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Lake County Independent, 15 Nov 1901, p. 8

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TheOU.5 Kttt.homems t a beug John a@ht la trlnnalng ont hie trou on the roodaide. John VettOr snd a frieud veTo tiser- field visiiouaSunday. The iingii« aieviii rt et the home ai the . mlsse Rai. F. H. 3Meyr or bt ial&u&ble liane, named Lncky, laut Suuday nlglst Mi. TOUdand con Woodwnu vre lu Ohicago Suanught and Monday. M. P. Hutchincon eutertalued rau-. tires f rom Wioteganuone day lait veet. àiss aIle flolseetrtained lier SBUmloy hool clanseat her houme Mon- dayi aight. Rester Harold Viuttliait a birthday pati et hie homo lest veek. Alil M port a veay deligitinl time. Mise Pianooe Biederstedt aud the MtisieBraille and Amenda Kait vere visitais et theo Chicago musical Collogo Siturday. The Chlistin Eudeavor tapie for Suonday eveanta le Mleion--Preach- Iag aud Hearing;' Roua 10: 13-17; Rra: H.Il. Meyer, leider. Mira. C. 0. Muhilke and dioghter Laura, former residende of Deerfioid, accompanied bv Miss Agnea Smlth, oi Dctrolt, aud MiseslPrie, af Chicago, have rehrned frsim Buffalo. S EDDIzNi) ELLS. last Vduesday morniag occorre 1 the marriage of Miss Mary Lamb ta teck place s 9t, Maschnrch lu Hlghiand Part, BR. Father I adden offilating. The. bride vas attendent by her iloter, Idls Milfle Lamb and the. groom by hie brother, Mr.i.w roce O'Connor, Aiter the cremony tha wedding party drore ta the home of the. bride's parente, vhere a bounti- fui ripait vas erved. Aihor sponding a ew houri otrtslinug their gus the bridai couple drove tu their nov home lu Highvaod. The gifte vers beatfal and numerans. We tire the privilege ai vishing them a long and happy lite, and hope Richazd vîlI taka gond car. af the *-Lamnb" holias chosen toa heltar. Reliable auci 0fttle. .1pîllle a pll." ava the cMW. But thora amre il andptIlla. You want e l 1Whlîh lg - - tiltlEil Iîer Il the bl:l th.i bovela toabdit. Sîrenegthen mued In'vlecir- &te. Smaîl and easy ta Lite. For saile by P. B Lovant.. Libertyvîlle. Stepped on a Ten Penny Naîl. The ittIe daughter of lMr. J. S. Powell îurnped on an Inverted raire made of ton penny netts and thruet one rail OentîrOl through ber ioand a second aue hall var hrough. Olsaberlaîns FPain qlin vas prongnlY îpplled and five minutes liter the piaddleappearod and no more enlierîna va experlenced lun hreedia8th. ohîld vas werins her dne sa unsuai and wth ah.olutely no dlsomfort. Mr. Powell l- i weel lon mrchrant nf iorkliiid. Va- lain Bain la au autîseptie and hela suel injures withont maituratl su and ln one-tbîrd the Lime requlred hy tue nouai reatment. 801d F. SI LovxLI. -:UbortvIlle; (luire- LAZ Pazxày; oux muu, vanýoe.. STOVES RANGES + *twrs crs JwlGl on + * e 4&Atefns n M opoeUeo Uage 4vreont h on. W ogtto + or th4us upi6-n a aeyumnSonay + hn lutes4eUe -Cmelaan I" he o4r SCAC RS Lietv*e Ilios ii r ) L. ~ - t-2~~ -c- For Men and Boys. Wo baveoà arltgo ieaortmeut 0f avnraoati for mnn d boys $3 50 ta .. ýý...... -................ ... ...$12 50o Mena doot oiate $1 00, $I 25. $1 75. SZ 23-------------2 50 Boys duct coite------------------------------....Ps .. 