IlfaeI.5aUBOIO.CISmater. *BYfvUtN 5*SMADU EUOn OUPPT.!. cArTnm. Speech of the Premîdent. ?rbMet licKiuley's Inaugurai ad- iteM iii hofounulion an inaide ipage Btter aarket eteady ai 221e. Salea of th. e oit, 599,700 ponuda. Aooording su the lianila Times 90 par cent os nmre of t1e regimente of ,oicabeevhlch are oon te bu messered ont shore, wiii remnl in th1e PtMippined and go mie obasnne. Th. guverumenl wiUl pay the soldiera raisage if titey viah 10 romain aud Uhe mouey il vonid take 10 pay their tares homne ulU be îvested there. tbe Times.aataimany oft1he ecidera are looking arennd fur land or otiter proportia in ietilho Iueest. Iftbi.Amricana motie lunte isiand aud go into businessbtere, thastfact Wiligo fax &0 etie lite question of the Peeileaion 0f1h.usalanda. Oflelals cfIS"ta overumeut believe tiai lthe Uubans viiiaoclte viadom of omoiin.g yuL 111e conditions laid dova 117 tIi. Plamt&pooner auenduetu te lthe Axai Appiopiration bl, vhici la 1.0v B a , bus Ihey are nus diepoaeu go bolber thhir heai lé but whea %hey do au. uboee condiions tSeil 1he Cube., lu plain language juai whai thoy mua"do su gel A4serlcau aUiboriti removed. Thoy admit o! n diekmring. Thte President, himaulf, col, f hoe venli, change one oi thome conditions a th1e amallest parétoulax. Ih la nov up 10 the (Jubana. Titol mai choc.. beiveen an accep- texces cfilU1the conditione mcd an irniefanite continuation of Americun raie "oer Caba. The Proaldent dld nos increaase the bauith i 1e parada, trom a apectacular peint of viev, wuhen 1he lniervened iu SIte erangle belsa Qeird liti eres., o011he Inuural parade, and lie Union veterana, andi inalated lit hlm porsonal eacorlhm the White Douas tIa.Capital ahouid be coin- pondo debla orade lu sr=,ý but ho grsatlWtnreaaedhia populariti vlth $" o eeans, &ad dld tige thing that vminu lie eyee cf1uestiy everybody lise rigiti lUug lu du.-lé may bu, ILu £le i ey Uii., lIai lit. McKlinley WiniLe lise ta*& sldier ult1tue Civil Wrr suhbuPreaWlun, sud il vwu l&tiug -M litbs peonmai escori or guard of homos aloulli bu compuaed ot vetera oflti vax. Inauguration parades,ma. velu as o9we kinda, may pal1 upon one vito iM ean many, but there la oee ightt te ho amen oa nu luashington aud culy on Inaugureation day that neotn Cease ithout belng lmpreaaud and tarilel. Tha& la te great gathering 09. peopleetaitlie eut front juf 1the Cail--acreoMmacres. ai upturned faee.-bo me tb. Prcident avoru lu, a&" me. hlm deuivur hua Inaugural aldretff. "Seo" la the correct term, £iough Presideult McKinley Wlia 'V«e ahove te average in areuglt, no more than peritapa 500 persons lu ail litaIveut iiroug, conid Lieurenougli 09 bie Inaugiuqai addrees Monday leo Xac. ulat il W@4 about. But ait of 111cm could sae, and tlita h hal ihey verso&baeefor; 11i.y eould reamîtte ddrem t u theaflRnacit papera. senahor liargmst vusa. cbrlinued OvIr the "Mlue of Nicar"Nu .Canal 1eg813a04o0Btat bc mked tole b relieveli o! the Chairmamcilp e!fte <ommittee un Inter-oce V canais, and aauonnced ltataller aixteen yeara âghting for the Canal, ha vu dis- gumieliandi luteuded ho stop. lu- oldentihe bold aons hialery vhich surprlaed a grat aay personai, uhen hasid: --aut no Brltiaha&ympaîhîzer vie. Brilalu dedges us. lut, i have noer saili a word agalui li er witeu lâter.vano