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Lake County Independent, 15 Mar 1901, p. 6

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W-1» m' u Ibs. at tbe mm t1ma«W hold et a prioet0fAlla *88bais"_oe it net at 1 have iis lady' udit Mr mEt' proeetloi." "Relenue me-I beg that Yeu Win," Mau si] 'Rapier or no rapier." saldt hé we bail tisa desît the blow, "as jou searn to bave na' lcetr dertakeso ta protect thsa lady agaînat her lin will, yOu Whall have further proot uoftise bega virtue of this oakeu cudgel, if Yon dont Up!)!i let ier o."catin Rit? The earnest and elevated toue of volet forÈ in wbîcis this was said, as well as the The e words tiernocîes, sers-ed ta iudÎcate ta and ~ LI E~ORHarlelgh the place where Ale. was ta divis lie round. Thle exclamation or joy ut- prot tered by Aile at Hsrlelgh's appearance are( would of itâelf have ehowed her alurdY Tb dfeeder rat a beladt no reason ta dis- bers trust hlm as a prtector. lie uow show- vere cd bis good will liy precaiing Harlelgii theti CRAPTER XVIII. wrten by bis own bond, and signel bi and Aile. and renderlua their egremi Mr. , Wutwo hour s afer tuiduigbt wbefl Gilbert Falkland. frott the crowd legs aunuying. t wi *1Udtrimrncd the lamp. auirred up The cunstalulc asslistnts ment busîilY Yots have my thanks. gond frend," speul à- dlat down befo e it. Il cb d- to w rk; nou eor theu m over irni g the sa id H arleigh . "for your volu itary er- refuà egedbtveen bon and Corlle the pile uf cuhbish, tu sce if the nmuing man vice. It appears ta ume tbat your looks 1polie miun rivons, sent Itedding. bis valetI wa buried benpath it. Thle only tiiio "'Id voica are familiar lu me." Ne 'a d asdlie had tnt yet re- uf cunsequence that rcsurded their "oncelam ertaign."fr uhvese ecumr b ladtreason ta beure ethat tiser. S-aris as a pieceeof vliet, ta which "une., I, un cer ad eertain." r bien no remissnesa un the part of wonîltached muine tsroîuhi'd gold lace, 'uan1 u bnadwee v .at enledevate. lie 1louLed &u mut andwhîch the keen eycsorof Mizr at once recolleciton." liV.ý dl baggard. and started at ""eY deteted tualie uf thesine colur c"o' o cmme htt e, whutil = t7lest, l ahnsd cautionS foot- qoallty as a doublet he hsd -en wou by gracloualy admitted me ta bis preseucu-i vo er. heard in the passage. Theu Falkland. and which lhe bad prubablyli tWhiteisall. nul many weekz ago?" Raid 6w» tujea low bnocks at bis dot. tranatcrred lu bis valet. yen, ycs--I remenber it well," sald atmu ý.îXlatgCorkle'a signal.' sudt!he, s-ing. "\w'al h ontbe altrI arlelgb, wth saine dlMfculty repreeing Cren .aed udteusdoo wa ain acrke d. utNom"hasethe rostal aleg t -teidi g o le, as lhe ueclled lu mnd Hendrick kili gabeed sd th doo wasUnir ffleu -ourslves iîb a mrnnng waîk tuward.s Dykes and the carefully preserveut curr strui 1 Pv. beau walting for yen. vhat bas Newgate" corni. ceci! ".ead ta me an age." Falklanu t titl ~ t< dtEt u "Wisy, If I'd been a prince." sld Hen- men =u i,,Hov de. the business properr*' . s hnEwr litnmaebsdrlck, wth great uncîlon, "the king sud appearauce. Atter returning home, hlie t'thv raeu eletr.Mre7 i 'BedingLa ie ure ofbis curios- t b d isclrets had me acsrftheeut-niwouliin't exciange the ilk govu he or- tluce tyrdl g le e ue u , f tuliA h, vis ut compller tth r' -dered tulie sent lber for s queen's crowu. polie lanas, andprsuigibe tugise np, Hl. aole rlgbt loto our bearta, anut will eun "Te, nutbi siene scueut i th sd which, for preocut securit!. hle ad kee-p tisera as lung as ve live." betw sud the curiosity canulie effected b folded imb a amaîl countagsosud put loto They badl by Iis lime reachcd tisa fair] Maln." bis pocket. monas s111 in bis psseviion. tpofbs.ewy'dorwlreao l u-ý"XIy I dare venutre abrond?" The Jew luoked t hlm, sud emphatl-sthepscof Mrs. Slyn wboosd aiestetHar Ps ,~»ri on eutre brod" epeteu caly pronounceut the nome ut Abi. Ellis- îeîgh la removlng Mm-. Elliston frain the apea éeblu a nering toue. 'Vyes, f7Ye u tun atswered only by su expressive lok, broken carniage sud curylot ber luto tise scen ld't drav Suspicion un youssef." which thse Jew igbtly iterprcted. bos. aprvuluieafentfHu- ce L "at l semato e tat serbod ~ Alice sud Ahi lbot tarteut witb mouy urck's, -s-buhaut corne luthe city lu rom- it ec vl raid tise decut ise cotseiteu tal fond regrets. sort'ened liy s secret hope peuh witis hlm sud bis wite Marger. apet ey, hat they ,houldt ere long meet agslfl. Iaving s secopd lime receised the cordial leaus t! t.liuk that itting mewed u)beeA.wt lc05 îeti er bud Ianka ut Isl-tcibtuwhicb vere aduteut Th wB a ill carry -sit itau air ut inno- whicb Alice coulu nt lie perouadeutletO iose of Aile, tbcy took, lcave, eqoaLllY moui yenos ara mistaken. 