2 00 Boae blantete esach 83c ta---------------------------... 5350 B.d blantets i pair 85c tago ................... 5 00 ltubbei boote $2 60, $2 85, $3 00 ad ..-350 Moe' Felt B cote sud Overc, $1.95 ta .......... 3 00 Gîve unsa triai. We vilI nse îoo rlght, asd sive yo 'mat-y. V. SAUER & SON, Long Grove - - - Illinois.1 ie hiatîdie the lwst liraîid ever introduced in Libertyvi, vuz: the 1). L. & W. Brand. Order yoiur winter's stipply of u8 îîow. 'ThIe lrice wilrsuirely advaîîce as wiîîter drawm lîcar. WRIGHTBROS.,I Libertyville -- Illinois. 0. B. Biiuy ahrdai Nov. 2fiS. Bibbard Ame aiworttcg ~ti.t i Payne lu Chicago. l Um Mary Lichlield lias rehurnedl home tram the li.1 Saturdiy J. H. Otoukhute tiens-f acteid bnsinoee lu Wntegau.9 Piank Thomai.and WiII Knlgger hail buinesailu Chicago thie veee. r Thou. Meflride hie trotaiethi. bron- cha taoiR. F. Rance for e hie or and cui. The. lite veither mai mot have eulted ehl, but a large mjoriy vaiedc l perfect.1 AÀpueaioiin via itteuded the lac- turc lest Frldsî uigit. remared thît1 Dr. Tailot's paiper vas prCjW0d lu ae rhtisrl i manuel. John Vauslev of Kiuisa. vho le on yu i te Euglend sud atapaoffait a CIhicag, a, ve ~ogueit 01ai moemd Mis. w. D. laiteous Frlday. 0Cudgaes Cave" by J. T. Trovbridgo, a Sicheel Llbîary boak, mysteuionli dioaepposieti a few yesrs &go. WlII the poacoasor kIndly ratureuie? t Mr. and Mns. C. Dresen are lu Wan- paiiChia veek, tho guesteaiftheir sou WiII who la liret caubier la lhe princi- pal bank lu the above mnaid citi. Next Suday oveinge sitpie is thei C. B. meeting viii bc:'Mloalous:t Proacliiug and Heariug." Rom. 1:13 I'. Mise Laura Doolittle, Vice Preideut1 willlleîd.1 E 0. Payne bas faunut an enterprise1 even marc lucrative titan opeietlng theà dllslng hall ah the fair. Re le nov roaidintamect MIl demeotus for bear moeat and poies.t The good raide maovemeot le epreid-E lng all avor the land. W ebelieve that the god resultlng fromin itvili dd nsllit,ue ai dollars ta the vaue a! land, isealdes makiuig the country moret beautiiol- Siturdai niigbt E. G. Paine rtuîued homo frein norihera Wiscansin vlioîe hoehie beau si osveîal vee Bpur- cheeiog Chistmas troos mad Oergîeûue for Chicagos people. He vent ta theI vity liet Mondai.t Mra..Iouiý.- Specht and Mn8 Dr.n Heide-iaunof aiEttuhret, spent Sondai witha their trotiser, Will Knlgge. lire. lidomnann returd home Mandai mnring bot Mlia. Specht wlll mate au indeflnate viAiL. lterary re-ercibrs Nov. 27 and Dec. 24 ut our achiesL.Auna liedter, Anu Gikîî, Ilerîsrd Swan, ilaine Thomnao, t'harie8 Iroctan. CoaiTiioma. Eva Ilouia. Emma Volker and Emma tleyer took part laat WdneedaLy. l nie religilîsaquestionu seruls labe agtting ttoc public 8arlsofniAutin, I ces. Public echools, chi-eh amd -tlaeie hanid lie entlrely cepratesas tbry, liste aIl amsi vaer, yl noailit ,well together. Uy ali mai trop1 tliem sfprate. Tu,@ falovlng changes have beeu madin uieh.malter af duploaeanmd eealb: For îeadlng îny six bokaai the conrse, a dlploma la iatd For readlug iny tva books sltar dîplama le Ieued, a greenceail le