__________________________s f - - -- amiei Dove viaited Dighion ,,4,. LOWo aud vite wveoFox Lake w..J' e a m» d Wl!. vers Ing icalde Lu eGilbert, 0f Gages Lake, vas ai Uàm pasoSndsy. oeorge Wedge vas bnying borses lu ~b sv li tty Mond my. 4.Tweed and vite visiled aI W suke- taa Md urus. lest vesk. LM. L. Galger and sou Engele vers tisayslake viiors Smtnrday. JMissmande Wilkinson vas the guest et lMissarmesGaiger ou Ctrirltmas. Ùhbxlclnm Weber Oif Obicagu, visiled ftx Lake sud Digbtan frieuda Ilut veae. Pridsy of 1mst veek vas the day set asat by Modemn Woodman of the Lake Villa Cmp 10 cxernplify he precepta et thVuir order. Bringtug vith Ibent $ho mx, bostie, vsdge sol sase. as vel as severai teams they repalcol telise hme ni0f eigbbor Frank Gaiger vbho bus been miel for several weela, and &speut tise day eboppins, aplitting sud bauling vool for him. Nelghbbr Galigeransd vite vlsb to express Ibeir tisaIs 10 the fratecuity sud also 10 otheseguwbo are not of the order, sebo ba*ew5 kiudiy assisted tlîsm dnrlug thelr recent sicîneas. IuISECs'E AND 50 INTER OCRAN FOR 31I.75 PRAIRIE VIEW. Misa suaIs lMagon vieited trieuda lu Chicago a 1ev days 1mai veel. Mrt. J. Richards vIsited relatives lin Chicago Fniday sud SatuctlmY. John Holiz la lu Chicago sud lu tbe ernpîoy of Marahail Feld & Co. Quie a number tcoma here atteul(Xd the New Yeas e ve lance at Long Grove. The Misses Cors sud pela l'est, of Chicago, verseulstrtained iy lMr. sud lira. J. B. Gcidley s fese daYs 198t veek. The Wsulegau viallors Tuesdsy vers Mr. sud Mss. J. S. Gcldley, Mr. sud lirs. A. 0. Riehards sud W. H. stanclilf. Mca. Alignai Holtz vb'O bas beeu quite aid the peal two veels la nov irnproviug uiceiy unler the cars of Dr. Lockyer. Mr. sud Mca. S. E. Kuediers youuigesl son ma very @tik vitb liconchiai pueumonia. We hope 10 suon boa? of bis@ rscuverY. A profitable lnvestrn5nt. "1 was troubled forashunt sevon Years witli usy stonacb sud lunlied bal My lime,'sasys E. Demiel, Somerviilc, Imd.' -'I spent about $1,0oIansd neyer coul gel auylvhiujg 10 bcip me unlil I tried Kodol Dvspepsla Cure. I bave taken s tevw bolîlea sud sm eutirely well' Ytiouden't lîve by vitalyen est, but !)Y sehat yoo digesit sud samimîlate. If your sîomnach dossu t digest YoXtr food you are reslly slarv- ing. Kodol Dyspepsis Cure dosa the alornacha ywor by digestingîbhe food. You dont bave t0 diet. Est ail you vaut. Kodol Dysppepsi Cure cures ali alumadli troubiesa. F. B. LoVELL, Libectyville. LnsTOVEs::: We hiave a few Ileatiîîg st4x'es oni land that we wiIl close out lIt a very low îrit'e. If yoîî îmeed a steve tlîis is yoîur SC1IANCK BROS., Libertyville --Illinois ,,$ if it Rained DOLLARS 4$ It woild îît îîiake nuitivh differeîîe hIov. xxe spelit Ouîr imoîey. Buît an it utoîî't. it makes an ali-fired differeuice w')ît-ht] -î ii rspcîîd it wisely or otlîerwisely It is Our Ilonest Belief That the people who huîy their vlothuîîg of ils are more evoouioically dre.ssed-we are sure tlîey are hetter djresseil tlia tiiose wlîo uoîî't. It is practical euoonîOy to biN (G001) vdotlîiîg (011f kiîîd flen's Overcoats, 5.5.50 to $12-00. Men's 54.50 to $15-00. Boys' Suits, $1-50 to$55.00. Long Pant.s Suits 53.00 to 7.00. Suits,: Boys' V. SAUER & SON, - - - Illinois.1 Lj ALwO A L. D.L. & W. is the B s. Vie laille the hest hramîd ever introdîîced ini LibertyvilIt', viz: the 1). L .