THE fQlD-A8HJONED DINNER.1 mor, ad the. fai, -hat naiebd NE oi'-faablàoedChrlsuaLa dianra nhadwh tnbidodbvna- .Utha das'anow- jbow dropped uay tram ne. Evrry ehild 'Iats dsilvered by lafiaela rt,1nho hasn raver laisd nwakeutttrigle iinterr- blee* aq-fangled waya î1îîg iifir the patter of rnfin baofs, îpon the Take m4 bach, .Lialm ctethe10dte ,Oen: of linsbeen roIb;ed of a joy that notit- Corneethmter a a bneh. a' onnl:ndil i i Ila ter years Cia give lm. 7%e lo frceat rn rwia ho cannot recali the 'Twana a ime ahea. J'lurd logcaber-. o!d tri tOili -ofawnkeniag la thee aly darnn of d onngau sAtain' anane hrsns nnnteiontofbm Coaid be fduad ait gathered rounrd canro, rnul mmoag b oen fbls faalaaad Chlo'mas dlnner fui anuo.iparion hefore the rush tg the (Th" ssud Ahat, Admrea, merehanî, fr.. a nvergiviag sto,.kingq, aad the @en"e Of 51,ca.etafhbit to ire bina. te otnmn éeeyWnf«o Ta hie brother Shabal Adami. wanhaliadtcou otrCnetira .ceywae-o tra0m mls.t. haiu, ai) treanuire riaa dr-a-a forth-, very em' lîarroasutent of rirbes-ha. mlaned ane 0rIt liak that diamer oser-ho, 'on-e ai,îc ofthu- rnre moment, ot perfect raplure Hd irle 10 117 1h tfe has ta nfer. P Bt liona sec It csa't re mauazed, a.lrMy aniolacy auid't bnp Ir. SîMeîîbeuson ued to sup that the finest Cantfch barât:the nId ime tran,. Iork. derdiw.athe le -for a bit of pur-rh.. etana arrange the rirrebr- àMoer of ailt tai1 "fiLa cr--. g af anltd a-ho sbnli ca7 that auy plenure il 6 ha.quitt eieI ni', ,flot enbann-d by a bir of myaîery. T'he Fira Idanaa aalIe s'.iutc Outanni thiog thau e-s n10 ý san a s urprise la fentirliouanh alce aif la hrit "la rrice %lr.omr h o -snonsene ru pre- Ai, a "nft w a' tteri 'bgd" .a,.,p. if tend that a ch;l n'Y carra for thet tbIug ' hey metIta m70e. ;taelf, ad anid bio tntasweillpleaaed ba- p rid. & Lta andî, etlity. ih a deoires] toy. trankiy gi-en by ias T_ 'ea a'ifl nra.blte bianketa on, areiparent, as he ,nnîld b. wirh onet rit lb' lir e hossea. tanrdIrr'. came wiîh ail the tglaurf iuiryland. Fee- pella'thenugh the ditta. cita! t. the n net .e.. lrcrc rii lnacroan tbe rie. r eItoesa aliatia AUl thein îmiys breattîn' Shera erawiln' every day atort of rblng. ai dwih îhe 514 ~7xy 4*~t~~ 4 '1~ cr-ý-îni tha'1 iWf under the artii'ioi "«RING OUT, YE MERRY BELLSI ligit rne, cnonr'yin iheme deptIrs. NMny of btil.' rpolotion seldom @ses'the igbto IOot rrry bell, W'oae dav. Ou ebri'.rmao'st nd ,u1CRin w ,rh - as eveand oneirnn,' d b.]:y ton--d Çl,i,traa mno,, da., the e(rhos of the rock ribbed aan c.o.. :. ,are awaken Pd by childreu'a iilitbhea nnt nIpiý,p.i bis bIl vi. The song, the merry taugb, tde WIcon-cPihl.n ba,k trothe an-..peak jona,bouta la ehiliîeh gamePs and aud plui. loiare beard. There ore musuic sud the duare, ienting and niery-making. Up with the hoily bongb. greca tronthe sluler'@ bron the b ;llîantiy lighted and decorated gi- 110,k-ip yoar lelitera aoar-nt ady bearing tree that illumines diamoadlike ort ro tc daen 1et,11-n ay cry.t,io ihat gather up the igbt, divide I lid.aadyoang, ricO a-l p.un,p Lad it unt , prismatie beauty ani castt lback Sray. againu IP altO the holiy bob&h, nsuad th, tanrel CHRISTMAS ONCE FORBIODEN. la «lbh the yule log. andi loobten the Qnirer. - he la, cre ib b< a ceaturla Afo lit Was Deeaaed a Supr- cOuat 1n.1. stitions Fs.tivaL ..dbtr n aae. and friendeb.pad AnRrerybody hnows, Christ was flot bornouonDec. 