'Twill be thse take troun ber, as zon as sie sas alune, pleased with thesuselvez and sîlli thoasoasoit et that." trew hseocf ou a pile o umhous. H«e wo-id aboeya fibeuiîYes go eeall7 t»,lene t hr ad't reddlcd vitls the mat, thouglts dwet on HIarleigis sud on Alice, appreciate their services, mou, Thse terit nonut tartles me. Nt tbougb montofutaIl. sbcbsrdly knew w'y* A surgeon anut Edward Elliston, who Irels bafore yon came the nise made by ou Edward Elliston. Sleep tole upon wcre immeuitly sent for, liadtnoin ar- lacs. lfei'atrat, as 1 atters-ard roundt ber, in the iiiat ut these ber pleasaut ,,sd. on examiulng tise patient, il vaont e b, nibhing at orne boues Beddi'ug muslugs, sud the bours s-hich tc, hlm. ler fusnrd tisat the abolI s-as an hadly frac- Thei hi bis plate *-heu be ate bis zapper, oly relative. and ta those s-ho bsdit no tfreut it ss necessary that a portion ut erai a eld wvait &trt ta my foraiseaut" faithfully srved hlm and ber. were*u it abould lie removed. Al thougisaor the ' .tboogt l vas is ghoit, 1 sUP- foll of anguisb and fear. ucre to ber, for ber lilg cirrled ta ber o-n borne vere. betlaseivlug boues a second pick- a time. libe sasdowo, lrigbteued nos- and therafore, for tise presant abaudoneut. By veaplace or ecoiomy hi s-ould then vlitise dawu ut a golden dreat, tise tîme tise opesation s-as over, Wicb duplnd ien living, You miglt but Beaonlagt in uttet ollivion. s-as succesfuiiY perfurmeut. Alice roundut8B01 bi.certain b. voultint have taken s-at her s-rut, vwhlch site liaditmaglueut bie ue vas dead." CHIAPTER XIX. l aol lgty pan a nb TI 1 ", Iuiud carry as Ilgbt a hieat A hesv-y, luusberng coach., us-ssn hy iàs-oleu and begaut toalie exru'esaly pain- fa- gg fuaomme ondo.HarI Ddot pair of aleek, s-ell-condition,,d burseo, fol. This s-ould rentder it Im1 silefr Iiti a niseThere are footatepa whicb wsaimoving luwly loug on@ of her 10 hatos on Mca. Elliton tisose nu-ial aar;they ara brliaing tise body the tahionable streats of London,. seaý u- es-ons 1111e attentions which she other- Yorl Pd tal partlcularly atlract tise attention vise s-ould have doue. altisougis a sella- lave yuaemitaken. It haa't uftwIo men, viso for aomne ime Lsdtlicen hie aud experieuceut nurse boit beau te b lbu ya."loungnt et thse corner ut an alley by promptly sent for by Edward. Hi% feuadr iicithse treat wses nterseced. "I vili îuppîy ynur place, dear Alco, andt D.ama ot. How could fitlha sen ,That'a lt." sald une ut thetu. asfer as I eau" snid Ahi. "Il vil! ps- e cii arOoue. it la time that 700 "Ara yen certain?" naid the aither. vent my thongîblainomds-elllng ao cou- ago *timakug tend aut eariest ln- "Tei. Dou't YOemIat tise body et aîanîîy eoubhlm vom t arn net allos-aut sf t, orvalet," tb. carnage i hottla-reen-tlit the.tamîniter l." ass-j "m I 'eud atlck lu ni Ils-ot boses are trou-gray, and tht tses-e imut Thug, by a combluation of paluful cir- Nem a a apeck of gildig about carrdage or hair- cumstauces, Harleigis sud Aile., Mrs. ]M- kbue fIt yoD seul hlm ta lb. le* tauseO»? A11yho1di miglt bOus- at It hi- Iiston sud AhI vere brought tlgether unu- mai Idred pound, and bavnt aeen longed a à utraigit-laced Puian" der the same roof. The promise made tanea@ *'It la e987 enongis te tell tisat, but MIr. Wilwactb by Herieigh vas e second tene bI ody left there' tisere's mora Iban oue slcslgbî-laced Pur limaunintentloually broben, s-hile Mm a.s do Yeu uuanT' itan lu tise tt s-buos-uenia(cocid Mi liaton, stil inlua tate ut iuseniility, fruc 1111e dark court yrocapoke of." tWo hos«-." vas vilted ou and vatcheutcirer vils tise of1 uggisu4 zoo la&ýtb4e od 'Zhe-wbat do ion tisînianov r' taudaet ces- by ber luas-hom, lu tise He of ln tb. mobt leg l nl 1Sf 1ftli q uesio Kvs lelcteai lY the. ilgt hour cf dep alctlou, abc bad refusad vol ~contanttrail! ta haeaue." cf a youug and loveîy face s-bd ippear- heru&Iad d yupathy. lise Uupc in fviti!On lb .sr id et cale of therifa trae Wndovws. caa bi no doubto f IV' "I fibl yen are rlght," wsath su- CHAPT!ER XX. li b. a *rle,i" wu, IUs.-1ib facila oui cfet The neil iuoe or the Od Balley hiv- enysL" lb... s-bé h nite éélllfou'goe." lng beau close et baud, ai tise lime uf the have tisouait t o 1at ha- "Yon uudertaud îour part cf the îav's arreet, the dar fer hie arraigumeut an ep for Il nov5 unif.. game?" »MafflVe. The îstrict i.acdcvilci hiipoeedta ebft lb. budin Ot I arn lu ha on tbe groudlu oiasOu ad heu! midi for lhe bod oftliai valet * eueste Fmouravu aouldMu Slit t lqd mi eeitsure-".at i. if yen do had proved umuncesief n, a crcostance .Iie. le mine, But Irv. & Way ta yosr part cf tisa buiueis sothat l tll us.inbluth ise nldi of mni, tom egalil omansd yen vo't dame 4o a!