CHER$ SGROCERS '"r HEREare other tnt-n of 11tt1'- ;îility ini that ilie t4aan wre eau Ihast (J,.xx h:4t0 the preaching. Our buletts is to s(i i ( 'StEG O11 the subit-ct of 0roéeres, Itti:t . î onld, preaeli yoU a pttty gop imrll.rtu tn-rao for this is thatthe kini of (: 'utswtt ël1 will bear prtuaehliîgabouiit. 1.111i ýear-e tot go- Ing to serimonIze. Wtt jist -, i fl ttî talk plain, -bard bifineee. In t1iis 44 "i>îwil Ry that wtt aeiU Sa >omitioiittt 'I.'onexeeption- ally well In the matteu :1 (Groceries, as our yeanm of experlene %- a.' ix -niis anladvantage over cOmpetltors ilil ii: î::ter tif buylng andl the firm that buys h-1 .I cii alwayM sefl best. Wtt have betta eliaxlI::to) makeIoweT prices thai otherî4 for thl - qu jtalityof gciQdud Mie only qu.ality --' i;uîi:leim theî VERY BEMT. W9quld be b, i 1.:It: ave a ponal interview with YOU. M -____ Our Clerks Are At Your Service Crescent Seling Taylor, Libertyville -Stearn ..CLOSING OU T..III Lac icade,,,jWestminster 0 NLY! f o 1.i (tlits wli tI a a ar-lii - y latitthe pive. ( oltt- ilii and tIrý it PIAOS WATC MES JEWELRY C. R. SH1ERMAN., IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST FOR A LITTLE MONEY Wl E.N buIING GROCERIES go<>Il gît et u t-lit î %Vo l.i;i,#, t l 1eavoreîl stcee<(ilîg. t \\wotii t tjui<ttta- ,\ \ ': t I elîari.o Yot ;[ilh a'lditittîîia jîî t. (M (I ll('-ttîî u er to take it up. We Seil Checap ...... ....... all along the line. xtr~ Flou r Atlas '*MC£ TIED-".AYs USED' wiwitt jr;îise oÉ 111 -,lt\\i\e~ \(tt a day pisses buit tIle\ 1-t uis lht)lit il atl itt w tht-y like Atlas hetter 11ti111tii- luti It- rauils. AnI ( .why Ilot laki-s a letteî- lavored -i ia: I Makes more loaves t t a siuek. Bre-ad fî-t>îîîAtlas flour xili îtt tý lt"t as qidickly as froinîthii ther kii uts. t's Superior in Every Way. TRY A SACK. Smith & Davis, DEALERS UN - - - Illi.nois PItK! I~oco-~ Items UP HIÉRE C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. TO CHICAGO. wuza DATF. Dopait From New Depot. No. 4 ......... ........... 7:-7 118 .......... ..............7:56l. E. 14se .... ............ ....- 9: 2, l.tu, 142 . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . 20 . 14el.............. ....... 6544à e suzDAys. N x. ý.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 t5 . . No,l 1142............ .2-.0p. m Ne. t8...... ............... tiI.- . No. 148 andi Nu. lis wl tit s1'top't'w:, Liter7yville and Olbicaao. No N N 14 FROM CHICAGO. Waa n r Arrive at New tiepot. 13....... 9:.. 14.......... .4 Il.0M. 143.................. . 7:03P it D147................... ... 09:41 a.0M. 136............. .....1:46 p. m4. 143.............. ....... 7ul 1, m. o.s. in,. 147 and 1M9 r::, tFoixLaite inly. No. lsaznato JanesvtIli-'1Yl. TO CHICAGO, . ROM CHIC.AGO. Walm lATO. wUU DAÂY' Depai-t Prom Oid Depot. Arriva at 010 IJeiot. No......................... ..l:iL amu. No. 13a .................... ..0I:4a . M. M .................. 