25, and Christmaa.' though Up altO t the10117 boaghî. bigh l1.c-b cel trng Tua ltrth, la r'ealiy a survîvai itorbne I t th heathn tP(iill-nlngbtheCelantiern tatbang in tOcbaIl, 0 l erbe tvl Y-g h eioU, -li the '*--vO oftcora.wiîb gay calii b ne and by the tR... Salut rse-th ado., naliî., îebratiag the turnig point of the uEO' a. the bloom an the coltagea aa year and the beneeforth icrangOWC euhba tdteaa. Ciaapn or il. nun. w W ahla r ate rts h;tin o On ina acecoant the Parîana enonced Thiak . th en. ye rieh, wbilit yanr tables * Christmas an uà aeathen feunt and did mat ThnkOf thOs. wre'hed onue% Povertyl * * uward wlth àa hiver; ther with aàarbrie aroma of poetvy and au eia'rbokn l. aid frlhbeauty ta wbich he la nubtiy responsive, A'remaeta for nocitW, 'Cepîtae e prenenr no aratter bow litlne 0e cou dearribe il. c ttht arteraia. p e a hp n. Tbere lna aIrsav.a certain pathos ini neth a edm hr-ât&»te w-thinlung bow lurne it tainen1teInakeà *Dow aad frut annanai sas% y -7.1 ont < JcOld ihappy and bote carelin, ne are nf erime ran trend 'cm.lit. A painted trer, a adfni of na-ectea Th ottl"d b n vai'b.e nnrwnyth the gypcueboadyuhv ie trouble 0f ppr'sian'î n itr oh adfuhv îc Gisd har Chrtitm. bappened rond, an a ina the niaterîilout of wbich ro cor' day sa appetllali trct8àanar-Id of deigbts. lu aucb a liatea-hile a-e pana beyond att that. Our Then Id ont aut Dal on decc ap L' laYa cesse la piause ira. Our doil le d, Awnlast r a irder 31,4e "a tue the mach, yen haaw-bnî a fuaL- stuffed with nawduat. Tht diillusiomnga a- rinà na ad p~ider.come-a Lnab eaaugh, typa ta the Most Wh. e uc l rngh.banerot ",Came a'fortanate,ad those nho wouid rob bey a Cbrilp'mmadianer .. Berry anc tbal gat the word knoaned i cidhood ai One atenet dreara, a-bn slaan.ach waa a ainuer. wo-uld darkc lisa aunishîne With a single Ha- heY buaired rhrongb the anars! doubt, are wickea i cnnoriants. In A a-ay herasashce' thaîr bellea-a ingi' UUnnae"ki rral '11h.atag-a la s-a c al beaatiful tales are trut. and no child e l, lia' aa-lalu'; evr gat aty harra frora beiis inl the Q'folk« a urpped rdauble-bnih baby- aracions alytia ci tbe jolly old salnt, Dog at1 <cld't havaerhth&kd the don lathe a-orld la to of the kiag t0 rail 'aa cusn!a watch cFer littie children ad brlag s. Ild her 'e'taoaae a' rane, mcc tht mura- tieht ple Ina hoor ,aa thraugin altb; mhplta Com'e«du Onntra ýmOra than an C.kaadei hat ta do anîtIm THE OAYS HEIONT AND DEPTH. Moibrr anntidn't I bar ber 1h troT ,voaid McaboCr. à*itTou I-l nt. somehoan oc thec.tau hraaa aEOhTosa à,.,.at lared an I hîn apeLh tiddy yei, Fect Tiick. 