*" tue neededL" the prluouer, s. twvisgenerally iboaglat "at atteuupt ." fise ottuar tuOW >gtetila fen, ë" tUstaI . ot&If hu lad be« a m indeut proeed ited l disretiona cf bthe s-yrard, nose hl ié, a littIe ln ad ce point outh lb.pi 09flite coueement. m boums.I Before il s-as fairly llght of thé escriage, whlch wvi anmvingI a Miarl l te dey rovda of pet)ple, con- bëdeL b e J*l oue wl* hbi eua'p Dam .Tluq man c9lssenced *.-islling oftaienot evary degres-ara eau 05 mIiP opena thtie e@hop dob o i teg treet, md vi"en dIrect!lu in uî hastealng ta the place.of trial. A boit Tui greund, oly a fev stepas- cfetlb.e hores, dres- s large alk haise-of vitueisialiad beauomummonau lu ha- bla attustioa- On exasalnaton chet fsou bis pocet. vblob, heedlgiy hant et the. pacection, vwhili tIsera ver. les, o f lb. maddy mou s*av"edavi uns-ltllngly1taail apperanc hb.noue, eu"p lrualaregsm u-t b"iry wseWýt bldbeau rug fluuted fuit Into lhe face of oun@ thei.Wyrd EUlilton, Alice nd Ahi, Wvoboiat -t Mthe b. tetofthue bildlig, m»d afnais, s-blé ladis e affect tuaftri n anytblng te lestityi iseb oulutbcha fvo- iei te lb. entrince or thse court te hI luihy lmnedtely ce U csiable ta the prisoner. A tes- vîtuesses lui <WMlied bib lldeut. He remured plunranud raring, go0MM ta hacomue ta- for tise protecution rernaineut ta/ ha ex- j te b the @hWand meute lnowa te taily u=anJuiuial% anut lefore agy r et minet. s-heu a billet s-as put solo Hic- ps- s-bat te lai en. thse arait psaenges b aultiUre lu inter- iag'a baud. N î'e e avai torisld," sud the 1ev. fere, tise cerclage truck againot tise us-b- "itf you are a frienu tat Jeduthun, the on larsed. "fluet tbe body ua amur toue, mutdvaoverlucueut sitiu a ieivy Jev," it salut, 'comne sîthout 4elay toair V 1 lpemU gbould harounud on ay cas. At tise mime moment, tise ises, tise bouse uiusctly upposite s-berehle useutn £2 M1I sI ibring min tuame. sud iLs aauduten honit. freed tlienive atls-. % e aude y aio.rom the pole outhtie carniage, snd dis-t- Harleigh, hssisg vith mreau liut *ooaelh haut novn risen, sud as directei!lug nai t ors-es-u, vere simost instntly vos-led bis s-ay thsougb the crowt hoast- i0Jev, taok a lîmp aut tlloved out of sigit. eneut to the-bouse deignsted. Betore ha u &" ad Mlis-r into lise coust. By huis!- A trant, rasolitte looklug euunlrymuau. hau timturn 1kIocb tise duos- vus opened ln lie lt.eltgt close ta the groaviraite wvisa sasthe fisat lu reach thse liubeftve- by s midules-ut -orns.en saab. s-ce. till trareable. They tevut id e. -ss-th aulne difflculty fusccd open the "FolIos- une" said obc. sud ahe led tiseP Mettdaitis te furtber aide uttAiees-tdos- There s-es-e two ladies loside. the vay np a darb. nosruolsntircie. At Its .mmea £plie utrubhioli. 'Ples-eva. à une visoanstbe maunbot eîcal ltuss-t- terminasion, ah. Iteri-d s duos-. Ene- wnai pool ut lond, ucar tbe edge of Cioak, babut yosng amd very iuvly, and soid shte, sud tAes, m. tsuut another word, O1 »%"ie. ay a Piero ut toîdeut papes, crum- will bc racogus-ci utas Alle Dale; s-ile s-ithdre.M u unthm n no phdanduteacct b msy aasunbns-yhaut aucceeut in upenîug tie diior, 51 fustable lobîng lied ebamîrs. s-ber.. ar rirat: idgt imagineu tütabcedeat. osas Mm.s, sateut lu a t'-p, ttilleil chair, s-a s On cliser Inspection lbey foiiod îthti liton. lbig,. lo iwuaflic thougbrt ut young mati, su Iis sud pale. that bis sp- 81 "d. pie urloial Ioad tle co n dd ur sut i. , thoug~h much triglileneut, hau, pearauce swsa aiment ghsstly. in mai Isa-, u uedincetu i u nutwith th exception ut a apraineut vrigt, 'Yon don't recognina' me?" salu ie. li blehi master, commencedrutsmos-îng ae-,ape-d unisarmeut. By Iis imne, lar- "I du nut," s-as lIasleighsu aDos-es-. f ortionof JIl, to see tf anytisg s-as ci- naer Hasligb bout cme tu theis- asiat- "'Ples-e are thuse s-bs s-ilbnow me, g ýýMsced beneath It. le haut mode but lit suce. m'ho bail sean froun the s-judos- ut sud s-bu s-uld aîher mest a fimisheuta, Se prseasi ln bis ltak s-b ansd the ebouse close 5et ands-bat hat bp- voit lu their îististhon tu se@cme. rarn, utiberi lookeut round autdlebelut seers penu-u. or s-as, Gi-ilert Faîbusuda valet." V mm taaulusg at the entrance ufthte - Alice, as-e you huit?" siere i ficirt "Do you masouhbmna uPPoseu ta1 baves eéone oaof s-hotuthey lues- to blie s sut. heen mus-des-eut?"fi isagltraite. le ILs-n direued Us-heuntrymao taos- "I amrne" I errait&ild ea ucnt o. i tise n'asyhl