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Lake County Independent, 21 Dec 1900, p. 11

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RkN~iS NÉOROJ~S. vegs~ppe~ ~aadkoe~ moommd&* ~w b~ *y sari, sud mat t t mors oct et .1 ev~ CO.Prope. Tal. 0 ~ sirigitîs as men? tuîA ltt of where ist lu a car $dtramped ail ove,- my femt If XVd been a Mau I would have 99!a.i..Oîn-0 Try Grain-O! 7001 Goecer -t-day te show yo0 à ,à OSAIN?. Oheb ,scsyfood WOU tde a duits. Ail who 1,-y iL. GRAIN-O bas that rlch "asi «f Moeha or- Jaya, but it is made 4 -,» julpins, and the mont dlei ftceives It wlthout d i. treg. 0pelas of coffe,. 15e and 25e jver Wi Sld by Il racera. v'OM>t[w1II hae frsnk wtbj you and ae- 7>Ïwlodge that yors do uotIlike mauy SIknow, astse 10 lK' perfection. Ne~o; but t'in lery near Il. 'gargLoada to Oomuapion. 'Baam WlIi top te congh nt lbe"%. to your drugglst to-day and gel ik idW bottlie f-ee. Sold ia 25 and S ff ttlem. Go at once; deiays are dan- '"t woüld Cupda srruwm ha wortb wfut beaux? CASTOR lA Carter's Littie Liver PIIYr Muet Bere Ir....ure of &W AMM WsseeOm. - .Uuuwss m SImm U M ROIIl tie x1 e 1h. sa fctil àiali e s $ a SolO its diaies es LaguhtB.s 25cetsumd 60 ma. bat Shalh We tve for Dessert ~yu L at u sans een it to-day.ef o arss i th fn Mdu suébalthfui dessert, h ýtva minutes. No boiling I ot a md !boiîing ater- and set .. 'nuLmu Orange, Ra ,Sud Stravitarry. Gel a parIî !Ftg rsatto-day. so ets. 931MOI SYU ïaS SURE4d ~0Eoem R*ues.mst s c 5 ,00 CHNAp HOME ?Ioipsou NE :cblevement.sof - -the annûeentb century ,a. brugit forth by a revica sestu almost 100 grealfor lie .pehena on ofrtahe hman na. Througb the telephone lte b sas a ie apans a Ibousandr miles as easIly as the distance a(r.is a quiet &ad narrqw Street. The t\ legrspb and cables bavte I oued te peoplie% of lihe serli la as qaîrk commnunicalion au mi e tht' ishais [tants of s towshipu. AÀ'lisit dre yeas. go Wasbhiîgtoa lb. greâtest figure of the rentai-y, diad and was huricîl. before te Congres. of is co;nrY, 200 miles dimtant, could he appriaed of tis enmd snd uotnutous event of bis dealb. Were t sow, lbe wold would bave mourtted wlt..btlb, epubli, wsilisin au itour after ber illliitri on t son isad bresîbri bis lest. Si,- Fran- cia Drake immortalizrd ' bis nsime by being the firas man ta ci,-- cssmnavlgate the gloube; - -11w the railcoai and te steel slesmsiiP moite te Journey a Short voatiûon trip. Then the llghl far- nlshed by te rotule, the pns kaot or teaol of the spernu witale were the aalY; aisero man la th darkness utfaigbl; Dow eieclrii'ily, ose ai uatsre s on mosulleand mysterioua agents, la ullisei 10 make the night almnont as brllaut asute day. Tisestise woria of Mlunirions personage% serre daum- slIy rècorded on te prlnted page or on wrilten parcisment, and notable deeda acre onlY i-nsghty sketclsed; nas e nt only words. but te tances and Islectiosaofuthlie hussan voire, cati bt preserved on tht' rolîs ot tht' phonograpit, andin teesgt'. ta cam te greal ai-torgi-s li as' lite drama msy ha reprodaced in fortu, testaure and action fromtu he flImsofthtit knetoscope. We cat i lIe and &aoiste ln the Past only tbroagi thle Imagaation; fture generations wiul listes ta oue voces as they were In lite antî,.se us ln action as sce lived. In aIl lines of houston endeacar te pi-agi-en of tbe rentai-y issn een phennutenal. No lire seems ta have taggei or iteen neglected. The st-ies of tracresbave liceu long in itathemts .Invaranrp, .bath ti-e and lire, tnusic, ltIera. bu"e, medicine, law. lheology, agriclture and ail the siences. Thte mellioda of seartare ons botb land sand noter hava beau revolutlnslaed. On te v.stpr teim has rake thie place of malts. metal inteasi of ood la tird la thr buildinsg sf lt* mis, and lbe paddle ',heel lias paa,ei toi- the acrew prapeller. Titese changea hase caasei a giest advasce ta the speed of the vessels. T'ree basxhen 5asonierful Incresse in lise i-suber ad power oi tht' gens and lu their