tue és a mité,uas a aiodnseul me ctas msy'knoW iosgo.Nom rpates of dn"o ý"aiowo Mat amiS h" U 5 oda.%! tto wiuti&. bowfv* h beuWO Âril la ln er i w.. spdyfl gII~ o taeirvo seefled ty ltilMY. M - ucoadltlca ot-ptaryatls.n a-a- -et i h i l a<t ettait- lIs la .u ebiOWCalstot. U otugw ,W atC~ dircted . m. icowau. superltendé Bm ver,, ti , . fêon " .ayoWr UCOUW,. enS with COU adTW IW taI Off t cf the.Indian achetai at Phoculs. hJIL.17 0f a tleoibfldmomtOI 11O Vat1e Véry ts, d~do; ut. t01:- Ew»b-Oebnn Cut osWiba. temoite, au examluation ln tbe cenditieo. o asion came aac s àbl tiDtor bulti,~bulUItbe oîte0£ iaf eue aof affaira. lut. McCowi bau dos et watt whlicomua esy ezough ,t.eb)"> tta~' ulOtai OAEU U 54t~dlracte4 led reporta s muet deplorabli oit, but fiare was gréater d*WultY la mevfle, » 1etl bv uu ff15<4'flil .UM"t »Mad 'uiso tatitil. He roud the pia se IY returinig. The fox terrier q9=9 gdo"i -1uletl It Wit*ti4~ v« d dUdt- *murder of uaa"$rla Maeti ve, Ohins-liionl a pLICbddetert and wLaniarnd the.banit sud entlced hies b.vy eouman- Uni <bt pou aisi ap ll~- ti~ ~ h. ~ ai Impotai modiciaet the auferinga of theue lClfplLlila it .folw lh u aat ht<i JOUten.-b.t y at bouMrlai ytenu ltie arte 1b.gluialbt te a Iiotts red m»a . ladiana lire la mod and tnt olw ihtermi in h I oi teeutt.bu bute.10 Pie anS. saObtuti eult e aterThor bruah la lklupa acatered ait over the. latter could flot get bac vritle the, for- 1-Bost t o ol .- baeueven more alesgs, boarties and remervation. ?auxblers ef them buddle te- aMer, by ruG ilt rae ciîi -Bi" _______ xeeCourateee.dsebfli'd L-getim et alght la th.bbatewthout r rne WLU abale to do ao. rfgflL A NLACDON. onlesvetan c oore elete ShAc-.. Prt to.ea<tlltiozk. Disette la hraab- Nor the.terrier aaw bii opportualt1 col Mreturj a et .aathecn ot-eing go augment bhe mtary of this- dIa'eturned homne and crnelly left bis om-e xiq OIete a la*0 SUUstLHba. mas t iorur as(ga hursbytreemsd p>eple. panion bIamtlng. Nevr r 414the. fer- Lo, ,1&I <5. Olaee '.mepa0 aabe a were tAlbegether lMr. licComafinda that merse. îaapy or gayer tha n outlat . Abutt l« I 31m. OV 0.IOI-removed l igly. Iepleawr 000hna111laAl0L day ,lee i. lad one more the sole rul (gpaiL)Tho te ara gvmem Md1ed mth com;al" su loed le a pattera of the. bouse, ad lie suhked mien Inter DIMM u ftII&»%aie, tor lsdWed latheof sticks, muk ére te, oset ee are. .on the . acelt ba4 beau founialuted IwholeNortkWe5<, vii.have lpot baud, Tht.. thouaad couerte, led by tarenc uap <the wiattdMbanuult lioame. or do at buv", D ulip, U«Il. Hu- palenta, lu dei.ndln ga.r eurcla,. ?er. * tin e t . fox terrier lias rguat- <lette Cofws ergtfths edtp. , munred. - MW ÏOlit vaswuJude f LUn- A" 4 The orat rdeiîaosigraphie acrout dly got the "sujmet demi <lie MDI...t LatFbclaithé, Orldf5 Pair, A5fte sii. auaesalaSi U a lias beeL IISee, wvltlb. uouailmet, and seema Obbag, aaiSuerbboie FUX 5~bought te Chefo. bp s a tve Chislt»a la gletp In bis maelelvous aet. ,.,, ~ NhbhILiL a ~ estier uo cesped froxathea bloodtbire- Wbptber the "fat dog' wil1 learn tu tiean e Omaa, N ..la . t oMslu btera. H. lataisa the foloir 4M*<taiptatlt uc< m ia'ramirle ne- 11112%0 nire.Nlaaa ase lasT 1 SfetI7antd.NtIOB IaZ. gaory: On Jla.. 3 <tromamrdera salaste b. seoe-Buffaio Exprema aaaMlra a rs O Baltaie re comaatted et meanoCo., Lia.M e 5ltultUîtf Mta, iere two ladies et<aches ele GObea -L arMW. elfi Wbea Xou Go t. PIr. theetuaeiaaefsaap aema ss Her oeewdosans.fLt*Y'P missinleaeD lving 51mle. brie Whit- WD Tpou Go t Vionîdapuasau a» basatruiml tb mtrues. a* «»maru, a"i lecoive a PW 'o f cburcb aad j Mia.seer.