case tor ILiIlwas I vIte drev up the reboînîlona depioriug lbe death out he Quen, andi turusi 11e. over ho lte Senator iront lova (Ailteon.) tuO <fer. It vas 1 uho ire, Usth le Davis report, aud vitente nu» 01 iDavia vu atgttea te Il, the tisfocrate mcoffed et hlm as a British 117apathiaer, boeuase the report balli liaIlte Clayton-Bulver treaiy vas 4MUla affect. We Lave beau lryiug 60 g80IbisCanal legialation ion slxiuen Jeara Mcd Y6 elve lte American O0%reas Snut do s, beesue. Grea - aM. anta delay.', M I. LITCIIFIELD, Llbertyville - 111 i n is, *U£PUgSEuyîpseTH C American, of Newark, N. J. New Hlampshire, of flanchester, N. Hl. 1 wite good risks of ydescriptioîa. Farun *emà a apecla.Iy L4abor Savlug »XaMMJa amea. ace t* yFema streunounets a nt mte liv., of the tventieth century farmer nuili, u InaUune riake, lie and hae flara hanl have ew advauiages over the engineer of a frelght train viil la ruuining "vild." The many acidents lu Lake Couty ruraistricts the putfew Jears fias eailed attention to the widespread une o! modern machluery on a tarm aud, the daners altndiug liauae.* 'rme vus vhen a runuavay tuant, au ax, sud a falllng ire. vere the chiel menace& t0 thie veil being ofan agrlculturiat. Today he may ho mauagied by a dozen dlfereut machines geareil to igit apeed and of mechanlants intricate Mrr5 o~ . sud MrIb o bAtSncq W. leta litilra. J. j'arrvil Ire- turu tober od ihoiqe ai Easeli. li$ as npiîne Sebun as lhe guest of Mise Marlon Meville Sait- day. Il ta rnmored titere wiii be a Farm- oea' lustitute ai t useeli lu the near future. W. are sorry 10 report te deaili of another chlld of John Wells. Thia utakea thte trd recent bereavement. Mr. and lira. Harry Williams have retuned front tibeir weddlug tour and are nov -"ai bomne, btheir many frleiids ailthe Neveu l oulestead. Moving meente to'be te order o! the day. lhennio elille, lm movlng te (Jurue, W. J. Melville, Jr., toe te 8tranlian tarin veat if Itussell, W. J. Mielville, Sr., elli move baek outo bis fart, and Harrison Siver viii move into lis bouse esoateil by Mir Mel- ville. You are u VOLO. Ibundth world lu forty minutes tartlng irom Vaauy oeehool honse Fiiday eeenlng, Iiarch 15, 1901. l'ho ouiy baggagu needed le a iead puncil. There viii ho a Basket Social on ont rtaru 10 'saLley eclooi ibonne. SCLARA VASPe. co(mmHitce BESSîX tMARIN. iExMA VA.sai. Aiu ionest Medicine for Lu Grippe. Gleorge W. Waiti. o! Southli Gardiner,j lie.,sasys. "I have lad 11e vort cougit, coud, chilia sud grip and have laken lots of lrasli of no acconut but profiltle te veudor. Chamberain,@ Congli Remudy la lte only ihing fli lias doue any good vitatever. I have 11»d one boîlu ni Il sud te chilI,, coid and grlp have ai lit te. I cou. gralulate 1the manufacturer, of as honeal meiiclue." For sasie by F. B. LOEvxti, Libertyville, OBnÂraLÂAE PHÂIitACY, JOHN lIuiKt, Iliebe. 6 REAL EUTATE TRANSFERti. 1Furnlitbed by Lake Counny Tille & Trust Ce. Abstrauta o! Tille. Titien (luaranleed, c tioule Temple Bidg. Waukegau, Ili. Louis J. GUERE, Seey. -uli sorai have ignaenuu lefor ai H 0 HiliuiruO&- cf to Fr,':iH Hunt- a Certain lucres»e!flte elemeut ofni 0lni 9 11 ., uI' n 8154 le 17-4:î111 danger 8011e Operatorad. Tlieae, how. Wd...... ............... ..... .. W 5 ever, are no$teb lie ilomlpared 10 lite Chas Kuebk.r .