The Crescent Bicycle là the béat bicycle on the markeat for the money, both in looks and durabillty., "The Wheel That Stands Up." ~REMEMBER--A1i wheeIs sold by me are warranted. 1 am. rrepresenting -the Shoninger and Shaeffer Pianos. Corne in and see them. Established 1870. 'Endorsed by Ieading musicians ajuch as: Campanini Liszt Rubenstein Wagner Ida Klein S, B. Milis Emma Thursby C. A. Cappa Arpad Laszlo1 and many others.t C. R. SIIERMANf jErWiER AND OPTICIAN Libertyville Illinois.1 Wall Papée..a W., have a large and assorted lin. from which to select at from 4 cents to 20 cents per roll. Cagrpets.. Se. our samples of. fine ingrains. We can sell you anything you want in the way of carpets. $2.ooWOOl Trousers $2.00 L6ok like m ade-to-order goods. They are the best article ever offered for the money in Libertyville. F. C. SMITH & SON- Buter BIdg. KI Libertyville, Illinols. -~ Ice Créam You can Alwayi get It i#t Lovol'se PUARFUAvORS. Pue'Delisclous, Cold Boit ke Gitansto e b etiaiy ccit rtyvi lie FB. LOVIELLs Ti take rond C. havi paini aR, ou 0 Ch one( cage, mi Berr liv.. veel Oui sud Wood vej Jel va N vith hyvill am fora vhoik but q When you have it yous don'à vaut it. Wheu yon don,& have it yon want it. This may seem lik, a paradoi, but,. nevefteles, lt'm true. Our choice fheu goode first create the bhnngry feeling and then satiufy it. Besides this we caR demonotrate liai the more money you Spend with us the more you Bave. Triggs & Taylor, Libertyville - - Illinois. C. R.. Averiîtviiome tles as con. ductor ou Sb@ tut train te Fax Lake necaseb iesahéence ro. hiesfeiuy hors. mane«go betasaahome aver SUn- day. S . i. Pope Wviam bu te cnlract for lb. eretian o!1liaeiane ablitnamot thte uev steel bride ou Buikiey Boa4 aspet te beagl vork on sautecti# veek. WUI eutd(Smo. Daviaon sud Fred Sujiam haulitd the atone. At an entertalument given hy the Federation ai Womens' Clubs la Mil- yankee TedayDigit, Um eClama Avertitamieffl bair leacsofa! lon. lion,idrs. Tiedala. tu tie rendtion ai a part cf9te pragrani. Chas. Boyez and Et. Mcl>onald have the cantreel for the arection o! a nev hemn 36z46vîit 22fi. poal on tha Fraenk Irai b.fenDneer Orayaka. It lookssas thaugh Boje. sd Moû%dab vars gtting thair ahane ai the vomk. E. W. Parikbntel1 ncle Sauts ceusas enutaratar hegan hie. vank Fri4layoa legs ve.k maii hembean hard t Bt Il ams. Ton ca WU Bt ail jour troubles and ianïiuymeret.: R. la avoru ta mrecy. 1% ta eptlrnstadi a meh yul subtito. t comppl t thevWk. Abert 1lltahfll.femulierjknovn hareabouta un 'Flhsmmmons" la nov tocaelai i Ahrteen, É Dakota. Alhart vrilee h. le proepering nicelj sud attidètaI h. vouit like te bave nmre o!f(rabham apring valet 'ont lier. aut ha aubiers fr. lte poor vatet.1 Wbehe n. nd uitmidtiUoi4adtrain service La à mets desirsale acquieition, jet lie matilservice lisa. Iflb.he9:26 mroaing train fr. Chicago voult ceatsjmailisasveilIas peperalthe vonst defeel volit be ovarcom. A, moru. ing mail mioula. alafordei aur huai- nom mmen. Tic flrah yacht race o!flte ieaoon t foi' Lake vas rua Sundajy. Thee ver. flvk startera and -'Loulaa' ovnec ay Mr. fomcit o! Chicgo von. Paala va. second., The Bld lage tippet ovet on thecfinish. The vahet la quit. tco l0v for good racing. John B. Clark tbm aekalt 50 acta off tie met ouid o!, bi fat. lu 