r tit*0 s#t b. P-W- iad téa Fue Ostui. afordtii ut con. ted au- aie an ras uev h. clvii vote tf e actera agitn &Bk ofa a.u for u anti- f orde, resolu- nse bD, )rolt cet"j yd Ur.i a-eut- o et ma li n-tMais ta prac- regats n lipp s igre. ti.mbol Iprmos ta imen eula ut bmi tments eoveso- udre- atieo itnrai. f John brpogt- i'tan -nilnts alit was noent ta thon flfljseingte lairg eit'nces blb.h < l~gr..t-citlcs of EngîsitdsatdParoI- aandsale discoure.. latwhieb he sho s tI sy uWho lu Iis vortissau as o e1t Ile mpotate *111 lu tie day et Il raaijuatmonul bc L-nnnet vlt high iseeni: text, ri. TlmobY I. 3. '«lffe, threforenedure barm." alordus aare DunIslow teacitnwl- edt h.torîtdcfirent uilllary ehet' talus,. Vobavethie full legli prtlqts et tus Crouvwels, thie Wamblngtopo. bb. h'aplsen. »suitthé Welingaton» 0f thi vorli. istory in net vetten lanbîsci li, but redi luItet hutnsnblond. Tiie goda et umua ambition do sot drink trou besnmaseut et ilier or go014 or preclogosstouas. but out ontheIblscisit sruls et tbfaleu. Euh 1lam nov ta unreit disfau ua $croi of brout ual the eleit bas usuer cnovlstgi'-hiess vis faoei ne geus, bleu' nogisulebiset, oeoereB ciles. cbijud necaptives te lih* chariot vbesîa4aut jet lu lis gr« dey ei eternuty w'lksotnd bigher th àiia of e tic.. viose cames tartied lie. uaiioemsudantmerapi afld rapt' spiri wa rsg l vlI tel tueir d" eet a liW imgalvese., Meathe. beoes nt * Itiroi, l b. I -rut pace. 1I ButaU lie b.ro.eet le ali cn oom. Vieu ÇAt at failet te overcome Job, h. altah G.i&ý,"Put torst lijbaud ait tomb ie boea »dîhis1ma, ant b. W u'iCrsetlie fta.. Balsa bai iou o« tint ve bave ail fasi ut t lie>d afflje lb. grelt test et en-'% barse, tm ta o ecau mteud tiat cau stand supIlet.' Te Bs $but lu a nmou as ft atiiongit Il efe abastl.; to h. so afeoju caunot endors theItp of a elbile'pfuel; te bave lancons fruit, ici lsipfl te appetitset the robat sud rbaalthhu excite our loathiIg and tiagust vhs. Il §rat ppen otle pltier; ta hase lie raer ot paeatmrlke tinongb lha miteor serons te 'bauds. k sase « ta poiltheet loto h a videor tires osevihleiody intilaMse etftever, ry. th"e bave beesa men andt vaucu. but meis. e oen thon mc. vie bave cheer foly énmdtuit lebardass. TrouaI ysrs of ezhaqahlug nieumatisme an su lirengi b e0dlyistrpos liaI apsite »erre soi"tore lb. muncles adpal. tishe es maudt hojet hie boulterd. EJ hie Mon ilgit ofthle ic romutaper thi Daw onutlisir wvtshe i.picture ut that la» viere the Ilabitanta are neyer Rsk Tirougihie iduit silence of tb. nigbi Bhey isard li, chenusofethle agars. Hifeaela Siokuesa The. cancer &séte waj ber lite froc viii te vei snd day te deyaid tmi bocads eaesieansd veaker. and qer "god algît" vas ferbler tiuthi. "gne biss, jet never s" .Tii. cii Wout p ltataber tac and noie sid ~tIU5torme hâte s bes'eiihy mmli u'ýhe suillireit on lie ittlle abt aud Wat esm âet eh erse a" bremmtbmthose Whitlu hie le" isep"tl eud ln lis asylum. bat fuvrt Wb" » le* n eupit cool sBd ne urgai cure. Ne ia;et eof orat.teechai tis, but« simi"se sd Umaxinse ioebslgiuteat villng ho sufer. cou lientlu<Got, ipetul et hearen.lilerei of bsmatls. svroess etneurnIgla.Ne vMo topinaielplalut.Beines of *té bstaeie. Rermes t lilelonsi unvldlsa S er... 'sud .rslnes! Tbey mh4i reig fore~.ladntever. Rami! 1 catch Joi un snoie ort e tueolemsanhieut "'Tsir h.l1b no more pan!" Re- Godlff $aothIs riS i sowI lai tue ieroes et te vihe de lieu vmiuoiu «piaiujTiI' le couperativelyesy te lesd a regimet lt. obat. u'hen leu kucu' liaIti vicie nationu viiiapplaudthle vletory;1 jel cemparativelj easy te doter thie mi vben yjen kuev tua., ogiskb il glbe ai proalted by a argMemcoia of tienal a"t relatie»; t isaeeutpanstively esmy1 addrea.au audieun#viien lu tie,4eau lu"yls and lie lamietchecks 4d joliin lieS jour erijuIenU are stoptet. Eut1 'do sevinu u'beo jas expec thie emplo e viii brome andt listMaI istan throuaihi.heu',nlte how o hu'imperfe 1h la or te bave th.u'jehs gammettro' bock onuyon, te h. Ions over agalu;1 boulltas aland ka>w there yl h. c u.s teasy jou dit il veil, but oaîy evsaring employer bovling acroes it ecaffoid;te horonuntil jou roijs are dl unit jour boc ace. and joan bei taluta. aand te knoyut l if you top I feri ulgit jour cildren vili trve-a the gvord basnut ltsia se uany au it rneetle! Te great hatlefielda et ai civil yvan verent Gettysburg andt 8h11 sui't chi Motitain. Tie gret bathi 11dm ywcelu tie amnsalasotndaun t chopa andt lu tie allies, vieme vont matsesaiijejcketh fer as itpence. 