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Lake County Independent, 22 Jun 1900, p. 2

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et. JUST, Bdftor. STONUSTAKEN4 WMOVEo AND PUT TO OESIE- CRATINO IUSE&. hgSl5 ltIotri Male at Fort Mins eteti Nlear Tled Ohoi.,Cause se Outhmt.tor indiguitioa-Nortflr- tua Prowier Ktiei hi Trap Ge- obales Harth andl Adam Gekie, promn- aért Toedo Ohio, businéra me, . Freggit up over the. diacoeni that e l$o$Meiga cemeterv has been des- miteid anal aearly 300 tombtones remOv- 0, 'rue n aay the. laha ver removeal qtetrustees lu charge of the, grqund e s.the Interfered witlth ierOPPiug Mt th grasa viti lavO uovers, litai je hi tombtones have beeai found et ngbO .u faru boutes doing dty as blocks. in oe instancthteifoun- e l acona cru vas fouud ta h. MM t of marble bearing thse date of > desth Of a seeper la tuee eletet7. jg5nd Amsy men putpoe a thorongh ia- ~7 atatii mtter. Tiie Fôrt Meiga ~atsi laneahi itteri! Perryeburil 1*15 site of an jian hattie. William >ooe.BRudolph ItissU andl Jialted Ihbsnton, of the trustees, Sa>' tiey are wt avatre of the treepas. TUA? SUN KILLS A BUROLAR. QomSir fDiciargmth es io euandl causes i Own flshs. Thes iig hoé.e 0f «piiuip fipilen- *gàt a vcllkawi fermer vest o! Canai Paer, 0 hio, b.d been robheal repsatealhi ilb , " . Tise ther ight Ih.eset a siiet- m a t la inopennog the $Prin& hobsea ort tue intruder voulald disciargeIt At I;l liehmornas ha board thé. gir lai. ,ruanl te thlie rsphi 14.touaS a destinmait efofte iii.dmo thWheed literlly blevn bah ktiSed Coroaer$,J A X#bm. IAter tii. bdlvasu ldentlfied w*« ofEt Rmer lert, xîenaa ua ~A SUP WOOD min MONOPOL. T. IL.Tr . eis Tes t ustise DiatteS lulasCourt. 4 Mt je#sca utrendered hi tue United SOqt t ut Mulauke turovo open a.aufaetmrrs the, isbl te ma"o Wl~u o rimhu al enbîcycle. fughs Cu fotIbi voecoutroilal y t ~tvustad k anealthe Crocelsr elf Bbeboygs madtheb. IfBa*e&tlàg Celspan of M19: Ig et, etproprti aaif*Mt. uan- evetivicr, as by sgreenut vmi aSoe a test came. «bg*e~Mmg ut tb.clubs la lis Na- .80 le21Bouton ...... 20 24 29 1l Cieveinnai ..20 28 ..23 2lNe Yor ..19.21S2 ..28 23 Buffalo.1 31. pRusha C. K. Knv& a çtoek brokfr, aSkIlleSJames Ploed,'A beekusa. altslipioneofr a bAiek, ho and tlt teodlag te lais thetraie for AWs. Mooud i toxietsd b. amrrved nl melsd onteoulaa 6he botne. Kng eomuanded linu tu etag but Flood kept coas.e tibn îb*t lionaitue door t. t rt thetu rigît mas, tue sec- opter4nqtbe abdcmenandamir ltlhe dW e allags'ust lntantl. Ring ru <Ilidunti seruan Haermeier came 74*u rskaceked hi vif. anal daugh- Soyaev,,an«M vwubeatlug t6cm vien t8.y eoà-ld son jumpeal trou. b.d tu bo* bsu.1Thse fatbet vas gtting thse boe f iMs imn isunth boy mu for hie idordami motie isfatier Ivice. Tuse St* ical analtheii ot s abhld for VIesier Goies te, Chicago. 'Ou.JeWheeler. atter recehvlng ie emlssioa ne brigadier eneral la lhc United Statearmy trou Presidest ien Kisalysu iWahington, vas assignea té' lie commuaio! tue deparimeat oet ho laIes, wthh healquanrtens t Chicago. Hf. . Webb Iless. I. Water Web. ormerly third vice- gresident of the New York Cetral anda Bgmobn River ItailioadCompany,ad lu so* charge of tise passenger opciating deartuent, did nt Beechwood, ie 'hom, la Scarborough, N Y. newvYoek Aparusut Bouni. Derae. I-* miner aparîmet boume, a six-stosy Obneture t the corner of Madisen ave. nu sanal Bxty-tiird treel, New Yok, va. destreied hI ire. Tue property lois Suicide of lawuraxwe SMan. Beu E. Stewart. veil kuova lu heu- pVise, Tenu., Isurance airle, coutehtteal suicidv1 poison. Business troubls are asaigneal as tue cans. Pire hurned businezi' buildings in loouington, M., anal caueed a Io"s of *10000or more. IfeMd for Fsrsere Dets. Joeph Koetrle, a hioux Fallu, 8. D, ealoneeper. vas helal by thc cormner' j ury fer the death o! William Dovdell, a X*#sre4 f armer, whom h. truck laaniL ii -« ft U day ago. Koptzle vus placed un- 4On *1,000bondl ton his appearance la New Bridge for MtesîesppL èm&4be deegites ly tue Lrd MW--- 4 3,e 'woî. qbeAmerica de.