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Lake County Independent, 22 Mar 1901, p. 6

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algETCu OF BENiAmINBARRISN f01o N18 DEA D.- a DistienmatedCarter es LawyesCitnEihso yha i e Soldier and MSttssan. OccunRRENOt DURING THE cat-the new ball ach8 EXPIRE3 FROM a nJ un lsar a LcaoianAT'EE.Sitof Ufnstotehrc riele OF01 M ONIA. tenry Harrison, wsIi t detoftefromt the revival at Humer. miiid SaiandN t-gf m ir ntcpae aSltay ie n Anadditional 700,000-gallon reservoir ofteIeeato f Independence. Theo inattolbe built et the Champaign wrater n"dlits Inceptionit a faitly aaogthe armt settier of Vir Pikte's Peak--Enargrements of Rock works station, laDeveloped loto Grip, l bt J n cot n Msuearly In the l'landArsenal-Amish People May Ms fte$500ncsayt 9 SuePnemonia - Brief I.ire hi.w rethe lat e.ex ,resident was born . MSoie-Match Canne IlChild*a Death' cure, the NMilliken endowment of $W, af thePamoneStatesasn' Be je, a.udsthe second son. Witbhi-. a ee ld - - - broh-hevws euca..ted at Co.llege Hil Miss Lizzie G'. Wallace of Adair will Frank HI. Stout, who killed James Wil. aamaarsotety-th;jebI,4('cloue 1 andre eiduaUnsptend thtis sumn iier roughig alone in sont Da)wson Nor. 21 joant, has been et the United State, died ant ted in 1832. He (lhen studieid law In Ci the Ruoc kie. mgin y cptured at Strod ka a dianapolis at 4:30 Wednes- Heito nd wasatit ted ito t.her a n1854 a summer home on'luPike s Peak," he Lte village of Lake Zurich ls excited P1He bean the practice of hl, profesmion i sid"ad oon as thet- snow gets off RM bus h dnh nelbi din bleswhihled SIne bleenhis %niondhe-eak'nndayall"or a case Of smalpor ther. Charles 1hoursgthesdeathonngee phadt aIdamtgoingIl newe-tzer, Jr., is the victim. haglc,5 -0,1ckin the Fralawyer of International reçutation,-smer. mjutWand siuce my Mm Weo a aho - sid to ha'e.earned fees as igh as olg D.1 ul Presctt fAar idae e.Ius gd5 n r.Bl il hadl been barely pu"pi)%ill 1) l.i OGen. Harrison's beginning mwassur- left, LittPe inome.'If Aam itdmy own W ilr , aged 5.ofs'lMmthlwere respirations on accouint if their bteu huble, soon after lhe bego a lait me altl lo v ya i t buid cetly maried4,afer a muthip of the- and four hours before dissoll- iract e eate ar2aa a bos. You Caieu--ortthe amity-uive yars.datraýortbjo hr had been detected oly by men, ai fctnthe nairat oney h,0a eyeveriearned. heuintre da gire "Andwat' huhlontaeln rvvlreutdl ,Iemth mist exhaledun a miril. opportunities followed. Jonathan W. Gor. )nai t u.', aa-iYfieYe baiew at theabrsidea, two do, coned oph e aders ftiianaplisraton 1 can't pile onelerock On another the addition of sixty-se.ven memibers to ter.Mrs Harisn heila frbar alld pon young Harisntohassit and build myslf just thet-sort of roman- the Pre-sbyteriain 4hurch; ýixty-one to the bede Ms.Harisn rnit maiing the peu.the ofa it. Ytriedtc rotio 've dreamed labouit for years? Chritin and a number to the Method- tu! er. orsftriobkelta frbugayadsae r no1teta1igod rit hand sid f h edher huls- rê of tking the ple neor the ce. Young@and then 1 can get som~capetand putlot. hand sedotihnderthi laisonhada n le amp.Io l onotesofbhe ase dow, and a Cet, and a little Icamp stoave, Jacob1Lungr, aged 20 yepars, son of held a lig te ft handIofthe cort hbous as d islgha tenune and provisions, and a eut, and with yM orGeli W,. Long, paotmaxter at (Cicke, lanILcoetingometefes pl culeotea oe.H