e e. u a ~u...- PÎ;:BNT AND VICÉ4RLIESbErII'OP IHE UNITED r $«ud Time de Takes i0atb as President. III MARS PARADE. Une @eni.thslpe save Chainm-e Ibai vSloe.. . lu iseî..Cithe $tAe iront-f nanirfssstInauuural wnmm Masehes. fip Peasyf.nia W@Oue--Grea t romgblare Affunie *,toUa@ Colsm .'sd Liaed -.fil tlb Inauguration Bail. hîmitos corceupemdeai'e- ir4Mas àcKiuley un again Inesiîenl SUnited BStes. Uit pronuncel fMI et eailce ati impressivun soeni- * la» betood hefore ticea hte-haire liluatîce oui the Capitol plaza Itou' atter'losS, amI then reneroly kisaied Mble npencd bfore him. Tiawaas 11aI al et Ilie makiuug of a 1'reident, Wvtaeop"le ladt xpreseltheir aril àl o-"- mus.. u ssr maths be- M,-&" la he toral cofiaeablini declar' WILLIAM M'KINLF.X. TIIEODORE ROOSEVEI.T. 1 On wu of thse Peuple ilu«Congres& lIi'., '1'lere uere inter- a~paaU auyfarsfieslut hdlishd amulisspectaceoas atawhicli LIKE A FAIRY'S IJIEAtd. orthieflatof nI$ailaun sd enuther of andgc o tc an of ltie sbtb thoe on fhe plaza 55w before ttiu --thé e îevrî'itoor citeras tu-t-t aut San- la IprOfteagoft heeOutl te Presudet too the oatfi o! office. Inuaguration aliaIt Asene ofc Wonder tIlago. Ofeo f the utunt fatiranlive iife'cs prteu:ad defeud theC-» uInfront, acces sud acres ut hnmanily. and Graideur. wasa teireaeuatitve of t.h t'eriuaen- th ited Statesiwil$iam he- wifh lutrntd faces,.fi trou ansd upon tDémocrati,'e mîurese its dasaltus tînu e i<u-iPeftl ut thefluelace cf tIc - placet! the cronuof sothor' tie ornesmentaf latuppeatt> deou n of cinaaxfnt the inaugurcation bil. Suen t iran fugation. beadl and flic techerth tatisury whieli graces the prtiro o!fhlessIlian anme a liftuime. aud then are nille uýs $3.000. andl lhe prie,' <i the ankl ,w -e 7,00, o pope. thei grandi-st of ail nafionanl aatelenars, generaiîy etnjiielup liv the mague ofa, s set pietea la extra. Thec tompsny up- ',wu@ carriled outI tail luindredg o! nd;'eutucuî yst"s uitmne. fairy tale, Ils spleutdo"ashaamel the sam plieth a rps of me o nuent fthe ex- slins rats whidli set in &fier Iuugî upon flic uoble daute. peerlo t enperlativsno! sdiiiratiau as weak', litggar-filifon <ndtht inaugural au uimttee Owewtbuewere weil nder a'ay. fu bazardons ledges. peepiig ot fcone- y andivsorthheus. La Irappluga were siprvlsedtic dnpfty 15sec iul t tis eyportIale ine the glass rof. stihi otlier sorlliy the mfificult efforts ai Ilose canied ont secordlasg 10 coutract. A spe- &&Y TAKINOTHL2OATtI. repreeetatis'3oa f Amrieanas wliawilh omnipotent seuilf Uho Irmnforni butblefsrial gouard ofai Oce prstectesl lithe eople tee or die. into damonds aith a lreath,. pIe.asemblosi ta wtness the dtnftîsy. The mont Impsau, Ifinet Jimpressive, ls hewlderng beauthes 'ould lave portion of tIe inasugural cantonaient 5un'matisfied the niuit saacting esutsistt of SOXIEOW lTE HANIa. doultedly took piace in ftaetUnited States tie firy worltl. wSsae limare ssaîwaya s. lctite cdamIer aud was witnesaed Iy renie true. fis dispiay of lutronsa tuffa Oeurasîfstilu Thet uttrcteàf Atten' - .2,000 people. Thia was the awoaing fi sud glttering geénse asihd havéexecfted tionu Eý'ryba6re. tirf fhe new Vce-Presdent and tho fn- the envy et fiat sut-lent Mirc. 