&- Wl to Frank Powell daniger. ual have oce. illithle .. ILo"C'12 7 lv19 blk 10 Whitney troucton f Owe mRbinry Webb & HIleI,, o ubof 1:1k i irodctio e! overmaelloer t10 Grayslako su:b to nof wuy [ C Ci fara vork. Wls jr o ver lot 17 N% d . . . :0 S0oit lis Prlug, s@"mimer, lau, sud ChitgoT108e & Trust Co To Henury C vinter, the neceeaary machinery on Lytton Pt 5w k 5w %k Be M5& V the modern faut je climiug vidgima, ow 4 te 8lu,1 le, awO C & N W lin M&IIUSsudkliiii. js& te al lunTwp 43-12 ocl 1i0.8.e ssswd ioou Te0 moderng sud iungof usi au lie ore miso!fie H Char:I deed tlFre:i 1311111111129 hole viCtima every year, so 15 asorso wdel . .... ., oe th1e labor-aaving device. of tefartHenury Wad:uinfld & w! To Germun are Mahug vont for 1the doutor, the Ebelleer Coutuetatlonal churclu coroner, anli theaundertaket. Of wkgn 3Ctw front ont County si by 8aILftdeePII, t tn of Waîh- Rat a Witole Cabbage lngvoiu St Wkglu wd *O....... If son vaut lu. IL vonkt lhurt you" AdolPit flulîelrat O& w! to John c Peuple naod tu think calbage blng Ender lot 7 Ou&e81:1k t Decrfl hesv lua teir toutacit. Alter esli h Park L .&. iMule Asst ouibIluse 54 ameai, lne malter wvitlyou est, a, .e0:2:-3-1245.1 , _ > ...... lo0e (1ose of Dr. Cldveli'O SYrnp Pepeiu. Plulîli, Hou,' Ou lMite) w.C <jLore Yon viii neyer ajifler Item constipa. uc i lu4 w b I -8-4 :j 2 . , 2I0o(MI: Lion, ludigeation, 8Slck Headachu or JhnC ElII,: A Wf te' iluili. iHo], btoaaeh Trouble. i.'.Il. LoVELL, lot,, - &' s 1:i CclPark L & Lîberlvie UO. C. RRTS, nro , iu:A-:o.i: " . Il,5 WmUouda; WILL KNI(;,.u, teeýkeiniier ~: GBAYSLAKE PHAnMACY. r;.100 Ted"I Ni. :e.r &wf à. ;0%e, uit.:,, PEOFLES' COLUMN. 1O¼&:o .o AANTED-Tvo or trfe jgood frmII :,, :,., ,,I.' , , 00 at We8e elfu arit. l'ILerti:i111.%I. i ~ '~ t ,u, tl'- :. l:,I E M. SA.NdTD-liddloaod jwoe,: :rgo: IH1 : 30- ..u W m.1raI Toise'work. Arîi p . ii T i 44 . i : 0 t a.Imile CouvI fetllhorrouill,ý.. 21-9u lu :, ,r . 3 t. I u: flOB SALE-Have aQwîoljy<:'wut.f ,,.,... L:,l" :::IlWlIlu- afr.uniehuai ar oolfor -. 'l Yliai.: ouwr,2.l,,, eF.:Li eI 1about 85e Bres o od f liral landl.ifIl bau: onu dearS u: lî:: £IIULKLEI. ,raî l 1 7. 111) C Ot ENT-. -roomn 3,,us... utraIîIi - t Il:0 .:::*:: ::.. , F oatd. WM A'rTRIDUr, , I.r-: ,lt,.. .o.i : i2le .i19 I OR0il'SALI-Btiff P1ynoot3, îo-ktIo, LEi ous-ou-ul, t1ý m I;.r F URBAL-ii Lil,r~tyil,. -,"Ilw Mode:n pancr Atrîl 18t. e je rslýl. hi : DoN&aIi.î ioyëE. Wltt.j., Butterworthes Hot l)ropa (tee îulck relie! lu al cases o! spasante, pains nthe lb,, eilu iruiWilateveî cnas, cdilua, cuIda, etc. Noî funtly omit aford 10 bDeviitoul Ilils valumble, remedy. If you cote ilu vet, itlh eld fuet, feeling miarabie, lake 3 t,, 10 bropa in s litlie vara vater. Il mate. Yen test btter rtgitî off. Price 25c, 50c aund $1. Ask Jyour drugglaî fut l.- If lie deta DO& keep il, eelid direct îe us, lneloelug remillance. fHExBUTTtEvWOICTyn MANTI FAUT URiI. GO., 2358 hudiana uývenue, Chicago, iii. Agents vautei. A Good Congh Medicine for Children. "I bave ne heailaney lit mcomnmeud. 