^MAbout M300 liez- u o tuF lot rie, you«b0cs b rublai.ite hroesotte* t« tm"Ienis ad liiogala in o e rs broke tuto tiagir eomp.und. t~~drset.aîsaa or ass alleast u The ladiessnaa*mousOtiCI~ise a~t lu Cicinati. t r emt u emt *I "Doring the. World'a Vair la Obleigo, tblet liaglatrate foc boflp. The officIai ru- Crwatnu okt o.Ibo*»hesi b atb l tap ýoiewdoi«uteazésxd ap noy ot i roethe . ..uge sud $truck hlm. fort ulait(a la cerare bot ma".kWaihlaWthu basas. I au vi1 tht1ýtogt1vol &ï1ýSv hsgv iete - dthtte sras l h ou it s.ot, r o bfiaasd w flhs..satIt1t OEl aWt au av thon: up. Tbrougi tiie counnUal boige could attsck alti, mlmatY. À crevai ci-lauroeentesmh «,bttdIImad1rsivill«U aP ~gI0 101 dDdWI etifood and rreg*lai muaei ous, And tered tii. premislea, iahithe ladies knerl droadoai. Ta are a _ _amed bp hugchamp amtt cure&,* a poot q0alitpOr oater, 1 W05 7 A&> hefore thc crowd aud Iaegged for mi rd .e a.arat" ueiahbe t< * treus eun ea UneSor vaitetult loi cenecryla C. As »Ocs as PonU s ili6 %el * 1erbà, M ob- a" leattieasefu - adM? v but they mere boatea»uMte beada miit ýWiater -touerst, tie kets Oro maasotra tsliutiaIbI .. ou atii. «trente. "Y ktbffl y e- duis. Bôme aise"tota lnbottes sud dueed rates. Why aot write mn about l i w"&ansd tous bt n e- Of t* f " 1»d t peforn thir nd ulle. bokethe. on <hetu bouda, Tic ladicas limweoar er icnait b*h ek»1sýo a. lmi ct nnctos 'stvPart aue f eho swsbatsimI Ilvd aouinnsoLanedrcltieanesdpuMiami ~ eurt eab et * smauoswL a1.st esset t bal ti è 1 ýW or etNaaaae*d v We s asle . a ay s iors t a obe obtg*<t.1box. 1 a. Pl Mr. O Pand Uli. Plgo<t sud aon, '-r. prl b u.Wlewligfrtequoie raté eadly. RamIs. il»soumet is»#mlii S46ts grai.~nved immediaté and prmamt ben- Rithen. mis Duvai aisd two daugb- .- t 00 ta t lioireu ât 1 suad tiree"bOxes, 94sutIS elbau tare ofthe Be. M. Amtrmra~ gvr ~ttes(0 aizsn ~ *RtLSN yeurs poueger. culec e rm.their hem.. laO thte mouetain.a Pmso i.OarizzgzsbuLd Ga aaae gn.Caltsl « iLae gat oi lA n 5la atbmea eetcod Themer. aeumiieret Papagos Miaeoa .oven i .c ~ frv.~ P Ittur BO MM ecacP 'f Dodd's Rlduey PlUs in4"' n by <ac Distrct mirst tdcaueld am 5des mei of soubh.n<b Arizona pTh<oer ga, wTmsks. IsMsapsk.~aimays glsdte apeak a ond in la<ougo lu chales te u Oa.t0e i. ay, «nag trouanugar. T. edetitu» A card saiaPer Who had ga'60W*Y -«-- ~ tam*their lavr. hey ver, uot peruati lit.neyincf t he more deplorai. becsie tUsseboun dei thee mass Joilla.d a aman~ "DoUa Kdncy Pillearoe mait vèm. Wm a a boyma.. Indiauis, wmb htlleaaedtUn oriItemig< f ~la aaeam de___s st lm"O.Ju 1 ttti< bue tTai- om15u Ilslavadea il<ein ceautrr mni on* ___tJtrotuw ý nownou Olà% ~~A Deaers, 50 cens bx. qOn Juee 9 tW& na8deslia bousles y-areasi. id for gageratleas baveal a temsere auat«,molii ~ duasa.wlkts he exreptuion etahiU mlssoeii es lf.oupportteg