"" *DEMANO. ~emri Nn a Wbe Goste Eenops -nittu s C"etmasn lte B"i the. Usa -:~noi ad»,Iua eisa"te Be Crowdig xft Pelri. ILÎ. Finley, editor ot a Missouri tasci Oled Jeuaa. bas gens te Eugland te parobave severaltuousand dollar' Wordi tî Relaas hare for varous breeders1 w erth. Uated States.lNe bldu cou- wwmm hem breeders i Caliterla. Col- lId> ove, Indiana, Illinois, Texas sud1 )b»suni. sud several of die New Mng- ~ ates. lHe wy u rcbase peut ut StIre. te eigt esch for each ose et th tle, nud viii pay trout $15 th 'lGpst bond. The Belisu haie Indus- e rapldly takin tue place efthte ~ib usines innome portions of ila n EnufiiBd t bas loug intes p Isdit. Tii. bar"a are raised dte la .InAinerca tiier are mentir bàbSsd as pets. The ordnr Aniei» ý' Vther the Ides etfhlllug sud estlug dep.tty,ittle domestic simi. Tii. és emhever, are tryiug ta overcome ffl. prendice sud eay that viien die =epl once realise tueir value a au an - ot foed the business viii rereive s itpsf imptus. t ls urged hi tthe ranera et Ralulsu ares diat the. fror uttic soi- Y*le vii more than ofinet lu value te 'pu ede t eustb obt.d by vaineraet ' l sd dt u' catch np gar- * o*j à7sEAP-itz TO AItTe 1- éhsv eed l P m10ç henrm 'dia Staa t .T sil àaleM- Mle th. story lu deteli et horilei t recetiy iflcted on lame. arnegtade AmnerIcan propeeter. à&NaéIndiana. Wilson treqnentiy etàhandsome youug girl. This *aIii anaad WlAson Led. lHe Mvrakn audcied bfc.A t fr is crime lu vas ordered * 5M » st h lntested hy large tedj ýigt&Alter mn eurs ofhtribe ut-i U 8n heinec lowli guawed aa aov.alt u ul eru 11e"- SS4d Ousa acabed t Lndos,»-1 hila, that thon, bave been scat- vo eW eivhre sud tht- lie raoerter toroeuste a goo4 - lepsees. lii.bot vather, boy- Z : getis, sud tdi.ftalIserelief basi nt atied. eThore are snov e e 00 fl ersues reciinngrelief. »e et the daieeIn tbf Na- ...28 h2New Yr ... 16-28 PigulagIitbf stansla thdi.Amer- *.28 l9KàusasCity.23 25 :l. 25 lOflufalo . 129 ...2382DDetroit ... 180 Mal uieo, PFsrnchise. SOblerado <fate Court et Appeit tiat 4a uoWâp in or s cou- WUthéb.Asudted Presa la net a we bwieh con b. taxed. The suit i "esb by the Rocky Mo>nuu n u bait ot th. Denver papers tie service te prevent tue sass- e ct **lI iAuclatsd Presa frnchiise A& Her... te Ester Trade. Miere osutlaint i sphtantilicoi- «,0 mm l15ailU partsetuthde couÉtry ÏÏO T. Washington et Tualegee, AU., *0 éMe téatht-i tue organimaton ttt *eSPO buinéess league..- The ~ ~satet 510organisation la te euteur- "'up eolored peope dirongith te centrai organisation and local orgauzatlonsate' este911avsenne& of b.uiness. cbaits Are Cations. Promiact Cubsus thilu die United State la gint abead too faut lu tue di- »etimo f grautlng the, Island Indepen- duscosud refuse te jolu lu tue coming pleedena. because the candidates are ail peteonalpoiticass. Reproitî vlth Portugal. I~'~Ne Preeldet ssued a proclamatieu or i reclProcal commercial agreement vhlch haà beeu estered into by tue King ci PÏutagal sud the UnitedStetea ln accord. am e itu tie provisionis t section a et the.tariff act et uly 24, 189. ceseuteadu te a marder. lohn Bek et Springfield, Ohio: vbuli wlth s pIrate party at Cliton, was mur dered iiî Robert Mendenial, a fariner, 'vIe hecame ne uied over theups.ttiuî etf a crock of creain by the plculclers. Trht.. Cilles Wreeo. A serîe cfeartbquakea, lasting une hem,a*bok Cumaes, Cumauscoa and Carlace. Theethtre. tevue are in te teteof Bermudez, Veueznela. Carlacs vas tearil damaged, **Fser Warnss A. Louleasa, 0.Loxuis mobe on Mody trie te ,bflahbb front Ite mother'a arma, tort - lIstin off tvc vomen aud fought su- . !jb, ir for rldlnt on treet cam Th Atlas. VireWithin lm5<uu. VirglslaMi9a4,010 Of l tevas et Ure Messie rou, mg, miles encotii et Duludi, bulg8,0 01491Titivspacial lplute Uron, hevlng undergeue thi.sin x7 once lu lune, 1803.Tiie entife baln"s section sud ail or the. reldence sentie, excepi 'a rev dvelllugs, the Ivu sebool bouses and une or two churcbes, vere on rire la leu than au bonitrou01 the tifnl thef lies brok-. ot. The. ire s«Wte4Un a awmW soutivegt of, the tome sud a atroujwind w lowlug direct1tly evad theflilage. it was a créons et Sm *âai the. psth et die. dames vas as lea-ut as diat eofsàiiurricaue. Wthin