1119 Ciambriaus Cougit itemedy.' amysY$ . tP.toran, s veilu kuovusud popular baker, 01 Petereburg, Va ~We bave given Il lie unr children viten iroubled vilitb bd ceugita, aie() witoopîng eough, mcd llias aalsys gîven perfeel aatisacteion. it as reeontmeudedho ume by a dtugguai ai the besI COuésh Medicine for bilidren as l coulaiD no neopijum or ter harmfulidrag," Soid by F. B. LOVELL Llbertyvlue GRAYSLAKE PeousuACY J. MIKEL IrANtIel Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This îr:puraî Ion cutuaIt eltofthe digestâtits and digests al] kinda of ,(x d. Itl iv1, Instaunt relut'! and Oeér taill to cu,. t aiîuws you io eat ail te tîex, yon vant. Thîe meut sensitive stimaclisucun talicit. ]y itsut nany ttonsuîu o tf dî opeO'i-: havé been curýd u!i'r er vyu inî,:2 i -f:îiiee. It ia Uuuu fL lledi a1 i l î : 311 tili ., t cani't hoUp fL'u do you go"d Pu'pu y bà.c l E. (iDhn£%',ît1 'x i , 4ag TrT boiýc u rt'.r. q., .r , r 1 1 FI' & M :: :3lo, O :0I iII, Il: t , : :, o.,-f tIWOtlu x, mildit :. a'... euev ý. fl 0 Ju:îsls'1. M taSolal Clilu o! Lo)rug (roVr 734-fl) es.l n uw  e,, 0.45 i.....1. . 20 lx Lole C Itit) & vI : to oW Acker Il 7 ., . [i i .. o ... 20 ikî Hen r ,-wo t:, Jj:::F Vus W 1, H A Msuyero,,,:i O& sel v:cJnE E ri, is-I,,: osi,, b4 se U seco lt48- 10 w ,l - ý . . . .. . . ...... 1 0o HoîrsofC(1,-o, itfrangird v oB:bî Struuai u melunne 5j uec u-î-l oti:1due Hattl: Mçx:r . lune te oum rHurt 3' amesI, Et , e 7-0-10 for îa roa:i 'îcd ... .. . ....... . ... 726 no Fred B Kuek,r Ouwf To P A Robin. ton lot 7 1,3k :i VîlI of O ayelake wd ..... .>......... .. o1«0 NII:yerel,îk Cl:::: o Otto Mnehrk,' lot I1 Ni:r.ersijluuClul, soi: il, se 4 -lec4-4s-9 wl. ............ &()00 (ivo L Iusk t:: Lewuis 1V L:sk sw ne, 4& 11w 4e,. lOu çoe t, W 1-à 5l' 5nt,1-4 ne 1-Iue 7 Ou i ne n! 1:1ui, 'ulue 1-4 nw u4 sec e.u-iî :îcd Slm 00 Niglit WIas Rer Terror. ,,r would (011gh neariy ail ulgiti long,' Wtitels Erh. Chame. Appiegate, of Alex. audnis, luti., '-auî could liardiy get suy sleep. 1I bai consomuption go bad ltai If 1 walkted a boct 1 vould cougla ftlglilfullY aui spit iblond, but, vben al, otiter medîrînea falieli, ihree 31.00 botties of Dr. lOng'. Nev Diacovery wheily curd te sud h galueli 58 pluisd.' Itgu bslutel, gnaranleed te cure CeoglîsN, Coide. La Grippe, Bren. chlis nun ii Thr:,st sud Luug Troubles P>Ioe SO50oind$1 00. Triai botties free st F. B. LovrcL'% Liberty- Ville, (lAÂYuo,ÂKUPRABRMACy. I5ENJ. H. MILLER. Att'sey. cuntOr Of theit,. AsiT an sd Teatatmei~t of tCornelu Norierond ioeoeuîd.vilii and tlie cojty ' of v t ak,, Couty. at a tra tpteof vote lI:edai the Colint HOU, il Wsuk eofsIin eall (Onnuti,.on t,@ fraI mon- day eni Ia îîl 'I. 0,wte, ndci vere ait perscina ulue dams assînust ali Esîste are novteOd und re:uetei to oregent 1the dame te sali Couru or adduiiia1ou HH.5 itY ELBIO Exeost""Ote 0,l ccvW lu ccTestamenîn! Cornolîs N,rdsvraud,. Ilti.aeei. vaukAgan. illisois. Feu is0. teet. ce-e Rua& It a NIEEfîy* IT YLAxc ALL OTRiar. lia hra eautherimed te TOevb s*uttaeritlon, , dvrn'daaaets and o 0r. rse Job voit.Cati on ber for rates. W. C. Ti ME TABLIE, TO CIfIOAeo, Fiai ORCAQ 8:oa.a. m. ll .a Il1:38 a. M. 50 .m d;395]p. M. 0:t p. . 8UNIJA VS. 0:04 a. MBi .a Mi-sa usmeWhitehead vlsilod Il Wulkegm md0Ohicgotibsvek.' Lee Strong apent scierai daim 0, tiâ ts eWvila riendsa uWaukegan. 