sa:ses -------------:e ss:us:l umom- I les qls0s0Sisuaa 0a$ mbm0m0-m- biglions 0of li»MM me the qusmtlt70 jet 111.ePenatg esidntti by tfie-b la m"-s et aaI des i taéDepartnant or Agricultur. . a a a 4 u&a ur yle, vida eader. memetia think il u 10 i um qttbI1ýlarge ai alwsys a poIlfIlan. Evani Mnaui4 I l ha inoetbs n du inngtfe isaj etobshvqt hobeclroe >, t tan leans. the reportset tbahe = ,or Tramaon b 0*1t,fla dflglsi- fie Ohsmber of Comme oe ie l r *e du à;skiAsulo ntih t iy t. ha o, lHe bas a&W F*tPlUb ta« 9010M it- on 'hUa li4007 Pefeaand a &gemma et thé prolottoSe yuen advi-oy her trou bbs omibas tletp.sI mee mnti ta nu 19Fm 1M Tic primr an emevnt o est t b tbe wçlidveld btued-. tha ncatursi Bioy te the beufleur miido ,«7 fer m mre sai an the viere it lasground totefeei the truWse g eti PrOduIft. Thia tmlty, sud towend the granany, vhng t gmsluaume. yjethfe sthit et" s Orm P for aeed. Tii. pron. sa lrhlsi aeciproples iceaetieni et vint thisactumllineftlIsoai 4b1ev lutVéy cely ithe cou- snd conaDme4 lu fi. cotntny veail A *"uIffmoati* lisaiset fie pro- ta 'gr o s vrtlarg. 00 ,Pw peraf lv.O lu CO ctiih e fermertsbas auply provifa tiibe -royntfon hiamtus e l t eg pt tlk oetOak i Mu = *y ff thnifût lui $ susi»Î.Wbtbn 11. fte e OZ OeesumptIOn-« 2-aaeasIt Unite ates snd Casada. suentilul lisstriu fe tres-en R'na mi- te enormoui toltal et 4W0,00M ;1 lilu enfler tbat every Wite busiiels. Of tuila, somott;h ua lmti a u~hbave 11len and bave it bit 1acnsumai lu the ctii Oet fi e hm Iat uppt'isuTanout Unted' tateb sud Canada, sd unses ut Britaaet er enli.r e. vbea*ttus gmore tto allaI x fdt la about thîrteen mWeeks. uO h oanduceutrîs, lte svieor aa t sms b.snplld mueditely wwttligour. roimefs ot.Ainerlee OrOCntral Thte weast crop of the average Isan te oo [mIiiom e ita tltei e tîenetora. dividefi loto tire mmr.««s ~ lYita Ki;de b.coipleeiylegs equal parts, tic finit bon; cou: Wdemd, sas> hithe slIps or aillidai netb b emrat t iiiel 19s. lierpopulation veudhttobably sue nelgliers o! the. sualier naMmud dathmI mnthsTglhe k e truatevillages, tiie second goiug itu suM théfi lMu mntins.ter.nlI. atUie cocctratai masses of poputatIeula Plblu sou.e Of tiem actuat star- h rt he;adtétidbig« M cenl b.lmach longfer everted. portefi as vbeat.or fleur te feai the seraBi spekilng, the. vsst tides or toreigear. Lat agit tceas f n erti-t r on thtiMovemeuf et wiea i i igru to tare ra lesouthi.e ol gcoet-Cîure's M agazine, tela et tlie u .fl f rou the 4merican continent, lu vblcii fie vbeat crop le dispOai a 01sud Ange»tIlue te Europe. Tiee. Tfii. vat trmeger lmtôeb lncer tides to the veat andi seti, Te.eetr.gnrlieud km aliorne t Chnafr Ru. vilc i ts la doue. lu- fie proDig sud AdiatoteEn-gland. frointie Neftbveat. viier. large ttuberk o- Wi States te Btazsl.tarlners. are culivtu; from s3,005 h mev jeans un>- maie a me»>- 10,000 acres ot vheat a jea..Wvane àiMlu lb...tidea. Theice-eatlng the. vît;ous tarm buliug are OU'W maman bu.tasteti the fodoth~e lecteti b>-tetepliene, vuere the pleu»i. te* Uandliein iogoi. Ig ledou. b>- coupllcated mahblaeej, Id cosusme t theacuet worid*s crop viere the. fariner oevuafrot utwe ta cm11 go buugry. Sibeia, Opened te» tbreshiîg nmachinues, frein tvnty ha~ ~ ~~~a Bua eled oY et be tofittî nespers sud itundredo er cattle gt liegrea