tiirtY MIR- ute atter the iantes begntae tuto yard the village the station ountii. oPJ>- sté aidaetf tevu vnasns er tan e that ail telegrapbie communication was eut off. The burnd district lncluded about tventy boclsanad the nuinher et buildings destroyed untuber about M3. The le.. la estlmated ai $5W,000 sud Ueý Inaurance wyul net exceed ose-quarter et tiiet. Tvo diousasd people are homeles.. NATIONAL NEORO PARTY. Organisation la Baume-Plssldentimi Tcketto Be Neaslnated- The. firt steps leoklug te eOrganisa- tion er a national negro partY hsve beau talen lu Philadelphia. PromIneut ne- groee-blebepe minleterne, edtors and l lirsa meeting decided to place a p 'eduilticket lu the field, wllb ne- gro candidates. The pansin te organise tii. party la every State et Ure Union and nomîsate candidates for $tâte aud con- gressloual ogie«. Au executite commit- tee bas been appolnted to drav UP a cait for a convention sud e te the distribu- dion of circulars otiiing the tessons for the formation et s national negro party. Tbf nain mentioued for Prei dent ver. ex-ludge . J. Walken etf Beten, vitb P. E. . Piucuback. es- Lieuteuant Goverffen.etfLeouisane, as ruuning mate; Bsiep W. B. Derrick of New Yrk, vîit Prof. De Boise as rus- Diug mate,;,Blshep Grant ot Illînele. itI Bev. Dr. J. P. Sanipon as VIc-Presi det; Dawp Tunr. wuvidiReper T. Waallgte. et Ajabnra *as Vies-PresI dent. sud Elahup Waltes, vitbT.- T. AllaIs tLeulelsa as Vice-Preuldut. 1>ECBEASR IN WHBAT CROP ,Wrld'a upplr la 15,005,00 Bushoe Imms. lIeu ouMa 1. Eradstreete commnefela report say". "New buses et viioesale la et a be- tveea-aealonsa charecter, but varmer veetier bas offened a stimulus te retail buslus.s lu somne section$. Tiie only es- ception te the generel dewuvard, trend et priens.la chat ftnri.hsed 1lea dig terr produeta, btahîf ceres; but bers dis muting cans la brdiî a favorable ueé, helnt the resutt .et Ia atiatactri eM »rports. Surplus visible vheat snp- phs aie decrealg rapli. The de- creuse la Amerlcan stockeaua reperted th Eiadutreet's in May I 1,1000bush- )1., "gamr:at a tllug*off et 9,03.00 huphels tu ApriL Buppfletlu Enrope, Autrlia sud Argentineciaodecreaaed, theilg line s'ucbh..m marked exteut, and the. reluttinAsanaggregate verlda eupply us lune 1 et 143,5880S0 bumin, a sup- ply 15.05.00 husiiela les, tho n ou ay 1, sud comparing vitii a decreae lu aIa of ar mage et lése dian 1,00,000 huai- éda, aud tvù eau ue go idisulucresie et nearly 2.000,000 hushels." WAZM SAXERlCAy4 CATTLY» Japon Illenie peur Octai te Per- chas, Vin. stock. lapu, lm assking Ainericinan sd Rim- peeu catie hltreduce emongsnative borde a"l Impreve thn genrsi stock on lih* lda. Foui lapants. Goversueut nboffielsssLally commission"d te sict a"d prches. fine stock hate airltd et Ban Francisco. Tiieî vliilnsptct tii. hords et Californie bton, coing BuHasd te Europe. Tb.y propose te cet tue bout grades ut breedlig stock luovu. Work of Cnogrs.. Conre"s enicted 200, lava, of wieci tour *are ratite: Tie i Iauclaibil, vitu pretielou tferrefusdlug public dehu: tuhe fermation ot complet. territorial govarli- minIfor avsl; tue enactunent ot a compete code et lava for Aila;tGo la5v feetisg s temporkrî leverument for Porto Rice. Tue uvo bouses compromia- el by permttlngs eretar Long te cnroc a tactoiy If bcecaust boy armer'plate t s ainorprices. __ Minerae Titir Lites, By su exposion et gaz lu a collieri sean Gloucester, 0hio, seqrsi mes are suppossd te have let tbelr lires. Tvo hundred minera wve. mprîsoucd. Elgt mes vert remove uncouacione froin the effecta 4ï Igbmampý 130uM lu VIsaI Pnîces. July vbeât advauced trou 68 tu 7()j cents inanau our ou tseChicago Busrd ut Trade Thunnday. Mililons of busiele veme bsught sud ucet dealers aay th. pr» iesl cbichier, cwlug te, prospect ot short crop lu théesu.