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Lake County Independent, 28 Jun 1901, p. 2

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BTE&NGE OOUNTRY. àDovimàMT PARity GOES INTO NOT-ENALASKA bb*tor*m Maki.g Their Wai, Ttrouith ~~UVag ed.-Viaitef by Whitte -j~BviUfleDecdesthst Mies YOce5 Hwt e FinPtter. A lUnilealStates exploration partyRT- laDawson eirly ln joure on Uthesay 'erllern Alaska le exPlore 0u"eOet lie ~soiILtuflktîownareas ln the ai 1ter- &1e.Itle sheiedilyW. C. tdn slgoogiel. and IL.E. ltenbîrn. lupuS- pie.wbo are atoetpaeied I.>' tve Tlh11e party OCO lu ledve T>a'sof U2t June 16: gi ownut ilaYkon tle »'0Il lamliluby teâmer. tbeuce ovni- placi~> the Dahi river lîail ta the middle *ek Il thc Koyokîîla lu Bern, st.where enipplissi vere ahippril tor the PartY tact ~u.Tience tey go up one'utfte Ctiwànd-flowing tributaries outhIe Key- nerait by te Alabok. thence ovr the jtil tu the Kowak and doien the Koavak p~Kozebue nourritopeniog il thie * rc eOcesu a short distance nortit ut Bedtre trait. rTis is te irt goveril- Miet parti ever dethiled te ibia field, ,lickh ba been vlated by but tew white ilm Mendeubsîll will gatiter geol{gltal b1.toaatlou sud iteabouawill mae anupa of tecounytraverseti. * OD POY ITaN REII[s' CAsi. ifula944a8Futi rDr.'le Refera, " .Dunibles te. wrecu At 'LUis Jotige Sipeucer decided 1 of tiboir rstliteste. !iilos Florence "ro Tc= nare entled tate i 3000 I- ,$#Keplicy f etren alber, thle laie KinyCay Yocum. Mr. Yocum and a 4pq laciudiug is daugiten, were tout m e cyacht Paul Junles in te Gult ut Urelc lu 189. As ite Iluanne pal- c* et Mr. Yecuxn provîdeil that i. daugiter aebld, receive te money lu tha epat oft biryniving hile. litigallon w» begb ibis two nieces, who assert- ed *" N[hssYocum dietbefore her fat- ..q 4 "$flullilIg ber beletis 1ete te JlifiS.Thte bit elésruatiialit thcun, tu e"Ooau binstratMisa. l'aum bdt¶é 1s" titan, ber father, strqgIed UumJKe Iceger, thrchi tiyug atter be P* euE5SiiiOF mis IRACE. litaedIuâet Laeigue Çubs su coutent veu' 14the stindiug o! the clubs ki #* *LaiLeagne: W.L.W.L ftIdodja. .29 24 reokln .... W.25 »« est, 4.282OCicausli .. .21 2T .22Chicago.2936 '»4âWW lb.heAmerican L'esgue are W L W. L. ;i. .38 20ODeroit . 27 25 .. 29 18 Phllatiephia. 21 28 ..24 20 Ceveland ... .18 30 2S 20 Mlwakee . .18 32 jasttlas-,u Pire. vins et tute Nebruaa bulig. vitlciters. lbua- n.rnowly eurapeal dastnue- Are lirwea uallclomilî, <o'. t WaAe Davis Mr, ity con- 1n te brocrt actory. ellevea te Idaues to rlleipican sd titi Fui Mwaad otas Are Fonufi. hr eudiseiateêd by te Ah- Varuimh Company. J. H. Me- tresur et ite compsti, han t~$~~lliIlsgrona vcek sud ia sopposecr " - 4~u ulete Southt America. Il -"-,M g ppooosd tiatis secouasvers th èWa~COlh7 aortste dlscoverd be 4rtet $4.5W0. e ~ Wrccefi oa lbe libie. Wb he h.towbitstPrincese ut M'beel- peusant ip ite Oblo river nes; À% , port, PalF livas @truck by a wini ad. ao~u unitlu tees fret et vater. 'The "àÏm M stks vere carried saaysun «ub ut le a ildiy recked. Thue owuer, Gampb> TS . M. Galck. and tour met oui%alu àg smail boat. -*>u.are Meuh Is Rohbed. Ti alcuusblp Vittoria bringa newr *wM UWo<ong tlitIbatik nitete t ail :0$"$20.000 have been sîclen trou On e *500rueraeotfte Hongkong aud Maaàlfflbardi coi'rp)oration t Singe. Ver- Fat&& Wreek Ou Wabath. Thea vet-bound Wabash passeugel tri Wsu vswrecked nt Cîîse tation. toui mles trou logansport,, bu. Fl'tetc peisucs are desd and tsvrnly ire lnured L'h. train rmn mb e a ahout. Geiru. a 6sisFait, Titi Leipziger Banik, aI il G.4er ma". ,bis sustoeutteîî s tt.virs iilin botins etfl00,M)lR.000 markc, ,i a et id 4SMP0,000 marka. Ge«. Nash wau-a înanimm.cîy tenoni la for tise Office ly li theci Ii MeV. js..ph coer lisît. Des, JoaspitCook tTlrouderoga. *T T.preuiluent a% s historial wriîcr eu leeturer, In dcii tfltrigit's diîleee. C-fe'W L. w- flos.'lltl. Ceatuy JuegSmith at 8. Pacl. Minr lm dfeciarea te Neiraa carte, li glepeme-s i, Eds. l'xis. WlaAllee DuraIt (luthS. sged 18. be#apgtul girl, wito wuiC tuntiand-d joffl db elutndels'clves nud, tak, toi lkae home in F~rankort. Ky..1 eât*seLexington swith a drenîmir. - Meir for Aged Coiuple. IL. H. Palmer. 80 yeane Ild. sud vile, vise la tour yTesyotiniire.ofet = iMina., rire te paren ofu a 6 -bol, hsy. ie rivéd a lie dayîs a ~< Be hla tetr final chibi. iRugeceubina Undis- Wey. jàPhilladelpie aNorths .merieftn Pui- R IL arepert t l & asyndicale ot capi- tW4ls.planing a combinalion. vîit >0 ' .00capîi ta ocenîrol tee culrs C?