een nhtrusty rife dnd revolver--oh, 1 it"cant- died fromthydtrophlob;ia causedl by the bite b"na ewmoe tatherothecmfemoryeec a nd mae uh ae. l: rI alai't afrfid of aytingon earthl. Of a dogt. Two valuable hordes that were bamDren mond tontromat rwar hsa e, sa uewrei-bitten at the time are also dead and peu o amew Dr Jaesonannuncng ro - e *rahi iCollege Get" a Million. pde are a>rhniof ther cases not Ïý r« ilne ht el ntb or ilimr. HarriseWformed a rnesipouti.lOne million dollars for- their collegle id yet reported. gb rethesencethfell sie on uthesr meW c e oMŸn- the anuncement which startled the stunt-ne a tknfomaro wa ltshrvo byntofD.h bed citidew ro-county.re me oytear Mr.rrisonurtaofdent%, facuilty and board of trustees of of the l'acin, liotle(inuny in a badly hler. voice ito ainris ,ied n l a oot oticfielT he ahethe Dunham Medical College, Chicagoasphiyxiated condition as a result o etLart- r, ~ ~ Cvi supctn cnoain o h n ran eon lte upositi ae inthe at a Meeting called by Dean James -T gt.ga undo. rmppr acond War ben.ahe aishtedin (;ran te Kent the other day. John E. DuBois of round in his (b.,tth police fsve com Merentiefet hians Vlunýteesamea me -i- DnBois, lPa., in the donor, and the gift. to thet.con)clusion ýthat,, nmeicDaie amr n hoooenor go the officels assrt, comtes stsim--O'Brien of 12,5 Wll4sretCicago. He Byuthetimthement got ato th nd u nial for the benefits which hie wife re- 'a evid'ently a ne'wspRper man or mtage- Harrson as is Clnbl'heiommn.evdi tetmn ymembers of the mine witier, am hi. oc j .tled bgae tb Boil.ada aulyls al r DuBois isa amulti- with poems and stories andmio the One Iundred and Second One Hundredmlloarelmera ndmneonr.pbised and Fifth and One Hundired&and Twenty- H sanetusiastic sportsMillnolitak ing bamel oeth omr ebro nith Illinos Regimentsounder Brigadier H a*Lethmsteso ti aind ei ~-tefonrmniro Genterbad@ard h.col asnhdthdriltanmont of hi@ pleasure in yachtig. al the Amnish Phurc-h, a rli sect lnear of tebrdead i command htnawaeownsfine craft lin both the Atlantic andilPekin, hua begun se.rving a ya e ocued'r uardibi mng rathilrs ndhti Pacifcmater@. tDr. Kent said: "HIIIOnep-tene in the peniitentiaryet . oe alan ulp h mdn teorymhadt fory: Unthy ha. long need.de uh abeefc-kilk.a his wife and the- hr--b dayin am shuldbea pepraton orthe RI L F HA RIlNto. sand though one ha -11eenlong In cau-m of troubles with the lH. dyof batle. By tis diseipline hie made R A FHA RS NComin to the. front, we. are all rejoicedl made no demiontitration when r I I e t hisregiment onue of the best ln the service. 6n When Gen. Ward was calted to Nashtile that ihe. hasben o ere t lamt.- the prison, il.. went throuh0,h -ual ,COL Harrison becamec briade commander Dunham Medical Collegews funded in routine-bath, shave, haîreut, 1,mo &Mndais, brigade becamne part of the third di- OYO OMRPEIETS ebr 8".latsrn h esrmns n hnangtah ylg ofol the Twentieth Army Corp, under BD FFRE IEIETSpez m aipigteoi ,nuýýn. utte ittl u 0 n Je e.o'Inth eggmet LAID IN THE TOMB. cl\ ias of lunbam induced thetruIt f sohsltary -IL. at Ga.. jnshermn. led'ai. foares-n.• the Philadelphlia n S h...1oro imepty The-svale adopjted by the jointcn oainetgn JoeJonslomn Cof.tharri ontoafilliate wrilaithtem. RandlPir.Kent' en- of rmuers sand operato-r. ai the c enteth, d«Ioneaothe Omral fnte Croo initeraient Take.