespro et -sisMsU b Wi iI lE-Teu'i bave te relura théSu Mn. Thumpuon, lu lelllng t ise uffase. sue st the OPeninsg session. Amons-tsesà -liiupto yts ls elbabueo .b hami ~~ Ille- o rue d Déteia o t , o ignai & storu stalemnent la hch ie w-are, muni éminenut divines aud prOuE- - M eNell & L itbby, C is go, ont o eto e rùlleate eliirs-Dotrult Free Praess. 'tay, tbat sept. 18 taist, beissg là bead 0f uent lsYmen. si harnc oey i tenir front tIse mouey order Washingtou asti Coopton AvenUeii noms uf tis paper, aud tseir booliet 51the" a lt Ceti7 fonde sM i. n i mémorndusm asaPresbytéren i h lu wihtise mai "Howta1 Mllke GooA TIttugs te Est," Es cleqsing~> TiaB--oîu atajb o u receipt for tise ase. When tise laspe- delibersniones of tise bodly veret le ha ed, ________ oapliston lbteuYe o ions vans isltd Mn. Tisompçon ordereE a bâtd haro derad aus ftthe oi-tRaii r.u. lladu t'atcn u u ciark lis charge et tise monei order dèýe- ayine [bat wouid MiDiuate toe tiss cosu-enr maa jJs 18dSApplicant-NotEilng in particuler- fortA. andlspar coaya.nc ofJesernattnd de~aIatdy iscsvud u sîsl aa- n. u ielcur os Leev.but then, woris lanot ao muc!î au oh- portaient t0 place remittances rereived tort I sud cturtie utenuoa mu attend- do oflen prove proptueta." the 4w jet-t as gond irages. tconuteyie r l notilli hâoiown da. liufne- Prsttau book store, a postoffice. à Gyen-Yei, and ibe mlgist have added cEent Co cuvr tise a&Mount o! his nacelpt, telegrapis istation. telelsbuls- connections,, tIsaI propiseta oftn prove jesters-o-- SerraientG NOW ME w-hicS vas tisarewits witbdrawn util AI- w-rting tablais sud staîiouery. Mialtero peclll polîtEcal snd veatsen props- 1lèeiif H FÀT FW I O E er tbe Inspection. Tiss -was kept 015 un- ot greal Imîportance -eré etated fon con- élu. ilb1 catl -li -t AprEl T7 w-bm tle spécial agents unez- sideration durng lise gsliuering. and it1-% -WI et »a gels -y UL W ps-ctedly djacoyeced tise recelpt, visici Mr. w-au tisought Ilt would proisably lie lsrin White Do tise Ubilidzn Drink'r? -aman atirS 5.*tMk Thompuon tisen fid. veeka hefore fiuai adjouTnîment. Dou't gise tiscu tea or cotte. Rfare aUstin X&P wA 1 iabiea It la9"tdby Iuw-ersato Mr. IMe 11v. Dr. Charlet A. Diceya of IIIÂ-t ledt ne f d ri n k orEit- Âl~s* enit4 l y- euses *Mid &Wu a ta'ubted w-us MY Tisumtso*s own *ruarement hae ia liable ta PUitdelphia w-ai eleeted msoderator. li% asurpiaiat atu Commandan îusg ani aie tieplaceu und cote.. he - muthlyuk . Ite vury irreguilar, conviction for embiezziement. according bu principal comptiiuri ware Dr. MeKib iuBIasdtwn-tre otisenstsimrs GrthO oIre s istrnlbyIU1IEO 2« *- oconrring 0.17 one. En Ivo or tsrco lise provisions ot tise posal lavt, vlstis ut CincLouati asd Dr. D.- W. FEaher u le sotseîut Iosrd Ier. more hesitis pu dlsînihîste tisrongh tseht1* s ossmoutisu, ad taovery paintul. 