eut eeProdung sud horsea., of a croc b.cmff ~jme.Anatatial let-o cmued a large bumsiness proposition. i mon lin fnMages. But tii. geat hisseof ausîler farnu. gOW IL Euut-peatuinis et food he ers. especiafly tirouglieut the, vinter go la. tem aor wicat. lie 1. tie wieatt districts,. stil i cl lu the olfi-8 y em urope neyer producea man or iuyer. Tliey beec» tiemgilva tp ;elxWuMDlnthe ereps trou seo tiorongbty Informed. hoveve, sas1 Rolai..tesCpi> o te crebItingpice. In tha avea la uleetiiwireresiialute- m att.and the prebabilîtles ate rIse t en.thetUnited! Stateas or fait. lut tii. commulln eithe W4 aldi, Australla sud Àrgen- local dealer bave beu scalei tatet lvw-tnotu. andgba aaiti dalotpe ve Wb*M Grwerq. itenrIe.aa fte ml bn IM »tb NMmoifo vut $y>- ~mf asomsbave aunagu> eab twb. nmI obbt Tkitu re *l* saty.s i siatoe cou. - dvatta ttba oombln e 'P«W 4W »et mY 50,00,00buahoesof ttm&e.uyay trels 15 ihiMm bewb# avt augdt7 ot 4.- UMt buidue 0f vintAui tha -Mm eu filse.lsa la aa» e. baud ýoaob*ouum m bhaviug Ilm « obmvtff l l MM.ta a4"ti ôDa- kotu VUta eOmuu stocagapaclty 09 aswy 1000000bumb"lHa seo bW MOs et devaters In Nebremba and » -euetbing wme tuille. &%4t-tUtbime.MVua t fwbea m the yp 1 fl ai t f O fl imihpse tÏM » am Ndla u rmer limes a IM« et Og UMialâatnei. ha csrtull nUbi br e*y7pfeapueetvpur- dbu ver ha miwtulor eoumlam SS t i ftbb buy«moUagatu. a edui.auiu l .beieecs.mauy, Sabadmaeemeat u t. iuUt. 'a m ues et wbsat bar- wukie~ a fuS ett lme-eolm"blg MhI~~ M b 0" idltiier pazt? ath&s . *bflUkeiy to bha mtlme& Ma w quaoa theUMat*, goyera. meti, -iamm onemq rikets, the smbalu»sr et cmmerea, fleppmi lu, imi mmeui c r the w.bole ys- t- 0f gvlag m la" Pocom. and MW 30 pWrOe * Wthe gret wiistbus- LAXU VESIELS LOADING AT A CHIrCÂGO ICLICVAT01i Ines M- me e wf me. nase aa4èeeS- lIu1'WAmadg t e i.outsideýr balmg PMO*8edet p4ug thaàwbsat le flua déeallaibt Mn. Bcker. lu blé- "Tb* icputj Inspecter and isi men sre euonty * lite morane. Iftecars frtreeiatlAcide bave beau at- ai 'bu uier mapefll$alà eacii et ti. yards. Qita man goos îiiasd, ne,ý eodlngtbe uàutiée .Mailinitial$ et t4o maus Mdl axlmiulng the sealu te set thot me mre hba tupred vîi t tes. QOM It 40As, snd thosn toms . C sud Dr. Luicbau, fon tbe pnrpoe e et nd- ding tbct top» ett fe niosqutes wîi vuhlcii lla everum. Tii. dfotrs et. fftt&Wlit'destrqM *I eore, by ai@- trlbutunt largaquatlttes or petnoiaum luhè fie avMpesdoiept ir Th doetors lauà ff rprt ieoulderd it poalble to free.a amy ntesteit vlti = tpII1tes hyh14 mopits, pe*l.tic * la efottoo ogbrewy utukted. mn au iio*6ýChIremtiy, docWig ceit' abiout *M *parife a leva pue- aIalga pppWa*a ot about 600 lu. bomitat.- - edys tj 0D5At fia iavora hart e a*de' agn cap$eol o-oftrou 1001,00Y)0ta ~~~~e ~ luq~i tbe intb*ut tof 00111 operatai g *ttelty trou IMMXMt Valprotectoe ri trea0" Wb5 m5f Matle ira~t eiwtmaid haY#elag(i ploat. pto«ay for Ceaw»lPaint~7 àA4 auo*IW2tbui*beat whein l"t Th!e *Wmtm iaeprovide wl*t se caltai "W long aponta, ollewawu ivlah bobeboIis. Wilb awovrff luito the W feta grabn Jdsveàil Hoirs fth* Ïltla siioveled DY gtlay VOUb0.