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Lake County Independent, 22 Jun 1900, p. 5

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I I I I I g s S day. -the Crescent Bicycle s the best bicytlê on the market for the money, both ln looks and durabllity. "The Wheel That Stands Up." REMEMBR--AIi wheels sold by me are warranted. 1 arn representing the Shoninger and ghaeffer Pianos. Corne in and see them. JEstabished 1870. Endorsed by Ieading musicians such as: Campanini Liszt Rubenstein Wagner Ida Klein S. B. MiIS Emma Thursby C. A. Cappa Arpad- Laszlo and rnany others. C. R. SI-ERMAN9 J.ICLEU £AND OPTICIAN Libertyville Illinois.1 Not Cheap Shoes,-mnie- -~BUT ~-<::Q oaod Shoes Cheap. W. have just purchased' 200 pair of fine LADI ES', GENTS', BOYS0 CHILDREN'S sHOS The Entire Lot wiII qe .So id at a Bargain. F. C. SMITH & SON Butler BIdg. Lbertyvihie, Illinos. Ice Cream You can aiways get It'at Lovel's. POPULAR FLAVORS. Pure. DeIisclous, CoId Dew lucaCrean ta beb ed aitaMy eut. FB. LOVELLY iios Libertyville Oms Liberal Offer.... Nu Go*" That JH.ùngry When you have it you don't want it. When you ddn't bave it you want it. This may seem 1k a paradox, but, nevertholess, it'o true. Our choice fresh goode .fit create the hungry feeling and thon satîafy it. Beaides thisi we, can demonstrate that the more money you open'd with us the -more you Have. Triggs &Tayl1or, Libertyville - - Illinois. go..so neaoi Aasamy are mime for the aummor vactIon. jhau. Smith andi Pan] iacGulfin iradod bornes IbIs uoek. Rota got the but orthlb.bargaîn, tene..aU parties snd the public are satiiaild. Wm. Warren and tamiiy are Incated, la the Proctor honse on- lMilwauke Ave. WiII la on doiy ai tbe market c4.idncted lîy hlm andi George Triggs. 1 ils Dlla Roborts andi J. W. Hunt, of Piano,IDU., cannectet i uib the Earl Latider CJo. of ibat place sud tornierly locaied bore, cgl1d onu Lihertyville acqoalolances itoodal. Coiby 1 Company preseut a soap aboi; o!f(ensos Enomerator Paelb'îhhi lu tbeir ad thia veei lth ublakers atideti. Ed la t.o0 busy te shavo Ibsa daya. Nou store, uer stock ot. hardware and nov pricesaai (. H. BeizAxcWs.35tf At Highland Park arrsngomenla are nov being made ta tari a coacb tram Hotel Moraine overy BStortiay, ronoing aurosa the coniry ta Llhertyville, lenvIev, Wankegan and other pointa of inioresi. Trigga & Taylor are proentlog theîr eatomnepa vicb a urne card of local lralns...rrnged tu convenient formi, on the huai of vhich fa an advertisemoot Sotilng oor-th the benellis ta ho lerIvet b!y trading ai ibeir papolar tare. A delegation tram i e local ordar of Reter Star attentird tbe reception andi bamquet giron by Waukegan Lotigo. Four iundred vere Iu aitendanco trou Wauiegan, Atioeb, Wanconda anti Libertyville. Lîllertyvîlle Inembere are euibuainattin theîr pralse of the eveni. B. W. Doaoubarry has engaged con- tracior Wm. Bell, of Elgin, ta ptinua olve fotct ai alk in, ;Mo tils esidence op Mlauknee Àve< This in the mont btailland, iY ibheAnd the oheapeat valk. Otherà are con- sidering iaviug spiai ralks put là vbile lb. Bell la bers, beaidre a nom- ber et repaira hbasubeen ongagedti 1 mi.. At a receni business meetinÈ of lb. Deaplatumesi Camp Meeting Association 1* vas deoldai tuoopen Camp Meting July Ifti ami continue theaoolons.ta Ang ti. -*JeO Bmith, B. Ê. »ie~r. Urt. Ilarrison at lr. lem ail prapiot veSera bave bmees egggd. Re.La,»mstigtei tebaveoaafe oh tâe peO peple maqiagt , Tb* te.