1 aow are very tipi-it. Hanover ('ullege. Tise ni-Ns moderaltrwr ocssiso h rts %ine. ss rpn-Oin maepre ast e. oilel salier with uramps sd. Don lua w-bile t'oasster Génersl Slmiths te a Wasts- la opposed Io the c-tision of the cri (;ers nolrenee )D5551ai nnhtIser Turisi- ide s en GrnOpei. usaepure t rais.ke " mlpa trikuem i tisa heurt sd I have lnousie correspondent salid tisaI tbe dis- sud his elec-ilon is eoueidered a vitons daeu Bioiern eTea bonsn he e tise i-islée gradtes o? cotee. but conte o Goosi- fer thS c-sraiet dr, nîonkins Tise howantietv abouit %4 sa mucs. Ail grocers oeil Et 15o e Clons- drowsyhuadach& iss I tianytig Patcht5 fr00> larassa ands other public&- to h -tsraiee D.Dce ss ent tound t lie nu: mcl damaged, ansi 215c. amt syou man do for me, 1 wili gladjy tolluw tions concernss£ tise défalcations in lise lie vas ilie lu regard Use agitation as Ossing to Use sympathie* of tise Boer lu- moty si yur laviel. postal service tSars are vi-ry in e as- mucis ado about uolbisug, that tise mens habitants. Tise rallw-ay Es uitie dam Tablîe Taillk. ,n~k'Ilesl~ suueet. MAS? ~~~~~~~geralesi. TIcult a cousîderable amount or w-obuto sup tuèeansd Usera tbroîîuht agsd. Tise Boers notl of Newcastle are TieBtrtla-egendais loumn U -B mnuy bas beeu atolen le ha sas, onfor- lise eosuntni witis a tirade atagste lise flîgIckoAmjia e.suar Tise Chausse I amu erong ansi mEty. - or 1,iAac11 c =ibar, Gougs,. Aptoci. tuustely trsîr and a thorosigi invealtigu- Westminster confession vere seekissa nu- ci-ceirait a message tram thei Queen (on- Tise Sugar-I bas-e plenti ut sansi. fer te"CL n~ lion Es& un progreza. buthLie dias-loisurcis u1p ost rcs aieit opesss thea gatulating hlm uon tise taking cf Dun- Thse Coffee-[ uckuowiedge mi vernI- fer lb..1118 lu date do nul jusîify lise sensational ne- rMltion bteeti tIsaI confeïssion aud lienéniepaangape-ainu i e su. empUc étra *IAB Mais . ponts thaI arme ln circulation. It inaila- presbytérian cissrh ,l t sotia txroupe.g Amisiaio ofus thée orAsn i-o-.u l Ap-i, Il oe srted tis tise prusecution ofthde uffeusi- 'ise Westminster c onfesslon. bie AnisTou_______________et-ase d la tie- étatoEn-er willit b. arned ou w-ibis ail possible saisi, "if, 10w auiE aîvsys base benIti me- à piviter tosentire itt yor suses lit res lsd.. ê< ~ osuileltar energy. y g 5>-sten o? doctnauni ai sucIs lm MRS. CAPiNTOBANR . tuert.2ueCuatssOsasalsr 1us a hs ie te o aset l te RsIsuses. usder t iglutg mOde.tss. Seu-Ii l yidlugats ~~. H. , ut your ~~~~~ MEMORABLE BATTL.EFIELDOS. churcb hênsc hi- tali-e hlm soirs. Tisane guigSi.Alu -i-is u kn Heare susus tisingqi in tise cotentionio r.-stn ,Cpivds- o? tis sais shesoeb:c su mia".e V5IMM. coeur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~bcie te dies tksbos , Etre otut uis.1ud as fsltia r ustucia thimin- former capîsîn»or tise Iough Ridera, la Adiceai Alita 14. Utase9O. Le. Aoi. N. Y. Lydie B. Pink- I leeeckebuor, V'a. isters nt tIse lime or tktnc their owN on~ il wiru te he Pilippine Islandsa.a re sa Iaiua Vgeabt Con-Thons lua sbill lefore Congreas pruvîsi- aud tise vitrines presbytane is uEov si-Se aise le goig to erv ne a nurse in waiidEve lissait tak Ia ri o f lt.he pouni and Blond Pmrller. I am» oi g fer tise créationi in Vinginia uf a na- ai gi-eut liie ot individuelm tiiotglittiet-sC-ceS-s-rMaCponsy WgmEenlmeIekadik ifan, ut teutrvriuat*atienre.ilonal punis. embracing the hettefflesi adi- sud ordNrineit iuany men-s holding niew.e Re omsSctyNtabprnas goes stralgisî te my tuesi. WOYWomb regulare"qwnthmduuger»oVW jacent te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~hi is duiesigTh ptt naparu Usisrine luhelo al.li I Dg hs u.,sdecdtelerdeincgs-el.tluém a tsar iv si-aoi»dÈ Smâ»Fo " ~iovlEuus our nefdlcle e tise but gueat suy mut aett 'eeikbsg is akl peeIiu ini- v et ) h e ta ibaud'a w-lises,. st betore is deatis Jagap aIte s tais. yaiîeanigs Im a l.s1mmlR fowega tarîng girl cmn take."