rspiiity o! lire. rtbe sare use ot high enpittsres lian brouglit tht' fleetlittle torpedo hoast mlotise as ose of te ptricial teatures o! naval warfare. On land te bren-t lasiing, rapîd-i-e gens have cssmpeled radical changes in millllsny actîr.rThere are nou nmasaci formanlss i d.e, oiîmns sch as.serre hsrledais ac sh alter la the lait aidprecrîlitîtcenturies. Modern arme bave compelledi akîrtsshîîîg lises asd open orier tormsalions. If alliances and srbitration atsal maistain uiversal pre IIinlaprobable tai the futuore nars on landîl sstchaduels betsseen iseavy aso ig tigsartllle-y. adit silI sot bie surprising If thse naval cotalicta sili take place ta s great extenl buealb the surface ufthlie usten. Tht' pracitca- bii'y0f the sbarlse boat hia alreaiy bren iemon',tiatrd andi ome of te leadîag govertamens o f lte sorli have ai. ready osderei tome of these hos tsha ýcoistctacteul for their stvses. 're itesldeat dresrofaithe last rentîr "v iîd ttt imagine the scblevementà of the prement. and thongh uîr dreamsansd predîcltis for-te future eerm estrRvagaat. ytlnouone cas even faintly antirlpst' shal asother century aýil brlag forth. bInbe losing years o u t etpt'sieb utîr e lrhaîts sur successors an titis ato ai the tuverse mn. converse wlit escb nîher titrougit a spsre ailfaîr of mu nia-a ibhout te use of selru.se ili sec rompreased ai,- takc the place ni mlemon astite rallronds; liqui air torrdins the hîulers of salmariae vesgels t to rnish the maive poseer for an oceau voyage; nabîhps travelinig long dista.'nces atly aendl ioner pet'net rI-ai.stagi ,tesediseaset eradicaied tîtrougli a eosnplete itnoateigr of te ti-eotii ut ai the germ.sehîic ase theai; crime greatly r'eirced biy te geur' aI and skilitol zwanIaiand pitysîcal training aof'-hilduen sttrgu'ry rediire 10 a minimums bthesi- iofdeatisliy accidents sud orrni r troubles; elactrlcity rai-iy photos avec tise a ire as it noseriries the Intters of lire alphabet, andi nte quietlss of thec siglit lb. atronome,- carry os a coversati ýn a îb an astranomer of Mars trough a ytetu of giant electrie flaahes. ONE tiUNDRED YEARS IN OUR OWN COUNTRY. SHUNDIIED years ago lise giest majorlly oi thse people of the Unlted Stsates lîvesi mîmot withln igisi ai lb. Atlantic. A few lsoadrei thon- @and&m o! adeenturonas elîlors itsd pressedsm-osa lise Allegbanies. Ken- tucky with 220,9M5.3 utabltantrlanad Tes neasea eit 105,602 initabitarsîs had iteen admlllei la the Union:;tse leriitory sot' tof tise Obio, ulit 45,365, seas ambl- tiou, for Starebood: Iodlas Tt'i-iito'y itai 5,641 lsbabilanlmsud tbe ltritoi-y of Misissippi 8.8IO; but te real ot the I PIIU l 5,308,483 bitiants of the Union. dts- covered by the cemusso! 18f00. lay ta the Mmi.. seant o!fte moualsins In tise lands oi the original tîirîrra States, and tbe inreats, inhabites by fSerce and walitke Indiean ribes. covere te gi-saler pari s! tht' [AS » Ne F~ ares o!flte countl,-.'TeMississippi boundei te Union an te west; autht' mentui, the terrilorles oi Spainshabt It off from, teGlfItoct Mexico. Thte mouth of te giest river asa In tht' banda of aîlen.an ite Western settiers rouIlFOR oat their praduce ta te ara onty wsen ltey patd tribute te tite Spaniaria.'Te jur s tertitory aorte United States. Ia 1W0 eovered but 827f44 square miles. Tir tJ( I~EUxL day te Union reacites froun Porta Rire on the tesst la the Philippine arcitipel a gaoM sonthe seest, tromth ie frozra aresu on ltse norlis ta Key West, te e blati 3IÂ,TIE lisne, Haweaii and lb. Sulu% un the soatb. lut 1803 Loaîiana bai camee rta t, Po, session et France, sud Nmpolcou sase the fntlily of sltemptlsg teitld Il ag15t,1the ira posern af Englani. Besîdes bie neede'd noney, arnd Jefferson acired the ppartonity to aid thiIs dumaîn ta lis. Union et lise pri-Ie of$1.0.0 Ou tise heels ai Ibis ptrcitsse Jofferson ent as expetiion under Lewis snd Clarkte wbîch confirmed tille 10tiste Western prairies and gsve as Oregon and Wavh lngtoti by rigisl ni exploration