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Lake County Independent, 3 Jan 1902, p. 5

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I ______________________________________________________ . - TRI OS &YTOR. FURNISHERS 0F Everything in -the way of meats, groceries and canned goods that's best wilI always be found at T ~ & AYLOR'S !biM ~ înev*uusu.u.---------------------------------------- "Old Sherm" Knows how ta please every- body in the Jewelry line. If ini îeed o<f aliythl igii inli,4I i nt' 'i l a'siîî and l lis' wi HIllanra lit, sati.sfactionii. For a special attraction 1 have a Victor Talking Machine-the best ever. Cal around and hear a few of the latest selectlons. I alilo have' tt'he bit alni îiost ii1-ti-date hule of Jewerv in thîts Sectionî. To Reduce Stock Before Iovoicing. 299 pair of Childs', Misses' and Ladies' Shoes, worth from $1.25 to $2.50 per pair wiII be sold at We have too many of somne sizes, while others are a littie out of style, but ail ,good, servicabte shoes. Ail go at $i.oo per pair. SMITHI & DAVIS, ('EALERS IN Gentral Mercbandlse. PICKED UP HýRE AND THERE. 4Local Items of lnterest to Lbertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. in Effect Sunday, October 2o, mgoi, at m~oi a. m. TO CHICAGO« FPOM CHICAGI). Witz DlAIS. WMEEKDATe. Depart Prom New Depot. Arrive et New Dr'tst. l..sa .. iî.ss ,' ArrIv. cIv ll. L*sv. Liisrrtyvilie. Arrive Chl.ago. N . i M in. u........ ~s 13 .....51:M M ............. 940 a.13M. :,r» .2 1 10 4 î. t' ..... . ........ . .1 17- 4 .4:M.. 0 . In. -145- . :56 . ...... . .. 5 143-... . ........ ....'A eî sM. 05U130A555 na1 ..2 P. M 1 ... . . 3:46 gi. NO. 1:..... %o à. M. ....9.1.. .. S. 3,5 Sî.n TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO). WXKIK DAT. Witz DAT. O)epart Prom 010 Depot. Arrioe at 010 Deîsot. l...avA Li,ertyvilW.s Arrlvijis, hsa«0. L.n ilw s Arr- i t -w1 o ysiii,~ No. 132 ...... ,:6 a. m . ............. :Ma.l.No. 1:, 9:5 .1.10. 5 5 41 M. 13 ... 7:33.1. . .... 4?.. I...41M:45,5a..M. 5231.. lit4 ....12:3 M . ...... .1 40 l.1M. 145 ....f, J. 7 55 p.. r 5UtDAYS. 55.NDATIS. No. 132... . 2a. m. .... . . :9,a. ., Nq.1...ii . 9: ;.s . .... . .4 .t - 145 . k) ~ 1 . ..... . ...... ..10 Misa Jenie Viille, 0 llaol visiting Lilertyviile fMen. Mes.tW. J. Hlay, 'if I'retou, M inu., ln viaitiong vtb tni. stevt'usUn ani E. E. Buttergeisl je at tast Iocated lu bis bouge on Churc 'Steet, moviug bore trotualioekefeller this week. The loctal telcpbons COrnPatYin-~u Staliled pisonem la 1>su Herricho, 'C. F. Wright's and Dr. lailiway's remi- imrthii , nvs.k liarry ilralley enpev.'tn 1s, is'svefor un1 exts.oded trip thrugh H.s osiseru stutemthf ias1.8t1 s, tl s n eek in (Ass.s is f'slgbi,,alti,. As Isu po.sn I b i ls' fiasa Newo tS ara gss-igts. tise home of tMr. and Mrs %%.in s avisnt. V. tehd ay n gbt. Wliat are you sayitig, BillY Mes%. E. C' ielt.sSîbsarcetuuaedfrOni au extendus vibitilsi lowaà, viffeeaile re-ports bas iug attssdded meveral wed- dîngs, nue a donublie IsesILdig. Sîdwssy %forme sud vile, 0n i ilings, Misttaîsss, and i lbssr sou Eaei, of Ober- lin.,_wisere ho attends college, are guesté, of J. F. Clark and tsmiiY. Speciai services aIl]lise veek i theo MI. E rhuecb sabiatis morning SUis- ect ."God lleveaied lu moeal Goyeru- ment.' lu tbe eveuflig The Final Round-up." Misslitanie Wrigbt enteetaînes! about twenty-five yonng frienda ai ber borne lati Mouday eveuiug.1 Crokinolo ansi otiser garnefi amuuse liae paty until refresblmenls vere1 aerved, alter vbicb dancing vas lu-1 dulgos! in. BonsunEn'. WA.TIi.