- $ bwu4 4lUnitedl Eingddedl- vu ti e leS .ae h tm. mairie Cespàfgeffer a 0e*Wtet.t a= Commerce Lai. > fid rotth le inter i*béatS8t5o oeb ri fthe. Wlnter t1vhisat League. ta the. number of ver 100 Kit at tii.AuditoriumIn Chicago. Tii.opta. lng secsaon waa devoted ta reports ame the. appontmet of eomtltttes.At lthe aternocu session several epeebes againgt exltIng frelgiit rates wér made.. Ai the. freight rates nov stand. the WWa ter Wbegt Mhuera' League asserté, lthe diffrentiai allovd on vbeat la untait t t6emx ad laserouali laurlat tieir fo élan tradts. The.tuilierseo r "(et Eritan îad Germani, tiiey ny, are eaabled te plireasie their vheat ia thia coutry and railU t abroad, meeting Ameen amops- tition et ail points. A resoluioiivas adopted asklng the railroad coupaillesta removs the, differentiai and sloi bath ileur and viietithe. ame att.. ARRIY SCANDAL 1IN '=emSO Charge thît Goveramenoa EnPoid for Goode, Neyer fleceive&l What promises to h.ecaibig rui sean- del Was opened Tuea.lay la gaz Francis- ce by the. arrasaof L.-W. Bartlsolomnew, manager or the American box factoy, and Ernest Emriî,cierte cierk othtie qUnrtenmaater'e department. Eïnrich !0 ciisrged vitii being i.n àcunspiracy vith Barthoiomew to de! raud thie Goeramneat bY approving blls fr supplies that were neyer furnlshed. Tiie exposure was iircugit about by a quarrel betweevthéii patiteera in the box f atory. The boxes furnlshed iii the factory vere used te iaCk suns and nmunition for the Phl- IPPlues. Fraude are aléa chargedagliiit ths quartermaster' 8 departunent iluthe Purchae of layad feed. NREBELS' DEAD NUMBEIOt ,S00 Coombiean G overausest CialinseCossi - .pise sVitry,_ Ofiiai. adylces ver. recéived in New, York fromn Carthagena lad Bogotat. liv- las détalsior tiié revlution lu Colotabia. The. complt. and utter overthcv 1# tihe rebeis in Santander bai be.eoaflriae, la vbich place, &fier a hard- otested hbattie, luist tty-c.e day,, ti Go. ernuint fores reunalaed coinpite mas- tere of the. Sed. Tii.cauittci vwer. ,800 desa l eougta te i, emî, 2,00 wounded and 1.@00 prisouere cf N, ar. Cu tie igt'et Mai -i19 a great lire teok , pace la Bogota. and the ity hailt vu perlahlng. ____ KomluekiasMiie luttle ptans IOe, B. F. Buter, iàerit f F rmnklin Con- ty. Kentucky-, Col. Thomas C. Campbell. ebisf attorney fer the Oocbel prosecution, aid Jutstice Goeb.i. brother of Wluliaas Goebel, vhe vas abotIn Frankfort by au assassin; arvive ai [ndianapolis Wcduea- dei. brigngg ttheu a t5.quisitioli for the. cxtradlliea etf William B. Taylor, fuiraler ltRepublean elaluant tuothe goy, ,rnorihp of Kentucky. Coi. Campbil msade a long argtuent befor, Goy. Mount for Tayior's cxtradition, but tihe Gover- non r.!need to beuor the requlsition la tuai by Gev. Becuham ef Kentueky. APPROPRIATION Voit CHICASO. Aditioaal Postai Clanse Are Novti fie Xupleed Poituaster Cianles U. Gordon of Chl- cage lias secnreal troui e Postollice De. pertinent $113,400 iacrease la bis allev- ance eer that of luit year. This viii permit bine te appoint etventi-iulxadali- tienal clenku eti600 a yesr and! aualdi- liemal auditor mti U,00, anal promote M53 clerih.stylng tiacisineareaeed salaries. 2isaliovace "aIsealudes *7,500 for au eutergencl funal tuemploy subslttte elerkm duraiel blidoyoiad 05,200 for the, establshment ef adalltional sub-statom. AUHEICAN UEO? »BBHEa, V. T. Peves, VWeol'IaitetLlaahîoî, won l Kacva nKanasa City. W. I. Powcr, klled la the fisiat Joue 1 at Llndlei, Orange Free State, vas Lprominient lu Kamsi Ci business andl »"e lcircles. He loft Kansme City *bout Nov. 80 leit tu enial1th e Brltisii arn". MUI0Lc D ollari fer Porte EbLco. A ehipuent ef goll, saliter anA minor solnamuntlngte $1,000,000,, wls mode bi thé Trcsery Depantuent Wodae*4ay on tué transport Burnide to'Perl t 111 This Io tue second million-dollar shlp- ment te tue nov territery, viiose moue. tari iyslem la novundergoins rcadjust- mentnder lhe supervision ot experts trou Washington. 