~<p~in lua Cloet 0 lt lte th»fia b*gry et iiuge .tur.tamv- six. WhIill latum ,drav lte yellew 105-lt 1004 troen aboyave e o cluh man-to ltepd& of tiihegs."1M»ir t.e bnuet me ts. an sd carrny l. p. yardis tt* t fiéaleor, and eauurllhfta If anUMg th* carions blues, A Cargo et laI a tg ow ga, viileegs on thé. etbeî meet thie eloystor wli relos4 it ltât 81:19 t #IL me lu fivemnuttes, or Ji au hoeu à i.canaiboat. Tii, cnet of aI tiiese operation@s basil beau redgd te a ridiculosly loy Dg.-à nra--tfé agitina vorn eor nloedlug,k sterlâg andM oadtug rarelY addiBng More th" »M cent te tie prie of a Iteahalet wiiat. itarslagste seabDerd. The tranxpîcfatl«or et vt tromi the Wsst te the slsbosrd le a buasn e0 aimnta .oaceivable maguituda. t mais's nllus of dollars a jear te 1,5112.0* aitdship overa, andi innt thers smi*$asafehet ilaittait. se greai la the dedlasi for tranaportatlon fiat ablmpt ad ileulty la obtataing s~oi exse»adivesaels.- Motbict Oulès beas te zov SOtirj way eftihe laies. tireugit fIe maUjot 01».Marie. canal, te, Buffalot whercTt lW mbppol iy il, lor Canal teo New Yok. Beeten. hltimore sud Pbil-à adelplila. Fsv appreclata the magnitude oetttei1 laite siipplunteretits. wich bava beau devellel te a Considérable extent by fie tmaoaspattlofet veât. -Du- iut.h'Superer.ta fie secoud port la thef». Vtela edtatea la pont or tonnage, be-. lu; eteeedad il b7 iyNew toet. Tii.d "at t" léCanal passes uvo snd1 a huit tiiisas mach tounage lu elgit1 menthe se the Suez Canai paSsaluaab fuit,Lakte shipplu; funulahes,b moreover, tie>,eêiep.t transportation lu tii. world. the.rate héluaitprfoxl- mâttely threa-qaartm ofe a milt par ton pen mils.b Douaetrthe gretr laies v.ssels Car- ry éuormen» cargo.siupto.250,0009 bushela et wltet lu a single loa&.Wlth-a eut ceinptrmm§ It tuiiBcult te terzu0 amr eoéeos01et i.Iuueisty et àa cargtueet fi .. luDuluth, 00bùsh- i ebg arses.tlnmite as a canload. At fiat i rate, a cargo et 2M,000bumbels. wdblcà .hsa actnsil7 hauttraiaported trou DmF luth te Buffalo, wvoli 1&U 00cars. or mlm. trains of torty saeb. At et- tisa u bshe lis hacre, film a lad. l auierlecalit tanu et 10- &CM ala t100"i upoa as a junge oua, It W1vea" I.105sncb tferm t. nais. eougb viteat te turnihli fu eue carge.t iUntfi receutly New Yank iiad tfia lIoWa'bre et the wieaàt expert bu"i noes.; but lattant' Bouten. Baltmota, -Piladelpie, New Ories. Galvestea, and Montréal bave ibea large exportera. Voir t. dueal year 11801ek York took only 2U.8par cent, vits ew evOrleansa anti galveston bai 10.9 par ceut. asc.IF, Bouton 12, BaltimoeDandiPiladel- pua ià,6per'cent, fie.remaluden e scsttered betwesn Montréal. Portiand. Norfolkt an Newport Neya. 'Te quota &gain front Mr. Baker, tha average yild et par acre la grad. »uafrereeplnup. An 501f itaoui> e ILI bushels toetae; lu 1895 If vas 18.7 bues; whle lu 1100 t bafi neach- ed 15.3 bushels. By fia usa or machin- ery, combîni wtth cheaper rates eft frnsspertstlou tor suipplies. tii. tarmerp cmi produce a langer yleld more Ciemp-b ly tua .ver betere. se fiat, altieugl i the faru.prtc.s for wheat do net aver. t "ge bîguentroin jae t.yeuz, thetarin. ens profita are langr. fleut-OS oyt gM qutto. For everal -meuthe paut expéientan j bave been couductad at Sassart, lu Sait.