« Place s Dan on Tolen At Cedanvilie. Ohio, tie Reformed Pneshitevlau syuod passe- a reeolutlon that tue chunches b. pnoibted trou on- dalulug eiders sud prebyterîn ftront IL. cung and onoun uug men te Goe ulitniraie oune toiecco In any tenu. Brom Ail 'Recordsi. The fiast sessun et the Fit ty-sdi Con- grèeapprepristed *70,72,478, or vhtcl 9137,247,15vas ou aeccoust et tue l3psusb van. The. session brute ail te& orontheGoamoutt fork dore asd the. Buchber et bila passed. mma Usai a Pipa 100 Tous. LucY PuleYthGoldet clored vouas in Indiens, 4ied lu Kokomô,. spd 1» ionrs. lie vas brs lu NorhCaruinàe bbore sixteen ciidres, tGo 0110<1 lnov about, 89 ieara et !agi,a, ud s moked tebacco ýn à pipe ton 100 yes. New ola slm. huaIsealod utsM b.d ai the.Tweed corrption. Tii.M and otiier ci uSd515lucladsg muet et Goe judges t tGo dry, are levolved, asd -May b. removas. e DeuIl Aggae Deîl. gTruflopevuchaued AZOIIdôhate, ns -turneltuh Esudos nff sfrohe o- sell ts fhueresud'ex*ràoie. vh", eunsdmauy te consaoen ,U"lo-r ws O*cersdouta glade vas obiel.ý Qticeau.ne Sade Assesema. a Chicago aaaors hat. dliouV 1 m4; y new uethod t;,tax elasin. IMaay eI dents are seld te lave tuonel ced sui otien persocl B«sets temperaf<p l" national bonda, vbldiarsemïpt br la*. , erapsi =.»masCueI. M Tiie mamers et a Chicago couaeu iýparti ver.enspsd fhemttop satia vie Il coing under n subvay,sd ite vire j: i Jured seriouaiy. -, Ne ewYrktefr Dresn. Ne 14vYork flibm«uerlpicittd deleaS" UIo X... t Ie. m eux l i i..., The 04 h M t. te 4C MI-- "ar wi ao-id ah asedm îlacOOT M 00o000A DA. 09 the<a .*aiGrs Ote a &ll ilas duceued la u"a 08 riluor t-fr l and drnuk. Mstetet lire or eunh ral prodaced lunth wiland Wvhlc have couse under our cout ldüringti lait dire. yeurs. The Ap a sumari utf tue bureasf s mttaca sows tuaI ln the tes umoutlla eudlug vitu April on Impote u troicalproduacte baveé11.05 éter*30,000000lu'velue, , llcating tILt for thetqil year they wiU reacb *05.000,000,IndW a rbbsr, Obeli, rav sil1, cetton, pinme. cbut0dIluigo,: Iveny, die voodesud chemlcals make np the. char. vhblc the Mnuufacturera re- quire laconstontiy iscreeiu8 iuantities, aud Dov tutus moe.tIen one-third et ortotal importa, Ot 1*418 ruuiier alou thelimportfloe te* mrnests&Mrount te more titan'82,0,00ù1. etfibers te $"0,000,000, oet unutactured illa $«0,300,000fetcottes oter $7,000,000, o« gnmc more than*500,00Of the tood- stuffe suger, ot cour».,lalis met sud of tiiet qte portion vhIch comes trem the tropici la vantlî prester lu dhilit cear tien lu the, lmmedlately precedlug yemr. ONE BOLT JULLO FOUR., IahtiqluE Strikm a Large Chais, vîit Tom le.kins, Peter York, Hsrry Da- vis sud Peter ligins, all colored, ver. lilled et vork ndr the steamer Ccamroo- dom. Barey, btulea uon thde vays au Soutu. lackpouvlle, Fia. Fourthen ciber sie, veres uitcked. mo t t us serions- ilr. Severs$ et tue Ilured bad tluoln scalps badlyltotasd iacerAted. The boit abga a lrgl% IntuaI j a nMOdlath* ways tu elliuont dia steaman, sua dowvatu heimeswho vers at unrk on. HKOLD-UP ]MAN la CAPTUBE». He Robliel the Neya Sgtand a% the Cua- tom Houa.,KMesses City., Tbf Kansas City, Mo., rohher vie beld sp the elerk oetttiiCoustes Honas Dawa stand lat mldught. Mai 20, sudsot awlýy viti $00S M isu ad $.0 Jv elryroa exhbition tuere, hsI uel cp turcd. Whelî srrested the prlsoner turev avay a dismoisd ring vhich vas par et thé. steles Jewelai. A <nid. vstc vas teuud in bis pucket. The prisoner coe fasoed.Haesaie bis usma in Flahiecl ef Evanevilie. lad. 1Ne e udseSt. Luiswosiels. A et Louis muh cf turlous voues sud beys beau sud deuded Loua Esenter, a yousg veman vite makrea ber liing y poddllng luches. lIben the mol had atrlppcd ber te tue valet une voma da"bsdber vidi <rocs psint, vhile two ethers beld ber. Twe eiop gils luve attAcked hy tue mme moh an hour later, sud they ciso er. paMty deaudad bu- fore tiiey emcped. Lyon Censty, Miaeets, la aimest cols- froetsd itu tue 1dilemme ieaite permit ias treasuni te become baubreu unr to permit tie vulves tu sholfsb stock .ralalsg.Durins.tii. mtie ut Marei, April and May the. celulti pad for. the .lllling t feibtr-live fuli-grow volts. suad 779 wvipaseolms.titan SUU 8.And ituere tu ne evîdence that thevulve. aie tappr.ciably rsdued l5n umbers. Jpn aspiofoat. Ontrageeot Boxers continue ln China. 1[t te reported that tvo Russisu uffcere v exe bliled Japsu la maid! te bave pro-1 tt" tie ITSnn-l-yatmm agaluat (biler et [tuau troope sud la mohilalng icest Ob" Wâsst Crovp]Wa Ver Short A bullet ismIsau.dheisOhio <tata e oard et Agriculture aboya di.e vbeet .crop ot Ohio bac declisied te 291 per cent eto au average. The crop iarvested thi. year *v bc h* itshortesi mince 1800 i>ueat. Cioose Leadora Indisa aDemocrata samel lobsn W. eKern for Guvernur sud Indormdel iW.9 platterm. Miasoui.