1 ino Neeiles Hart lins. Thomas Lewis, miner, hem been arrent- ed la Arixena for mettiag lire te tue (Oat- alina foreets. viier. 500,000,000 test. et timbeïr vua destrnyed. A miner vbe vas vlth LvIt "astuat Lewis became lu- mid because pine needs hurt hlm test sud set lire te tutu, causinc the mont. SiesiKus tegaléiiever- knownea lthtu; Southwent .Potiticlani An a Wsack. The Calitornia apeclal bearIug 400 del- eQntu tote epubliea convention at Philadelphe crahbea loto a frelgit: train on lie Plttsburg, Fort Wayue ands Ci- >cago itailtay ai Thirty-ulath atreet Chi- 9esgo, and a paule among the pascangera followeal. Abecuded CLeri Cois Bath. John E. ullivan, t4e abacondias elerk et Mmdc. Ceauti, lad,, Who W a lm88, under a chaige of embeè»liag*80,000 et publie uoaey, retursisaltu Indianapolis Wedaeiday afluinoon. He aaym Ihat at- a er eleven yenrs of vandering b, vantai te face hie accusera statuaeof Porte ERico. d Jualge Tovnaend oetIhe United States Circuit Court lan1New York holdsa 5 Porte ico te a part etftthe Unitedl Statea vith respect, te ferelgu cosantries. but i tonelgit coussry vlth reapeet.tas lieUnht- ai dStates. lifamemi Douter ArresteiL Diamoual Dealer La Bar ef New York vas arresteal upon enterlng the United Otate.t rou Caneda,ad lte oaceemplîcea or dupes vie bad been vituh u v er. seized al.ivluinla teir possession 415, OW o f Sema. _ _ Ducleb o em=evtf er- Bfroa. 'Tis Cli. emounte t t telvetion seteal delffltés ta Kansas City. anal ingbtructhemouter W. J. Brja. Tic Chicago plttoruvas reaffroed vîtueut opacifie nmiesa___ Výont Striko e BaieS. Tic Sprint Valley, Il, tnile Ivan de- aiared cf Wodnesdai atter having ipalai lutI lfi d iws sud mt a côst 'et 0,000 ta tise Sprint Valley CiCo pan-. FîltptSoLader 8urareeem Gen. Macabuies, theimnt Impsrtant and lait Plhpine ieade'v la TarIa uud. Pasagaima, bas suritadera vits eigist ctcera and M12mmnta Amcana. Iniurie BrYanloNomination. Thuridas'q Demecraile onrcetinhai- gsreqiBrian's reaouaatiea.lnereasla Staistumiser «" dampatsta 00 e ec60 t.upèr e çe ec.ý. Wlloc' avniis weu ddaiýtt by aMIU vhicb bave detroiel f00 bridé au the Pnb.. road. rrade cammm et.1 oh. »eislte weelisetto etahuila.- ïaeYll, 6 moveti eut, erprier cueshsutradi look "oree tissu It realli le. huld iii ie" la"tm sau r&lIrcai tarifs ad lthiie- itile of foreis a tIde, the 'VOlume et business dolas in eousideT.Sbir MUt ta ayei.r age. The . c markuiets haue heid the.bulk of the advaiace vuvMMai wock on the mtreaàti of b.d «0pt.i>Mt. The. acouage, r.matnag la viicat la 1h11.e dcv 651 tatu.lly _biveelW a-ilo5, and cvlag te tic favorable cetdtiot la te licutbveft ad on tIii Pleinoe "14 te genêral averae J unl la belltt han à ent &go, but bprcg i.ieat evIOS te lad of rain, preierss muck loestRvOr- ab remîlt.the contu, cruserviii ha lrger, but the condition la mu@iih 1*10 te average. Lover prie. fo rl id steel bave net met se*etloiot cana- log a reduction inlaoutput and the. latet arnace report indicates an actuahli larg* er output sud lnereed stock. The faie- ares for tiie vsek tu the United Sttai umiier 180. as compare w ith 184 lat week, 50 la this veek a yeuaieg.2M7 la 88 226 la 1897 and 2M5 la 1890.Pel1- uri la tii Dominion c f Canada numbe. M, as agalaît 20 lent vsek. 25 la thg week a year-avo.'h0 lau189, 34.la 1891 sud 35 lu 1M9." pLAYE» àTnLL, EUTKIT TillE ET. vwo Lad. ln thBis utorte Me"a Uns Be- veiver ami Brik- At eBt. LouiuslRobert Honnie. 12 y7ears ld, land Gordon Collier. aged 9- plaYid William Tell, vltii aiment fatal refaits» The boys get a revolver sud frtA vi"i auid themueivuoi erlublng the veap- on la Wld West fabica. Then lieî re membored the stoni of Williamo Telilad Hernle a«reeýd te represeut Tell. unime part cf al brick lustrad] cf the atI.Col*" z i*ZEàAiuiibrick. butbit hisecOupla- Inn tiie rlght check. lnfilitiag &avonna whlch la serioue.