'lhi tolld it on otil tiej itiat. Tiey bat foneral elnglut. but.iluthie Dame t i Ga Loi Sadej, 1 coroili tbir na--s0nu1 lli9se ef vhou thie orliàvas net wvend Bercesfethle necitle! h'ernes oettte de, log machin.! Henoes of the astl'.B rosi ett'le oellarl tierces und it go Bi"saGquifor theul Sassas et Dninallo e justq la tii. rol X ase lot the bc erd bae a sc"mpabdluy endurst d b lsjutlca.Tmeare mon vin. for Lt teé sud sulty. bave no sympobiy lirbateu. Exiaushlnt application budam agaiteut s llveliioot. but _Cmtnrugai vite soutIersI. Re la Crtl eItrou e h. biomet ie entera the n*b.ho es outoe t lthieexemptl doua et buslousslites uguetealby'1 eisapegWtotis o dompatlC lits. Sncb i ar* a ,sughéat 5, but licy bars s hea breioWpÏ troubleandot hteYvould bi joug &ge gene mb oappakliiu4 dissIpai bt for te g<acsetf Go(? osety o-ay Ie tre'wo vith vteciset uo vie.uniten tiezertts s*prns pi domestle lteicitY, bel'.bb ~' divea on th docks. There are teint thoupiid et trunkanista t-day. uî suci IV lein vives. Tint lis net po tint la prose. Bt the. vrout le gel, nUY lt. eptie hsdirection, Toitu'< at pIme te go far te faot a vite Mu lIe laa p oipehal uartydom-inumell lieuvier tbIa stroke oft he Oit, uni vends; staggeming homiet miinigt1 constant mutainmeot. vilchbave1 ber eMI ta uruek or vint ghe aon I qay visu llia hemidt of n briliat meiag'Be neya ves Ikneansdi AsI4ué- t her varda visa lisheroi- 8 40m" aaepale t 2 sdoo lu. the.j macaýioditb . ist drun t a Late' lm, inttentry., Ne biuterWords'la gflflrtici ontue la a lght ak e=a riiiii mg iiib.battas.ta"i p lZE fahi et bl hlm vis vis ankbaee bellefie- lier ishiiofshom* preulae.adad kluduesansd protetion, jet uoth4 gbuta sympati aBd preyerasud forgfiveaiaso! hefore they are/zsaksd for. NO bitter verda visu lie ttunlRBible livesfertr rnm sud t15.pavuibrok&er's h et@gutshe 09 last dueet draes. *~ 5de". "mrlM bu te .,oe e taret fbar sorreg, Ye" an say, "Well, heu' are je. sting ada" aow' suand. raniys rls «*Ulug vdlw' mua qulilng ebee Oluruth, sii yaa, o "Pysetty vou, I tiai joli'pitil -611.", ha of hem atev viel ss ae u 1te deliim cther secrets et ber lilte, bt 5h vii ' astthell that. Nt til ;li.bas» aet l eterutyt e oPeut' onte thrae Of lie judg Ilat iiirer b. kuovu vitlOni.Pr> bas enfermé- (Ob, )et vis arm twlaiu g asmarlsd or the vietoi, ptlktoe lis L palievi W b w e Mis10 b dm, lieelgi- t bona viiibeg lineu te maie ber a miiod, andit e.vîiho crriait ent l' s plsin or et box, *Iti ne sIlven plate te tell heryamr, la fer ah. bon livet a tieussnd yeaasof» tlistsgulich.The. gambiers end gvludiera vie iestroyeith be baau 1vi» et coustethie, tnial Ou.030cr- rins vi» h euougb for thsh f uers- 'et on. carrdage te carry lie orpias.anuithetiih tve Chrstian voue, vho preide erer t fie oi comu aiPerssm.. e ho r But tisse la a Osaaathtle openting of , 1a celestil ldoondsà shout, "Lît i up la t our le"d, je ererating gato. sud Ic ber come in!" Ad Christ vîlI stop farth sud~a: Coa u.Te freed ith me d ou eset. ho gloriliea itA .a-i's n -bar- n Ien.! Whatlteghe all hreutln beav- ai el To Yu say, "Titironetthe .ord M (lot tlmigitylagit1h Lam." Nodioubl 'w & bout l. Wbat la thie eil bigiiesl tbéoriehi lu isaven? Wbilla &Peak It semnsa th ,tMe IlU butii h. i ioeo thetdruukard's CI r Ite, If iip Wttieerfol paitence Par»- duiet ail ber earthlj torture. URma n .1 A"aime la I.hie roiSliheberce, etr 0Christian eiarity. W. ail admirse h tGeorge Peabedys sud tie Jamen Lenozesb, of~ thi.esriti, vin ire teanud bat ireda dof thouutiietfdollars a tegeaI objecs. b, rt But I sspeakilg sou' et those vho a, 0 eut et tbsir pindiiedpuvrerty ielp oliera . a -et ."eh MUe4 m e Ch5 <ristian mission- al S mrioat the wvOU *ho prolaUdm Chistiah othe. MOPW.,Oe ut taï, vlting tate il et sceobry lu Nevtr o.rn. lg: 111tisai 8 jeuy- er Ibat ff5. CuDI lyetsrdi we v. r. bave hait u nt in lur ou sefor tire. j, b me*"ha We bave aufensa terrllly. My h, &. citlirebave no &hmibtiis vintet." Aut , idO otnssPeePlOs vba ae ORIXa hait lestc * of hrea& but girire apisce et Il te ohiers t d vbe ar e urter,atd eft hase vis bave iy ui sentà 9I1. eofceai, bt belp ohema ta tl ,y fuel, asut <his. vhe bave enly a dol-M gd lar lu lhilr poclet sud glus 25 ents taeIb k.emuboi else, sud et tbat fa&uhe i at vears a ab hiy cent.,endof thaI moisi t vis -vear a f sd.d dreau, tint ther .111- t tien usy h. Well aurele. You ..hla lthea upes or regamcuas or sud- à sa giots. I a1 leum eo.. sudberonosa., la T«n sd 1IMar net mou' vian. Iey i jy Il"eorvbhat iair nassein. (lotmeus,y ne andisy hurae more augela boverlng nuai a tttlhis Y"en sd 1 have,.asot hq IWi t "bave n higier seat ln icaven. Tiey uay a é' havee«W a cup aor colt vate ta l ve a t d poci dravelur or msy bars only pkeked a e spilater trhentierthienaI 0for ahil'. sldqiug v hat they bhait hey ddtmffl a mr tian v. have suer deue, asut helr fadai i addrese viii beoeua wvite robe sut the a n' sua» oeuvill h. an eternul menaiont,. 