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Lake County Independent, 15 Mar 1901, p. 4

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* 9 pit-01100es vi os avill- rg UntsMarketi. le» u e Ma lg4aBoard ot Traie ';w0JFéçje laver; gteady si 22e. 8 .k 11,100 1Ibo. 1% cawmooi.,a, sVary hope! ii stnig sensational press dia- je from Ravana, and the opinion expweaaed that the Cohana viii, Ulkiug a vbill, aeeept the cou- lad dovu by Cengreés for th1e 4iiod fAmerican contre. It la '7 po.ltlvely denied thsaI any .Ibét'eeofcaur mliihary terce la or bua ý'ba«à otemplaied by the Admînlaîrs- teutsaon. ___ ____ *The ex-Senators have been tortunate ft Ilmding Presidential appointuseuta. 3t4bonaaîr Chauider Sas been made àsa ft he Spanieh Wsr Olsimu Oommialon, vuieS carrnes thesaime Ulmrj as Beuater and yul 1lut for tgi&i tise River and lHarbor blil te ;-a4 mba in, smade oeef et .WMlBates (lemmisienere 10 the T Iois ,xposition, vhlis in s tire.- hJ'tae Jb ma 85,000 a year, and ihree u em.Snlrs--Thuratou, MeBride Md Liedsy-e eatedtforist. Lonu: M à adbcaton af the value ot knowlng s.xmeneu9c tiseP.vera1ethIe grand IM1, equvaleul 10 makhng jury lu- NoOfgaion aprellmiuary herig, lu- ,,$dof au ex-parte proceedsci, la gbeposed lu a bill Introdueed lun1the > bOI iis week by Represenlalive -_-I*u . Joues, t Cook couuty. The mUIaoudl astr. as il aima ta cem- hIehll reveintieulse tise presenl ,Emageoe f 0f1ies grand jury. Under M»pumae"lavenclyvituaases for tise prouseuton are boeard In the procoed- ifflen hiel inldicmueuta arenaud. 'AeeOtdîng la0te bill, vitnesea1er 4%» u5IlM sot ouiy Se herd wvbeu àW t~aiipear volonlarily but msy he ý,'aoupeIad le appeau befere thse I> -ý4UiiOts. Attemps te preveut vit. hmut appearing la made a mis- z àM» d eMcisa sWho ignore tise lm b ae gdéolartit guly et maifessance. Uoarj Longs anaver 10 the reseluhion, asking vbetber ini. Navy, promatld romi tanks, ver. sflaved tc vear the »fiorm voru by oficeru dpertinent. Tise Sereary I, lb h1 do net, but denies «W distiu<sion la meade becsase et iocrs von titeir vay on itletrom lte ranka. anc the ýwss dueaied ai public expense efispMà. Hos asysfertiter that Xsvp Deperlmeul la nov prepar. *=uuuorus regulatien book, viOcS toeuslt ecera promeied from the le Wear certa.iniInagnia and net nov voru by liseu, but are perrilted for other cern- efficers, vieSnla apractiesi 09éhie. injusticeoefth1e lon. This la a matser tiseeariy attention et Con- sud tise AXmy as velI asu1the sisaul be jncluded. Thexe la .èl son 00 mueS suobbishoes 40»8 tise graduâtes Ot Annipolis and Wuil Point. Tkey sabola betaugbl tbal lb peeple maintain those twe psuva instituon§ sa letur eut s aslrs and soldiera, 001 social 09 whous the eountry mready a iuperabundanl stock. ThsI hmIU le becomne great by recegnîz. surevsrding menit, wberever dlebngreatneas viii begin te thé day ihat l reverses tisai American pollcy. Even a glance tirough hlslsry vil h 1e meu vho made the Butes greal vere nolISer nor snobe. No repnhllo eau t&& recognixes sny other acy thon that et brelns. Niglit Wan Rer Terrer. *'J vouil ouglà uesrly &a il t long, *~tes ira Chs.Applefiste, 0f Aloi. fl. md--and couid iardly gel sfrei. 