tIatihey onsoyed br fhewtt. at clown to the Pl..o. ho would mel p ansd lnetreeu, or relas.excmsîns: N LY A iFARMER'S " oîr ,aron ise Mk F r ieavena salie, rlndoimk tisai horrid noise; yon have flot a ventige ~ TJ3 3 F " lEi~. i of voire ltt. Do get op, and ltlMiss D A U H T R .Ey re sing.lier perforinrnilaisworth s îig me sonîiitfing'?' ý Nu, i '. l uot! 'Il ctWinifred, a gril -y one day, trars of vexation in her By I os-If sou cIinaîdinire thse eauty orf I es vîîging. 1 lobe it au ia ompît- AIRS FORRES TER.mont that ou.,hoîlrai'se nie." li1 eur Mis E:re, [r.iy iont ie vltnt'ai il Mr. ili u.witi a mas- . .. . .. .tii. s s n r . - ' i fr Ona id YoIrtemper lu jI itlit qilît t,, tr' (Cliytorts ex- CHT ER PIltXII.-iCoatinoed.) bis oaria10 the ohl' roc*h luiv filr. iiiîîleinue bias tirrul ulrend3' front Osn(ber rlkro frîui t hoeili. W jifre'!lt insin gs touuk big hostoss.and I.. rd Her-bc'r lkIi a'fluiniluc" ,vent, a s iVn. boticustoum, lu t heoliitle 0111 foilio a itb îWi iifred. lliey sot i-tiilis sue 10 I lu' Ieii aogol b bave aittint roon apoitelo to the us1e of Bide iiy silo ut dinoer. ood Eriol f,ît an livod w ii )iii so litif' ' 'tiUlfred ex- Madamse de Miiitolieu. ,oLad i rac e "as if ho eoold .rîytaXke bis es ff lber. iiîîîein abot , kknri uliLIbIionsbip of aitting Ilire' toi itho ltbeinthotibth. ,$lieo lieu]tai illiedl osith L I.iîr old her frienl. Site ws utna vorldly wise "Tonbhi ngthe bootnt-or in a th OUnla slow. ainu.st eoosiog -ive , Mr. onoîgh yet uil)asnili fironîît iking up My ohild soi-i the ild FroIh lady; -you Haostings thought; andit omade is blood othter pe)ples quarvels. are as trI sil new I î~l,îlro',e. oul. Mtr. Clnaton ronieiiitiore i ber words, *'We ile had a fuît, vanter alr-t he Fitroi baili , o orse, neyer biii uissthondmilhuire mai olle arail er for chenu. ,Monion. dentiiiiii- a oîîîkes one fuel Eytre sîog 'tVhIe they weoî oito flic (To u-stiid. friait. Did vou bloh have n pleasunt drati ing îooloî h said to ber: 1--___ 411e?""I bear you snq very beautifully i MOSQUITOES IN LOUISIANA. "l'es,' sait! Liii!Graer on 1Ifinit Eyre.'t't'll you gise me tise phlorfu 7ou haro guithie 1lulies no u srisorder heRriagZ> olîr soieo?" ey A M.& sandluctivexad.. el that tbev al.t :, quiet os lamis. A t 'I do ont thîoh My iaging woald gis e 1 my ktîot ormo*l JetiEvans'gi'- :îîîî ail the i(redit." 011 S115 pliasure"sihe answerod, iollly. Yumytlaotvu oqi "lie aenta lii sec soitdrivît em ina(- ouare, ut course, aceaotomed lu.lie.ir tssto uliere lit ilthie rtlil."said a mcl the Park," rl Lain d iy liroro. 'liesayts bîgisîs ultîvated roices 01100 s îîly a'lnofByuS t.-tIfo sud witis s nos yset utfisarneso.and you in rude, iintatigtit, country one." pend t n htîr or so iihng In somte or thse front scal.t,tre o uoli!lDot lie a niore Heledo balk wooaded tao t ie l otr Loulisiana 'uwaîmp bayous you 4legait'turoi îîîta onin"cD ote and sinig. Winf i- X wîîld wonder htiacyouuever complalu- "Fancy su-h bîitîirani!scailefora ISiiilOiLord lîlil. et! ofyour New Il'reyor Staten Ilanad garmer*a datighir'.'si! Wictrîliiital' Stting d tout the piano, sho' sang ber mosijuiloes au auiîIstrumtiaî ot torture. zraî-e. liait rou ilnlust oiîhig plaintive oangs. one after -There are elglit or le dlffereîît va- Lady Genret'libr bout and drei tise othir. vi îî a pathios chat wenu 10 therîle ber towarii liriorîf. beaut of oih onea ho listeniet. She nov retesof înosqiutoeiliui'hed in chose -My dear. o lit il" nîî Ioo it ou eî'rsang mîore heaîtîfullytisan an tisat dark anid nolseme swaîaubayousandu are sot like :our-,ulf. Inîcer iîî'îîd 500 Dilitand Errol leanod againot the em- Ho malter wblrh tînt! sanîples you you ay thse" e u itooe lia', Nlr. Hast- brasure of tise alitua. where bis face Wu rlwsis t bad been sonneotiser kind, bol anylbiog ti u ois lb il? 