___ RiOOPO Dix OFV YLLOW VEVIR. Dis useB.she Ont ut Qae-aasi, migle Hunes froa Havans. Yellov foer hba brokea out at Quema- dos. elgiit mille& troin Hvana, Cuba. niiere United States troupe ire italloned. 'liere bave hen foarteen cases, turc, e whleb proved fatal. 'A sergeaat oethe aigu 1 service dical. Mai. Frak Edmun4ed nd lira. lidaunds Wer, stricket. CaPte vyeg cftiihesignal service la lu the. detcn- tioen bopitai. Havona clty leu"xception- liy rieur, ouly three cases heing under treatment. MAllE BAILI>BT LIOHTNING. Albert Davioa'e NEu, Euru.d 0f br un Ztietrie lisai. Albert IDawson, non 0f Thomas Day- son, viio lives aer Maranlles. Ohie. va. la a bnildiag dering a itoru vii,. ths plae vas etrack by ligbtnlng. Hie sala th. rou vas mas. aeet hetime, andal .ew seconda Inter be became unen8ciona. IThe, hc recovereal ha vas minus ail 0f the hait upen hie iiead. but otiierwime vas not Injured. Waouawa 5a inbteL Mise TildeGlimnnar fet. Lenis dreve swsy a moi o!fUMO, hoodflum i ith a re- volver. hies innarta, Whobe à a vcathî uroperty owne, ent te South et. Louis te collect noet renta. lu a satebel se carrled'a leadeal revolver. UPOn isaviast the eur ah. vas inrreunded bi a mob ef strike îympathlaers. Tiiy vere about te la blande open hdt vU-ëb-she opened tb. vaisue and drev eut tie pistol. Tiie aob dhepersod.____ Nehie Wife Bat Strychnaine. iduron Clark, vbo coaducta a dslsy aeir Halle"vlle, 1.T., la à tasaporary nt et laaaaty dreve hise cidrea avay trous the. icheand dompelled hl% vif. t,6 est strychnine. trou the. effect or whlch the died. Clark tua dlnsppeared la the Wodvosa ear his home. Velu 'fer Troope. Mri. Cenger, the Aienican minuster at Shaagba. ment eut a courier viti dis- ýpatciieste bis Goveramnat. cellWg for tioy be dlspatehed et once te the rellet of the Amer ken realdenta. ]LîW@smt Abictt Bite Truste. Trusts, and political machines vere de-, nonel bu 11ev. Dr. Lyman Ablastt la bis addres betore the. graduateseto West- cru Beserve Punv*raItO' ut Cleveland. W. T. Eubanks. one et iow alàdff cattiemea la Wrominv, vu klll e r Nevesatie, Wîo.. iii'a former .mplcye. Kit ixtea fixer. Tbe Coqsacka bad a figi it t the BOX. e, et Tolit Cic&. k'llngsixteee and voomdlas mami. Chlcago-Cattie. cmom..te ,prime, $300 te "00; bopg, -sehipplus grades, $3.00 te M325; ibeep. tain toehice. *8&00 te 83.60; viientNe. 2 red, 78c te 74c; crn. No. 2, OMe te 40c; «t, No. Z 2=9 te 24c; rys, NO. 38.3"e taeS5ie; binter, chaletc eameni,1licte 19c. ega, trucki, Oc te lie; . MWpotateo. WSC ta. 0me per buel.. llaiapcls-ýCotle. sblppng.,#S.O to 85,71; ibugs. hes light. 48.0te0$à25; thespp. comunnte prime. $8.00 te id. vbeat, Ne. Z 2o 2ete 74e; cota. No. 2 white, 39e .ta 40c; cati. No. 2 wshite. M3ete 27c. et LOUMa-cattie. 83,26 te 'Î5.75, iite, $3.00 te 85-.5;aiep, 48.00te 84=2 vheat No. 2, 75e ta Toc; corn, No. i îellov elle te Sic; ont..' No. 2. 2u. lu 2Se; rM e. t.2,5e hU Oe. Cinhuc etat-O ie, " Ite 10-76; »0%S 13.00 tae06.5; dmebp, $"55te u*1. wbeat. No. 20 76e tg en e; car',40o.Ï mlixed. 58e ta 44e». ceti, NX& 2 ulied. 25ç te 26e. rye, Ne. 2.6lclé Me. * 'u"o mhe ttu* TA KU FORTS TAJN an"4 i Mut MWaiMy Pyu"'"ou Verts fp#WsisrAfler aOra 5 , aHOU jgi.d.4Uqbt Lou. ut Alito* Woso îhio,4wee'ad large àAiuiote tOh BlImhbe Illtriet - VoeoiA"e Obla 51dd v ar againit the vOrlal whsa t1l. TOMatorts opened ire wn th e lateo#l Sj eet. The acceunta cf vhat t9 oo plac - nuatisactOtl, the. boit semiogeal liormation heliig a diapateti m.eh.d et »«Un. from chefoo. The.tu- t«t5PtOUM 4etcaptured the 0notiier Tamu fores Bter a batti t ht lated moYeU bhouead tht lgter-draught - "il pushsdoù up the PeflHo. turina the bo»bardat cf1lthe forts a uh@ellel ploded tii. Chiane. magazine. Theaille rutaned a«Ui damage ln the flght. Six mon on iieêrd tebï-rttsiàïanientine Al- gerne vere vpunded. The Rtasis- And lapunem, nov tuat the. torte have been forced, viii lad uany troopa, sud Âmerl- cao