1 had consumption se bad ff 1 vaked a bock 1 veuld cough Miy sud &pis 51004, but. vieu ehrmedieineseliled, threo $1.00 of Dr. Rings New Dlsovery à ut lrînootb itee c' OM ,Cl ae, ippvacanBonfo Md SUoetroM af l n, R. bas @àn Y. B. yviile, a eeiberty- Chueover.between. v More Zion Citie. Promleed- Legrialtose Indignant. la Waukegsu Dnnday vus held a hep- tiamal service by Dowieltie Eider Fock- ler, viso vas tarred and teathored at ManafWed. The ChSristian cbnrch had beeu rented for the purpole, 1ev. W. 0. Thomas. tires exactiug a promise "gath1e servicesabsonid constat ut baptiint oniy. Elaen couverts vere ansmersed. They vexe mostly from in City, but &Oose vre trom Wankegan. '1'ey vero Earneai Foi, Axel Peterson, Roebert Wiitea.lde, Mr&. IRobert White- aide, Arhur Dunlop, Mrs. Miner, Mise MiLner,Elieury liondrickson, tir. Biing, Alicen bld, Esther Elivood. After an address of abont i2o Minutes Eider Fockier ased thie candidates tise teiloviug questions ail o! course ans% ering in the affirmative. liav. yen repented of yonr sins: If yen commitRany More sin viii yen tuitn&gain repent? Rave yenu onfeseed 1,0 1506e whom you hae ronged and ln the future VIIIFoun couIs te Ibose whom you May wreng? Are yen deteraiued lutead a oly lite t ail hazzards, aveu If il ubuuid eu@t yen au aria te do so? Aler te feregoing the Eider an. nounoed that the baptism vouki pro- oued and the candidates retired lu make ready. lizen folieed the tirât trionne baptisme ever vitnoased iu Lake Ceuuty, Chat laIsmmersion threeUlies. £hia ecsom vas foiiowed by the Uireeke and ls quit. uncommen, con- .eqiioiily iS arouaed caniderabîn unrioeity. A suilloieut lime helveen .eunees vas aiioved te perfurr n tle immersion the eider repeatlng the Whie: -1 baptise jon in the name ef tise Fathor--of the Son-ofthte kioiy t§pirit. " 1I& as an immpreaai ve service. NOTES PEOM DOIWIES PAPE. --Dr" Devin nov states tIsaI /ion City, Lake Cennly, ls 1e be only a for,- ruiner ofet eier Zion cilles. filla his purpese se lie deelares to hild Zion Ctiesneom ther large contera ut population. Prom Dowes a pper, Leatre; of Bealinus la cllpped the foliovlng: --The tiret Zion lace factory la nov oompleted; the pewer &acs la in place and steaus heatiog ilnlshed. Now comes the setling np et the lace ma. cblnery whîeh requires mach aklill lu handliug and la quite a Iodions and compllcated job vhlehi necessarity muet be done by experts. -The expeuta aud vorkera for the lace taoîiry are getllng settles Inlu Ielr nov homes, Most et them vtiSfamilles having temporarily loected aetNYu- kegais until homes ean Se erectosi for %hem a& Zion City. The rest wîli occupy the nov ZMen lace olieratives home. *'We have jmal ebtained the litle lu another chelse Iraetof land located un 'Sh Eméi, eëbüalilng ef sizîy OR, Republicart Town Caucus. The. Republiean votera cithlie towu- aiip o1 Libertyville viii nieei in canons a; the Libertyville Town Hall, at 2 P. M. Baturday, Mach 161h for ithe purpose e1 placing 111 nomination candidates for the folloving towu Offices: Town Clerk Asseanor Colector cousmisoner Ot HlgSways COoMMlaloner of H-igbvays te tMI vacancy> Sehool Truste Tvo Justiesofethe Peace Two Constables and to tranaact sncb otijer business as May properly corne before the canons. TowN COMMITT3ER. Ienocratic Caucuo. The Dernocratie voter& of the towu- slîlp of Lbertyville are requested te ment ut the Town Hall, Batcrday, MarcS lItS et 3 p. m. for the purpose of PIueleI luInDominationflcanidates