£& W. Branîd. Qrder yoîîr wiiter's soîpp>y of um 110w. "i >i~ wiIl sirely advance aes wîîîter draws iîear. WRIGHT BO Ilààrvvill - - Illinois.1 E ~Ivanhloe Items.J Mr. Cramton la at home sick. According boa statu law the school Jamel; Gainer, of Wanconda, was lu districts tu esch CountY have b«El 1 Do two in any coulity Ivauboe lut week. ha j.g . ame number. Our num- ber la 77 Mr. Meikle, of Canada, is liere te ý There ' were several callers lut week. attend his mick sou. We would like more. As the (jhicago Misé Ruby Simpson, of Cry8tal Lake, atores advertille during the Christmas toot in the banquet. 'shopping seawul --The bout time te ! come lm in the morning." Miss Agnes Payne bas boeu vis iting We are gradually gettiug over the ber brother lit Fort Bill. ý holidays und the azuitelueUtouuneuted C. E. topie for next ,Ilnlay ip: wth the banquet. We hope Do one wili loue aight of --Headquarters -Entering the K IngdOm." Niglit." Come In Thtiraday evenIng Mr. Frank Dolph bas j ust piirebuaed and disonu mattere. Coins in pro- oooker. pared -to elug and lime the piano. T TROU ANOTHEfi 1 ORREMPONDENT. AI r. James liyau w" a visitor of Mr. Thoinau DuffY last 8undRY. à The Deertield Schffll commerired last Montlay, alter the lioliday vack- tion. Joepyle, Our huatijng City lawyer im Stijl seen on our mtreetm looking for oignerm. 111.îs Francis Magon ham returned to ber borne ln Chicago alter ii,. vibit ln Deertleld. Ira Hole is stili borne from Canada and luteudo remaining the balance of the winter. Mrm. Will Smelzer, of Chicago, visited ber mother, lira. Todd two days ]agi week. Miss Marie Bieiinebi lias returned from St. Louis alter a two wook'e viait with lier aister, Mrâ. Henry MeEthone. We understand that when Ed- Muhlkeo family vacates the LeClear place, Bert Beater and big faiullY will oecépy the saine. Morne of Our people .11e-ded lh. bail at wheeting on Ne. ï..rý and &orne welit to Long Orove. Mr. and Nirs. F. R. Tripp spent a few Doult Live Together. Conatipation sud hefilth uever go tO- getber. De Witt's Little Early Itisere promote essy action of the bowels wisilous distrobe. I bave been troubled with costiveness nine Years," aaym J. o. Greene, Depauw, Ind. -ýI bave - tried many remediee but Little Early Risers give best remulte." F. B. LoVELL, Libertiville. . LAKE ZURICH. Flue oranges and applüB ut Einil Frank'o. Guêtav Fiedler was ln Chicago Mon- day on business. Chas. Scholz, of Chicago, vibited bis parents over New Yeare. B. L. Prehm and Win. Baosebing were Palatine viait6ro Monday. Frank Roney, of Wanconda shippel a car load of hogo from here TueRday. Jolin Rohl and Mise Ousta Etch. man drove to Quentins Corners Bun- day. Mrs.Henry Seip and Mr@. Emil Frdni were Chicago vlsitors a few days last week. Chas. Klepper and family vioited with relatives near Long Grove over New Yeare. All the farmers came from the fac- tory with a great big &mile on their laces New Yairs inorning. We wonder why? The Cousumers' Company bas ifs i Icé house nearly filled. They intend r to Io" Iota of cars aloo. The Bruce Ica Company bas Its house about half faU Md bu etipp" about 100 car lm dis «w«., Blown To Atom@. The old idea that the body nome. times noeds a powerful, drantle, purga- tive pill haî bee,. exploded; fur Dr. King's New Life Pilla, whieh are par. fectly harmienn, gently stimulate liver and bowela to expel poisonons matter, cleanse the ayetem and albsolutely cure coutipation and Blok fleadgche. OsV Me. Sold by P. B. ]Lov"wr.ýi4 0347941za ip9àloRA«. Long Grove cul 1 eh PU ou' 1 to ot] 1 1 1 ýtýîî,6ï; I.