7M a. M. -idi...................... 6:36pI. - 144.. ............ ..............12:90 1p. D. 145.........7:46 P. 0M. SBNATrs. IUNOÂTr No. 122 ............................ 6:s a. mn No. 133........ ............ .10a 'BUlY" Donnelly le! t Wedueaday for an exlended visit wit4 relatives lu Scoland. Are yon going te 1the Woodmen'a pîculo aI Preeport June 2011. Pare for round trip ia but $2.041. Win. Stevenson hmuasaabhsmguemia for the sommez iis mother, of (arrigbt, Maiautoba, Canada, and al»o a younger brother. We ivadvertently negiecteti lu ont lutaIssmue te announce UmsiGeorge Lynch and wfe were puzea of aglri baby, boru June 2ud. The oeil meeting cf I*keaide Cerne- tsry Association viii be heid ai Use home of lira.»Cbam Bulkley Pridzy aflernoon, Juue 218t. A large quanlity of brick and olher inateriai is on tbe gromug for lthe cou- sîrnetioti of au &Mdlioe ltuite W. T. Eâton Mfg. Co.'a plant. KItls propomied Wl nmtali a foundry ls thse uew ddi- tienO. Frank Wrigbt, Wii Wrighst and Clare Kinilmm1iexpect te attend Belois academemy next yen. Loy Wright wiiireluru oBuloit am o lcompète bilistaudios. ViA Wright graditates fr004 the coliege tlu tha t cilneil wee,.. W,îri th e extension 01 lirainerd t',rwas comoenoed Wdednday by liielà.rd Mmiii, and EMd 0Co, vbo bave te coulracs. Aijotbez vek and IL wil bc possible te drive from Lake street te Uburcli sireet over 1the new bigbway. 8unday vau observeti an Children'a Day ini our eburebes. Appropriate t-sert-tacs vere given by th1e Little folim anti asln eaeb case gmuch Lime bad been @peut ln prepaxation, 1the pro- grama were unnnnaHyi niereeting. The ebureea ere preltiiy decoeaied for the occasions. 1. 4. Gleason removed the partition in 1'. 4.1. ockeimau's barber ahop a"d 1,0111 a new partition t0e1the rear aniti aiougsoutti ide of 11e room, Ibis week, maitlng a place for tvo bath tubs vbiicb Mr. Bockeimau vIWl lnsIail. The barber'@ chairs are raugeti aiong tbe nortb aide of room neart11e front, afforeing better ligiai and conseqnently improved' service for patrons.- A man by the Dame 0f Cleveland carne 10 lown Wednesday vllh smre forly head ofwetern borga. ie quar- tered 111cm aI 1the tock yards fBeur 1the fright depol and proceede th ie dis- pose of as many us 1e oould. ..Doc., Brown pioketi out four and yUl break tbem accordlng to bis notions. WIl OeHluige aecuired a twa year old, and Ibereil bc faun Uhen -Bill buste the b)ronchao" or tries te. Whiie diggng a veil for E. ». Wells on is properîy on Newberry Ave., Wm. Fuller enicountmrd a flow of valer Ihat for a*Lime tbreatened le floodth 1e neighborhood. Allez somue tifficultyt11e flow vas controlled, aud aI an elevation of il feel a two inchs stream vas maintaineti. Newberzy Av@. properly ownera are fortunale la meclirlog uowlog Wells, but thîs one lake4th11e pris. IL bas dirniniubed 11e low of other Wells on lbe. minet but ILl b ieiieved Dot permnently. Of o.ourse il la entlreiy appropriale lMr. Wels lboulti have a goti veil. A guîîg of laborers le employeti cou- atruîtng a --paalug lrack"' 1telet aioîîgstle 11e 8t. Poulsa main track from Mlwalikte avenue te Intersec- tion oi Conut>' Farm ioati. IL being î:e:': ssary t Itidleu1the -out" on Bond farni. 