troop, vifi proceed lmmedatlî tront M.0. to Tlsetain. Tii. unoetal narratives, coming by tuet Aaselea marins fermai part o! tic termso tefrce of 3,000. An Asie- clalsd Pies. alspateh trou Cietooesale- "Tii torts on both isides et Taie are nLov ooenpla.d. Rh. Chines.e peirai lie uaex- peetealhi. Tise camualtles le lie mixai terce vere esi flieve: Klleal. Britlish t Germait 3, Rusisea 1, [French 1; w9uad- ed, Briti 4, German 7, Rama45, French 1. Cines. torpedo boat* ver. seized2' Dscorng 6thticheChines. ver, plae- lug tarpedoee la th river anal ieavhly Car- riolias tue forts. adal makins ther tar- III. preparatleas. the foreiga commasta- e assemblai on the BusalanUassbp and aèdreaeed &Apultimatum thothe con- manas of et Taku torts, callas tapon leusete vltuirav tueur troopo hafoe .2 oceion Buuday uesuing. Tic treope v«escaïdla bave bea brougbt trou Bihs-H&I.Kvan, anal probably yPe thie .lately stapposeal te . miehlag Sta oput uemaies onunder the cou- mandl of Cen. Tang. MailAes Viet isot. Ths enly repuy of the commandera of thse tets vas ta eipen Oire uddeuly t 1 e'elock cn Buniay morale«. Tue Bridi, Rue&sia, erman, French and Jmpssese vareisipt lmmedateir replel. Aft a neveu boum' engagement be- tte.atlicwarbipe andl lhe fot, aurlits yhieh a Ilussa guaboat vas bleva u1P hy a aboli explodng la Il& magasine, tue Gotuan vesse!l Itis andi tue Britlishleets Algcrine ver, ncae tiuck thirteen or tenrteeu limes, tve Brtish merchant v.-1 seis sunansd Ivo Chines. torte blova up,th ti. iropenantreopa stormeal tue re. malnlag fot vlth hayoneta, anal took thetu ail, illling, go saine report a, ev- cral btudred Cinese. Of lie Buropean lois., axteeu wtt, illalandl ferli-ive, vonaudeal bu the explosion on the Russina irarship. O Ontiseltis three ver, kiled anal seve n vonded. . On tie Algerine oe men vaskiiieal anal four vouadeal. Tie teoga boý.4ç&a e tisartarq, uov captureal. The retua eof Admirai Seymou'@ force te Tlen-Toln--due isrgely tho mci of food --la regardedau a a huiiating check, anal c lieli te radéurage the Bogers ta fur- hier harn&e the Buropeas n Pekin. Tue iiied forces founid tii, Une eut lu front et lieu, anal ver, faeal Iii'10000 lu- perial troope, vis, are nov, regardeal na Bexers pure andl imple. Tuen tue lino vwas eut behiaal tucu, andl tue force cenlal not elt rou Tea-Tola ticeupplies necal- ai. Thie retreat le net te h. marelai at, bsluv asauredly noceomari, but lun6the oi ef tic army and a"Ti efiala it amonuts te! a serious d aiter. Attmel urtnei froua Pei. Tié Shanghai cerreopoudent t tue tL3on Del liy 148 ais eae*The forts be. ga rin lug laneobservance cf orderu freas PeI<lii coaveycd la a personal edic of tie elapreem devager, by ;dvie of Kang i (prçafdett o! tise iltry et var>. ev- oral vrsblpe ver. truci bu ehella trou tise tvelv,-iach glaiseof the ferla. Tic ieavy Euzilanliasse. vwer, due te the llowias ap oetthe magazine aBt Mmd- tiue. Four hadreai Chineme are report- 0 * te bave bhem kili. Thc Chine, vien retneating, fl lie the banda cf the htiautnd in* oc." Tu. Loadmn 0511 Newsiu halse fol- 2 ioving trou Clo»Icot"Tweofetthe forts ver. bLovaup. Tise thity-tve vamsipm ai Tmku.,agregated 200).000 heui anal car-, ried more that,be00guina. The. fallure cf Admaiseysoatms col- umu sud Ils retraitl te Ticchila Inercaije,- Il la PrsMeal, ltb. pelrîlcftue legations, la Pekhn. vhclb. étiilaeolatsd, auubougb a Sanghi lfenrwd d hlase ruinorsthbat lite legations waxre î ttaekcd 'b>- uebs. 'w vich ver, moviald dvn bu machine an taiseluI tushemembers o! tue leeatuou ver, niapacreal. Tht situation et XNin Cltaug la report- ed citical. Tii. Britiash Consul aut iCtn 'Kvang bas erdnedeSau Ifeeignera e l leat a EU L anal Nata King Omnli.