-Two romn,1 goosi taible service. Centrali! lncatel.1 MRS. Su %.'.DEM.suE, Liiertyvilie. Il vw" a jolI! lime tbe i.iiinsie et 'S 5(5 itIi S cl is eisjSyeS. Mt tis-i r social d r e 'sw 'S al"ss igtit lin lank's %al s els s-t crowd turaod Duot and Lis-e tisrS'tIell iit W"35a5 uttle tbe 1-0Ileverv 155rt1iculr 5f uuy 1mev v, et giveo by tise club. 1)ir. (.allswaw n'a saved a roubiug chiarivari iy tise s'sld ave wbîcti se- rîved ahisst tiesenie lime lie sd l'iirmds.y. tlfs- gatbered t10bilisel mud lii.lsiss'icolSome, but it vas a haltif ftSicat-1affr. isnc was a gossU rellIss asud graS7lisly,'rscEpsude(l," tpou wbis'b ths siiv.'riig cr013d diso Ilis s irasc03 onîrset car ('hristmas niglit i fsrelgns'r struîsk a cnuple ni "'atukîgaii men on the lbead witb a lever ('sisd sisîss RsobLyonuinterfered and as bit iuthet f ace sevt'ral tires isies issh'quistrî tise felnew. litaa Mie t igt s aI li . d a Iittie i)Sicing t-, . îss suswsosllikete et..s c ,'rthor i isù pres'.' itt Une wenthevr pcrrits of tise varpenitera rsutiuSing nnrk un- St)trrStptesi, arrenS lîratisa barn isnd Mir. lryaot o iiine, (,ri Cook Ave, are tiig lisolt' s completissu. Chas. 1,y(h vbous. 5ou5 raiuerd Court làs ,j[ B s, is 1. Il. Milers ncv hass ome.1dv fisr scupaucv w'ei wor ssci ilipIrs au Si) slsi5vs'ra I utiser i'bsso. tiliuuk,l s Diamotmd Lake, bas, lrSisledl o 1111 bIs largo ice bouse witis pusre aksu, ue tss hodelivered uext surusîusr lu Libertyvilie tu paLionis lie may Pe"sre. tien iII risarge 25 cents a iisîdresl for sain visere cou tracts are umade for tise seaso, and alreasl3 ceverai cosumner@ bave con- tras'ts'slwnuls itu. For bis couvenieurs liecdsesntisst anyolne wising bî cn'.trsirt fr 15e for deluvery uext sutilocr teae n od uIt iis îie 'A Sislo' u4 tise anmotiît ap- ps-arn 555r tise sIire tinor nia orisggling lttwye.r auiiishe ity nfStraffordl, Ont. A fricssri s! the sînortuuate gentleman sggen.trsl liss a arîi..ablliby of veitiug ,,lit bis ninîie iu fuil, tiiusg tisat Arthsur or tdrev Swindie, as tise case wgbt iss'. susuii sound btter sud look bote'r tisai the iguîuiceît 'A Swindle." Wisou tbc iawyer, vuto tara in bis cyes. whil'sers'd t10bhl) tiat bis namo vao A Issu, tise friendui snseratssod ansi anîd vas client. Mîso Mý Alice Davie, viso for caveraI ys'arg bau isat charge nf lise M. E chiofr andi b! viosso efforts baye reslted many of tise mtisical troat@, Iu tlic vay 5f entertaiutneitis, cantatas, etc., viisisLibertyvillians bave beon l'cars Day tu attendi a weddîug. Mes. Johb RIfudolpb, of lliugisaud Park, vbLsfteil ber parente, Mr. andi Mes. Wlder Biistterleid, rs.s'mtly. Levi Whitney snd daugbter lMattie speut tise boluiava witb bis laugisters Mes. Nicbole ans i Ms. Waicil, il, ('hi. cago. Snmitb &A Davim are adn ertlhntg a "-sboe sale" of ronsliderable jrrsportiou. rbey are clenîing out tileir accuîmula- ttsuof sisoen bsfore iuvenjtsry time. )arisy IrOtiers bave Imp'ed . esi ur jewelry mtirs' sy tise addiionu nfa nov cîsuter sud vaîl cane. C. R. Shermanî viliiassint tbem i se a ew weeks outil tisey become tisorongbly lanillar vitis tbe business. The reksular business mneetiug of lise Ladies Aid society ni tise M. E. cburcb vili be bels! lu