1the joblwll prove a tedious one sud a camp bias been ettablilhetiou DanI Le purubased a new snrrey of H. B. Eger ibis week. Geo. Ca«lerimhome triO Evanalon, viser. ho aiien&dmcoIleg:, Miaa Lou 08er la bec:::frein u au- slon for her aummer va:atton. Bora, to Mr. Mld MNý, F. IL. J011, Tuesday, Jua. 1111, a girl baby. lira. Jare., $«ltaveî:..wtod, visiteti wil]> h« miiezr, is. ':i Lee this week. octrs Patrons of the tti':'iric ligliat t:oî the: right.of-wa, nDeux Mlwaukee ave- pany ver. surprti , ipon receivtoig , :.,:::: tine, consli;g oi ive tente and a tatements of tbrtr in:tebleduess4 for 't -cîook biouse." ft illtetale two months lighita for the n0:itbI IlofApril. T'iet t:,..::,:::: .::b ,,::.: 0, le comploeeth1e worM. The rumor matera bavlug bt-ci: r -ad' bille were 4::,::,: ,,t it thIis la th1e begtnuing 0f the con- bUde out accorîiîuigly Sudt vert- lu .i-i,Â:':'i:..:: t:4: strnclîon of àdoubltlrack fromt Lib- nearly every instanc:e exbiorbltant. le... i ii. erlyviule teJaneavihie laezzoous. Thoe via consternation among those l't:' .:0'¶t40':'i, .:'1111 :'.1-1, Thte bridge eomiittese met pergnnt visabed lusaleiie oters aud au N I . NI 11 li.... t0 agreement aturday le ouaoider appeas! wasmadetie :Mr. Freernan, : ItI a:a, :::. '.::. e.::e:: bide for the construction et a teel Vllbebrch terlstie fairneas 1e ad- I' a i N ,h:. ut t:.,%t- Il, i n-f II,e t hrve1 bridge over Bull Creek on Miwaukee viaed 1the comptinants te vitbboid -i:,.::, , v I ' :,,i:,, .,*, Ave. Titere being no bide 1the oom. P&Yment outil Lie ceitid invealigate :.,t,'ti:..::, :,,4,':tb'o:r milles were aIta a uai rI as te what tise mater sud ibeu lie voniti settle , 4: il . t.:.,i.,,:::l:iit:..,::tti., to do. After eonsidering lise mater onuabhuisaatislactory 10 ai. It vas m :.::1,t::a:,: -, lu iilie they drove te 1the creek and looletid iaolovered the vire conducting carrent lil l I, ýItli u w over 1the graunti wilb avie, tedon.ftraM the Plant 10 Miwukee Ave.,,vas t9,4&Il::li'e ::t ,:u- iîc:11t1iItsttid.. 'thre slructlng a colvert 'inel eof a ~inadequate, requtriug ton rmach fitat il: c,:. _:tt:In3~ , t,'..~:îe bridge. Al agreed Siteisule ha 1h.Volte1.80umilbn 11te igbtO aboul t by Marly .ttt.ii 4:utti:ai a ilitlit:t more economial o! tise twO plans1 la le a proper degrileeo! bzlgbtuees :ot::. :4. , otai-.stat.:: thse long ru, and ti ilvnpiaetiugliy sud cooaequeîslly makiug Use msellr 44: e tiItal. itut eil t . ti,iiie i dectded ~ qW*Vq le coaro U,îev osreford more volage sthan vase- Ir: :::5s1:îdiit'k'lirTer r le i, -,d atone arches over 1the e« drujia-au I 'a et ey wond, A DeW vire vas , I ti ii",- rt e :rit- the approhlbet lie , e v « pet qN ~of proper kînti aid ie, sud Ifo'-1:il,:ii U i iofo>Ii t:i.riex feet. Bilde for t m l