us-ryu 'r. Elli.ton lueshi "ThiIs l inlded tanage sud unloobeut 4 m"Fre." nid e,5 cvscngtu-aathe e. bouse wiere le Lad wiiiîssed tise disse- tus. Judgiflg liy sons-pile loob%, anuthtehb 'roc, s-àtcs-reusf saut teranJtes- ,tes-.des-p ccar ou your forabeaut. yon bave Ton ona carg utmusdec su tbse, 'lbap lose tu us, Alîce." salut Hie- heen nesc deatl'a duos-," gem eavutias ccomlico." leiglu. But s mounsi-hm lie Lad rehukeut "Witbln s single tcp, as 1 amn bld hy "Who accnses nie anut my innocent ses-- for hi% officlousnes hat ils-ady atelilicu those loto s-buse cas-e I fe." i ses" of 80 foui acrinme?" uemasileuthlb.lu bs-fs-caotheun, -as 50tuprevelît ber (To ha conîlsued)s tow. front conplyung wi i llurvuls-t. 'l anumot lies-e luans-mes-questions." 'Pli esoct mîoment,.thec irus-il. ubeL MiUI le, "but it yl lie nu lias-m tu teUl the occsidet hautsîrîîcîei to the spot, Coaiicli Are Iteuovscii Boltllars. i#1po tbaI your accuses- h a gentleman by lhat loseut round lir. hein1 Icinnieut lu TAe Ruiaen auîhorittes bave sls-ah à" euma» f Gilbiert Fâîkîanut." on c-,y i, ahi-cul o-c uuing u b-s- -tunie. of the usefujînesa ut theilr mi.R 3,4a IOmhea's Dsgoted OUistil th* *OÏeW bY, Palleimauà liean recaleltrint Irishb m.,mbeis of Brillh aI uriament s-are cat'ttod trose Hon,. of Comment by a squaut ut 45- !men about mldutght Tueaday, about- "Gout save Irelanut." T'Ae Itrouble ral n lucummittea, s-lin MIr. Balfout Iled the closure on lthe eutiicttiofl imales witbouît giviorr an op1îortutiity discusosionu ut the figures fur Irelsusut. eNîsloliels ahoiitci, "Gag, gag," rettiseu teluleae thie Hoitie ws-Aa inlon ws s abru. Mur.Flasin cesu: "I est againat thie s-a ail Irish votes îcloureut." 'e speake- asbcd it the Irishi mema- .rî-used luauliey liii- nIes-. Thera rcries if "Yes. -e-,. --'TAe speaker inonueil aixîcen outhîe rccaicitrs-i. Btalfour unoveut theis- spuOtiof sud ws agrecu talu ithoît A division. The liker ordereu thlem to suithiras-. TbeY s-ut sînlutgreat upr îar. A aqusutou ce s-as culîlu lui tareni.ve tht-m. usýer hefore bas a so-eue sîtelis se npanmîl the s-amusai or - Mr. Crs-au or- eut. lie sîruggled ieri-ely ulth lbe udauto, siho aunîmuieilthe Police. r, poliemen as-Izeu us-eau, mshoculut be muveut for sevemoI l îîîuteg. Menu- s-e other policemen soirs- tru gglin.- t fgiutiug s-tthelAieli,iuus, s-buob ectet tAie passage aur tihe Polie@ t ,n's mu-nt. 'The Irhui ihonted: *"Doit hlm. Th rle Nation .lests fisghl -and gisled trantlilly, lut tAiePolice suc- led ln dragglog Mr. Cru-an out, Irsh- n hontlog "'Shami"' " ..Mus-devers.' 1"$til African brillty! ,le speaker celledut sal NIr. NMcHu.sb rire. HIe defiantly l, fîreut. Tsi-uti iremen agnin Oiiiruie-1 tAie Irish -lhes, MeIcul i îgbl nî-celY. Figistl sen lite police au-I ilîlemrs-es-, y generol, 'bile MlItsgh ias ti-ilotcarrcut ont s-ick O'Brien excitu-dll oppealcu taluthe ubes- lu "Stop tAis i.iiust diutrs-caiuu te.' 'the speakr ri--iputdeut: "The ne i. cr'rlairuly as uisîrcuolu te Mc [Ia aon hae lu the Irishi iiii-mbcra.' 'fIhe abes- tAisn aiked t uii-ireralcils-aOte ta ve quitîlî. Thî'y ahoitinsfus-iý. se speaker thvsi'oî uiCi-'illAie s- oa. The poulice h g .is-ds',lit bu-in co i-rie. tAeis-rot tiihroves- the acbha.Whic I)ouel,îu o-as hesug lie- -cil the Naliiîualiulu .sang ColSave ianîl" "Flavin aboile-I aitus-et'nion- si s-buontalan-t, '"Yoi i oiblecars-icî t ofSouth iAtrica linihelan lie s-aY. ,en Flavin wis seins-iland eîjs-cteît. SOT- Lconstablasses-wee boîls- aisui-tiu seuffis-. J, E, SEARLES ASSIGNS. les. làMauWelu KnovU l unegm aut CotonCis-CIesFille. be faliltre nf John E. Searle, mure moua as cx-ses-relus-y ut the auges- Rt Ihan by ressnofutabis ps-sseul finan- idillluulties. ws-esansounreut luNes- br Tuesday attersuon. The aimnt oIlseut innul uteftuilely gis-eu, but la Salt be bets-cen $1,000,000 anut$.0000 a lots-resta utae buave bs-en vais-du dcornpliciled. Hi, s-s-ath siheu ha s-eut trum the suigas- trust tain Yeas-s asas estimateti aI $201,000.t000. eus-les hautl hen c financiul groius. Hi. sigumeut'utid not surprise financiers, i cw Yorkl dispilch gas, as il vis s-wn ha haut beau ernbarrqsacu lii ton ay lulereals ratter Iliso by tIse veii- au ot ang uone. WaillStret sais bIs adeucy lu sparulala lu "cils aut dogs" a the reason for his auduten relireunent mal the angîr trust anduthe presidency the Western 'National Bank i fl0. ala 61. TIse lest îs-o years bie bas uts- eut himacîf lirtelî tu lb. Intercala of ýArerican Cotton Comnpanuy. In lIse maite-utCuba illans-cIl luas-e- lmber thutthe Ausesican peuple cas 'e aometiîug ta themasiVa. Scs-antot -ihune. (;en. i- i, -i s teashisit Erigisui the suso tbi- Iii-iiiîs tatîglt Napuleon. and le Stiolriuinîpreaseu un Massal NeY Ihat loingiiii'sorutcommnication are s-, si-, 'iiîiig sud vu-n daigi-rons.