* Place at Crown Hill dean of th, 'iadlhninstitution. re- etSttpeeighliaæ mc i the parapet in storming the eem'swrt Ide.po -smliiymarks the aidbyMsmve1oCicg vbeoedanol nat ioateinamng bthe ome iversadl ofme ind Mi theto tmy. he eemne t the HouSe and the Pderhnt ,ewho was comand Secretary hamn CollegiThe ombinlation of the-ethe Springlielddbrit Thdier Peach Troie CrekSagit was Over Gen' Church-Services Aire Brief. Cortelyou filled up the ew with the two schools was heralded byI thoseInter- coplain that it comipel te t wr EMPEBDBT amre. Hooker In a disptch to Washington aveb I esited a agreat stroke for homepopathy forle.swag.sthtan I. pai, to driver Co.Harso ig ras fr.teemtny: Preident and Mrs. Durbin- n-f ly.Te end came of bis regintAter a furlough. and & In the centeir of a hollow squafre comi Immediately in front of the casket and an the Wst. employed in the minle. along th.C the0 MWienthe nmirror to Chattanooga and then to Nashville, where posed o ll1,5Uolt - R Stzesbbidth al-l amele Je. Ni-%---- Adéisg toRock fisait l . t- fie.,ldandtdlta ir u hatthyf wirfuse lonlain18M lhe owas placed la command of a the remains of BenjammiI arrison were 1L. Haines and the eln fllow ing-¯ h usnAd e' Ascato fitendertle ines unler vplacefun.. t@gniM@- . roisinlbrigade. When the batleéOf Sunday afternoon interred in the fLmily col. of S. Louis. ImmIediately BODY T THECAPITOe ockIsad oln0an lunuprtbei .hl na wadteformer President . ashvlle ewaeover he was sent tu purmt o nC n ilcmtr. ninpl the caketwere Lieutenant Commander BOR , f tCPIOL rhl a enlty ihtrdrvr nt s i WM in replytito us-c n'veatveee ehargr Close by tbe gra ewr h ebr akradMs are.They occu- General Harrison'» Remnain iwda joint meeting in th.. rooml o ation1).av Two buoteIwe paetycse mehig ircty ha gveJue , 8m, wasmustered out sà brevet of his family, President McKinley and pied the second sent from the front, toa by Mune hmad, enpor501 the leadi icng itAaizeo thin Chilagohave come to the ( itizspi theimpressionthat ha was brgadier general. M thervstora of distinction, and the more the left of the north center aile, ecre- bTh e m o ndianapolisand te taeAbout 50u tit-eldiangadiBanknofuDecatur for paymuent. 'The furet lmthe Generalsaid feing Mou reur dto a napto he a *li teintimaite friends of Gen. Harrison. Back sponding to that of the Preidenton the ofiniaa onoedth dstngnshd t tatdeaucriBed ank wasfor mae aybl t Ie ay ha hewa saerngGrant campaignsof 1868and 1872 lhe took * distance of fifty yards, hehind rope@ south side. With Itemwere Frank i- o daaurday withe agihent ii. 1ress Iit f aiks ICwa.rd mp mande way dawnbyILc. lie complaind of the un actie part, tumping the State for hiset endarionsprvteslrtry a ageat.Ithea caiito rotundawas the extenive9.nEargentP.Mastn.Ithadtwn nsedbyth atbrathng. D urigthe oldnomaindferin-chef. n1876onhe decliedand Mrm. Parker. Following these wreh e tett scene of alt. Ther in the and arsenal that h- tokei pa-e-iCe'ontinental National Ilank at Chiag statvalsche ralließ enough2a@nom n tion for GoveralleMM. and Mm Russell llarruion, Mrt. andtmoi weefrer(o.Mun'oythe Spanish war. The papver showed ad et yi t heNtonlBako tMoUme ognie m. thardon1withdn. He on cs nted t e ru n, as-Mrs. J. R. McKee andMrs.Eaton, john it go long aoewas placed in honir, Unce' m paen Cngn(ommerce of St. lmNeither Marr- tidmIthiwevethe eonizerl beatn etwastha pimanonvtenina eScott Harrison and Carter B. Harrison,-n h he body ofr ie-'eidn Ien. this interioar arsenal, to which an entemy ton nor ampwil