êptainrbao CUBÀPTB Xri.L-(Coniinueit.> about thc tun, about lie people vii. liuiMs ame batilt bar- nepie's ver. eut; but lit quitikiy cut short aul meth.morte un bayone voult hem quenuos iy an abrupt question of bis -bi'Th.Pe fev das h had bei U wJt be bs etirulyremlasatet un " Neyer mcli te boni nov, 1 vint te 1 getgracus..bIlike hlm for ankt jeu soreting," ho saliiiecomlng haouvia gntier, more counider- eceetilgi reti anti miserable looking. uA mer al t, t eneit, tou- *'anti Vosn mot if I knoi ov te put it. ~iedy; anti bo evoietia mcna- Do jIo kaovvi Ihave base machun ~buiedearet hlm te bot eapecialy. over i jour plane laleij" butng is t a ern oliai oit meinors oetuhe ibot ilbis iuling-crep nu he spoke. t eltiensoethle preent. A mem' "'Oh. yai," asic replieti, uniieettugli. :,eaby, of a imr ont fie et "Of course I te," ber mulo t i once re- tirsacas. viose punesne -cringte his frientaiip bo Trdj,anI brhesolderly figurebs hiei- Iils sy'npahyin tleir trouble. "Of cor.. ospus .nt bis off-badmannersaneutI mcv.andi lubas been veynkîn t u ~iaieiface. Thia officer's epW -Yeu.- e» Lang letien piper, vrtten in rai- lMr. Hepburn stared t bt er in silence vers tteasurcti np, &log vti nà for aeariy a minute, andthtin sait, " la lie mcii srcre reresmea et to't telleve jeu undersanti viai 1I 34W&e' bureau; alto a loni o! broya men; lionghi I Iini yen migit have the verj self-anme siade au Ted- noicet Il. rve been going te see ion nie amarti joue dregoon miii al along, aut ne one aise. Thc more 1 bei a burly, sot, e-tacet squire ae f jou tic morc 1 like yen. Ant- taime, tîscugani siortiiorna ansn-mj fatier anti motier andi 1-want attilcietalesnuibing hi& viete un bow-if ion vilimarr me. rm net r b. lvet. But bo hatl net; hbo ut a ba e ehov, imdt-'n ivfulîj tond oet sabir la baud, on a fr-ave! Sik io.". faleli, atdà ao etromance and ti h vs n.vEsme's tom te tars t it b t f~t oriver ensâiieti bis mmroy la blank aso lnn "DZIn 'dits te me w--lu onka vondena Who eau stand laints vaY." te saIt Iipail.uil. "Yeu :f8ns laei m?h Base ba bovit te rte are inaklng tun, Fou are Dt la cernet." viO tetShe baiee, La a ay, bicorne *"Iaboti tuiki1via$la earueal. Anti refflciletle Tetidyns deati. Si. cau I hope jeu lueé me, even a little, Esme," ofet-i uowqui. calmj; fer have rentunina lier Dame ratier siyly. . MOt tinm oamthaelapset ince tir day otf["I do, I1alvays titi, as Teddy's trient, ,-I« ftal fai tsandtas irI ne lettes- hàà but no-nov-ion have spoleleit lail." C~MMOiiiislnBrabsion. ad the "Cm't ion 1k, -me as somchilng more - Mm rs s ia te hlm than ever nov tiaeLtrient ot Ted'sT' appea"S tg ho 1« istdeui brther lea abond hoetwen ber vti a viattul tace, ateivorini 1NaoPedudienliIii'rina~teposse»ailmself of ber band. e lsune braIte lu? Mnemaie1 S olN, I ea, nohilng moesitale i anenne tint à fertile brain cna con-* frienti te jeu lvaya," cia repiet, iguer- an bfr lis naooketi-bor silence. 11w -lut ieia bnd, and slrpping han wiv dossa isiae«tie maili nva. 11ev p&neu, PenllOUalY aar iiie edge of a diici. abs-thela teva lie mortnîng the Meti "Ad vii? vhy? Peil me the tees-1 Ajem Postin due, andi mie -à alvays son." ,-,« bfaef felà& ttl P&ng f rmOrenov nvertiai ber-face. vhich hut bourov-a iL anav n & et itsee la a -1"Y u h v b a & he P o e de , l a bave isppened. The. mails havevwu n cofouadeti " Imleet. stolec or siant by lie Boers. j "Slop, stop belette jeu ay anylhsg $1 « Myb. nOW bcend Postai coin- -meer dutEsie, "snd liten tho vha Mie ree t clblancietir heve'e telrl yen." Anti uereupon. ci a u-6ý$fthlicbaitlles.Mle@ vas lier.; itapit, amnt inehberenu. utteneeces, anti1 Mialamt, lsiel nleOUg falternsngbreaihiens sentences, a s iol * UliiOr vounidti.Sti h lus- lie vioie toni et Tedti's secret ati Ni. ad cli ieniia ati preua-Of Miea' mstke-u tléie vbitle Young e t a mesleor Issu glocomî complexion Mau biside bhecarti iti inkng heurt0 6e ortrebitnttrogi eva atirernarkahle ati varions ciangeat et i coualenaUCe. Wieu aie irougil ber sarj IMtic bous, laftel of e sabutinta Inaaclose he put tua one abrupt atiy f is, ute.fr ()-ale la gansDgt01 enadal question.. N1l1*rtldIt i teba overy quelt -j"Anti en liie bi n tII? 1b0 éustelle everboty,. o<itali Yea4," lu avenj iov voci. 1_. "fred eualna t t back ton "Anti vouit mary hm afler al"r Ilistini. PbmUm" h. trouaseaunla mag. - 'to."la vl a h e, . . tiOngiicmenr cf lic dreasesare "Tien ther" laneomors to bi sait,," gv- typ:-9 pret 'aven- Ing bis innocent bora. an angrj cincis1 sui UM .M Ma1icIe Mdnti whi. t e in bitIe. "Of Course, If 1 hati inova -Tpi stentu ses aumos-eusMd 1ti i vu't have maie smci an avtfuoi M h» bienprevlondy i aidThe set it"t uraln ay vwili i-aeaumeti talai plane viliont themanuiot tignty. lb. g14#urogTerenos ovlj Sepiteigk "4Yen ar.agi cdli me," sid!Rame, Picr vasne allig iartuli. "anti 1 don'h kaov viatIar le ils5li bnt.poin, bis telaMI4 te «%y en"talulug hlm by àatelb- vu ilIsg yen rY t. s.n verv mn- '11!be1ihallv on ordreameti f via avnbrieg is 'ezlifimdretlef lf- IisOf courses I oulti bave holiYODjeutmi bffl Meiu»bid et olut aqorter PI*,aevsn âtrebinst0fit, anti nov î mo antifehovii b Emn.,vievisme, anti neyer ho trents cimu, age.