ult w , lm bWai*9 lile monlh o! Mar "Irve barneen lit-te:id ::V-wtttheta ro re tt OAsivgl*d for ansiaslne Mrl lu ê* piami-------------a---v---e Ob ~ rula bas mou. vit]> k. iii»W pats, p"l à ope"al sedia MftU"evulg bourd vmu cafl dfor Thurada! nlght by Presîdent Wldo in conider mat.j tord perlsining t', the t,:ý tige ques- tion. Frit z Enderliti, whs 1e petitiolI for a llceumefsi.Ied to reet:.vé faorabe actio tt b îot mnieeiiig f t1 h .O' d Il"1 evcryîbliug lu reudilu-or t: ::1:CIî1 his FRtalonsd wilt :do: ho, t]:. :ltareff, regardltsipo f what ari it 'T: lxtt :::rt takem 'l] turtltty igidt. t t'1, : MENtT geoeluîress shil,'t' WrWt'tîg loi bsession, heure we o,:r:,ti,: Jt:: give 1the resul of theb.., t:::or:i $ , but it id prooabte 1the petiîilitgxanitett, wbich prayed Ilita o iceî:se 1 i( fumed Enderilin on the grouid lis place would prove a nuimance to tes. dents of Sprague direc-t, witt bt, rec::a sidered. At leasi this lm the ot:Jec t, caiiing the meeting, and Ihat caig been doue, Enderlinsa petition for a license id ii corne up for uonaidera4ori.1 Attorneys generaiijt aglee a Ileense cannot hoe refuseti Enderlin on th1e groun'ds sel forth ln1the petition of 8prague treel residenta. li8 peli- lion, bonds and necessarjM papiers tIed vilb the board being regular, il 1s cont.ended hoe bas th1e saine right 10oa liceuse as tbe olber liqîtor dealers, Endertin maa li e wiltiopten bis saloon aller th1e board meeting,,flret tender- lng a quartera tlicense moniey. andi Ibeu awaîl aDY legai action 11e btosr, or prîvate citlzens moy laite, ami tigbit il out ln the conrî. NV bottier 11e ta blnffing or not rernains 10 1e accu. Writets Prom Man lia. James Baker, a nepbew 0f J. F. Clark, of Libertyville, ami private secrelary tu Gent Ludlow, nov [n 1the Philip- pines, wrote 1the folboing Intereating leller descriptive o! Aiericas re- cently acquired Islmands, vbioh Ibrongli th1e courleousy of!Mr. Clarkt, ve ara î,eroitted b opublisbi Wt' iîtite ail th-i ladies t) inspeet our new tip-to-date lii of Wrappers and Shirt Waists: aî1-.o <nr iew suai- metr Lress Gttîtls and Novelties. Stylish Designs Superb Colorinas Matchless Bargains Ati t exelleiit Ihue ,of 1VribrelIas ....for wet days. A jittly ihy e tof Hit B oîiiets . for msunny oneit. MhI the- latept effects... lit DIreKs and Negligee.. -.Slîirtq for tht- Men. aii~ tienool clced FrtI :'y and th 1e l)tAIî tL'NI : pupila are nov ou joy t: rtiI etr-ton g W. tît v uono fil-!î :,: rt.- uo, va:oatlon" :tlI, tilttti ovLolt igir. :04Hýolit:t wtîour t.. u .:4, ti,,:"It 3vldeiu.:I lira. A. B-0111,01fnid 1, r t:otber Mrs. W w'tuo stt, t îhI stnu-'. Th,î -a Bmova, 1.11 for Beldien1,.IL., 'Iburs- wa' ,,tu,. y.Iauu the 1:, lrtlzeli gti. dey le psé tlise urrmmr. Wu s:îw nthitgt a ,urO fw Iil:tr:Iîil i. nom..rabi,- uttu-. iinic Ilo ti ll i:,ut unr. AlOma.d fluas:r t:! Wiiiov irom u t imtum, :'trtHonolulo utl o " 4W Springs, Mo., a fermer remident o! Ibis o ltgtthoume on .a-irtLu.on. Ws