-Ums MàAW to embrace lthe are on w-ihIc vers slgsiiflcsuse of ertain Itltes.ytls e-4. Capron w-cule lu bi Inié wan upm t t'os ettdrns itusoe te Gom, Aptot. CaL, Juily 6, le". tonght thea gréait isslbies o£ Predonlcks- tsi-I accord Niju tise geisurai doctinsal CR vihdas uidosn uCba t0E smurlis'Crefroiuspbn utle burg, Cisanceliocavila, tIse Wildernes wygtplli it creait.- Ais ie v nd l. Tht-i uex siatie s1avimy ure tis Ce foar aos-Mrm. er ~. Nervous mand Dlzzy aud Spottaylvanis Court Hose aiel Tise qust-ionl If ci-vision ut thi- Wci-,l 1 ri-eii-c ut isîsu tr5 l-itganaaig'io.Ios i petré e et agorics. 61 is "Data Ms. PzxEu,& t-I wlis ta Marye'a Heigisîs, I{susiltou's Cirane, miaNtter i-onfi-îs'tn le tnt su ne- une.reidofhn .IaIaegamltn Ts R-bs, aiésrpNrwc.h r y Y rg suait express my hat i n e or the great Salemu Cisurch. Laurel Gnose, lise looy les-eu i-cars sen -s-ctein dtintrnc ut V ast. bei-n iîe tti'ned tFotN.. 1- iei 17, 1900. ad cecur- beue-ft I bave receEvosi tropu tIse une ot Angle, Todas Taveru, lise To andi Xy riu- the crépis1. nîutLly thîs ois e or-riiiIl iI la ., apri Inad-ties aIe Fort -h sues-lwu oel"g m. jamis Lydis 3. PtkIss.uu Vegetable Coin- are- lion snd rrs-ition. ver? ibouglit II"' *t.srIclit-il bîsniia teu join tise lita mottueras ahipper tise crédit of bas- nty tront poni. 1 suteredeonstantly francter, Troupe tramt aveny Stale. Norths snd slcong, andE a cuuslm;îtee ira oppoisaIl tesi 'ie len neîmel ngtiatmrelres r. OP cotit, ribleahsieacise. Isâti chbll, vas norvour Souths, vent tue arraiesi lu barIe, te the la met oshe s-rfs-sii'n. but En 189i3 unls gt iier-s î uso limp!e nina finalg mae mamnt fer M5.,n dizzy. 1 isas Inied différent klnis parolhar o? I li'aut 900000, sud more puce sixt-ucreui su of '-':0 Pceslb>-sernii - an wosri FtBl. mm in9vg10e avos s Nu tset EL ot Medicinue but tbcyait falled ent.relly. vero ture eoigazcdl lssn lu any battis lu provesi aJiy eints.iicii-lit.. tliss liefm. efferes to.ms t;svItsni Ue cal ~ fierntaking thsree bottles ofVegeable tIs vuctd'i ht-ure Ttuca ine nkl-i îb..snist.--îs ?ui-as.- ne saitCompounsi aud ttuceeotlllood Purifierlvsnus nisissgo uutuedssge E i ,i ,;~ s 1I -ori S citneatsi1of.L3 iltFedrikaun, iipict Om.slîîtA.situs mhentiltelltsiiidt!uheu ti-e-uisrnis.Ai senbel hebrtsw-ie tsealea sunalhs-ight leannoltthankyouenougs Dcc 3 82-niuhsl 235;Cn e Mc-. Capron ha-, rît, .;Inrd ai Fort SUI1 munyl t sali lIe fun visaI yosr remédies have doue for fi-derste iocs. 4.576]. ChasietloneiEe, ititso lier ii,.iil -, o siue lied tra 'ofovuu u lis MT D J ts May 1 le 4, 18t1-l Ins tous. 10310; BUBO 1NIC PLACUE ON THE COAST Islletî tu Iir s:.ug i-n tu hi-cone- Conuls' Ogdesébarg 1 Juno 10, 1899. Contedecafe lus-m. 12.281. Wiidecuess, niure4-aipedtthRd CeutysMy 5 tu 7. lSt4 -Union lues, 37,737; six eClisao RessortaIt En Clssaituvn,.sire.l-t-niltlpldbuteld CoiaCsfederale lois. 11,400. Spottsvivantruct ý 'l tCook court lloise, Nlay 8 le 18. 1861'DUion ite'h buboluis pi s icb- iuliik on inr lu ieluh-is a ', Cois loits, 261,4611: Cosîtederate los., 9,000. 