nations. anrtaedd tobe laimse inf uias-qsrd t -~~ t*ea0plio.miiteexetlsoflia 3eb paupet'lm aid mlomUezy hro htcacabuselsa< u eutia WI ~.? ~Graphilte. o e icl eud ieelia am caped ttu the litigalatiet missou. o e itet.sottie, Neyer before tulu »k ble, genits; l'Il beu ellopa 5 y moe W rut uisor.red la stiieisa ileedreds ofBoxera hbicrowded ttueto bistor th.eF apirsti. bave thie 5 sbattngs I mau eut tlie»acogefquaSis 1*12.wle'eon mne to sceism the homaes, and om %measmisaontls ruiies beau se desttute,gaypef pou teo sldaiud ia7Madmi > fl h.unmiebo, ies tougit thteir may titreugithe crowd gais_______ 7101dd33,000 liu-dre&Welibt <if inPl mas tert behtnd. 5h. plended fer bec IIV ETOL.MU. oft *-as pou hhke," aLt <le màelima fhe e cilite. __________ lire, but,alter loting the bouet hep pOmtddstble yak, vbleh ho ipu*0'l ~... p~tiXa31t101. sct lire tu it sed tiifsm ber labu the Vive Chia.se emaaria.Disctarea tovamd a colored ilctm, *lao as't Moves thc boe ehoa du. la ordei Thamslnre ie ea osa P a atiebeuseo 400 A. B.. 1acc<t i ssbol'<p a m lem te ble helthy iisla aessry Actae i ifoarnsfl siridy.a aabi.ba lcose irugtsus beln, a»d thon pilesi thon atue ti t1elvr ted ldm . Cures thé Baptlst mimaise. bat on Joliy Ob the h adingotbetercdamié1 at. .am i(U __ ~price.25 a" '1r_ govereor ordered héem ail to corne tuebhs how that the Mongolens dlacorred =e abit..t sttoci ii.bis ae ami ________________ pamen eider the piat«asetiat i. e ied- Amerlca la th yeux, 4W9A. 1D. Prom lsyckcsa iaogi t ~<~~~mtaJt5llstapi5i GoSiof lgblinaS 00W00. ed te escont tbesm sseIfte tue couai. hablesaucees Itl la aruod that lb. sub' 1*00w"m traitai gold. torn lstanice. la 4Uhbnctuy ver .errouuded bp soitrs. These fonm- lova: "Naw, pou hal't Detier," qul5<ly b tii M» I aui redder tian tbtt frntCalfornie. The cd a large cet-le. s&04ia Otb Cincle liai TvranLia, a Claes. eachetar. lu asld the. darkoÉpb. *ning. . -1fte - 6au lit I lVrai god la the reddert fou" aamp about thirty Boxerasmee rl ted te cousc, a reeeut earch a ainuithe musty officiai O apads la up jarps.v-sd-OU 21W &" b bMié . e hMOne ,y one the mlsaioaries were dragged recorda of Chines. broagit fertb an te- lsaWeeklp. oboe ïm tutheeener nd etto Plecea. Ti nconiat or tevoyage ort liu lSeant Mr w nVom mUta uTo CURE A COLD IN ffGEM VAT beada ver. piiccd la baskets, muté "vusang" (Mexico), viiere bc tort Av* 4ii .4 uK 0» iyTa" .Laxative Brome Qunine Taihda. Au mer. heng opuseatills. About tcrby miasienarlea lu nhest ar499. limai Theq royal armasienaietWoolmlc ont- dr flt.rfudttemoayltltfil&t.4U. utive Chiltianam srebufledaut te mare Sha aaled iront a port of China long Ploye about 15,000 vogiome Md s ai o gag W m,, e goveaimalarwO e Ou'oeébl 200. lama.Ti.hiem0lag daY teD BOr thai lb. at te<Kamchatka; tienes bis ut-forty Ma.luitorolm uvp T1.a«F 1sc.arie f ia! Catiolie prlets, chkeN French. vetO tue bath sklrted tic Aletia (Fox) li _________ Th a rnisol i ied ln the same vip. anda, llually reachlang Alaska. victo b. Our brs*aat L4 bout is«uM..flu go, ~s g la t,400 mllea lu iengti, an sumas se dis or s tf he tblrty-tbree forelgu- lauei.. - caleai.bacaae l vasdls~ie~dOi l.enaklled mere paed.