1 s a"te old batu'uilbaexehaaged fera t a- ereue etvictorj, salthe isapplaus. ek ef earti snd ail the mioullug et heaves t * 1vini h. tlmeWed eut vben (lo.i tiesaip gta t glusbis revard ho hhose humble vok- 'ternhlu is ogom and tea ay tho hem., "e "VuIl doue. goo and faitbfsl aevat, ai eTn bave ail meu or bpardi et tue ruina ci -f iieioeeabbey. r suppose ,u\sm» mm- ,. spechtsj"re tue Most exalulite ruina heouseartit. Aut jet, ieoking eu t 1 won It net so impreme-yon muy et il dovo ci atenbattautr-hut I vas nt sandeeply sP- tirmaitas 1i usa at atomisttne eut h istfo 2tlai sibey, tlittoutsoue placet taby Walter lScotî nver the grave ot au oit Mau vhe Jiadt ervet hilutfor a gonde uuuay jsamn lubis bume-the Inacription ta en ni gnileant, sud I1itefy auj ma I y coming laithe ye-the epitapii, "Veil 2b dans, goo sud faithfui servat." oh, Mt viien our vont la over, vilit lh founit ta that, beenue et auythiing ve bave don. elfor (etd Orthe churcb or sufering bu- a mautj. tint snob mn Isription la appro- the prt. fot ns? (lotgrant l! [ta n areantiiose vio *ve.braveatsitn atdeseredt hie grealet monument, Lord ttClaverbouse sotbils buniy souiers or ho- Jon Brown, tus Etlaburgi carrer and tb is w u'fr? M. Aluina, tbe peseeuted the iAlater et Jeaus Chislt, in Scotinnit vas lermrtdby John Brovw nitn bis tife, sut an Clareriose rode up ou. tey vili, le- bis aruteu mes soit ahotet lu front ef e th boume., John Brov's littie girl cames ,en malt te taber,"Wl.me.aMr 'ej Ailla herer She made no ansver, for no shc coult not istraythie minlaher oet he My gospel. "Rai" ClaVerhnoueaad, "liesL ng 'von are s chip et the oIt bloc, are Yeu? hy aeseuethiniun ay pocet fer yo. le- itt a nosegj. Soue people .caIl Il a ns!- tbunubsemsu,but 1ICOUIl; It s uoay.'" moi! i. hapot off bis hors* and be put Il on tue Ultie grl'm band aut began tho bm 1* nutli.the. beuse cracied and she crl,é- ie e sait: "Do't me, ton't o-Y. This ft1c IWO' a thuatbsré«. this lu a noouegy."1 »Ir tut iÎbe*rd hie citda cm, and the lu inatber sud utliecame ont, unit Claver-. t ba e sait: '"Hl I Il mesthaI jon su tire. bave laid jour boy bedatobter., ýdteramne tatedie like li thi et et joui ior ypecritical, cantinc, solvéliais crev. Ira- Itales'tha isvegu.nitend Mr. Alns, 'te >ionsMr. AIkins, yon vout die. I have ton a tlefope with mee jus: viii inaprove ar--yeuruvioon, nth. pulet ot a pistol. iav .'*ov,'* ie aid, "jIyoit dpaguatie, lest ion yen aheouit catch codin lu lb old moreT- the glcf Sceland a' mufr tic honor unit #tfetY f lie king, te siy notblni oft hie . . jou . b.als.-ut1 Revlew 91 the Dolngs of the Ses- sion Recently Ended- Veteran OfficiaIs Say 1* lmas Bcen the Bustit lui Maasy Yem's. ts Actita Accoamplsaients, t la Claluci, stand Weil le Cempuisen viti tiie moat tnergetlc ceegresses- ni mal nia cNa le ad b Mam- u * dw Py maire resues 1> m, tiiy mU* iangithy but *thfui ernt A»55' He. arae mdsuit «aIu"tsel, lb.' hmu a @me.etWb» 1 wFo&sto eOn e.hé rirnus vii., 1 ptipeed handsud huart o on. end aie 7sghStlllsg »*. for the. e. e Qe, t it'us frl Shpiit er kna areni iii»sud"ami: -The.Lord ,%.*, and itheLord battlin svsy. elemed be the. some et the lard." "18tou atsielu,'sat OlaM. 'ous. _'Z bhd nosf W_1. ol Ta d our wJohn Brave *vsscattered on the round. Witelsthe vife vas gatiierins al q bur aPro*the fragmsents of ber uabauds esê-aheIgthora Upfer rla--4ia~Shes5lookeit loie ber taos gs 1ood Wonsan, heu' do Fo .i »wovabout jour botte ais laî? )hI," eh. sld, "I alvakys tiongbt WteI bhlkis.h.ebas been verT gond toeusaie1 ait me reasortwte hîninia atibi e at1 wel et hlm sud thjsk better et him wv.11 Oh. vbst a grand thing t ill i beh athe. lent day te me Ged pick out hie ie0oes a" berolsea. Who are those Dan-4 »s of stemr ytruditilm09oit ou th*e ate&so en ven? Who ors tiey? The1 nid Clavenioum sud tihe Herodeansdi s.. vin bai sceptsrs sud Crevasud4 tronesbut-tbeq lirait for their evu .5-1 andimemeut and they broke the heart, )f nationa. IUsines of ea4rtii. but paupera * et.rnlty. 