for thse roloving office@: Town Cierk Coiteter Commiair.ner of Highwayg Commsoner of Hlghways to fil] Sehool Trute Two Juatices of the Peacs< Two Constable@ and 10 transset snob other business as maY corne betorethe, canons. ToN uC0Xý1ITTEE. SCHOOL NOTES. Patrons' Day will hs' oeIl Friday, March 22ud. Nuse Pester's mectlun of the Literary 80clein luthe tortS room reudered an excellent progrnlast Frlday. A fourtb foutu boy wasa aked te change the word"piilate' lu the follov- ing sentence 10 another ef equivalent meanlng "tien of flue paate eau not reliali Aristoîle as dressed up by the school uen.' lHe producod the fot-1 lowing "Mhen e! ue patate cntntl reliaS Aristotle dressed nip as a scboal Dnring the cold weather the 11gh jichool bas been disrnlsaed one-hal session on account of lusuficient Seat lu the building, the tourth room Ivo Sait daya, the Ibird routu, located up-E @tairs lu a north-west corner, five hall days, the second room net once, and the tirsi room one hour. One day three roome were disrnisaed 1n the mornling, sud suotber day, two. At other tinosm but one room vas ex- cused. Na nteei lu buY sIaIgle or a pair of road borses (mares preferred) veight net leus Ibm 1075 nor over 1200, Not las than 5 yers nor over 7 yea old, trom 1U1 te lf; bands 51gb (no grays. > Muât be god bodled, sîrong boned, vel muaeled, lu short, good substanial, rugged aIl arennd animals, sound andt vell broken. Arn not lokitng f'or trottera uer converoation just Soran.1 Call or addroas. Dr. E. J. Bao VS, 1Libertyvilîs, 11 aOres. This givos us poseesaien et aut REAL ESTATE TRANSFERt5. aggregate Of about 16601 acres o et 50orfasd land Ilecured. Il la te (ouerai Over. Lake County Tille & 'ruat Co. h aSer' deaire Ibat ai least 700 acres Astracîs of Title. Tilles Onaranteed. n more land ho obtained before the city Nauonl Templle lIldg, Vaukegan, 111. a eau b. Ibrevu opeu fer settlieut. Loula.J. GURez, secy. f Hindreds et tous oet 1ehave bt-uVeten I:î:, .<, to , mo N,I>ongell isarvested sudd tored in the new wi,8s.'L'..'I 5n w 5seÀ5sec-46.10 hausses lu Itou City. -1,_ ,, .....-S21r 0 Zion City artoslau veli ta duwn 100 îcî iW Ik & .,5f to J:.1'-il E (loi t logo66fi I Wly m2ft Il4o teet and lias a 110v of 4<1<1 galions pem adjlt Ii34 lam aso-!Wcooud. viL le on Min ute, j uo Il T,-'kIor ,IC, rn,'lium. Te-,, IE4-IIILATOB8IN110.'A, - . S.,554 '-,24-46-U Ilot 1,ft o 't'. 94A-10 .&. - 12OIWo W 5 Mendiera of the stage sonate and the 6si Il(354-11q 1-t 64) C logieasîre prediot a livefy rentoat JI,P 1' nInII & '1.:?t, Aine, .n 100, Seaveeu "Dr." DevIs and ibose botiten rw nO',.14t u54~ Sefore the close oetCtio preserit segiln ýw 431 S1. 1 -wvl , ... 110 o The impresalon prevailo that the Frîtder1,b liass U): Lmand FiLm donghty Miehigau avenueie 'ealerîslm ie 5ÂSW À -, .iu43-114LU lu:.n td .. 1&10>00 leoklug for trouble andi if bis challenge Bonbon W ,'Ir,î,Af tI, 1Ihr,, la accepted the legllators tili go u bi st b M >16t t,1 WWau,g-an Mi1e batisleprepares te malie Ibtuga as md l1t0 varm ai possible for hlm. LEer sioco Einine Fîià,r o .fi Martn Hla, the Introduction or a resolîîîîonle 511 4 A& s9m4 W, !4 sm,,V ,& nW 5 tlovestîgate bs banik, wbich vas de- 58w 5Msec 21-4s-1(1 Sv:l ...._...... ,a: 00 clèred nncostltulional by the L,ýesgalas- tc, Ansîl T Saage i afn Dm cor n,: < nlvbi sec ':tg.4 