-le wooden cases _1...ruag Alaskia, Uthe madebue-.B tot roat day of St Fraucis, sud ablbuzbcd InthUnB*pitty. Tiie lIitdemi thaicfell. lMexico mas fimaIl PIITEAX PADELBU Di flu. t cipbc lIed, beslde tisseslveaedy les, ,,,h«& wh.miareticlttie expcdtloî of piwes Clira for Consoptiolae la ulW 110 <s cfwcoin ludm55tii. sabut an wlauesfcoroa u st iowe. la: M. Soks aid orli.. rive maomules Iaarded. Tbes isi oi- talile medjciflete, ceu aosvia. WOM indSutberesentandbriliestcolrt r. teroc4wisuad threa ciirdaa.M. anis mde tiemalre telt luUn enuda IN. W. afnsuel, Octaa oravl% K J-.,l <if 511Pkn.Un ie 5<iI artiie, mite and tir..eeblidren, Dr.'- civlisation or Un natives. As toinla17, looo_______ The. average man cotusuaabout Lovlttb aid ite ainaione. d M1.lr. sud ltedlspatéestrou, pekin, tempet me ,1.ou<RIhad t slxty ounces oi mater or ohler fluide Per belit and te luhabitauts oet mbat la uov o.l ou mblý su, dey. Mexico sud Lever C3aliornie. mire lu--ltue la ooe et Une grata tulmioda et _________________________ tlated line the alaident fait fthe Mou' tis W5<, gollan. China et that tu re vs ten xhesd oeth reat t othU e ri ta the théT-Q U I-Aer.e arts sud sceaces. Tha e ialonartes TheOesmM0crsanundoebtedip lnstrncted lb. natures lu Lt- morkeai O aul ln Balte, sapaGeneral Ter Aïm ."Aeitecture, the tashioning ct instrumients Lelml leArmyan Ld 1<aVi JOuniL et wUUs WU ~ -n at end aeace, and the art ci painting Tbep sec.i te, be drlDaIg aid traii and decoratlng. i Uir men troam dame te dusit.COertai- r 0 .njdf~T~- Ail tbese sigus remaîn lu tic ruin a l Ily tliey bai, vrery itte letaute and Dot s.....5fP~id1? Mexico and nelgiiorins sections., csrnb- prfty mm sd graodliifoiofetytag 1 pffll wle 1S Imueb lame toe me. OuWo tiie reul est.4le M. de Cliarnay'm 'Aucient Ctiezu m eit bj y plain-U aui ipM i.has I 0f<il bad mn l butsu ram cf________________ - iof tew Weid." of t,000,00ord ou e houau aied Ofth Tiiegreatest passible tntetest la sttacb-- lu teedapa me p eecta tic uaWite-»0 tIexui4l OM la 4ndis e etaeteqatthe. natives ot Alaska tell of the appear- manersandeomqlameeGera"suce centuries ggo- et a straige peuple l isas -g-r la reyilpea nim ar. eilg irnt ana-off land. lTh. relles î,,fmï *<ss aw ê m sa- of orne progressive reta are spread' allie " Isd lfssm - l 09 Cbaruay. Thathbclatided lnAlaskat ., dmBt«masfrot mailieeia#7IÉi-~ recorda round iy Mai Twaa Lin show, - h o la roa aa t1u* . :%omise" 'tor thceridencu la tiat limaI Shan re- -oF «tmt o" 111Il wtcreed iront lis voyagelasitai es». w~Ceuio as aile te write ot it tor.tie beneît c âl0fm mmr - ~~~~ ~ ~ . Ls egraIw. rO .b r. Si V impson INCREASE IN DEAD lETTERS. e and Dr. 11111r !Wilson And vite. hit . Amosat NmuanI tOPaenit Mor n Md leashu.pnquooy a n , ~ ~éoimih&l ara.a. alan teported tiat inanad around Tal- fer prerlous Tsar. o T141 ly aryuen nier 300 native Cristlana have Tie annuai repart ofthtic aperlnteu ViltfI4a aleH,<EThcOThl.b. dent of thc dead-Letter ofice shawa tie A Tom o Viitu aàLrs.The mission ofthtecAmerlau board, et large luerease et total receclits ot ande- 'ln A om thelaeaea.muet Seakr sgntm f Tai-Nu, escaped bbc iraI i.teaiaty et the lîîered maiîl mtter nier thc prevloea Tien. ta realuy but on, Pl-c <ugeierai sttack aiton toreigmens, but