'roenuia Whio TIc inauguration dîl not lack for ma- auguration of the Sesil for asotoret the fashiosofmu!hs'iig su rirli that nu aie. TItre virrauoarhy saliundcod or- terniof Coagresaè. Tliese céremonies aneceint ddiaprovo i. ganizationa lu sîtendasme. Tic femotus were very simple lu themselvcae. bat the TIc oly incident to îhraw a shade oser Marine baud badila odIede houarg wfîli liaruiht3'wftIwnichthey were lnvested. the geuu...c1ffatiiice awas arieM,,. l'aunhisfi's mtoU oganizatisu tf New -Ikar .zelulvses an ti Su heiugaf cKliaîey suddeujy heesase indhupoet. York and with lunes' î'eerated boy of mbeaqgumad men maIe Il au OctSiOflThc Preafleut souuhd nat fesse lier. Undl musisuas. TIc GrianU Anci band of peeullar ltereat. go tIc grand mareli. fer cîilih ail Canton, Ohio, 100 piecee. a n oe of lime ,tb*stoilette gatliered ail t t in5cOn- readv, bltu be licamuooned. mîollt eenapitious, ud Beldstedta Con' aîdered reat la a repuhlfe. Tîcre area Thisrfenl-w Iel onut ahl.b ut e t bn fCncinnati, oit' of tht' mont the representtlhes nf thelt lelgis - wy; Oulvagrandspetce ntemon ullr ganitoulast oIaiflie Misis liv bodisin uthe aorld. the Senate andl________ H Runa or lepreaentatives ci tle Unted Stalte; there aras tic higlst tribunnal la the world. tic Supreme Court of the Unlited States; Ilice r ere mcii arI - wouid hlId the ligleat elective olâcos in ticeararld, the Preafdent and 'Vie-Preai- dentitheUnitedi States of Âmecfca. lui addition tiare arere tIserapresenta- - ' ves of cvery civilf sel goyeruficult on thc face of the carti gatiered to dé bon' I lmy aw.ar thitaIli wu or ta lb. admiistatiooaf tthe United y aIent.uthie office <of States. aithe United Staes ad Thse galicrîc il leld earf y. sud It was "' \. at m hît.~ a select gatberlng fli wtnesaed tice ud in but r M abiity pr- sellisealect, hoarever. onu luinthe t a- ~p.tet sd dseiadtIc on- vortîamt of those wlio coutraold the fiel et.s9 Uuls Sset ets of admilsion.. for tiers arere as dia- -le setfuguisle icetizen@ out on the tre cclasd lte great tirons fi front af tic cap laîtorara etthse dirfolowed luin oiab tU. were lu tha Senata galieries. tlb. uataely picidenfil pro- Il could net ha otieruvmse. arIen two bon-u arm W1ista fHouse o Ospîtol. es-dred Ilionsanl came. and on y ane thon- *y troops; theIns tallation ut and eiould lha sdmittcd. t-aadtIse uew enatoras; the tak- A th aelebI.tageisd tha Sllestit atI ofic office hy Mr. tuntttln oftheIcday.Thils took plase.la 94 thse Capitol front; the dliv- flicpensionu buildng, ahlel lias bccii Imausul aulimm oto. l. sesi regulariy for fth. punfi senei ':haau t tIsa mveein people; theielUta tlst eretted. parade lurougli Washifngton'@ slaugîêd wthleu105tiousand PARADE A MONSTER. 'n d -dwilIs cheeiuig tlousads, ivew et the marchiluif attsiiona luamenfaPaneaabr7 IniHoasr tof Preand- E- Preaident la front of tIc cîccutave det MKial.y. -' The parade aras a miitscv snd clvle woka hsaitd glcriously nt nîglt. pelleant jrojecte %tlpon e seule cf mas- -Aà tue magnhlecntlivdeeursfe peu- nifirontie nesor lefre unlertaken ona bagding gouti aud esuty. offiia Illie occasion.CUndouhtedlY lun Imoit'ui aW pollOical faine untel lu the, numbens. apetacular faturîs sud gor- t Inuu tliou hall geous seceasorica il ec1lhîuse any inu-i badaud inauguration of Wiliam guicaf dispfay lu the hstocy of tic nation. luy waslevan more granîily impres- lJpcard of 55,000mno are hn lion.Ev' diba. the ra. lFor more tian tire. civ srm of tht' miltary serice cas top- the Inauguration committot. of resenteni by crack orgnniztutias, tht Na- lbe lion. J. J. Udaun aras chair- iousl Cuard of sevrnl Stntes addci ta beakd un fstnlnualy at cccl ou the blihoty if the miihtary nemntra- and details. White preser;ig aitllion. arhle civie ordecs, ioitieic5lecbs. tl s-onoi'ed tetures otinaugurali college aludents. emient in, chef aex - Mgnsoaic, ticy introduccd mstoit ni-w ecutines otfIStates witîli lnpaang starfs. lm.wlulcI tlicy etIwaoul gcatly tm-lhistorient fonets ayiolihcof the [ragreasi lIse inaugural spectacle. [n tiho!tich nation, and bande almot witbôut Illut apanued tie srfees and lu flamber euontibte tolethetaleuldmi