-, , ih.Wev «.aIs tainU prmptacin po lur tsuai<etiafo. avë eaue pousth g itorthe pCi i'rOea. agfflat te the . i>; ~:P:eqdli:eé.Tii. Saw te» m lheou a elups Li N0CÂE sor het b.dovassr empreie *nd te musS. bl teNankaa udertue pro. ac ti OIS V lcsoîi-Ku.Y. ho aIe.. la able and viliag in malataîn Kvams. Ou'@ authenlty. .The. Chine». Ieforu Party, If ceordd British counlenance and co-operation guarantees le ralli the catir. bodi or the Yaag-tse valley officiais and people le uphold tbe ensperen ais aalmat lis. a- Ptws. Tis tep, vhlcb la quit. coibtltu- tisaal, veulal mecure ordor anal gond sot- erament In central lad> sutiacru Chia, tisere Il vcuid ho easy 10 annal LiHut Chaus"s reactlenss"autilty. 1E]EELI AN ARKY ON 0 PVER Clias Eus 1,05,0 lsstp Ua but Tisoi Are immies. China*a nesular astny, baovma s 'Tise Eight Bannem," nomieally centaine about 300.000 descendants of the biachu ecnqnrurenad, tiir acUba. bul tue onm ber ualntailnu00 M e0000 te 11M000, dildcd ie oturcs groupa. consiatitlagrepemtvey oftMisa- ehus, Mougol andl Chiasse. Tht militvy la ao r ol f beredltaryproes.soa. Itbia wblcb iatermsarrlage la cosnpabiony. Abeut 37,000 mcaen la varrition Au manchurta; the Imrasi-5 gurd at Pekia entain trou 6%000 ta 7,000 mes, tues boingt the troopu reliai upon 10 defend the, forciga tlgitione and proteet foreige fintereula trou the mois. The'Yginnsllu, or national Larmi, ciii- ai also '"The Green Fli ad " The. Vive Camps,"~ consisao! elsiteen corps, oue for eaeb prevince onde, lbe vovcro or goveruor veneral. Its nominal irtb 19 froun540,000ta 000,000 mue o. im about 200,000 are ansulabie for ver, nov- er moe. han ene-third. hoever, halas calld ont. l'he mont Important contin- gent la 'the Te Tien-Tain aimi corps, uoulnally 100.000 etrcag. reulli about 35.000, vlth -modenaorganisation. drill and arme, employedinl garnison duty ai Tien-Irain, Taika and cther forta. Besidas lhes» fores lier, are merS. na«7 troopi raiealla ensreaclea. and Mougolia and other inregular cavalry. uomaMaly 200,0-0. trong, realiabout 20,000, but of no "mlItary vaine. Tiie total land armuy on Pesos footing la put Bt 300.000 men and on van footing si about 1,000000,bot tue- nrtny as a viiol baà ne ualty oe ohe*on; lier. in ao pro- per disciplinse. tic dnfil la uer. phymicul 'x»rcine, tise veaponu are long since oh- aolete anal lier, le ne transport or cons. uLsiariat or mediqal service. AIeXIODUABOUT MIU8iONARiELs, Grit Amxieli Expreced lfor Tise..fta- tiened ia Chine. No nce" trou Ameniea mlaalenarieg la China vas recelvea aIanyo et tis.la elonsry icadiquarters la New York Mon- dai. The coninuai ladc f neye freas Pekin canisel great auxiety nt the. hsad- quartera etftthe Pr0ebyterlmns sud Mshii- odIatýth of e ieh denomlaatioai have mlumiouaree lu lb. Chlaese capital. The B1ey. Isac T. Hesadauial tuat the Buiit bu Auteteani at Tang Chou-Burnei bu tthe Boxers. Methedisas lone have sîxteen mission-8 uies lu Pekin. lie cala lier, are abo>utà 2M0 toreigners tuere, slxhî of vhom aret Amérîcana. Tii. Catiolles bave the muet9 property of uidénomnaton. . TueYt bave tir"e. cepounudi tire. fine churcies, a couenot àanàal ndustial aciool. Tué Presbiterlaus ihave - ve compeunada Mr. Headland adalealthsat nons oethte légations la provideal viii mcmi oet deteuse, exeept tic Cermu,t vii.,. a fev golder, are kept on guard. NINTE A UTROz4G IEEGIMENT.. t Nunabon. 100 Utanmd M»as aiesa R.cerad in the Pkipptusi 1 Tue Ninli resimtC, l Lis coron 9~ maudins, vhieh vas ordereal oce q0 as QUlaitl sPossible troumaela' 1 china te r"-nforce tue AmInela. natal1 tere nov tuer e usera 1,400 men. Il la eue, ofth u toligest reglinents la tuqk artep, saditu men havi been eupioîedi ip' girrlnlas aIne Important raillay tavau laLmou. The aatraordinami a- tivty of the regimeat bas practicali paciflealtlb. center voilIey., Col. Emerson M. Llscom, vho comn- maidalie Nintu, vas bora la Vermot 1f tzu-aine crs azc. lie onliteal lu the irt 'ermeht.lafantreau a amontu ater tiie outbrcak o! lie civil var, atnd beldo the brevet ef captain la the regu,' lar, armi fer "galist servicelantic bat- lies e! Behlsemaa Chuissisand duriug tiie caupaîga before Rihlemond, Va." * Col, Liscom sav mach servicesla the cily var, servns la tue arasy et tic Potorme hj4th 0o!the aubseitent aeméie vaon the frondter. lHe commandai th. Tvon'- ty-fonrth letatry (coloreal) la the Ban' tiaglecaupalga, anal oa July 1. 