1 emacrln, Mtther., aCrgme el a800fe hc. I t mestatir1 ianald gî1 hal m, laya Crnîa'rarla800fttlc, t of Crawla' aider, reachas la "a girdt 'round about tht a- LA 'or a haIt aur boue i her,'a-th ber gray eurth,'" apreadiag lsa breadrb "frani leéad oz an ahoulder. O eln' ç onan"t hr iThua nalil Ahab Adamo, mere hanrprand Genads17 mutio a tbr e! is ancleas aih rao"AfriCa aenaay fauntuina rotl dowm theîr And tbia goadd taaciLi prospecte graaing golden saad" and ln helght and depth irriahtr every @aaan.t -Will Carieaon, nLcait's Mont hty extenda frola tht hospice ai St. Bernard ______________te t-be iOa-er Jle-tlafaithe great sat mines aof Enrope, 1,000 faet beloan the BELIEF IN SANTA CLAUS. snrface of tht ground, where rata and ettre famille, have livas]anad a-rked for lat M.. [ellghted and Eflchanted the let î1%centuries. Froua bitaitSt, Qss.rallls of Chlîrcu. Bernard Ia b]aossmiD Salzburg la about rt seema too abourd ta bie takren atri fi3M miles, but aroaud ane la pespetulal ousiy, but about Iis tlme of the year winttr, anth Éaow acido absenta, ad Ihere are certuini fanatlls who are aur. the f rium of ita oetinulng manille ever ta bob np with titeir annual proteat ear t baud, a-hile la the mine@ of the againat Santa Clins, and abo Inslat that citern la aaendinc aumme. A t Chrisrmas- Ail Christmas mythe ahouid be done away tlde 100 degrefe aof tempgeratare aeartea u'lîh, and ail nonsenae about hanaina up the tvre.. mai ahile the. hoandîtas anow-- jetorkhna dlmcSwraged. If ynuwait ta coven'ed Mlle ofmsot 541.1in htle hroaa giv. ehldren petatts, hy ail meas do est diftaad ad brIghbttet Hght knoa-n ta sa.sasy thetê modem O raàdende. butl tartia, the rantraettd ea7staI aalla el the do't vitlate tlad, Moral mesne by tealiagothar ieintillata naden th tls raya tber falsehooda. tram restrlrted lanterna. It i. bard te imagine a devotioin ta attaTheu, la the sait nimi., mles aa-ty »ad se intna.that It eau s.. any harm ln thocunds Mof iet htloa-,are aUl«<tras a heatifai stary that boas dellgbted and thalge, for ln the vouflad dambrearmuid saicbanted thetofnejr ot eacuie, geutra- massie pIliars nf sait, la a poptalatioset * long at rhiidre. ,and that li.a»ofnenthe human belaga. oct ozly manr*s,. Ava -et tender-ait and Mail lovlng msororias tuaI 1.000 fret under groan, but aàpema- vanae evpr racali alit'ra-e have groyu ton nent population living lu homoa &long nid,&liai, to abnut p aDM ot uoiaay streeta bewn out ai mountalu masses ar observe lt During the coraanaaeaith tricha na, tbey earrled their abjection, ntarnforce W-tiiîit <cOlaI cIlîdren aretaklagfar aud forbade the cel,-ration of Cbrist 1t-r ad. il t fl - Paliarnt 1 -dee"ic-.Iliig ont. v- rerry bell. vinliii11- poor 15 t0 he tri,-lv OeIl as a sneier at. l ~ orne-Ils sud tbaut I 'n-l' niîould i-s the L3i O îo rilt anti tnin. for i a(oanrtOc btahly beunainîgthie g,ai rýio ni ,no Il, eiiacbeerr-s ono-s lh ep Jo-r o bich they aloit heir lia imninras d rbh.'lYt ,ro oiutI o n h h y b eti.1g aniaan boar', henni, drinkig îie ttavnrd mo iii roaated apkls, devoîîr:îg pîiumpudiîn and roui ngander the niiotene Fior 'iGLlSH PLUM PUDDING. tuleyeara thîs ar-dec remuiued in ADlcosDsett alwteTr farce. A1 .l 4u ase 1 elcn O a' Municipalathoitre o îno nog'ît tr e -. hlet athliraChristmas Diviuer. duce Christasanday to the ictri oftlt--r -r, Ibrst oner-pontnd of raliaira, anhen day-a.We are