attoruey-geueral, the "geneal over- î11siwî. . ....141) SOI oet "Zionu bas been târeviug Lee , 'e Lg .M. Itil " oag'8 InIVilallons In the palS utof te e-.Ili l".:01 o-m54 ne 54 e-- 10 leglaaora ho tmy conclusions vithLS 51mw 41-f11 -1.210 111 Copies et two oditiona of "Leaves et C 1 Ces,, &A v.! t, AIkinu M Caw,î tiesllng' have founol the vay toteh1e à2o 5:5-ILI , - 'to &A 4s , -1.. e0Mu desk t eeh member ot both housse, A E as"y t, cC ae-t71.47 am. lu andinmaileditin Doie hll tat ase4i sc 5-tI wd ............. flM sud u oeS diton evi Sa taen H J Beekmmail & wf in E 0 Savusel, pains te express hS& contempt for 1he e lot l î ,t av no Ii &son 5-44-llwd. ion: (xi iawmakera erthte stage. Wlseu the Thos MeBrllo & w! lu Jno W Adams. country membors rrived t utiprlng. lo 6 t s Ial n I54 ' YOi -4:1-5 wd.4707 041 fleld and ftend iDeies milmet andi Elion T Doeal>no & loua te tOeC dolittîr indignation know ne bounudi. Proutr 20 ses In uv cci nw 4 nu The cenimitieappoinled to investi- (Y sec f4-43-9 LI of Grass Lako wd.. 115:11 gale Doies Institution bas net been Maat A Tie-ntan te Win M Mo- discargd an th inicatonsare Cauoey & wf 3t fi w front on dialtagedans th inioaîeu Bf sOripo slro,-i 69 fi s of Wasbihni Ibathe11. valt ftheenutire legilalure îton St WVeiugaît wl..... .......',ooff II wili resuit lu a nov sitîci upoo th e Wmn M McCanuor & wf to MRemt A tranaplmnlted Australaen Illie continues Tîvrîtami lot blk 1 lmady & Halle- to anuoy thou vith is vituperatîlun. ola ssuS <of parts o of ka i1.& 1 MoKay's 3ld aitîl o-Waîske ian wd...........................o-o: , A Good Cougli Medicine for AinbrmasA Buge & w! lu JoffeiIiî Cild.ren. Altuor ,se i-4 I,w b4 stec w & ne V. nv ý4 Me 29-as-i0) md ............. 3200 O0 -l have noetatncy Ilu roomendi.11-,1)O itlllard & Nf i0 O M Hil- lug Chamberlain'& 000gbl teondî, lard nse i -e3,2_146-Il 40 155. aayé P. P. Norau, a veiliinown nd wl. . popular bsker, of Petersburg, V a. "We have given t t our cbîld ren Fanal', 1 Pneatt lois 1 C E Jenkg vison trouhled vith bad ceuglis, aie & wf a lotinluVilîlage ofe Waucoudsu wboaptng o000gb, sud hi lbas aivsys tt.................... 5 0 0 given partect satisaction. Il Wasl Townîcf 1-s. Dffe(ettte E'nil recommendeal le me by a drugg.osî as Ritdolph pi'lcî9 bik M Hielît.d the beslooi usedielue for chiliren ParktIW . ý......... ............. 175, en as It contand lie opium or î:tber Lofa Ay.is t,, Tsi, ouCeus I la I bernitul drug.-. Solsi by F. B. josELL lot à --o1-.Ila :l ..... 'fi0 LibetyvlleOEÂYLAK PIARMAYt lvocca A Burt -t & lina OIso tD J. msxau vavzoaPaido, ka [,loinluVillas. of Anti- ocb wl_ . . . .. .a.. .. . . . a H Mns.i. MILLER. Atr.ey. Subt A McDi,,ga l a to 0e D A NUDICÂTION NOTICE-PubleNotice i'addook 197 6-8 tuot ln 28-46-10wd.. 1111 100 ra ta beretîr iven 1ha1 theasuortber. Ex- Charlotte Me~ier 0 Joas.e F Viole w en0er cf tise Last Wif f aud Totaîrnent of 2',tlt4[l B ilg fBr tlorueiîs Nordatrai sisawasti. 1 ietn.s 2 a i11 ,1BVlaec a the CounsU Court etfLaie Ceutnt Ia fin inatomi ,d .. ...>.......... 3050 liereof t10lie holded t mithe CortHoue, la 1Waukeian. lu saisi Couuty. on ttietlMlon- Wm t.lrdf'r t,, 1G10 KOluv oY1t 14 lu 4a" et Mai oeiltu01es vS Md ani h.o sf 9s0il 4-d... .. >..............le000 (I Parsns havianclmÏ asslnat saf O Estate 8ellMse nCacr oJ are notifteti *"dreoues-t',1present the ieflMat-luCenr 1Ja -ane go Mid CoictloasjdjcmgIo. ttervorthali rd- iliî2oderami 1%41 EFIIIN. rda n us504seMc 1io4-s2î l,-d.... soi n Exaculor of the Iget WiliI sndTestament of OcrasSe kirs id, dilleaset. Chas J Cross awt te I inuloA liar- Wsuoega. ..ua. 1. 