0. Bchreit 'the land - adjoins M. schrec klmasuint.hence douiy irdemîra- bisle 1 hi.. The conalteratian vas su0 par acr. Mr., Bchteck noirlias ce cof ,efluelsud bhast improveci furme fiij~ scin Tihe nuihek pieute on' the DesPaine cam paDits vilii ha lai Monday next ai410:30, eav. umsjih, O! lb.VinaiM. E. chhEvanatani, tatoupreâci. lunthe a~Droon an oit 1 Mlhoneilovaeflesv ilii ha lelit.1 Tha association vWi provide tee, cesse.,mra iinPrluger c.for the) pluijess. Maey ftomt Abrenylli «Wdm uqofatndnand - New store, nev tock o! hrdvay and uev prionm a& G. B. SoHAxcKs.ssl 134 tickets vere sod Bt Libertyvil. Tuena tt the Wodmineuas picula Madisanduit i am a happy, jojai crovi tbhat leftr for lie Wîsconjdi c ipital. 'yoq conla hea~t hen afk the train vasn0ont a! aigl but luia a a vy Wootmen bave c lattlug people know thej ara on eartl Tbhay ara alvaya very mnil i evidenca. Ail rotîriied lu the evenli foud lu a bit paisea of the beantîfa 011Y andi lakea aud de' Iarlug IMauisai an Id cmi place to pieu je. iioard of Ifuvieva. Jndge Joue, lias ippointet ia. 6 Evaus, ai iighland l'ark, as h iii utamberof!thaeiBoard ofiltavlevs. Tii. Board canslts:oi 5lerk Bandai Mlles T. Lamey chamrnman 0f tie Boari o! Supervlwersand Mn. Evane. The Cirojis of <lit Âge Evrj &rue motver im la a sonnma Ohlat. for ike Cirimt mxii bas séflered aud liko Chisnht abe lm fou<iatt.» crucl lidit ah li t. But 'nhlik aieu, bar la Do tangibie crai. te ait Its con manting aliadow ado*n ah .thg aenturlem. Indeed, me.n allen1.a1i9t recoguize tis troe wlien they sec b; lse uprigit be negleet, andithea ami naiftinuea. Look wel, ai ibia ver: moment Yaum ovu ciothar may Ib atretceed upon It. lier a i aý rendier bier quemuionN; la tbat jani excuse? Hem atibi ingera may ugit vIth bar drelabng if iii, la poor sud ný one aida hem; bar untidineee repels joi or ae ~Hm iuvemeata are oa feebie, ab vavetlung, aie tenders joi Impatient. You bave corne to expecr noa uuch of ber, and abec enudo oa vaeilljlittle nvDowYu ieai'*ggrleved Ani.»t ia0 t ton n nc(,usolouglycou fe1 it; sh, las urdeundsut tou lb boum of tua acknuowledgmepl hal Colvarj drava ear. ler fallé ite,e tha iapolng back luto eblldbaod'i vaja, amov cantemptlble in jourejya Rer rambling con vensation, irritate, j0u. Von Ignare and intexnu»t bh, sas houhaibah. vre lu vory trutb 0 chutd. Yojkosjlherm uemory la fellnig Pemiapefil te; but one tIbini li ramcmbers unto lier Iiat-her lave fa jou, vhIch jon bave, aeminuly for. gottu, as tha Jewo forgot tie love oi Clirat- Womaae'L HoYne (ampaioa. Cëoumlsaloner'a, Notice. À petltion, havîng been premufflat$0 the. Commissioner»s(YI tibbaja af tha tovu o! Liberiyvile l iteoIUy of Lake tu. la, ont a nev tuÏaithei maId coiataaienonerla (1oherabj 81ve notice. ualtbey bave 1IX04 upon thie luth day af hune, 19010, at the boum of 10 c'clouct a. m. ai janirs gUreum ttu »aId touai' as the time &Wt place the, viii Mnt oex aamine tbe route of auIot road, andtho itear reosaneiim andi .4anst hlaiayiîîg ont of hi. tu»,a whaii.