f oSCENE uAT THEIt NAtlIii ttf. I, ALL.. 4 miralons o!tich buildings wrc t-le spectnce. a evidencea of tht progress of tic Thejt imevpu gtait c'a" cseptosisi extravagamnt of acahoa-'duimetd île 'lu-sipplull miaii riiniient Placeein tiecre tisls ad the Inaugural procession ]y Imposhufg. Ifincuiidesi 1.200 cavaky. ice h l rdcsos.i '9 i ots tiuus rir cesvrl1 àainýthticarbuy. the (luardsinen. the s3,00regular ifentc>, iumiccmgs o 0, d msaitmuail raaIie'Ii0 dfias buindas it tiare a reltation tortsx A. ]EL, the avv. eletehbodies, religions jacklets ad 2,800 umaones.'d 1 d10 ftouasmcytllzilt f .duasolloaintenests. sud exhlitîs a! National Cuanenen frotu:e sere'î1 isudligit. eolor an rhythm. IfI IlliedcemlIunt, utout hicl tînt front lie Indien tedliresourcea. the docoraticuis of the lu addition tieet ene î10, 0 w f aèy a fait c'cnuan'a eup o!fuuumbition raininmg et hi<ult Chaumîbvriaiu, S. tD.. i aud buildings. the retpions sud marchera. 1-00me Merof e tIs librimmlug fuhl and ruainig over, Ilf<tut- penttalis th(îte tn oas. isaurural ballail kept ta sceufraltins.îloan d 2000 coicue stadouta. lu- ered mens a blfamelemsaman cth a hait- 'Ihece ,P,, eu îgiiiieuimlbasn.,galre. kabefore tic mmnd jut o fac as if uuuershle bans is ggregting a mnibr . ee-rsn affralhanluta eem!iiuu u utiBuaohn sapossible for 1huen la do s. Tc bilp o! 3M0,0.provided fIe "lcoiossilong laya. 1frsntîu fulus',laii'ngt a %uide reiutationlit ~aela parti psfing in thie Spanui carsa, reel soundm" that malethle occasion titrent enioce build if hehendo ro the tht' ised iil ul fBlateo. 'ies. Ca' oeuspiuaoas intic suppressine erial u h utabtasm i ~ ~bjllpiu. dmirlu aIa cf auuLlay evr emlîwc i~ etipugli tg oecompass a ety sreau nd ufone or lImeémimst attractive.lils céputation peu igeiraulfahyl A a tiago, ion a tl flic qiisr epmuîl naeui ftlnugî h tob10saalfowa asky scraper. for iOurii tiu<i uunubuvng h t'eiu'bhil 11.«h at axle khaiantic Santiuago, iu on, t teqae tla !ls venter ham i court large tinontoui Pd10elon folouv«ici itaious aheu the Bay thbr gay uniformes. tic middies lu thei States ahieh sent mhtr rgami.za'uibl h,hc. sîrand ail. anid le court Stete su,,un<tittil thc nstionalcapitlle jaisty uniforme, the campalgu rmercui"& = , oua me Mssachseetts, Ver'- ila urr înded eescoonadess THSE NAVAL DIOPLAY. '-bin.. ecI conspicuous frBor nom*alfa'. anis. dayaul, Ohia. Mincuoe, Nec .Jer- Thia ball.,citi gigantie proportionslie- ý«sOk*J representstiou. lthc trotiscaot sey, Miehigan. Virginia and Ailabama. filfing thîle f-t i rpiliic. mas drsped Llgchf Draftibut Pocnff u'esscf. ~War os lan d a as, tIc.. eomblned te Tic sggrcgale atncngllhi orfie StaluItmi- uiti a aildeirsas of flower.sud gcecna 'sere Preacnt. 7111alle s panorama Of the natloi's,Power litianenu in uifîr u Id net full short ot sud linge andf gay sages.and thé aboie ThcalainIuluplay ettffiluamguraîlo p4 .s.r erhoîapa fever excelin 1u 5jS men. floouitd ait.1 fthedazzling radianci-'of a aras lnlimutj'il>' lYtiedetil o!fte 'o ci luoy ftiecocuintry. fa sol e Brig. tGen. loti W'életncomausnifed thte osyrisd o! elecîrle figits. Thc caiseo! tomae. Asc un aeil known. flic river If falla fi) comparatively fwpol esecond ntiary uiusîu,an. Iicsuds inlud- tletcoturt arere huides inter enliesa oul du-ip etumiiih to permit slips aithe oU Algeroon Sertoits, nauIs of tienstretelis of white draîerieus siaedlfine tut appl cmliilu tIccil>', but lias suffi Urant, asnd Brig. tien. Charles King- ;vtli golden eiotlis lu ale lous and ctent deptlltau lloar monitors snd tarpeiz Tensansd buadreda o! thumianîts or gracefol t ctrele1 oite i- tsr uip to tic lac.,. Cou i au"~~> Amricn cîises tfrouged Ic iui lks Tht munie