ÀkE. School oommeneed Monday. Arthur Blackler was seeu on our Weet4 Eunday. H. Bartlett and sono bave fluistred litting ice for this year. The reylval meetings belli tu the hurch taret week were well atteuded. C. à. Tattler'a laotel bu been com, ýleted and ho intende moving tu soou- Arthur Karues 18 again able to lm ,ut, alter a hevere ttack of PLIei- armia. Mrs. Joha Whitney, who bas been rery »Jà for borne tiine, la agglu able 0 bu about. why ilot bave a Party, Bocia) or son e )thor ammwmonv Wikoever board of inch a dend place' Paul Ray intends to beglu taklug nuato lossous or Mime Ritzenthaler next Baturday on thoir Dow Plauo. Quite a number from îîere attended the fulierai at Autioch saturday, of Ur. E J. Kabin, wiLo died et Wamb. Lugtoit. Ho was our former getio,,l jeacher, baving taugtit bore for Lliree terme and lied many trieudo. White dipping watèr from the hike lest Nionday, Mr. Stants bad a barrow escape, the water baving waafied the les thlu fmm lu trader and when lie mtepped uear the edge tire thiu les gave away and ho fell lu. Hie cries for belp were board and he wam pulied out noue the worbe for bis duckiug but very cold. LONG GROVE. Mr. J. P. Ritzenthalerdug a well lut week. Mr. C. Goetz la fiauling wood to the Beese farm which ho lias reutell. H. Couper lm dJggng a weil for %ým. Umbdenâtock on the éturni larur. Mise Ellen Gobeweiler wam l'orne 014 Mr. Chas. Erath bad trio wood êawed ti one day lut week. fi. wehrfAlberg a Vocation during tire holidaym. did the work. Mr. 080. Beeketaweiler, from (,'Lijea- go, visitert witti frieuds and relatives bore reoeutly. Misa Luelis licher returned to Higli- land Park hast bunday alter a vocation durtug the bolidayR. Mre. Wolf and ber two daughterd, Daisy and Noria, from APtailâic, vibtted with frieuds bore lut Moiaday. SCHOOL NOTZS. The acholars nad au exaluillation bY the conuty superintencient lest week. of course they wera delighted. Some of the gcholars bave pilori the wood luto the wood l'Ouse. Thou«ud@ Sent Into Exile- Every year a large number (If Pour autterers whose longs are morts and racked with couglis are urged to go go another climate. but thim ta costly and not always sure. Don't be 'Lu exile wiien Dr. King@ New Discovery for Consumpsion wili cure you at hume. ISI& the most Infallible modicine for r Coughe, Colda and aliThrout and Luug digeam on tarth. The État dffle brings relief. Actounding cure@ reault trompersistentune. Trial bottlestree. Price, 50c and $1.00. EverY bottlé guaranteed. Sold bY F Ji. LoVELL Libertyville; GRAYSLAKE 1 - PALATINE. Mim Libbie Rutebinson spent the fIrst of the week lu Chicago. blisN Thompson, of N'unda, was a guest of Mise Sobierding over 8anday. Meurs. Charles and Henry Quindle are visitiug frielid8 ln Minnesota this week. Julius Thurstou hal the mi8fortune recontly to full sud oprain lilh ankle bidly. Borzi, to Mr. sud Mrs. Ilbilip Mather, Jan. 6, 1902, a daughter. Cougratu a- ticus extended. Mina Jouais Eltitchinaou entertained a number of ber Young frieuda New yeam day, it beilig the eleventh an- niversaty'of ber birthday. . 1 HALF DAY lieautiftil winter weathoý the lirst Of thim weùký à,ir. JosqLý Churchill lm mick and Under Vr. 'l'ayloro Caro Mr. Cha8. Albreübt lm out lilimtilng buyiug eaive4 these daYli. adisa Su8je 3dangil viatted friends lu Cbicago a lew days reeeutly. Mr. and hirs. Chag. MillerS bat)y h&8 t)een vtýrv ill but la now lm- proving. Mr. WlAgani liad tbe misfortuno to fracture a rib au New ý ears daY. Dr- Lockyer attetided hile. Mrs, P. Bockelulanu and ebildren, Of Libertyville, visited her mother, Mrs. Luebbe a few days ]Ut week. - 1 - Mr@. Ben ComhinAii and Lisle Potter, days of last week visiting E, E. (j or Lake \illa, bpeut, 1hursday with Easton'm people et Downer'8 Grove. relatives here. Sorne of the young people lu titis Mise Heleu Raymond r(-tntned home vi,,Iuity attended a party ut Mrý Ott'@ Saturday alter a brief vimit wiLli rois- ut