tassud: plaee,lmoailosgon frient. and relatives bî'îwuen mtiet' MaIt IvoteamkI.: rock's foruttîg hale.the iorthe'ru 1trIof te CadrosCroup. of baie. wILIhio'ti mth , eprinlit,al Island,. and HOuaid BaY, Who rîtlurnlei from about îttirt y uiu.' t:,oOr soottt bortaagoond ObaMpalg te Mite the examtation for "Ot4h" a'ttt,, v:,t.'A 1Asut'oion. ID aate merçbip, ucet'ded lu lseure- ione rK:t:tTMttut tt,, w ii:V: Ing IL auCtior ltr- ,ul:-mfron t4h: ti or,, by iae: John 'Bartie, Who for ,v'versl years 'tut,"' hein« fn harbor, (kI'icr,îl L:::i,. reciffl nLibertyvîlle and:>aoyear 0oreut ashorL, anoCt rpîortid o U:Artlir. t,0 fégo Veni le Cblcag:, usagaî n l .uemoi s omutajdtng urt..Di-:rt ,feo the ell"loy of Chua. Kaiser, Nortuis,'n andi NottîruLit.i,:it 19. V. Patkisuza s11t1t1,t) itît LiII i 444:05 ii tlia. t, 'r-' 1L,: t it: of ,uît lasIveek use lot own,' i V l' esamrs m t ttt.t, .ii:th.. ti Parkisurit and Dymoîi ,I îL1,aoîît." ,,. !q'::.r .:Ili:: ..e.î J"',e o:: Ave. and adjolulung NI, iiicbar:'t:hO 1,.' -:k- S , .14:. sLo:::, : : t::, John Austin, @r., an Mt.::r:lo4 JIou ta:,. il. tic -u-.oii.uvt:cs guens th 1e Miues Maizl: : ltit:t Itutl ,4ittlii::t a l :rin ttt,, logo tt:fis Finme o!fChicago andi Miss Dora tiot ::t29o miloi,:r 0:1:'[romt Maîtia, om mUt: satIon toi ii i ailtwta: or thro.. titues io Dymenti, o! Jeffetsoi torkth1e irai of w't tWî touî'ýr Th- ty. ItItasait 40 1b', th1e veek. cmure hteatit antd oaoeeablut,,tan Miits, Tiseilt. Panl rail way Co. did a $4,000 toIu,ui. 'if tttIi'O iWI,' and 41 :itr. "ibu :li>îartiî,t otrI.Is l"ttandof antay. businemu ai; Lîbertîlits turing May, SGros, .-t:,.oI:o. Lutte and S.nor. wittî whieh ila ativan:',' of $81 ave,' 1he it, tiraii, ntor ut stalter onos about Ilum. same mont]>ltsyear. Prom ibis may ' i:i uttatu11e iitia.r :,y goitiz 1e formed an idea t:f Lbertyvilie's '1.tot: " :11tmlont i tJ:'.-t s5'etf., o gzowth andi prost:ert ty. 1uý A bliai report of te treasurer o!f11th e of,,tti' 1-ts::, :ot.' t:::t Young Men's Danclug Club bshOWS ail,::D -11-,',t 0:, t, ludebtedisesu 10 b. t:sd vith 9 surpltus h::::ttt ,iîei i:t"i:.ts or four Centsta oitoth 1e club ban .::i' d ::,. .. 4t:'i:::t dgnaied goth 1e traloirer. Last yeur ei.'t:::.:: ît..:eix,: t.ttt: th"eW" aaurpitt..:'I WO cents and::.:: 1i-n-11,.'t~t:ebot. ~ 0. M. EUlis amolu tbicago It:uying pra Ntl1t-e:ii i..i.i gooda for bisgetcerai store at Arthur,.ti,:'t: atC 0:. :::,:.i:i' la., 1ust veeti, arel malde bisparenîst@ dotti:. ::tl .: Iln tis mvillage a short viil before -L J,,,..::,:e.:t:ei e':: retflring. -Met et velli asted ;a..~t'ot.::Oi: Âte I'.:L viih 1h venture andi reports a steadiy grovlng business. -:e:t.:o tt: :: t : :0::t t:L..:t: t11,1,, Guy Mlîs graduate:t thia year from ,t t.:t: ::t Lake Forest Acadeuty and tih 1e ,:o: t : tiui.. itl . .: cloging exermines Mettday nîgLI vas Ir 1:: .s:tte:. t:stIb:'y à:ile .1I'i :4:.