0f Citttit tt 'itio. shere six Union.. lise aggre.gals ot 121,Nks. the Ubloti lase duIlt r i ii- oisr(e ii e fuis, b, Coo0k>Iaryet It-iglrs. tus lItiir-ýst lu lise na- plt, andîîtiw iit uh aii;lîlr;ti s tr.1sigç. t Coois" desu d frpIiipent additions arc miâde nihe sasine Iiii- tîssIer ippar-titlt a lu-e -~M M1A-'4A - 1/' ~ ~ ~ trou the. exisusslicion sa tiss- batlields. terisiecqt t fITrt tii *551i1if5e'5 ris'- firs f' rtu- M - D N'T Y U 11 A .BA Y ( Y a ie tush Sisiitis. isithisi tise linuits ut 00s- er isn. leinisi or tilie DONtiiarR A I ~ ~ ~ vCa;t. is Do hr(Iýie sori sfou sie liars 1-toiiiriif ultlyncr Do yoa forget that suzmer's cotning 'wMti testy lu- Indan in 1C)S lier(-tiii Wahngo' boy- ael ig lits da.nges to the Mite ones-afl troubla' sud ditfstiit .ti tt, A largi arls- t hi tise P Ioos daye ici-ce spi-st, aînd frutu Fri-der- oneîîsciiitr lisi-srbse en .. % a-pl csbr ieit wettes joi the arm ut ______________r liiifýto- as1 cunmairer P a tew 8 rilue N--ar thectiti viii opo-ord tise turosglit frni11 litsitlisiansid put in opi bres inui~as tnI Alo ua rees a.ss îs ea il bbe nd lt te e l irsI tropi miit- ci-ir usorkeu ini Ami-r"es eralisîs. Ail se' hmssus isn tuc lis ris- Th io a ree he summer s ha 0a-.ba adW ion 10 ~~~ A l0.e.at ea of front lise prousi o? uie thi ie cannons art biui fisisîflgittl sit usornaldisLudît sîeity uîdîitiooîil pul-stiger cars.cidrn b aset irlte sie aefotl iployer's ~ LUbb's Paem'uer Soup andE canon bal, tuses] in tise révolution gué ansi siuitsuir. Local phby-uIsiant ars- Ni-i luruings sut ilis Lake Stuore ton U r ea u t& W isc« atiitl osO sc~~ay wan tsi-e made-. muage anardusi au- te i ahrIerin r t Usquarter i-sding Illa:- uit Il o-i-e $2.ii,25 good dean, stron ScWdton. T rte.ekisTomte XhneyorGibetChin ass as tryiug te reguîstu titi- liI rate ticket, 1>611, 40 fer male o mmt âil Side ýLights on. Tillin tit oft -h i-iil .Bde PrfeEWching, votniting up of ilour food, rau14 Fbb aste THE J30ER PEACE E .NVOYS, se csriOg termintais ai Newe Wisatcu, di ho 'aaau. ... I. ~ or the Boer- WAar. TIser--l s" , utus-tauaiauPsrfl W". ua Usuy . cmm a u».B i ff ArWcsga u e o k n iv n W * constipation , ail testify th at the bow els a m R Ét Wist ansik ee e lse peeal orn- a Formai Slcaatius ici Wshinguton. -fb Iliois Cesntrasl bas appropriatesi-o odr e et9hus Wa tukoeothspcactr- Tisursdmi aflerueus tise Buer- envoya $1,5130,000 ton addsilal equîpmnt.s 'I'Iir-of rd . je_________________ et6 pondent$ siil Lord MabIsneu's ferce ln- w-are offirisîti uvaliutud lt %loyor Van ty nOus locomsotivets ai-e iu tisa order. -If yous want the Uttle ota le fa«e the oigd~gn-ll Jil user ~~validai bousniatsew. cuies tts Wyck ot New York. 'fle Mayor gaveT is era eauras ise o ut aaxuua fe for lt* Ivez, me th be baby', Q"el 'm laalld w-Iole thing. 'hew la nu pump ot van, ths envuia the tri-idom of tise clii. pre- rond, wviic vas reeutisl 1 pfg tly, soolnt, utgttie kud et Lu p pisgrib, nu4 ritrn miie galio uniEformes. sud. seti-il thent coies ut a ci-solution fielsi. wEh probatuir piss ta tise Illinois gly m ong m Wnt k kc liait M~ 11wh spr &W. 41.4 I atasigst ting ? aI, nuvisile inemi pasaS b 111 nuuîîiurîîalsssebtî nS E-ACetral lb rosss tie I.C. lnaaa