i. know«n at the lieea a smulnmandunaleto econie g ont epb a o P de51r. and Mri. Newcomer, Mr. and-Mr. drickg, stricken suddenly with death, had coulnever penetrate on «of bsh rt turbonk. Aohr hefor$5>. with Gardeld offered him a place In hls cabin 8. V. NMorris and thler relatives and Chie eahod foe uhgrae han plants f-or it n if ieth aedaeandrwcmeftr Bardils' oBeshad its incep- but he deegnedpreferlingto lbe Unit medndshof the family. hgrenerwnte Of war. "he fierce employedmtheee adrae l li ie aeMW bel &bout March statu senaller i ndiaa, a position held frie il K nd Mr. and Mrs.these wals placed.Dieumbr .-1.e.alte upt w Sere at- froRussto .lMr.adrrs.on ee iithe pew direct- Fromt 1:10 ocokin the afternooln till ing tu iprvedmahiery, i.i nearly as ýMilk hbur.pe in tir, 1 '_ 3 rent piged EishdtethePraldnc. ussllHarisn ccu eh r. Harrison 1t0 'clock ilheee ingte long lines large au that of the*,,m me lin empiloyed pier bhundred Ipounds iceua cr ago mårthe gW a på anin la8inthe gentlecanConvetion tGen, 'verf' n ocuidbyteof the people passed the Colij, the *trea uigteSaihwr ml rsFresmyta nrwahy rna tle= h tfor the Presidency, sY. Behnd'tepew 1 .Fir dvdig sitaprace s ta mn at twhce'oge ppopite ienelp costhmet Iwy. not e«am e es Wllata 0118 fer John. ShermanFPrentdeut were Senator and litreedinhrht arncledu h lf t thheymen-hou ld ot gt memudlof-m iv and 100 for Russell A. Alger. Hews elected bank, senator Beveridge, (Gov. Nash and pase on the rightd onbareygling $ ,0t i, s-beig iuit alled, sandit e, for tIheir mi gt l h odncneni with pubnona.For Iatim eand served one terni. but won defeated la Yate.andpartof nce.Theymarri par• Rok Isand rsenl wih--o be akin ,,.4 naieto leare, Gena. Harri- 19 yGoe lvlnd at fhs -Co e t the Stijl, white face, for they felit the a ayad ie ite hnaetr.fcOres, of which ther etaresevera in Mm1arrison hay- During Preideont Harrison'* terni as Prie.Illinois, Congressmen Watson, , f the thousnds behind thmbEtgenandiilenity, havecontracted fo dont the Behrng Semseali controe=OesretSelCrompacker and pressure of h hnad eidte ed out at any gvenwn rmory. tEinu andrllforhai e monta Theywfill l mO thekmwa go b«tween Engn d the tted BstOhevenaxiu tsas a heeer tgt ap ca.After the condition be- reached an &ente stage. The American Gov. many aother, istinguio • MrmAn.ndr ed apntethey wc asome- nect M Mve. pay $1.05for Apnxm5 ceni.Th-,r ay. l the doctors wereernment cilam that under the purchase ,When ali hadi taken their scoet r.Abtimes a itlefatesoetiCme. ltle Nw&Omh a tis-ay $1forJunef9rfrJuly.M$1.0for -AuY frlom n ussa ItLd not oniy exeluledrig'-f Hainesaadiancedutorthe center of the pulNew Itis noned Ot Mat the r80enr $1 1.IXfor Septeber IA aer , tkeep the public informad to the Sason.the MAlson Islands. but -tat ei. BAlizenr AND .LE LDAuesTIn .Hattdand, r te estghi lf t han owrbuutaping, trampling: on, it il at ofIliMse. hoe efn frithe g" - i Oterb matammexelude Our *owiteltsens and pole of ohrpitplatorm ad Br"ixbis e thind her fultmeauroofousShaaaspe- ifor t re hen get- 91 2 3 een te mn< mbmroMB the toTa a ttenefront killin them n 100 mues -gaddzaosybyalrefreo opon thetlarge church Bbe, ope mttd hm,50thef hm t helstkiIngof vi ndt- recuion fcnen wl a h am rapoi geee eemaAttha hor he tbethesi nds A ertesthy aspt wnasLice, stood, with uncovered head, the service by sayireurcinan h ie hdsonte edmnte oo hy insanity aoeh wl euti temt rc bâis aMited lung made him