- An ail, eutiirulîs coutemporirs- hol -itil aou xliu-îl picuire ut Colt Car-i sîton's hbishoiiîl. If there areax-mus-b nin lunoiiiis îiii-ed sud @hais- skiituly rrangd-ut i, iitoas-onces thenit -Ciocis- ito Erîqusî a. Vomie Sain lois rî'tosmd tu bu ftrain 4pin the liii loatiug luocblu Haane os-loir. astîlSpin iu aslbc als-utalu s- nos-e il. [17- dock oîîgbt lu have lis-e -iiexeil as.,a(i. outhîe @poils rotfsiar. PIl shîîrg t lir- iiii-le-Teirgrtilîh. Au Am.i- -iiimrs-bont out Iaula. s-h( .pssesumîlthic cnfidin-e utfMi. (ici Lt-lislaiiîiIi-i orreat tfs- gis-mg aid ant ,mtort t tii o ,-inxus-getut Fl-ipsnos. 'lhi tani astfleîth(idlas- iglîti itder ail fiai It la usi-Il t-i ri-member that tbm Uniti Stutu-s i ii- o, nt-s-s coun-ubi a foc thi ulond's ii l i o-Oioci'. toit for titi' ctai ohslms-t iliii- 'if a i-riiilnient acsor- -ug s-i it liiti.-I Si1- li-us utfs-hi gow-enîîîunt Ioiiuld bli--Necv York Trit une. As morutiltîl înal sus eri-igo, Milsat Vif Il, s-it01OîUOîotllirtnili-otu il neuece ibi,;utiniithuis-future touir, te avili lie' a '. tm'nsand iii shIvoid tl s-s-osa shicli sure su comiunta 1tMuoy( ils prceu-ca-nr,-..Aliaiy Pres-Knsicket socle-, The faminu-in China introîbucea a ne, aut diffcult ciiipliî'îi ion lu that ilistres ing couuntry. 'llie 1îowîera, utaut utom tidecint hois- utIle or bus- mus-h1he s'il! tiku lis isay of Iudemuily, willlia% oa face tIti s-,,k ut s-chef. s-uvTor Eseuing Son. Bas-gatît î-uîresitaliies may be iougl fr liy sunv ie îparlnsrnt atones, but s-b lie s-rush e i", ils lAc lite ont ut a litt L2--i Jeaus sudt Pilote. l,.ibe 2M- 13-26, Nlemrsy verses, 20-24. Golden 'iext-I fout no failtlu untis man.-I us 23: 4. 'ls- brserig lies-ors- lhc ligli pîîs-lîa Cuitpliais bob place lu tAhe nsaidec e t that oMfclaI. It îcureord dus-toI Illt» nigit, tîndl sor utsn bomus-ormus-e lis-tire iton tun île bllîles Nimiii s saubu't- cl te thAs- lltenaanîl tilita ts Of ttRlîu'rs, Ps-tes- so lAs-c tiiesîus-prlo-d ittudi- nyiug Ibat lis- uvus .a uli-tîle ut Jesas Ihes-i'y cuir-inlo ouit th' preiction tmadle by lis n.ttucI.: 'andu lii t.o tOti, ail cM'pt ttts-mîy.' Au e-n i on iius- ailessi al -meeting lufthtAs-Sauberu-n (couil lunai blîlil, as iiidlicts-i1bs Lu,ulic2: to;-71.'rThis body, turillIoseut ut thlu' htiIi lets, tle eli-ms of tAe- lîrople 'an. ati1 iirtil rsIb ut o. thle suiprene s- or nutteteual ion. Sur-h muniblerasuo t ut uu'o ulid I>c' hast Iy gollt-red i 1 hîî uîsut-uh ouîr o-se hîî-uelIy ass-îubheîl us-u.asuiiliblpai Cala îhai' ibouse', tîîoîgliI. p-slutrase -led Alun isuas -niays aig(tuul îL Iltf- -aiu usas helul lu îhî-m i-utimimeiniilig îplac-e adjiacen thti î e t-uiilu-lut inthius trial Jrous osas alieulif lie us utsthte îessliab. lie s-splis-i, "If 1 iii] p îI, Yp i'o linuit lie- hicerasd if iituli puul e osiý siloiun- sover. Iuilit t litî-vt u-iu tlu l i he sou ut tuan blie aaî't athîe rigit 11ut11u1 ut thec puises-ofut ult-Andilthey't'Il salut, "As-t- thoîs then Ibm Sounu or ?" Antd be salît 0n10 them Y, ' Y sas 111 I ULi Thisa sulrnion s-ai0 lu ficient fr heuers puas- ut bis acclîsers. fuis-it s-asAis-l tal cunaliluts- btaaphch, a caii ri sme. Il renuaineul neessary 10 tornth Ie prisons-r oavs-rtlu lhe Itounsprouros-l fortrial ail convictiun un some charge utOfAis-b lie s-uld tle cugnizsume outr IRoroau las- , is lte eJswa scouil uu infict the dralli penalty on thcir osu atîthouritir. Tîten carne ite trisl bito-cilate, of s-bis-h otirtesson us is s aPus-li as- toîtut. 'ier ctis-e rîspter ltuantl1.inêI ihidi-i Iuy tîle ias-btr. E.pla'salore. tubhnsauuipu iat tAie trial bob l'Ile-il th A is,îurîuun, luanoltt 1-u i1aase. 'l'Are i, nome tiuceas-tSuOIh ha'iti's- As usane the offiigt rceitseue, sastie snd talie ufthebm Iluinusugtîvernîur, huIlt by ls-coul i. At- is-sat, uur tt'e onlîtu 1hmsiiiIi leS - con- )litun gthels- tus-,'sout usbars-tii-bs. a court bonnse aut a ps-laso, s-us-i shti thmAe al-'îîîthAs-site î,f ll)u ,- o'rn lts-m- u Antia. 'The latter sai tlieithIbmPre- veiliug opinion. 'i'hs- cIas-ge usolglîl algaint Jeusuis bY thones obhroutait hblet ifre Pilateu' sas i-iunialnui-ted,litlb as li-v nu atubiîîg tho lattenuioniîuofttAis-ulîait, ushoi-as-edut ul lus about religionis ibisrdal. Tîmn' -ese tAs-es-coîuls ln tAcieîuulictuîmul. (1i Pes- s-rrtiug tAs- nation, (2) I-'usbiddiligte lugis-e tIblîite teo(Cacaeos-r;(3> Clalmiogtelu la0 b ing. Ans uns-ut theechars-fss oulut bie calta. fos- puii.usit If liruîseiOU th Aepriuîeipl- i l iit w -s ue goss-uus'a 11115 lui luit lu ii srleduitins sud retbellionus ls-ueis-e-sauîutgtIse ifpfe Othempuits- uns-. NVlhthhAe noulil choue nu tice i te ebargtlîussî-'s-s- uas tnees-lilu. tlateIs-toizOl p Ithe suuis-i"'ing," sud iakeut lesuis, 'As-It thonutAieking ut tIse Jews?!" TAc questionuuia akeu pis-tIi lu amuseme-nt, pas-lin lur-tsllity. 