*"d *bam. ail persoas inlenesci mmlib boeiardt. JOax~NI5Y &Wi ir,= y C~loe, PIlICRD UP IRE AND ýHERE. Local Iteffl of lnteret to Libertyvili. Readers. no. .Kalahisahool miasée ione luit. W] y% of oatil, thora vili be Ivo.or thyee gradin -es UL j. Wa. S. j. tbisjear, jet no public exorcises c. AZU.Ai. ta be held. la M& Ds gý . , Tie i.Lbfrtyvllle igiiway (Jômr r.Papm. g"am loai~ ~Olle@ et 9 0olak Lutm. iilue 5th to r@. ~ ~ ay .cgà. meets vork on road padlng. a fl M No doubit the. bd« Woodmen1m pie ~ go bis held et Dlanod Laki Jnly 0. -ÀBXO«ek vill precinde a&H pée.!liity or get 1#8115811 DIBIE.OT 9iST 0F Up aa ciebratIon lu LIbrtIyvi adlf.OhOJ~fm'~IL.l.B~J, vry semei ta bic planning Ra.KlM tu.NAîMF8U det. 3. < take In the plcolo. qyioDjlTN @aopAL 0illynOH- AMille Union ehurcb next Sung , -P mornlng vili b. ,belappropri M. a Chlldren'a Day agarloem by the. pi ai 4 1 m 5A<I a d raver la byterian Snndga 5*00. An ebeel) oed evM'uaa ori " àatoa ,elIL Dm 1UPesaer.promise" ta N0e ueisali nterent. g E.lIn.Pastr. rbday uight. Jue 22d, viii ~. M k ~>.lIM TABE. edicated the. nav Metlàiodist pares M. a&r. . TM TABZ. go. A house.vmmng in planued av Utertyvill. ArriveaObiil- w illeii ail are bnvlled. liefreshme: 4:0 a. rn.eaM. wviilb. provlded and s program, la P:. m 24. .M jour entertmlnmsens Lebeîng arrang av Chicego Arrive Lihertrvl*. Igitareportaitanohr change la 1:0 BMP.HIes. teeffect In ltué Bt. pal]i âi"e ci 1. m** ~ .1 Sunday. Indications are the tiýerti 10 ~ =pp M. 51 i theatre grain viII rate Libertyvi * kint tatiicenee the. nev change. Postniaxter liej Be knd a te e»uimm. mayaonce tthm lae d lspermaneul Ir. E. B. Smith Je vlalling a fauner emtabîiched he viii endeavor to sect loge chum et Balvidor. l"ais e. a evialon of!the at]ai iedule, t hati MaCormlc k bas let the. coilitract cannot do no uqililthe trains are r pelnting hie tvo bonaeu d barn. on a permanent ohedunie. rh. village board male to-alght ta Rtond wagons, and anry e op malter of! pantins alectlria vitii maker' aas on el, at <G. id tressaille. SCÀANCK's. 3sti T. Meydacker pemesit through Nothlng relative ta grantauig a fra m Mtonda>'. Probebly out looking chi"a for eleatria ligbtiuîg purpon r is -.fance«." W5idoue ai Mondmýn1glit'a meeting the board. W. nude rsiend the Mati t>hart Beautinla avlng bis hone l b pfoi action nt tijiar adiourn, lted whlchi grestly Improvea 115 meeting to.ulght and it la ýhop xmnee.some deflanite action I]l be talle». Lmal boune ibonbeau pravidad for vanld seeut1he matter lian draggi iwstohmanM iha 8t. Fut craemlug viaia a peraseancj iamrdly excusable, Milwaukee Ave. A telegraph staion*La maintaiued lsylon Çnnntugham la nagned s bo ~intersection cf the ne, road lof thiluorporatomscf tuha i- Fax Lake and t hatreuil:running t tIl a, Fox and Geu.v4 L e ami vay. irelgitdepot. This la only temporal i. John Austin, tir., la th. gruet of and la prentLd.d over bj 0Operator lRat in»gWaan d Jefferson Park rais- ut vili b. dlecoehbnned viien t u. Be aspec taIlha absaent tva gravaI trains ceeseta OPerate. Ti ei. Dow atation la kuovn as Liliertyvil ir town seamed dasarleil Tueuday Jnction. Who My& ve are n01 bout home who did ual attend the 1liii. tien'mpiete f oand t hmmaivasa Snbject at M. IL cli ire, BoSndi ymsmmil minortlj. mamning neit la -"AnticinL, What minhebmnitet veddings lu vihl t ut nitWhon La il?" At tihe mornir gaid nd unotfait ma beho funitservice the question itrawer in openai illte mhovtug made bj onr Liber- ADu na la tu a mke inqilesio [e joutha. suguestione thtoUgtketia quastic manahber Ibohome magie iahing cirower. Tii. chuliti'ki Day cono. mi. nt the UETAuEANT. (Gond services by tie Suildaj Sebool vii 1 mec.. food. McUaing but the haIt la the. areung. A good progra l f maleriM oued. 56-id. te undar vay. 