on jean et uearîy -10 pet cent. Tic number vorld viiere viollus an. made extensive- ly8, W oer atckd h msso e leces ot matter reeelved front ail ly.. Tiut place in Marintacbea, ovibh premimc. Tic menibers et th. mission seurces vas 75GPaant68,W lis. st urroundni illages. Tienire -ai- firsn ee .W.DdG .Wi or the precedini year. Leltersanad par-,5 5 ~' Mt ta bieDabots1,0 epeire ~ ~ ~ m, lMr. sud lIra. D. a. Capp, Mi"ceal cd fer Postage nuanbered 144,019, togeher bout15,00 peple ivin à" »dbfl wmpw nuw. ovent, Bird and MisaeuPartnidge. ad tos. riadrected 422,793. Tic em' o ii 1" A& <len. vie do îeting but make violina. Tic lbree mca reimted by gaina enouhebero ltes n arcecîs Opcid vaL6c' usTic iniabitaita, fro tiheUtie ureilu mU, sae a roois and Irlut ipon te ticcovi. A îem lier ofIit ieta s a thtrceiser» sc«nM>10 tte ioad gray-lieaded ma, the sasl *,as ,Boxers mere kiled, butathe ammecuni 6601.a nrea irtepecdn oh.nsalt.fr.u gIlai h ca rudutir Ilaeran cet ad thcmiaioudle ye.ail pear of 9% 4per cent.latekh am frw« èngaged luàuabit gsein, Part et a f54- seau iicleaded aud thein bodes tiromi e of mere 30,3and ters contaag au «mt << thelisb oflgs <1h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~into tbic ames o eicluilg bouses. gregatot410.adlteacnli Unssi l Ope0 de. lu -ig drafts, otes, Mcney ordcra, etc.. or ___________cnt ta Piecoe t tb.ordik. the face value ofi$11,645. Foriegn .1«tmeboý T27y 0A5L-.0 1'P r5 awrn.Oi .Tic brade mere ail takei.t laTalyueu lJettera aud parcela rounad undelîctableý à evem»» bay éAirjour Groesn to-dtp tée how puy and expe.ed as tie otieri hai boqu. One sud returnea te coontries et origlu nula la jtkg t Ues bu pltet coffl". hnndred native Chriatant " rc lied at bered 60W.412. rial:tha< <mte lc fofe ho lsame tn e Ain nMission at________ l'. bldrn aDa ali its. u utrli' euciowfll ie oebeto a- POSTALSERVICE ESTIMATES. uissatsri,~Si Is a I GRAI-O bas hab ieb &ol -e, a ceettc mi>lbtn.1in buretMachs or Java.,,bothI l bmieaith the hretert and Dlabzhht Maistatse (Ileg Witt Bs AsikeSformau Appr,-lIsJhsay itiias su a adeLtPadben kindly dispeaed tu<o reigeierb. puuooSltOOO recelit 1< lthoutdîstras. The memrs of etthe mission proment Po-1n'lChattes lmory e tbc pticesof affe. ic aid 25e per vere* )&t.and Mi-a Atmstez aed tvcSih -llll!ILilae o esb p.admt. Sld baIla-- Shii we ebidren and M.and Ma -W-Plemtted toCeai il aitku a cI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i UtcmtnaUBDtyniu.. ~ ~ sdson. Tiiere mer. ails.probant rneaegregate of about $p21,000,00 as lie ap- lot te fii aIiltLiui i a.e loI r bers of the Swadisi m"oabuMn. sudpropriatuon for the cutîre srlebfurez lb. - - Ths 'iý 'te fml Mesr. Laagreia, natuaslhed Amuau ilt-' lacai yesr endlng Joue 90t 1902. TItI puilsbment lu lbh Qliurcli erEnghifld, Tu qesion fflu gensailansd MimesEldred, au 3neluh lady. ,inchudes an estielate et $850,000 forth sai.ý bas beem pynouuiied by ti. Busiiofe every damLtt nterit e <to.4#y. Tu7 Up te Aug. 13 noue of tics. vere mc- rural trac dcillery service. BI! UnYoclosey Lttcbdeld agaluata lerimailconvInt- lestcd, but lb. pretcct 41.4 sudS the gui- orfibisa Isesiyear 4,300rralec dciv' ta __ e _a__ mc-tau l ypab yrut-s1-roeb "q ticCnl<dat*-