-Democrata uamed A.. M. Doekery for Goveroor. .Mardered iry esticane. Four Mexicama murdersd Autos Ole suad a mmn eamed Stewart, uevcumers la tArisons, au Neli Biter station. uveuti- L. ive miles snorth of Phenix. The Coeshallad s ht vîi tue Box- Duers et Tui, China, lillung sixteesansd 6 ouding ma"., YaIt fýret%. eTrain la Fatal. PAM. W. J. Manabl% et. Omsah budIol »a dsreault ut s a autrous a -Misseur -'Pacifie c Railaitrain atg[irlveod, Mo. a Ei'publicaua Wila i Ooe.1 13Oregoilbals <une ep*bicanhy nearly 1. te s"M Ms4uty as tIvuremavao. ChiageCaticoaimes lu -prime, $3.(» te lieuxhog, sitpping grades, I« 3.00 te $5»8; eaesp, fair te cboies, $800 )fte 45»,vwieat. tNo. 2 ned, lne tu [a; M cor011 Ne. 2 M te 4l0111:14Nb. t se 1telle; rye, No 2,.te5" qbt *cboio# cresnisr. 18c, t. 9e n , 4trss 100 telu; pev petatota, $=-tu 4,84 .par bare [aldissepOll-Cate. sltiplais $&00 te' à$.;Legs, oci ie lilgIt. *",00te *51;ý . 9<Me,.comme. tg prime., «MOte *4*1 ubct Xo40,,M[te le; cOWsNo. 2 bd té~l, ne tg toc; -ste, N. 2S vhit. 250 lé 2U 11. . ý0& IW@-atl%$825 tni 85M- U whéât No., [lth Ï e.;ucvu. Ne,3 r yense' "Il8t 4w, juLltNo,SlZo ce 2110î, Nô.29 % fuMa *8.00te $515; slistp. *3 le *4.18 vh.atNu. 2, 14 e 0 de;tutu. No. 2 inixed. M ete l4e..oatsil No.U mlxed, 21W ,. t15e; îrys,-it e Oic tp1l1 euDoteif-ÀDttie, *40teî$54&M hossi à. >* te " , s beep -*800te *4.75; Npi et. 2 , 140 te 15e; eors, [Ne. 2 y MivOe te 41rata. No, a vhite. 26e t$c 27ct- oc te 0tue. Toldebat.Ne. 2 nxdle fi i&.7 10e; erso. mixed. Onc te *me; este fLSl#tw flGIN Ô INNPWb etsbe nmoirer Ud1 e .po udsmt ase tat 11,080l"n le- #111101a M4-t»bottem 0e, th$. 0, st 88ded o.Tetion fa Chixa.. If the * 4 '0*ýwas led te eouronw theOf01 tu maie. demouatt@U t' Imm e, î;,wavst anzlety Ua te b L la*q o e e. *ucatiofl lu Chiasla udt lit th*. Iurtbt" embauaies am Oieptdenn la Ws*iumgtOR4sud talufro&«M0me 0f tiiese uat fie Information givenbr the ceraealS as obtalued. Our own Goveruheu bas exceedigli mneriSsd- yle rUOhms, but ti he Ustisanad legaties.êbetter supplIed. aemjn,<rst Brita$5 md lapas hav a hur'oinghnneratadkw e<oueru- lug dil Ba it pIlt.Thery vi! taad togthe 15rslatncetothe expected su- ocmests Sf the great Euralsu pov- or. if uWa'mses Pekin tàey wl pro- lest and deffad ievacuâtion. It eces- 5Siy they v iiieet force wîti force. The mpfft couservative diplomate de not bow. e«Or, belleve tiiere wilI be war betwmen thne powet. lt ia veil l own tuat Itlui thei Rami"u poey to purane sgression, »Mi au fariespossible vlthout aàrsp- luis et the pete, and no tartiier. Thi.euauian plot, as itl launderstood among surope.an diplornats lu Washille- tee, w«a te m@tir Up the anti-foren let i- ments of the population, and under coTer e« diserder te land troopa.which abould foreTer rtrmain lu the Cblneecapital, permltti- um nia gradusily to ext*nd bar 8Uuaralu.tr over the empire through tbe eurntanceot the vicions queen dow- agir. Ulmprese Tsi An la of rapld pro- Ensias texidencies, and oe.bitterly balt t. Germens aud the Englmb. lu sscouraising-tbf "Boxers" to actaetfvin- heue. tItole&aidthe temVreas tirred up a 'eater pover dieu sbe 1mev. 8h. let lues a Frankeusteinish monster vbirh bas nov ettoneyond ber controi, pos- à1bly t br rgrt. Whether or sot trne Itusa plotters are surprised at thcez- test and Ieroclty or the fanatlcal anti- i foula movement uucovered by ti 1wth m.ahl..on. remaina te bc.*see. Wbst.ver may have heau the prechse mture et Euaaias coapiraey, and vhst- e., my bh. lulimitations, uoting la dearsr than tbat it le coufrouteo ibythé* Joint sud deermlned resiatafco et Gell- usa1. apan spd »Bls"a. A4»"uatbte lataI s"d mlllle rdu ors t t.. 9w- b ers RuWaelcanhot centend la the. fe, flag ma d ul sot dam. male tii.attempl. Gr«, Ertain alose c"ud ovrmatcb th -Rmsupon the. vater, and vithhtbf th hel:,af lapan could quickly place upos b tii. continent land torces more than equal te a»Y wontingat Itou"inlaInposition a te contrent thin m vL ni lle flot torgotten by dplomate that 0 GOrntitnaitahit tue, moment at the i "eof etber mlitary power. Nt I l hat a century bas that nation heet a50of w.ll prepared to meet a toe et home or l abrusd as eah. in nt tiusmoment.Ia a IP short time 250,000 hardened mes, treehL frem the fied et Soudi Atrica, could be i trausported te the eust" n~coast ot Asi.la I absiould be neessary te ituike a blov spon ithe Aiatlccosast Great Entais coli ttrike bard sud quickly. lapas, se mucii nesrer at bUd.2 la quit. as ready. l If hreacb ofthtie pence comes tiirough. qun.pected Russias aggresslou, or Ir dis.