-4es uandti»jal.ittin te United vltearigns proalucts anal b;. - qf Me te au.vltartf War. QevesMUbStoficias s lte ral mos-c a i m i.71bi Eraope againsl Ma4 41100114S. frntiw - qoqlii ALIMO.NT la BOT A DEDT. cau't lne Dincianeef i'Os-fier tu Eank- ruIder PrOceeflussa Among lte opinions biaded dove hi lte Oupreme Ceint ot IlbuleoitrecetlY vstt one et Parliculan InterestlulealimnYl Judgmcnts. Tite case wta shot Alla 1. Deen va. Chtarles Bloomer. CoanptP ut court proeedlegs were broîglit againsl Bloomer lenlte Circuit Court o! Merr COontI ton netuelur litsmondate te pay aliuOuî te hie divorcedtivle. The pro- ceeding was sueîalned cund an iPPeai late lu lte Appellite Court et tlbsec- ond district, viticit revere the Uic tidg o! lte lOWer court. The Sapreme Court reverses the opinion ofthlie Appellale Court andtiaffirmtestIfethlie CircuIt Court. Amoug lteé eiany reasfous aet op bY Bloomer farnonn-psîmeet ofthUe Jotigmeul vas lte fiaittItt athbeu discharged lu biuknuplcy puceedlups trom the payaient ut alimony. «Upon thia point Uic court says: 'Almouy canrnt te regarded as a tiebt owlug troutlite liosband tii the vite, whlch may bc dis- ctarged by au onder le benkruplcî, svbetiter lte stioni accrues hetote or alter lte bankruptey, proceedinga. *The dutî wvItchthUicliv Imposes upon a hua- baud and tathen te support isia ieitnid chlIdla s snet sncba a déit as la content- pWAtd hy Uic itanrnptq icIl. Il la e sure) ~obitisîon a& veU as a pecuniani liatlllty; Il la toufited'upen public Pel- Icy andi le tonrlte gotiet socicli."' NexelJ-MlABaRie BIoAZ. zH AlsaRs CtrinTensporani SBethack Aissenatis 5e *125,000 Receotll Noue vas suitiectedti 1 a mont diasîous Ore. Thbe blase startedin 10a building 51 Uie corun etorStedmeet ave. .ue sud Vinal attentanti seou leapeti serons le lite oîd court building. Lalen thte Washtington Traing Compeuti'a building sud lte Siuilie-Campbell building caught. T/ha lire départaintt cOcoUeler- ed lte greatest difficulty lu igittilis lie flâmes owing te lte buse helug fOued vli Ice. Juige R& P. Ryau ant i bI wlta bareîî eseapeti wlihUhi lives. bsa- loir ailthem possceeloul te wt5i e tunnituna sud llhllg. Thbe total losaci ire placcal at $125,000' Business tel bee n esameal aud Uic effecîta lte ire are uet expeoledti tereniait lumore thoni a temPoriry blov te lte prosperîiyof lte tovu. Thbe reanîla o! the vinOres von prove cmphitaclly titat Nome je a vin- ter camp. Wiin a radiusoe lgatmiles itbout lte diydumps have beau pileti!01) viin, on cousenvatîvel calîmates, ull yild $500.000sud libis lu ipite otflthe Iaek of proper spplinceesud ibigla price ot fuel. Wlth an ample ceai auppli ai areasonable prîcca ton titaving vînler vonk eau te prosecuteti ou a largc seule. WKItT MAS TIRADE 11OOX. lcummaius Iioiribufon of Machais- dise ma Pisture et the Bitualtou. "Inneaisgdistributionot mencitan- adise. pantlcuiarly u int ennllrIorl beyend lte Oblo rite, nclutiug lte fer Nortb- veut lsa àtenture et the ganeral huai- Bnissituatieu. sud tellaetof wdempread proaperily anti coBàdetie. Thbe ralnosal are canryiug imord gooda ltaI mai la cieseti as ininnies, Iban betere. antilu suaite ef Wall strcc<s aiWgy h igt moes markbelttcr le no enieaon tit score ini auy linsoret igtlsale traite. Crop uisis eoutilhugs goodthIee i lest d1troet. rem dufueu . îit laboi É_andtihie long lsggard cetten gooda uarkêi Ctaa necovercd slgitîli viitlte reductici etofunauld aloek4of priai ciotis." Tt i ocoe .fottte weekly initie ne ilvet o R. G. Dun & Ce. "Fallurs teo l t e e nombencal 193 ln tbe Unite, e-Statea, agalnst 179 leat year. anti 14 11 Canada, agaloat 15 lasI yeir.' Louisian euen ill Ne«r-ce. tv ofethlienegroes implicateti In lth armonder ot John Gray Foster yene lynci rd cd hî a moi t StBenton.La On i leFrnuk, communl? knewn as "Prppet' idmSmit, wboaselte heati et lte "Mlurc] ot Godatieament luliat aectioià va hîsmeal as belug respousibie e thte sel liment against lte vites viticit led i lte dealit et Voiler. Thbe uthen vas i D. MeLand. ____ aI Decil et lualustel Girl. ai Aunie Viets. a <Jerman girl, 20 Tear ,n îod. fired two sitoti troun ambuai t 1Ar ad citibaiti C. Blanchardi vititproitsbly tf ý tai e etlt Eaist 'WspoB, Misa.. ac titen lliroolthe 'revolver 01)011hansel sud sent a aullet int lien brain. dyin lu Istatly. IMisa VicIa vus lutit tuali vir itt Blsnchard. en Arcita Wsrcbous.e Bmmci. ..Thbe large viiehousae te oTomasLy eUs, et Arcola, Ill., vas desînoîcal t Iigbloiog. and oven 700 tons et bruei corn owned ty lte Union Bron uppl r- Company waalcoatiuted. Lois la trui in $75.000 le $100.000, covereal by bu s-t suce.