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Lake County Independent, 5 Apr 1901, p. 5

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A Pleasatit Prame of Mind. (i îiuîg tbrolgh ti'e OPOniug lu o1[r diir' yoi yre lu a PLEASANT FRAME. Wiie il uofr tore you are FRAMIl IN %yitlî PLEASANT tbns to et. Your purcise (Af900o1 thiusgh u'l 1,,t in l a PLEASANT FRAME. I se preparingansd laerving (cil. gool tbingo purchaseti lu i,îr st,ýi-i, lotail members 01 tise fally ni]I PI ASANT FRAME. wbo woouldu t lie iu a Pi.1 ASANT FRAIlE ,,, issu! syud et,îî,î075itainedl' ITRJGGS & TAYLORi FOU!r . eýý7 ND. oui tat{-ie ues luit et ffet tht- l<>ls-llli 1 Ilias î a Stcik of ose Illi) 5wathi~ stîitli 1's\il] 15 5îlif. il lut t(e iè.)îî N i i 1,sf 71 a~ C. R. SHERMAN, LOCAL WATCH INBPECFOR FOR The Ch: Cago, Mlwaukee & St. Paul Railway. ELbertyv ille - . - . . Illnois. Wall Paper, Carpets.I N p.r ld il t it 1 ii 1 erilst. tiit. ' v s s- P Juir<Jar.ii a :t<ok <of user 7500i latteis -( 1 9o1 ile-îigîii <iri't frîîîîîthie faituirs. )() k, sl grvat ex 1îelse, thlereii2 ;u<iiiii ' i-, ahoit4()t>per <et lu <igilim 1 I>t t is ttî;t 4) er cent 'ce -as e lwsalt natwî Wpatronis. 10 ilo<uit 4taîs<lto> reasiîlîtte- niait dti«jitei <7111lîîîy ilfesv patternis frîîuî itli erlîit îf bis <iiompetiig witlî thie let-er wiîihii s iît la rge il i aki ,ti ties (1iirect f rtiiuîm nii i i 'aî¶ 1eu. and 1tiiereii î <is utis71ti t 7 its 1per nl. \\e i :vite iiiui1a riilîi()l ()1 11 Iei lUI)Uîîe \Vitli t1ti s 15aloi i ii ) :îI per's t(lu Jipril ist % t**t*t >Imlusiers, \ý î \\lt hatthe <). NV mloquettits, Ritîarilsoiiii( iliiafY 's ititire DOives Drel, iii lilt l)ll tilllli hlt iiEWe tapestry witi lier cu iient . Yuîî Drans l îia>ai, ai( liliy i)iýtteril and fi, dielivery at v\uîr uptionî lugrains. tefure N!:îy tti. We van seit voit uarie.ts vtlier thauî yuoita n tnîy tîinii(tîîgî Smith & Davis, DEALERS UN gentral Mercbandise. îL ib erty ville Illinois. * PICKED UP HERE AND THEBRE. 4Local Items of I nterest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. Un Effect Sunday, Dec. 23, 1900, at 12-01 à- M-I ~e No. TO CHICAGO. vyri. iiAVi. Depart irom New Deoot. VX 1. a. M. liii. us. TO CHICAGO. WEKK 1105. Deriart From Old Denot. 7 : a. in. Ili 'És, M.1 .1 SuIAi. 'i. 144 FROM CHICAGO. VIEDA",i ArrIve at NeW Devot. No lii.. .. .. .. . ....! N,11.... ................ F'ROM CHICAGO. VEUX DAIS. Arrive et Olti Depot N o. 10e . . . .. . . . . 139 - .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . MUN15ÂY5. 117 11, w m No.ls................... Il AY UEIIHT. Depart From Oid Depot. N liî E~iî Luni . I. . . 8:22 a. M. 4:s5p. iu. Io: 46 a. lM. 6i m p. M. 7 56 P. uM. A ():48. lu Derart From 010 Depot. o.l.WstBoui......... 1 0 i. uM. Nos. i91 and o92 wilI carry passengers betwcen Roadoag and Solon Ilillo. SOîrevois'Apri tooed lra. Mary Eana of Clucago, viaited Xlilos .&mec tiardee, of Chic'ago, at tise home of E. Wlnels tbis week. speLut Stinday at bomne. irs. A. C. Frenchs and ira. E. Ladies jackets aud cape-the Eater Faruhaus are vtiting Jeterron Park I~yimx aIt Mas laoritserelatives ibis week. Peter PeLges van called tao leucoe Raemember tise conversatIon social this week by the dealis of a brotber. tonigist aitishe Preabyterian c =dcla J. J. t'orteî,ra s oved bis houseisold lmnE aad it s îiit to V.m. Attridge'li bouz onMisesZuEchmna" adedtofSi,0 Si liooîi erset set Mouday. i Il Lounl ia isavlug tise sterior if l drug store improved biy tise vals ani celing 