1898.,wvas veundeal ln tie batile of dan Juan. Col. usecu vas mode an brigadier general oi volunterfos fw hie service la, tie gBantage aMpign. icarltefer mliins*rai U. 0u Ofhee an " oéar frocs tii. g.vtàeofsteP. îned tuer. îpgeaa te h MM 0 oiet ii the. dotnboiidieatit réoutlE k-. a" -actblns boyonsomr rufa hbd bon, removai. Thei.wp ttie oepe We elt ai Seeaxtmgueard.dby 8«0 lidm wuti tht.. manbisegens, Md &A binoras "sisl teet0f MS usabal oItsw grou 'ZIu4uln te tbit support. Ts tvo-tbrdet tiie distuance he as n- vay anS ladihenbru adUalli lauts$0 a >tu"@ S o ,00aoul. itvaweu l adop mou itrou Pekia, -blaliausiDOePM grom, ad tii.. »tgluas ot ommunsiatiom witji tii. Tisa-Tlaboi s qautOC 1Th*. gnhboat Cn0=0d,&vtb Mupas aboardm mallS U s.tasedords.a troua MenUs. malpcsdl for China. The Brie li croise buensa vente»rAatI- fut floig Kong vlth troope andl tc«..fo legg Moutsand Tisa-TWAa.rnm toffe viti artol iha,. hein sat tou Tmeànate Tien.?eie.Thii. Teluoù>n hIer ot rpsrae bui aideredaSla atdvws lbuo em orp ru. ot resadî ftrseWb te estercestiié Tréebchequadre. la Chia- vate. A transport aise ila helsq p. Du" Sta tals uéllitarle e tefomeie A, Chiase rsport ftromu bgal der statad liaI Admiral, Soyacu u &aetng vti t thaChiws..regalaue and r*« t fi. or@[" forces. lad eiss the .Tahuforts. Japau andiveadl 2,000trooPe teO.hns. The Mukado's Goverammst le indic"al 10 cu9sjeiluseation la Chias te the. ptetectlos or JapasesIntemeuts. A London diapatch saja: Tuer la mot a cabîmet kl Emutpe. îpparentil. tat isove viat hbu bo.. uPrnt 3n l P"llafor Ove deys. or la Tfra-Ttlafté tht.. days. Nor in flore mi that kùe vltii viat dlficltiee tthe mai l d ad- equatell equipped International ecomm. l a eo.tedlag beireec tluos dUs.. T uO e G r a i a o r e l a en c . u p c . l e a r - lag tt r=of t !usmuidset Barom Ton Ketteler, tbi, Germa. ministe et Pskin. seist a telegapbki laquly te et. P.torsburg.te the. Husm"aGoveroment, becs... et Ite vires tc Manciocrt Wa lng suppouedyin la sb.ttar positon than the. otiier goverufast tobtala a direct beva. la repli tii. Genountorews oe "Bwi vs armed thatt nl vatsv., viu kaun on the. subJet, au coumuni- estiou viii Pekia va« lat#rrpted. Tb@ report. lpread worM-vide from Ssamsbal, tiiat tii. legations b.d ben et- tacdmad that oct itr. prohablî lii. German, b.d ha. murdersd, bas, hein traeed te tl4e Tao Tai Sheav, vho. m5 tii. supin. dcvîgW sagent, bu boom cemmlngt olegrmusrou hashal. %Few.Liie Imterviws. Lord Balliburyi-"Our el e.rtaty et reeti»gIla recurreae cf tuis fearful viar1 »Drlae .thal neyer awnishI "nCbvut ccumulatlonaof t rmuat Omar, aad that Dot a soued oethtii former indepeadeace ortii. republie shah r.- Preident - Heuru Wadt ROuera Of Nortuvesteru ijtdversity uttared the toi- Iovlng protound thoughte: "Ths tsudesuc et the paa hie been te euame sxlating vreage on tue pontr peopls. But it inas tact tuaI thé comuon people are at hait Do ver,. tuan tb. riani clame. [t di.- net toiiov becaume a Mu la vmiii ho la a gocal man. Neither does l. tfolcv bs- Cause a Mau belongs te lbe cias. knovn as commua People he le a bad ma-. Tise iiauieen 100 much ait tus sortetfsati-, ument la 6h eecontry.' Royv. C. M. Siseiden te a Londonu neye. pape? reporter: "I do nulet p9e ta we et 65 sexperlail- lS ù ." uewvaper Man. St enabied me t, sàl li more failli tie difficisties anal nseds Ot thomeefauporeal ta nevspalaer vetk. 1 undsralssd Bngiieh Utvaepaper me",ed sre dilfetaltfrous Au.ricaa, but cas creat. feulattue, bave Au cemmon vith tiase la America, tue absence Of trUtis- taausaanal accuracy. . Withia lise lait twvo îetre scores cofsitppéied Interviews witu me bave b...printeal ln preminent diliem,.1aIlmanufsctareui by the vrltcrs.