tihe ch parlors Tuessiay afternoon. Jan. 7tb et 2:30. Alilladies Interestcs lu Its' society, urged te be present. Ice consumera wyul learn vittilsatis- faction tisat pure Diamoîîd Lake ice tn to be delivered bore next *summer at a figure vbieU is viint prove prohbi- live. As states! Eisewliere Chas. Bilînski bas dlecides! to pub np a supply for tbat purposie. A certain youug Maua of tl is cty, vblle on big vay borne aI 12 P. M., 0ne day laI v eek. vasl bols! "P bY t- ,mon. He recogxslzed 11e two me, but does net minens! to prosecute them Hmd they fDot bels! 1MMwup be mireVrtainly bave Wl on trise cold, vet grssuud aIl ulgbt. Biutlei"S Lake this s eek, but tlie vater vas an foui, nning btiste laie beiug exceplinnslly Iow. tisat work wasr masdonesi. Bonuire isl being taken froua Dyrnond's pond ji est of tise fakte, but the river wîli prssbably aî!'srd tise greatesb su pply tbid vese. Crintmas niglit Franîk 0,cr ansi vile gave a parly to liseir Englisis frlends Besies.tisera ws.aFrank t'iuktoo iths @onme NWaukegau EnRIisbmen Iseuesu We ake it 10 Boers vwere eusiug abîout adjacent "ýKnpjs's" tointerfere vith tissagenerai gnod trne eujoyed, sud 55,1 biere betsu it vatt é0 formidable au srrsay of Englîisl ve presume lise "iaager' wsuld havis bes'u protectesl agssîimnb aiiy invasiussu Reîuîarkale Cure Oif Croup. A Little hiov's Life Saved. I bave a lest vvsrd's to 53Y regardîig Chitumberlaiu's C isgil fiemedy. Il gaved mnv lîttis'boss. life aud i teel that t caniot j.riime a cusugtl. 1 bougist a bot Ic (if i t 1m A. E'. S toscre Of Oo S ntH1) , asdnisen i gssb bssîss w it iit t b., îoor liaiy cîsU . bardly breatlie. I gave the medicine aL8 ,lres.têesies tri] minlutes untilliLe 'tiseew sp' sud tissn I tisnngbt sure lie was gotrg to iLhote t.> death. We liad to pull bi lelsgtîsi Out ni bis mouttiln great lonlg tringgs I am positive tisaI il 1 isasinot got tisaI bottie n Ofî019b ms'diciue, îsîy uvo Wtld uît lie son Aartis today i>. IE IiËOtvT, InWOnd, Iowa. For naise sv F. Il L,vE, Liiertyville;, ii. 5 1.AKI 'ssSiA Mood Bargains!. Tise Istest lu Ladies' Neckvear, Jewelry, Glos os, Handkercbiefs, Etc. peivilegesi 10 ejoY. nlll leavo Salue- lEsOIcrasuseuli*15 day for HPrbert, Donne ('otntv. A (juts. reception lu ber bsnnr la bolng hels! New Flanol sud Silk Waists made to nlgbt. fIn Miss Davis the cburch sealyfrteHidyrd. losc.s a oubstantiai aid sudtiecu-epca!fo the Holdartr-e mnî.lty ataleuiedtinger, fti aunder- Ladies Trimuses! ats lrom ... $1.00 hp. sîons! a largoe laesaof sindenta bas beau prnmised ber ai Brbet, anti alle la cer"tai o vin lavor Amsoeghor Mrs. F. Protif.I Dr. Gallowny Marrien. Dr. Charles Gafloway wau rarrled t.. Miss% Marne Messer, at Sbeidon, la., New YesT's Day. lDr. ansi Mms. iallo- way returnesi to Lîbertyville 'Ibsîra- day sud weiit iumedately t.. tbe doctors bous', wbieblise lad pre- viususy furuiabed snd prepared. fit wulgoeraly known Dr. Gallo- way bad gone away to gel eareled, sugto (owbom no une was informed. Wvitb cbaraoetstlc raticcuce hosebad gîîaxded weli bis secret, sud Dot Uunil tbey arrived ltu LibeertYville dil even big Most intimate friensis kuow wiso lise future Mrs. <alloway was t0 be. Mrs. oiloway la tbe dalîgister of E. p. Messer, formerly of Lilsertyville, and in qnlte wvolt kuovu sete. SBise is au accompliabesi andi cbarmng young lady and! yl be armlY vels'omed bo lise