'Ple priisu.-r aussi-esred utps, 'Thun seses" --a ciisi tlsilts-tualive. Jodan tella Us, tbosis-uci, IuttJe-u stus-bfoe tAis ans-e- itsini'uies-bhtlies-Pilaite' sked a qtltio uto biis-nus-rumreis repesteu thtAs- orl. ut ufthers. l'îlat, auuaos as-a-i tîla su- f s-rio m aille, us- nY liscs-iAi sa miglit fs-us , -Ain I s Jes 5" J.l'ss s-tusd lu tle gîuss-suos-the sature'r utsaking- il n nulrut Iis sus-Irisc s%,, oulul bA servaunt, figAil. Stidil i'iiate ps'rmisteul- ssii-i te a king? 'rTs-tiJi-sîs aliosntrs-uI plutuliîs. "'[biitoyest ihat 1oi asîtaking. j*. tlAis liii bas.'et1asleuiri. asdit luitAis pri-t aiii olum tit,. thi'o-s-it lal I -IuîuhîiIdu swuitiso-inut,,)ibmetrui. I-ses- tuu hat i, uit hea' rutil hcruîs--ui u The. tan-, lt a t:utuiutOnanis su I--u ils iti.1, iiil us ItAi' lunchismtouttIs ea iî-nullu,.1 to-en prl_ lu s-ic 'i lat, 1ai h ou- i uiles-ut a îiîil hu i thu-in0s1mal uguant omii u u-,îîuld EndIs euiiifouit at Ibim etolîle, -o-1alus, uuui- uu ,ed 1thi' -rus-il lIti A i" s I- tiu. îîtnu eriuum PLi-s clainiirMit hs-u uts aituti ltluttig a stusriig op outtIu te i'.iIu' lOlitth' t ronult iahilo-e"i-us-n t t- lu i ii lace.' TIi-e ii îlî (uIf t aiili'i .usu-.ul a us-u' lis-O toi l'iluuti'. If thti au Ilu n auî u.o i i thl,-auî, lui-isu lutu-aig,u ci huuîîe u Pî iatch ii tri, ; iit ulmru - l sit' k@ Ili-i-uitAtipîias. tes-as-ils it uuls-ail ly l' %ts iI i ll'ill - tu i-11 lui- iin Je'îu n-ul-ui i- i sashu lui simrioijai a ou il-I i n-ssii fun ir IOIiiYuos -liiu-o Il na s-i.s uiitiag linibtheiils. .uduh il îuîî- re luoI.ii ti'iu uîîu iut-a o di. mulIiv as l1 nl ut l u'f-î 1'î,î lu rui uiihurity . ou il-u ' illl - s--h i t,'î .-ult Ju- ,î l i t-rul, i.o-r pt --tm-t- sI -uî',Ilth,- prsisonu a ili. liriuiti, sul adit u-hilii u) ýn i. " ' ' ta s-lot i i i , . ..- i l u il u u i i i u u b u i i ut .î -î I i-i.iu-ui- hi' îu,'u- ftb nt-h aI i-l' ui -Iîtibu'sîulrtit. liii- l li--u bii.s-, l liI gu i-u ,,h'î lis î i- _ t,~ i.- ,i andei otl i Is, nr lutb'oi a iadîettiii a 'mit l'h , I-iiî i oit lu, ii un u-il ', dîuis-îuo or- sqiîiils lii iihtuirge îî<hirmu lionabu hinu (uutlu-IUii utiol-sili no s-i îus-init a uIiuil iii- li' ihtlIl ilito"ht t s- hi- uî i- ur li. iiisu ul git h- o , Ait prîsu o iOuî,1- 'ilil s"'ral-t"' uti(.411it en ~ hu's- Iîi ilioniieils uerIititriod th; eurk t h c tîv th îu oui ,g,- s , fi t tutu lhou h nt is au,-oîulîiai, l litnu la- au iuliullu s1lI I'i, u- ll s's it lt s-t lutthtli ui -ul r utîlun.etc% Mauu ut Britanas *slîîrefuses lu sceept gay-Patuetfots lrutyîas aanes!u lSenate. AnabuasIsuor Pisunceefota ay ret-eiveu the oss-er ut his Gos- ut andUllt uns-e î-îuuîîluucated iltut as-y uf t dtle Mis. 'lhe Britishi cr i4i sautgnilleil bul compîrte rejec- fr ts- Seuste auenîlmeuts, sud il tlîuuil tus-enluitStates (loves- Ilii rs"qtutialbiilty for Boy further ttîlopli eseuoicilexpeileot. i 'îîîsfîecame tii tIelItaI. i iiiiiili iisi.uiti by sîîîoilnînîeu, a N'Qi .îlii agti n i-utr.aîudeut.l. ie lil il,- t-i-n ssl 'ilhin arnui îd it --i-ilit p Ilt %vas, lu tefi, ail i-t ut flill Lor .ud I auîiiuîsine, the lu iltii - ith-urelicitAffaira, tu tilu ,îî îs iiwithSs-rsiy Is>. TAe for tti lo i,- u î lAsotîîs- e o n lnos i-otfr.Ilîi ,i.s ou'taildtlat 1h. tiiciu io IusilI .iiititit' -aWut yte e rm iii'iilii '-f th' United 1 tib t lthe lirililji i iirtis- dit! ee ils. ,.,%ys-leus- ii lie accepIlns-e eSiott' ai.itdinitThiel'u'msn-st os-wes-e Is-ats-ed -i l atseulea ilaus-giiuiittive (afiIiiuu, tise ue ufthe i-Bs-lt ish Gt i ,l c î,li i li eitig o. thaI l iit sat'.nd foroiî ideui 'r disptiug utflts' dPtiila. thec tite iii'ui l uii u.xt,.sui if l-unicr uil acnuts-e osvan fuis-i-s-i OItuIlte l (lus 's-îîîîu'u TAire wos u uauluui ma>. lil openf.iutg [.