anily ettled by arbitration. getmliud h nwthe former -Iam te h sretoughnd he wrecad to s how-ui mn te our th membtriirs fteIn llnois The rialo Emr ar.ebre nbe alonto tom, nervouly Presdent Harrison wasthetoiette amoser residenltintdswow a idthywho He that believet in metog e, ch i t eof hescnewahmstim eovai< .là. . wihThe ralo thrie Eof lrry hartied in brillngtbout th. pan.Amýecan col-Prh, deadt etlo shaH hhi1 le live, and whosoIever Te setting 'f commuem Vloti. enaiIftyhof ncew Amifhe lnoisthahtircui. e&Hie respiration grew faint- greens wrihmet la Washington te 1880-90,#tood beide the freshly upturned earth liet dblevtdnmesalnee rssv.Te i eted ona blctomn i th fNrhe. any ofIthe.lad.sinthe enard ounityv( -iit iCourt adi » incramana and the general rsetaies of sallthe Principal soutà but who honored himnand admnired him I h an baýh nmealitnvr rcsie.eThed wfith re beneathlckthein in the com unydfocthe alei nthe jrafe-1wrtn wohus woCnmexo alarme htfracunae en rsnt. Tids fullyjas much. die. N pblilMau read lantrgte, black canopy. It was in the center era em* n.tb ul i iswhere-bl reureda erdit z"n ...gIl, .*'Th, wa epote meta- t muvemae metnotm tisdobtu i ay uli«mnasFllwigt'>tre front rheourteenth of the rotunda ndter the greaot domte. a e rla eutn iigo al curd nesr,'trkI oun patient foughnt it9o. At a3 laine's faorintmBey for extending cAmer- least in this generation. was borne to his portion. o hfad heteny-irt run i soo ans fcaloann the e eoloei r e try stlgof raIle ndaoaf-neofP beg •••• t heese eese eantae it lremecontrie.'"h n teet-i.t ro aymaiucate l wc i lle d the f a wthateirfromt the der tersburgitonhMarib- 1.a hlm nd-t wa big eendtion, althogh hstIt was doring Preident Harrision' t eter ins ofareamrtiT r i uofre ----- _owers, mihfl tearm ltThough the- em wAtnin. Ie aire v brr)htout i . .1NX atnhtrmhowa that the armt movrement was@K,,,artefrlaesetatoso ep - raganc-hehy nd ol th riheoffams n wa 16A D. amso nw meicn av. hedeir oatea& spect was universal. IDaefrmalIeath had rmade very little change i a g im none ti ateriination of tan , r lo b Iw. n ('lark at oclckfo apeedof inration to puhthe osrctofar siike, from thoe of his own political the features of Gien. Harrison ai lhe ap- Taze.e n a.,, al l ndn roghn læriod of Mm,@nednt o hor ae o dm e i h fertwrhfit n rmtos estoieredth 11 ,i el Iýnf,!'uIlD *»Itutdt ln ntewtrtenwfihadfottoewodfee ihpeared in the cotinafter it was opened t They l ltwo year., manl gro ...t Barset mor enomfna% d wite squadron." wblch played s..ch an lm- him concerning wa sbetfrthna t the capital. lHe was always vey kiW itention to Gar.k wif. and daughter it with every breath. Ms oratpart In the Spanish war. tion's good, fromt men mwhoehad been hie vbtwihteecpto htterpl iltrtw a g sonta alhdtnne dDm .Hadley and Dorsey Bineeueretired fromtthe Presidency G»s. .lifeaiefjdliand from thoseion whoth a. i tie e4-a li ):k e l a o ioti., a.i had thau, bis the a"h ram throughouot the Haisown took little Part inpoMlitie. He lieong riende. an f d ttoewhomtor had become more pronunceard, tere Divorcel wife >.ue. for Hair, Cakn o-alila1(rd remed the price of law and "as identi- knew him merey by sight andt om was no change in his appearance. Ms uln iigadvre ndt ilam lied with severl caie.of International til. lhe never spokie. It came fromtwomen hufrt-aoIasrhao.i ad daemihuar iam Wd-1 uldToenar,11 in bio-l lm etaury Marming news from the portance. One was the