*sJO 048o* et anti vas 2:49j, Colby's wvan cuttilg 5è aecondis tranmit.Tho rid, vas a very creditable one anti hadte ihond nai bean ga stroug, Colby roulti bave made aveu boiter tinlO. la a grave) bank ou the Casey faru rorimen engaged <n loadlog gravoi for ose on the ighvaya onoaribeti seventeiit akreletoum. liany vero in s sitiing poature and Indibcationa of a lire near.the akeleionsa soometi apparent whbteelu one ee h oums vere dis- coloroti by a"me red asohotace, toten ta he var paInt. They vole douhîlosa Indian. akebetons. No irophies have beau tiseovered. l'bc bancs vore la nmre fiâsances in a faim sate of proeor. vallon, particnlarly léié teeih. Bepling ta a Iptîtion sont In by Liliertyvfil. citizens So i e iPaul officais, asking that the Deerfiolti teatre train cotinuse thîoogh ta Lihertyrlbe liai om peuple mighl attend the Chicago iheatres anti eturn home same nbgbt, F. A. Mililor, viies: --At presantit fi vlI leimpossile for os ta mon the ihoatrù train ta Liberty- bitern thie season, but l;iprenant vo do nôt ibini the- ainonfi of businoss In slghi vsmrantc the iocroeti service."~ Rond waglons, bnggieos andi sorries vlth maiemas name ou osch at 0. fi. sciAaxqecg'. asti A, tarevel reep)ibon vastendereti Rev. fleurer at the Proabyterfan obrci lionday uight, ai vhicb vas proseni a large number of hoth denominations ta biti adieu go Mr. fleurver, no laitI T esday momnfng ter his nov pasiomate ai Winoua, I. A short anti excelenti.prograni vas rentiorot, after wvih ie o. Dix i bohaît of the liethodxîtt engregaiion oxpreaseti bis regret becana 0f lMr. .1leuvers depainro. A brIe! repiy, Ini vhbobi Ber. Henvor rofroed teslfngly tuta ticls of love anti rladsbip vhici endearoti ta hlm Llbertyvf lie, ber peopla anti interesa. Ur. Reei,, for the Presbyterbati organisation -in s feo, vett ciosen remsrksa aaured Ur. fleuve, oi the love and astein of bifs coligegation and ibebr asinceeregret ibai ho -vasnsesoon ta bave.. efreab. monts conslstiig of Icooreamn sud cake ,Mre sferve theibogatieriug anti a perolà o sociailotercourse sd <'<cati- is"ta the aepriig paatcir owedst. h ismulmonontatu , *S sane t a 3 *, mschirvas" ssuidmln Mn1 lamom 8asu» iamum seli I.' .. PICKED Up HERE AND TII5RE. Local Items of Intrest to Libertyville ReadeJ K ahf glra. May Cjiuatanoon and oblidren ~ ai e~VmCIt, are viaiting ber parents, Mir. and lire. £Mr'*L. J. WZss, 8. J. Sam'] Trigga. - F. W. Pasuuaar, Adit. I s <jro. Elliawas Callao ta Ban- LîBBTtv1L.4,,, LODGK :NO. 480 A. F.- dolph 1N iýbr., ibis week by the Illnees and i bot*M&aIs.ct ber 81,4cr. OEzonBOaD. W. M. z.W. PàAxuuasr sec. uMiqaAupie blesser, nof.onarga, la c" Ol l M.o.&su,. .W. of A.. neeps bere on fbernouai sommet vlit uit h a 4 , e.tf~atrdaU. arh 3anb ber sMater lira.. FB . LovolI. a aii a iwae ole* The Epworth Leagne fnrniqhedà W. C. ACBU.Clark. gnest chainher in the 00w paragonage » D1(T (J( COUT ,OF tiia,week ultb a Dnt Oak set, carpot, ;Jaya o09oacimonm: e«odrnena Raall. etc. il i iomo-rUOon. W. C. Ma.MASS gaJea. Recorder. Mir. snd ira. (Campbell, of Chicago, CoiïxU LOD j po.lui N.W. W are non locat.d lu the bonne on ecaeondak urth 1 <' Divson ireJ each month In Woodueo'a Hal. ivsnotee*zSn1y vacated by 050. . Wwaa.oxA. KAIsmuI. ter. Chan. Hmth. M ETIIOOITISS? leuCH inaaGilîbert, uho taught the poplisl addmFB â», M.and 7:0 P luthe tird rom of the LibertyvIlle loges. a8:46p. M.