1 best tiie dru ofet heir1 ermal despair. Woe, voe, veel 1 Ti.haiVes. let Havon. But there la hreat exciteueut in boal- n. Why thome long proeeutmlsiWby a* boming of that grest belli la the. ivOr? It la corouation day la iteaven. Wh, are tinse rlalng on the lurone, vitii woves or eismaliroyalty? Tbey muet5 M»ebsu great pople on the. eartb, vSd reuovnd people. No. Tiieytonght i a rsgged achooL. Taugbt lu a ragged ool! lu that aIl? That la aIl. Who ie tisse Bane al.siug sceptera of eterual .loneu? Wbr. the are lile cildren beo walteit on invalid utotiiera. Tint ait? That le ail. She vas c«lied "Lttie Mar*" ou earti. Pie lIsan emprem a uy. Who Are liat great multitude u-tj ibest tirons ot eave,? Whio are t.y? Wiy. tiisy ted tih. iuugry; tiisy dothed tlie noed; thbsy iedW the mici; iey m1 cetretteheart'brokOu, 1h.'y evrmu 5j ut utiltèy put their sait~ ~ ~~e theout aplovn li epulces. Ged -watcied theut. (ld laughsed dell- uce at the eneuiles viso put theur beeli ard dowa on tiose, bis dear cbuldreu, and eue day the Lord %truck biubaud sa bard on bis tigb tiiat the ontulpeteut word rattled lain thebuchie s b.sald. r qu lhiuGoal, *aitno wspon tormei gelat them u ai proaper." Wulat baru on uthé. voltde o oWien thé Lord Alulgbty vith' unahentheit word lights for yen 7 1 prehthi ser- mon for comfort. Ge ousome t theplace tut viere (oi bas put yen te PUY the. hero or the herne. Do uût euv7 yy man hlé monsy or bis aplilause or hie se- ci position. DeouDtmsvy aul vouas ber wardrobe or ber ouquisite appear- ance. Be tii. hem or the. beroin.. If tbese e nur lu thbioteand Yen do nt kuov vie eyour eblldren are to gel b,e. ltu, and You vl hear mouhhlu appins asemâa the viudov pana. Go te lie wiudov. au« jon vii la d il la tii. beak of a raven, snd open th ii. lagu, atuor lie Ii ay lunfte messeuger the& lad fhjsii Do Ien tink tinttheii.G. Who greva tii. Cotton etftth. South vil. jet Yeu tresse for lack ofet inies? 1» rom tiilk that the. (lo vii.se ngo Wu discilop on Sabsti uelug te go lut. tb. grain Seît sud l&sm taie tih. grain aud rab IStu in kr bandeand et-de Ieu thi k Qd vWi let ynu atm.?l Dit yen ?"pr hoe the experlence et tiat old ause. 1 bave h... yeung sinov ewau eld. jet b ave neyer msu the. rlgbteous formaken h# ii mord begglng breait." 'Oet np ont if jor dscourageuteut, O troublit eul.o ~ svlng vouas, O man kicked sud euitai byujuat suplejers, O y. vin are baud basal; lulie battis cf lits sud lise. nt wlicb vay te turc, O yen iereft nu@, 0 yew:si ene vltb Complaiute jeu bave toit te n nue, Cotesud gettheb.Confort of tus s»ubje«et: Listent te sur pan: Cal> tain.cheer, "To hlm thtiio vercemeth wMi 1 glve-to est ot the fruit ofthtii res ot lires vic in aIn the. tidat eortthe para- disentf God." The. Reaurrechlon.-Tbê resurrectn et the. Lord eupbsaîzed te usalthe au- thseity or jeans cbristatslteheacier ef future llfo.-Bov. F. H. Knlgbt moedlst Bouton, mass. Love.-"Love thirlketh noe .e-l." Bo v. are te b. klnd In our tiougbta. There are people Whto Irritate sud vorry us; tiere la a kînit ot naturel antlpathy belveen uî.-Rev. N. Wood- aide, Presbytertan, Plttaburg. Pa. RumUlty.-Huiity la lie restral» ing power, sud tiirougb Il w.amelc selt-knovlsdge, the. knowledge of what vs reafly are In the alght of (led nul our own unprsJudlcod sight-Father Maiiuuy. R. C., Sa» Fratncleco. Cal. Pera"uNl Meisslp.-leme.l bavni ceaseal te be a nation, even beilond the hope et resuscitatlou, dosa net tn-ds, hep, for a pelitical Mesalah or savior aud. theteforo, eliminatea the. ontire doctrine of a Persoial Mes$slllP from the principles of its.religIon.- 11ev. Dr. Silv erman, HebreW, New York City. , A Vicarlous Atonemet.-Tiat our Lord tah upu» the cross vas a vi c5rlot5 "atonement" for th ii ie oet viol. vomît, sud it vaaccepted i l e as suci, la evîdeoceit by hie reautree tien trom fhe deuilon ilstes Ma, snd aseo by Ils redeemlng eMeRccY til tii. buman race,.au wvihued tbY facia vlilOiino unprejudîesd mlnd can deul. Thaiti sacsrifice upon ii. cros vs more titan an exainple et obeoimt nto e all, for us te ffou, la atiet by St Paul.-te. A. G. Bakifl ielcopallan, New Orleas, Là. The. aMéat Flower.-Noblest 29Co ENUMIEfATOWS ARC COIJNTII40 UNCLE SAM'S MILLIONS. Washington co&esp5untànS.povers ssâi. until obenvse pnoideit.by î le. îIE record et t fi rs sesstion Of Congrea. le carniet on cnmder the dirc- the t'iftylti Çongr"a't la nov tionao e b.Pncsiaent, torm the.licbasic co closeitandit Illa posaible ho anrvey of ticSecastprinil dchaI. on bhe Pililp-1 thie important von lk iia at-cunPisbeit pines, but vas fruihîcas ot action, w durîng the lest six mouthha. l1haho been The oly legbition as te Cuba la of a g s busy Congre..,'ts ebitae.,t.accordins couîarallvelj unour ebaracter, elatlug la te retenan eolcials, lu many ycsns. ln 10 Coban aiippiag. Tie extradition bl, th mente eueacclu 1h. vwon bas beleu esta d- apping ho al inoler posescsion*anda me citing tlin ar aIftie *prel'alius Cou- topentencees, ,bas peeseit bot bhouaes., grecs, vlaicb corerei t ti draintit perlit and douoni s i yl Leaome s lau'. Il la u s-ion van vas teciaeit uit SutIpali, deMirned uuioly te mcach cases luke that anit aise lie perlit f ruen'albuctioni sd et Chari«s F. W. Neciy. treaty malieng vit Spaitn ,ia,11oig the. Dii Plei Avuc' sacial cle et iesud'ar I to nwank The Niesaguan canal ili uni thIe shlp- fa[ aclali acomplshd st strîit ov i'd *ibsiitjilîl arenotable