gruted; a bine soul foi readiug tva more books; a ied ceal for resdlug Ivo more; a gald ceai le gnteti far reading ani four ai the advanced booite. The atteudanno ai the achool thie ieai la auciituât the eetatiug capaciti in alroady avertaxed. TIhe atteudinco tuis yeîî vîli eîpase il previons ycare. Bsdes the Ilrat elght grades, a tva yoira' high echool course\ luas.t temptied and a diplamua vilIl be griuted thase wvintse oit. deportiment sud at- tendance have beau af cnch a nature ast ta varrant the giriug ai a diplomja. The grantlng ai e dipiama rectoavtth the teachere and the board. If yoni are Dot satialied vlthi your home papr-the champion aofail pub- lic lieeda ai yonir home tavu and coaotY; a piper that la over varting for tise boue-lIt aoureux eilbor and yoiirse-li; the pinoter ai Jour chnrch vert and your echool interesta, rathor menoer or some. amer Iuse yera iras ne"t. Hnough marnaihmbauînraBiMsd fromtho tva lectures siready giron hoe puroiate set of tvDty-tvo Pupile resadng oria jboots for 1901-02. The. re-Maalugnumbors 'on the.lecture Course viii be giron before tho papils il ichool, ai vo vilii uathavo th: Signe vhich le requlred ta arranage te gir. thoa upubliell. laIeaga«ib ih- ont »iiilmtatRockeeler augbt ta bavo à lecture courue rey eison. The. tovu la large enough aa the Poo. pIe ! $h cntnieWhIi~ipble of taleàe. h-18 e-iSalireai thoehg l 4l gilcpriai hoagllas »i tinSOf-itàslment and as W4" upIapt ihat vo vîli ho favond 4vltb splendid Wiier lu the. futnra5se- have ilviys been Iu the pont, vo have deoided te oeil s hait whieonr Crail le gond. weWab ste thaut aIl vite have helped ta mate aIl of aur entei- talumente bcaeuccesacul. ftiday nlght the publice pirited rami- dents of ltocteiellei, gauiioreti ah tho Chipol bc heu Dr. J. L. Taylor'@ lec- ture an "Pragrees lu Moentca Science" vuici vwua sat nterectIng oneanmd thoîoughly enjaîed by ail. Alterthie lecture a more wu@ made te thae choal bouge viera the Ladies Aid hiti pro- pii'ed nsai those elegant repasta for vhich theî are limone. I lal unecos- eîvy ta ay thit cee ail itiample jus- tice Se iha fMet, fl conid not be otbar- vne vith food Fo tempting. On. a! the machtlleauant foitnîee vas the. excellent sîngîniz bu Rer. T. B. Sterene ai Uirayelake-. Witn @ncb a lecture, sncb ea cupper. muciigood inglng, and amci plaisent Company mv conta 1h ha atherivie thin whta&l declaroti il ta be, a mont enjoyable ime. Tho Vrnon Housbau hast a nov poroh Ude0 ti. Mies Mabol Muson, of Chicago, vis- lied et homo ovor Suadai. Uri. Y. R.TrIpp vu' 111 and unuder Dr. Taylor'» cire lut veek. Henry Lnobo hie pnîchiced P Booelminn'a bore, surray and hai- nen. Mis. J. M. Foot and daughter, of Waukeguu, calltiou fiaonds haie lmt baturday - bile CbazlatteHEsdohu, ai Jefferson Park, late i.gnon& af ber cousin, M Pota Foots. Mre. W. H. Mann udnti ttie dinghter visiteit relahIre lu Chigo a 1ev doaslast veek. Little Dorthi Qeast vw« vaîy ie* lest weet and nunder Dr. Bons' oci.. Si, te now lmpcoving. Tiirea nov membere voesluiiil futo the Woaduou Lodgeaba Prairie Vlew tiaturdcy eveuing. Mri. Segert'a iamiiy moreS Mondai oi tuas