- mlembermet of the Chînese Empire h.- comes Imminent, thei.lted Statde vi b, b. placed lu s most serions sud embar-1 ramang dilemme. Ou the one aide vili0 bu oui traditional polcr or non-luterter- t euce. Ou the. otiier the tact thet the. Unitedi Statesis anov the reatent power bordernug the. Pacilic oceas, anielatic power, ho,; tbrougb sovireiguty over the. Philippins, aud, lu the open-door pledges and the. commercial situation, our enoe- mous direct lteret Iu the. statue of China. PLAY ENDS IN 4DEAIrH& Wonkuan, eelng Ne, BebeadefI, Lta Derrick Watu on £Et Mtenu. Word comes trom the Ouelda reserva- to 1la Wisconsin et a tragedy eaected thern. y hy bch uluepersena ver. 1111.4. Sev.ral cildrenpîla uina yard snar Steckbridge sav a womnan In the. boune. catch a chicken and bill It fer dianer.x Tbey vatched ber place the tovl'a bead1 os ths bleck aud chop It; off sud as »Mot s ah.e lft the. yard several eoftthe littil ens llatitated bar. An eider girl -egt pusf e iscfflren, viio va. pufhd te tb lb ock, bis bnd h.ld viii. tii. giM est lift . The lttle bey .creamned vb.u ee« etruc i ms ecI sud"teattenien. et fteerail men *viie t erilw h.ali = rnope and iihIl, w blà m edh. let îgo *0d h.0t"ber<mms sllgdo"s aOU *0 -.Ms, hllli u5let diem.. 4 j", ev. leynnell pressdee o t i TbMa' Caawe sul-". i15n arltord. 1 <eabu bbsm pineed Vicar sueral et tdi cae. Sf UkntfOerd. profr. Harnocit, a Berlin tUieigl4s.ha MM.ftorward jti ii thertflsg theory tat tii.epiutie I» the Roins, vuvrI bls h7 a. vomu, prohaly PXàbdâ1la. Whou Pan] metion, la eqe eofli" lot- Archhisitop Rais ot di. Itomas Oswtho- Mie Chautciibus ormeli a petit-methrnry 14 .4 etofsix Cty rectora aud baugive. tbéts autbosity te fennd aud cenduct a prepmvtony iteisary for the st. Louis Tu,. a". 71eoOe U Oyler peescJed .1 L.TsryorttAvenuse Preshytta C. oercb. N*T on15lent luada..lit vwe - ptatn, A e a5 21% 5eEUOI rem s Np b.ur Cie.top CaWMbs 4t.s utse csaiOl1 htstctie seanuUne o eni re grdaali f.. thg tiir vst oubaesbos dfet. upeal e. ut tie diidma08Ylht d I.tod dituiteertuetosaherepesas esily sesatinu tethe "te uiietkho boxesnuvac.te antI-tareigu dmvefolkt tber. vIll b. a-apeedy cmid te the ieodut,i te, 19 tue Chi»e. cW la15good falih bhey couid eamiiî queil the. nbbh, yilei Ja armed cbieiy vitu apees, sgcrieuiturai impiemenisa, ev uvordiansu uleold1 Pressing appeals are bains set te tae Stata Dspertuesu sud the Prsudamt ly mlsaloari tatamsela thio country le sund United iState. mulenas ite lis 15- ter portions et China, vbe. Amican1 taissionaries are tlarettesed bY the box- *eW uprlalng. Te ullutains aIpp»easa ft seutraliti uan ot te offnd the Chia- a vidi tue luuch ahowvoft terce, a W.ubingtuu correspondent mays tuaituth Gotensment cermet aately land more ma- rines in Cinea.To seul tiie lute the luterlos vouid b. deemed fol;.l- iul îles situation et affaire thora le nu pend.- biliii et aid for the mîsalouerle unie"s iiei meal tue prutectiug WIsg et the Auerlcas legadeon nt Peklist. This Ale tha situation viiel confroatiiheState Departmeut. KRUJGER MOT TO QUIT. rruaai PFaulteultSe ieera . Prealdent ruger. rePing te ils uff'ar1 ft 100 aces etofland In Amancte e sué borgiein réperted as ssy15grn -Wé tldit yen for titI. genéreus effer et land, butl i.e hurgiers are determlued te Iglt for1 thein owe land sud ludreedensc te the itter e»d.» fu tue Ôrauge Freë state tueéEBrii are net havng their own vay by ia" noans. Evea apart trou tue capture et tue Irisleb Vemari. (es. Endie bai mado viat tue London Mal,.a expert calse a reurogrede moYemant Netulug oMfeW a bheesardo tfrout Ges. Enfler In Natal. At lest amunta b.vAs Pre- paring te turu the Ecer positiun et La15g's Nel, vhich prebabli m--n hard fghting. A dlsateii trou Maeru. lu ESeut& land. «jis diat lu tue lait engagement tb. Reeratool If ty-f eut British priien- ers, lluding an cUrer, vhom thsye- leemd condltiossllî. The ollicen estlmat- md that tue Boer terces betysen VIMia- bnrg sud Bethlehemn number. 