litances of SB' nccomln,115ut th le recerdt of the proeuterlegiuintlon partly advanceit turinglthe Th seionn stands cveilinlaconitarlsoun ilb preset camaion. bol net enactei lto bthe Co lic muaI eoergeti onOSresl-. lau'. Tii. envolbill bas pesstedthîe Hons. , re a eW ternllonnipossestsioan»Lave ant tas issu mate tic special enter in rng neciret mach atte tiou. unidn hile there lie Beatle be glaning Dec. 10 next. The est bas been ne itefinte action tn lu te Piil' aipping bill la on lie clenitan of eci- ippines on Cube. a fenntiouftraveroudtit bouse vili favorable reaouuctdahion unit a meana of ralsig rt-vanle Ihuve trou a uaJority utembenahip of te Sen' been'uorited for Fort. ico'and a coun- ste anudRouge comuithees. prebeusive ter'ritorial ferut ut govern- AntI-trust legialabion bas cous pmemi' ment bus heen give te Haowaii. Tic neutby luho atteotion la lie House. aIlie financial sel bussMade lup -Ortatlchanges *logse of the.sealon, lie Holise iavlnp la thielava reistlag tu 1117eparitj et uasue a nev auti-trust blII ad deteted inetais. tbc hontedi lteita'alucs.nation' s conslîotioual assentment. al hanks uni thle ssctrihy outhtires- Trie Senutsbas paseit a bill for 5a ca- uny by a golit resehue. The icragusf le bichhe Phhlpinu unitbejeoitehole canailIIi a pmoee te House. antla coustrutet una mintalet natIngay- on the. culendur et lia Benate reaitj for 'eaument cotol, buh no actibu bus beSu attention arieu CO o - reeinvenes. The taiacoIlau - tic he onni.. abi-tutbill la dasoâl a dvacedth le Té* srîtinetol mrgr bas ati-trust conuahltulfiSl senduent hma bè.u productive et conlderuile agitation. s dteat recordai siuist il. 'Tic Ps- mll acmlt~s adsrdcl-. clIe caile meaumre P he iaSa'llen- rictivs bil bas beon rettonleiltentbe &te. ' ouse. The. Roberlas a" Cark a« Tie general pension loasbar. beca Tbe excnaion ot Drigiant H. Itoherts 'usterially ciangeit îy the preseaI Cen- froints sent in tue Roue hecus or ie s%, Isngely au a remuit ofthlb efforts of pulyga 1mouss tatua.tte refuaiOl f lie lie Granit Ârmy of lie itepublie. u'blci Benate t0 admit Mr.. Qd"n thle appoint- securei thte passage cf a bill smendisig ment ofthlisGaverno f l'eaneylvaois, tue isu' et June 27, 1890, se as te permit sodthle seusationuml ciSygea, invesigatilon thie -"ggregating" of disabilities and sut tevclopmaets lu thesSenate inathie cagla lhe provisionoauste %vidn s came of Mn. Clark eà oluana bave att, thul u vItov may neceive s pension edtoame exctiog pmeuul ph- nelthie uheo , a i"v'itheut meaus cf support a Mi5oiL .'othen tItan ber ally Ila o t ndbas asu7 Invesiggtiena baie been pruliflar. lu- actuel net lucome not exceedîng $250." lntiug the luqulfj loto lie Cou.un etc. D)Aleoé mlning riotn initube. tho vri- Tic ".frehomes"d't basae st nlibe- ons ilauirlea on p04EPamt reving ot nul arome s It îprorîde ton thie paheat- o et theiRaet.s eintanitmre eeullY ms at ofhmestesenouhe public lande a tie Scoute investg0*U et tite postal sot nealuietfreinthelb Inieins on thie psy' 0 ether irregulunlhlese 115Cuba. ment efthle usual tees unit no otien or Tic total et sppNIfiatiosis aPPici- tutlier charges. Thia opus@ hofise & lmately $700,01»,«» for the sessiona. bmeteat clry Marty millions cfsarme l Te Scuate lua ectiive -31s011nbisa etpublic ISudàin lathe Weit eretofore t bseccutiedte la ncoaienable citent soid t ut stsigIures par acre.N vt important teostas. 0f lieelie Anothen mesuoe passei of sanme gen- t treatles vlti GOMMSBrilain aud Ger- enul Internat permta the Secretsnftr f g uauy. los.iug lt.e tlpartite 9goverineut riculture ta esmemre garne irasiS il tarcel ot Bameis sut &a111114081 to tie United beconig extiunsd provides msuntforet Shtesalie Ilu"a et Tliti. it lesvol- liee salectbo oft tIle la testsauis . noble barber et Psa-Pago, bian lie" birde, etce., trou Blte te Blate. lie laI- a kratiiet, wvillate .theemrcIlà rIWOiVt eu proviionbelut. lan part, desîgucdin I 1tresies viti Fronce.and lhe Eifti irauit lie etmstocllou ot ons Limita ferp Wes afdalndos and thte HsY-PILuB the sae i ~teur plumage.i tcet tremîl cuncemulu te liutrocaniie lcuaen usPnis canal go over vîthoul achieS. Àmoug otiier miselinueonusactaoftheîm 0fh e wgllain aal lly ccmpla-sesson are thase ton tbcprcaenuutlon oet or te 1gwaion efuliraccoplih- heliebstorie tlggle Constituhion. and fora et st sou' oa the satut*ebook. the extentiog lhe vom oft hie Iveifîlu cen- fnai art la regardeitaas Be Most lut- u potnt rieja. T e itewortijne.l portâoit t th yenCoasitemule genarul etioltinà la car- fatre of hi eatue on his mesnrarlla net on appropialîn bille. Tics. provis- lI.Bos vnthat parlj liaseO enescintue the umeondmont' te imlu- tbroken honmesexCtent. a Gaubher et Dem-iosl Oerashloanmalies