veent, iustad ai luit veoos etated lu latut e'. paper. The paîty given et Mr. Sogerta home gahurdai eveuiug vas voli attendeti and a mach excellant tMma vmaîts. Hienry Sogert ish clrklug lu . T. Footsa store. Ali the youug ladies vîll i viîho mate a rcehîow . Mies Hesn reiuned ho her home lu Chicigo Satnidiy, aller apdlng a coupla ai veete at the Urathscu Permn. Sîsme anaeaeme ta o haeling hlm. self tabth e ceool hanse Wood,os thie Woodi shed dosui hae boon fonnmunu- lockad tva muruinga af lita. The latt time the &taie& that heid the lock wece dravu. To te Pulic.RONDOUT. To te Pulic.We hear the dIstant chine ai voS- Allow me ta san àev vorde lu pralme o ai ele Cbimberlalui ousch uemedy. i ingals reoommend h vllth Lb. utriet ooqgldenae. Forer are buey shreddliag corn. IL hie don^ good work for me sudldvi do Ti rpl the Saimefor aLliera. 1 bad à ver? Tegee- a arge. cough end .010 and feared I vould jet pneu. OHazrey Limbeck hbu the contrait ta ,nnniL.bîtator lakln tise @Bn dos of sct a uine bain friMi. Doyle. this ruedîsîne 1 f.1t lieir.threeobottles o! It yie y co ndlb. sal, -tva Miesn 3iao Bradley hai rehuîuad rullv Tours for hialth. am s.Muh s homo alter cpenaiug a month lu Iava. hs-hinceeiz-l WhellngW.V- i.od lohn lAncicter and vite expeot ta l.y F. S. Lovr~~~i jhýetYvll#e; OiaàyLiinlalutesnioh PaavarFJon MB.L. veha. pend the vinte nteenysuh PHAIigky; OHNMXiztýlvmoo. John eapectc tuabalte a great many LONG GROVE. elt voter bé4hs. Mi. and itMie. M. Hl. Carrall attendeS J. Knopt Si-, waa ln Chicago one dii the veddidg af J. P. Doyle sud Miss lait weet. Elizabeth Farrell at Chicago. Mr. The Lutheran cisuris boI a ILeforn- Doyle nov ownslc iannmon lai-m &tion Festival laht Suaiday. hare. Abert Sener and bride have re- The condeinuatlan suit hetveen the turned iran their vcdding trip. Bradley iemlly aud tolegraph company Pratnacted npeeilngs are hlng hald flished Wedieudzy sud hhe jury vwu lu the Evangelicai cisurcb. Evaryone oun tuhie ternoon ta look orer the l8 a incld. damage alloged. bc enable tien In ar- SCHII LTZ SCiIOOL rirluz à$ah declelon. TvWenhy-fonr pupils are nov eu- rolled. PALATINE. The. Schultz choal apoud et.ct7, Mies Pearl, dingter af Mi. and viii Zoe Morse au tcaciier. Mra. H. Bictnueo, la ver? flu. Dcring the month thie ollovlng Mr&. H. C. Polton. ai Lubertyville, pupils ver. neitherabsesnt nor hardy: cllsd an friands ln palatine recently. Wllile Nltoley, Tlle Relier, Miauie Mis. HM, ,s s dlhh Kan., ud Mise Keller, Edwvin Glas, Wlliae lepper, Myrtle, ai Elgin, ver., gueseOaiMrS. John Kineger, Henry Krncgei. S. B. Htituge Tedai. mec. Stobbings and daughter, iae. L.AKE ZURICH. 8. C. Les, @peut Sunday and Mondai Evry body la getting cool. vith relatives lu Part idge. For fiue meet ceillai Gutar Fladiars. Mis. O. Meyar. and daugiter, Mise Mri. Chai. Seip, aif1'latine, vmsiluBar"hoaiChicaga, vsîe gaulsofaiMr. tan Tnedzy.