i enezuelan, arbitré- I hildrefrn white and black, fromtTefltmnt oatcfi n wife of thti..m1,oar VfiuWd S o»at 9 o'clckInathe fori-tien caseInoPari., for waleb. IisleId, he ain rnrmview the face of the dead was Judge dingaon,.f St.i t'la i 'ný bIosed ijuedina re o rim Asbot er r ae u receired a foie of 111W.000 trom &ne Ila ll Conditions snd kinds of people. Tere John H. Baker of the Federal Court- ii adigawlo f 'r1d t AIrigt o ih . h Vn An tor latr Dr.Jamesn an-GensHarison was always R staunch Pre- was no exception anywhere to the ex- -H a olwdb ug oln n that Gent. Harrisone conditon byterian And a devont churchmen. lHe owas ha had lost one of he mon ire. , Il am wo rseandLthat he entertindon the ecoisaitteetatihad1.nCharetepeso ain tmno theher judges of the Indiana Supreme cudt rieadefrehl.r rights . ner'autounatw , b4and aiing to of issvi mnyhors esttlen of reisag the Westraaster q its ablest men and the greates Cur, hnayno. urioadfisscounthe ttnmof h at h l eafegtcmwtrfatayw ho" f bs srvivng lobm. which rree1y.st nahingto is generation in )his (ownState. cut nlyGv. Gie th iscjelen b the-nt ,tI, . · t w frealan hi eglnen nte rIt a mnutes after that announacement Gn.Harionwa ',ie tmarrid Hsretary, ,ieut. Gov. Glbr, tenyte 1gshe wa'a. nt f l'kgr ing rdln.-i. h f ý l mae nohe bllti cmefrmtentfirife wans Min oIneSot fO. Predet Be-ide the Grave.State oIllicers. Wad1dingham atfte vingithl hun thr the onrushing riEnne hra *0 s taticg that the alarming:syanp- ford. Ohio.woimlie marridlan1853. ail By the grave stood the Chier magistrate The soldiers of the Seventieth regi ty.five yasf-rIhi, faui.t, hemrt arti of freight train Nh.i, ru..ile 'Ut: increaing rapidly. b, wne olie ba sonRse Bada.ftenainCnd eid h mswrent, which (Gen. Harrison hadicom- jug¡ng hIl.. o ithe guilty and iihethe gmneiandtear. to dsh umi.th.,ni-- Harrison lingered apparently at sue died in 159-2 at the WhIte Houlse a l the street arabe of Gen. Harrison mande, next viewed the face of thleil noetpry adnga etalhso tock train 598stani on th-' noun poit t issluio. Tesaynigt asingtn is swecond àtne-wandMrs-y iy.Eery grade o hua life in ;lead comrad. The Seventieth vwas fi-tat ohsalw uttepaniftac.Nn tcmnwre dcag OMa lonég, anxious vigil te the watchers ponrdnDofmtekfo rr.%Ir. ier nd , elAmericabtee heto a epr&illowed by the Grand Armiy pos4t of the caisthat byilreIf the stalitutes-hehi, doomed en. bliose whe.n the ngine Col- et the hadde, and to thousands of the were tuarried Apr l. O un daughter, sented in the crowd, and in te ity. Those who were lin the statehlouse is the ow Arofanumbedhafthe idied with il. Many oif th.. od ad admnirers of the ex-President Elizabeth, was born of the unb>n- there was only the one feeling-that a befQIe the general publie was admitted property. wverec r,;shcdnith thevir ,adsvl of bellow- the country. The gloom emanat-- man bhad died Who Iiwasint At a911oeadtentedoswr pn.igseradsorso niaswr I fraisteHrio om pednt NATION IN MOURNING• timues with lhiimself-and with aothers, anmi foled. Brned to eathdhyrMath. roasted nde lai recage.lýve 4Msation, and the whole country listen. Preedent Expresses sthe Countrye asuthe nation could ill afford te lone. c t-oflieatoatr ,cr.pne y e rthr iutnn1o, e fThut til "-'"3 i*h1 idag, as on din bsieGa d-ad es «MWththe deepest concert for the story Grief at Harr onsDeaIth• The seriesiatthe church and grave tliaint eivere te addrtess. m D. andierParer bofthe nitedat (amte, oburned to dat w if plaigi, aw . 