and accu- potion. Tite admission of Texas loie the Unioys aiter thte Arueria immigrants loto titat tee-lIi-y bâti conquee Inde- penience frontMexico. sided tat demain 1tateUnted States, aud thre uic wiîb Mexica hrongbt In Californie. Neyaia. Utaht, Arizona snd New Mexico and Parts of otir te-lates, Alasa bougitt for $7,500,000. Hawaii came lu mach as Texan. PortaoRhita, lie Lsdcows ansd lise Philippines are te Witt of te Spanis aitu,. Tise are& bas more lissa qtrsdrtaplei. Thse 82,844 square miles bave lucreased te mare tisas 3,733,11W. Thte population bas growne t a more rapi ratetan tise inea, te îwelftb cessts howing & total o! 76,295,220. Tise 5.308483 luhbitante of 1800 bave mulliplied, by naturel incresse, immigration sud Canqaesî, by ove,- fourteentintesc. Tbe Increskse o!f s'alt and production lunltii United Ststes isbecs anven more citsractt'rlstic of tise cenrary titan theitilarease lu ares and population. Tise average wealthIn lu1900 vas Ç200 pet n initalst. Ia 1890 lit va.. $1.00. Wisatishe veala la4 ta day cassoaI hlie asn until lte cnusua elrsoth is year are puhlitrio One of te mantI notable adeasces orthlie cents,-, han becs made in tranisportation and c9mmtsrirsatu. It is Dottono muc aris sy hat it ls Ibis sivauce tisaI bas made tise United States of to-day poasible. Mssila Is neorer te Washington. messurei hy tise lime o! transit, than wss New Orleanss abet Jeffet'son bougitl Leainiss Newssout aat han happeued iu te Philippines sn read titrotgitunt te United States s fese houm afler Il is taîkesl o! on the orets of Mauilî. A eectoi-y g It oit twn isys la go tram ,Newe York îu Philadelghsla, hy tise tasteat stage Ingol nther. rI baook six daym ta go trins Boston la Newe Yorki. A journal ai a trip frotu Boston 10 Piilairîphîs in 1810 slions tisaI lie journe, caverai uins dayî. Irot, Baltimore te Washigton lu 1812 lonit s day amda a lai. The josrsry arrosa UseAtlianlic wam couaulealrapld if it wms maie Ila"enea sc it, sud sometimes Il oit titres montits. Nae ene auga frao San lFrancisco ta New York ilaourfat,-iyx.'The tctegraph andi lie telepisone enablel us ta rommnnicste ssilh peraonsa s lbusstid mit" a.wa as eadily au. e con communicale vitit the man atte other end o!ftae city. Thte world is grassn aralt titan tise Unitesd Statem o! the elgiteesti triy, sud te people of lise vitle country tre knit more rl use y tuîg,t.le' tsas titi people o! New York Stiste aàisnired 7.0,-s ago. î8oi-Chronology of the Century-î901. 1801-Jeffet'soeleeted Presideat hy este 1843 Buale HllI monumeat deilltraie... tru et ._FuO. bu ti su18t. Louis ras r o!fit theH..assedsI latgurtiied ... .War do- Castl»serala daylîghtt l1ed. lrei agattîst Tripoli. 1814-Josrph Stmit.dMormona, tatidereut lit, tll un rtet iue lelrpopinei . (;v 302-Sîsaîn ceici uot ularanc..... TrIegrapi Ise opeared bet.evi .5 anhi.' ,ertulacal uacuiehei arut swhisky rasas. Ohia admlted. 10..sdBatiîor- 8;13 îcsroauî,îî 'a.ccri... .- bu'gI.titaahsht fot-mFisuce. 18&-l'aIS isaogarated ... Tesas asae.rd mniI ssii s b .ci ou 'hladepiia... 2804- Adoptios aor the t ,.lh mmaeaimest ai-i aimnsv. . rinu&aadmîtri. Co-io adaItt'i'd te thte îossiiutlso.... Buri-Hamtlltua 184&t-.Wi'altit IdMesîr...i. Sratag machine 1877--itapeia.sgoroleit . oogeaph lue duelI.. . V, tsl hîle c hIi bora1. laCiraga trtd. ...lusea aditu1r d. ventes . tsl I"ta s ay chies. '. r-JtrmsalaUgr&adi. .. . Poscaer b t4 auaeap aestlaIs lt.se. M178 Eictrlclt, Irse(sslIforst,,ee l ight. litesIIeh 'rIj1Il. a54-Mexto. as eu dsid Wc a"-i lg 18b6-aSorrtan&ce b at r .spîraCy .. Flrst mire'd. igr ugprasI.. brdge 1870Utrr mttinuielspecte parmtenta itie Salasntai-metopc.ed. tîîu .adilîîd ta pt'artce ta U..kg. 807SFi li,., ttmiiut aarendsatte Hudson. lrt-Tsrlor Ilasaguaseur....Tht' clolersro In., IM(i-Congt- e nseresi te Prlestir t. ShgelIsuu e.th esa h.wed 0,150,785 Pp.p la. at r.y saliat 5,-are .... Art pr- Iit2 talîtia dmaIttrdi tclt.n -uosul ni.sî.an it9Lhllgs»tasd earrati- si .gsett.nilitire sii i ItItitt Is sgnrvted. ehol ity Gsltean, ~ tOItMadsn Issagurater. psoa.... Seseati resua .popilti1o ,,,.untsuci "u Y A r:ht l1--T.led ceussshowerd a ppulation ai 191.HM.a-n L es it a- rIusci.. .tGotuea .