comnISity. feasoiutiofl Conîmendinir SsPt. Iiugbee. Tise following resolution vas adopted [>y tbe )M. E. Mitnday sebool relative to Loren Bngbee, their late Superin- tendent, wbo recently moyed to Cicago: lessoieed, tbat lu tise change of residence te Chicago of our efficient and faltiéful Sabbatii Beboot iluperin- tendent Loreu Bugbee we are depri ved ot avery exemplary aud model leader auif 11151 e commend him as a wortbY and vslued co-vorker lu tbe Lordsa vinoyard. J. 13. BIIS Cnm. C. W. TAYxLOR, ETTA ELLIS. A Profitable Investusent. "t vau troubled for about seven yeara witb my atomacb and lnbobea!hall my time," ays E. Demick, Somerville, Ind. -j apont aboutl 31,Osan ad neyer could get anytbing to beip me util fi trfied Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 bave tâken a fevw botties sam sunitirely voli.' Yon donit live 11Y visaIYOu est, bsut by vIsat you digest sud aýgimlate. Ir your stomacb doeosut dligest youe food you are reaily starv- îîîg. Kodol Dympepaia Cure dos&tise atomach' a ok b!îifgestig the food. You don't bave to diet. Est aIl you vaut. Kodol Dyspepala Cure cures al sisrnAWb troubles. F. B. LovELL, Libeetyvilie. RON DO UT. Miles asd Paul Devine, ni Chicago, are spendingr their vacation wltb relatives bore. Misa Alice jioran bas retsîrned homne aller spendfisig a couple of veeks in Chicago witb ber sis5ter Mrs. Jas. Devine. A aumber of nue Young people att3nded tbe dance lu Libertyvihle, given by th1e Lake County Club Christ- mas nigbt. Al report a good tlfme. The cars! part! vbiob vas bals! ai Mr@. Jas. Bradley's Monday night, for th1e benelit nf St. Piatrick's Cburcb, vas well atteuded, about 100 befing present. The heait part!y wil b. given ai E. F. Mransa Tue8day Jan. 7th. Ali are iuvited. A IDeep hMystery. Itlja Iarnyster! why womeu endure Baukache, fIeadacie, Nervousnema, illeeplesaneffl. Molaucboiy, Faintfiug sud Dlzzy spel8 wben thunsanIde bave proved tbat Electric Bitters will qnickiy cure sucb trouble@. -11 suffered for veara wiib kliney trouble," writes lira. Phebe Cberley, of Pet.eraou, fa., ,and a lme@ back patned me @o 1 couid flot dreas myseif, but Eectric iiîttera wholly cured me, and, altbougb 731 yeara old, 1 now arn abie tb do ail my bousework." fit overcomes Constipa- tion, impeovefi Apptîte, gives perfect heaitis. Only 50 cents. Sold by F. fi LoV£Li., Libertyville, GRAISOSISE PHABus ACY. PEOPLES' COLUMN. L - 01Around, cross.enuamelhrocs nos'hb îp&i etting, i stWs.O1.1 I,..f tr,wt sudl3-tiyt",rlitsch urch. hont sunday v îslr Ii r~"' vcrewas 51 by rsttruntt 'Suný C . E. huas' M ONE% ."O LOAN-m5v gooi farm , curtr atO .r ,et. NJ. H. MILLER. F RSALE-Knau ain piUlr .n,1310tu fins, FconditIon, ut 5a bagain. X,. HBTZL, liait Day 5 tl-d F(RSALE A f h 1 1,ad Icmossti c')UN TY Fa.lîirty, iii MM ce=+.-t~ Inî ords'r to ilea' ouIt ail odds ands enîds< iii Laîmîudrresi, Knit, and Soft Bosoiîî )x'sr-Shlirt., we have puit the lîstil iii smie pile and will seil these 50 and 75C values at the small lîrice of THF flAID? Chancery Notice. - ~ K ALA X STATE 0F ILLINOIS., e Cirosit Court o! Lats. CoIsuti. Msmis IlLi ertyv ill T.rm. A.D.190s2. Manest E Eh. .Wiiîamn Roi)yElii aosi Etissl Il Miler un Rti,. kilin WIrn LH. lui. ('lara L.. iorN . EtÏlîE llas. gusmduisn o! Warr-ssILl. mi.. iiso: Eîldgvs O liowIc, Andrý,WMsCliu. Martîsa (ardltu,, and fstmiîss il iissrlinsr. Ossr lssIsII s.ba William BH Coole ass81111 .caCosies'.lils. wl!.,. ud tihe ',siiunwnsswlrsrnOf tie u Frsinal tt Bill of Complaint dss.riissd. 