în s vih.raa bsner si-Esme,vIe Mr. ]Hepburn via verj muni cut p lve aeo7«r ia sta0b.mlfbut ai liesanme imé ie bia t ot hert, and ega Rtface wv a bI. ati taesee a vry pett girl vmiilang atvo-gone. ber ele& . er uineeseînu i bas e ehd irMann. tliee vondan biteslusier eones, elriycoolet bis In vadgitiq tiein, taIbet lovelj cler hieatlon, aut hse alno ted assu- e *d y- faut ftrous ber cheeka. Truly t'tai vice b. d ion over Il a bit ho1 VMre egLuBslngt. isperthlaItii oitthe h o rin.0 cus th . ilýtesillplale, g et- la lie manger au to grusige the eticr -i Oye uaàaldO« feilov vint i. coulti not have imsif. e Aitn Mite a thatn- "I son't unaeratant l, ion mevw, ntt ~.ati bease anti inet p ga- a bit;'-for lira. Brabazon toidthle matert - o a *l her frients'as nihoieal* liai ion neyer batl caret a mrav for hlm,i ih. alcle bthe groitn'm .non io for YOD. -.it vasail a mero que - -ipfuva tsm ie huni 0 lj-tue! ofneney, atd pouknov. Rime, 1 a,"travelet iii il* mail Op te Lto n iagive jeu ieails oethlit. Tir gev- Ut. Vàmio, vibo bd a mbirnklng es-on rsait ie'ti let us str it viiive et biln recogniard*a a bride- tieusseti a year. Hla e vo muni taien indlgnantiYrejectedthle coupe vit jeu igseif- iii edbyan obiequloun 'I don't cars for monc," sait te upui, ntipluict. len vii is A~Young lady, haatiiy. "lins. Brabazon vase Aý intshie a Pullman car fuil of other quie vrnng. 1vaunt gong e marr - assners As, pout osîici' Uittle dît Mles bonjpioney, nurt he me, anti 1 vouit ven o.f-auma euetaol a nevaper.te penud te marry iim vithoul sailij- IvLlj ou. Ati the nexi sation lie teamu-jing.", tmg. ius ppertens veS inla veting, 'Anti lieon love," àuggesued 34n. Hp- Gultkun peemos white bridai'ibouuet. burt, vbhose heart vas WUicynsorse lu- duil ivtencgerly satchilg lie dieet, anti ceulti nt refrain runi, tus one -Carragen. sudnaintidereti; omielcieti lier gitse. - -oies, ta shul out, lf Posible, viat v. Rmecwrtuanui& niva bu a esming. Il u% iats: Hally Cippetoestà-elamae cmorned nfuj totondvice aeot amiling face et the vlndov, mying, "Oh, t:aesm nr eotwe oad lier.yen are,;lira, Vaaion. We broogit 'orvem.hcnibcpl.Inj j'on tlis bouutliti oOt ieit, test "lia Me e us, îe lp iy bel -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~lw lss.Bsoyusnusesicet Ipv t'm net crery prethy girl iu tics. OverMr.Vason'sfac an th dais liatsanysahbc oesn't care for thon- of th Gr e t. ashn'er, faermiantiuedfcessadea ar, ant i vintaie a citapiti- sa ie v eiole. ngrpnin ato ut anpeuni. Well"," iti eue font nov à bInI! vei.il lie stmrup, holding Ou iltbaud, 'goud-hy,u wringing bhrn Bgers ila avise- CHÂ1'TER XX. lke ;raap. 'Wialeanl te cureti muet Wliat <dues thia picture convey to thebe tenuunc," liking off his bat ta ier ns UguntOfeeen lie met obtus nat- u srih e nieredt tus truliu;an d in imotion sumails-ta? Tic st-e betoro ns representgl moment ho vas trotting awsy tiovu lie a dul Derember afiernooni, a leaden gray toit on bils brov buter, earseg Esama ski, brovu is-dzes, bute ties anti tamp alone. coltu4rilure. The onu iii of cler lu Tiere are gmre thinga conutot ebit, lie landarape a tic scrlet coat ufthfe rspeciliy f rom a IYn-eyet lady. sci as, .ýeunt genleman vie. in splasiy top- lira. Brabazon.. li,pbutu'; infatu- is taand icathcrs, 16 standing et lic site aion for ion alptaugiiet ionaeue et -_ e«thle rondt viibils iarse's bidue ever lieu. Sic viqailarmuet about n veei Mle ares ville iitirtheother be endear- lter ho canali overier ai an atternen erg te size tise baud o! a tall girl ln tes tint "Young Hepburn bati sent ils 1 Inck. wvie facla is mmd sway lu an iulera op ta Taltersalls anti vas seing *Viposite drection. ebreeti imriatrly, t10-Nice or lMonte Emboldeneti hi aa euding ln lie feu- Crlo' Wibt tiiti men? Hid he pro- «Y, Mr. Hepuamuthigiitinht sutely he Pose or nI? 