1. l.mse. 20-1 ris W Yise nv 4 &n Boucs ov56 15*sdsa ts m.~u bbpals ili )65ne1.t-anc1-à 0096Il-45-1 wd ......amsg 4MsSherman u Lsaîborhted tu recOlve snbaelPtlloaffldvetlseuents and 0,4rde o job vork. Cali on bar for'rates or W. C. Ti me TABLE. TO CHICAGO. Fa0n CHICAGO. 8:04 a. mn. 10:2 a. m. :313 arMn -. 5:01 p. M. 4:39 p.m. üi5p. M. 8U NDAY S.1 1 8:04 e. M. 6:10P. lM. 1 t t r d t 0 il p 0 il E ti u 0 L p ti p p mOoeg disl invitation la exteuded. Lam nPidsa' evening a "% qParty vas" bet thle redeuce etrEr. ed ara. Emmons. Il vas à surprise an tise ferer, l Seintg biSrUgLey a11- uiverssry. Progressive cineit vautise eveniisg'n enlertainusent. AI about Il oclock Un. Emmenas zrved refreali- meula, te vhlch ail did ample justice. Theepreseni veo: Nmesr. uel, Whitle, Hsrvey. DSerman, Wilbor, Thomsoen, BattersallI. Rickey, Obiteter, Kuebkor and Nevlle. Mesdames Brovn, BurgeLoaok, Benduisuand Smsiths attended lise W. 0. T. U. convention ai Libertyville test veeî Thursday. aNe..Lusis re- malned outil Prlday evoning la visil vils triende. Tii. meeting wvih iMr@. Edvarda friday atternoon vas veil ai- lended. oonidering the lnolemeuoy et thse vethor. Nr@.. edgvick, District Pr«..and Mr@. Ormsby, Co. Pres., vers preseni sud addressed th1e meet- ing. Tii. meeting et the 1111k Sbîppera' Union lasi Nouday ovenng vas veli illended, aid It la hoped vilU resultinl mach goad. Mr. Dm115, o0! Chicago. addreused ise meeting. The obj001 vas to elbliaisan ageuey lu Ohicaga in attend t il liste detala etofmllk sispping. sueS as esng liai cana are relurued, milk la paid for, etc. Nany bore slgned tise contract 10 appoint biesirs. lRichmond sud Smith as agents. An Honeat Medicine for Le Grippe. 1 George W. Waitt, of South Gardner, Me., asys. -I have5bailishe vorat cougis, old, chilliansd grip sud have taken lets of IrasaS etne account but profit 10 the vendor. Chamberain% (longh Remedy la the oui, tilg that bas doue auj geed vhalever. 1 bave nsed oue bettleoe t ilasd thechfilIs, eold aud grip bav. el] lots, me. 1 con- gralulale the manu2facturera et sa lioneat mediine." For Rue by, P. B. LovTuLr., Libertyville, GRAivaLÂx PERMACY, Jouis MRaKXu,,Ivanboe. TEAM FOR SALE. A black team, velghing betveeu 1200an sud130 lbs each. Wi1i Irade or miîl. Want 'a light team for road purpoea. Esquire eil Grayalae 1Be- tel. 22-tf-d 11ev. Sitevens returund Tnesay trous liattoen, 1h1, BIBle. Wayne Burge la again lu Orayalake, bavlng foiited tise Ai Drury tarin. Nrs. 1Bd. Kapple Sau been quile slck the piat tew veeka but la reeevoriug. Tho Ladies Aid yul ment vilS M»s. Fred Batersisai Wednesday altemoon, MireS. 