1ieig repiapereil Mi r. andl Mlrs.John Mtattockm, of Chf- cagii, wece gisesteî,f tise lattera& mother, Nro. Ileliu i'ruimau, last Saturday à nil SULdsy. Hi Il. Eger is aving a barn erecteti of, Iî ln roperty recentiy pîîrciased, 0ou i lor s treet. Itiliouaiti A Iloyem are bigtise ork. 1 t- enirre lewoeoratle ticket Sas il lt luinCisirogo 'ruesday, and i.rt-r Harpiothiutereblmi assureîi of si tliri mi-ro s se sayiir Nlmm e ljhe Corlett j4 slck ýltis an atttacik viiclithbreatLenIlm to prove typliiiîi ever. A traîned n'irse frous chicago le lu attendance. 'its. E..C. Poitou vas lu tteudauce sipon tise ifty.tirti edtiiug atini- vereary of Mr. andti ira. E. F. EddY, ast aylor (rove rîseeday. c. W Wilicox moyeu frotuthse i,riiey farmn iIt'rairie 51ew onto tise farrii recently 1urt7iamed isy hlm soutls.1 ,eist of tiltse vilage Wiiduesday. %Ir Gi.o uer bas purcisaseti a miteelon Hyiserdt Court, north of anti U'ljoiolug the tietsodliat pargouiage ail,. oit wili ertec a modern resideuce there Ibis sprlng. Mise; Emily A.LlBush epent thse fore I prt td iset veek lu Maplle Park, aud Iit. llte fiitierai of lier sunut, lira. Stni,îîeritu, ont! if the Pioneer reat- ilim ii lat viiOty. Rii Siolîi tf Di&moîîudLake, bas h tleîl M, iiiriu'sIliuuser on Mtuau- lie -AVeuie auil' vliiremnovi ta ibis sillage osies tise roade are tn condidtion ii,îllow o l Lie diiig 0. 5111 rîînd oyVi rgbt, viii)are at- teîîdiog lîllege alit isIoit, Wis., came boiui last Friday. Wrt reusaineti 5 r tiese prlog vacation, but Roay re- tîîrued to tieloit Mooday. A lîeautifuii gong, verv aPPrOPriate to date Easter,, vilibegiven froc viti vi.t .'uuday'e ihr.nirle Ilis Ladies (Cemitery Association miea Friîlay, April tItislit lirs. F. P. l>ymiiuî Tise aunual electiiin 01 ,iliiere viilbu held. Aii thse sembera aujilfrîcilti srelirgîii 10 Le preseut. 'l tiesy'selcection desnonstrated tise groitig olîmbera of 'Indepeudent vntera l' arty Prefereilce lu t.owshiip afiaire ifiî.very year becoming more iiwi iirsaecondary consideration. lieîîry and Florencîe Carroll, son and laîîgteroii M. H. Carrol iso lîve9 eut of thise village, etiteredth ie elghiil grade isontos ciso3l thiis eei. ]»ott bail liien attendlug SI. Marysm Acatiemy. New iuiiinery for tinle aster trade. Everytlsiig uew and iuP to date, ai Mlis. lnnriNr.S. Mr, Join.lauisiiu lfortus is tisatÇ Htramo Luik lbas disposed o!bils drlv-1 ing borse 10 Win. Seavey. tMrJemnison1 asked us ta lie sure sud put tise cou- sidf!ratiliii 05gb euoîîgh, Mo we vili saY0 E_ Coik and wile agausn occîspy thier honte in Liisertyviiie, tisougisthse aI- nimit impasible condition of the rotIds bas preveuteil tr. Cook trous reusov- îu)g Lut liltIe of tiselr hisîeeolîi etteca Iris bis<far ut aIGlmer. 'lise regisiar town meetlig, atI viii sîss read tbe Supervîsois, Roudi Coin. iitiiohel sand Sobool Trustees' re- po(rt, tîk place Tieday afternoou. Ilise repiortesere ail acceptei, ailapteti and ordered pîlaced ou file. \%niiat,r la very seîiousiy elck Lyon aud famlly Sunday. Prof. Smlths OChicago orrsetra furnisises muiai tieLEaster tdance next Mouday nigilt, and it viii Le tise beel. W. C. Trigge andi Frei] (roker ex. pect ta rent a store in tIle new block to be erecteti b, Iobt. liroctor ibis sprlng. W. C. T'iggs isssrentei roore n uC. W. Tayiors hlonne, visic ho ise ilsbis ramouiser ili OCCUY pypon Vatiug his Clas number Ovxe of tise Libertyvtlle Preabyterian tiunday sciool vill give a conversation sociai ioUigst lu lthe chnreis pariora. Ice