$ Bob Burdette on tue vemeu'a conven- tion l i Mwankes: "People ame ail alIe, aid &lRlarge bodies rua thou affaire la about lhe mans vay. 1 have ne crit- eisu te maie on ltse resait. et lie mal- las. It iras handled la amore ondnll ismet tien uen'e cnveatlcosare. It la heM 651 vonsen vbea nesstarteS, «Msot stop talitg, but a vousaxes. mtop lieu. Wlaen t65 chiamiaMes. Love, breugt dovi th tiet ai, net au- otuer wordvas tleraid. *Weul StiP tus M aehypiien. OCinlaon. latabs vaes liet. an enercaciment tapon lis luq siotea ta dlseusost." Prof. Graisu Taylor on tru ale -Sc 'butO'ADo uou kuov vismt traie Ulealte m"»a? Il meaai 65 hbrel5tbloM Of sat. Trads uniom cave fer thiai id sudl tiseirdead snd th* familleOf liai dd". Tisilookl stelsda*setOdw. in ts» p=et qilffeuti uioodtet aMIsW4 wltW liibuilding traalesavmbUtu nma l-nainon the Ss I I. 1rotab"; iea'a.1 ha,.eoet ortre Ualm*leiy«f venu ddeubt If t1cre et.ib apd Intus. hIl tisa eburebes of tuie counmtryine mach love $or their fellov-uon as exist la tb. iraae autio,,a" Unr. ]Rébecca 'Love, prealdeitt of lb. National Federatlon et Womenm C1nuX ta vage.eamltg vomea: "Tue euptâmc et vemea la tue profeesloaal and lIndus. triai ivend hau b... »madaleulY aceca pilied tuast lry mtand hbsel mtadlstid ta. loir enoircmmsat. Tuai' have 1a4 upq flue * toen ont liei ovaPwcuitl*M lan-lis worw Pri vo*uearolnOre ti tA hlm viien bis vii t( countries thneugh i of bisme Course, wv this veik. snxlety ai divine s kind ne iv xil., 12, An euti taken Pi$ veman 9 that nobla tue Bipti vere tiirc feit theiie hear it, i 't aloui t lie vas itil m Slsuslîa morae tsa s« g o e gré",et W'et aD brade m bave rf se fbeil pit te trermble S,. vii b armi mu as t as teDsy, h Goe n1 julgt Rh. hiuArt tlac n vie11. b. thonu I te pdon hy» aet tiuae ac prosatn feetune tlaavi Y aos Drvin eu u tircu., beam o! setei gCani a ound-1 andl ie eIl b ag agia remr1 calcula: donai viii nri vento01 tise n thedpao cf +16c fe-,ýýfiniÉsetkb*eb i nin. '--- -»-ý-mi.7l;-: i lm r U-U tr ý-t -Il If roi eauuser My words e! mi"e te assit trom la your vork 1I vir buh toc M. 1 Ivub eveuiou y* 4L valli h.-àgruat dcis! leis"stéfl a" 11csdfte a trise cepi et Dr. Rertumai beok on cata"Il bsidme embaushlse Ce.., ColutblaOhio 1.-Antu is lplBori. rougn yoioll5ta-out lIsat ,*7 e vweik rather sxorbltant reat for maceh a «uiroom? 1,aEdiady-Oii, dsar. ne; not fer e tomsg Pb3'aleil-And vhy not fol a docter. pral? ldlii5d-BO5O.5 Iis leae very uM- healtlai bouse, andl ther. la nets, a weel paissebut vbat hoit a d alezof J MY roomere ane M. Il eisst Lam; te, t&WV.vstee. m vis*14 .ratle Osup a c eet l pi em ehetl. tuil gsu.cO1»;by Uumit ou&*& A M«"4 Mv.y s cmuiss-s esod s. A Irench dectar ha nvtutedau ae- trie isimet laiide et vbleb la £a al motor tOtUlvibrae. etripe oet thes melor makiag 000 tuiisi Per ulibtle. Tusa vhlangla auppoesd to oure, airv- eDm hsadseiie andl put thee enfers, te clep. Wb"a »0 Ch. Olaue.. flsank? Do't ai ete 6m -utsaor cofss. Ba, ion trlsd lb.hev e d rnwal GRAIN-07 t la di= rEotsmd eur- la&sd dtales tbe place e09eof..s mot. Groe*s-O iete .lsehldr. moeboalu iaStrlhhate tbuush 6z ~aJSm5~J la madé of pure gram EF rVioly preparei taté the =hcesgrofdqet noRe. hu st bhout a us. LAUgroom son iIL lu bmd 25iE A mobeacnlue aocomptiiasu. A man eacarr a baby la sneecb a taeMiontbat hoeuca avec deués Ite mothur tat.a ebille t lat ho la brine- lng boue a pakas et meat for diluer, finie, Tyla. etLoy Prie., sf yon va"t a ipeiumedite m MiSer staeftas dIrMus.UadinM lia otthw. soticesot mai Mailus Suri. "tiba *coo <lmier Iviase e- tvt.e m vu iii rau hmi oy ie«a F« ,iait su ai uder VUi S ga s 1 .uteg y"oa Piee tist ltr Uisamm poor oissar or enoe .Party vIe sayet moo te aitou at m loer paee 155 t GOY. Roceavelt doet ev elry 09 ail iad, anaser wvearaany, oee9t à pilan joid oeai ring on vhlci bistaae- iii urus arte sastaveal. et W Impssiletb ~.1~ *IlyarI *ee'*opng grsh- ,ss~; or rs and y.ae -a , ap 1

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