'Mie muai seclEmme about r lalgit nos, coule nana ard anti urgi- bis h sut once, anti her mneti as in a perfect *-- bscourage purmlttlig. Uc uas vrj ferment 0f impatience li lie reih cles-,.aa,] bad mre tiso ne home anti rang br NoIes ta se-nu Miss thcle Ioiut cf a'iiug tihail-in- Brabazun lu ber luaiber ovu oussus as toua t qu-sin. bis io urage raîleti as possible. Esasle vas taon un tise spt. s nI ail lie vaj bon, aobuequuly, 'Sisal tie door,- said ber alu-puiother iltise ast occasion vins he 'met tie lutant ie eppearei, '"undruine over t o!bis at,rellou. he voisît rate, hure. 1 ibtho aaite jon. i1vut ho sondly for bils rovatice, antid i o uuo."arpoidt ei - On usa- eseitisus t,> a h-t-lusixedly ai her stelsdaughier, "I ieart t ime!" 1Buh miss Etai, as to-daày tint Yosgtepisum haltsenli sictie sooret im aceimn asca tent ailbilsbutera op ÉW Tattersailrs anti ~sMaielobethlmluticfac gnoeabroati. Periapa jeu kiov vhat and tjt s9 iDnneutlY viti hem it meaus? enuyou tel me tli eaolSn of ý ejesut ils tongue reusainedtitlisunsicroontabie condstO'" -, 'lapanlicuhar alternoonu te hall -'? I Mlra. Brahazun?" siamniereti Reuilt.H esureluruingtfronti Esuca. fainhiY. 'Wiy soui ion si Ehet. le turnnate corner et a me?,, * aujj came lapes a girl a "Come, comne, hiii fenrig lainu use. ff puk9l uqi1 I W- tabet% ,t»a. Ii "LiX;a veeb." ceturuoti Esma. a110. voli. nett tring te rais er axOe&5 "And what tIi Fou &iY, imighi Ib.ho e- alittad toeaut?" proceedtiMn. Brabe- soni lu convuiveltomres. ImI d-nor' re0led i ns. scasOe darlng teopeitkabov. ber bttb. Yom &Md on.u r mnot screail dber uiopmoubor, nOvWrdent, te bar ftt "Sali pu e, thet ,boirt timty-âve theua year, te the amant emorniis laEnglandl h01' cndtlnger bonnet on thei.btl ii sucb tuions Impetu ataiil roileti off It et the. otber aide, III can't believe It. Ion couit not-not ho no vîcketi. t le lin- Te"baanni.eaUinemode no rePli, evidently &lie laed bomquite capablie o ibis outrageons5 deet. Afler glarIi Eta bier down-Shced companlon for nmreme,- onds lira,,Brabarin sait hoarielY: * II ahoniul Ui.te kmev viit Fou m ald te hlm, and vhy jeu reinietibllm; lu tact. 1 inait upon hearins jour toisons. 4de, mandeti the lady, vlth a lurîi Sans. Visions of ber beautItt lcaltle la th* air, hier sieptianghter'a hib position la the ceunI!. and lier ova lnc!ressetiimpor- tance, wer, nov dispering lîke maista ho- tore the sun. "TYour renies, mise. at once," wiii i imperleus genture., -MI rumen viasl"returniti lfsme. tremuloualy, Iae-a-vs-becaume et Miles!" "Becanse of Miles! Fensootii, andi a prettr reamoni De Fou rmiante &ai jou would holà te Four engagement stili. andi marri him il bho voulti have jOU, îOU Idiot r" 'I voulti," rejoiaed the victiM ÎfrMlj. ralîlng ber eyea nov for the Bart dîne. "Â;d whai Weald jeu s"Y if Mliii voulti mot bae. snythlng te do vltb j'OUI What voultiFOjeu sy if ;ou vere tlid, that, nov ithe Mener vms zge i lesiwai mot stach a tool au te marri a girl vltiont a penny? What WOU,<i.ye"Yjif Mliii broke off the match?' 'II would gsiipir-au»Y beuhli ee wouitdmot belleve it," ret'urned Naine, aime ulsing. and casting a t&14 pâle reielin luno amirror ilan aOPPOsItewardreO.é "I suppose if FeU smev h la hlt ovB .hantiIritlIR jeu wvolilbellevt IL Beiln la bellevini. WIII tint ceavine jour" takLng a letter frein bier ti.sk ati bandins it te Esso. (To Wa eontlned PROFITABLE PARIS MIL.LlNERY. Inrer la Wh"PrlientmaWeuue Make lioney l is th Bauait Llae. By a recent delalon ot the TribunAl of thi eins ea l'iris minlliner got. mid- ment ailaat 065 0 ber eutoiner' for 74,OOfrancs. Lt wviaualfor hats Lad bonnets. andthe tiil bail been acetimn- lating mince 18L IOln thet vords. thi Parisien fine ladiy ln questIca batl apent for b.adgei.r sione In thie courul of dfieyears the ildy Utile mui'Of eomeihing 1 lir $14,800. ThisviA con- sldered a pr.tty fair allovance eveu ID paris, anthetiailiner anti e lm h andi ber lavlab cuatomer ver. tisucosedf or a fey dois. lu tact, attention vU only turnuitropthein by saUR anotiier mllllnei avsuit. 'Andti Iis last £9- pesi la the courts b.d the. epec"y lj l- terestlng foature tiat tbe detentiant ID the. case ID the. vite of a mnember et the Chatmber 0f Depui..Tii. bu vwu only, 10.000 trancs-42,000-but nelbier the. purchaser nor ber huabanti bcd enougb tunneyl teméet h. Mo the. mu- liner got Judgment, lad tiien procoeide te garniahe. th iiiuabaad'i aalnry cs a Duputy, ithe court sairt g$10 evélry montb natil the scorela vlped outi. But in spite of bcd debtu and otbee Ioss., the fortunes matie by' Parla mi- liners are la -ann cases tialallns. Tiiere le one fssblonabli sbop thoea viioqe proprietor ta a vomaR. andi bet Annula net profits are upvard of 400.. 000 franc*s-MO0.000b8h began ait th very ftot t th la.tder. and the. recul- lection of bier ovn eadlj stugiles mnlien ber generous la ibo.. under ber. $lie bas s.venti employez, ail ef ubein girlsanti vomen. Anxong tii.. iii tivies bai ber profits.