trountihe Bastero andtitory acateuy bill. maklnp iLte cumailit- New ndan Staes iàlus vithithe Iu s'encrai ofthle artay a lileuenantîgen- NevRulat luescirl, nuitthe adjohont gonenal oethie or-n majomtj la pamins it. IR lie Sonate mysamajor genenl: aise liee menadmeut aise partI luneâ wl t-t-t uIentîrely ne' gardt, cosomaI.,alsy sit af e the nadrcivil bllI uppnoprisllng 8Vi- gre. nt ment*ytandvChantIer 0,Wfo hie St. Louis Exposition. The. vtlug for temau n r hn ler la'nerhabeen a ps"eiby Lti boum"e, uganat it. A t Il,-anie a lau' Lj lie but lie former la atll peolilus. Tienasval Prezideot's signature' on Marci 14, 1h appropriation bill atits'tvo battiesaips, uskai sppecie icte deeatatlon ofthie gold itre roe ries be rtce sadrprovites S a i5tre rerre ut cruisers hait Ire inimuninehLnet thie $130(,000,0. lihe a division o! naval streogtb, and muy loclautoappeli lsues sot redeupîlin et the. tneasury, legisîatîonaas te armuer plate ani s goy- -provide& fer lie re,]t'iitiionandtminnecrament plant. Tic cîber appropriation Ot interesl'bearing bondas oet heietaîed huIsin tie main carry tic unnalgovrna't States. ait makes new regululion as te menumpltes.f 4 "tincal bais, tuait circulation, culait- The Aaka cote blI, giriqg a complets iliabtin al sailî.minuUnite«analthie civil usteu of lava tethie errihor', ha 0 ta x: îe y ip y . T h e t ane c o ta lus a a p a sse i L otel i b o ues , sn d u n d ou ih d ly 1 deeluralion itiat lils '-'tlîo are Roit yul become a lau'. 01er mensures u'hIah dltendet te prearîidle tht' secomplisoit Lave pasicit one house. or lie otier, Lbut ut ofliternationaal biiîatatiliSo." ent are etili pending, incuietehose foar the muo rtt ucolgislu'at itonna iii n h eti'o-tic esieto 10othepupnlencotu- Ot ut Cnresthùl urn lb.escl ndicthorizing.tePeiett pon on out f Cngres dringthesesson.Themission luealtny commercial conditions in t- discussion final hurîenthe icrevenue bill. China anuitJapan; for ineanar the cru- h levyiog an it l t i1atr cent of rtei' nga cieîîcy Outhîe arnny hy mnking service 'la itley rates ou Porto Ihia ' gooda. 'rie us' tic staff corPi tempurany: cxhcnding thc d jnntutho! li st i1 eucn ,iitee elgil-ietim lau'; incrcasi tea nnual ni- urseit tiecoratlitu attiand aa'esity lu'nnce tloth inlin et titi'country trou ut tihis course ultila' litemiaomity, re-4400 000 ho $1.000,.0 entonreitiy Mr. oa('l f Sînssuthu' ___________ gset% a meitiiet of iltua»rtitY. uttin- HERO 0DF SHERMANS MARCKt la taune t laI bbc t'nstiinliet othle Unitaedl____ ,Y tale eiteddle Porto tO ienandalte tn Whoio UnmîaOt lien or0v.r a *Congrese vas lioil 'tttit a e uw ont Coutatenale Capitel. dungeratitiprearolciti l'a sinusthue Island Titere enheedthte RoierR' Home naI enI terlu hatlitit et lie rea t flrehallova. lowa, ncentlyeamn vin thle countrny. Excila'aaa'aatt ran bigi unuier vas oeef t hic Uncmn'neit berces efthle the Btic pr etfviite'atira.ad public attention, civil vau le lal W' Tic debte la lie W ia-e vas igîtîlizei George W. Dort,1 by lie division oet1wlitanoajorlly, vbich ton Who, raiaed tiec y n ime matife i î'"aitt oulbtul, Lut lic Sts o ndSIrlîesl iii ultlutately paa'ai ?e content lunrer the Coutelier- the Sonate vas tattaîtite, but legs acute.. . Rte capitl eta Ce- lo e the oute cina,'te entire gcrot'lut'of, lumbla, B., C., oh L. lie measure hy alaitta ecomplote tru the ent et $ier- 0- et civil poverunueutli ti-'lbatoru, raia- . un'à. tata Oni r, ng reveneuniteatlilahg unu ilanit .mincihoe hie ca. M goveramt. t heie îl'titl'eecame a lau'. At lie ontreati la Subaiquentij It wtt' nendei no aus t0 .oetthe vur DanI litat comporole ttrancit'ses unit on thie .as u railltent et Pnresldeat'a récoinnwiîaa'taiion aunseltu'ns ' Clilg. leva, nt apasseda ppnoprlatiît farthie use ot Porto GOXRGE v. ]PART. enîlaîrit in Coen- hic Rin hs,2,09S,445'a taiteoeit trou miand payG, TiirleethbIOA, coeutrtic neg- kàsources Ince s l acqaition. - lintetieofthticromons Cocen brigade. Hfikaansd tie I 'iPipats. Ho vas tiaclianaet ahVicksaburgt, Mies., -NexI llu ponauta' lu tie aceuithisb' i Dearmltar. 18(k;i. lie r'aitand si >9 et vorkioft hic atai.lalt e let eh"uwas pitîced th le matr gîjaîti atr er- g- pruite, a guvrnalsafaithéit errîtn tor fmatît'.arn'. Titiein»' hail îîa'at att i Co- Id B»vsIL" The del'it-.'O elt la fbc Seu- ltambina mitit îe lia'iienttu cotltaetllou tas aunitRougse nreul'itilte division see ia rI's riillt'titl, viiil ai lit titaf ttuai, atou mttere utfitetati.The sel prorites aheaag vitan vis Dtilii ia-aIf.t't'a- n syseu t'fgoniitaittt eci ke that et thet-- antI aviltaies h Ltu',tin' ly aîrh lie îtrîîonhes, vitît oa 4;t" 'raton ejpetuted b i ohlta bod , i rtî,ht"I' w'aa'incith'ia a ble lie Premlidt. I.'tliott'oef b at i cofcai'rourataolit,'"'. ttfait-tîa'tit t, bouses. frtanchise a't:lt't itrc'icallt behe aitt gnti-' 'iaittatu.al. tlitI.t,. 