ý avarded a gold modlal for bighesl i.' -y t1,0:: . rp t~t.: standing u Is 18Clases lu a Cbolarsbi1p. : :::.t:tCitr:,it:4ilt.c,: Via ia an enviabte bonor and o! course ILt.Ji .,,t.dtt,: :t:4:e Il are prouda Libertyvitie boy carried t:r,: ,, ORf lte coveteti tedai. <Guy viii ai- 'tts .2-II,.:.rcIl,tl0::,1 tlManda :..,,tt:. tend 1the Chicatgo UIniversity nett :e 4:::1,.,tt According le ia suit fiteti in te :."tt:ad -.' t tuI'o'.:it t.'I .I, Circuit court aIt .ttast, Ill., the Wood. wtlu::i.,:t,.l4-:,:it -: î 4::. men camp of Grand 4tidge, I., rmust ~4 4~: '...ttt-teon : t::1-1 feed Usir goal ginger and firecrackers. :tt,, C 1-e:t i:: -t:t..: ILtttutt: Jerrfy Roes vas 'ad::pied'about ail t 'A:,.1 , tiIi.:::ie totto, : menthe mgo, anti atteges lhe sustained ttO'tt i i e Ititit-,:::,eui': injuries In te form (of a rupture froi ,. :t-:î:s :. ut:e t- It-,'t ::. vhlch lie bus hot rev:tsered. Though .,î-.::.:: ::t:t. Ç..4:i tI, Iot, bis attorneys, iiet.t::tgoti & Chapmani, :,::.,.. ,':i iit ti'..T: i. he bau begun suit f:r $10,00>0 dalmages '.i.:t:,,:.:t:eottt agaluat iFrank 'T:txt::r et aI. AtlthIet:::t::,,.: eOo.. .:.:t members vbo w,'re t' l e camp bal at :.t:':.:.' ,:,,.,:tI' 1't iI- t:.::: case Afller a fewte o::rt: nuifs of ib ::...:.i 5::.: I t11L.,,::t i:,:À ebaracter are ito',4ltutlel. fool -ILte .:: t:.,.0t ,,t,: 1t,. of fraternat ao %011 s nîu i.ermtaîtî:il :i:,, 1 -I VI :. n, t LL-,::i.:.i, î becoioglu salt.- ttc:: te, fülots11 .,t,::: :0,5,1. th:'e.': rttuai and nni nik--y :ttb liIager,:iis,: l",::i~:e :::i imddegree."-I 20 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Vest%, White or Ecru Color, Sleewý- kess or with Short Siteve, excellent value, at 2 for_25c. Cheaper Grades at 5 and loc. Full Une of Chlldren's Suminer 1Underwear at TUHE FA IIR91 Libertyvîille - Illinois Loveil always has It on hand ln ail popular flavors. Best Ice Cream to be had anywhere at any cos.... ADJiIDiCAT'ttlS\TICT'-Pubnt: i co ate iii itrcbî u t.: l,,:tih. ..:iiiseril:er. EXe.'itol«it'ho l,' it Wttt andtti sLuteti tt'n: t l' C,:::,tt (':4 C ourt o te" Coont el atý a i, , :.rtu ':! h : liln at thîî C .,t i n::: . , auianinsaitd c::ît y ::n L l:.' tiMoudar o! Jt, t r n:,at. i, t.wtt'i: :iandtwiere atit pîrsoîtsha: - t lal ' mi , 1:tu ,:t:o aî Estaa ' Or. ll' ttti: and: r.t:t.:.1.'t.o :trent sutGr :,an. tCo 0rI b smo C. ItovuNO, :',t: MAtu:.,' 18. 1901. .15 4d lRUAI) TIM INDEPRNDZN T. Ir LICA» ALL OTHEaB8. For M. W. A. Picnalc et P1n For Use Woodrnen pioete0t" at Freeport Jun, tOUsa apemh, viti isave LibertvOfe M801 arrivingat Freeport at 1096. Ue turang b«aes 516:4S p M. 1x round trip, 82.00. P. J. AM wt- -el). '~Sloes titat are made to) fit your foot. I) Slitues that don't need hreaking ini. k ~ .'Sloes that keep their shlape itîttil w:rîî out. Don't you want that kind? We have them at prices to fit your 1 lý 10 Effect Mouday, June 3, î9o>, et 12401 ti, 5î14~; ttl.tessI:153(; i Utrahaii p. orI 45'11. aira St. titîttînti. lie laUttswa, Kf 10 loubi.. as PAille. lau.. t tttsOr5I04*~ -ê ff- i -P Libertyville-