____ 0. Von Gin Me Miklbi r-. G. Van Ginkle, necenlly presideulslin principal uwncr of lte Dallan, Tlai blU oeeubidaled Elecric Street Itallvai wliicit systcu lie sold reeentlî le ai Oi syndicale. wsarue over hy e car ou et oftis, old ines andi no severely hart lt h diued. ____ i levClownDops ]vend inluCîrcus. At illejilea, Min.. durnug lte evenît performance ot Berwlck's circui tt brother outhlie propn'ielur, vbo vas ai il.. ing as (-ean. drepped itead »hile on h tVWa ste)lalte dreasinag roai. Hdort failm ueo th. cause. IlestrurtîsivtaInail lunlLlq.onri. A mIsl dlaeatrous stortu o! nainsl 1 de wîndl velied Buoneirille, Me. Tobe Fia ke e twa@. kilied in lte main atreel by tl bu tilling valîs et a large brirk Ivo-atoi oui. buik[hut. A lesgc brick tuodry ut, me lte river front tees cooiPîelely dealnoye Tbe ti;tritleti laie lta 1i nlaf bseay unruatte intte dempeui . ut l vt as repudiateti sud diseniulitedsl,(l(icl, fiue day wien a New Jersey jury (iiiî c,' eg.Tiubs (i. Donker out Nat îona Il John Keller. Trloin Osatièei1 leTract. l-t,'s- hllicer of Burueville, W. V chuîîneti opaliengen thalu te tet ra ton five htuons lecosupelte reilira; c pany lu resues-e a car futl et *51111 patients. ____ Teuoneace Dure tint Woeen. VUdcn a rnusi trou the »tte1 presue Conrtbeàch, lu u4ilct tere v a plala-Spokets ilsl. vt, ouen tn prncic lelauItaé Tenuase courts. Bol XWUSPOI6 but Doua. Jerome Brevu Ui the as-le fimiainstroi hm i e n l sse,I ý#«»d m*i itlà tik. hati I Cblcago-'cattic, commne oprima. $3.00 te $590; bogs, ahipplng gradie, $300 to $8.20; sbeep. tain toebolce. $3,00 to $t4,25; wheel, No. 2 reti. 68e te 69c; com'n No. 2. 42e lu 43c; oRsa, No. 2, 26e lu 28e; nye. Ne. 2, 46e le 47cl btter, citoice crcamery, 18e te 10c; eggs. tresit. 9kc tu 10c; ptatoce, 0ev. 75e te 95c par Ildianapols -Cattle, aiippîng, $3.00 te $3.90; boga. ritoice lghtI, $400 te $5.00; pbaep, commun te prime, $3.00 le $3.25; viteat, No. 2, 67c lu 68c; cern. No. 2 white, 43c te044c; osîs, No. 2 whtite, 29c te 30e. S9.L ouie-Cattle. 33.25 te 36.10; liogs. $3,00 hoe*$.05; aiteep, $3.00 te 415; viteat. No. 2, 65e1e 0cO; cern. No. 2. 4ic te 42c;oa, No. 2, 28e te 29c; riye, No. 2, 48e te 49c. Cininnatl-Catlle, *3.00 te $525; liots, $3.00 te $600; eheep, $3.00 te $3.50; viteal, Ne. 2, 69e lu 70v; corn, No. 2 mixed, 43e te 44c; eala, No. 2 uizeti. 28e lu 29c; rye, No. 2Z 5&ictho57.. Deteail--Cattle, $2.501 te $5.23; hogos. $8.00 to $5.05; elteep. $2.50 te 84.25; viteat. No. 2, 72c te 73c; corn, No. 2 yellow, 43e te 44c; oa. eN. 2 whitle, 29e lu 30c; ye. 55e te 56c. Toled-Whetea, No. 2 mîzec,6& e l 69c; cern. No. 2 mlicd. 42c te 43c; esta, No. 2 mîzeti, 27e ha 28c; rye, No. 2. 50c te 51c; cievev e»W, -primte, 4&w0., - ?6itvauke-Wbeal. No, 2 norteru, 0-.c te 68c; corn, Ne. 3 41c te 42c; est@, No. 2 wite, 28c.10 29c; rye, No. 1, 48e Mn 49c; barleî, No. 2, 54e te 55c; pork, mes,$1475. Buffalo-Cattie, citolce %aitpplng sîccne, $3.00 lu $600; hogs. tain te prime. *3.06 te $6.15; aberp. tain te citoice, *3.50 toi $4.25; Iambe, cosumon t cxtra. $450 le $500. New Yor-.Calc, $3.75 te $5.90; bouse. $3.00 le $6,40; siteep. *3.00 te $425; wbeacl No. 2 red, 73e ta074c; con, Ne. 2. 46e te 47c; noteN. 2 witte, 32e ha 33dt; butter, ereameni. 18e le 19e; eggs. vent' cru. 12e te 13c. WOMAN SHIELI> FOR BULLET@. Dsriug Act o! Fugitive Blfilers ai Port sulllug., William C . Rounkes end amotter pni- raoel oltilen nameal Roeku escapeti tran the guanilionse et Fort Snelliue, ucan Si. Paul. t/bey vene valtit t nsser tu i mlilsry prison andi boîîcd. Titey ver, diieevercd asute? nusacrosaite Snell- lng bidtge. A detail ot soîdiens a i t ttoit t once gave citase. Asnte aoldicrs rwers about te ire te fugitives gratted a woavmndud.oioglier as a siielti for bullels. rn eon arronse thebridge. 'lbh soitiiena tareal net Ire. Citarlea Kantracit, a St. Paul groeenymai., vito vas commn on the St. Panual eofthei bridge, tried te toptem and wj% lerribly pountift At a laI, tour lu heathernoon thet Ioolu; ftially reeaptuted teutiatter a bard A IXDEIPENDENCIC BAS A ST'ORM. >aj Much Demsase Dote b Whui lu the Kanusas Tewn. rn7 A slroug vlnd toru Uit came UP [a trou thee aoslb crealed iavoc fin Indepet- 0.iduce, Kan. Treea vers upnontad.out s. buildings turneal 0,cr anti amail houses ,çanti barne vemoveti trucsutheir tonna ot toua. 