-Mrne ef tii. vomen get ilMncub au 8.0, o 4,O0O anti ef,00 a year. Gooti tante and orig- inal Ideja lu the. reation of styles of women'a ea.dwear are tbe eaaentiale teamucceuin Ithue mîllineryUli.For the. girl Wbo bau tiese gittz the door of veaiti Ia tbrown vide open. The. sue- cess'of the voma n question la anul- lustration of tbs. Raving been ieft an orpian, and hiav- mIn tue en ber own living, @lie enlereti a millinar'i uop, anti above etinbmId tuat soon the, vas la busîneas for ber- self. Shi 11,0fback ot ber &bop, tIi ber owu cooklai, ber»wn vaablag, andi bier own scrabblng. Sh. 41d thus vien she was rmatins frein ber teguiar twelve or fourten beure a'bor aitlber business. Fînailytjbecustéoners bégt côming.' Tiromgb anl ber muccega. as tIt"ugb ailber adversity. ab@ nover once leit ber bondi or torgot iai the»e vure tiiose about ber struiglIni 09- ward luit as mii, hermeif bail bailtu, struggle. Tiie happy famlly atmoe- phere of ber establishmeint the traqqul Unes luIn thefaces of ail ber emploie&, le oneofthe n.mariet cbaracterlsticset the, place. Ad Sobiiaeteseed Wlaarti Jake &chanter, tiie expert bit- lardiat la koov au one ofthei greateat jokers ln tiie buaneai. Som in.tIt.ago lit. Scbseter via longta an UP- laI-n blliar roomn. Blamu via dn, but a pompon@ cbap ecame le anti saked tes plopelelarte g oa aon vio vas "pritr ow in, Vimyvlib hlm 1for an bout CI, tvo. Ti vIInivua Iltippedti"te i"vzetti" A" ho. vu tntroduceti, but purpoiuli Ieame was mumbidmsutbat tiie gentleman titi fot catch h. lit. Scbaefer £13ti1bis -ev acqualnlance ommencei play, OCCURENOIS URtl14> TOil Pffl WEEk. WeMPnU marrine theise au Wie'uet Hr-Kaueba. E u Kiltii»Le- te.rieten ichhe.e-tof Gi'eeish steiau-Eeçilver MaSaProperty. Wihber luth atm ila aalas anti viii trou pitolvounuis niciet b~irte m-n viiose hautielie beldlis lers, Uli. 3.E& scilot sto1l before Juulgc William P. Malj la ibe Cisrcuit Cousrt at Efivanilu ville andi gala ilghte lber troulaé J. L. Bassei of Ventialix. rain Whos aiehal heen tilvoret scarehlYa jearibefOrti About a jeaugNplira. Basuseul livOti viii ber parents, lit, ant iris. Kalavais, about four milefl tus Vantialia. Sihe met Bau- @ett, fait la love andt ley vre- marrie&i Later abe obtlneil a divorce. Wltiitn à couple etfmntnlshe v ais menulu 3e B. Scilotet et. Mimo,,vieovis Maur jesra ber senior. Sic gui a divorce. Mal S Benuett came te Collinaville anti *hot lier. She fget but oui ot juil, paît hlm fiue atiremraniet i m. Killidb, anuitectiieCar, à aumenappous a bcteWilliam liateke9 et ]Kakskee vas slruck sndi lnstantiy kblOnd by an lectrîn car ai Bine Iuiant avenue andTi Peiftb ast. tChICago.Ph. man atompte t a paus iufront Oet-cars tiat vere appteacblng trous eacbl direc-1 tion on lie Tvlfti struet ine, end t in 1 ot knovu hj viich squelise vas klled.1 Tic motorman of pccical, la positive liai h.e tiltDot esikte eman. The hody vas fourni b.tvrees &ele ivutrsuckm andthtir police huitDone vy o! ascrtaining: vhil car bati realiy eumedtheti tiati. A te' lturneticket ta Ksnkse ansudame suai1 change vere roundtin tic peciets. 1 cary Off aStCore. Charles Ericison of Soushh Chicago la inournini tie los sof!lie stock et graude i bis groccry store. Ersicson coducis a miii roule lu cunnectiou viiihils #tore. Pie olier day a straugeýr giving tiheisame ef itchbell caleltailic atore ansd Offereti ta boy lb. stock, vbicb Erickni o aued ai $96. Il vas aécspîeds ud a aigu vas1 buns out notityling persassual the place haiti cangeti hanta. Wiuîe lUr. Bicimona vadehîing i lk to bilgcutemers the same serluing tr. vans drove up anti lie entre stock vss loaticd lo thei n d taben avaiy. ____ Suicide or George tD. Medlli. George D. lietiil. cousin ot Joaeph lie- dlii. late edtor et tic Chicago Tribune, anti brohber et ex-Mayor T. J. Medfiiiet Rock Island,.nominitteti suicide near lMi-4 Jan. Mi. irtilîl vas uno!o the principal vituesse before tht grrasnd jury lu the investigation of lie Nilua 1Miller suicide at Rock Islandi sevcnsul weuks ago, anti itl insibe aftersurd coufegsédt tea trient, D. 1. Little of Milan, thbt lbe hati perjureti ilacin lucourot. it. Me- dill vas a vîdover, 44 s curs oi. Pevere Bus-a by Llghtonig. Charies Knuae o! MuIrose Park vas1 palubuli! Injuret by lightning. vbici came trou nt ilahrnoat icat sky. Kruse liat noticdieti btheicrouf goiterlng Ot bis bouse vas detienfve. aud afler tie storm wenl eut hîcebotedtatorepàrtheiisall. H1e batdno sonnrtoucbeti tiealpent than a boit of ligitolpi truck ishuaiti tout,1 turuing It black anti burting tic Blesb open. Kruse's vIte vas sbocked by lie( Iightning. _____ Bayan Lchting Plaut enti a Ittel. C. M. F5orman, recelven fer lb. Cen- traia anti Chester Ralîrosti for lbe laità ihree gets, hespurchaseth ue Conirili-1 lng Inierestinb mie Nasvile Minerai1 Springs Eeciric Lîgit ConpanY andthtic Carlsbati Hotel. The ivenIT--Yenr ren-1 chuse given lu the light cenipani iy lie4 edty buasbecen xiêedtandthle rates fora servis'. under the nev management bave1 bien reduiceti. TicCarlsbadi Motel vilii b. openeti as a enamer reseni. Bre.! OIte ituplpeninis Charlea Hoithles. 