waavcontliuonîs. Tic Ma-eqsclilif fthc dupa sking part in th( S ml icnrcioirnslarnîla.Wlthe ttb8 i sc auwspuid ie pennde aninsi'.e. seonucst-r thdoîe montor Puclîsn abouted in appiause tht cofinulasfwui gaIlle Uaieyts orchestra O! 125 Pfl e e aorelt-lnîm ut ansd genre sari on te thee imie of national ars rciing up piaved for the daacrs. TIe musical pro- crulsers ald rigs. '['let se5lsfn c toi 0beavon tram a huducU bauds. The grain tunlrâced gele-esof o!heichigîcltreuged f mu hesi î e lirvea nt tic nasl straîna of "John Brownos Body"' and eider. Thc hail prosartel tv relletcd fet yard, ss hi-ce iuîy were eus o c soi "NarcicsngTfugh tlcorgis" mingled fis i.concerts. h ii i uîii usal timis sl r îoe 0oau siti ticeuiaaicorc "Djit" andî "MNary- mittel for a neinsl admission; Togelier thueii anud sn s,îsîpowrcîsulpscas laU. M IMaryland,." suille fthe anau ram siti selectious fer a pieed rchestra o! j'Urie S<n i< suu, which are cafpableo thc North ind fie man tfnlo, the ISoulithf(M veile-s atpported byIv hlbIandl and mailing lr thlb <'lucof Ifis or aaile applsuded, oach cithouuti CluiilOi'orchientrat. T'ri oencrtn sves-no cpect- comutry chuen muP eon uemantis. Thi'n "The Star-Spîîngîed Bnncrl" anddt o elulihpin a large meustîce' hodi'ray - Thedcninlent Ibeir «Uoutg the flic "Amu'rucat' ecnsheard. Thec rotrîs the uot o!fIe hal. imt iteirs -mlsuthfleProallent tn lite, eaghl tup the airs. sud 10,000 voice@ (>ailluou! nit c ul anwtI hose ar tIc fori - ere îuutsmdl in a nationail ehorua, stilcî PYROTECSINIIDli' PLAY. smu mt uie munde thecit>' shake. '1hé procfaimiiasf fIat ut'ioUualtsrm i n ge- niai <mue'd,allt ureors alpart in fthe tir bouttendtliat onsc fag c-secs aser o e a»gufalse.f Arisi sudl FaI Pies.. evsiuu., . m 'ntlined ieach.s' r.00 ps~ 1. feople. W'['he uuue. aeîî irumnuliieseval bfachéseemo! th - Th, i-trorkua îusîlny swuaoti 5 10<51 , suisn ur%,ic partout fesîcrue otheli muganiîuretiNsi- tis. 'Tle pruigruttul <cltidemh forty su'scum ri5i f.ilWING STfANDIS _a sriai pie," utf lrllia.nl eclunetug, muids diffoeit frima th,' utu-r nmid O-iisnlgWcrefUnder tht Supervision oicthe In ail sorts of fanuifuil di-ign. Aecorg- eauguraf Cnsnmflte panying 11cm casa'cfurfeut kieinard 'Tlua yî'ac. tuc thetiru-aflime, the stalq ment of rackets soif canities sud a.hsil- ai..,th îe route 0f the inaugurai parsi liant arra>' of set plées ',repru'se'niu g- aronl let uthîe IigIest bidden's, k nures and evonta. TIec Prkildett a hat tooeti edeldrcinosa'n !ts us uuraig0 Ielt . "IuurltmullsaIssau >1 ~ it U 1 divde onoa wth te al d tod motder the direction ofeal cEM&T CýOWD N .BUTUE CfflTOt I rreagitailon or vid oors w'ainoug die picaer cha dIe to nano. J to. ~nfIeo u bil nthe wa aglt wcarlbigt p5~téttIm di O PEECW OF T14! PItI8IDiN. bleKIsier. in Min. Inaugure,#a U.viOws IXvent* of INour Ycar.. Preaidîrul t Mrhioey, In its Inauguiral address, res'ieîved the e (vils of lis ad- minisatration. He sait] the national ver- dict af 1806 bled for the mont part heen u'teciiteil. 'The,-rî'sutjtir uur sith Spain. uchivlu rame, sithuî,,î narninc. bail heea ,ugiaaliy fui,<rubta1,lu, A,Uiurui an or. snd in th <li u lue.st <orh.onoraible ut ithe' t utisitent. 'Wv rt-re <nue lit fuu-iuCewitl lue c au' sud thu'l'n ~andt 'it i, iuy fervent îurayer tlint if jiffllultiviestitrise jutween lisl <ii l,,,<<<< ntjicV HIla lue mettj,-d 1il), ar11 u iluutiiail auui li at lucre,,fre r %-vinat, v<lit- tihIle 1hu, <urs of a, f<uIuu ihuiîtad- dre.uin liait ji, . u <I. 1ll,11 uuiItucuuI:ul<<[ <t d In ilu.b,,foir thI' <uls <alrt j<"l,'î, l Wjîutrv'r re- ma:îins iîifuu!jtli,l s .;Iu <<<uur iiiug ,,ligui lionr'tuu ut ,ih tt<<fii u r-e iup .ii ilto, u<i.iu , (ciiii- t]I.i. l ut foîtuniautc' <.u ir litItut, , u. ils l'Ir 1-iiii MI iu i c lu t iti v t'i strel ly ,ioîiiid Ilu.SiîePs.' I, ut <<l îij t tutdan c itO3' ii .