creain anti cake yl be serveti. W;s7.d LAISE KINBALL, Chalrus.au. Neiveek Mms. PnoTiiçr vili bave a ne, lins of gingisans, prints andi aummer dresa gondis. Usîl andi se Tisa Ladies Aid socleiy if thse M. E. cilurch is ii give a -"mapie eyrup tea" nexl Tuesday fyom 5t01<p 10 MSupper 10 cents. A cordial invititîli n le ex- tendeti toalal. Mirs. Martin Lynch Liam reulei Rd. Appleyîs bouse novr occupiîed isy B. B. Eger sud wyul rermove frisiser farmi v ent of town to tilavillage in theuer futnre. Tise Mettiodist soci dl y wlllbI ls Snuday sciool Easter exercises lu place of tise regniar ru cing services Snuday. Evenlug sernces ommence ut 7:30. Tise Junior League joins vith tse Epvorîis League iu devotJoual services Ester uday eveIng. Bers- &fier tiseUlime of comuenclug evenlnig services yl l e a bal isour luter. bSetise besutifi jiphoto etciing lu pol office, vbtcb likfree- i tise Sun- day Herail-Rei,ii on account of great cemauti, order iaRriy. Mapie eyrup for tise -«tea" t,0Le given by ladies if tise Metiodist cisurcis 1 esday alterîson ianti evsu- iug vas rectivedt frous tise es" specially for tise iccamsion. You are invitedt 1tanet is nment. W. A. Deane e.xpects ta @vendth ie auimer lu Buttsiiî, lavsug unden con- sideration tisrüe concessions at thse Pan Ausericahs Exposition. If ise decides to accept tise ,ne ise la nov couiderlnug he -ii1 take tire assistants vilsh ium sud basoffereti tise positiosa 10Libertyville joung mein aevenit iseeCCeltM tise COUCesasOn lu question. Attieir umeeting tiouday niglisitisee vnItage trustees disicussedth ie atvisa-r büitIlof ordering a uev sidewaj.kb inlît aloug nons sîide iof Lake treet front Milvaukee avenue 1tiste ceuse- tery. il vas flnaiiy doclded 10 give property ovuers iutil tise UIneuet- sng tu repair or rebuid thse sl.k lu1 question, ant Ili by tliat lime no action liead been taken toorier a uev watk laid. Anotiser of tiso8e popular Tonneson art pielurea viils nxt Sunlays Iater Ocea. See sanspie sn poel oMOOc. Two insane patteuts verq returuetiJ ta tise Gnnnty House Ttie@d&Y fromf Elgin, as Lake coutsty limasumore %han lUn quota at tise tate lngtilutlon. Tbey were George Wyun, sent from 1 wankegau, sud a nîsu sent frons Lake Zurichs, bose camne ve bave no% ibesrd. iu ail pmbbllty Ed îioderairom, viso has been cared for bY3 W. B. APPIeY anti voriet about bi4 isrm for seversi yeen, vii be sent t0 Elgin iu a short tîme for treatuseutai' of late lie han grown esa anti le8saratiosial. witis errîpelas, iin tact 1bis condition Euster Danuce. .. ' Pa, . he eekwas uchhJe A dance yl Le given isj Exoelsior life vasdinire of. Wetinesday Camp, B. N. cf A., in LiberlYVIll uorning le raiiied under ekillful Toýrn lail, Monday nigisu, Apil 8. Ireatioct isml ttention and t la enov odMsc upe e dI u belive( he illrecoer.ment n1 hall. Everyisody la going, Asi uîted inii st eekem paper tise are you? Calvert iriPertY on Milwaukee - Avenue sand Laie treet vas soldtu 1 A TentImnonIal froua OItBuiglanti unknovs parties, antiase jet tisose wio --Iconalder Chamberls.tDs Cougis negatiatedth ie demi refuse to maie Remnedj tise best u in te vorit for knoav nases o! the buyers. As near broneiitia,' mays tir. William Savory, se aoItoasertlued ros crrntof Warrington, Englanti. "It ban am cn b ascrtaued romcurrnt aveti my vifeslilfe, &ae laving been rumor itleis îroposed tfs divitie tise a martyr t0 bronciîtîs for over six Mlwaukee- Avenueîs properly inoay«as, beiug mont of tilitme cnulne7i biiousa eteandîth