'Ttcfront, ut several buitosi nu houles sud ludovs oet alelings wen c ausheal. Tite roof o! the Mercantil mnlii vas parti? blovu eff, Hebraut nr Tnuan'a Icehouse vas unnooteal andt I ý,I Sata Fietiepol vis aageal. Wiest I in te shck vas blove down ton miles but as ne rain toiîowed It vas nultisen aged. Ne anc vas injureti. le LOOTED P-APE POUND AT TOLEDEk h-- as PariSe Express Company. [ta Ov.OO andi OfiScîa AreREWcre'ive. 'h A lodled ron sate, cunlainisu eenpt il moues baga anti vayhills sud belooginl n- te te Pacifie Express Compan, i oe tound on ttc river hat i e miles sout P.ot 'N~iedo, Ohio, hi fistermen. Cet pany oitia t ae ertlt'e, bol practiv'l ly admit a mystertous rohitery, andtht bc hst'intoratiott oblainabie is tht avhe te sate lett Toledlo il coalaineti aI les& a.$6,000 in goît. ___ ici Unitel t Ratsa tDivorces 'id. t John L. Steppard ot Toronto, Ont ig vito vas aireti ton non-suîpponl of!hi 'ut vite. aiowed titlthatibc asccret a di vorelunte Unibt Sates enti leldt li ite vas iuder no obigation to nuppîr rbier. Jutige MscDouitiass blct otbenwiîE y giving judgmeet ta thc cfeet tht Amei mIcan divorces shah boli bu veliti in Cau on Dies bit AesasshuliRend. or Durtugr a debale in lte ehty assembi: et Totie, Japan, Hoshi tonu, Uic cmiý peut diplomat. vite vas uhuister et coin ti eaunicatieu in thc li ItlecabInet, vsw es, stalibeti to e cit> suanunknahvn asa y' $in. _____ ne Tasribla Pltooda Iu Weel Virgiuie. ba Fioods in lte Elt5teru river vaîbey West Virginie, tiestruyed the loves e Kcelsone ant i Vvien anti damigeti othit luvillages, cauîiug a las% ut 300 or 40( telices. T/weutlie miles ot Norfolk an, l-Western Railroad vere deuîroyeti. big W&ddeli Win* AusoricauDerty. r* Roubent Waddeill voîs tte Amerîcar Di.rli trotu s geutifield. T/te Parade truc.thecouI; Eastern lierseta sthcw il Bauthuan on lte vînnen rode a vîlt!in nu- ae anti vas cheereti fer bisaustentu the effort. _____ tor Roualor Cart Soin Wcis. ipa At Bulle, Mont., Misa Matei DunicI, vet. roster vas manrieti te Wlliiam Antirea Clark. Jr., son et Sencton W. A. Clank yThc fater et ttc groom presetetisa nu. vitit aýci fortan$100.000. Donla e Tagrelr tuin iua Rente. teti At t'rankton. loti.. Albert T/ovne f tlit; chot lire. William Granger au titen i rcî a bulletloIto tis owu brait 'rtc liagedy occurreal et lira. tjnnger' va., borne. rack ilue BtitDuatissa A" lied. lpt A. N.i.ee-ry sud J. L. Davis teegit ulîel et We>ueaboro, Misa., la wilet sene tilleulT/te trouble vas lte veat Ot a taily teuti. su- s-as licolIn lis iDe Janeiro. sont Accordiog ta pnivate diepiltes tntr LRie de Janeiro, nioling lu gelag on lthe as a reslult fincresseal sîreat car tart bel Illic Oitfer (Cs-uell. vas Jo» D. Boctete1wbiher icÇlui80%p luI- te OacscllUahvbs«y. M 89,10 a p4p W*tSe$c-e PerSen. Wgttiug for Openiait et la- dflms Lande Are l)estitbate. Thenisanda et peuple, men, woenRand eilîdren, camping î,,ite bonders et the KlOta4loneitiatci-pache reserations inlu Oklahioma avialitBg the openlngofet lit laed te settlement are ia deailute cîr- comslances, accor.Iing le Dr. J. J. Me- Keun)a. vite bas j il returneti trom tse * cene. "Only a feu. aye ago'" said Dr. MeKeno, *"tso trirla aucl myseit drevO Os'er ta tse border trum Oklahomta Cil?, sud te sîghtt litgreetedI ewsaoe ot terrible deatttîîîuî. '1wetîtou- sauti meu, seomen ed cblîdren sre mass. cd on te border, tnt dhait o!rtem are uttenly detitule. Ona s suaIt percent- age bave even tents lu sieep le. ThcYi itotdie utider thte wagurceand sueit ahel- tering Ire, as Ibey an ind.' At least 5.000 o!ftem bec, been there a ycar and a liait. T/beY aac-nt witi poasibli $200 or $300, anl liîve muade notblug sinceteî anivel siiply waitlugt- waitleg. Thte really pitiutble thînir about l ail 1lataIIliere or,' ltinîlreds ot des- penadoes ou Uic brder sîhe have piekel' eut claimes sud will ot acruille te kili thc succeectul our.s ointe drawlug, lu case tbcî bave a liten. A rellabie mer- citant told me a tic duîye 50 about a baud o et eu tnired suit desperadoees avio have scoured thie regrseviOtono choice daims sud are delertuheidte bave tem ta micusl." CHICAGO L1UNAT1C CM EILLED. Terroris, es PcpîestaRI oiorf Tilt lPu- licencesa Rs. HI- s A. G. ,Pelersou ot Ciicsgo vas kitiet itter te former ted îerrorlaed even? peraou u inte Ilinouis Central station and hati narroviy mui sit ooling a ousuten ut vaitlng passengens. Sulîtls net 1s be- Ilevedt lebava aaved the lices Ot sevenitl pensons. Paterson eoiecd te Itlien viitt i agaletfdougituatsansd a revolver inhic banade. He placeti te dougteaU le the center et the fluor sand begsn lue ire a1i ttem. A@te paeeengcns rail eut ot thc room