- MUis., by Dr., Ferai. Dr. Cossul-Itocca, tisas4fle ~ak &0bs a s pie Armustrong wa visited biy, balai rrebb*fs c.alti.e olcMorl asti tt.eeed #A pluitder to eteet tbairiempe. ery eftii the t rt oe;*bÇmt .iiyi Fer eferat ,ui. gkta ccIee*tevet bi b»eu tobulag Aruutrona liait rousta Sami t.. pistilnt etieus, Ourles. lutt snd Chaes eis, a, red tb.tntelvos witha boirgutanisud èeo prepared té gias th- bw ttfireant receptien. White Pa- tmoiath trn te .tet au merly, hour lu rite mosallg the in. ucWrsd a borne and barg yswtin I a, <Lumýp of tree'W ithe. a.0f tbf. tow!. Titeir suopk-lêst bW r!) liqed ber %*atcbed the. outîit. b.- hai;tuft It niit belosi#tte iclk- tu ulves. Snomn tbe. Slnwere smon gp pctéa . carrylus selebels.. FalIag t cotupit' *itii a oipmue tafi t ait,. itt and Dette opaned lire and one of the atraue*" droppefi lits sitebel ande- siteadf wlii àrevolver, fDring point bises; et DaYis Two of the =ten look ta the valide, the third rumtlsg 4ewn the. ralltoafi tratsk.A hautiexasmtou te- vaailed the tact et a lissit robiiery. A pmsseor citisene wts soon lat partait, wlub s traitet bleditleaiding theengb the. weode ladicatingtht tonCeof the rebiieri à"d berun bit. Tii. trait wslast et Mid- dle York ereek ind tue sareh ws bon- porarly ms andonefi. Severai packages et mouey have been founfi la the woodm. Tiie setcbel droppedii y one of tii . roti- bers wben tiret dlseorered ètutsld $1,- Werid'sOr.atasî css.84d. Isebsen (Jouutjobon the. boier et bey. log the. argest eoruisld un ,arti. Il lis otmuW ate uthe.Amarleu battais.té1ionor twit. itleÏs outb oft-Av. T ield.1 costaies (L» &e 5re., sud everi' faot of il ia cevrerait witb growlug corn. It bls sot bea ery yen ieuyeers since tht.. tthe Iwoeld's greatest coralield, watt coveredi wlth water and us. a favorite resont for, wild gere ansd durit. It wtt. kuewn as "Dit Lake." lMportemeu.tronm ait Parts of thé State bave-specit manY bourg thora. »iaggug game iiy the, wagon tuai. The: "ae, utasdrautet by menus -o! a linge diteli, ubîclilad» te the "Fither et Witems.'and Je ten nU«selong. 1fr. Witney Ciilbreatb et &va wu% ltheorig- later eoftth.entetlls.. Mn. <ilbretl bonglit the iaud, eiWaeten at $1 aud $125 patr a., j9iffaier lbe disposefi et the greater p14~teb is ute"lt te apriugtaeld clapitllm*s'u-jt $40 per acre. lie ta uow et wenii dratllts eetiier Lake. Tii. uaminoth corlailid la, cultlvatëd mostly by 'tenant&, wlio lenasemetac grouud au tbey eaua properly work, cccii man tskitug oef litsplot alter the. tanhion ot Western miner. uhen locating a elait. At ertain Intervais avenne% rua tbmougii thiel dfor thie aceommoedation of agit- MersM ad thépublic lin Cestsera his fild lit ovear site wlde aud la tire miles long. The. corn it prolues ta et a yeny fine -qnality aud often grown over Maxtefa teet li. Lait yesr the .ase avereged »mveuty.tve bubaeste the. acne. pmdlg i lu u euethias iii. 450,000 bushels-a preuly gomi jteld fer a duels pend. ris.. SeerclisTut. Vile.. The acntive blationportion et Breugli- tonl bursu.d on a meait niglit. fle.$50,- M0, Includia; the, postomele. The. ore iu quipposefi te have b.e the. work of sn lu- , e"dany Vire asto nUiSned the ttSiness district ln the. village uf Ogles4,. Thie conflagration, wbichlelu uppoa.d to bave Origfinate'inlu Dr. James 11. Dugaa*s ut- Ses, wss net diseovened until Cody's drus store. Tiouupaon's grocery store sud Wi.lltam William»' residence wer. cuvel- tped inD lames. the oceupants unouIt escaping déath. The. tom a Is,.tltuted ,'ut elysa Hie Aa.sttnsNs.. Gleorge Otrawn of Oaiford, who was fumaut lu an unconstos condition iu a street lu tbat village a few days ago, in dead. Before lie dled Strawn irfgaine<i cousciousnf s long euougii tu wbieper te bis Dure.tbat lie bit been *truck ou the. li.d*with e boavy club by Mat Thonmas, a nepbew. Hie wu# ton wesb to give the. pantienlars out ti.'affair. Tiioruas bhas liern under suspicion by resuofuthtei tact that iie and Straw ubait bad Borne trouble. Batet Mtet. lapsuag. Illinois apples wen.