<uiltti l i<liiutandcr,<iuui l gisintioii. djjjil it îuerlillit -11- , rat firesper- tlit lu, uI uis fit eUluna urecala bu<itt 0ai-or 'u <li gau y u in IJ<u I utic pendu. I curr s um go u , scijunshlue'rital; t ~ar, tt'iItnIIu< thle îu< l i.Nt ig il. attd uu utlî<uuit et jrpautui.or effot ua îueuiutc~fur lint uuuuiuIg util. I cld ail llit iii luu i.u ,,,tId l e ui ta u rai,,, inu'sjtubl': unI lithI<( lires9 ili tir.I nî'gulruî sesi, us ltit Party dit i- luuit, rs jltiu.inu'Y utu cru uruiuuti f1the vrisua nitl iei frelu.< i t l<it<t<luet ILil. ,<ami'. The' reculit as ciguîIll> ru,,rabîr te Arnvrriu'a ni,, uuî'juîuinlte lîghont de- gre liuîuuraî e te thlueguui elrlnîeiît. I t inhponted i ltis <'i lgaiuas from whiris we vanaI i-Mohe, anud froui whieii il ns'tuld lue iitiuur ail eicek to eueape. n ate nowsslit piue ilIthlie ivorld. and itlau my fervent pirat er iliat if differt'nt'es arise fwleten un antiother ftuîls'ei5 hey nuay lue sel t l l uy îîieefi arbitration liiriit<i 1<3 ilieî<ule for na.ceeind lime wut tli te îoff- iuf i'resiilent. 1Ienter iipoiin i iiuiitinirteitun tlu"u the li ari-at u'juiiiliiic t.hi, h aitarli iî, Iis reneuvId hlou,rto ad ouîu l, nesuuu, prois-a 0finreeni e îli-lui<tiuni"Y Veurteti thî'ur fa,îlftul iunrarut. nultreverciitly inv,îkltIg fiur tgîiliwut. theia lrectioni aud fa%, ) cf ,t.huiglit> fGu,,l sioiuid shrinli fr,,uthlie aii, tIis dea asumed if 1 <liid st rofeul tutuii hrir perforai alooie i whîolItaui e th, u -1eaijta<ftih, ,WOte uandnifarltuon ofail parrties.'['he ociunaul < < s iudfeuîieil îhruuugl a natl<in.]iit iff aer tiun hI juit lit m di l. unicue i<fltc i eril hla a la-' luos ail. auj fairtiful fi ie luhtucld iil, til dIrrs. l. t'iy 1.tfe»it.fd. Si resut huatis andl hirtllfuait tri rie andu i,r i l atc3 wî'haveelcu] un ci e, tpartt co,<îr lelavd rutilat r,. W', are re<uuilI,'ij Siiuiiilisîo ha. d.ap fîcarel. I,,< .11 ci tulllesîfitins uit oui lanige, tuhrutil libyt he wal? iaii i i II I'v iil<ig pi ,ddel'iiunuiuaid iti flueutu ii an sd thlee t'nîiiiii iY fou their 1,M tiiu t unas '11l ucis t tir ruglit etitia seiltteutit rrotn uifîufn<s-11 i ht tire suunienuit tuaI tîr aiuuns athe *0111 lio îînof c litiii priati viii soviîld ietefui fiianflcip. %IagniftIuIg ilueur difllicu ties uvili îîugttAIi' iliotff uoutinden facilituite titeir adjuiîni ît. Thle pruiphet of eil sverenet flue huîilulerntfth@ rîr pululc, nlit ils eueasin" hîlvethe ssil uti-ulte.It The failli of th fate, n svuinauîiglu t vforceein its <Tes lii, saîud ithe faîil i <<rtheir fettuiaiui ha, n rioiu<ghluisun ilmgretea and fifruinhe lic ,tu'tu'iiultthe n lan li tuîu , it înf tce s u icnit tan ut.flic ,pat rtii laiuge ssu-Idiu ,,up, 'th. \c u thin,u <e fteni futun i rî .dllotuil, an. i- roîistiniii han cu i ojuuîli' fluîî u s inruituitag lucu<r utîl îîuîu l uiit u 'uîr <iho t t suuu<' le <il us .li <<< t u n it'l'"I tu'ulu u i'en uey au, We 'are faitusx utu<ihe , -<<I lii.'> blae' ITh, 1 vnl" tenti- vithe le nfi fuuryena are L,,,)near 1,, jutatifY ',e,'ijl. Sainue thluîitu liq <tiru 1,1:1113i.<il if' ieninu i u t,<I<t c is tiu<iun<<i- relatu,u neiththe' u f Ilie a <,i.Th,'-lia ,hi .1< , i l'ii'l tnt..8 huure ano lîuuî,,c li.i<u , iltelui uc st,'gii n ii i un , sit <<t rtt, r lru it ii lfu. huin ttc<'î in hi <<<<ru, 55 lu t il tite ' 1<'it andil t' i rua l<in, i n tiI <u lli<g usitli ut( îtul bc-lL lu<luIt <f ti<lroin a rit oerieftfor f. h.. ,Ifu <<tt Ililin îuuiu't<tn ut iurjn j lt li.sii tliti t ifu i htho futuure i,' iuîn muf tuic t tuteil Stuîtu'sndul'il Wui litîtinr l'-ruu.iruluu ti iîu' reui i <se fruienîm. IThe a'Liuuutii «i(theil,'u puissa<tf tiun .