't îîr mon- was sereened frottaobservation, 8sudifor It w lU aseem that no otiser kiîîdcould «er ta hlm aas Most h rilling. Did hoe drank in esery torne of tise voire, wiic bil e oas bait as chtisioîe. There are -aver Offenld t.o1?", ws flot onîy beautîful In iîseîf, but gray ifoquitotss long, galant, wolib 'Offenîl nI'Lady Craie bîoilouilt nbieh lbe lovet!. He nover lovet! ber b-h ooigtlws-edhbrw eq- tH aca b mewe,,m tîfore or sfterwsrd as bie loyed ber biat Ilolt olw-rdibbansqql ho I oa oraite eansi ot nigit, istening for lise tratcne uti se Il oes biack mooqultoos of a bluis eat But re %ie.emld l. h exquisite tenderness of ber voice. lantd otteliant la neariy green.Tise one AI frc clip rmblî. Wil hur Iien Winlfred fasIy îeft this o, tislai w-l taike you as ise moat for- aIed rnieroaid asy, ellepassed close 10 the curtain, and Errol mîdalîle la One ave raIl a gallinipper ,& daie" w lady flrn hesibe-o y0 51came torward. She spoke on tise impulse cdOw'ua tisere. aot!it resembles tisai -thow Ifaj ubl n tie lI bedo ouof tise moment, lhuroles lfseci bols In sîze sandmake- olâcen tIftaboit ieer iasedetween d "Atier ail, iny aiagin.g asa fot worh sIlU.It la eaaiîy bait an loch long In and ,fibafi aionid mkebe emprudyour thanks." body, w 11h a spreat! of wlng an loch da e el onard euhilI "Toudit! not ing for me," be answer- whide, atîd!a kit ln whlchisfh <trries (ta "IsaaedD ee l jiuiidin os teld. ed, bistterly. ols (bat la as long as ia body. "hi aboute sol e eljoatutied inavellberLaier. thinklng over tise esenta of the"Thiss eai-lully equipped Inseci mon- titrot a snyouech itbao; bua ave le evening. ise roand ifan utter Imposaibîl- 6teeaias achutieri s I(lae.Tise iiy ta arrive ai any deflite conclusion 81er lins a sal a gimlie, a lance anI 4MMer before ast wisen h lietst cameiu as to tise feelings snd motives aisicis ui. a suction pusap. As ho eau bore ibrougis &oim%, iisy met by accident, Hoe was fluencet! Winitred' conduci toward bilan. your boot and puneture your foot wliis basadigose and fascinatlng, and, I belles-e, Wahis presence really baieful to ber? ease and! dIspatcs, you may Weil imag lhe firai mais af tonandso! ireediaig aise did eiear an urleititg antrer tousard lue bow ranch protection clothlng or aTer met vitis. No wonder, tison, thse hlm for bis unworîisy ireatment of ber glovea are agaînat bis assaulis. Fortu- 1oov rOmaitie chiid tel] in love alshuim. long ago? sud isad es-ery vestige orthtie tltogti lttmsu 411aiseow they met jaraînsd lhe made love ise knew absi bat! once hortne hlmi Iatytoui.tssgat m qlo du «euse te rail aSthtie Farta, sud elletiedout? tn't polsonous. Tisecdantage he does to vas ai bome sîsue. 