é awarded Ont prie at tbe.Paris tain. Nick liera, acocnteftetol. wuns ilir-d lu Pekin by a St. Louis and Peoria tast ex- pressi. He wss 57 yeuna ut âge.. . The. Iostofice Departotent bas ordered the establishiment on A.îg. 15 ot rural free delivery servic e t i-airbury.. Explorera for Nontlucstere' Univcrslity et Evânston have dieov(-red greut ruina full ot relies in Pajarsto Canyon, Nev Mexico. Structure designefi for a Chri.ttian $cl- futist q1surelb ut Evanýtbn wan gutted by a firewhiich ia beliertu t buve bien lu- feudiery. ýCharles B. Brooks, famiiiarly kuowu as Bull> Brooks, eué of the aolient tes- dents of Aurore, dled et thei. du bospital, aged 85 years. Gor. Tsnner bas commuted te lite lim- p= meunnt, tii.son eeutLewis Thom- se ooesenteneed, tu bang for the. morfier ef Josuae fieldon et 1airo. Bd Mutsslmnan. a 12-year-o)ld boy, frit uitter an Illinois Cenitral traiu et Deca- tun and the vileels passed over bathi test. It wasu fi nc.ary te emputate.tii. rigit foot et tbe suie. Tii. left foot was badly mifangied, but will lie saved. lu a rear.eud collision on the. Illinois Ceutrel et $cales Mounail Brakemuta Framk i hîvaller et. T>ubuqite, Iowa, sud Fireman Edird Psrka ver. fatait'lu' l Solouueu 9. dteebdnle, eu age ferumer, vu. billefiwhiite crossaug the.Blg -Foue. - baci tiere mlles cent of Tower 11111. ias buggy wtax struci by the. pas car. UIS. bes, alse vas blled. i. 0N. 0 't 'la 0. pote.tzlvlde.u îe sop- ýpeaiment as surgeoi, Vriti ranikaet lie Âit Meselye t adié, vIle batblé., lu'>-t. Fler bute tatet MatoIlwa& ue=bLf5mps and 4@9 MAI.sîIt oov. Tanne. basnappolnteýd V. A. Um*gbtn. et Obleage c mmunlior et lIai. Beard 01 Bdueatlon, vie JatmsW Ntedeeied. fergartd SOinelder vas stniuckb iy aB latItrain sud se hiI>lujlurel -ltieh liai ibortiyt' ttward. le vas tidint tblcleeat.thioniim. 1 lnena byLocomotive Bagimmees tUmn ean Mttoon l a t»8esold, tha pnej.t er raising a boni.te on dsabled ? tmeti5s hélasgigvau p. 11 . Dr. Daniel Bembrtgit lias been choses bte serve as presideut ut Nortiivesterr University et glenstofi untîl tiiet PCe[ lieu la 8Usid pertnanoutiy. (lot. Tanuer lis appolnted W, Il« inlsinle out Maeuptb trustet ftic East er*i I1liqois Normal, and W. C. Gannard o! Oprlugfield trustes ufthtii.Nortieru llI. nuls Normal. Both eppointees suere@4 thiselveue. Ottawa lias bcl in thi. pont tv retro vent'suceffltul street faim ,but tfia "or It vili Dot bold one, the dîreetena havlng declited et tuein faut meetiug te abandon tb. Ide., on aceouat ef thu iubial intér. est tskren la polirie., Tbefermera et Kaniakes eud adjolu- Ing counttps bave eeanprenuled thaïte, dt- amrnce iti the tainlgnmenunion. ami as gW tenait the. Immeuse eroluaet, train are.Item;s prepsned tonrumarket. The tbraiera,,ralseil their prices te 2 cents for pats, wbîch the farmers nefused te pcy. At a coufereuco