hoiehoat t em, lue, tehulIt'o lets ualIntenaitg somne otlitem. Afttr1 Peterson tai driven laggsgcmcn. ticketi agents anti epenalon ino teliteationu loe e eabot et Policeman SullyvWhe relurnédt he lOre viit ftalIeffect. RAID A SHOPLIFTERSI LAIE. Police. Ueco.'r Vaiustle Propertyinl a FPla u cago.6 By aidlng a flat et 2839 Cottage Grove avenue delectivea trou central satiion lu Chicago secureti aven $2.000 v<irtb et viluable dresffgoutta ailîts tors, rut gace analciinavare. gloves, ewelti and painting%. Au luventoni efthlit gooda asa taken anti durieg thte day rcp- resenlttvea et everai dowtonstre§ calleti sud identiet te guoda. Coun- plaints lied beau lIgeI vith te tetec- tive bureau ilgnana a mavalerions gang o! sitoplittars anti tour seutta train tlie centraallatlin vena uetaileti un Uic case. Atter s veeks vork tai anrrealeti GraCe Alleu. or Ryau, and James Flynn. aud citarget isetmvîit Uicte tîs. Winnthem clothlns vas scarcheti pawo ticktis reP- reacnling $500 vere discovereti. AMECRICAN SUIONbi ILIPI)iOTOWN Capt. A. fi. Rovsn'a Act Reneva lu- s surrection ouIslaud et Behol. * CapI. A. S. ilevan, vite gaineal fane i jusl betore tte Speulsit van hi makinir a a trip trouigitCube te len. Gancia snd againing valuable informatilon tonr(tee. LMiles, sa n trouble. XWtlle lu commandi etofeacoupony etfte Elghlceutl infntury ri in the island ot Boitel. he burocti s tovu tîeenue e native outhIe place iat assais- sinateilonee ut bis corporels. T/he vil- lagers becutuce nt:ereil sol renevedth ie insurrection u intaIt icilili RomaOs 6 oct ianov te autject of a mlîlsny ln' Cald Weutoer Ruis.uWteat y The plioomnaliy roltivealter has te wscuî cfeut un croît, eveyvitere In Eîiniipe. 'andlespecially lu France.,vitere te Nvhot îcroît bai bien riieti. Iece. te importnationî ut th i înerican comn iiiodity viili be e record eue. Tue lFrench ielirons aluuîce are ereditlîl stlli lîving aI- areatioe îIred mtore lln te enline li- priauit rou the United Statesin te Fatal Piiglit vit Pista. W'c(iin Selpit.a oiîng drinmiiur. nes kilîIl tia pritafihtI et AclîP,,ulark. 19New Orle ana. lie at.] a youlng tmen it natîceu Lt. T.Balltey hitati.qiiei'rel at a îti tllltry hall and agrecai lu ightit lOit vithi inr, fis, t/bey lied no-aeconda. on nu ,îîîc eh oIler ii Selp t ell troni a blute viieli bruite bis neck. FataltlMiel on t.rovded Train. A steutlng sol cutlleg affray lu a crevlei ed chith ie St. tile sud Ran -Francisco Railroainteti le liIte killlng or une peroausdUcvunlgoto. c etloters, and enealetiainmuet terrible 9,panlie. The- sitotinu n'as ait i1 picole train lade sait mentiers o!r té iraI Baptisl Chîînct (colon-ca» et Si. louis. Y, Gerussu Crovu Prince Attarteul. jWtile te Cruvu Prince Frederlek TWillsm vos on iest'si troun Minden 10 M0 ono a dunken intilvidtiat apProacheti ici carniage at Bochiu. Westphaslie, anîd almeti e blov evtb a stick etttthenindow aIi i h.ecrowu prince vae senea. In lnobtle thoollus- in Cincnnati. r Dnriven le deepaîr hi9 JeelOui. illiaut Moît, 20, silet thi vite ettIl John Clancy. g ;Wh l1 ioite toututi itit liernet te Great nil We tHotel. Cncinnati. Bot gcave hîmoesît op anti iid lie bopet ite itad killet i Cleci. ,id CeaI L ad laiskni. va t/it acres ýf ceaI Iand nean liîts' k. Ion, J'a., saut sevcrai Ceettandthie nu- en tace la @sîligoirug d&wn. T/lcheen oenirrel a i te Fîilien collieni, operaled by Ellioli, McClure & Co. Te 600 cm. ployes escaped. id- ' Ohio Town Daitr.ieel. nd T/.lie business portion et Scott. Ohio. 'n a usestearoyeîl by fine. Van 'uVert n'ai astil for assistance, bat betore an e gine coulti te sent lhe ire isas uncîcu coutîtl. )h Fatslly inj.re.1 1lusa Sîrike. itI t/vo union nminîrs vere tatally sud i third dangerouali vonudesi la an enconn- ter avitlte non-ilinion sueah etwrt in thete Maratime minies. Matewaau W. Va. re Adeiberl 8. HUY. 0soit et the Seeratan; ,a a et ate, vas biletiby tlliironci hoalivindov i.. 4,v H ave. Cocu. XII , ailes 1'l.sc.vtb 1am lié , o cees C'. illaa MlB Ilnlalffl MIning Town$ ln West Virginla Are Swept Away. KEYSTONE W1fEDOUT Elkhomu Crack la Pocahoqia Fled Rages M11b Os-en ia Banks. CI i or or IN pro dwe ait mi and ba the s'i the lus P.ý ma or 4 Ludburet Swe.Ps V-1107 Allos the Norfolk sud Western llsi*.ead-Coa4- dale, EHicborn end lieny,0015cr Places Are Wahed Away Couplet«ýy-Loaa of 14i Piaced nt 2001 to 300 sud Prop- srty Danma se 1» Vst-A Horrible isster. Front '-00 tu 3M0 liven were lest and rperty ustimated et acteraI millions of olans was destroyed by a llood whieh 'ept down the Elkhorn valley front En- la te Vivien in Wîa;t NVlîgîîîia Sundar irning. fThe mmiig twug of KeYâtonto nd Vivien aie î,raaîiîîlly de..