Da(,rn,ýld lent Tuesday oveniiig. tivea in Elgin. The M. W, A. camp ut Prairie View A danghter came to brigliteu the il, justail efficers next Saturday home of Mr. sud Mré. Jolin MYers s7ening jeu. Il. All members are Tuesday, Dec. 31mt. requested te ho prement. Misses Aniiie Miller add Katie Keep watch of your dog. Perhape Pttànnebtill 8pent part ut last week with your dog wu bitten by the mari ring bite. Gertrude Miller. thât pa@sed through here test week. Mrs. James Murtay visited lier si8ter Kili your dog If in doubt &bout Il. Mr. George belicid, et Griswold Lake ý -ýAn ounce of prevention ta worth a à one day the past weý k. pouud of cure." Mr. and Mr8. Sidney Russel and children tipeut New Yeats duy with Hon. Robert C. Browne One of the furmers parents lu Wankegan. the Most Promitient Men in Mr@. Montgomery and son Roy, of Southwestern Illinois. Chicago, are visiting the former'& Robert C. Brown, of Sparta, IlL, bas parents, Mr. and Mr&. Theo-Jore Wirtz. represeuted bis district, the 48th, for Messrs Theodore sud Willie Decker, 'six yeors, and was recently notifled of bis coming appointment as clerk of the of ivanLioe, spent WodufflOay and U. S. Court for the Southern District Tirurgday witti Mrs. Charles Parker. of Illinois. He was born lu 1859, and Mr. sud Mrs. Ed. Synder sud two bas worked bis w&Y te the top aimPlY by force of application. energy and &one, of Mouaville, Bpent Suaday with good commun senne. Alter working the lattera'@ pareu te Mr. and Mr@. Chris several years as a blackernitb, he Sable. htudied law ut nigtit and won admitted te the bar lu 18%. He la à prominent Mr. and NI raý Charles Raught and tuera et of the Knight'a of Pythies, the daugliter Nalle returned te tbeir esrn Woodwen. February home tri Witukegau tire tiret of the , ton as follows: week alter a pleasant visit ut liaught c . Pepsin Byrup Co., Debr Sire-prom areful and varied experience 1 risette Bron. te add my tentimony M te the merit Of your Syrup Pepein preparation. It tra Children Especially Liable. In many respecte equal te the services of a dozen pbysiciams. I have nanti it Butais, bruines and ente are extremely sa a toute alter severe Illneu and es a painfui and il neglected. otten renult in strengthener for the stomach and blood poisouing. Children are digestive organe. In one c"e in enpecially liable te BUCLL Miahaps be- particular It wu@ of estimable value In cause not go Larefill. As a remedy De- my bousebold, and it Je with plessure Witt'â WýjtcLL Lissai salve is unequalffl. thât 1 testily as te il& Worth as a ho nue- Drawe out the tire, $top& the pain, Bonn hold remedy. Yours reffpectfully, R. lisais the wound. Beware of counter- C. Brtow.»;. Representative 48th Sens- feits. bute cure for piles. torial District, Sparte, ILI. -De Witt'@ Witch Hazel Salve cared Dr. Calawell'a Byrup Papein and My baby Of eczema alter two P . erb Laxative Compound la sold by ci»@ gave ber iap," wrisée Jarùm Mock, P. B. Lovi=4 làbert7vM; Gzo. 0. N. Weboler, ffl. "the tom Wb» 80 ROBIERTS., Wb" wtu xunoo& bib4 a" 4effl 1.0 la adow. noctemàian Px£màoir, la 0*4 1 -- Vol. WE - 1 seen bore a few days mince. Ernest Beckwith bas been entertsin- ing hie friend, Mr. Becker. jobu Mgikle Io not (lutte am well, but Ci0 we trust It la ODIY teinporary. john orgaard bas been laid ni) with a laine back but 18 gettilig botter now. Mise Mary E, A. Bottgu, of Chicago, visited friends bore, a few days mince. 