« sd Mis. Luarson over Sunday. Mr. Baliste, ai Chicago, val visltiug lMr. Duenaing sud dangiter, Mis with Louis Seip Suuday. Diakuian, and childiod raturnedti t Win.Bueacilng ant i MIe Tompsee Bebron, ILI., alterîa e vets violmit vt voie Bariigtan vleltoîc Manday. ,relativec lu this riciniti. Enil Fiant end Chas. Klepper, at-' teuded ta bu-ineeslu Chicago Mondsy.. Tht Throbblug HeaSache The dance laut Satorday vas faily Wauid qulekti iave Tou, if non usat Dr. well ttede a bout 3(1 ticket& e bol KîngiBNey L le Pilla. Thousinda of aut- alan00, ugfereiv: bave pi-aveu Liefrmecileas merit for 801(t. sdcksud nervone headeohes. Thor mata Mr. Fiant Meyer returned from Bof- pure biaod aud bulîtug.Tour bealtb. Uni, falo laci veeck.Fiant maiye hehail a 32seus. ouer bhakIif ot cnred. iold hi F.B. Lonsu.. Utertrviâo; Gisuar%.u Éluneime. Piuaa Illatina Filiing, - - - - Silver Filliîng, - RiublsîePlates, Ceiiuioid IPlates, Zylinite Plates, Aiunîinusîi Plates, (iald Pistes, full set, Cemeîît ai:Boue Fiiling, PajileS4 Extratctioniiof teetis, il. - r Vol. X. THE PROBLEM. *OROTHY ln the nursery can calculat. th. Pric d IvarY Soap per calte, but k would talcsa --thmatcal genius ta calculat.It truc value. For he nusttac. accoeunt ci fies, abo, and inaterials. H-e nustdeduct frcm tii. appret cout the uaving ithio k, if. ofluhe oelcs, in the. longer Id ti. waaiied faW~c, hi the. labor requircd, ln the tdmcconsulncd, in the. trcngthM. pende& in hieicrcults obtahcd.When aui lafnI*W&d Ivory tetihe ceapest aoap hlnic the t o UHERMERVILLE. t rUCOAPOMAIe À CaITAlUT. I Mt ienov a lonciaus aouclusion ibsi lie1 quetian oaIncuorporation ivili ha sarrird daI the aomlng electiau bu asvceplug msjoritv, althocgh lhe vote af Saohtovn la monevhat doabtiai. oving ta the tact thai Lb. oppooluga parti bai mierepreseutad facto; but IL la thQugbt thaL Use voie tiare vilil Dot te great1 euougb ta s.lnt ths elerUo-n Tho) opposere have made it 'c point ta tisaiongtiv ai-ua. the IudianaUcu nifthe people af Bacitavu hi tollUIDSt tisa iaLhoul t.y vote loi lneorporatiou they vould ul ot taa udr vîlk te the @Chufbobuge. IL bai lvave been tbe1 Intention of tepromoteur@t lgis.Bachttvu oven? opliortunity 10 hive a aidevalt. but - iL vuà tlougttvIce uDotealaie lu tamu.ub territani m84iti-ât. Lieraiore IL vas deeds thtithe u«v road viai teau aimnrred lact vaâ lie ou. vbich vald a&so te ttc bite ofthetieadevrilt. wsebot ould dcc eh paele Of Bchoavu ot ornir s mdaal n slone m&à Lie vai ta, the cohool boue.s but diicctîr ibronit the beaof itan.. vic vonît te picicraibie, aimoa atter af oonvenieuoe and Liera valdnid ul l. a difference of lOve minute. lun L. distance ior tie cilidren go andti rm shoul. ence the endsavor ta mieiead Suhoavpeople te sntirsIy à miereprSeeutatiou ai reas tauta. IL la tsought that ail ni the mioou teeperi hon, ame asinit nooi-poaion. Tbey ausa do not lutalfigenUrl compraisusi the troc situation. for lu resUt, IL la a benefittoLathem The optposer& have taken aven passible meaum ta deleal Lie lne. bt Ltise tanis- poadet legladt La .aîthst &IiI telr efiorta vîli te ai of oavili. uantbercanspaign argument,.a cern veat one. iestaW Use î,oeaIbilL 01 teneiste Pallug blgbcn rente alLeris-t'rL,. Env asurd to maiee scb deelaraLlons whou prnteei-tY owers vîli bave nuo o-agion L, i-aIse Lb. renteanai Lere viii le n, iis tresse lu h.taxes vhlis huane- Iossue teyond acedoutt by re@ld. ut-.of ,i iu.