îroYecl sol natal), ot suiller loîvua have sîîfferod eavily. About thirt> îmiles oft rack ut ho Norfik anad We.,tern ltaitroad aie wept Rway. aÎth scores ut treigbitaUn', >ex cassandia itîtber ut Pasadoger eaches. Saine of the finest hieuses Iu eo valley and buo'lreds ofraitders' rab- sn are gene. In lte volley in locaîo lthe celebnste4d pocstoutaa voai fiphix. Nearly ail thé achiTiery amd buildings v.ere avrecked. Million, lu.laroperi, l.oa.. Thte preperty Ioas will run inielthe tens >f millions. but Il will i e mîaux gays )efore thea esetent outhIonsbaiu lite id property cann aetatinetl. T'he ý 1 1 , 1 y - -- . 17 ou ssruainsi v. ,uawwr Tbonsý à olIh.are llet gwerY yer' Adelbiçrt , "sn'O sh. oertmw et lu sîl'st sad~ noo4 TIseS f lblg 00111-atars, s.. id 0x-cSind o he Sbouth A&k Mary lacbtu"the eurà tu otN eala Mn E Reislle, vWeitroud duad on * the Ueitedfttates for te lait quarter or idewialk ln front of the New «&WqB a centuryl H iote] lu New Baron, Conu., cardi UUfr Maey IO. l8?4-Eurzting of a reservoie ts MIII day mornlug. lie retlred to hit 1 e t Hiver -Valiey,,ne&e ý;Orthamitîî)0, isp 1 oclocit, and au hour sud a bait lita di.troicd boy Z41 villages; 144 letos drawued P" hboudyvai round, Itlansuppeaed 4àM jit z4, t874-Water spout et Eureks, Nev.; lie won takcu - ilansu ccdetalli41 Io drowned. fottewgdwrhem utee Ju 26, 1874-O'rftw t tht eucaa rmlt lu.wo l o itier t llltiing sd esîAmeteat.walk. Secrtary o e t le Rtli. 11vi. S t'a., wolts 220 lves. rlved tront Washington la lhe atteifl@05 pela. 7,28-tnuudslm .1 et t.Obie Itiver; collsîîsed wbea lbe gad pon lb. body 15 persan. drowu. iO5,h000 sa Mai nl 155--mouh ieork teservoir, tour t hiâ ton. Hliehd ta lie assîted te b* mltra square. horsls Ier Johustown, lPa. and a physician won nommantd. Tbecfooed ewept devine ilbconçiesngh vol 4elîtS aivs2 easc 5 ley. deotry011 he 17117 Oft .lSttwu ptMil ir . a 1112 rs- d" Joue 1 and 2. i55-lu B rgiîs nd .New York; Ml penonsdrogu t srper*. rr ::'l la ai Camiiion. N. . Ettinsîed lis»eta Wagtlnglsfl. t). C., $1.00.0. Joue fi, lifl-Cloudliur-t &tier hetvy rai"a in theptl)tlîrg oil reglas resulted lu s foued; et Tituevelie ail tanks wene aliset and 1 lnited tir lgbluilfg: fiainfiitg tre,îzo, wt lang wrackdg,,ernces ail tetere il. l'copiefled tea te hillis te e i ary fouod.wole oa cs ettdreil belon tciiiulled on durng thteriih. 'Te fie,'y gond rencted Oit Ciy, elgiteen Mlle% distant, and laies wai Iiierîily buarid aud submerged; IlW 'persona drawsed or burîed tea demie. April la, 1M8.-Fod» oun 1.iaippl RiVer, seor Kt., Louis, Isaudate 1.100 square ûmales Jl18 et owofthe Breonsaudl NaffaaeH ivera*iii Texan e rua ive* ot trou 100 lta800 preos.deurlmea # 2.001 ili0nvot th or lîrasi prlopvli. v Reli)t. 8,1900-A b telcas getltbe 5 Icrisof lhe Golf ef Mexico over tbc Ciy et Osîveuion. Texa, dctrolulazte greter part etrlthe city. drowineeat leasi 6000 perseus. and detreygi pepelietimatted nt troua 13 000.00 e800000 OHOULU STEIP FLOOD) VICTIM&. _ _- _____ te Ainericaa rprrsentsîiveent Prt@4ia- Lser Offices, Ordorei te Shoot Ptillt - lie returnod trî,î,. iiuth Atrici about e lu Pocahomtea Vaiiev. tour unonthm ïai 1 Iresigeed his poIl Romnligtaieluntte fatOr tdeent eer'tonoUnited Mtu a- ensul. lBat vas ate negroesansd toneigners hovered over spponted venntu t.1 , l' anl Dnnn- the atririien l'ocahontas cool region ready bor, 1899O. Adelbilt lley ri'ausiaed la ti, trlp thé dead and lnjured ut any val1- Pretori until stter l1' anInure etfltha uabîrs. rhbe iaw otilerasSud the mililla clty by Lord Iloîberts. i'i aidlu behait lind orders te about dOe'n Roynulue tîîd outhle Englit sildie'r. L,,had boas SrObbiig pit ody or plsill ia abouse.- 11Pite iîtîîure lîy the Barrmas -la s I ~ ookin Sdeed sacre bunleal lu the 111 Tmanner P-- ller BrtishItLaÏurnr îthy al csibîr. No corileabeibggavailable trioy 1ulley was coach criticlard by il. -- --- -- BIRD'8-EYE VIEW 0F SCENE OFTHt/E WEST VIRGINIA FLOODS. -~~-- ---- -- * A enttévslicy bas been devastutsud athie vene put avay ln mode boxra made franont thlie Boera ln titis country. Young bs a ec Porahoutas coal région ila lie débris letigeti aioug Uic bioth ie Hei bati a diplomuatie édiucation. havig cuionsus. Thbe alisayloue l0 alla ikitornacreet. bren viit bis ftler vien thc latas- hea>', tonrte track anti roatiheti tagteti Reportsrounlte eClinit ,aîley dilstnri. wvasinLu tndun as