1 Henry Riiebker, of Wankegau, visited bis parents and took in file banquet. Ailes Lela Herrick, of Libertyville, i vimited frieudh in ivtiiiine and took tir the banquet. Mrs. Etinjuger and daughteT, Of Libertyville, elfflüll ut Ivatlhoe ()ne day last week Rev. AlexauciPr (lit Dot aTriv8 la ti[ne for the prayer ineetilig test w8ek and Miss Alice hillitil took charge ()f the Meeting. A nunit)(ýrofvO"119P('()1)10 ('fIvaliboe passeci a very ploadalit eveiling et tue boule of Mr. and Mrs, Everett %voile, of Rockefeller, last week. ANOTH ER CORRESVON ['EN 1 l'broc Chicago frielldm vimited -101in Meikle la8t SundûY. John Orgaard bas lieon troubled Witt, a lame back for 8everal days. The M. W. A. bave PONtPOned theiT installation of ofileer8 until Saturday oveuiug, January 18th. -Rutering the Kingdonl- IR the chriatiau Etideavor topie for next t3uu(lay nigbt- l'lie leillier im Rosa Siinpmon. john N'au Plew returued to bis school work in Beloit, last Tharsday. Tbeodore Vecker went back to Nortùý western, Monday of this week and Earriebt Beckwith lias retuTlied tO WbeatOU- SCHOOL NOTES. We Dow bave au enrolinient of 31. Charley Dolph wa8 ont the tiret 01 the week on account of sickness. 'l'bc second graqe are rOâding --Lightti to Literazure" for 811J)PIO-011- tory work. The Succe88 Club 98v6 a -Don't Worry" prograin on test Friday aller- noün. Anotber prograni two ',iOOkâ fro[o, last Friday. The lateet etirolluients are lindolph Port4r, Lizzie Wagner and Wilde Kiiebker. ILie two fOrDIOT fOUttil- l grade8 and the latter eighth. stel t 9 &V la dgnificant that in hSnu ci wealth whae lhe very bed la dernanded, Ivory Soag ls used ln the nursay. At the sam thne, ln ILundreds ci fanùlics whm uonomy d the "ce, Ivory Soap is odected. Thus fts pSfty attracts the rich; fts economy attracts the poor. Hfgh qualfty and low cost: is dure any better combhutim team foed eooXeT. jtý W. Cliurchill, of Libertyvi'le, wam 1 UALI 1 ', ""W ', a1à 'LeUer Bu eault otiter Six puplis were neither abaent or In caruy uuring the tiret three montbe 01 school and have reccived certificates De of award from. the countY Supetiliten- dent. This la the largeht séumber ever th bave receivud during nuy one term. AI I)Uriug the Blime lerm fast year, there l'à were none entitied to certiticaten Thoée reuelving certificat« were: te Harry Fooket, Roy Chamberlain, te Sertis Chamberlatu, Bertlia Kuobter, RUYDJOU11 PUYLO MUd Mortit FO&kU&. BANQUXT Everybody wu bappy. eÉ Talk about frateraity. Il was there lc in churiks. si Piano are alieudy being dimensmed 91 for Dext year. tc Let us Dot forges the waiters. , l'hey 0 did their work jopieudidiS. b Everybody spoise of the good work of tue decorating committee. 'l b ) Alumul came out of the ban- que& with atroces seveuty memberl. Approximittely one hundred et the batiquet, meaum two b undred next year7 The %%'ankegau Dally Gaze(le MY@ the supper was a --triumpb." We agré)e. -I came. 1 saw. 1 was c,)riýluered and bave been conquered eor since."- IL D. Wells. a lutereat la the Altimul bas Dot de- creasetl mince the benluet, but bas 8teadily increased. Were we a reporter for a Cbl- E cago paper, we would write up some of the pretty costumes thAt were worn, 9 but we don't kuow how to begin. 1 The present day mpelling came in for severai good natured Boorings. This ouly ewplàuJzes the faut that 1 -ýpareiLtà don't viait the sclloolg." The Couuty Superintendent in- tended to be as the banquet but got bis dates mixed and did net discover the faut in time te make the necceagary arrangements te sort thora ont. Mr. Marvin ln bis last issue of the school bulletin in speating 01 the alumni and banquet «YB: We venture tu say that shore are few rural achoole ln the stase tbat can @bow among lie graduates and former papilis a larger per cent of aucces8tui teschers, students lu bigher institution@ 01 learning. momberm of the Learned professions and intelligent, Influential citizen@ tban eau Ivanboe." Thanks Mr. Marvîn, Thauko' A Cure for Lumbago. w. c. Wilituuon, of Amherst, Va., saym: -For more than a year 1 suffered from lumbago. 