ie Laie etreet to ber Led. $iSe la nov quibe vell." troniage mb tureitence sites. Tise Solti by F. B. LoVE1L L Lbatyville, unusual reticesice of tise promote GrsOATSLAKS PEÀBIiAO, JORN àsIXMLB, siroudthUeentire demlIin mysteny. Ivaubou. Licenme Not un Issue thia Year. Tensperance People Have No Ticket. Tise Peoples'Party caucus convened according te cctil Iaturday inigisi lu basement of the tovu ball, Witie t tise same hour tise Citizena' Party caucus was called up alaire. Every candidate proposed inluthe peo3lea canons vas uoiated isy acclamation tisere not betua a conte.t for auj of tise offices. Tuse ticket folIo .s. For Preeient, H. B. EOER, C. H.SMITH. Troeteee, E L. DUBOIS. J. L. TAYLOR. E. W. BUTTERFIELD. C. N. Duranti, Cornelius t'rice andi Frank Duseuberry compose tise village committee for tise euing jear., Ail titsoccureti vithinlilfteeu minutes andti mmedi.ately upon adi- joornment those in attendauce isurrled upâtaira to debermiue vilat action isat been taken isy tise Citizens Cabans. Tisey arrived mat lu lime t10 bear a motion to adjouru, aud learu tisitthe CJitizen@ canons isatibeen as short liveti as tise one tiown etaira. Here toc ail nominations were by acclama- tion and were unlmous. Tbe ticket follova. For Preaident, A. W. WALDO. For Clerk. W. C. SANBORN. For Trostees, TROS. CORLETT CHAS. KAIBER FRED ORABBE. 0J. A. Wrighst, W. M. Hleats and Ben ller vers cisosen village committee for tise eusuing jear. A pecullar condition exista, in tisaI tise Citizenu&' or no license ticket of former years sy lise action BatuIrday nigil loes 1taindtiduatY. Il la composed of men whn favor license, tisougil the liceuse issue isatiroppeti anti candidates muet stand ou their menita. Tise ampalguvili be wvus- ont anuissne and votera wîli select thse men tiley believe beat qualîfledti t1111i tise respective ofices regardios i.t thSe "satoon queation." This ratier leaves the strict temperance element out in the coldti.tere being n chioce buiveen tise Ivo tickets .o Wr satise SCHOOL NOTES. Tbree nev scisolars entereti sabool thua veel. Tise Geometry Clan basn begin iBook V, lesvtng tise revlew of Book IV unttl later. Mesurs. Susale, Wirt andti yWright and Hiarrj BSerman vîsiteti achool Isat Frids5v. Tise Pisysal O eograpy lly caom- pleteti the book Mondai anti are nov revlewing for a final examlnation. Thse ugi s cisool andtihue fourti room beld liseir openlng exercies to- gether fflday morning, Mev. Mr. Cald- well glvlug au iuteresttng tali. GOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. LsBýEnryviILE, April 1, 1901. Board met lu regular sesson villi li boardi prenent. Minutes vere reati and on motion of Juat anti Gorlett etcd approvei as rend. Tresanner'a report vas resat as follova: Ou bandi at at report $1866.67. tecelved duriug montS $1413.06. ['aid ou& turing moutis $136.13. Total on bandi $3143,60i. Upon approval of finance comusittee Mme wva aaepes. and placeti ou fife. Tise fnlloving bille vere reati [Hesth estate ................$30.00O Chi. Legal Neya Go............ 1.30 J. Boyseu ...................... 