15, accidentally kilied by John Cuniminga vhile untiug neer Golcondea. The Chicago Elecirir TMraction Coin- Plinas. bteuplat-rd 4ls, iii.-bande Qf- Charles Henrotin as ce-cirer. The mitisimnier meeting Of the Ilinois Grain Dealers' Association began at De- cet it hi150 niembers regltered. Farnier Lewis Patterson of near Pans successtulj oct-transe essin By bY soving aincieti lime over nev vieat. Dr. Juin J. Glane, n Chicago dentiat, vax shotaud dungrougulj venudeti ville regising to ivhgajucu a-bu atiempitid le boit hlm ui,. Heri Wiebking, a fanmer, living tient Covlug, vile atemping te board a passenger train nt (umyvilie, bell betwcen lie cars, vas ton orer anti killou. B. A. mediy. sabounkeeper near. Louisville, siot ant i iutently killeu Mat- liov Kinuanuon anti siot bis uvu vite. The causen-as jcalous@y. MedleY la lu The Bonard ofSuI'PeisOrl of Winnc- bagu Cuuuusy sut-t fifty-yeur franchise ta tivo eletrieriiullroussi-the Illinois ent Rock IRiver ani ticellockford, Beloit anti laenvilleit-qntanles. *John Quuirm, Adams of EtiibUstug, ngeti 73, bisa besen adjustgeul Insanse audstenu te tie Jacksonuville esYlui., Uc vas one efthle muaI îrninreut fainnera ut Chris- tieno Couuty, sud bis affliction is the ne- suit or n pnrsly tic sgtroke receiveti tbre jeRe & go.. Pis- rat sannuel commencemntnio! lie Norfieru Mialta Normal Sciooi et De- Midi opî,eu witi a bacceliuurete sier- mon by Dr. Juin Cookc, presideul of lie achantol. siy ereulng vas cias nigit for tic junsior>, Tuesday evcniug for the seniors. Ws-huusetisdy evenlug Prof. Lord, presîdesut su! th, Eastern Normsal, gave an sddis.e. 'rhuui y aamisent itteen griot- 1naiti und nulclu-evcilng a rereption vas 1tentiret l'suuemit Cook- 1 MountiVernon saonuicepers ueposit 1-, cense fis.. will ospemn banrtennis anti test leglty of usuti-nionu iav, carniet April A ue aiuiy vas touinulunder e bridge la tiertsrheru city limitaetflPana, lie recent bigi %valet baving valiei lu rous - Clicgepoliei a"ytherj eeoAh-e lobi vli*s-ue go"uit ptil e Utioi. ÀM" ailbll sored ene girl, toemti l - éuthe. nad laertiti it laBdwlev.i Biaiietei -the stravh.tri crop lai thli cweuty et Cenrirm, euhr 125 ar belng éippid. Tîý Proibiieha s yneti tcitet Itiaul ne authorlty te qidat routerai of eçiiagi froue inclneluto. Doutur. isisstippi Voilir Appe Grees'La oSalit, lanconvention at QuInn, ce- poriti discouniuing fruit proaPeMt. 011 bas béee roundI n piarlesQueutiisi lu ticétosteru part of Kinhakii Ceunil'. 130Raie mone have leset se-erni heumtid acres. At P" Mr Atreti Ghiondiedtrouiutaa blute on the at bî a club leaithe banda et Matahai Pleni Keel The inarahal la la jaL Dr. Wewer. th 0ev Ger-ss entulte Cieage, amye lie nev ment bill la bei auti-Aierlen. but fm a pucely saaltmr Chier Clark oe taMte Board t'Putblk Chanitlem visitet i Blonanti Dovlein la$s te bave atitteti reliuorcfhlm treetint for laantj. Mulherry Grove Fariner* antiM chant' Biaik, tcf unt, la $1,MP b httes se hecause or parmeni beins toppeti oni Ciilcsgo draft..t Neaessary repaireAta Lincoln Park c ChlciO, to preairve tic propertj are ntt mate, ht la aileset. for teci of fonda la lie pari treamuri. The. Illinois iav requîtes the Coonij'i Treesurer, la bis capaclyas connu ycoi- lecter, 10 pay over fonds colectes!i hi hlm everj ivo evecs. i Alter an ail-daytamion lhe trusteesmoet lilinoia cotegpeat Jacksonville e-ecied 9 Rer. Clîfford W. Bernes et Chicago poe Ident of tie ruliege. Arhbait Beever anti Esther Blogsaie Rocivîli,, bhou chltren of veathi par-t eute, elopet. le 'fa20 .years oit andti abe la a schoolgiri of 14. The Mouint Version dlstrli 'a proportion nf $20.000).000 Meibédlsi Epîscopal Churci thani oftcrnngla $00t0io ho taatrai" enttwio jenrs. ilHarod Opl ieiet uMsscootab trous the effecla of îtepping on a a ti earpet teck. Alter tvo ves-ks of Intense asternsniteck-0 liv set l, vhlch remultedtglp dtnu. . lailroati offilaia(appeal te the conîren- tors andtet the unions te baien a aetile- ment of the. laier dlfficuliy, uni Ciii- cago's tratie ma flotteciinmeasorabl tisuaged. The jury lu the Sangamon Counij Cir- cuit Court lu the came of ieas Ela Lee. chargod vltiimurten. alter belng eut more thasen ie hurs, brought lu a verdict o! not guity. 4'ov. Tanner graniei a respite until July 27 te Lewis Thomas, couvlcts4 et murder In lie Circuit Court of Alexander County In May, 1900. adsud enccedt l bang Juiy 22 et Cairo. W. A. Jube of Kankakevas tu hav@ hteu jnarried andtiedati crrything prepar- cd, viien bis bereticti drove avjylnaa carriage viti relatIrea. voucbsallng no explanttion te tihe diaconslate bride- groom. Ater a thiriy jena search Mr%. Elle Moore ef Deuver. Colo., bas tontishoe bier son, kinaped' vien a hoby by bis rallier. William Nesbili. 