1 Il nally tried Chamber- lain's pain Balm and lt gave me entire i relief, wbich all other remediei hàà B falled to do." B.la by F. B. LoVELL; » (,RAYSLARF. PIIARMAiýy; J. MEIKEL SHE'ÏqMERVILLe. Have yon been futuateil luto the cret of the ,Are yon Cold', Society? (jet ou% your Un pans and aloteli. ýils for the charivari on the night ot 0 27, th. Mis& Lizzie Funke entertoified b« tend, Mine Elle Zolevog, diubg the The grlp la prevalent bol i bStIs ýbt nov and aimant averybody I&M VI au attack 01 tbe unweioom ýàitor. Henry Hartmau Vin cololwate M4 "nlug of bit place of beaineme by lving a hall Baturday aventag, J". Ith. Everybody la cordMUy invi»d. The clay noie tu the old brick yu& florded nome, fun ak&Ung the i9à oek, and mauy teck advantne of tbe ne @port. Hermau Barobardt and Wm, Jan nd familles, hevIng sold ont et ai». Ion bore, moved Io Fairhayon, WèoW Dgton, where %bey lutend to bey arme. The railroad company hm tut«W m the ground for à new alectrb ýroming bel], which Vin be ru" te raine as they approach trou elUm ray. Tue bail in à vS7 Iule tao »É mn bu board quite a diaéaom và» when properly working wiU Lie » Wlent ilarning of dans«. At the counefi meeting uo«~d$Fl ýveniug tbe licanse quaction vos t«ý. ýU»ed and the nom of IM ipon, eyb saloou keePerý bu to Pu.. ýfie matter being carried by au unoak mous vote. It wu alto docided for Bconomical reanous thst the mervlou r the Chicago attorney bc diçpem«d > wigli. This probably in a good police lor au argument, but wbea visirod from acousistent etandpoiut,"It Ioda > un though bis services would 11bé V«7, necoseary. for the village now boing la lie infancy fi wili as different Um« bave perpiexing quoati2n& to offl with, municipal &ma otherwift. Md le in herofore a tact tilts the ombles and advice of tu attorney vise, go Wla, versed la âH lave partalaing le "' nàclW governmont would be vay beneticial le our village, and pelrellom, soinethlug May arise WhIch si am'! seemed but a %ville biLt gr"uWiy o& sumeR mapRive prnpntloa@4 &sd w hors» Il we ôonétantly hU & illlffl attorney ho would forec« uneja a calamit3r and no doubt; avoid the pS sibility of our trouenry beng mpiW through au attempt to praolles economy. NORTH NORTHFELD. Mr. Wick hm alteady moved go the Plagge farm. Rov. Fehr entertatned compacy ovS the bolidays. Mise Leurs Wesoling went W CbleMo lent week to work. The Plagge brothers sold theïr ferla nouthwest of Deertiold. Mr. William plagge sud famjly b&V*, moved to Deertield In their new bose 4ý Rumors say that Ur4(ieorge Ot"bit', and family are going to move se Park. The Long Orove Alliance Sunday evening with the North Alliance. Misses Lydla, Emma and J Huck evtertaiued their ginier &J over the bolidays. 'l'ho Migoeg Florence suit Unis attended a party New 'doute ove 1 Shermerville et Mine Anna KiestI& 1 liev. C. A. Koten, pester or Evangelical chirch toi holding a "s of moettugg Aiready me su 1 bave béen blemed and we hope will follow. Eversbody in juvlwdl , attend theee meetings. A surprise Party vas given la of Edwin hoebeitu on New Yeuft Nt se mauy came aà were lavi»" ho-se that were there -re - pleutiant time. Jus& ait the 01 was.dying hincheon vwmluts >erv which the guetite ci. parted w the New Year. Rov Jý fil Yinglin . Bedford Sc. M. E Ch tabi land, Md , uyu: --it a or a r ple*uure 99 recommend Cb .. Colle, Choiera aud Diarrhoeg a I have used lb and know'ôt e- baie noyer known 48,84 la il B. j"ýO à ;Ur. ý; Mise ýodder $peut New yeâr§ ut Denplalueg. 