- 1.23851 801Pooisge ased aI thrreencot s.. ecuS.. eul Edmituwo e ltsed. Iil.1-altle of Tlppecanoe.. .. .Firatstet.àm- ranse.o hrned. tSio Br..,s.'y 0 bidgr .pcned ....Sitar iRoute boat o« te Missalpii. 1852 -Steramer Alastr Basnk t. Laitke ,,Iprit»tî ret. ...Strikeoruteiegraph aper- 1i12-Wa,-delired agalnsl Faglani .... 185,3 Iernationalexpsition IntaNe s et ators. la. Erie Canal pt'jected. .. I»ustsana admit- ...atd-,ti pataeeffreteit <1 tuv-l .otrtMots Iu Citlas-atli.... Dises- -& lid. Fort tietritorsimassacre. 18514- Steatoshlp Acclîr bat setit300 -a.l. Iranslns1. bth-l1ia esiieyý :»à lil--Madlaaan'. second Iluapiat... hlatr couipr.am at coral d 185 -Cleveland uigrld. rcn ai Coeu dl moeieiln Peausylvanl.. Fry181-Niagara hridge rotupleuci ai i-n u'.t en ..tits tshrt re. dte def.sted BrIitsietl. train Crr d. SteO. tt atîysa. biSqua, e<5îtI C t'- U14-Washinglos israci h ythe BrIitish . litit-teamer ParIr a st.... Polilîcat l'.- n .,ih aacit Orre....Kl"t il. Ohen tr.aly igna... lraIntlacomalîe tsrharrs la Katusas. . a ihtsiarsmt. h orýthqse a t o raai, 857 -Buchansn Issagsrtetl. . ..ot.al tasno, S. C. lglr-BLtt siisaed ai Nev Orleas....,1 desdose aas=. . lnlla iR. 1897-sevrnanerirhlsstas agedat Chicago Wsn wilb À40rs . .. .Puerait bouti-t tiresiScotdec aio aBriy S. Ives & C. !sîes. umai. 158--FInI submaria'e cabie message... tiott*ç',rra atsrîhe ai îîomrstessi.... Chrsess t ? lli-il ILb anril: 'ected... r irai proteri Oscilaai maIlt _ote siîtahcb.t hen ieoîaîsat pausel tr hta;r ia =iisu ..ldlana admittert. t. luIsi s ieu rll'Hraat tseaalolsrIsn loatgiratet....Gi-est fistut U7 ono...Milstispi ai- aditted. a oslu. h stlu o.î nrly nied.... Semtauole sat.' * 189 -Oeî iotr sl-otB. .an t o n son..Tahucime ts ahl 21IB-Preentt U.,S. fag designasppt-oved.. . h dsr.n a itd.. .uto . Otn ditd Ty> tIllinois adtattled. 16-outh Carolttsa seceîîeî thttces tal- le eeth eraa omioeeti ..e 21 181--Spots ce"Isi rrda 1, 11lS_ _.lerI i -popalalin 31,.41,121, popssi o. ....Cyclone s isaro, tan botadary dispute settîc... Alabama 1861 a LincolnIs as gti-aiel... Cinteiesse ttslsbaaiote Ituum a dmittd5 Congrei s sesmrse...Isasea.m aîitîîî Idsaoand Wyoming admuttted. 2â20ý.FIourtit Crea aiens aitaîg .61il,.COs!ed*nte States snlril d .VF)rt laitPI iaastraltela lnNewe Orliansat'e- I2ppîton... Missouriet riulse umten ti-ed upo . ... CiIil whr hega.... e.Itd lIn rnrhlag outllan. hl asd.o.. hiain. admitled Federal routi: n t "lI Esa 1892__Unassaatihent ItnNese Yoi-h.... Colm- MIi- ont.us Iau.grled.... Mssoari ai-rIel--Sprele payments uapeadedi.... Gcen bluta haitllaîtr. uns milletShh cs nerd . . -hîsay Important ilillari-14y le od lantglîrated ... C,utunat no 12Z-No-tiern hotiadary agi-ced spas setis attplga'. Ni totandsitMerrrIsoc os espoa ttlon 'd antci l'Sti.... Behring Se, et to Eland. sagemenrit. iZe s't Vilgislaadmuttuici srltirs i-rpOrtettlis ai- Huraa Loup. -Montse dorine pracîalmed. 16 .son tîslalsproctatý.tialon 'ioî.saslît ms- 4--Tenth.pretidentiaî elecîlit cresulturi Iss i . Caiupllg.sh y tirant aidiiHkrr a'.a- -;ee. ab rltseup thlie aiChicago tage linane Chaire. rulmtatut la iidefeal ai Cofnirraurs aIet iouquel< b regalar iîaporlti-ha jSfS-liotisecitaie Adamas for PrestIent.... Gctt iiurg...Noatii ai t ase îîssei C i xc> a arîy .... Fore3ti tirea ln Misse Th,-cshtng uehasraie it 1e 86,_-1t ioo st1e-,io ergcaiatt-cii ul ioa 382-A ati5 suac ir t'IIla soceral Eastern tiaird 5raniud RIlihai ni .. Cutlfpo-ta1!.'. tot('tosrooslunhou sutAtlantal.. S States . irat ai-roaai ulît la Massa t scialud aifuirta iîsuroyeti.. .etr etconaa.os uco la. die- chutteîissa t mausrsrcht.utihe ses. ,erat vloai aaus.t..... 1827Paper ltnt maude of sri-e. o lstttd. SINuo(joli iîscasert.