It va. agrc.d te Compromise et 1% cents per beabel. Jolin BuelI, a contrscten sud hulden er pcom-is, dînappeared tweuty.fve Yer#s agul, emd MImsers o stmsli grave il.s Dp ne demd. Tii.e tber der' Word vras e eelved tiretgi a loca ai c;tbat b. was the ow*ier et a hetml su Mealco City. vas Worth an0000. d vould hb.glad te, romevieilmîtfronails $fsusly. Buai's smon a meniber et the, PeorIs fine depsrt. mient.. (%. Fred Scbvant& et the Unitedi Stctea fonestny dIvIsIon bas nmcdeau n iorelgs- tion ut the iHoricon maunîIn luosueffort te laruthe causeeoftiihe dimlin ut ftiie water supply ut Rock river. lHe ici vis- Iusd the viole voiler, and It la clslnied bis report yull reeommend the planttng ut troas on bille neer the river aud legla- lotion tu stop furtier dralmlng o!tith. saeula Ind. - The finit Amern'&tudent te carry et tie houora oftàsdaiss at tic musical icai- cut inluBudapest la a resident t fChant- paigu. He t-hetu l-yer-old seut et D. Elsuen. s wiiolc.ale geer. ilsurle. Bis#- Der ls a musical prodigy. lie bhatudl.d u-ltbsoniut lithegreseest manters ot the *d country, sud bis graduation wltii the beners utr thei. dans utf1000gives iert a caiet te distinction.' Thr..PP wrnt'andI a tenitât fbone* ver. bille-I nt tie Broadway, crosing of the. Illinois (Centrs al ulrond lu Mattoon. Tihom.s Bardies was dringa aecab sud William Beselt' ason onithezest vitli bini. Mn.. l. S'aller, a nurse,.smu- moed te attendl a patleUt.wvasIluthe cab. A lit cue ws"ablukig tuougb the. cIlt n rpld peed. viiea Il etruci thea. innegllmg the bodies ut tie twd men and Injurias Mes. Walter se @Prions- ]y Chat site died vitilu tva iouts. The comiDiDlonerx oettheI.llinois sud Michiigan Canal vilI siiortly lsune an onder pnobibiting wtt, niula frout emptyla theincd voanhâte thi.e aal. The. order vilI atfert tii. mille of the AAmcrieaD Steel and Wlre Compaiy sed tie JolIef Wir. Compauy at Joliet. The mille bae boom douta tia tet reste pont vitiont ber Ing moteaeted, but me barn vos doue, b. cana f et iilarge samener otsevcga brongit dovu Che csnal.. ' $ev, bovever, vhem tien. t. a prospect fer ceren vît- Pr. the. tnustes eel Chat soiting siiould b.due. la Joliet Itlei believed thât the. Seliref- dier mortier triai drove, Thomas Kelly, a vel-knowu vIre vurberirga nelI started trou Jolietforr IutWYonb City, it-lere Id% tamily tlai tpressent. A tele- mp-arn srelved ftrous tiheleféo! pe- le et Auburn, laDd.. etmtlug tuat Kelly l becoine emanioc and bâtd te b. takeu lit fome trn s Laie Sibre train et But- ler. The telegrm a diled tbct b.' tslbe ut raundensand Inquasta mont o et ,tîime. At bis boarding bouse ilis said Chat Kel- ly look un unueusl Intenest lu tie c eli.t fi-r case dutin1g the. preltottuary iieattug. Qwiug te telalure otfttheold beard ot trus-tees qçthtie Western normal sehool te dc-icte un-a site, Gev. Tanner has ap- pointed a udr boardl tmom titi.. outslde ,ofth is ltrict. eeking tic loation et tie .,c-iool. safollows: Charles .. ScarIeti lnck Imiaud4 B. M. Citppenfield, Canton; 1. H. soutbwtck. Flore; 8. P. ttobinsou, Blonutinglon cunI J. J. MCLDIIen, Aurons. The. (lovévnor served notice on thie nevly aî,pninted boarnt t bc expertett It te gettle tie location outhe sciooi vitiont delay. Ile turtier declareil tiiet uo do- nation, t of nuy ntlerei by competiug