0,000men. Tii. Thirteenth [Imperial TeomaniY bettellon. eapturpd hy tue Boerasnes, Lindici, Onange Riter Coieni, consised erto Ivr[iahnits sud tvo coupsules et the. Duke et Ce.ubridge's own. mcl.d lng Lord Douougbrnore'a comPasi et the corps, a sumber of mes lu tue rauka be lug cloteiy asiled te ueble famille. Amont, the officers ut tue Thînteestu Tua- perlai Yeomusy captured art tue Rl ut Leiilu, tue Rami ot Longferd aud the Earl, of Enalemore. A Lebdus cibla sais that Il nov sp-t pears certain that tiiere viii h. stubbon figittisg' on tue part et tichecs.e. lible the British vare tallug peaseamion et Johannesbiurg sud 1ýretorla the. burgiers e.cped vît dir girua, noling stock a"i 1.000 British primoners. Preeldent Bru- ger daclsrca diat the. roasttuggle in[ut beglulsg. lin Alfred Minuer 4oph lueu Cape Town, varnlng minerasnet te suait for tus Tasmali. sdding diat uve mentIe at Lesst muai clapsebetere Ju- isunmburgu sb. opfed sud vorl at the Mines tesuued. Spath, hem-Iles Vra. Sessuer Quai viiib. a candidate fe. re-elette .Surate. Agents frets oudeu aSe lu 1New To* trytng te engagé bumta srvante. IChas. A. 3M. 68.01t Louis, commit- tua suicide beau.. Is lad haome bWind. Main. problbitienlsta bave olnsted Grantiwim 09 et Mcim oul tI Gvewuoe. seoblers Prsslyeiatu a wu"eeal eta AgenIs, Gs., deoealte support *OuMM G W.Tuile. i9, Puplar 1site Me, g«s, 0lton Ys"sla tdi.-peu ton eiootisg off jde ftallerbond. Thbe Prime.0et lIiebuas saset hie pbymlcla adsvins, Sit-uop for a dl- t le as cf fto.. MM" im'1e st49lMla InCOaWTmvle, P., c .ut s csb et irpp tomt fottvide sud tve ftet tiet 5fDoe Stroke. . Caroline 8.111 sud Ans Giassmsns, EBroollyu, N.,Y.. are citarged vîi rua- uning a monahine distWleni. Age Ilu. lovera, vie dled reeetii la Jukrs, 1N. Y..trou statvstiou, vas vortit $100.00, llu inon"disvered. A, Plaubuii nsd Lake Rnis train lu a nus beuveuiPitt*b gsud 1New Cestie, made -oDue ltu týOr-ae e onude. Th. Norleseber Uyd Comupany bas reesutly orlered sasteanter. vic, St li inesret eve - ags a ulse ~ ~ 6 acsds ub omfdcmeste Wb"e tbvc teule besdquertrm et tue Tol. et lb. palcuipt usdr tid osit vsck ciilay 5in eeuring quartera '*bd afiasls- their u*$Ms. -Tley, bOev., catalarge umrcer Sf IlIPlu phiel end coumoel hkal.06 Thé ey o ot tue çualsinubàà set -Atf le Ose of te rsiet queutioes Ibo hov su ttuu vIel matorisith nguloaci fonce Wtt llbiob tad OU@l apsrsd th, "u a a gotenngmcn. <pain'. Ndl tromuost&mctem. Anierko «exp rimuevlihtue natives liaceurlgu lb bupe of benoast goesrsuent IliugI tIe usd1i a genéretlpu «sc ore lai endieated lb. mleos pain's tut~eg. A large prupordus efthle provincial endclaai- Crs" Wume tt l aavo es t a lle s te rsousa fonative ndg o udamsré.- Ie acconut tonbdiesaouda f olarns- Sesind lu es &ae nde, Intesmdgatien.At préenutlie go-nerrmesital alternativss are tue amy on uns sideand asarchy ou lie Oume. (les. Otia, plan ut municipal gev- mrmenta he beina ineugursted lu the. principal teves of Central Luxoe and la parla ofthe Vleayaa, but the Filiplues peraila t 5 tlulg that the. question vhsdien tue United lStes viii netaîn ithe Philippines im miii open. Tii. cuuesoumm aise lud thst tii future atate of th# churcelilu the Philip- pin..lasas eedlug qu..tie la the ululs of MR"y. altbehcmnot of lime vIa ha,,. talled midi laue'Iraa"sudsîe oi- WWmus drav the luteence that tie comm- Igimlers am oud'es.d he icnstate- meut of the triea. Arcublsbcp Chsp- pelle hbu takes sa ittosg stand.Inlasupport- las lie roquanftetftrIis" te h. ne- s.tahllsltd lu heïr old position. FAME O SUIT MAAY BE SITTLEO. 1W. Clirs-CeunIDe"i Case Reelas OR.,r et Conmroblime. Tii. tar-taued Mt. Clair Connuy, M*.. railnoed bond calsina&gain befure tue people ofthdieucounti tor a setteiseul. It la reprcesed hi ca o attorneys tiat lie Indebteduee.