< uriiltin lathe ri",<u <<<un uf Ap<<cl 20,It. <93< Ilivitrut tema Il guuuu. E ur iiiuth le I<'s u'itluun of i 1- <ulanul lusthle s <'<<<3 cf 3tia ntaheje lule u asuntunur uil ui u n the sicu'nl e't iîut'n'.i tu, u 'i.u,<l i ' ti <f il f n ssuîîe :lj u, I îu _ luaiit, il~uiiunu i letrntu i îîîîî.îla, u it uli,, . hit' tînr t lii<j , , 'nlte, il its uuinuju'Iluth, '<ut cfPa 'PleTh sentruuilt'd bl ivIjut1-1111P on rete a (-iufntituion<un lvaptft'uushing ' l onpletuout <ifsunluijiurs. T'ltiranifet "Y Aiiierueatit'u tat oiil le ieu gavernt ui n of %siiolIaui'impunor,~taniite, ius'îlvuni eluliuruiuîiiresiuliuiug fruuuont-ir iitefveiit and tho e terîty ttf peuiu'u. I <<itInis ata ho advlstnl liv theu' i tint ut, t <<f C gresa of the teliY u u'llut' 11Wlegusîs branvil cf 1the Cls<' îerfluu t ('îi"aes n tllta ti'n ithe 11-1. or<ut t'tj thi' I nit,'ulStutu';. 'Th, *pî.i 'eus <rlu eeare rieulgeil 1i lesuve ote < fllut'«uCjat'u<îlî',îunraInte ss'îmirth ti l iue uu il<u £n<u îrîîî a-Our eiîfucnthisottt'rt ut iftle îî'tl.te th, tc eoiut<'Ii.<l <tt ilfre,"(<lia s an. lie a î'li n. ul a<i neîuu: rlterfiI culi tu (lie Senate tie appointmient as truaw teelq of the Illinois tCharitable E>ue mdE Euer inirmary lu Chlî'aga Williamu T.I M.%onlgaoiO>' of Cookl ( tifît> luand Athur j". PrMice'OfiSancoon Couiiiy, iu0 que- i J"ei. . 'sPetiti f l'Ir Sif h' C,,îîîtuIri W441 fL. M-. LutiiIurtof Knoxi.C'uunty, ri'sigiicul. ce, j'Iî'nat«ir tlrheozle'm eî'vu,îîîluuîî i Iliiulion<îi fOî i sril iiiifno1ma nor IuîîîîîîîltAlîm sî,îeîuulineuut shlî'c'f wl l utt 'aruk 'chu- difaf fui 'r'jr"'tfalIin the Legiafilutire tri one1 <une-ir nil f ie îîîelîîluî'eshil<îo! tltit body, fient suusaîuîu.' b> Ifi e M ei îd tias-tt fli te flch ,uî n..'h.' votei s n34 t'a a.12 fr'ont niym. iît itite(nt ut îul îot s iiuM. T'rli e lrt'a f luiste nl,0u isI',îiul eeauling tofli la11ir Su'sîî(- il'lwji' htitilhorfoî's uon.' Sniilh îîlîî 1'(unk taiiusl<i ' <If tli-I'îgulu0imissuti' sui' l<<iistl t h le t",ii'ut 4if $etl t t î< hi-,li frlo .iuiktIuii f'uuk 1... i ujîI liin t<t'sof flue î< JI.uîthfl "î,u î. iII I Izlut111111tIlt iwn* of îîî recelulvol,î' frtir.îi 'if f"u ttu f'cîiî. ."ti fue îî l' l' ,f< << i t ua 3' as s su iiay fingui tu iit tlîuu r <r sIOIilie lmIro, '<rJ d'repl s R I 1 i , io rOi l l, l luug gaîtia ii' uîîî t~ SunIluiy.l'lt'uliî'31,,<< it u Ilits fuel ,., ij tftussiuibardl .5 lifi it'e I ulinrir the th,. ifuiý-t t irili 1*2 -u flu fti !irs t leI's eihaîuilrurai'iiiand tii1 ,î'u<;itli go lig) tiI nu' 1livser t'îij <in NI t". t <'ci . il, ItI'I-)are fLi t tîsîrut lî-îîu.e-n iiluI,îu.cfithOrif Ijînate u4fun<fs p a' u' Iy ljiirsi.I'l ouilloi Mlurî'lu 1,.. "le Satrsigoiîl asugrI' imot Mitrelih 2thi, Se, '<'i u <iu' 1,W1.uu < -- r iiil,i' uan cul lii thte iliit "liu<il] lu Tw. i' o for aloi] i ,1_ ltu<iflf,,rtn Iiîiuuiu3 îî'î f tui frut Onie Ifri" ttuth-' luilîr lbilt.tîra uInre -it "lîî tensaîtrwaa îlrawiunî liq y I.LVs. n-s littîiurjîii.'n'itu f li,' Nafawisal the eainl tîs.iu i l ittîr fuir flue siafe. ahafi fiae sIt, puit f.mrs tulturr>illg,. uriiahinut antiw lr aeeîîgttur.,'fIla'i.iulfi.r"iflda. II flI»iri'vent iit se l-IiulI-î'îy tif Sssgauiioui Il i i îîîîoîlîu"îIl <i tîîi rov'fifni tirat a 'îtif 'î iiuky frt <'fie th Iti' l Ii'uiig lif fil ut'fjeîu miijtiii l'tihs ut in e l it i lîîîîî<l iieuîu'muclin'î inni..,~ Tii js r fiaf'ir Ith'î. ia iiw a lîtfîl îîuurlîr sjuull i' t.iii rlciiitiitt il, i fn'- Iwo f- befuf 5 ry fuir:qi i en ura ii oic feîîm ftoutr l Ici', v,' 0 usi i-fe Tht-n' i, -evrs' ln" pea iiil t ir%.1v *-ionia Il la-friuflitWu irli itatîs I- i-ti.ilit i 10 t iul f1 l,- fiîiii'fuir i-losiflur ti' tt ralitI <n if lilita 'l'hk' coaîoinîut ' i<tu r lîn luI <<utili..