8atln!smstory sffdavît tisaIt Atrs smo scm Sore aous lutercutes in l .usIii. sslauloîti owiinvl ofCeminsînt ilunsa ,Id casino' ssd tisaI duerona areunknean. ansI Ibît ti.sesi- Kenslaîuîs. Martiia rdlus'e and Ldmuuîd Il. (Gardiner, bier isiand; William H. CoolsisIET A T C E HooPAINTSME ti..soi Ianut rosso anuot b(05 avoil '- taun.nobia ieicsas vmin hs ri .'* e- AT'ENT IM EDICINES iru 101thieto,g"reltioir sO! thora. ihuagssf Illdnu te ofce or ie SCieri of ual d Court. N.ltie lu.Ierehy alucu te th. saisi 'onu tuuvu wn issr eofthbie promîiss den.riied is tisa11l of Counaut filidlua alIain. Marina Gardiner and Edmuad BH (lar incr, lier isusisans: William tf.Coolev and IRois eaF.B O E L (ooui.'r. litsu wl!e:lhrlduge0. Bowe isud Au-F . L I'3 'L sl1rs'w MUlun. defeusiints as aforeoal 5 tisaI t l lios ti îsssve nasa..'scumplainauto beritoforo [ Lbertyville - - Ilno . tiliei thicr Billi o! CumintlrI unaid (euit.on tise Cisauery 8dc tterief. aud biat a c stn mousss tb'rsueou Innard Out ur ald tCourt turusmblao osthie firt say r s!tisst,I2 'mIf tise- Cîrult Cousrt uf Lake Cosînty . lu Se lcîatm the. Couîrt Houa, lu 'Waulsngao lu saisi Lai,. Csutr onthe ir3I Mondar i, Of . AD iec. ansIJ. sr as rsséisrcd. audsIwtiol s uit mS U e-d Lmws 0OBuCastAT. CIri. Waukti. Illnois. Dec 23, A. D. mn.rt ___________For a telephone in your place SheriflPa Saie of business or your residence. OTÂTE 0F ILLINOIS, LAJ t CAEOUNT! i 89 PlirNtis. u ý,la Iîsrsi rgIsestisa 11jvit- tue of &uertalu strît of ail&s',saxsutlis o- You get the iîîcre.ased and growing service of the I oued Ou t ote (IlrtrsubCourt e! Lsîkc Cjounte ansi Ststao!Ilîlinos n ad to mss dil County Telephoîw (Company anidconnection with, rortid. dated the Tr(l day of Do.s.mhesr. A t). sitnfaoro Hnr . eemti adChicago Telephonie Company. day. h tish tsday ni Januury. A D boa«. st bis. heuxr ut mé O 'siock lu tie afterflussn S said 1sfy, at tisa est deor of tisa Cosîrt Hsssîuc IFor Information, rates, etc., wrte-~ lu tise City osf WaslLioatsand Cosîuty osf Labo and Stateo f llinois. eil ut publie usis duo tothsý higheotb isiîser for jatilh ail tîs.'T AC EP R M ristt tItlleausIlaberst or John Nordtraud L vl' rgSoe tu stc olowlug d"esribl d eai Rabts' sitate u t.,IssaCountr ufLaku aud tatssLoel' ru toe hlll.to-vît Tise kSostisveat uartur isi Lbertyville, ilMinois. tise SoUuîi-"n13'sI sart",r !OfrIeion DUauaIsr Feurlesu (Id) In Township Furtr four (Ws Nos th angeElevnu11siEsst of tise Tlisrd Principal Moridian xotuterfeu i. rigstfur f tsCiinge lwak" ai 1)o outake the INI)ELENIENT! If uot, Ui it Lbr 1 t ars oe rl îss~0dayoDe-eate 1 ~ .r~UnlLandI LATEST NEWS. Dis. Libertyville I llinois. Là Aèsà£& RA1à3 Ai&I&A AAA w n-as k g d w g a g w q a w I C. R. SuEF jLîbertyville - - AMAN, - - Illinois. GREAT S LAUGIITER ON SHOES I X~r ~ A PAIR $18.00 A PAIR . i LARd ý We are now busy taking an inven- tory of our stock, ater which we'II offer some remark- able bargains in accumulated odds and .ends:-::,,::::: 'SNOBS! SNOBS!- Our stock of shoes is complete and right up-to-date in LADES' GNTS' A CBILDS' And is too varied to permit of quot- ing prices. You- must see them to realize we have the real bargains. MeiYs OverpoShfrts

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