(tls the EloajIlir 128-B. &4,t)1, ahîotih tsd îsi 1801 Itsî-ois sgsls nligirsi9i, atuaais t triycosos ait SIL,î,is,,, u so l hrriis p machine lisern-i. tc-1 liY Boott. su-diticl' y Jîîhtuoîo, ot .Uatslîîu 1tJsritvo. lnagrate.. .. Seret'ai1t. L's, utrrruîtu'rsi tSarrruuiri tilt d4iras. asaces. ltt Isll rulusi ic. Aizintl" - MKar i snan aeua UIss-tI1it oa ..edhs n12,856,161 popn rslIl,uatîuI,'l t loctila..n.u I -ex~atlio t'treay sigtiu- il .... .Latîae,- Itt n.... -teopes cstse lto. oc. 181Aiîstaîoclueî nîîuyr-al t'utu, odu. îiiynnce'Iffn ... Aalu ct. P hlalrpîîi. mt tost i i.he.struitIîout art pts-tA iilîls t u-i il uo bat tu-ti. m. 181 s'raI aicce attl etr peratre. ..mots. ,et'i N.lr.,t I n,ttedl .... Fui'. ,t iuî ttr' iIesý ts e d eitate>tap. .. . t - 1.. ,pi;- Itlr-r T , u , I ii' Iioyed iuy rti.i i it ea tloi dS lsrîvei-ed. .. It'iaihorse car I unî, n iIoii i .' iri s. Nîrît itl uii lcloeýnti scluc, ol i t i- ia f.t opr e q.g 18535- ,lshsslot ..st. . UCi-tImu' tai titth Ca-îIn ti. r ..il'.itoa od h ttoie t'.11tauu i h ftd-te' t .oul.. 1834-. tuuottet mshr.tai-sttrlo1.perîu u riire î.alotit,1 rik Ils ri) Ir t.ii ia tr csutl 185Giest tire la Newr Yrk. Second Sain da, issttîît. iîh ialuonitîi cut it-- jJ.a- ..sih- ilu. ea-.18611Grasl Isaîgîîsn îst lr ittItur tt,.i.Sîîýnnîuth îîuuîlrîsIo. ulu rua. iSt-e I lcarCd indepeoi.ase .... Asti. tisniasi aputnît ttîBa-,s otitOît o s553 îaarry agiation beea lu the tNorth. -art-ietd. . . 1 îî ai slssardl ertue..oanugl nEî'îîtrr Ili '7JM13-Vas strens lsttigurted... Oi-esî San-a"Bac ridit-iy.aot'e. Cer-veriv vhwi,ru u-I San-a ..IsI, cll ..otîlc htRitaai iltled. h asl-Fiîttorsh amenistrat to îhe t'omt:ti uig. .5u Rlo Bi.,toauv . . ali oton; 1B88.a, roeae. ly IdaIne bossdst'y nos adapteir -à1iaIthceosas akea. ahawto loirs 'ecepruI.ol *Igied«> la Prt. r~ spte. 12g Ppulîtatiaoctf 8.538,371.'eribeI.idai a ttuneotna, Ili .. - rtsiW l saîi-cdaltndsuispensona 8asi isec o rr haus..a. -. Espreea lors 11Gi-est fi-e lu Uhicaca hturand Oerh1y t-'ilpleua-iegs. it is 1mW - éatxîsCangue - Popuatioln 1fàu5Msrw 1872 NaIsral que Cam. lut. Sae .. tabo, relsenai haw sd sas givra a greataai .A ... GoIl dîscevereil lu CîlIfarnaa trite lu NewYoik.... Amnesty bil l ias. IWI 141-Hrrlaoa tamsurttqý i.les!and ,. Paa",BO-ChtotàgO diCnage c rasIopessed. .. -s- tgeffeti5 hy Tyler- ..Naional banirteru i1.75-rant's I mr I nsalsu ,O. .Jay Great 1Or. l tohken, N.J 0vett Coo &Cc tlla.. -Wm ttMasoc Taxes, Omyed i itortulsud.. a d ni. tall. s»cy aulupt. satw.. -. IodAss...Cred11 Mobilier expose. .Tweifttiteens taksm, abowilapopiaie, ~ ~~~suap rtasisiil ashe «W&abh 1 -W. Qc. . U U>mlmdet Liol14,2%Ml~UU> CIaAfLER A. TOWNES. ver bai saomate ardent rraamplon thâan the lîssyr- rlitar friarsMinnesota asd bis ievoiiuttaut's,.wite metal rast bitlaa i- lritîitn tIltet the RcttuibliCaa par îy ain and tîîvslili te exception of Ni-y n. Itît'. probably iclîvrred mure sîteches tiroilIver tiîuun any oliser mau. [le ls a Ntiuuiigan man by hi-us. but lbis liedina iîn'auaa itîccu tiar. litts s-riceun îsthe Sttuite msill tîtt bc long, as thie Ict biiiire hh îcsts in J.nu;us.î seilI elect Lis rarlrîsor.l'on uts opîtoisi- ment is fron theisrGoai-ci-ndauins auy tetupoar r> CADETS LOST AT SEA. G-.e.u tig.te T,-ekett tff tht' I)tts of ilila. 'rhe ecrulln trainingisfrigutî,' titi sînîlî moiete chtiof ii og,-IY >tîst' tuiles saItha1tl ifti.î hi l uîîî a .tortu. She iirc lti,eti a iii -d Shie sas,, siiulrilî,î lura s îliîîani Iiais nsd uoiIl,'i ii Thc5' l. lîe cîrimO tîir sandrIl utitiere tt TIher kuonn las-.s 1 a i uc s hniturc Aboont torty rt'îcbcd shorur-ctîîi i nitreiL A hoaut ws alattuiibe. ut. t or iii.t-.tlafte- seard.Tht- imanirr îandîl btcf o!ictrs Of thte,eI touîtI lt rIe,lit t I îîrpoal s, gis ic ai-dors atîtîl intg tui soslt'the'ena l1tt-us lu'tuie islia. T'ey ment iows ssiilithe siu. Tic Gneisenauî na.iiilt iltt antcîg in 1>.SIte %tas 242 terl lotît, hIre oped n sa tiiireu knoto Itirarîîîuîset c'on' istri o! fosrtens 9itnt l(iiîttu brecli lou-i-a. Ina3.4-linc qtîîc i-t'a, ose hoat ai-fbeld gunidses rutorîtria tubes. titi- eauîtlîatcnt nos 461 tut ti. Swut'ust, foc tî aitîîîg botys for the na-tia nîîî Sp.rta froua the Wivle. 