- 'afir' flic,,' tisn .1'lui-if iu the ill incit l ii , iug T h ..uu u 'r "< îiti. iti' liii n " a ,s.ik T'IikItus atu d u Iil i I li , îiiliniil îu t'Ir f Naedu Il12-.' 1 f f llif,iiilt 55 uts lt Ill rî'sîII il, i t i- (, i -rt<ud i in t<< i [r.. im, iretu I th bil -l t< t,101 l"' ;l" te a nîtIt l, i'u'a i4huut ti th t I iiuia-. 'iii,' cr ry ciu ulln-ut 1 i i-u i. JIitil. iîuu -l le rti,fPu'eisni luge il-I uiruifi. niJ n,.t < i at h. th.vu t'trhiiu. t lu, tu~Iq I uIl, itht'i l Ti fî' îl-u Otn" miiih' alîîlu es ,I î,x.ru I ntt :r i nl I l 4It1u 'ieaci ii b,' andge'iiuît'l < mi ll Iul..' uetllcli lt.. j -r laid> t t irui'. jrlt thui il0. V- ~ inýf thu, >îuirwIiutli u-iiu 'I utî-ouil 'ri ,'t-t u .im ,tu't l i ' n II<I. l'. <<' I l~ Marin.i hluis , i h' ilfiis'o iinliy . tuaîl ruill, N uNr<I., imit' 1 C'aO <mii ti i. ' turu I -. j- t f <uts'i-. tiltir rt ikik i t l '< ' I ut1is -l, l 9:. il,, uun iItil1 th..'bill I tt i lii , ' s i <uî, tti ' i ii, i j<tt <i tif.tu i't fl uli 'i i-r nu lîus' .îîcîîrîîm î 'csu.ui 'f , fuu'uium ttl iul,iL. ,Ia t'i, - i l ul-v ofiiy itumu <<rut' tde INi <icii.i.i,<l" s i u.uiuuviI J 3f.u c <m-t (miuluiii l. f<m ,,-. I I 'h.' I < <'5 <<iI tO mjiîui f t.ilit--eît ri.]i"f fim, fî I'ml i . i l J'i i n. ui lb' 'ithetctmt i'<ti,,u ' a tit , ut , l ui r il! fîteumil i i lui, la tir l l"' uu<tIiui rutila lion mt~ , t-til quiî.i,f<In. d' i'lti ail î,îm uî"' i, 'u' i i f.l t lut i t,- tiý fuels uic-rt Sîri-et Pindu> ut uuuk uu trhu sci , L.. ;"I'I'Y. fîtme nol tif t hue Nitlu, INa vIl tcu u'.hvt tiin, s; hi «-, 'tpIli'1 i ll,,îîthletmi'< 1to tutu Iii ytii, ' <'itagu tuuu<i tIi'<ii'h rry sciutimin. It-I.àires ii' tsuli iiiga<ii, Ilik i arce. iItbi-<,îî î. ;h 'all rIk-tîm un ii lg îmlum lue.,, t t,1. t,f, it isîl , ll hnae<trs.uuoulîgi lu rite ZUNIDAYSOM Lmâe4 IFOR MAMCU3. iftlew 26: . lS Memttou7vergla, 64. uul'u Teal- 'i li art the Chrisit, the ior fle' l, i~ ing ff tt. tf. Î, hicctiy orf i u, tt<tîiletuf ~aiment lI-' cunsaleliin 11<. -lessisuaitlesfie f0 Inollot it. hiI <gi<su or flie selleri ringle o r u Il.,i mie gospel telle !whiafe cf ci'. < nulle fer lntnce, run loba. thuit ut . iei fter the Or- t ofJesune i'bc <dO eto> Annas. 5. Vi' iuitsîh" a tenaient tf0 cmiii 'uet fronu A. fiU 15. fle wa'ail <'-sfa mlly ste o- et 'iu'rtioni irlefthe tusiifuo, 'i £u'. êii l l'l y i s iie of 1,- . f ui ,,if ft it' 1i fîs". tut love .< [, ,tlje)yt4i si Bort lt' ei gaity. tiuuaiigll i 'I uI lottiO+ te' il la,. suueing Ill. <, t-bat fiiiot le tu-pt î',,uiîmui if ,iii hi ti&trs, a e t, ti,. tt ut <iil i ii i 'f Ileu'once ili1m -i-etusi < < fmtr tînt fa ulu Io. s"ii-'- nutsti u <~i<iinfîlu i t r <tir ici' t it tii-t' ,1,1 <1<1<1rua,1I <leuatef in eataliiti'-iîiiti Inlu oi .î lI1uerff ut the tle ii n, 1siitpî lumli f i ,nu'î'sai,05, lI <'l'il îîW Iiu fu1 h fIe Auilibiit r'i'ifsuli u nias br jnfiiiui'i'. IiiIl,,-. oiil. t, 0 o feapltly hut _ jutr .cnsWht't a.s sebfrîti ghtIolu h'(mt u,hiet, lt )ti>'rel, 5 iia. <ii-ii aîram frott te fit orien, o's' f Ih-i interm a" il( the 1truuieihuil. <i',î,u usjle m ierifi l ufruIe- g ti nrt'e ' i1. i, î 'n rItwn jîrtu lji-gi-t if fiîn îc-, An-> tie aasJon lelurn ies alr e17 luýirIt An a.r ai.fht tu'ffs tut iljit f5 iv , . Il , fisinlf lt-m',tf l servant. 1 rt-i, I fI tgvl isna iiu iItimuur roiiiu. ahIil i,. tuiera sund lmeuol~lit,- il<,<il, le cout. Anmnuie. eni 'y u joiih t"h'hiobinet." neaiive,loftion, ires sillsm i n f i> r efotnofîril 's. la a s'ai tuis'r afin- 'alti esi ff u>î i- diuaeips'. atiuet fhia u'aa'fug." 1f>ssubl' i liii' itîiffl5tInets':ste,11 enang Is lic , t1 il rm atlîAI e out! ente ' lehipf. fvu,ýCk for nse Svekîag tfminit lthe .rallient u'i.