3 tir. Doualdson, of Norwood Petik, vislteli over Sndayvilsihbis parentsi iter«. lira. O'Connor, ot Wisconsin, vmu lte gueS 01Oie1r aunt,lir@. Sin Olair 91hs veek. L. C. Ritta lbas parchased 111e lot ad- joiugbhiproperîy on 1the mout, of lir. Prochor. Frankt Povelslisbu moved his fanciiy lut tire. Noble,@ houe, vhere hie fuirmtriY lived. Frank Poveila pnrehased three and lihe Siuaer tvo of1thelI"s enst ai lthe track 01 Ch"a. Kueither. P. A. Robinson la uegoilatlng for the aie O lot@ ho Donald Sin Clair, Peter Bachua and 111ke Singent. Mir. and litra. Edvarda Kappie eu- teriainked ir eefrienda mi a aud pariy Wedneliay night of lust. vok. Several yonng people iront hors ai. tended 1the pari, gaven b, lieasMary Toule.,e tlls. ill, Mondsairit. lir. Frank Plaher, of Diglaton, bau muvel isla taaly -ato bim hanseou Whitney atreetneoi te to r. liarbiols. (leu. Brandatetter, of 0h4,ago, te- iurned to1bis homeWen.47aîaîir a viait o1 aeverai veeks vllh bis brother hure. John Flary ha, reuted 111e upper room, of Barney ileim'a houa.We îhink a vedding la belng val tea bilLet ou &ie brfteze. Misaea Nele Goditey sud Bta Parr mcd iiuggiodirey vent 80 W&ake. gan Thxar 10suattendithe fanerai cf the liseee Welis. The Iee houe atRound Laite wu olosed Tnenday, 1the tee being soo poor LO Outlonger, 111e men verea&l paild off sud di.acharged. Re. liievena erunel i'lday hem bis vork lu Dover; but lors a&"in Mouday ho amieas Dr. Robinaon lu Evangelisîic wort 5ntliattoon, 111. li,,Aggie Builvinkie, of Chicago, lias beau 1the gnoes of hies (rrie Bioblumon and IFlorence Diuce 1the pust tvo weeýa.i. a pen Snday lunlMe- Henry. There viii lie s meeting o!r111e local branchof!sloe Mil& Slippers' Union la lteo Village hatl Mondaày aoînlgait 9 o'clock,lMerci' 111h. Aitl lneie.ied shootlia atend. Dr. Sch2affer has purhaged th1e col- lage ou W. limmon'a taxe front prop. erty and vili remove il su bis lot ou Wettirieid Place, vhlcb lie purchaaed of Mr. Proohor &hie vuek. hir. and lies. Acier moved oui cf th1e homse %heyaold ho Wm. wedge, Bir., and wvi iboard VitIt L. <J. aitla& famliy outil lheY omit build. tir. andi tirs. Wedge are movîng inho t&boir ne, honte. l Piny Farr aceeui& position in Cicago (Jouerai ofieo! lthe C. id. A st. P . aLd ibegmc vont Marchit t. Howard iley nov holds the position of day operator ai thete oyer ai<e jnction Of lthe Wiseonsin central & St. Paul roada. Frank PVOwlls asu nleresled a nuom- lier of (;rayîtlake men lu a ponitry show. A meeting vili bu held ln the near future la organtze au association. euongh to demmcd more cure and teuclinical kuovledge titan la posseaseli bY the Pursona co4cerued lu riiîoulng thena. Ouneof1lte Most omnuverona of machinea ai lte present Lime la the coru-aitrelider, calied by smre man hedder' because of the accidenta tracahle ho I9. The ahredder la a new uec.esastly 1 the fart. Tinte vu vien the corn vas usked or anapped fron thlb. talk lu thie field sud stock tnrned luto tlg1W eat vhat theY vonld o!1lte veauher- veru bladesansd linote, trampliig te test lfuto 11e nov sud rmnd. Nova- daya a aeuter and more delicate race 0f cattie, honanli lu vatut barns, esl the enred folider whiel i aready has heen half mustlcated by te man- eating corn ahreddur matlug ias se.vral hundreli revointions a minute. Thé chid Mavng machine, lu cern- bluation vith the hlddeu aLump or atone, or vith the augry buablebees, alvaya bau been one of te peits of 111efara. limcy a Inger, thumb, btand, or foot bias huen tribute te I9. 