snilîassadîîr le Great ava>' van probably te moal expenaive lb Taeerl Couaty. Virgini, ay tsoilst lritalo. %Wtnn luairelurueil liiAster- piece o! engineering vert lu the coîîntYthe lutc 111e tluoutCéeranBluff. locaeeil la trisuSuitlh Atrl,a i.ontR, ob,>ris ton lits icgt. Thte nadbed vas sîmoal et te inaction o! Clit hriver and uti n i lîtugittlie hati cutupllcel ite eutqueat carvecalont et soli rok, andi onulaslet creet, wu@allsiuai enirely dt4royed, se- ut te Transvaul epîtlitaNoasuccès- year $1.000000 vawonalent in bolIer- enteen ihoses bcbg vaslieti awa;, but son li aY b; as ICI ia'en stpointeti aud menea. du livcra ere lsl. t/zevel sud lins ithe (i usate le lu charge ci! Esule A. Il hat] beee reiniueg bard tarn eerem urictieg,. Vlrglula. have suffetredi ealaly B. Van Ameriangen. te circ' cnsul. daysinluhebEltitoru région,.andthie itaun avittemisllier ceutiea la ttheilomîiitt. w yN - --OD tiretis et susil mouintain creets at'c bottheIlieniuler o e iate le siiael coi- O BîuD aiveliez te lheln tull citiactîlandllpoul pannai vith t lose aven te divide. Fourteentls AuseirasLert, capts..e ing teir vaters loto the Eltitoru river. Vrlia.i1g Earby Saîurtisy uonning ttc beavY BARKER.FOUND OUILTY. Teghn i nerlia<l.Dry o 3y. r downponr of nain beeame murenoieTienîîîAîca lnb;tn3cn able an Itwonacc mpa ied y anev rs ew ers y Ma Co viced f A ten nt- Olîl.a amile an ti a liait, sa won by Iol e. ntri las acc osuicai h acea Nov ture: a lai a ContelAttc esup-cnt Wddcll. ni. Bradicys ngel ing, îîî lu volume andi coalîntîid tacr spieraI T/ho jury tetone wviciT thumas CG. Ber ltw.is i-gîliebefore i nsot iaovid utI(,%ic heurs. Thte sîurint cotiiued îiruugboat lier ut Arington, N. J.. weas uir,1fr T1 -ega SlturdaY itlrrti.,elt. Ter'nuns vas thc enlîre ioy aetîti ngitî. hoollur. vitt lteul taokilte lie,,. iiiui. hart a iîcncuîli1.t4-nel'bc Pu- Saburile; tov.ari nouinthe tain crasei. JohnuKllIero e i etowhn, haut une rîl'i Binila. i[siii tfuartit. liait a bol teiteavy stornliclouîîl îing ucerIlite ibalbot andl euroîtistiit a senullît of , litlhuc.. ville;, lhreteittg ci er;momtu en s- guili>. Utit ic t charge utfti. -1OIt l'This lis.ufili fou, nth ciiAucerican otte tisveulb t/b cîîuts iric be t tey ecultidiilitîle cimc.'lTe Jurara mer« li rli tn et VWeshiagton iParku. oand as toveven. Outîilabout uitniglil. vb e Ie lid lIceymtulseltîaide ail cIse and-I lit a uelcn$510 ii tlt nain agalu began u ta ll. cide oui; it Barer, a-It inînut. imd laige»lrties Ithaciý r tilin te Cleuilural Addta teTerra, uaIKeller. t/belaocthe au and tlb,'>ric entitleu te onSt.ditIlvaes aver? T/e te lnu inceartinl violence evcermueosoey il. Notrce ut appeat vus gis- "hiCOeffaii, racr torse on tee rt bha,' minute ant i fusl; culmînateti lua acluti onuby Barkcr'e couanaci. ut a uliser tea ie the richit sze. A buvat whlct preclpîlateil a great volume Mrs. Biiber tvas nutlnl lte courcro,,nuiuuitmberof etcr um"ersa l.d licoua sa ut valer loto te Eltitero vsîîcy. airadi ta tean thc vendict. Witen .lob f u i-l,We, t0 Ici fotrtebtionret a'inning fiooded tete tisnger point by te raina verdict site asublad blîterli. Keller wasa hie Weiern laosie, sud maîcit ivallry et thte precediot torl;-eiglb)thuons. - senabsent, sud ehoveal no émotiun scitn ua@ lnittiaitibe-lueea te Ksanti T/be greal ninaisoetear starteti do ovu oelth ie verdict. Bailler bai exteecl - %N lu'esinaturing ut. But neithen the te vaîley villi a noar taI vas@ teerdî'd anu acquittai. He baed bis hîpi n East cur the NVî'aI van tcebaushie shove teatore. Il avepl everYthlol upon Uic trouîg pira et bis counscl shen geloke. as l unita te Virginîse, Mn,.. letore il Iremetelegrapit Ple%, huge te ,ivelî upou te uritela titta eBraic'y'a IRobert WIVeiel. bovitiera. vtoeebuildinigs, raibroa ti îen, ma.n ai igit tatekilia'tcre te male-e t/Me tracktwxvas ts sil te velber steel rails. box cars nasd oei shedis. it; ut bis tente in slelc. Wbateier tieigittul. jit thlie kind Oet ieaîhuer te Juin lte ma*% oftlaugied arecekiige o rn u ethldYeow.adI t th e flo d w re w e p h ip l ss e n , %v o - e d e ti al t e u ccîb e r utf ute ua s 3 0 , 0 0 0. Uic loot vor Btvpb eipmas mn. auniSoceity; iwas writ repnnsenied ette parn, en anti cihidtir. ecaugittlanlils petit. anti antite bigitî casiames utthe ladies in as &il seere , u C)t lanelg lu thc tory otfte tegrand cstndmatie a zugnifiieut bock' #terre Uicey w ontteatheirdealluvîfic raen grounti for the splendid ecelle. te tain their lent cres ton hlp. T/te horses watutal lte Pontlabout 4 ltuilingeiFiait Awar. T/te