'ivitt"tttî's Id sainme aithoce ait a,"a-- lu icCheUiteidto,ytoalltuan îaaarîy a a'thie l'un- 'r Staates,'ti hie tttitittttel qualification t-o asm eattuc iat i latta' tforc a'a ua ýf tint s voter soîl -"ý illeateio haa'ren rasiur te Iliai,, udI altttit ti îaa lîtîsa oili- um aoit vite lie Eîaii s lntiage or lia' îles. Tbe hat timaltban et o taa'ri tie UnHaauilon laauîuag." tAministivse candl aupitoibuilding vas re'îaaIý. a'itt'rt hur judiclual ollcei's art' iaî'videit anal the isi- uasaleal tie gouiardîsmad ataitn llre sudinlagvena dea ie tt e t Hanse oet sîcis, linthet liahtif ahter is'h t rslsrn [ai Repn.seantativei ut (li United States. ant flong lie Stars unit Stnipeetlu tic >r chosen by lie pe'Olla' ith a it lte - tneeze trout lie staff Ilithe top of tLe bu ýbaie 0 inte l7unwe. bott ha igit leaibuilding. Darta mct Las beeu referet l- Vote. ta 1in hislaryans une o e trveel efthie The Pilippines ont Cuba have ocawm- mach th ti es, suit lu exholl greatly ffl ma atuc îention lanltheu'uy' of d- liii tbcreceoais ant istaaria"tet thie înmj Ibis ts Beti.I nsales t Cviltasat Thlis-C te. pit Pi ofesArelise The. 52.000 engui enumeraLtona are aaking thir rounds. Two Lonaireit ant oety-scven auperi'ttrs baesticu in ange. In addition te lie staff at beut- lanters lu Washington, four ciief In- pectors are ont on the roat and more han 2.000 speeiai agents une alan pre- amedto e umq loto tueur tesignated fields etinquiry. Fittylfive tIonsait umen te liter information about 75,000,000. It oou like a big anuy. andut inla hîger hun sny uruy tic Buera have Led in the leit lu South Africa. But tue lia a nu untry. The endt ut tiecpcetury remous, the :wifiM wIich UnclePSu as antaken. im mpectedtatushow thet the UnlledPlates àte-day tic' egrenlest, the mue" pPopus, ae riebest. lthe unit pruiPerD*A nditthe ce«t rnpidly growiug mudera nation. The :perts have alread.v Sgured ont tbat the 4*1a populatin ii leuép trou 62,000.- M0 Lu 1890 te betveen 7-.0,000 sotn e,Q00,oO In 1000. Mulbil, lie Engli a stistlcian, lust taii figuredt h. population of the United 9tt.. Jone 1, tus jean, St 77,300O.0. h. tseasurj experts mate 1h etili l ier.' DsssDirsetor Merris am a esistet 1.,000.000 or 74,000,000. Lut ton obylous rasons he la cousenvatîve. There are ejperta bore vbo are witing o vaser inat tiiegrand total. fbu iey17vouai ap i eth ocr 0 W 0nor nter 7 M5ooooo. l itwi Lest te i.cvilis vorlat. Germa"n bu ouly tvo-hrds as nany peupla, France anit Great Biai îuly s, utile over baîf as may. Ris sut Chin aisavemore, buStuteur hordes, &»e net te h. reekoncit la theea51.5e et tl e lvlld modera peoplas ,%lgsctss' «aauexpectua te b, ailet. aeiann 'e lPfflatlsnet ueay4mev- je, cilleltlu lthe mont. Vashing tou viii cemfrnet an sd rWpl #e uw NewmV'T'l. Cicago, I'blldolpb sutnd sE the larte ciles. Tiseeunssexperts give s Most Iatsu' estiug prefflctlon. Il la tuott lis C"3018 viiih ath e alnitdSitatra te bave -a = mamer 0 cIlles vIli gpopulton lla umOtusa y other nation. w. abali midu'&bout foe su nniolW- pl)tiss, aut ««nçrsattrliâtIt le b.- ilavedI ,leaIlai. Lu lia OMOuttim Chinlami ntcomte si, asle population et Cmaese ihli la laugmly a maner et tge essn, sudth" mae mare nielles et villages et béat Vi. expatsabave aise agiret cal lins the ataler ot popi- Iiopla lie Daftlait Stls ias uOv tsi9 simd' &béo lyslas vssýW>t ef Ccaus- bus. lad., sud le nov net fer trom, lie BliSuola lins. "Vfestwazd t. t ar- etem- la lacr«or e vsaitle gpuat West le.expeel te itl"h h.Bail. As a bals appomtinemeut of lis United, Btafl fort Cougresa sui tht.e ls.tocrielleela te h. mateneBtviatàr nppa the issus et tlis couss, as requinet liT tieeeal. tution. lthe grovti of populution la Ibo West *vIIimpeedilj brnugincressof PO- 1111<51 power. Betome Dec. 1 Dir.ct Mlg&sp xiect# tea snenobee betotal population at tue Cald tai ltes an that Ceutre«s mey upon itâ oasembllug et eucs proteedte10mait e iewu'aPPWOiti .ment nequirei b>' ltee*nstilution. 'ie ttal cast et tue census la estiuabedet B tram, 815,000,000 hlffo 80.0 ' Juil shunitreit jeans âg Virnaawva lie ontatIaor thte union, vît a Ppu- latioet nf88000(. Thas "Br Iil l fait iack te about î'arntleth Place. A.t he beginins of lte eenlury Massachusetts slned Ihir ite cliaI. Ten jeans use ut vas iti.. ta Ibis censuit lais retty sure t. Le oulttrippeit by texa Indtiana, Ulchlgan andt Init. The apecimi agents vin are te gahr informnation as ho Americen manufuclor' lug lItdustries are ut yen. Durlug lthe nexl lire. untîhs ltey uvili finisi loir liai. on Ibis, scorte cesuîts are lis- ly le Le amesing. This tenture of lie ceonsi more han any otier vîli Show te gretueseofthe Uniteditaltas. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Bvanm Estmât« ahait bUnion Veterigos Plumier 025,000 Veterans 0et he civil van aredyint off stite raie et about 3 1-3 uer eoft per annum. Commîsalonen et Pensions Ev- uni estîmnicesthaltiters are about 925- (10 survi'vons ni the civil var. 0f this nomber tiere verr on lie peonoueil lent year 742,407. Dumog he jear 24,M8 penalonet velerana dicit. Tis nimber laeslighlly more than n 1-3 Ver Cent As- sumng tiat tli eati nuls suonstoseG ual penmioaod le thesames a&mon£ the pensioera, tic lobai aumber et veierns vh ia iîct uring tic jean vouli Le about 80.855. Erici lNews Item». Mayor nr Iluvana Las iseueit su enter probiitint he plaYiag et SPeai airs lu public. A second veluine utthe r"port ct the IraI Pilippline Commission gva apmoc- lamation et Agutinaldto usklag tLe FIl- pioston a Christms present. Repteseotatire Siafroli of Coloruade la looklos aflen lhe areeervatlon of "a large samier of monuments antd eif dvelliogs vhici are.the vomi e! preilaloric man"' in Utah,, Coadoit.,AnaanditNew' Mexico. Oklahomas City la a thbivins atlty et np- vert cf 15,000 people. vith gmrvin lus- ainatries, and bas just begu he uection of s free llbmsny viti the itt et 825,000 trou A.utrev- Carnegie. Travelng librarieu are t. bo aut&bliSi id lu Pennsylvnui y the PmeLlbrnr ommeison, meeutlj suthorimlt. For tie premeut the librarles sam le b. nup- portai by privat. contributions. T.here are 750 cuploysi la lie postal 'sqanca ot Cuba. ot uiom Cali! %04 are, Amtrlc&%aandsut 1511.are cbl ln lutli d0tatul ieudqaiartes aMi lieVA-, e ina postoifiée. Tierse 18pont 4@aasl %W ausI. utwW~ 'M . re la repaper qPpblae taitie tram i mnb on es and t. he pint book et l. MsW non os oet a . hie eparet ont the. The hontale demous*rUagaet telb..1 ona y elsusuts l a C iS ba fdat i et oeWVtykuovu as thie » -1~u av suddocly ased-0- at.sjuet < eous rshelIlion. Eaabed.adby l"é ', cos là tetead-g the Qvemmt tops, the. rebels, bave it.slrto15 llvay station sud rollim stock at IUs. no, nemi pekiug, sud ana uareis en he capital Itasif.Tb#i. vie uVsuu Maimet at ail foreign u fteâmeos le Nos. The. grs'ity aeth15e @Untlm là, acresset by lie tact tuat tii. devagE umprese, the dominant torée lu *hImlu nriaI goerment. in more or leuis h âtiy u'lth tie reactlnsî TetOël- he rebeis. Tii. "Baser, aveis* Gntis isen usarrlug atW mogu«l ôChrlsllaitj atIlvarIons Pobstu, *- onugi tbey bave thua far retu*Wd 0*. ijng forelgu ulalnnsrle 1* la et at the hitiltY l leIsia 'I*@&It aperlai goxeruinent canet ase ppresthe. murternus asesetthsvqb* îîbhing neniains but for the fereiM -ments ho send varsiulia sud t-000 efend the property sund lives, et tWslt*. zens ia China. BYthelr ulObmwolM anatical Chines. are o0* hsst5l5Ul0, idveut ofthe fore4 lgo luSUIW"" tey are couiatlng. A--areluala o ýrivall even nov l inj oY61ttsP79"' neas, and if the. "Boiee' relieUlaS g te formidable proportionlaseu' *ar Ped it may easily prove a isiieSi jilu toward the breniuP cf ChinaMtt- Owiug te tie enroschmaau ôe0<' 8oes"Amerlosu, BrilatPpi5U Germaa, Itallan. Rum."»sU Ta" U trops te the bomber of 1M0saohprP -dere tu oPekln ta guafdii t' »-tt, gatlons tiere, bott h, vleeey set %tow' ,lin wonldot sllov tit 10 cv.t Pekia outhe ralvay wih*te @ÛMflý yt Ofthe tmupg-11-jatsel 00e ipisp sut eight Amerleans, vîit a a iba* Smf and s fildit su. landeit uul grat audiO gisanu. Fire Rosla amsips, tvotem%"' unheais, tvurBrftlsb varahulal sudt 'renci snd one Itaien wvarabl= t Taku. sud adiet troupe. IN# CeGffl ave refuseaillshw Bué4A5 0-!AIS swa the Taku torts. Thorn àl sitjon ta bellee tiatt thi es~ P lispera. befoithe. torélgi trQQW 1W. redy to set. IEBF.i-S SUR"$*#~8A MP Issit lit li1.?e*sjfll 1ýW Amewè caaiaMd Bocagea On Tt,'sdy lgrIU hé icFilpis.' Tie roh-dMisa mmuay socil- dai M ico.ne o h inate optaTheologeal Auluaf pristoer,' , clerate Md'lnI~ auu ivensAny ai mal senoul chau 3>7y"»re gugvva tiig. Fîfi ba voue «pie cue, in. Jat e pa.tet et i.lf aftate GovePart hthuedansi Alban sPralin oes, Aineemla M. C. A. la tendeaioang teras t jubletoreidtlo!aurlcsa kaol eairough atéu urope uthe autbil e bodUt«ma.thé eul 'ntya oberoai bfelr lgne ie Weo u. t the Jamus vs i Band, sait lteus' Ï91us% ,Slnt udW5=eUfesuÀ pOeeiaitt mate bythe penenoi. eat t i werahosiel i e rnt @r hie s eta b ii. llu il sus realtIae it isues. ieton te cotine ti.pm > es f li orae un e d Absny. be. 1 sued ifgLi y ie s utr tts te Geopefl prsa- »Miepng r cuos ra lu Joe. l ITii. thre. ioerl ,.Ja2s0M pa vici, n ", b& Mrýeuc.aupP boe AuImen se hll, tt bithenbedffy otajneW T.-eti Eninulise erons. O, a,,ntqinanational dae. et. W lare YachtÇluh, ah itY, r