201h. A number trous Graolake attended the card party et Carlielda ilst Saler- day eveulng. Chas. Steven -, et Kauisas, la viaitiug bis unele J. J. Lengabaugh. Re la ou bis vway home atter a tbree menthe riait lu Ohmo. WTe are ploased te report thai Nrs. Erlissaons 11111le boy Sas cnthrely recoveresi trous diphtSerlsanmd al Jauger ei apreading it la past. Thore vasn ne telegraphle or telepheule tcommunication vithSgtitis place the fOraet ftho eoie, the vires aoi poIns SeIng badly damaged by baturday nisIste tros. Mr. Theou.Gerlach, et Chicago, yull uipen s haruess @hep lu Mad4esu's baufd- ing oext Nondmy rnprung. einaa tirstmciaàs voîkussuandtimlias 114 elve years experlence. lSeo id lu oeil weeis issue. Peter Baekne 410 net purchase the eot, as hoe coutempisteti, but lisis veek meved bis tamily lu the Oea. Herti, place In Froent. HoeSas tvaacens oft land andi vili vork au here1tore, ai whalever belau hn Ind 10 de. A treak sirived on the farm of Nr. Hasen ohia veek. It la s cal!. vhlch can boaslofethixperfeetly torusetillegs «ud teet. Four are w bore tfiey engil te be and Ive are daugling tram its back. Il in a fit sebjbet for a dîme nuseus or aide shov. A tovu canons vili be hold lu tise Vllage Bail Ihis Satnrday atternoon, hlareb 1615 ut 2 o'cloek te place in somination th1e tolfowiug oflicers for tho town ot Aven: Superviser, An- @essor, Collector, Town Clork, ivo Juatices efthtie Peace, "od Cous- nissioner aud ive Constables. AU nierestid shonld attend. The 20111 Oentnry Club viii meel citS Mrs. Emmu Harvey neit Mouday evnning, Marea 1815. The eveulug wli Se devoted prlnclpafly te ()butie& Dickensand promises ta ho Interet- ng. The club in preparing te give sua open meeting Aprîllat sîmllar ta lise Longfellow meetiu 1 tast er, tsking the vorks of WilIlolton lustead. Last Tnesday, eveniug Mîxpala Camp celebrated îl1145 auulversary. A aisori progrmm vas rondereti. A gneslug 'ontent vis beldIn wu hicli the Iueky contestant vas avarded, a besutitul cake as a prize. A bountiful supper was served. Fartnera ver. ehocèen y She gentlemen seeking the original of photographe dravo trou sacoetion providssd by the ladies. A COry pIes, &nt eveulng vas apeni. A sil#er Medi.i Onnteet viii Se hein on the Cengregational chercS, Frisy eveniug, MarcS 22nd. Beside tise 'eltaioos, several icenlecliaus; of musie vîli Se renderet. i.Eorcis nIU Segin at 8. Competeut jndges bave been securei, and the autertaijn. nontiii bSe iulereliug sud Iu- sruclive. Thser. ilI Se ne admission tee, butas collectian viii b. laireu. A We__ _ Are way down rn price, but way uf in quality. For evidence read followlng prices. Sweet i ip Top Tobacco, bc pkge ..S... ....... 04 llIov boy T~ooo5 bc pkge. 04 Quart Bottin Bling... .. ...... .................... 04 Quart BottIe &monta...... ... ................... ...... 08 Seeded Risiana..........0 Mustard Sardines.. .. . ...... .. 0 Corrugated Elbova .. . ......................... .........os (a8tîle Boap, per cake..,ý................................ . oz Californiea Breakfast Food, per pkge -OQ .. ..0 henoshit Crackers, per lb........ ......... ..... .......O07 (loves and Mittenant ahlaitPrice. QAeo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE, - - - ILLINOIS. Wil Puper, 1 have 5oo samples of the American Wall Paper Co's. 'Ait borders at sanie price as side wali. Samples may be seen at Heath's Furniture Store. F:. G. Farber "0' P. 'S.-I)ou't seleCt your waII paper withotit first iieeliig îny samples 'and getting priees. Get My estimates. STOP ftIGHT H-ERÉI YOU can't beat these prices in Chicago. LIgh Prints teoe&t ...... S 04 7e linefPleu g1080 et...........04 7o Lancaster Glongais........ ..os $1.00 AI, Wool Cheviot Soitingoi lu black ....................89 51.00 AIl WeOl Suitings lu graîy.. 79 45e Stornm Berges ........ 