1i onhv ie ihteadtr aitthe ßght aglaientdeath toid! in the bol- President 31eKinýley Thursdlay morning were simple in the extreeallinii in me fer te thdes Dr-. comaffrd nvy, warien ofthe eat entrane maetche ilier unmher - lol eft er for a, Fubl ae Ù5,1al(I.gainst heStat bàà that came houly.At the Harrison issued a proclmai.r ormally notifying excellent taste, and there waseanotep e Te ervicers ere icolsofed ith tovthes idrivn. Teoeeecrtdi-bit e nhenhrtruedfoun of llini o 1m h imcn hM undreds of telegrams, telephbone the people of the ,ountry of the death of absence of friction in everything that prart.eol,-HakHakMySol, mditey o heGoerors f1ce1adte hid ady ured Adoto ws rate t bil tforu aylm torth 80IIIis»ad personal inquiries and expres their former chiefmaistrteand direct- was done. ah iwardNetinwl, ,hich the entir"eitelertastheGivernorofefheorand tcahlldl'butwhen he Aidhehldncabensw Brtv Th of grie and sypathy wre recev- ing he obsevance f a perodeoiimurn- AtthelHarisonwhoeebefoeethetr-rh the thetchrrs.oTh partytlear thIhousetAe soo oasathi was iwaddeailTe mothe wal ot of th contrat wasitrminaldby the e stees frofmthe immediate friends of the ing for thirty days. In pursuanice of thtis mains were taken to the First Presbyte. i ehi h am re-n hc ___--_. - omonyfv ioent-.A mark %where whofori ytokp 1,o of the build- RiOnW sad from men prominent in the proclamation the §agit on every publie ra hrh hr h fl evc a etr~1ur the menos pa nmirt thosowho matc ha cacedo h ae ing. Thelian.,tupi herhl starsofthenaio wh wreasscite I uidig i te nitd taesatevri end, heire werebrie fulxerce fonthef tedFt dheotrvce se imme- bardthhd howtenvrtching of ,the cibl thtathetrustu.a ing fr theStatel *et netime or another wth the ex-Pre- army ps1 nteUidSaeCbmebr ftefmiyadmr med atty forte cr n reice ety. - hoar d ugtfirIe. fangofth i ed otkepthi artoi thicontrtt. me . ~Porto ieico Hawaii Raid the Philippines---- - -~ ' The buirial service was simple and -- inlregard o making aymients, and by T'h* oxygen treatment used in Gen. and oau c ry Amria asipin what- b h ivM.Ncosra h - ,Ide h iho mtr. filino frihmaeblad aoa ar$risons cage la the same treatmen ever quarter of th, globe willBy at half hr omta ndbra evcand TeWl ut-radjr :rtre. seie in the contract. indered and at sav pedmEndard Kiling fom ath mstfoktin d the IRe. Mr Haines followed with pray-indictmlents gintThomas Morriarity, delayed the work .in the building. That pnt eunaen he was attackredo. The pocamtin nud IbyPresident r.When the [ast word lhad been said Albert Minahiln and iPatrick O'le'illy, they made lhagesin theIPPlans largely th a a t tw y a g McKinley i, asi.>ýllowS:an'd thi service was oiter, the attendants a alleged pool se-llersal t ic hton. Stat's increasingl the celt., and failed to pay for aytmenorgntproneth te tae:lowered the cOrfinato its Place. To the Attorney lle>,,ieprendample evidence this extra work. as e Ilin thme (on- Bienjamin Hari n rb-tof the U[-.at it bore the wreath fromt Mrs.Har- before thet jury ti, conviet. l'h, namnes tract.That theY fiel ake txca- tthe passing Of Gen. Harrison th td tae , ro lu ei, . d yesterday riodon and lth- bouquet Of Miien of the val giv en by thet eor upsd ortosfrtehibigadfrihwt at 445 . u ath hme n Idiaapols.. ath On the coffin beo fictitioos er, aswas also In the agremet

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