-fi forumtie- n p tit. Brillit luit 'uîs . Il »tued thatlif thluure si.i lis- s flirt hî's ilit lu i îuuild ti he tîsytuti Iulser s u os tl u storice the Unsitedi I ta monstrucIa us -isr s-iy arrosa athmito. t liu il is for thAe Unitedl i tut mable lb'userIons-: the Britishs nuruIeIt sioulldropus thetutter aI Point. Theru sn c gIs-ar ut huIle tus- Elghaul la the urss fronmti lIuth ,%frirea.TIse nismbes- uitfighilig hui-s uiuues- Botha la uknos.n. Nithen s te ikusu n wbctben be bas sîîlhuunlty lu) auct-lu tctuls for ail thse Buoes r- s-te i irattfit',. ItlmI.ot b@- lierail tht becliiin u, bfuis-ta'ch leaders us De W'tand oula hsst'p ILouis iBotha osi îiuulu.' l -îîîtîuîîu ll's- i buf utth. Iloer tor-uiipnoiilAu'he 'etb .f i eusesal Jloubert a ps-nrigut. IlehoinIs1Y341 pearsa uluta, ulibeM0.osr thîe ltuo's- leaders, la tnt i1ua uu'slîu l îile. alîloaghlieh hatbail aiiiotlltittllitos-p cujo-rieuce Ihae fuire ils- lisgitimlitut uitthIi- lun-sel r. Andsuts-. aunspuit liii-s-ue-Is-os utg tf Drel eas i esîa's-. II',inlpes-beps thli tri-ulttu-at su,Iis-s te ts- laiii-is-uco uluced ut the Boe-l,.r sue u in er. 1-. 189 tins, l ulIer.Watt) 4(,tN)Oiellaus-. tAie fo fius us h,IA' -Icri htii s-.guliss-asta-. wsaidufmaed Iouy stls'uicael-s lut liY a samollan tusre .-h l b luîî iub. Tliis s-as the batie utft,(im i, lis o ..-u i- lers'.as-imuas iss mitir-cul uudi-s--m las-k s-utA a luasofuit snd it eu-ua liCdea- dents-uitheîhîAiisiryouithelAie tihb suY fus- ustre Ihan trce- u1sti'st-" ut nisen- s-us-y. Agalua. sien Bolier finl] lgos-iss- the Tugela lu Fa-bruis-s. 190,M.uan cap- tus-eutSpu.to Euhp. t sas Buitha m'bd) lier' cunahi> Is-eu ý,adait Is ui-DI os, ils-se Ns- rn-a o'. rceas truit luiuu xoî, suit.litter admimsiteringa dhuat srîtua uît ouii-n çelleoilHulers as-Olp lu.reerusu Ile' rtsss. Buthasdt-fet.uslItîl1es in -,re Citalle tAie latinta oltuuih i, lii rtsls lu rois tisa 'rugels HI i-s- and lisc,%u',auu anihsd le unI>s-'lnmiluslu-n Iuilîmn ius uniuui te trantsgI, u'lt île t .isai.1' ,i sli lAis- iou-s- irui." int i o '1711he1 il us'a» Ihil le gmsd,uutlîs iu'sui -, isi smaved -us-s-p ui. i--,-outil, i-tiI.'. sou 1es-iituit tul.-'d l--IOtii ,i..r- Lady aMilh utu u, Spaniol.h n-îiîîît 'lu-i tsl t o' fromIt hé- m os eglîh .,t t là.i iiunli-ri-u ushili poses-t. lbuth l i ii..' i l iii u-st lu gIs-so fitu.,,lgua.ili -tiista iî blue tulisi niaitlun Suitaitlih 1bili li- t.- luuîuu antd lînuulul h liiîn-ut tni-hl Il. ni jibfsrujin Iilu ei, u îîî î, Ii u Iu-lii- las haro mu uisne lit i nîîlus -cl t "ileIhiý t ration. Sagoota m-i toi ii,'l'huiîuî'lini's pes-a gi l>b) i- to lu Iinul) It-gr-,%% ing iat-s-fcs ý- d iiuthe i *itrues lu intie- gii i'nmeot uf itluit î-uîîîîts-iidb i utp-iu-tuug nurnu-rui-u l uu aits t'lt-l'liii Sagsst dtiibl-i -i'aist'tuila u) Spaitnlu uuffs-sin u îtonîîuuîîîc li ibe luliiit lii Sirpiasr'n-intuthh Ilt-nu-intiitlui reouulluof 1 .îuui SSii l t r- t ii 111ttotluos o rti t l- t sil îueuu1a- lIdîtuîut lys-ut eauiu- u.i1 as uu' nilýt, ampihtuu eeui,igatt.asuSpin 1usd gnou iiî.uuci alantul siglo l Int,- thii iil, of uit I -iî tend ltaulut ta filus-puliiebils-ui hrs-tussg ua mss- hlun. lie fiiithtur iss flinit lthe iîiiiiîutup hou1 'u-tiltil Ioire-lia--tlxa- thon itle plreltI yoasru- hyte soiu ino .-0 000,(Xt)() linsre tltlt0 I0. lut nuuuîî,h utuuu- bers fle puliiut.lit u)trI ta r us2,:M, cuunooh.-ll'ul il,' îhuliîy ut 31,00(0,000l Impuus 'i*Î-iteil. tthtieu,-iul iulaluauîis lu uuîy. Att ih, i tntrstsiltîe unurmu debt it fil tii u of ut tle-îlotim..Tise 000000. io oimllro uidtuons r.$1.0153, Qm)IMXI4 I, -ututu liauit ofutlh,u liailu is-lt. Ges-inar suilhluautopiuluiatintut 52,100- unnu-,' orilip l,supt . rialit eaagant tuea'i amio ii Ilti]ti laîhrtitiu'SPsImili of lfaatl, Pnd t-itI luteiuutuun ls-ieconsriuctlitn. ala , it, th, iiliii tt t lut-'l'iiiliP- ;titt--. t'huutrtt.t ihit iui li i 'ulipint-uu tut ilh Cliil i,1l, hit-" til 5 uctsi u u ii ii -s itillue brlutitîtit iiiihî'i illti ea u I ihi-uit.t. iithsfi litou S'tiab hngtuîn olti t ttîl haurîu,îu an fîtoîi li e appoluls-ul Civil tus -uut-tf ti'tu'ltînda uult'r tit' w ,fIiot tt ht'Spu.uuîîî-s- -u lotio..No li îlloa tetiai .rs 'lasl Miaulla usersotume outhlAs-pros lolna ut tIse 8peoer las-, especllîsthe lsuap pnhhtidî hl sssilug ot I.cnu e autnK gtîmbar on Pulieis-lunds- Accus-ding lu a uublsbed aimmiry et thet Senitlca lesnt ii Ia Washngton ulsug fis-m res-elvouithîe liaI fiscal yemt $1,700 fus- uedichîtu uîîd toillt articles- Thea-is- eesoppiîultu) tieueauors ton theis- individueol use. uuuu i tfltets-ont et the pou-bel trL'cirs-i ii. No g aitem- ut tAis sxPsnditîîsr -ý ,01) dosea of biromu selîser sud îus-.uîîîu calceine. Thres dozenus utcalteine poiu I1tut. tfouir -iaputo litiîs ats-r, tsio bu t ut lis-îrni Ilîbl aund $2.70 s-ortli ut litii.tahtuisIs urîher conts-inut ho te .p thue .cîilial systm lu good repais-. "aui uituids uit soda MinItsblets s-see 1urtiiisCtue fortAie olle- viatiODon u t a isk luius s l-" sud the extravagantl»,,,iouit s--, cnts&s-as et- changeut for tlOli-îa for lii'tii.Tc esch luunles- ,there u- -rînîuuelu Congresa habu. îî'ue lue -[ Vliile Sutu tw-le. ai nuuue ixri-eu-usihî- jr annsauu tlie Htuus Aliuuoîsî l orut Iii-si5 mes-- sengeras -ceise $1.40 a l s-ese, s-Aerftste u it]liuul îhîîhîula s- oiîsidl es-eutelu ha suîtli lly $910). %it he la dIspndn eteuo j. 1.