îrbe las Dot r5ivit ftlvi-mineluhni Sasetu Ina îufir asuify. aliu,. ircîpui blnaîoelisse lo - Zaarî'tt' rabbîlîiui fIkefotitrehoui'be ide vijeilliforu'onit rttviriuitiinlii' c iltsalona. fut lîsîsliuiufs r fus'u i illir. 'atmn-l infourmaltion. iaaartuug Ihuut hi lc eu( blini: baul fs'oi1,ilubii. so flait aIr mifh fuur 'rhi.a uuinv lfeu tueiîîffIli- teu'r lu trili e.,J.sisfer hai, renlal" titimn thotiti, uhfrt'aatiuIthefier tf purmitual ndîr oftufeb,'uiuî alo si Jesas eapii4l i. inii îîunuuna'-r:mtîle bh'ii. "if I huis' "olli tutl. lîî'uu nttlea of eli i tili rwcI.eii wy n 1 ' bo huitu sunas "nul iumîîio, tailulias. 'lIls a an ilue first fît uallieuait. tii-- ir 'aai< tht' a,'tîî.îl fbigle pient. s.er lui-rtt'he fs' ui l,'m'uern er. il ilectul tîigmi hî'n"l.un mnal uitoti fr moiteuemuera o!f fatheuheuf trn. îr nu' sseuîlm iî' cof 'u rt ift( i'tusse Il .ns feldi ultuing t11<,' tîltl. amui ithe' tititl, rua'cieliig vautcltnrare fitfJe,%teohluis'l 'hax hîî'risg or mlieil il,(îtIii hum'iftill ,il vis t heli nouire.formîatI iueinIilix otf Il' .ulerîîjolal fie'r sfsyfrirnafu. îmreutu'mI 1, Lîlute (2: G9uIi f . letf nlY hi-tmnI at v' 3ulnlt'a' < 27: fil sui Mark 0: if, "Suiltfoisn, 15unesictunsi f'ts uail tilt. i g uhf lit ttl us le t1 .' heîy an-ut 1h11 i cuumhi'ili lotue t u thu l a tire- touîd le esitaualihel 4 a Putit perJurci iii whth liium nori<ugiiiitheui'arir in5e5 t If ircen tiu lt-Rulatumî nel .i'ism ufli- ies. ettlu aiauld îupon uluy tutu, 'ftuni ableit'l, theirt>ilfemle'o! isl orsu if lts., s'às' w rîs. ' lu sr-ut ite,îou lu'. <uil, tii nrî'u'la>e I nul ri-Il qun "'Theut' iijt c luias tetravu' still uuntIier u mii. uritefu Sart. , mt1 îîtîs <mu ti ulunn' ufutus f s n'toIl iiiifîuu'imdtuiuuuh t î1cu j ti- ' l.' ii <i. 'lic he lu inu'ili<ttitt li r s î i .i,igiliteii<l cli T' lh,'e. ui t'u is-i- 'ijil t tolnt thru'.iui,, uth'stu'ms 1h, ti ;tu i îuulmt ilii keiit 'capi~ital toit "f <ii îl-e' rtm'l leuilimnuits>' iliel. Wlieu t'i <t.h uI.fuisil mîor isuis iii im i . The il I li Ilul fin.tis. îu i i-eru et flutin.,u aneuuil îu,iern, iii , i t oi, t rît,' ul'iiii i i lruuuuîuuîte f lae if. i ol- mnnthlit' a illîeurlie as a le oti.ile <sePli. 1 f -,si' nu.ldii'mijpi r e- iii tuu. avlei i ttu ii if i i ts ue 'u fin , tîl ,f iîiîî'e suid t ipssu, itbln thie gîu'pu' rc,., telu.nraiintan h lii the u tIi inii)' ifo f J ,'nu vastsuanunîit;nl<iiin ,f tiin Thluu'c il - i :,-i.Othî'r lusu<uu lin utlîieeie ti'urs ss ltta u..te-lu,, <vi emtii'hIiilutit i i s <5 iuu' of 'li las: _1pili'. ut i'd t,<Wtinhtabi-i ,wh î lirue e ieei.tnui<"re uttnbhat It-h igl diiish luiil it ,y<Ol-Souitmu!ftod" s1,' 'mu-r a uhuilin'uuîît rlint. W,'mueat uui -<cahil theu inîfîlti, iiitl i:isuciltus tuf ..,'Nf- mu'uuî'iluu-iloiiiinn <itkinttufle finie o! fini. But it <m tlain u f ,huufi'tht'e iumi of t tî t 5 <<d li. itulroe'itl il lu ie--,41i uit, wosnumoreu'thonîhtîuon. afutus dutium-. iii. uitiunilse e',tat aure, t5'<m gii-tît iwnu' lt nuutauîh'uî vlut. 'Te sus 'rai (lu"- liurnutinmli,' Ji atu IlitIif astiihits diin- ii y lire ne ntî'na us'm'n wth ttlitut n c'u'mnus thatc'e huve ino, alternive lwees ami- epiing t liitnm t, a gî'iiiiiamif holding bila tu, lusîhfueu e'i t- 1,'uI'-eitttil iman.f 'The hîili fuiesi c eli eslhî'isnlf us tub nuigl' tuanîuilt i-i>Il' f0 "tji't's huis. ni'- ro t ti li' ,juî'itti eraîiî'u. fie auna ns-Jui<'ti. furir hm tatie. a',huuh pnaîuîiuuît, lieil < lonisi<iii tiin iuiiinue, tut lutiiging Iluin rabbhi tuIl tirlint. 5%voitU cw Poas 'lui bu' suret. ttlatI, n,,uî,tlaol uuîlîht not