Valley was peopîctiéditionîentreli 'cîoct, andt here vue onI; R short tic- with min ra nd héir fam lle. T rirlai beore te sarater' fiag tel te a g ued fral cam il era a n tico t e s m ure n t/he in ta r I. al t a ttl t e ho es e in m o tio n . falanta sudh e magt oftefood nene- Wbcn tequarter vas reatheti Robent thebslsn e wrlit e oenimactut ic oanti Waiitell bt t aen te leîuti. roseîy toi- lrtebuildns vetosei upwon rthe rnt loeealby Slverdile anti Sanonztrre. At devaite ale;. Titere vas ne chance -thero.ait Thenlar dde l 5 hisVta t-. for escape tfnrte untontuate peuple. rot wthRbetWâdelutbi -Jh eaî mttout acnin:g. .M ersSaie S& being a lengthluela:nd, with Trh eiote Ent mies, tribeBonuibet fti hepleectiach e rte etins lengtefthlie vailey te Vvien. As Bniethdrpae aleS ntid thse cnev.,tiiet te diatance la fiftîccor~ PRIIICIPAI.8 IN II TRTIAL. place. At lise mile andtihie mlle aneILa ___________________________ quarter poasenu change bai lceeu madie alîleen miles, but b? thte îttuoOs petithlie effect ut thIlafhue et pleatiitg po amuag te leaders, bîît aien îhey tore- et the river i t itlnl;-fice. te jury, Il vas mwepl awasy b; te colti et into te sîrecct Roblert W'adulell aval, Ttc Rîkitore cuile; ant tiIspoint fi aa.clarge ut juilgelaiîr ltaI*'lte tury or taelte trotbeiug huil lt agil itnfors -great gorge. cuîting Ils$n'aiîhnoîtgli the alegeti outrage, onrte usanîtteli, Thbe l'orier, viit Terminîu a leegîht lieseaat oge. It lsa amile vîcle JeIrane, vas nu0 justification etftiti de- ebînci. luntterustrough theîle etc' 1at une plaçe andlten It narrons tua a tendants 5îUltit."' Robert Waddell hlctibis ativaulagu sud vitliofet nît 100 et. At ils Barrowe- It i ts eoîug t'rocecutec El ln acte. Ihe others seeten ttetire lunîe ll 1e tast eut point île rcti vîlbc niec ta e ihglt hejaîrs if the tcsncuire vas ttelpuce, anti adei-l pesseilcoder tilt, vite ot trust 70010a 1.000 et. nelutrel une. He saiti lioer trY twa s m-eavîner by Ivo kbugtse. * t [tuv tbnoîîit this gorge bsI thie 1probable tecauaeNIl n. BaSter voulu in ________ -tr iten ore ils asy. T/te grealt nte 9ofîtîe nîturîl coutre have tîdlietu-nas- ' WOULD WIPE OUT TRUSTS. vater wvihb sept eceryttiug betere il lbantd ottheensilat tOnce, u an citn. 1 anougit t is destruuction lu a tesc miutîe. thal. ailhvemoe a confident oetae Munr cnhlssatiens Bebs- ecretl, j»- la Iventy minutes l ucîs ail aven bol w..e.n antititut ano.îbler titn. vessiscsîrfi by te overnmsune. te déaolation. T/le Jiry'a ont; ballot sacs unanliluoiîs AÀ'iashinglon tilsiatciiayteu iaI bita Lite I.ataov. ton guil; sand a unit tonrte iigheite ntic orpaim ustaice lIs scrctlv aivert Ie many ws te crash calme lit e il gre c carucî. Kelberase o'um as the tInl l incsIlialifii te trusts. hrline lillpia dîd ti Jàitusloxc'i. T/le peut-up waters vas cemîtleted i seauc sbriet statemeul aa- teivetiateion le te;ngnmade sutidenli udecendait! douna#e cianoil irt vticitlte ebsolulely deuleul thUi lrîb1ste Sherman suli-trot lu'r. It, vio- iteuIce île; ceult net escapue save by ; atheballégationsa that havebhein macleautiins ae tuontte trust question te learnog everythblu be-Cre tIl lthéicanti publioiieti b; Mrs. Barten. avocitiréstolve lît it mi a iareuounî rushtate c irers hu'>ond. - -légalissue ast ibe touel leta ain"si. A aeries ot electrical stenattu anti eloucî- NewaetfMines- Note. Oaulbt eînlgcrnatvuu (III 'atecarrayeti vact aggrcgiityni fca cpital tem borner, îtey attainedtirmgreatesl J. J. ltatthew, ageti 44, et l'lne Bluff. sahetgo le malle op lteso'ctib:nai 0<10 violenic tetvem umiduight and 3 o'eioct Art., aud secured tis ait vite, Poges. Boandai merning. Dartttess luteneifieti B. V. Mûrgan. ilticite et United States seerey ls mainte mcd bY te dépant. titi atiden terrru t lte Valley frouicmitasî ai 81. Peiensiturg, vialleti Conea ment lu Uic conduct oe Invuestiuation > viics huutred eofthlie victime lied ILusud founti Aucrican gOlt inesn ttc ment Jusl vitaltnusts are teing ootcd bute ls railu. tFinahi>, lita Bikitnu, cd-stlul- prospenella caberpise lu Cotea. knevn onîple ta eheSvetigato,>M _la, iauceuail fils Mienlin tranchas, hI>- A atock empalai h~tebeut organilste]tee.,hale t at ail iniproper, inâaqub aM @a "i a -nc 54 ,*d do-5the vîit,00 capital, a*d vîit John eitaclve siai Y» laoi4 lais a vaga VOLW* 0 cinet.utis 04 vîe- Iavet 8Oibu& Tffrua. pneadeal, te ity thtcsbUSSo Oc.1e* *ma . b * wEVfi, g lbéa»r* ln qiRe- hum e f ti* 0$arasaq t.wq "H. ..Lt hj ------------- -

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