= r c ool, baubean engagea tb teacli ai uay aI lié 0. m. ÀqA me dawr N enoa, Win., noit joar. op8àV7zJ ond. Q -esJni ime Beýpreentatilves aithe electiro od 1pree.ina Sonday. have tiIs wvee oblalned optiona or lex.Dn. Pastar. contractn"oa eonsderaîuîe portion of C. m. A&5m. 0. SIlOS TALB. the deslred riglii.ot.way between Lake in sF150?ms 1e. lBluhffand Libertyville. <OIU KAMT Au Au Px in 1cpu Theitwayoar oldastake race for the lialinli 7:0 :~eConuty Fair Ia bc irotted on Slep- la@ ae :57:21 1:04 1:34 8:34 tember lîtb, uliicb closed liay lat, 1 ilavilet... - 7:9 :1 1:084 8 h~ antwelve enriles, niostiy trom lia Orîlk . :07:43 1:20 7:00e8:w county and bida fair to be ol con- Ueivl...r.. a8:00 1:84 :04 9:06bol lEadeî. - a:lo140 fl@0: 10 teated. Ar. Chileago... 1330 9:40 "li9:00 1014 il A BBIi M.B'. Colby &Co'as tore front wu GOOîO W913T A M p * P m P im greatly lmprove n uappearauce ibis Chîcgo . <30 130 110 130 eek by the application of freah paint. 9:26ut. 12 1:26 4:264 :00 F. G. Farber, via uîth fis tamily go. Gryia8 ~ 2 .4:x1dm cently iocated In bnr village la dolug I liai. .12:. 4M :15 the vork. Fol; 9: :2 I L114:2d Ar2: *Il &'2k7w 1005:5 A "yonng.m&îa1"plcnic party. con- ____ AA À B itido l»ImaesMattie Wright, lMoud1 Buttertko-Id, .Jaunie Vaille, Jevel1 AslvxuAU) SViO0WDEO? LSXTTStafford, ELuth Colby,-Clara Balesl, V1LLL Etlil Wiener aMd But>y <lson en. 00<5 O 5T 1Am là m AILîoy-ad an anti ngilt Druce Lake Wena. LlbrtYU.-.. 0207:10 650 day. ArN..- P m pu7205:0A:u A pret sure ind 'ication that tbe Chicago.........06:2 :06 Chicago, Fox and ie neva Lakes Ar. Ub..rtyvi.j 6:30 7:8 11:10 eleciric rtilraadeompany mean huai. B .. B . n88si10nfâdn dm Stact ihey acoepted Trains ,narked A run dalr. B daili ..xopct a francbise trom the Board ai Super-' __________________________ visora n hiicit vu a clause providing Boru talit an lia. E W.Periuabtut if they do flot bud the rond tliey Borg telir.andMrs.B. . Pelgis, forfoi $5o1 par mile. a gil bby, ondy, Jue 8th . nvitations are ont for the marriage Min a athorine Ott, of Oak Park, la of Dr. A. B. OChurchill ta Miea Daisy viatln MIa 1.1kPap ibs vek. Agnos Oaylord, ou Jolie 26tb aitithe Jobn lIDinnlc, 0ai cago, is vieil- bomne Of the brides ftier, 3032 log Worden Woln and other Liberty- Calumet Avenue, Chicago. Dr. ville tries. Churchbll lanvoli ad tavorably flaovn Net a tov or aur cutizons are eoloy. bore,.fHe la nov Woated ai Qsaogo, log new poila.. ani green peaaftram BondaiCoanty, Skiasiftate, uhere ho tboir ao garden». bhs a god practice. Closlng oxerama tout: place ai St. The long peola piceic trains on. Maya Aoademy Tbnraday an accouni route tu tha lakes, crowded tramn end af ubici yul appear noxt veek. tu end la an Indication oethib mmense The LadiesaAid Society of tbe businsa ubIch tie nov Si. Paul Proabytorian cborch MIl mnt uili Compeny'a dlvtio bitatiraciing. The lira. L. J. Webb T nla afernoan, regular trains ase carry hondreds of Joue 289h.1 Chlcagoana ta lie lake reglan daily lir and Mlra. Kaiser are happy over andi Saturdaya standinog rootaeaita the arrivai of a baby boy horo uday. premlnnm on their trains. Beaidea Chale mya lia ail rlgbtIf h is girls tii 400 cana of milk are ahippoti dally are ail boys. over the nav hune, inluding Liberty. lira. A. B. Ceaki loti Tlnrsdoy for ahies ûp ment. Morbdeu.N ,. ..uhere abc yl viait At lb. Waukegau Hlgh Seboolfileld relatives, epectlng te relnrn the llrai day sport$eta Wetze'a Park, Wau. of Sepember.kegan lat Saturday, Lester Colhyj ot Eli Seto b o ttnd.te ak ofi the mile bicycle race tu 2 minutea, Guy AcaEllisvo ttWdsight Laie44 seconda, and hy se daing, broke the FarsiAcdoy atiBo Wi f- bointerschollslic record. The record Cive 8M4,000. As tic tveuty.aecond annual com. mencoment exercises of Lake Forffli University beld lu the ciapel ai Lake Forent Wedneaday ai ladt Vea, a cabat of elgktoen vas gradnated sud the annauncement ofau lts ammounling ta $34,000 vas made. Bome montia &go D. K. Pebas onounool iai lio Wealti <IV4$116,000 te lhe University if otiers coniributed I10,00. Tovarti tuas latterlond Presideni lMcClure announcedt lese conirinuions: Dlavan Smithl............... $4,500 Clarence Buckingham .......... 