1'atbcr andt1 chlt i dsappeeredti rou Decatur. tus1 lste, in 1870.01 At fHarrlisurg Unied States Deteetive Thomas Porter erresteti John Conover anti Mua"jMefaney, ciargins tiern wiii conaterfelting coin andtinslng car- rencj. Otiier persons are soppomeil la te lrnpicat. Msny $1 bille vhieh ba! Iseen ralacdte, 101,iandi $10 vere funation Conover, ant ibe conteaicthisagpaimet ai leaut $100 Worth of tiiem. lu naling the bis figures vere eut fromt the reve- nue stampu, on cigar boxem. ftrous tsuet paper. anti pasieti on thse bUlis. One ot a pick of about a tozen large gray volvea vblch infest tic stock pas-1 tures aoutb of Kansasa in Edigar Counti vas kied by James Eeknrd, a feriner1 living near Iledmon. Major J. M. Stiele ot Kansas ios'atdsia pck of ire voivesc anti drove iiem nsi Pkard's direction.s Tii. latter cipplcd one of the animsle viii aa siotgun. ant ieb. as afiervard dispatebed viti a rifle bail. Pie volves bave been vrry active of laie. aieep ant poullry lu large numbers falling victimei te their depredations. The tirt brigade efthte Illinois Nai4e1 ai Guarti ceumande t y Bis. Ml. Charle s iz Simon, vla go te Camp Lincoln for It% annual tour of smllity duty Bitord' . July 7, to rein on. wc.k. Thi- crigade ia cotuposed te. Final. Se- A and Sereti regimenta anti the E*:, hatialion, coloreti troopo, ail trou Chii.go. The second brigede, n- der comimandiof Gen. Horace S. ClarkO0f Màfaioon. viii go ittu camp .ly 14. This brigade la -ounio&cd f the Fonrtb anti Fîfth regimputs of iuifotry. Tic huirt brigade, coiniosed of tihe Third ant i Sxih lnfautry, witi camp'the week beginnlng July 21 under cotamant] of llrig. Willsam Ciendennia of Moline. 'Tie, iscellane- 0153 truopu. wlll camp tie week begînnlng Jnly 28. bIb tis division viii te tic Firsi régimuent utfevalry under Coi. Et- vend C. Yoting of Chicago. tic tvu bat- terle of artillery conmuandeti by Mal. Afredi Iusseili utChicago, the engineer- ing company under commnansd of Captalu Frank Il. Hamilton of Springfield, anti tic tire, divisions ofthticsignai corps. Tie date for the annueal encampmnent et the naval mîhtia bas nt jet been decldeti ispon. bul the Narj Depnment bas no- illet Adtu. Gen. iteece liat lhe Micil- gan wjll te nt the service et tie Illinois naval'riîlitis rominenciog Juiy 25, anti hi le probable fiat tir cucampmnent viii be- gin aIIthâlimoe. Consideraiile *ork cf reorganîzation lunftic naval milîtîn yul have to lie doue befote tiat bran-ch of Ijie service la readyte lmnake a goti ahivîh in camp. Mim. P. S. flenson. vib eofthlie Rev. Dr. Ilensen. pastorof thticFirsi Repliai Clsurcb, Chicago, ln deati. Mss. Henson bail been lii for a litIle more than a veci viii pucuinonia. M4ount Olive; a tovn rieur Csrinville, anti nue of lie greaiesti iing dilstricts la osaiUs àu0n WO BUM . Vth a. tînuls of.tthse cbg"ua mple- Rossrx neý.chnlattans Aliv-Amm"' lei«.Uctiie Are la"*&d Eseuts have lately benumovi a tapt pts. la Chiena. Witb 4,Olias' ima mnrcblug on Ps-is andthlb.Omo forcis"dner lie admirait. Amehcisa JolaatL, eo-parating la tiIs tuovemeit, Il la ovridout. affla seoiraeondeat, 1651 a criais laaethutvici Ma" have big anti umazpoi.trutsuani tenouameats. Xiarfalet iiie lbirt7-onesipe et ver ofetau acthoua novr ut t 4ut béanIf i lisy unecrito hot prolect aU the for- selguorsla China, M a iMaiter of tact hiiey cenntol i h, «nIr. country I-hi tbc n.ceamry mAi- tsry force ont eaui tiat eau effectlvelly xtttsvn couue.dent ithl e situa- lion. Before Germny, IFrance,.Englauti os- Anierica coulti *en a suzelcent miii- tari forcec tgi ukm i te iîsnarle aend ail elier toegnona vouitprobably &haro the faistf.et cChristians lnArmna ôve or six jeant ago. Fnrn iShanghai cou., the report tust lihe Emperor et China bas' appePaledti ilb. Kuropean povera ton Joint Interven- tionI l t ehaif. lHe proposecat tiho forelgn governinenta nov reprementei b7 ,rope nt Pekîn ceirise hi-frem insiipal- ace prison. tepomte e cpreas tovsger. decisre a joint protectorats over liecon- try, ditîubantheii.ChInes, arie. sao- tut, for tirm ans,«Mny under torelge oiff- era. provîte- gunheati for tic river., and aausue cuijr. ontrol et lhe cuâioma. ponts da1 iclegraphui. If correct. lis re- port ms-ans the. " or0f Ci. Wbehei. Emparer Of Chias invites thIsuîropean povers, he Invite%, tic extinction et his empire. la 1644 tiers tins cehelion luChina, andtie lie deeateti parti askedthtefias- choca l eeisr the empire. Tiiet requel practlnaill- cloieti Monglilan rnas-. fer lie Mianchons, vietvent te Pekîn 1ti efent New York-Influences hhat î,dnarlî mlght te expetedtamecause considérable dishurbance ln commercial ircies bave réenntiy Côme te thr surface. Reporta of serions damiage te grovlng cropa in pot- tiens ofthie Nortiveat anti e renevel of tic golti exporting morement on ai bsilti exhensive sele coming on tiheve et a presltential nampaigl i ugit vel te rai- culaiei te cause oune lwthanlun trade. Pie napît uince efthhe ouvîrd merent efthie ast Ivo or tire -carsin abs-en nieniet soneviat.. The stock market contînuca te be a pureiy rom ratiî'rs' Afigit. BotIncsturing ticheci hkas ben on un exceetiluglyimsai sarai, andi taien asn àvihe tir varTftions in effres bave bt-un o!flitie conacumience. 