111e biniding machine of the grain filda bua beconse more Iluicale vitli the Yeara, but Ils danger liasnet beun Onbaned over thome Of te oid itarvester. It vonli bu liard for s driver go fai mb cita acle. The haq-baier, te grain-aeeder, 1the corui-siait cuiter, aud lte rlding We__ _ _ Ar e way down in pie but way up in quality. For evidence read following prices. Swieet Tlp Top Tobacco, 6c pkge, ... $.....04 Plowboy Tobaeco, Se pkge. .. . .. .... 04 Quart Botle Biuing....... ...... .................... 0 Qnart Baille Amonia ..............................O08 Seeded Bl O.. ....0 Mutard Srdline& .... ......... 0 <orrugated Elbows .. ....................... ............ os CUa8ile Soap, per cake ........ ......... 0 California Breakfast Food, per pkge,. .. .... 09 l<euosaa rackers, per lb..................... .... l.. 07 loves and Mittees et lai Price. HAINESVII LE, - - - ILLINOIS. (LN!Papr. 1 have 5oo samples of the American' Wall paper Co's. Ail border. at sanie price as aide wali. Sarnples may be seen at Heath's Furniture Store. F. G.e Farber liner. P. S.-Dou't select your wall paper witholit first seeiflg My samplose and getting wprices. Get my estimates. The followlng' goods' Wl Il be»- sold at a gireat reduction: 4 I5kg.j1bU Crosbiy Fleur ....... .............5400 2à Ibopeau.... ............... ............... ........ 10 1 1 hb B a k in g P o d e r . . . . . . . . . . Paper lu bo xe. bine, Pink, vlte, ald aist a2a"i 03e Books. Websterr )otlouAr.Y, î10,sud ................... ..-..Ocopedjîc DictionarY, exlsrgud and reelsed to date .......................S Yankee Prom t. West.............. ........ ........ 80 Kentucky Colonel.. ....... ...1 Arkansas Planter . ..... ... 7 ia a a n Is la n d 1 7 Menaà Fur Cai,. 1 .0 ala ..... . . . .. . fA pouiixy md pet stock shov viii be beld nlate nea future. It la pro- IO» tce bld lte sboya annual.y. The Ladies Aid socieiy met vi&t lire. Ormon Wubbum lisWvext Bleetion etof qZeers took place, 1the follovingbeing eiected: tirs. w. B. 114ug0y, Pmc.; lira. £ama Rarvey, VicePre.; lira. A. W. lam"q, Beey.; laad lira. Ir. B.' Batterahal ,4 Troa. Tvelve meahera and IIye vliiors vere ùf preaeni. The card parti as th. homte of Dr. 14cad lir. Bloha lait Week rtbnsday nigla va a vry pieaaant a&Ir. ira. W. Irbomanmd lir. 1. A. Féalon te- Icelvedliri prie. and Mr. mcd lir. ir Seo. Thomson the ooaiotnprise.. A bounWai aupper vaa serve et 1-about 11:30, aon alter vblch aIl T. A. Robinson ha, had a veil dug ýfor lte nov viwU erect on bis kloi kt the corner ef WhiinOe mrootand liaple Av. Durlng the put veejk ho cpurcbaed 30 lots on the eaut aide nt lb.heirack of Chu,. Kueter and vii probebhuilaà baum or ivo there. ovrdeniY 1Mr. Roubinson bau a gmot demi o0f confidence lu Grayalakes futue.grovhb. Th. W. 0C, T. U. prou, meeting Wti. y riday eveuing vau vel attended mcd en2JOyableiel dagoond izd collection vu teben fôrlie good cf the cane, ySeverai cf the apeakers vho wve. d- Pected taiIed ho appeer, but other nembera ver. anbmtiufied. and the 10pragrain lbei uothing by their non. ILppeaxence. The ladices molttis 14 *0 1900c ORAYSLAKE - - - ILII013t I ('alit sel] yoîî asîy <() Pl I<, bt have sorne ltiecil J iîitIlcCfielusq in WlIEELER & WILSON AND "NEW HOME" MAKES. ican