'van Nôt P our Weii KXon Lake County Yonn 7 Pf ole United a nr i e . Teday M ah of Mr. Lynna hile COl>by, of LibeMlvlle sud Mime Fanos, ssCooper, of Dimand Lake, ver. UitdLcà n are lu the. holy houda of vidlock. To manj uaitr rnegé vws asurprime ss MW they chose tuaI the.affair De aA nupre- Jd rk'à tentions SAspossible ami mmmde Do AN ot1 lot annouuýoment of their îuutlans ex- ceps ta immedialo rela&ivea. Alter the caremcny tIaej 1eofor a ahort 3q wedfc vctripe viiee, la for hea ta ai 48i1 mo, aJithbir frae& go lad ont. ing Mr. Co"bjla te u r acac. B. Colby, Ilia, cf LIbalyvîIe, a jaung man cf appîl- calla"n anditlnttryü. iNo hue larbai tu hiesfaîhere sstore forSmre lima andt "Y heu many friands vhc viii .xend he Coi 19a ertycoangratuilattons. The. brida la, te- a lavable young lady, vhiola"- HE euta penicuehlp a much Soullt, Mitej4veit snd for manj jean aai Ecekefeiler but msnes her frAUer's deti busmata ber home.. h ng c ha vltii ar roter William aI Diamonit ta Mm. Colby bus renteatthe. Gbmou te Rioua. on Lake @trat. and vlth hlm for bride viilhacaet orna 10 their friande ait. ID a favvaek». Spring ta . AUMANII.WaLLS.. o h he rit A prttj home vadding vwuoch h aild moi010313ed1aM lb. home of Mr. John lle wonse, Eoketella. Wedeedyajveu-, . uch gre ah In«.ýEitvard0. Baumman, ofaibelrty- tained any ttîy ville sud Mima PeerI . Voile, Ecoke- ara feilar vere tha coolracting partie, a shoe pa ut They ara joung people of extensive nu acqualteain L savloinit'. lMt. by chanci Baumen u ia orkad on hie fitharsa ,l frm-jit moW2th of Ltbertyvlie from way thar R. bie, bojhocd. consoueantly bu Ir acqul emy varm blionde vho very best, e- knoviug cf hiesterling qnelities saUH tw asn bmpmk a prooperona, happyj ournej o 0 f tbrough Illa. tender., tr ime. elms a n. o! Boofeilema mid 'mailestimnabla Young ladiem, sud should be ed vile Ail tiare vili regret bar reini.]___ If front heasocial ole oa emumnolong wiII cause igraced, jet thay ar, nana the lame can fit yot hearj Inu or coangratlatious. At Mr. BAUManaxVini condaci bie much troul to fathbrs fat. andt viti hie bride vlU hi begfin muied 1lfe onlte- aid home. for w. hav SCOUINCL PROCEEDINOS. tosslect, jI Le Lînaurvvu.a, MAT 14, 1l00. bc Boardt met in adjourcoil mebu'lwth you r foot. le Odrlebt, t, Bnj, met ad proctor ~.preonut. DUBola, Sherman absent. Minuntes ai May 79b rendMitsdon motion of Haenby sud Prochor atoot y approved -mtoend., Carrieit. je Application ai' Blair Engineering muttele on iight, lire andt vale.m eB d. Moved bj Juel sud eabj liai the or bond of J. E. TrIW gishideereiunsti m tue maxI reguler meeting. Carfiai. D eovait by Ranby andt Juil thalva sdjouru. <arrieit. bc C. a. suivE;Clark. un iaaxunmJî Libertyville, LiBzynL.a, uun4, 1,900. iliaga bcerd met ta regnlar Asesin f ull hoard pressent escel Sherman sud tf DuflOle. ~t Minute. of pravicua rme.ting voa wlL I le rendt and approved. ý E st Sherman caeunein sud look hies mat. I .' 