86&tar tiore bue bs-en practis-eliy neolivestineni lquliation. 'On tice tier baud. ihere la ne dennt for siecks, and t in l difficnît ta e ec isi il inidure a hnying power lu thc neur future cuide trou lihe short Inierest maule anti inig. Chicngii-The su-iai market vas again agîtaird lest vcck hi tic reportaetrir- ropWauhe dainage bovins bt-tn dntoe sprlng vient by thie rougii. Nomerouis siovors bell on the border et thic affeciet territory vitieut tenedit tthie plies net-ding It mont, rou 'bhirh latter came a cry o!feMarre tiai excliedth te specula- tors anti aduet 3 cents a buaiel te the prIce.of vheai. As serions hroails bat been mate on sprlng viset by the déeprédtitons et Its mont I ndefaiga- ble eueuies, the Hesalia dies, h campet b. said t i qents a4teme4 lJenprCi ine.e avebek oisutp# ontune bate among the guli si8""Ite tek.e adrentage oet anciiai.mptig cendtion cf affaire. 'Ts- onIyrit;tilu tee dnt laI opreata lesoeorhmatov over lie axIi- culturel prospect isla Lh. Botwest. front wvice.corlne nvthe mui çeer- hng ef the cong ht arvesi;.vitre ladeet tir cnhtl»4.ot ivbeat bas areatj con-. ueucc. aht the oui j anxlelj or tise fermeraofet litregion la fer tic menste galber their auperabuantt rop.- Large as tie jielti promizes te te, bowver, ln liai feveret section, Il rannet viollj co 'mpesante for tihegtat bases ln other locîiities,-ant In, aveteginif the reéunit1h seemns blîbly probable tint nent sensen's prices vil bavétta e adjusted to analici supplies tan ve ortbe0cmiug tirougli- oui lie seasea nov coming te au eut. A 3-îear-olt cbld tlfeutii i ndov et a BItaiou Isand train vhio tie Iter vas il funil apecti.Wien recevere thei hote wvus ninrt, are fot a jev scratches on lis fortboit. , - £cnn ItheicBritisb nrimsj.He lmaial"an expert vith tie lance, TIen Berlin Comt l vi heteter bui.t opera n mati pla al e tzet oit lips 'y 4ua. ll or1 ti.i n om- ooeat o envention la JUIF, rîiie a une- ~tiin . It iestlps tbt cil t vaek t iii cen enîld, ctiI là a bit problin boy ail or, hein cli W eta oui turaibool places for îguet ainiat. Dot lbe béte'lmmsa miles. ter-dom t a -4h. stan bhoati bl&u, brea dieldo viiat thiy would do. 'Tiey veuldi Puot poanens a i undchagte etch .u .'Am rate$ as lit hbc bd the rouoienhlm MeLf. bbat lu oue wy ef iotllngarouati the proilesu of lnsbulllelesst botel apiciti. The. nervous mn ho In sseut huma OR perfect quiet andi an open wlndev uhat ha qmy-sloep 1011 do nit viii vltb seveu husky atraugs'rs sleepinig on cota antin lahie b.d witii bltn-sorcu men of various babits snd suetiiodi et volng balmy siouber. Tie man viio.cannot *jeep untll ho arokena a oosl.nh lg cga andth ii.otbof el eloI vho alwnj'î takes a f.v pira ut a cgarette before rotlnlng puy be ln the roon it iiihm. The.Mm Who erci viii b. présent lu :mnbea andthle min vho gnasies bis teetii preii- auj vii sisre the bcd. ince Do on. man enu have s bed te hisuseit la smci stiring timn. At *3 a day theme as- eeumodation iii bu- s boun te everrone, Coti fail izes asnd degree of veak- nain have been ocuereti by privai. cii- senascdiii spare roosus sud are arnn hl the. car Joad. Tic aig panstear ta bavtng an uneynuip'icd "bonom" in paint' lai placards areunnclng "RoonlAmto ,cent" end "Sleeping accommodations." vhil lviib. PlAtereti ili-vîr ithetova. Tiie famlly viii bave te »Jeep oui lu tiie vootishot for a w«N Whouien i.roomi viii brlag $10 eacii antinmre et the pros- pective iantilordm have ithe mon.y apent alreidy. A lotof vise Pormons Who ha" à 1Utile atonF' té &pendi are going te.'l>ent the X:»"lib liingin Pullman ears dnrlag ex ZClft. tThe. cars vîli b. iltch- adt la ide trachi ID tbe raîfroat Fars andt er. tie trivelera ilfl repair every igit ta aie«. But If sleepng lu a prime coumderation la the. ojez et mani. thare are ibosevWho viii teks chanDce on sleeping aecomme- dtions If thier ire suri 0f eating regu- lr Ilanessly awsivjthe case vis- à ioniI convention lh beitinla a maI elti viii a fev diret-ciasa btelsi ual lhe dlulng routes are jammedet tmesil ime ase tint tiome vho ire psylng for uheir ae" on the. 'Amerlcan plan" are unable ta getiL nthe tables for beuts. Whecnev- ery swat la tnken the. management dCse the doorw oet hedining room In tic face ef a dense moi iieleging uhein mud lets the. people lu hy theit.iildosen as lie dînera get urouiandi go eut. Tisila Do gond wvii fer ubose wviemnareb ar.