tounts, as au Inducci»ent ton tielocation abould ble acceptcd on conaidcred. About 7 o'clock the, otier niglit a tor- nade atrucb Beecien and did! great donm- age te buildingsveet: et tic village. The îtorm develnped indilenl, and ilu&a-me- nient tie cir vs. filefi witb DiYlng bon- dies'o esta, Formuera bai net finlsbed barvéatiug then erop, aud meut of thé. osts vene lu tic field. Acres ut coru yen, laid 1ev. At the horne et WillIm Matias a con crib vaipieu up bott> aud taie» s distance et hoit as mlle. It vas brokeu te pleresand scattere l at-ut the fieldi. Fermts wbo hil! aui bourt. tore.blad fielda et ont. eut amd sliocb.d ver. mnus theit viole edmp lu a tev me. mont., Tie grain vas plled several tst deep lu feuce corner. The Joliet Wlne Comtpauy heu begua a seusatoleelait aunmt Rome o! the Wthboldn, i, It Is aliegeti, bave cou- apir.d ta vrecb tie business et tue vient lu enfler te tarer the. Alabcma Steel and Nvire Coimpauy et Busiet', AIs., Inuviei tie defeukdaànare Interestefi. Annle Maury. a 2-yenr-ald' girl, won cuiasiuîytsvswu 'vixe gANG. tnousmuaz hop@ fthChues.' reports vere sincere. The ac-m.' ute Ciethéconditions. teported lun MI. C onger's letten cmeOor b. questloned sudaunles e C.Chutie Governient bas egained control of the ituperim treoits andl hec takeu tutelguers undet tlie.rotection her. se restaittin tear the vonst andl .l.lesti..e Cie slnerlty, et ChIdnes.officiais. IA1 Hung (%,RngsB preiiclion that tic match et inte-rnational torenes U pe lél wonld nesot lu massacre et torelgneuus1l Dow acrepted lu conneettun viti me. (longr'. repent as loufit purpoae ta grepare the. vend for thea ieuuor.uwnt et t.e death et lthe ferelgueni tp te Wedadinonforteiton bas been rem-<mved frein the Chines. Igstinct on Chluase Goverunent tut repous.te PrMsdent 3eKinlei'll rrplY te tbf Em- parer, sud no îes*er iad iieeun ecelvafi trou tbtiisecond dspntii sent toîiat Coar hroegli Minleter WU. TIEN-T&I IN114 OUEXULE @TATE &~ta ivs<1r Inai cc ad iseuBofi es ILvytun bulsi. leu-Taln udrîces via Shanghi a st Chaàt tb. native itY Presents an appailng spectael.etrvar ndmdeselauleu. Seanceiy s doucenbouxes an. Intact ou theeaide teclag tic settleents. Inaidte ii damage la terrifie, bini et th icbldimgs Deirmteut Cli weIers litaradlliblovD te piee.. Auuong the tcsldeucee charnel corptes ara evetywienc. Dons and Pis@ are tccd- !Dg on tien1. Thec allies are mit' rentov- lmg tihe <ted. Oving te tirent nom- 'W. nteny hav. not Yet been bunted. The Chinent. Itlaleaaid. have le t gtogeeiier about .11,000 sin4e the trouble starte.-l Meut oetClent bave bttc.. blhd iy Boxers andi soldiers. Tie streets thmogtiolit th iicty are lytre*hwithvît1 aiknds ot articles; and dlancus of Cliluese are digglug mn the rtes for utoney andi ether veait.',p. Muet or thée bons"s vicb etc Intact Or littIe dam- Rged disllphe istflgaetfune on the. oh- et et tic c[iedI terces. the, and Frenchi fiait. preioîiniing. 810 INCREASE IN PATENTS. ViveTbaonsad lucre... le Aptlilcations Ovsv Ptecedlnor se. The report et Coutuissioner et patents Dueli for the fiscal Year eudedi Juse 3o> lst shows a total Otf26540 Patentsavgant- cd, ludimg retenes and mesigna. Tiiere ver. 1l,«10trademarktes, OU 2label. andi 98 pnluts negistened l, [eteithat ex- piref numbereil 19,. Afloved Oapplica- tiens tortelteil for non-payntent ot tie Dial fies vere 4.052. of tue total ut 19,813 aPPIcaàtiOns recelved 2.MB ver. for dasigut@,AO fon neissaus, 1,7539 fon ca- veste, . 