'n Treesurere report vwe red su rafarred go finance ormitee tu opan tliitfavorable report vwe upon er motion of Jat Mmd Eanhy, kpproved flemutIfl Ioul It sud piaceit on ibie. Raport ahoved à w& ; =nan on band luet report l3,051.10. Fai ot during May $33.58. Bajeisc ~~ e. on band 13,017.52. Usw vu " n The fallowlng bille vere rami sud g~~ o g raferradtu tansce commistta.: DroSs-et. Y A. L. Uýraw. abor..... ......... e ieamansalarr ..... ........aSI Laie Cat, iudep1ndent ......of.............. Win. avison. ofl aio.omrapl........... ..ea l Moved 4yRsubj sud Sherman tba: Toile du Nord Z.1i 0. thilla -bo eallovet and warrata so iln hUa rd ordoeatdravu on the respectivejfauta e smgcom for the varions amoate. Ail volad 33u'Ach Viiat Pei Bye. tiv wbui e, M.avedt bj Hnhy sud Corlaîl that il t.bSha rd Walter Achan ha ailoved saoaudaja plain aMd Cocd VI naaery SAsmerahal. Carniet. Cto oeiCei Moved bj Juil and BSherman CnothatrtCk bond ai E. J. Triage se tresaurer bc FiePinkt Doued Di approvad. Carniet. a .N. Dunsud presetea a franchise. d.seakîng a righ1-Of-vaj for au eloclrbc Velencisoms, &Liain4Bi road vhlchwve.rendt, bc siatiget cme ilimite ai1tBroadway mte",. continlns oiuy nul" A51 bo s veatIta Mllavkee Ava.; commencing variety aMd lowewensa,. ,-on Milwaukee Ave. as C. M. k BE . lsuea hnndr.d fut~ B outle. to .DuBolomcme inuit'ook hienset. t. Colett abjected becaeume a doubleT astraci vas ta hbcjpld on Milvankee Ave. T AS stteet vas no narrov. ýy Shermnuthougbt a a ujoritj cf e il a frontage hit beau eecured' lte baugsendtvil y shonid cainplj vitii vbhe.of the, Ir peopleansd graut franchise. le Jueft hougit board ahould not &cl on Ibm malthan, buttelionl Moqure The Lake Ci o0 au attorney bc cousait as t ealiathe nu villege ileressa vare properlj pro. eotectet. Moved by Cariataut Proctor bhat nu vien board adjouru sil aijouta 10 JauneTh C ic g et Ilh Carrid. T e h c g 90 Novait by 'ractan and joi lia 1.motion setting Juos 111hnas date for Have you a 'p adjaurnet Meeting bc reclnded. Car- rled. e0 Mavoitby Corleti Band Pfoctr %batpl at aS board mibonu viihen Ilidoem adjaun, in to ridaj avcnlnag, Joue St. i Maveit by DUBOIS and duilit &; h f o ant to be 5villagae empioy matatornej toneat have. Th . Slde L. A. BU sa lectnie 116> nî s franchise.Coula..ol ...Moveit bj Danois ont.Proctor tbat Me. Rare Va S5...... Mdgm Weasti elugoýolthi eMW wyfltcomm w iat tiig lor wBlOUses Md Shirts. Oilldres U hame nover belotemo ars tck C,1ams idPercles Ao elect F -on, t thei. lg yrGi........... sthe 20ekWa. ercales .. . . .. . . .. . O WB..................... éc ,, baite Ducit 12J and .... ...... n for Bicycle Skirts ......,*- ,M hnity........................ laéci and White SUit Léc.. aid uaiom on, Chiffons aid D rem Trimngala. i he PFair, owinty Telephone Company CONNECT& WITH.... Telephone Compomn phon. ln your reside nce tce of business? Up wlth the times you shoq he expe nse là nominal, a. few cents a day. ACT DEPARTMENT. nty Teiephone Comnpany.,: .bortyvilie. liiolins. vEU flhD5?5~ TUS LU> .smti M lumbian IExposition ELD IN CHICAGO. #an eýuaI our lunE gshoe business is at top, )re now, and is easlly Bater titan we have ob- Y previous season. Sucb atronage does flot corne ~luck or. in any other n by giving people 'thé values for their money. - iather makes the 'foot Therefore your sho.. eperfect .fitting or they eyou a lot of bother. W. mr feet no matter how ible you ha7ve el-se wbere, ve a big stock from which ist the proper last for Tryus -and see. 'Z90LBVY C Go, 1.