- - î ul binu dite toandt ICuitilii,' Calui,I I.î burs-n lu tlie fodiiug s-,u.Ici. -îttIS am)i 1 hoe, s-b u sna lAe ehiuaaî,,rsnjouy su11 mone., $1,200.Thelia mn lhi, i ofs- thelItea- tîunery rente drawsn .t1.l annualli. bis assisatsî. 81,100 uuu h$1.2"00 sepac_- llvely. TAe ie 111e pagr(*su hai si it uou genatori gel $75 per mutoilitAie Pustulas- tecoruthtIe lInala $2.2.gi tutaî irs-- men $1,M95, anu thie aîih' - ni bibk- ammilb 1,440. By ftas- lAi,- xt', -spropos- Iin utexpense lus-us-sd -t-i "-hyessfor tilaI antisles la d biatuli liIlsMe-- ste barber l-s mut nd -uc, Il ie nul gs-ues-tî Y bous tht at uluintuber uft Ibs dlslingnisbeuî Iutdy lis-i.ra. gratis nesany tuî ho-s sdaY asbu v.h,~ a Ounda tesst' caof ha u -gn litai. cul dety thOl,.55an or suu u -ahn os edutIhoucenda ut dormorinca-slb t alampa oan iu ofih dollutares- tripapf isrd lu lb.npriuits t or. Tbiî a tAe linilcte Stua Tfasss-y'îciTh s- un. Aslthe s-unte traveraci by Ibis du, cios-rysus-e- ut munei lima lun a compas- iiurdes-ing s greal pas-k great i-as-s la tek- s-n mu presrtPut t hiug roubeul. The s-ag- unn lof ut ulaitus-oo u as-e.ad ih cou- sînucle In lua nmne lu Preseut great s- aistae.Iuu 5a fus-cible alluscl. Il opems at une enut ly tAé remuisai ut immense steel hors, aitdlte utniociinc ut au lulfi- raatsîteuno uft-y is-bs ýlu idui- tum hoolIse iisuitypfs-unit 'ol.ltery if- tord-ilhy tIbm ais-li suuting nuthlIe hbain locba anil lasa tti'.- agomnbas lAc pno- tes-lion of an s-meil guard,s-bis-b ne- ous il t ai.11îuuu'ssslun rable ara abuard. Fo'urts- nu-. ini addiutiontetl tAs- drive-F, saîltîg", osthithliii' invey- suceP. TAieycarry luug uis s -oiverc un their persios, suit on -iao l'î esr iles as-'re sîy n t budl iue les- u,'iv- s-"set. W'hiIi' thes-mutuney us 1.. îuug 1ud- ed ant unîttîdeul naItlAit r-samursbuilding ur ai the bit--u uf en-rttu anduIprlut- luit lIs eceust guas- i us atic ni.-Iby lthe lis-ssens-e utfs-achoîu'fofniuttth uilding. s-oAu mîuilam-uadItnlunu tuiiittiu way, but sraily ft u iiusiuus past luy jous- t'.u îîtîîmti lie Its1 sl ppropl.s- tinoutthe Fufty-*sîtîb tuuuirruna amounu- user $2,ti0,tJ(ltla -lup. heMai OCsaioi, suints- susprisi-.bluitl îLe fi-'i f ele malles la that tItis ('îîognesa aî,mîltu1---4 morte iha bathee . iciht 1ît-ii6h-u t ut h8128.- 150.09h. T'lI mt 'its-u-,Iuu' vr tîe-geil i U.ai- t,,- llC luuiuu sua Obel tîus-b snchî T!- ttiu.1nî-t.îrutale mI theu.-t.o'us i tsI ilii.'"r.t.- uilpabout $2o , fflii,Xbt Ilims- ttlin.tu iil s-srt bs- moniOtend t- i <t. i. 't51 tulhalleu elletu t-C qlu iiet.i î mu-s u-tiue las-, tae-sIntil-t u-t-u sh ios.ulloit- s-il. r'îue1h.liis. î,,ît$119t.lIOtil lîrinutingtit i tîlî -ai111îî10-1-u-hitsfor s-î'uî.lîts. il-sut-' 1l77,.iit3 Ilt2 1hil asti' îu tî' hmIaI t l lu, hiie l lus-iiiriacilliet otlnuit a,.tiitîu .'- -i'luil ii lhium .11 tliuip 15aîu-, irgmie. lu-«.rs uus s- a-I' hi t'ungs- - lui- i o l l'liiez ttit iii tuai us,,îlili - -uîuî it , $t,ttýl,.- uu-,vint u it nîtîb -i tutuIol lI. imde, ltuh lt sl ui,,, ui ii s,îîl t Xiielu - the aurlilou s--i is om111 lit. lii k o'filut "ii , SuIti,I d lit lut . 1luaih. at ' mlit"' ,ilu520,1.,a tilt-p s- - luit il lu ut nu'u'îlub uu-îusuiou. '[i t irelm g,,i-lhi.ti-i a iton tus-ier in Ilii' ui tle ttulti i i i i i g pitîro-tî rticn. fuIr. lIibuu luiin , lu -u fuîllt tii n centl Au-iMr.ils-.')utt1. lI-i i fronttt' t W Sest Niltit.. huis luii-t îiul t sî-uc-afa u i tii Itr Iu-u.Nt-1. u,-ltt -tnI,. uni oOt tO ltiniu- p tut u-t . - Iiuîp lîla,110suas uuIIc , tftu'. -aeiitiomu or u lIaI shujtl'. anditbasi, iiilc a larsgi'fustue troîi n riiiltt- ule, -. ut I Ioîîîî.lp tores us v lu-u ils-s uil li i Cl,,îîu-o hau au>-suikil -tiuiliuitiii htu- %Vet fuI-,. h 1 Nltî . I- luti . uîtl Ils. I)e pesw inlo e Itt-ihi 'stliti(,.sttil uta lilsinios; Mr. ui-mariedi'd u lu 1,fîlts wtilu a hile Sma. atoir ofiihui tu 'Ii.higrîtI. 15liu') usj lu i- uuuumu-lp tuu.îi lî. i'l S M utr, tib oh Iîîlua Itts uitO Itiluhtu i fol-,uîî . , luu-lu>y stI t-'stil htut ici lu murn thehutttth bytt - Mt i- ,. ut rni. Itil.iilit [M'i-~.io lt ,Is- Ia l'leant ps-tînt lt,Iftt ttut -ilt Tic h.e l'totala p rl- i u 'Il .15 t hetu -i As-to-p>5 lu titliutu.ui:',I t21,3m li ii I fittii. . . . . . 1; . ,34 I- vii.iilf7u, SIIs-t i' i 127,i7e-02 h&& u euu heln h e iii t - i ig d .tie &o li-ceii a -dey....1 ra ttg e neula vi ea be speude i "Ï " " 7 -

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