1(d for rade marsnb, 812 for la- bels aud 127 tor peints. Tue total recelpts ofthtei patent office vera *1.M5,228; tetal expeudttu,-., $1,- 247,f28; sunplua tunned loto treasury, S81101401- On July 1 thlrtY eut etftthe tirtY-six exainera lad ticir 0ew von witiOee nintl trountichedate et afilg -and tir.e ettienentalnlng six Ovrnm fiat time h eunly une day. The anieufi- e-I von lu neariî cli et tic divisions vas actefi on vitin fitteen deis itten Dlng. Applications Avaltlug action hi the Patent offie numierel 8,5164, ieli la b.- twee 5m acd oS00moe.thau On li> 1 1MO1. Thie nunuber uf applications for Patenta, etc., n.eived durtug the fiscal ye.r jutat cloued *11 000.o greater tien deving tii, precedlng îecn, aud the. nut- bar ut imendutmaccted epen ves algn correspondlngly grenier. The wonb. et the clerîcal divisious aise lbas licou bept np to date. Thiisd it Duciug the. year endefi Jume 30, 1,149 lumîgnants leuded lu Gîlveston. Llniulur utterei tic fomnait of the Unitedl States collier Cauesar at Norfolk, Va. Electrie Power lu beiug In.resIugîî uscd on snme large Western faimt for pumilng. Alexander B. Glenn vas rendenefi dumb by a boit t rllgltitulg at Psnes- ville, Ohio. SlflcliPlacer goldfiDeld fourdnl la1over (lalfrut, ien Dty m11. seti et ,la l empaula.i ego I 'buy 14 Wets«t *i.tpu i4 tant 0 @ous'l Iuséare*ss 3ntl*aî-m *siUe", tgatIb Louatisa &D4 . A: veitten tmessage, stgued Cnaïf su td*tailoir 4 via eje eX Tl Zs ete iamt. It *10 eft td te bN<vy Daepeaont tà amsiagtoia Tuasdsy b, ceptat i elas-Thom&a&, eutmuder et eta Brooiiya. Tii.Couper note Say$: DOMt imssd ingd eeois la Brit- lkaIttdo, Grave danger etfem- orfil utaseacre by Chines. soldiere, Who are siielltu; tthe legaticu daii>. Baellets»=., If et ail. -CR ivtb- ent gevernueut, exeept bi Chluet ÈrEDY. Deterulusd ta maisscre ait erlguers et Pebin. Eutry ut reief fores. lto cil>' viii probably lie botît' cotestafi. A Wpsblugtou cér,,pondent, prItiog, Wedn.adsy, gays tliat the. latter front MlisUter Oguger I l# bisQIVDbodwrit- ltg, mdr date'et July 4. reported t;) the Stat@ DePartmant contslns no encourige- Meut fer the omciàIs Whoe bave becit doufni t fthe stty etrtth. forelguarsi aCI have aePtfd thie seege oet lIt 18 as g.uulua. More tiiau snytblug here- tefore necelvefi thia message ceua glons ver the caiitsk-Tie £tesntu. tiat l'élu was. lu ontrol ot Importai trceps bas me sigeifiesuce furtiier tien to lufiteate the, helpleu"n r et i.Gev- Moument at tbe tii», the letter vas wrlt- Tii. serons posItion etftthe foretiguns as rePorted bu 1Mr. Conger lias arosefi &PPreiienslou and revlveil siepticiain lu odicelicireles viier. the. .ivelopusents GI tii, lust ew days hsve lied the. effect et The oit; ers l4 rets *bout 1«0 charitable Ni lereet chargin; e the Pope hi chester le synteni of luteneit. '1 vas reguli oued la 171 Ne utatte caner. Yom hoyau are Sature, eur prodece es Cealtb bl theetie, tht 'nT' B.. À Ite C ber h motie Dune day. Ilgrent M stIlI vîthe Wh" J tng, andi tg more Geli. more beau' and vhec the ciole about % àm and 25e The sun' occan tuea cîsert il ot o! the ses c uat nu c Litti nul .41 oui The Uni lar. tSMar