-orîorated Lovua. lihouisi tise opomng t husA iliuhovu - ~' 11e Haycock- DENTAL PARLORS of Chicagohas decided to make regular visits to Liberty- ville of two days-'each week and Orayslake ci one day each week 'and offer low prices as quoted ............ AT LIBERTYVILLE Cuedaya M WenedayflOu.19* d20 AT GRAYSLAKE- Cbursaynov. 21. No charge for extractioui when teeth are ordered. Gold Crown Work, Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates our Specialty. Vie giiarantee to fit you. No charge for examination. Should any work done for yoit fail you have the guaranty of the Haycock Dental Parlors to make it good, whielh wili be be doue without question., Teeth extracted wjthout pain. Wili be at Libertyville Mlotel, Llertyville, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 19 and 20 and Gardinfices [Motel, Grayslake, Thursday, Nov. 21. CALL ANI) HAVE YOUR TEETH EXAMINED FREE WHETHER YOU HAVE WORK DONE OR NOT. The Lfaycock Dental Parlors, 204 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. OPPOSITE THE FAIR. When ln Chicago shopping make our oflce your headquarteru. te crouf enugb Lu di-let thse question, Lieu no dossht viii tise lasdri, ai lb.oppaci. Uiou te, lu their Eioev, but ise neasO n imIsor u.der aur laimestlll.issunas del-sc viii!au -use lie 0emtalarress,%eu a 'iecr but yli bî hvea eteud.nivl, u me&.,cr sterminaiou ta lncorporate mi r-M as Plans haive mr-ady heu pSeisted lis anotiser eletioni. Il defCt"e. te Ltin lu.a l'Oundae nd the natte vii b. ocduzi ln tth-cme quiet wvYavsaieretoiore, lui siib A reueved spirit. The people q Suebtavu c&u reat aseuied that bis upport. lus tise prapaclition Ibsiar- e ctln folr theIr avu lneet. aud ehould nthealtais ta voLs oIoncorporation. vS.?e îeva IOuwklle i M-rdnshair. W. Va. wa» âTen isClema more. vbisb vws tolloved tî diarricea. Th. dotr .dilue di m oacd e 11-ll . oier.absd Darhcsad %veihI .M t ad Iseerusdv WIIEELING. UeOrge Barteubach ig on theesik lst. Mir. Terbeili#peuut SatuLrtian sd Sudy lu Chicago. O. T. BSnlit, County Superinteudent ai cchooli, vlited oui echaol Wedues- day. Mis eRllie Myr, prinary tmobcer, apent iiiturday aud Scnday lu cti- cigo and Oat Fart. Mr..and Mii. Christ Uitaiger it lar IoaaFriday, wviii.ue Oy val vicît Mri Liditllgere elsîtri. Mri. and lire Oltmsn 1.11 for a tüsre veet. vibit at lire. oit-nan& homo in wlacaei. Mr, Foi,pesta? ol the North Nortlsield Etienezor clinrh viii preaclinluthb.Preshyterian chureh Sunday aiternoona during Mr. Oltnan e abeence. Liber, Fresh M Ve vil! Satutday Mo ,Gurae, Stock reah milk cc end vii exci dry stock. TUNEO ISEOULA i Li.bertyv il WRIGHT Liberi Issues lute cates pi BENJAIN Dri office ove Libt s;,aUsidumte 5 ChrafliC Dise G GENE i EYE, EAR. Spectacles ara-9--lt a DX111 asîti -5.00 anti up - 1.0<) 15.00 ~20. M 501anxd up .50) Palnless Dentistry, Prices to Introduce Our Superior Worl<: Bridee Work, teenu vithont Plate»s.85.00 andîs up <¼ald Crown, '22-Kh fin, 5.(W I'arcelion (white) crOWIl, 5.(M) I COAL D. . &W. is the Best.

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