1 dare îay lie rot"h-" hl thoght, "I sa f0tot for myyour pisysîcai vamfort la doue by bis .4 fsfel 10 ber, large-eyed, graefl cbîdpinI t osbl ht1,o-o n eborlng and eawing and lanclng or tise i sas* ha sansd fiatteret!andt alked 1ale itnt 4! opso (n0 Ieohis. Tisat bsarbe lîke poutsdlng your 1 1118s Mes of tise world ahI. Sie Mis- worl!, souit! find myseîf eatlug my iearitishumb wibh a iammer, and lbaves ~a 'oloitIlfer love-for a romanti derotion, ot aathie lose of asismple ittIe court- spot chtisai ll lie sore tint! tender for ibea doobtlcb as b le fossib le brain îry girl? To-morrow saîl]decide my fu-t!ays. aba cece~e mghîhoposibe oleen tare course of action, sud if I see aise doea "Ail lise remalnlng elgisi rarletles areE .8AJd Couat gntean lker Inhumalestef. ofntrare for me 1 i sl selsool HIelfto full Of senom sot! villa teget (tfuviere 1 wasi Court, sutd ero humbler sefmoot ber ails indifference," . îî wîîî do lise greâtes bat-m Io tise e -bl vaise-t e-Iswaute tocare e-se At breakfast tise following mornaufgreis uiebtts ia !alI barcb-b miryttsuia bots Sir Clayîon and Lady Grace Far- raetn blbtthwrsofalav 4lu t btgs cauae ber; but, iolor chld' quhsar presset! hlm toa tay ountil lise eitishe emallest oue of tise lot. Tiis la a ci fih as so hurlent, as trUe isrsel!, se day, sud ho coaaeuted. gray Mosquito. net more thau an elgistist eoUld flot belles-e tise mnelaie worahîped 1".And noirw," sid Lady Ct-are. 'you ot an loch long, but es'ery place tisai he -sabo ulad capabetaatraiseYounig peopie'muai go for a long ride this. inke is tinger ln on yen will instant.- 'deme haesem, sd i lsi iy acrellovely morning, sud 1Ialais hut mysoîf lyir ise up as bg as a hickory nult tOm shmsoIF-Iamrnet et ai berty t0 tell 500uop witb my susand snd hiei learused as mret as fire antI pain lîke a botnet'. boy-ah.frounsd cbat, while ho wasa feigu- folios.," thug. Asulise eservoir contailbg ibat kgU love for ber, h. wtt, lu trutis, Ivo- Lord Harold! went ta order tise bornes. na taveoscno paîsy b '4119is rua" attention te ber cousin Flora. Winifred no longer rode tise quiet old bay lre hnafysek h iuec ,«t WasIa grievous blow. Perbaps bis 15f05 borne, but a bsndsosae ciestaut Sir Clay- lre ia l pcts iuec -uc. brenbt bock a bitter remembrance. ton bat! hougbt for ber. UntIltise provi' ofIt MIeo Imagined. w -&AImehe bis luaaidy eated -r helioae day Winlfred hsd nover liniber lirfe 'Tise experieîîced person nover goes a "I anbi nouideradt," j Crace been ProvOking Or o flirt, but of course fisinglta n tMouîe mestuito-lnfeciesj "I cnnotundestaM it, Lad Gr ti cose qualities Must have bora dormant bayous,"'otmdteLoiinn e -aa1Id. Twice to-day I1aaw ini look ai somowbere lu ber ieart, or they would t'ording otied iew oL esia uns ber a Ishonît! have faurjita nian could elreîbaie ovild p use tl idragt-lesa ieh as bis heat! tîidface Iticased i 'b 6211y7 lok wbeuhoe loved a seoman îlorl.Iuatotis ai a momnenyts notice.Tientnglxe!o slîsiaelrme Asnd! et-you may lbe rîgist, tonroel ule ride lhroîîcis aise flaliered and flirt- "ci ali ti tlck glas os on bis Ialinde. ber faucylug ihere waa Iilfe uorîgrîtet!stiI.oiHaodsu utudlih Certsugsaeîobai iebg 4a* bisexpression." emalitihs itog Hromd.ana b tir. Hssî-l îag, wlb iseîîîat aiv, acosci uagallnipper amosqulto*a kit e ofois. CHAPTER XIII. inengs uhe m'Vi isy nonclus does aoy ont' go flishi g In tîto 1ard Harold Eraline bsd HIeve ten T'he rtlemuut bas-e been fraugh ist o nolsOme places Because tise flsising la te sisy ai Endon VtaIe silice Winifrud bad! 11usd tiere, sud ctieisasa the esly iunsiîterahto tonjo> ment for Errol, as ev-s.iwaya goo!, wblle It nouerIlaIli tise ««@« landy Grace eeerhallîtuiregret ery turig enue, evory beatis open water bayous of Loulsiana. Plercis berPaselady Grac e ee at! o m ogr' einet 10bcig 1 Wilnifred'smind base, jackilis. as lise pickerel 18 callet! a9. bolaveway. Once, a-bon ste bald soml agreeshle reminiseence coonected do a tisere, and othor fis offtalc gaine Iletter tram isa, ise rend il. anti sigised wils bier altier companion. As they aere qUdîty are abtîndant luntchose t!amk, hearlY asaise laid tt dlss. 