1 M. Hürenherger fi% Liaving hi& Ice bouse illled. Mise Erning Belig entertained ai' Party New Yearis Dight. W M * welâh OP t & lew daym viait- iug friands ln D:X.ld. Mrs. Bert Easton bas been fil the Past week but te alowly Improving. Mise Maud Wilmot who waà SAkela mick while visiting here lm Improving. Mrà. C. (J. Untilke and daughter Laura were gueste ut R. M. V&ut'O New yeure. c. 13. Enatou and son@ have now ninty-tive boardiug bornes and are expecting more. Mr. and Mra. Y. C. Biederissedt eu&ertaiued F. H. Meyer and famlly ut au oyâter oupper New Yezra ulglit. Mr. Oeo. Stryker wili move %0 Chicago and will make il; him Per- mauent home. Misa iiiiis 8tryker vill be married aliortly. Mr. and Mre. chas. Muulke enttr- tained Mr. and Mrs. C. fi. Esoton, Mr. and mrq. E. P. Eastou and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Easton New Yeare night. Mis& Katie 11016 spent ber Vacation ut Wathriaan, fil., WiLli ILOT. and Mrs. tiartsook. Mr. Hartmook wae formerly a pa»tor fil me Vreàibyterimu etitirch. soues And ailes C. PAL Morne: NC oirrict C Liberty Dr off Ice 0 son": 8 to Li Dr. H, phys a»mzucz ý Gurnee DR. A a A& Liber Smith & 1 found reg 8:00 a. m physi( Office on( of Day and j phi wé 414pe. LOI JINRIC LI VOLO. mr. williatu Stotiel, of Mcileiiry wafi in our Village baturday. t àlrjï. August'l owniiend, of l"'Irt 11111, 8peLit maturd"y in ý 01 ". 1 Mr,3. C. 6. liumol, aloi Hose ttu8Ou were Fretilont caller8 Friduy. 1 à1r. jofin Jýiehar(lmon made a buhi- Deés trip to Chicago moudayý ilarry Graham, of Chicago, vimited lit George wait"i the paât week. 1 Mr.4. Latira flusou started for M., Saturdity to vi4it ber ëimter. Miéis Eibli Swith returiied to ber j âcliool duli,8 lu Chicago S14turdaY. Mi8â Naouil Vaiey fiaî reisignel ber pobitiou in jolin lýiLliardëoii'8 store. lienty Sta(litlel-1, of Harvard, made bis parents a brior Vihit the palit week. Lee Humon milent Saturday ffnd sun(luy wiLli frieudm lu waukegan. The I'fembyt(-riau StiulaY b('11001 field thelr üjection of ,tlicerh L. IL wiltuý)t, Supt., Mr» L. c. liole, Vice Supt., 18ai)tl Ilieciermtelit, hec fw-kenIar-,k, Treaà§. Skating 14 qUite in FeRIOD and the yonug folk of Deertield (Io ilot uleau to jet this tille opportuuity pa8s. The ,clay hole- (lown at the t)ri(,Itynrd the scelle of M411Y a jolly event. on New Years eve blisa Julia Z bu'$ Munday mchooi elas8 and a few others met ai ber bolue tu hall tue New Year. Thy played game8 and pulied candY. Tiiere were ahio a lew choice solos and duto. At twelve o'clock tLey gave sonje rouming cheerm to greet the New Yeur. LEITHTON. Mr. Frank Dyer wa8 a Chleago vii3it0r fharaday. Mr. and mrâ. 1'. I)uvimpil ýere in Chicago bloiday. Mr. Jay Allatison wa-4 lu ChicagO OU businesti Saturday. 1 ne Di wi es Si ar 81 VI 0 Mr. John Krucktuail tranbâcted bumi- was in Chicago Wed]2e8day. Mr. El t'uder8tock bas been visitiug -elativem at Long Grove several dayâ. Libby & Dolph mhredded corn for Cave Grinitti sud John Kneknial, thid week. Mr. (jeo. Auderman. 1>1 Chicago, 3alled on relatives bere Sattirlay and Suaday. Mie& Ida Kruckmau iq able to be aroundagainalter lier long miege of sicknese. Miss Gerty Davison, of LibertyvIlle, vietted with ber cousin Gertrude GriMtb last week. Mrs. Jay Allani§on and Mrs. Dave Griffith visited with Mr8. William Wneeler, of Llbertyville, I ii(-mday. Mr. and Mrs. H. DWelIV, Of Wau- kegan, spent Christmas and New Years with Mrs, Dwtlly's aigter sud humband, Mr. and Mr@. A. La Madelaine.