1,000 Oyrus H. MocOormick ........... 2,00 John B. Uigil ........... ...2,000 Arthiur Orr................ ... 1,000) lima. Vis». fenderaon & ciaiter,000 Otiors........................ 6,500 Anthor contribution Iuolnded lots 1u Lake Formai vaetiait e15,000. A contributian of $1,000 vas matie ta the Ferry Hall tond by lir. D. R. Hoi lu the names of ber dangblera, lira. Ar. thur Wheeler antilis elien fiaIt. Delavan Simth, Becretary of the Board ,ot Trentees, matie a ottment of the dogroos 'te bc conferreti and Dean John J. Bissay matie an atidreas te thie gratinatea, peaetiig_ the di- plamas. The exercbama vere iolloved by lie dedication af lie Arthliorsa. morville RaoidtiLbrary andtihte Lily Roai BoIt Obapal, belti eracleti, as memortis by lira Simou Reidi. New Pavillon ai Diamoati Lake. A nov dan.. pavillon vaserectedtist woek gt Dîsmonti Pari, Diamand Laie, a ahuri distance treim the site occupieti by the aid dange plattorzn receutly remoysi. Chis-Woolrltige anti mon, af Lberty. ville erecteti, the, structure wviehl a 32x561. A tine Georgia pIn. fleur lsaa lestero sure teatatraciti ancera. Mr. Ohas. Tatilr la manager of th. grounda and pavillan sanS viiigivo Batorday avenlng dan... turing the sommer, cammenclusng ei Balrdal niglit. fie ban engaged Vilcago muoic for biga events. A retreimeni standi convolant ta lie pavillon bua algo beau boUit. Dlamond Laie, boeause of lis nai- oral ivantagils, in sure ta proro ib lie future Maa bfibaIn ihe puat afavorite rosori, anti Mr. Tatilors dancea yl daubilesaho tarareti vîli a goati patronage. Nenolutionn. WeHaiEAs, Deali liasentered lie homo of our brother, Edward fi. Bmith, anti taien froinu hohie beloret i vie, anti W HERSA, W. belleve liai Goti un is vialom n ti ail ings v eil, ihorefore ho It Reaolted, Plai vo the members ot LibertyvJlle, Lotige No. 492, A. F. .& A. M. tender t BhAtbom Bmth om hbout- foit aympàihy - iu tbIs hie hees- ment anti point bim gotahle greai Camiortar for peace of bouti snd neéi of mînin b i@ sorrow, sud ha Ih turtiier Renoielei, Fiai lies.resolotioxe ho Apreat upon the records or lb. Ladg.. nsit liauoncopy tiereot bh.dontit'O lirotier Smith anti anotier enpy liereat ho publ ad t h be Laie Coonty Intiep"otn. $sens. H. Mile. Oommtss BOBOW. OchikI I0., 11u1boI.IA The Censusý Man' Slntiy. lir. bevpi au oss tar ai liai cinrOliz over tour yeers, anti under hies mba.trUaun a remariable grovili hm*a ivelopti, ounili todY la a atrdy, thriving tirganisaon. Hila congregatilnbas became attached Io bhlm andi. accpteti lia reabgnatiln vith incere regret. 1ev. Wm, Calti- Weil, of Baltmore, Md. yull bc hia encesur. 