- vbleh lie Fed court bas erdered paid sud vhicb the. Ceunty Court refuse te obéi, uay h. iegayroueoved aMd tiiei sane81000 aitisir tee lu the event tuet th.y seceure relit lirougb the. courts. Tisse ton- ns m ad te nepreasut the. bondield- en In tue cas., vie are vling toeoem dues t. 100.000 as aàcoupromisefor theur esrmusa Im. vhici bas grevn atee aci in e tbf thedebt bas buns over lie unuy. Thms bonds, iasned fte i hliugoe s rsilroad that »sern vabuit. have made Mt Clain Cuuntytamnau. Tii. cousty Iudfss havre ton i.eretused te erder tus, p4ysmeutsud for tls refsa were heid 1laemempt y he GoUnta Statue Court sud bave, hu skepu la lai!, ou of titi piaula et lie pletioru on vIé i. hejulgos wye, elseebelng lin sudnreteudlg tbat tiair termiveuld b. mpent In laI!. SenatOn Quai that vas 10,a candidate for ne-election to thec Baae. Nearli er"y upta-tte district in 1Newv York bas inetmucted for Brya. Oldham, tbe Nebraka Democraticenr-0 ton. sa te put Erian la Domnstion. 1 Louliana Déemocrate bave eected Mt%- Eneri sud Poster for teUnited ltate. Tue natIona4 conférence of *hsitl.e and correction» demande asio-prtlu board tor prisons. 1Ouiy ose native cf Vermout hue becu Preaidaut of the United Sates, Chester A. Arthur, thé uccusof utGarfied.* Sié- phes A. Douglas. Democratlc candidate for President lu 1850, vas& bqns lu Ver- mont. Cs - [t bac bren determined by the Philadel- phis managera ef tic Republican nation- al convention tuet no doorleeparsals ha appointed fron th tattty for the rea- son tiat "tiiy mai h.. imposaI upon by Philadelphians cf their acquaintaure, » viies edmand for admission te tie cou- tentten vlthout ticleta, credentiaila on badges tuey vouid flnd t dlilcuit -te ne- ThefIRepublican national convention in pwliadlpia lsv bave an unusualiy lange numbof etUnited States Seuatona as del- cgates.st-iarge. Neanly everi Republi- eau cmastor vi. be a ufrlfgte-at-large heu Ie houe itata, sud anime the Demoerats, ueo, a lAie preterese. ton Sou- âtoI e sbala i evaw. oetdn)Mors- ut Alabama *vili ho chiruanuortis *&te% délégation, Joncs tuat et Atlas- sas, Ihlmas tt fSoutu Cerolina, sud 190 on. Tii. long-dsputed boundazy quetios beuveosiTe"S a nd ilVirginie, vlieh bia beau golug ou for niseti years a" ia isedbed biinoseapérses te GoerelncI- aue of sema Vlnsit te contiuua In Teonssees sd h ibe1r. tte obssenu ut tisas Vrgtnlananov 1la Tenues@" pté 15 lucopeatodla Igii.haà necel Goel dm111stat.. Supreme Court, sad on 151151f et TenausAttorney tl.nù Picle blas lied asînlet. Tbf contrev.rey lins ou tue interpréattion of the inrvey A' majoiti ut the soudhern statee slopted constitutions. nden,, the tenus ut vilcitcivil admnistratio vasne-*atl- llahd bêtWves tue ycars 137 sud 1510, bu nubIke ii5t bus come a bchte eue< tom l inouet Nertiens States, theee cou- atitudiosi bave Itot trou tima h dmn beau ameuded hi populan vote, but r.- main intact vithQut revision, as tiiey wer. tilrty y«erago. ln titre. tates. !Sondi Caroline, Màumbpp sud Louis lumne o constitution@ bave bes adopt- el-lu di.e last <tale, hitGo legisishesm wittunt aMY torna i atificatioi hi Go s, k. M A te. ..e0h't ..itesLu N~ ~stfIlu5ad'...........BU P............. 111551< nets...............- eea* ceugrsstonal eprseentstive cwusobdlad sot<1tu tb. Home Weducsdsy vhlch'dela4th, ]ba djuurnment et CueamPWM aNtis. v meuent tu* lotis Huma u Ome, tue speech of CougrsMaU OeR- as bel« bitter Ia deualatluaon 0lIe Oues. outerones commt»a,"su asle Bsey Delulrtsent onuei. Tht 41f.- est. batves am*oudu al eset. nltaIve thbma of tr e vhtber lhe Coast am @y bureau a"alimals tii.Om s urven tbli lover body adekint g teils peint la thé segatIve. The navai appropristiou. 1 se ameuded that.thé Secretaui et tic Nstvy tiellusue is 0ove aretion la mot. ter of armer. plate, vas edeptel. as vere Other appropriation Besures. Oosgreff adjourned si"t die at fi ooeuk Tbureday atterfieen, tvenlî-tuur heurs &fter the lime 118.4 for adJorumment la the. joint respiotlon. The lait obstacle te adjoumument vas tue dlesgreemcunt ut Conterrse n the naval appropriatiosnhi». Tbe lieuse. vhich ad talen a deliat stand againit theS enate.nder theftend- eebip ot Mn. Cannon, nbairuan oethe appropriations coumittie. gracePfulli ne- eeded and tic Scuste amulameuts vere adoptait. The. cising sesion ut thf ese- ate to lb. colon ut a social fonction. [a the. fouse, bsrrlg a splrlted atteel on Mn. Canaon byhiMr. Outea haa vas os, et lIniaiative quiet. DOnntheb tee,.the meuhera Jolued lu slngiag pafs iltiue sIm e, luint"Duix."'M thélb 2 tel t w, v bcb nded thef irt.w esIeset, a, lmti-sîtu Cgreai. Ahe' nmele ébeened sgslnsud agalu. Mfauitobans 1kikou the achool lav. Font Worth. Trias, va. dsmagsd $100000 by fire.