3 45a 3erl5as . 70e AUl Woi ecrilo .. .... 80 Ibe Worated ........... ......... 10 25 sud 30e Embrolderles 19 M andî.20o "08 20 aud 25oeinaeftbona ,15 10 and 16c ..".. OS0 S1.00 CorstB of w C' C ai <j1).. 79 10a Lae t . ...... 04 $750 Jackets .... 55 55.00 1Misses Jiokots 3 75 $3.50 Clilda Jickets ... 2 73 50 Dra&Trîmnminga .... 03 51.00 Ladies 'Kîd tlovffl,auiy color 89 lliealeteLllii .. .. 09 $1.25 S11k. .................... 98 75o ......................... 39 bleu'% Pure Oum Boots. ..... Z 98 Ladfi Stolrm BoSSe. . .........*9 Boya' itubberal............... ... as $1.75 Ladies' Caif Stiees ......... f 80 $2.0 0(lKd Sses.. ...........I69 ifelidersos $2Sii25 Ooes it.I 89 Lot et Ladies' Shee lu 3 ad iS, So14 tram $l,75 le $2.601, &a.. 98 Cornet Satiunslowder ..O.S0 Select Soda Cracters ............ 07 X XX Sodas . . os i gai Biue Rernies.............39 i aple Syrul ..... 83 '3brs ep........ 28 i lb Oo Plu.g Tlsa.....30 W. have nov onu banud a good a&l nov satock o! 5,11 EPeir at, peruroll trsnn 2< 153o..........23 On March 25th we wwll open our Millllnery Dep't. Miss V. M. Estey will agaîn ibe in charge and pleased to meet you ail. F. M. KUEBKER GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, IGRAYSLAKE « ILLINOIS. C ali sel 1 yoiî aîîy '>1<1 kiîîd, but hîave soînte q>eeial i iîid lt s il, WlIEELER & WILSON AND '*NEW HOME" MAKES. Can make Iower pries than others W41?? quote you. Have just one bicycle Ieft and wiIl seil it cheap. E. B. SHIERMAN, JE WELE R. Graysiake - - - Illinois. ALL PAPER..... INow i-s the tîimey v an t îLit. froîin. Mi>sh-rîsptte-rns andi at lt>west prives. Ses îîs saiiîîplt»s Iwfr- pur- My Stock of BOOTS. SiIOES and RIJBBERS it voii)t'4. <11f sfe*r i(it've-'ieits tlîiti vesk iii eiand islBOîYS~' CittIilig, Paîît-s iandi <verl-ii. W. W. EDWARDS, Oray sia ke - Illinois. An UnbreakalloSM. Oorset Mie via reinforeu ne two ea e s m e aoeoo»th d. ea LP.N .CORSMHTS RÉCOMMENDED and GUAR"ANTED BY eM. B. Co lby & Co. THE là.LING o[ CORI 0[F .{HtHIRR.. ..GREAt DW'SCOVERY ... ASTRICTLY RELIABLE PENFECTLY SAFE, FULLY GUARANTEE D EM'EDY. Endorsed and tested by many prominent farmers, REFERENCES: FOR on THIOMAS tGREEN, Lake Blufft. Agnlcalturist. WILLIAM ANDREW, thmg. MoCermlck Parus, Lake . 51. )ROCAS AND PARTICU S AAoftrsls ALB. M. REUPKE, Lake 1Bluff, in. ,6 .y., .~..l ~Y *L A Lé' éLÉu Strîkea A BIcS Fond. -1 vas troubled for severs] jears vils chroube lad~ltou sud oervons debifUty,"' ribes F. J. Green, et Lancas- Mrx, N. H. -,No remedy holpiet me un- ri v1o bagai usina Riecîrie Bittera, èdiad me moregOui] tisail&Ilishe medicina. 1Ivcci sed. TSey baveaie kept My vUlusinexcellent heallis fer years. Dise smje Rectnie BIttera are Jusé splendid for teussie trouoles; liai Lisey are a grand tonie sud invigosator fer vsak, Ion dovu vomen. No allIer medicine can lake le place in Our lamily."' Try &hems. OnIjS0c. Salit. faction guarauleed by F. B. Lovant,, Libertyville, GuATeLaxu PaÂamAeT. flememeekera' Excursion. Homeseekers' Excursion Tickets yl Se solO 10 peints vesi Marcb StS andi l19th, April 2nd sud 16111, May 79h aud 21s1, sud Joue 415 sud 189h. one tare for round trip, plus $2, goosi fer 21 days. For furtSer Information apply te ticket agent C. M. &klSt. P. ity. F. A. MILLIER, 0i. P. & T. A. 1 -.- ý -

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