- ry, like tii. delegatea anti ste oblge tel eat bsek te nnotier session of thc con- vention afler ht adjournm for lncheon. Ticretore thb etaurants are prep«r- lns la tis- car. of a major portion et the. crod ad buadretis or iemporary lunchi stands onder canvas antilu neoka anti cornera viii b. ton up bor convies- tion vs-ek. Il la erotimatedt uni ai le*sat1000S strangera viii b. In Kausas Cii, turing the. convention proceedlngm. T ondeet al army le,* short apace o! une, la addi- tion te the reslient population vils viii also vant ta estis something of à tank, te b. aprung on a Ciy ail et once, and as eacb restaurant ta s privile eu- teritrise, managedte honuit lbé proprio- ar's iMens, smre dlssppolnimenl proba- hIr vIli rosuit. Managses of enllng ioumseare timorousabnoutiemploying ni armiof hbnp anti iaîInglan#"eut atoci ot proviona lest ibelr Individuel buki nom shouit net b. rai esough te vEr- tant theaenlIay. Tierefore viien Ibn ceovt docks linl ladms baIfn dosea valt- er»a struling laeineet the demante et a bontiretipeople andi lea àtew minutes ev- eryting on tie bihsa "ail oui." 1 luit vhat arrangements viii b. matie te face lie". probleraa"s-maltera for the futurelta ciose. but certain Il in tint Ksnsaa City, au a viiole, hba a lot le think about. dia. Weil se gaino4i e eery lit ,y vlig nv w Five ci mtt.dF andi repi By the the city loito pot mainten leu fBi v 1. W 1.. » * 4 tise empire. remaine 1amue h. Tiiere have isce. een rebellions Iln China tual bave carrledth le empire te the verge et narchy, bot the Manchon dynaniy bha maintainetil self. Tiers have licou Iu- surtrections lehahve tevanletvhoio provinces. evolutionsa tntave neelvit the sapport eft he Mongolieans. anti-dy- fanaliclasudnnt bas-jet lhe oit crusati, anti screral anti-foreign outireeka. nit et a un have been coverliiencourageti iy lie Govenrneunt. but neyer tefore bas tir b'ovrnnunt or i representative et tie liorsnent Insite thle Western 4,ovwers te &aossumentorol. ln addition te tir AmerIrn marines motedet nIPkn b hi irectionetflUitet States Mîsisiet Conger, the Unilted States bospitai mbop Soisce smillet runitlsl lspving on boardi 100 marines an'lrBye suN- cers, liaj. Waller comuandini, la ie- «auosse t hle telegrsphlc rtqiit sent frrnTong-Ku iy Reer Ads.il1rai1 Kempff. Tilnis- oiier marines leli Manila ou thie Unitd ttes gi.n- bo0a i Nasiville. hunati for Tien- Tain. Tii. Nay et Washingtonia beau Informed that tbe Miouocany bas Dna gene lu Tien-Tain Ansi curLpss-. andte tiYoktovwn to Ce-Fon. A large hotu e! Boxera have burnedt trce Ameri- rau launries ai Sco-Cbov. A Peue corresonetugay@: "Thr Anteiran mission hbuilding% el Tung-' Cba u, tvêlne miles froni Pekîn, vblnb ver, abitoeetbi tie misslouaries, bar, been lotet anti> burnu-t by tic Chines. soldiery wa-be wre ment te protect ticu. Within tirce dais iueenty-liin native Christiuns. weiSuowu men, vhoboit beon iraineti for jeans by Ansirunu ris- sionaries. bav-c icen niumsaret nreur Tung-Cisaus. Maisy oetbthesu ere burueti alive. Tic Intimidation et Citstîu contnue% aitiin l'ekusitmeif. Most ut thie mission compounsni are loseul, anti the miesionaries are telng colletaiti under tic protection et the logalion gouards. Nevs vas recels-et lu News YorkCiii Wspncstey et tic munder o! Dr. Edua G. Terry, lu charge o! tic atlon ufthle Methodînt Elierepal Woman'a Foreign Missionary Society nt Toung-Hun. Esina Terry vast hotu lu Boutoniandtvas op- poiniet bythie Nov Englanti iranri ot tic liethotiet Miaiocrj Socetoy lu 1877. Tsuing-Hua is six on moyen milies uorth of thc great vailisut about 100 miles f rontPoila. A correspondetiel iti the toteigu -coi- umun going trout Tien-Tsin le Pekin saîu that sixteen Bitihsmarine». recounoltor- log iD ativanceofuttic international coi- umo, tonght sancdet 2.000 Boxera on Montai. iiiiiig a nîmuber oet leu. Ail dîspîtches ouI t fPokînare censer- et l in einterest cf thé Emptens. Tii. determinatîen et the foeign mînisters te iscreise lie garrîson ah Potitelu adtol a boteinlfoteltenîc lis laTieu-Toin anti Shanghiltâtai the pavera vîli nover usave lie Cimeae capital, but viii maie China anothen ilgipt. The chanuelioet« lieJapalie ulegai lon, et Petine, Mgyata Akire, vbile procecti- lui aone eut auproieceti on oficiaI du- ies, vas brutally mottiered bhy soltiée ot Tung-Fuii-Sliiig, the favorite body- guant o! tho Empreas, ai Manigate rail- roat tation. - fflut hNews Item. Frick Coke Company. Vonneilsvile. Pae.. basni utdevis 1,000 evens. Norliveilern University, Cbieag, lirottl-lie eieta nu Mipslies oclel.- Enilanleluneray hecouse Spain la metng rts on tae LÀttoral, oppueit. GIeala