make lower prices than others will cluote you. Have just one bicycle left and wiIl soul it cheap. E. B. SHIERMAN, JEWELER. We are glad to seli them You wiII be glad to own themf. One of our Overcoatsfor Men and Boys. Heavy Sitt, I>aiitH. iiferwei- r.Mittejîs. Blaîikets, FeIt Slîoes, RiîbIwr1 anîd al] witer gowi) t ta lbig <iscomit t *t4)lse. 1 bave iio roolut fori' t-iii î and l will ,t-IlI titin ti pries to sulit y4m i ît nie, 1 good Fur Coat, yl cloae ai ......5..1lo00 1 pair good Horme Biauketm Apricots, per lb ............ 0 Apple,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 Peaciien, '... ... ........... . ............ 07 Oranges. per doz .... ..... .......................1Uc ZS<;, 33 Fine Cnt Tobacco, light or clark, per lb .... ..... 30 ii lbAhtins . ... . .. 33 We wili always do the hast wa cari for you. W. W. EDWARDIý, An Unliroeb lo Sieoruet - - - - ILLINOIS mpps~.asqJîymo o me -cetea Jtil lam id. PiN.CRSETS HA M. B. Colby & Co. 0[ cIIR f1 *,gHOURR.. ..A rGRtAT DISCOVERY... STRICTLY RELIABLE, APERFECTLY SAPE, FULLY GUARANTEED, E E Y Endoreed and tested by many promient farmners. THOMS GRENES FOR0MORDiNS ANI PARTICULANS AoDfltag "&0OMm.S ORkEEN, t ALB. IM. REUPKE, WILUAM ANDREw, lbngr.MOCerUik Parmà, Lake 5.1 Lako Bluff, MI. I IE N,; ýILIN9 Mena FI-eceLhldd tindei-wca. Weel Fleece and Woei Back Wool Fleeceli and Cotton Back. Wrigbét7undervear ... .... 8 On Ladies' Jacketa, <filîrettes, Wooî:I Mut,,im mwlviii gve a diaconnt of ... ......2 ' Lot of tien'. and HBoy,Capei F.M. KUEBKFJR, GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, D. G. White old isiboum. and lot on Weeierfield Place W0 Wii lbi lant vook, and immedlatey purahaoed two iote on t#e»Mme Street lurther South, on vhlch he vilii bnld - an possible. Mir. and lire. White have vacatsd iheir home, and lMr. Smlth viii nove hbu iamliy tu ai once. lMr. 7 ad lira. White have taken rbomsavith .lMr. Langalbeugb and are boarding villa lira. Frodricke for the pregent. A$ 1lut night'ameeting cof SSBo cl hapter 0. E. 8. lMr. and lra. George Thomson were given the degrees of 1tue order. Juat belore cloaing Ohapter lira. E.iB. Sherman vu escortadt goithe enat andipreaented villi a beatîtul Pont latr ona pin, vhich vas a complets aurprise. Aller cleaing aIl vere ervedl wlih a pientifut anpply of 1the goal salnge go pie... lte lacer man, and mast a. the electrle iighis vens oui, the laut Party vWu ieaving the hall. Teasu For Sale. A bloc& team, veighing beiveen 1200 and 1300 Iba Cacit. Wili grade or "cIi. Want a light toei for roed purpoee.Enquit. Bti(lrayi.lake Ho- bel. * 22-ts-d Strikea A Rlch Finli. "I vus troubieli for several yeara wit11 cronie indigestion and nervoua debiity,' vreeaP. J. Green, o! LDae,. ter, S.iB. -"No remelir helped me un- tii 1 began using Electrie Bittera, vhlch did me more gcod than ait the Medicine@ 1 ever unaul. They have &acs aept ai vile lu excellent haelth for Jeara. 811 May@ Electrie Bittersamar Jual mplendld for tomate troubles; thag tiiey are a grand tonte and invigorator for veai, rua dovu womeu. No other Medicine coairte.ita place lu ont famiiy." Try them. Only SOC. BSalI faction gnaranteed by P. . LLou, LibertyvIlle, Gaxysitêxx PEÂnuÀO. 9 MAI a Graysiake TF Illinois. IGRAYSLAKE M- im- Z' ýo 11 - ý'- 1 RECOMMENDED an