1.540 A. P'. Staplea ................. .1.50 M. Presiman . .....50.00 Joisn Dîxie ...... .75 Upon motIon of Shserman anti Just bis vere asUovetianti warrants ordereil dravu for amouts, ail votUng aye. Moved by DuBois aund Joit tist aide- valk ordiuauce No. 131 be referreteh atreet commlttee. Cariîst. Street committee reponteti favorable anti necommeudeti passage of ordinauce, No. 131. Moveti by Haphy auti Sherman tisai boardi cour lu report of atreet cous. mlttee. Garrieti. Moveti by DuBois and Juat tilat Ordînauce No. ni11 e passeti. AIl voleti aye. tinveti by DuBnls anti Proctor tisai Sitreet colmlittee be empoveredti 1 place finit grade on Nontis St. Ajes- DuBois, Juai, Procior, Sherman. Nays -Gorlett anti Ranby. Itoveti by Just anti Hauby tisat clerke andi Jutges for approsceing village election be appoluteti. (arrieti. J. E. Btallard, W. E. Davis anti Coruelius Prion vere appointeti mages anti A. B. Levis, W. G. Triggs anti G. W. Wcolridge, clerks. Moveti by Just anti Conîsti ibai boardi adjournuntil Friday, April l9tis. 'Carniet. C. H. SMITH. Glerk. "ýWe t)ou't Went Money Bad-." We vaut It gocti ant irewe vU give jon valua receivei, a in every bottin oi Dr. Caldwvell'& Syrup Pepein, no matter Se Ih lOc, SOc or 31.00, as ve guarautee it for Constipation. Indigea- lIon. Siak lisadache anti Sbomach Trouble. F. B. LovZr.L, Libertyvile; Gso. C. Raseurs, W&nconta; WImu KNezOoî. Rockefeller; GrayalaLke Skil troubles, cule, Suris, sealts anti chai ing qickly boea] by the us. Of De Witts Witcis lizel Save. Itlal lmiisteti. Be surs you ge$ DoWitte. F. B. LovuLL LlLbertyvllle, J. B. B"Ocauu. Gurnes; WîIL KNuooa, Roc'kefeller. Our flew Wall Ppemr llas atri s ci. Vie patternîs are the Iinetandt prives the luîwest iii tiwî. We are alwvaNIs iea(di1îîarteors furt Walt Palier. DI )îîîî thîy îîîîtil yuîî sec <ours. New lpattern in Ladies' Wrapiîer. ;ît 7r,(-t i* . 001 Amk ti se- ut N4ii. 30$;Lades'Sliuîe, $2. 25 sec ttien is thebty 50 vîents tii $1.00 )takes tI lent. Wonderfui Values ....SPRING RIBBONS .... 15 pieoes of N(,. 31) anti 40 itibbovi, heavj aIl iilk goois. inliste latent anti pretteat Spring Coloriugs, mcstly viite anti arcausgrounds vith pink, bine, green, reti anti laveutier stnIpes: anme in plan visite vush raiseti figures anti corda. Willi maire very pret!assises, bat trimml.ngs sud neck ibbous. Usually you pay 30 or 35o for sucis elegant ribbons; but ve are alvaja on tise lookout for hargains anti vli surprise yoo by uasing s rîdielonaly loy price for tit lot: PER YARD 1%5 ce PER YARD TH-E PAIR, Li be rtyvllie I llinois. i -~ PI Pure Loveli's ..u.... Drug Store. Perfumes. Toilet Articles. Patent Medicines. PAINTS AND OILS. A lan d Complete Stock of Sckaool BocS. Tablets Mmd School Room Necsuitie 1Lbertyvi île Ti@ Easy 10 Feel Gooti. "Ibati pileasu0 bêl ià1f flelp Furnlihed Free. Gouilesa tiousantis have found s rest non fluti a cnre uim I ' ilessing 10 tise body lunDr. Kings Nev Witt@ witcis BaelSaivea-j Wbheu jon neetiàafarm isantior labor Lite Pilla, visieli pomativeiY cure Cou--Il once. I forgot I eve, hadtOU or of aujkcinti, nemember vs eau g. tipation, BlokBesadache, Dizaineas«, ePie-.G.Sls lheus for* jon, sud it l iicnet on Jandice, MalarIa, Fyeer anti Ague ant ik ple.'£C.soo &il Liver ait Stomaci troulies. Point, N. Y. Look oui for i8 noiig. ADÂms & Tu.noTBGN, Puraly vogeaîle; never gnipe or Be sure jousask for .WU Tel. main M48 117 0go anal Et, veake. Oul.v Me nt Y. B. LovmLL. UoVuzL. Libeflyvilt. I TOL .1;Obleago. Liberyvile; Gs'sla.PKAuMUcT. Guus . lxL i ïeîw if ypur ('hildren'i Stîîws do iot wear well biny Hendersotns Red Selool- Iîolîse Slîoe. Yoin eal finît nu hetter ones-they are îîut made. '[bley give the liest uf satisfactionî andîlevery pair if; gnarantee<. F. B. LOVE(LL, - - - - - Mino Pl 1 1 ,ý% atch t 1 la t \ý il] 1 ni.'s inspection.

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