1Mr. Caldwell isa aman ai exceptional talent, and lias preaided orer a large cougregation far nine yesr. Mlie laiilg ipecal vork ai the Chic ago University, andi but for th"at the local organisation vonld Rot b.cSanueliiy capable ot obtialg liea servisea. lie expecia ta tais up hie von Banday, July lot. S 1 Clouing Exercines. The Libertyvile achoola closet Fr1. da9Y af leat we es theibs nmnor vacation vltli appropriais gxercllai tie Variana roumsi-ýoomuiting 0f dialogues, reciationa, musiala entil- tions, etc. Tiore wu a Ile atten- dauce oi parents via veson igky pitleti vth the efforts oftihe puplae. Ater ths prograin athe varices rooma a&l sasmbledlth le kiga actol roam, ire mdiplomas voespressnted tie tiresgradtias, llasMand Wliesle, Mr. Houri Bay and Mr. RnIDymouti. In a communication tram one ai lie pupila la baé aId thoeclcelng acee. abc is us: ..Prof. Battentgolfeuns a short tali and lu a brlet andinfolrmai nanner apoke c01Siho pleesait associations ai the Payesrsud oxpreed e iisdoalme liai granaeMdan iulîs migit he ab natby blessod lu the oulng Ysear. An ho bld nus fareveil ibere vere many bitter t«ershaled. Il vas a solemaueneldeeti, anti for aoveral maoments at~r lr. Betten disnmet un lieaWvasperfect ailene ami the expression on the tue"i of the f nplls demonsiratied iov anti $bey tels anti lior musi the regresttd the con- ionplated departure of iheir tienti andi inaruotor." 8c la the evenlag a àoommnllteo caflnd at Prof. Bettena home. and prenanted hlms vitl a beaouisolidclilver cop and @sucer, engraveil ti the vorda: "*Libertyvllle Bigi Behool,", a taken or respect andti esamiaf is efforts lu thuer boliait. Liglit Ordînance Vetoeti. Theeoloctrie ligit ordinanco recently passet by the vilage boardi granting ta B. W. Bniiorfieid a franchise tu aperate an eleottlo liglit plaatras vetooti iy Presteul Waldo on te 151h. This places the vilage la the sm positionnas pnior to ihe agitation of tie question of obtaiuing propositians for turaukng lîght The municipal ounomahlp praposi- ilon la &gala dlwamad anti asme the Probable solutian aifithe vexed que%. lion. And hesiides-i have a niéee ine Toilt,-du-Nordl Lawns Piques. w0Fe dain14< colora. Il is just the thing for Siirt Waists. Speaking of Shirt Waists W. want ta mon- 1ý tion ours. W. have thon lu ail colora and sires. You cao t Iîelp likinu thon, but you'H like tlhe prices botter. me B. Colby & Co. -Libertyvllle, Illinois. Misses Oxfords AT I-af Price. =otn tomsno better Oxfors otww c.à be botghlIhr twlcc &e priS wesuk. ,Webhmduo uyb Io . 5 them at cor pnce. but w w arem r oS cutolmr. claie hudiRCORD DREMCnG LOY FIGURES 3'Cildrena Black Oxfords, aizos,8i ta i, Welvoîlrni1.00, asi....... Misses Oxfordsa, ires 12 to 2, vorth 81.26, n ai ........................ .d Bays' oxfords, beavy extension aoles, vin Wvasa Weil sa a$1.50 alton, ai..d 6Ohtîdrona Ian Oxforti&, bant rneti, 81.25 qualiiy, ai .................... limes Tan Oxfords, witie tooea, aises 13 ta M'2......................... ..l aBabies 2.atrap Sandale, hant mmmd, wortk 81.00, aises 3j ta 5* ai;........ OhUldren'a Oxford&. wvii.dock uppera ises S ta 7k, ai ............... ý issaes 1.airap SandaIs ...................... ...... ................ Libertyville The Pai.r, The Lake County Telephone Company ....ONNCTSWITH.... The Chicago Telephone Compiit Have you a 'Phone in your residence place of business? If you want to be up wlth the tUrnes you <hoq have. The expense s nominal, only a few cents a day. For I.foruaton, rat«etoc, wrft.....~ CONTRACT DEPARTMENT.- Lake County Telephone Compa.ny, Llbertyvtlll, Milnois. rua nonaBPrunuzAsNDursaou SAND518 TrE JxOUxn*l mu va lins a number of questions to aîlc you We've only one questionî to ask you. 'Do you know wbat a nice lino of Sunimer and Wa81î Drecs goodo we have ? They are: Dimities Ducks Organdies I-f -" i. s4U#u webvi" e obilog &Bdt Iq eumssi u Ye7 u * 8h IF 1 1

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