'lTe atleýmtsî.ubu lii fi crantent h. lu a. a ui-udcia faiu tr. 'Phcre aresabout lVO~()t.00 uhuuias In rthe Dominionoa f t'ottia itrtia o tie pîtut e serrisun fifftu tt i ,. lu a lîgiît icinhi. irîu îç. ugagri, seitt -r u W.u , iJ.haut -y sitand noîi)su ut New bYork, lîaring liera u.iiilt cartti!)iiioffa biîg hues nstuvt'. st. Josephli. lii. 5 Il !1ow Butu rxassiple lali ras idiitg pli tî archo.1 bouoes for tht' ustifloais roui tlîe rt'gîîi lai -I,.cluOîu Twsilve lutIle boys,, Cbiciigu. barri tîteir l tarma and allottiul iageonuis teolitwe off pinces o!fas i n eitc gra!tesi an Felix Machut. '7iehîlys ireîoi $31 as inch for 37 inclien of skia. Hesvy i-ai-s, ru'iî holdintg siaty passcu gers, tracelrtl eusily lbsrtysaryen mtiles in one haui ove- the Albany and Hudson Elecetrie ltaIlsey, aI te formal opeulng r-rcenlly. Thte roni la inIei-esting la that ila hlie langenI "thîrd rail" rosdiIn lte* wvend, and, althougb au experlosett, Il OMeMste b. a perect uceas. DOUIWLE LYNCiIINO IN SOUTH. IERN INDIANA TOWN. Brutal liard., af H. 8Sions, a Bartwhr .t flockpo.'t, 1. SSo. Ave.gel-B. Rowland esud J. ne.derson Are Tabe« fr.-s J.11 aud 1.. A moli of 5100mesn, rr sbîuotuîg Jus Izenderson ln bis teI ,og is hod i ta the court bouse yard anld lîrr obataîuud a confession rrom l"raok las aauh etritegt-v, that heasol 1t1(n1irson acditll cd Il. S. Situons. T'by thia bang h.oth availues nid riddlri tht',, boail,,. wit ballete. Sunday mroiag at 1 :30 ai loch, asIl S. Situons seas gotsg nomu liibarbet shop ln Rocliport, lad . to bis home. ite was wayla.id by tseo nùriuors and brutally murdered. Sisîticion pouaterI 1 the tseo nt-s, Frank IRowlandt and "ditu" I'lr'ia Tbey bad bren sen a t'tbr the - cing ltrforv. tcn'ra baifor- naerly ber- a porter attd bootbla, k ln Si- Mon"blai-bs-r short, and bai bers dis- clai-gral soue timea or r ,,-prtatblevlsg. Blooditouvias wr-rtelrgratîhrd for and put on the tracli VWitb thîir assistance botb urgi.ea s aniiîiitisd locked ln J"i. Misen dariunrs, c un a niob o! 500 men gatber-ci. sairotidr.l ther jail, broke Into il witb pila uani iron iba, abat Henderson te dratlinlahi'. cr11, sni Usen tok Rowlandatndstthe' lîtriria bodly lota lte court bouse yai-d. 'l'ere îbey tird a rope arouni Ilos.lania vncktRowlaond hurrieily confýeacthat lbe and llestdr- son had murdered Situons t,îr bis money. RLoslani and the dead bod) of He(ider- on were then cIi-ung ap to a lree and volley aftler volley irotu aholguas, psta and Winchesters flred Jnto the swaying bodies. Situons was 30 ye.ars nid, a gond citl- mennand a paputa,- mati He bad a wie and two amaîl ciiliren. Hi. wife la crazed wiîb grief ani may dle tram lths whsock. The apeedy capture o! thse men waa duse 10 the~ prompt disclosure or the crime. A countryrnan bappentiri u hagoing slong lise street on bis way homne where lhe naurdered Man lay and hen1d terrible blow. beiag desit Sinisas sNith clubs. Ha gavelihe alarra sud tht' negrora made for bitu. He sas'ed bis san lite by putlng apuato1 bis borse and gallopiag t tise main part of lise lawt. ss-ere he smt- mond a posse to the cerse ot the murder. Simuons was founal deai, in a pool of ilood, i. bead heatra loto a jelly. A itvy bar of Iran and a large wooden club hai heem usesl. SENATOR DAVIS' SUCCESSOR. Chbarte. A. To*me, Bili-ite, A apoinlest b! ltae vrnr C'harles A. Ttssse, tht' sîls -tutaguad, suver-lîaed and ailler- ross-i ex-Con- gresinan who fills the varîîrîcy created hy the deaîb of Senstor Dias v ifMinne- sots, was the candidate for Vic-Presi- dent ou the Popalist ticket and wlthdress &fier the nomination of Adîsi E. Steven son hy the Demorrats. Mr. Towne welil bc one o!flire Most active appouestîs ai the administration.lHe is well equlpped for setiatorial service, having beecoue fa- utiliar vvith Washington lire durlng bis sertiir,-thie Fifly-tountit Congres&. Sil- FROM BRVANS OWN CITY. Ceoses .a tuiClinsi tory. Au Opsu Lot- ttr tit aWillCause a Aa.sallon. 