- Eddie Bregerdlng. 8, St. Louis. tell 1515 a qnarry- Kilied. Maraltal Lowry *bot Charle.s edlîrt deuil ai Daîton. Teu. Unie. strav factory. Foxhoru, iMs. buned. Lose 8200,0010. loutb Dakota Repuhileas. èulsted Charles N. lienrled ton Gevernor., 1 joseipb F1ritte. Wodgiu, . -& , lbu round gold audoaliter on bis faru. The Metiiodisi geseral conférence et Chicago decanred las laver et a âMae blitop. Albert Laudoil. 45, lSt. Louis. liumWo trou the fourth stoni etof a Ultail aud vas lllied. lobs MCtionnell. 55, ami Jolsm m- Lanahîlun, 00,New York. auffout y gawl iteir ronu. (les. Daniel Butierield ,premiud s portrait et Washington te, West Poiut Ml»it Acadeuy. AeSrding te the Ichool ltetv, eMl 41.51 per cent of the pupiIlal Amerieaa blgi achouls ire boys. lu the. aise montha endint MercI 1. 1100.39,625 herse. ver. exported st1a average Prime et *0. - Vertebra of a giani animal vas fod sean Venter. N. J. Esatimated leugt]k et tue monter le 100 fret. Newvtriel le asked fer Dr. S. J. Ken- nedy, New York. unden sentence ut death f«r murdenlng Delli Iteinolda. Chartes Maral. 14, colenedlit. Louie. lied a muet at another boy-. struck; Mrs. MaryPocole,, hilling ber. Fate Jou es, Birmingbau. AIs., eut tom e iti a revolver at a veddiitg. Peter Enîner sud Tom hieans are vounded. Rdvard F. Msddeu. veil luovu in nevapapen circlea lu th.eaastdied ai- .deuli atisla ther'a home lu Lonavli. KyT. 0 Ail tIcs. vbo attend Queen Victoria arn vern i l cvare et the teeblemes vicb has receutiy coma over ber e-e sight Tic TenneasseeState lioardi et liestu ban adopted resolutions decins tuher- culosîs a contaglous sud Infections lis ss. Tii. Goverument transports frnesno- alhi about 48,00tens cfrtpontai mater, langeli composed of the speeches et Con- gresémen. Tic' mortulity from pueumonis la eii quit. bigh luth. Oc,.rmsn srmy. Every- solier couvslaacent fron t h lis à tur- lough of four veeka. Sveden le snffcrlug severely lu tii. ru- rai district* trouxsascsnrelty ut'todder.- due tue uusunallY ahorf hsy sud oes1 crop et laat season.. The value et Transaal miuîng me- cbineri le net fun trou *47,00,000. Mont et the uechiuery (aient *80,M0,»0 vorti) le ou lie Witwtersrand. IL L. Earck, evereenofethei.pour in Hoboken, N. J., ls veny vam luaIls ad- tocacy et a, vhîppiug pont te puili inl- human fttiera vhô desent tueln ebidrea. Chicago has made the discovery dieu the dont sud even the air e«. tintera aram vtb bacteria. Beroud dout sci ta the case tu everi Place ef pabliea- semblsge, vrbether tuester on cinici, dry guoda &bop or trolley car. [nis ashort time sa colusi et Iti ticit Engiisob alon viisettie ,et St lamas, 1., Tbeî vWIii ld a modal club homne ai <resutest4,sud toeitue raruemrs Long lIslnb oy tue enitte fruit a" tgardon produce onsmclentilic Tioe la a yuung vuman luln ashina- ton auceti vu lis bner tra.sa mue. as @ho lne itii it, sud gties .1 hat l lee 'Ilafiais vsy to er fa* orite ebslti. f,.i" - Bsn FranleSpartWe. lire b att hil At Blettie, Wa#h.. a malt tloge vW"ie, wtrneà cmpieted. vWitb. 0M feet long aMd coulais [4,000,000 test et lumber, te lee tevcd tu lapas. -Tiwpeuph ofet . Louis expect u u ues os tueir exposition the same amant «'_, meai dat vas .pald fur tue [,uatl< t la tnil m0-euares et 1.18%7w5 qurmIles.' lacent tests*5 in Erupesu manufiacte- ries bave demonstrated conclusltely diat tic bard vbest ofet rdi uTexas is.sr toue a set n slows t"d1 89. «A and et lhiste Dow le vhat s glory 1 icrel the lu Choain dia laJ CO"i But le % st otuZ I est tour ef Ibat ut liess -tae apace I the vo est te vute l bhig a laréi tbeir s ses.se nlitt a rippi rt. I eltembet doc. Il armons chsu4bl letle, lite an ffi Wuasus pottixq îxtffl Chrit brases. 9ud th /mubther boat i - Go sel and ail ne*& 1' et bay peau r air; ti lita c Chriét tho n n Thaï f rom tb vals bekec im a5 tempes drovinI uing I the $Pl bas os. tii. vsi faces, stars rn toot u01 white t aud lvt cordagi meut, tien il cala E cri u puw import rnI! le botluin bees Pl aud te ve ali bounu cri cul Tiier the. bei bas bhl ble e aud .l $taul