rois] tOut "upon Vednî- ,:î,.lng 1tuaake u n ngliiabpluin pil- day, flac. 22, 1647, the cr-p>er of Can- 1î 119;lob ilb lbemIII aàpourri ofclîrranta terbury, by the appointment of \ia,,r indIla bIt a poulot of mlnced orange intel; Mialor, on.enly proctaiaies] that ('ht-i t,îo, dînst 01-r < quarter or a potind of gour. day arnd al ather superstttios afe,î i , 18L h pni, on- oue isnlnod o! ruer;: add ta Il a îiroîrd be put doal nad that a aîoIrkn-t llIrOîf a o îuld of loîu tasagar, balu ahould he ha-pt apan n Christm:a iîîy.., a rolîronef.griîl, thlilîrîartirrs of a F'or atteuding service ln tht onlîctîn 1 , onallîlo! uor ledry Iîrrnd -i umbîs.!rf that day many people natre mnb-,ilhe iih th, t Into fteî binI Ofve lahaîitant. divioied tliPeronlv, fo10rciîvo * g.t lhî 011l tit i gtiît add1 parties-the ChLritraînitt and the unoir- ti,iitî tl lîla ni t grole or orange Clbristruaniten auj came io blîone. i t-rlin du îîî lianau Ou Dec. 24. 1652, an or-dec iînîîoIuîî lîîOloiî'gliv. 'îTh, l\tI'î,Iîd naot a-La ilre,1t. rloimirg 'tha nao oh,,r-le nmot. bi t <a, h i-î I loîîd e moînt- varion shah be bnd of thte nl onl îîktlîîIio î-,îtîil greantd kIl tieth day afrt>eceîuber, ciîîuî-îclil, *or noî l iItîli t tîcl r Chrinirnas day, nor any noiemuilin.iti* v ktî.l'ut -0 tue lover,, stand or exrrcieed la chorebrioî n tit it a- % I ii noudr thei în ît andî-rua l Ia respect thelo."Tlhis mas niinil:1f-uh he",irwy1 repracliomation of an rdl-,t of Ji47. t, 1 - ,Pl I i ui.1 ,reiy ihe nigiat Maing Chrislmaa, Eastrr, Wh iltsuiiit de, l Il .- i put Il n,'î otiro ni n the auj aIl aiher boly durs. .onll--.irs, oI' egn, ii llîuli to -k ail day. snt ta the bounes of nl i,, t-eoic--teru toan% tt, earch tht osen, and larîltîn nnd c~IIti'kt r 01 o and aI- carry nway for tiheir own cri.iîrinition - lll ICioiol; Il i î,place tht ail neasnahie dalotie, iounttii'eii 1' i.] ut [oi- i,îîtiing iigo y. Thty People who eemince riels roidrei mtid 1.1 .I i a ci-. Ir neyerai their bonnes wilb tvl'rgreen, a Ire île- i hiSor a Hoi.î nlntie Jor"- clartd una-orthy of Sitting I l iîrhinro nt, But tht retoraron ofriKing c('ili 1e' Fa Tas wasaano tht renroration ai Iting Chif' Vî1- ttirAîi I-orgti peoi.efc i mas, a-hoOaste e'er ilcereigned îinin î%%'ili - indtphe oplefel aad la tarbed. Bat tht Ponitan's hIIr-îi idefi-n-otl îîad tht cýi-bta on antbte Christmas ilngercd long amoag nuioitherant norfigert tiit the awuîl pos'rty torralara. It bas nom, digappeared, auj )f no.r than boait ilsa itizen produtecs services are btid la ail placts of norahlp tire molst hî'liieva iud of alavcr-p. Wiila on Christasaday, arbile tht rant in etît' thet egit erem bs h at brated erinali' Il ail 0,-rta. tt tre nua ut aan athedont elia Kris Kringle's ors. Blanket. Tht sia ai the rindeer lu La Imper- Scanoaablt. -iion, ho thte oid that âni ont clothed ln Tpai-tir (lu Sanday achool cass>-Naan, sari, a drea itb-r the addition of a bllon- ho>a. &re if you eau remeraber tehat I ket of tht anlme materl may hear the taugbr yen at lime. Wbat data B. C. laut at figura oi an arctlc ainnre'. taadffo rt nigiat. B ie ore Cbrisîraa."-Judge. ý4- "j.- ;**-l4~