1'l ncolrs, Neb., Dec.17-Seîl-- At No. 2115 O sîreet, tis City, le the B. & M. Wall Pape,- fouse. "B. & M." ai-e the Initial letters o!flise props'laton, Mr. A. C. Bouton sud Mr. O. B. Mey- ara. The senior partuer, Mr. Bonsir. laa rl kysowsn sd ilgitly nespeced citizen, sud no ope bain even doubîrd bis trutbfuiueeia. Il la, liserefort, lise pronounei opinion lu Lincoln and! the blate geueraliy IbsI the slgqlilcaut andi very srrong slatemeuls maie lu MIr. Bosors lette,- viii go unciballenged. Afler explinnng bis viflingtees thal tise uatter- be gîven the fuliaat possI- ble pulîlicity lante publie iuleretb. Mn. Botiaor procerds: i bave suifer-rd untoli ailier-y andi pain fusr over- tes years. My kîdumys sver-e slseases..Ittrlei many so-calird rnetile but they iîd me nu gond. I saw an advertiseuîrnt of Doua Kid- ney lls, and 1 bought sm. ntsd Crnu- menceti 10 use IsSus ai once, t had Dot bai ose good tlght'i aleep, sipd b fore the fr-it box o! the Lodi'a Kiuel Pulis wer-e ail mcmi. I inuli leep al nlgbî wîthoul pains. I am Mn o -- pletely cor-sId. sud bave nt a pain or ache' lef t.I einnat recommenal Doii'à Klduey l'uts ioo higbly, for tisry are u.neitrlled as a kliuley i-emesly. Yours ti-tly, A. C. BONSOR, Na. 2115 O atreet, L.incoln, Neh, lýItalal Kiiîury Pîlîs alway ecura,50oc l',e'aks of, a LaudaIlde. A lsiiuLUldt- ot',uîrd soine tîne ago ln Solit-I. Sýiulrrland.A" Ion and lits gant tri uud auttldilug sli oilntise billUslîlradistanof ! Urt-iIve feel villînutlituing la the least Injur-es. Two mattI * ylinqI,.lutUe gar-den seere also noM olluît Injîr-y. BEST FOR THB BOWI.S. No matter hv itlsllayou, heaisaciet.a a raarer. yoa vili neyer tgelu 0 L ui to boseels are pot rigbLOABàCARI'TS sip nature, cure you wlîboot a pripe or pain. produir easy unarl imovaments, conet LOsU juîst 10 cet o ta lrlt îlsg jOur eatlt hart, CAROARETr Cindy Ca- ltai-tic,' tisegenuîne. put op l in etai boxes, evei-y Imbiet bas C. 0. CL stamped Ou IL Bewara oaIimitation&. Crc -.1. s A 1ter Cesse. SIlt le bIabecause bas no ex- tlragmnt. Her Auut- Tlat im'ltishe beet possi- hIe qualty lu a ituaband, Site- of!connse bDotîl tusMot golug 10 tuti-iy hîni! i am urtîe PisasB Cura for Consumptiîa savei asy ife th'i-ceas ago. Mrs. Thon. Rulihins, Ntaple streeg, Norwicha, N. Y., Feit 17, 11W. -IsnI ss Triller an obilging aingmir-' "OIt, yrs. hlaItiit'lme she refuîses tii elaîg.- ' itîal i aBulletin. iane's Fi tthy Medicinue Mac, tehose-'sctitday. tIn0,-den ts ha healilîs Il- inla ssary. Ai ts gcsily on tht' ut -r aid tudneys. Care i,k beaiscee lure 25 sud 50c. The entti aidii tfa!ail rduu-arioti 13 tis ieip ' o! cba.ruiter.-F. W. Pa riter, TO Ci'IIE A tiLti)ENiONu DAT Taise Iaa,,ire ittatit ,QuinineTmble& &tt drssgg clu rctui tuie uonoy 1!ltfalstoacs, Y. W. (lrovc '.sigcnaturis s n esoisbox, 215c. A 8.ouc uu.ltl th greal Iems besl pcr-!oi-nis stiaîl Iuîties. -Il. Maarseau. Bachi package o! PUTNAM FADE- LESIS DY E colora more gouda lisan any etiser dye soi colore Ilseanballer, ton. Be tgnorance thy echutesahre kaoul- eMe leails te uoo.-Beattle. Sarh. 0""asi l ILLIIOM vil MtAds i W. Wgi, OALLS NUSSA INSIOIOUS, OI~tM T1%e statement tba4 Rusa bau lent TlsNwm P.rI. 0.e million sterling for the. pur- for1set Mal pose cdf fortlfylng tise Pervtan gui! Ports, whlle flot entrely credIted, bas arouaed great uneaqiness. Granting that the' Shah starts fortlfytng the golr Ports, It rtaaly willI fot be for lte def-nse of lhts contry figainat an lava- glin bY any Arab trIbes, but as a de- fenals e nipasître agalnat Englaud, Dot withstniilliîg the fact thaI BrItalu bas bren lth' iruît'aIly and well-wsler of Persia ir gý1erratiomt. and ibat Ibm-e Ia no pou %r- in the world tIratIzl more anioosftr the' lutegrity of the Shahs' dominions. Il Ls au unde.rstood fart tbat Eng land ttvtitîld sioner ae tusela take Con stantlrtoçle than allow ber to bave an , trsk Outlet lu the' izersir gasîf-for Ithe safe- tit tY of our Indlan emire, says the Lons- Mc. lete Brock, don' Expre'ss. Fortifyng I'erslan ports Teiaae, bha attalsed ai the' ltbtlgiiitt sd xan e ! us ears hatsa been jepesee aRe-&dent flead ta Pet 515 tlrrfurme'neIbat Ensela lIn-lte ooîag owntterte: tends 'oui crtinig Iber 10 ber- own use tjalaig aMy la$ sonner or loitu-r. SUr l mailng enor g reat mas! t'emei rta rrti sandtar.rh. Mous îtr ýgrt-ss In IPerala, a tact wblc.hpoî-it bso mlt @eeots atel ' v10 bave escapted the a51 as,o ,but 1 have o tetIton oft British st.atittcn; and tUer-e man's bù6ks taI t tea axmtrlg fee.ling lanI'ersla Ihatgl m...50 siar e prop,, 'As for Ilr Hart. More lmli)rtitiit ulrvrîoputeti are pend- bave foonal t ta o trtg. rellabte retsey for Tbe Sbsli's gt-atnd vîzIer-lb, sadra- *.I>rina has tam, as lhey raIl bits -itas on severa.iforMriafy y6ar, oefcls1ons of laie sbowa blmoselftf bhe m odba ver-y unfrlemlly toward Engia.nd sud ,E dhe ' very frlrnaîly îoward Itoanla. Il la an aige '0 ibiS re open secret tîtat tbe retlations belween MMoEfsillMYr Sir Mourtimîer t)traud ansi the sssrazam I hase -mue ta were an> tblng buot cordial when the t Irely far te t555 former ta i tnIster- ar Teheran, and I SCCd osedrine. 1t lte asat auieinue Sir Mortimer bad viubet dp wltb bItawatt crrtaîuly fot of a pleas- Cattvh1thelte &rot nature. A person eatlrely tr Sir MotimerI t5 liTs taa haie and Si iorîm r orusd waa 100 mlld, hýon ascatarrit sen t10e good. for Per-la. We badly requlr-e ela Ce., Colus,s a mnsl-ter o! the type of Sir H. Dt-um- moud XWofe, wlo tweîce yeas ago SWOLLI rnlsettbe prestige snd power of Brit- aln errr frot the bottm ro! the la.dder 10 the top Store be was tralfer,,red 10 Madrd w,' bave steadlly &su.rely cllnîit lduuwt. rond tîtslaunlne bas Justt as stteedlly advanced. Scotîh Termenesa and TSHft. Iu a dli Srottlsb village on a dm11 morning ont' neiglibor ralled upon au- other. He seas met ai the door by bois friend's wlfe, and tise conversatIon weast thug: *'Culd"' Ay."E *"Gaens 10 haweety, I thlnk." ".Ay.l. "ta John l? Oay, hem lIn." *'CumI Be hlm.' No."- Md banda um1w "But a wanted ta ver hlm." "*Ay, bout Viodsm i] You catnna see hlm. Jobn'a deld." tare tu saabà a n "DeId?'"-".Ay." for backache, cal *'Suden" "A." eadacbe and bri "Very suddent"- Vei-y sudden." ment ins urine wu "lI)ld be say onythlng about a pat of t lis std Heed t gr-cen Paoit before ha deld?"-tan Mac- 11hidton laIe. lairn. at a London dinnet-. or ba lçidey disoe. It g.eclaipleadlgail emady. lem tout el oit oeotbei 1tise. arnings bc* td WM bekmpeM fS js0 kn., dean ln hiseint ta%y lia srat IsdataU WL- A.l h.ie BIBle s Bt. la -ae 81me P&vas, Biamsith, lat D4t Mavrrows d-eodacmt bat YelIow Tahet&,sd m nub a box ±dustr, -0 dO"N Mamow &éCo.. s We mûake paqciay et h met-employ line bat ali1-' lis en as ster"aa We atak t ui-&x-e on it. use It tu advertise tise any o Sood thi-ga l ita ek. -MINC[ MÉAT A package makes ehgep. Youi- groce wdll ii- it kif "à ask hiru. You wyU Lsd Ik bi*u titan Irome-mde- bette,- lia 518; mince mcat yoa ever tasted. Yl'. est Libby's foodi tiserethenr. tlky, llcNclll à LMy, Cuff 0- bout. -Ho.. tu Mats Gooai Uho ta E." ient Iros. Fy un. wm- Jd'CKiY. ou*%&i e O lA. CAME Md . sasa ta. W AGENTSPOLE& .,11l." Sssri.ty t'. 5 r ttA, N .1t î , . isf.km ,Ps. [hy .nmîa S ff,,l eus Si.~ ~ ba N.0.N. 01-100 ' ti.Milna 1.0mel Manm 'lit grleat mgs IfCe"? bora sts.11. .9 1 jý ruas and ipeakais etIl te au life I hive kaewu * Ied for0ouass, esia, aca. t ha d alsasmpa 555. la heiterent dM@. Iesaei tramonDr. Earb thb- .sifectisas are t» vlhy raiied cç,'-h. e heabt. If Dot lthe elp )rtese sffectlons. i ba.n My îtandeLy e, end 1 attribote 'h and my extre wmeS>. it exaGtly requiremeats. Ileiy open It airam MW rl i 1t e thingo fer Whia 'Isaac 8rod.» esàtet eiseny o! lehams fce tro am mtrrlis M» nd hearty olh age. Aàfre t hy Titi Penana MO.W a.0. EN FEETr

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