'Vnfrcd noaring tise park gatea, a fat-mer stoPPed slugglsis, rouI laîîg(ed waters, andth ie undeatoo wha th sig cuvnt. bel,ord Harold 10 apeak about Bomne huai- nhtaiengrfswligtode nonnd cuaeýHssan sd Mr. Hastingsansd Wiiîfredetiu!scanlrsWllo 10ae 'oere lse asasud e t iiet rode on. Errol bout down Insuard berth mosquto and! other polsonous "I know you are unhappy houai-i1 presenlly. deniizena ot chosee wamps te obtain a -do st seeLord aroud It y oe. "tusEvne, bave I no hope tchef sou tewbhuera' sport'- witsbis hisok and! -do ort ee Lrd Hrold Lad I ill Ivurfeel tinder toward me thon I hue. Please lt me goaa 555suîmîwbe for a 1 -, tinie, aud lett uncoue hei-n'.iut h l' t us! ' hii ns1' 'N. lle SIotlike ta MIetme." 'Iisser no titunt! feeling toI ard ou, tr. tFte alr ieslr do Dt thnk..> dartjlzt le nidsI r. Hastings." treofFhrTaltesIos sot isuism~ ar îlli li~ .t.n.s hen shahl I aay tî'vvindifforont? fu-elat! are prenuldal 1n tiseir warm hu meisngreOU ln ch mg a ef bi-î u as (an one belli feeling, tadifferenti' - man Itoreet. lie was a mon wiu, i b"is, Laene iiyliair ilii t' u tutm-il Wiift'od . a sl Limes, spkewith an englaging traiuk meisbAmld so o vbfom o rî kl~Ihid tuiunuu sp u h Re eeorbrusque tisu w as desirablo.la -utme A I ulboe fou 30e inl tos nt l te two tmntsrîng tise aboie A banker tram tiese t Eud et tin.s- liens sud ebarity? 1 as Oul~y ou nu its : il.and! Ibenaiau igist, aien aisesent 1tull-ce rîslihetl atiser Taylor's eburcist bonoret! by bis oser tbunkung of me; "'lu blier rnuluaise eru'd bistterly, andis t!1 t îlIiave forguittu a lite, ouw. antid b , uirilrabdh11: noauhyst !tin er drvsl au ro!ts sisouit!we Dot mI-tas if nuub a tbi n ,Ir.-e esl esnabl. usuoal rt eial n are h bait!neyer isippeul?" -jl'I(lo lue hl Ido loue bim. seuho lclaraîter Of tisetaeeting by ac -I wll elllimi- Ldy ifto sat; O hbeîi tu h-rseîf aver ond over ai, raulier pomîpous addrensa àh I ta imcha ý,Y eybiggii;buttlIe ex ulonan laaise tosaas cold Its put-part was iisttfliteuiisi ioi fie 'va I ohmthtvrady eg n d reîîeilent t10bhlm as ever, snd would princes of Bosto w cc a set-y bei bis x dybarilt hi. auriz har(IIY tojli biua good hy before be nMount-renit set of men, w iose w enîtisand le- I Tse nxII daThi'atrsMI, abu naimel und ruile a ras. trpruse gave emptloyaiet îtathouoands greatdelibt. îte oottg lueivi-n hi Th'ei- otProuuuu's 1 inug iîlituaii( twou tslos 0!uaI( saoeal sasd Winlfred usas cordia.l anîd unaffeuîe j ettons n tise saine hiinluwrtitg-ne for fslos n iatI aaoeal The restraiLil su rr off. auad tbey relaps %iafrod. fl the Iso ur Lady Crao'e. 'ris0tise duls' of seamen to sisows-tieir grati-l ,ad int au easY frieridl,Lp; et aiI nO arsud-t a tr.Cuto. utude ttueflcmort-bots.t -ib youg adydid "eur N'iuufred" (aise irolo lu th, for- AI fliteclose of bIs apea-is tise bauker 0f course, as soon as Lourd lHaroldl ent"Dosois Lady Crame Fuarquharbor0w os soeuh at laken Initalktoisn Fui beart! lis oIt! trient! ErroilUsatuagosuas apare you 10 lite for a su-e ..'Nlr. Cli'tîo Isler 'Taylor rose and! akeul, slsply: aftittCourt belietook h umantu arohobis tlbroaviblla un the Thataes for tise "la ulere any cuber inoor trosa np- msere u, aîbogishod asey. o nsommer, and I aîî giiig 10 sîed a few iownn ho woîsid lîka te gay n Word'.," mer tisefahhsaising day (13s8iso- refiie se go1t Islnfor tise 'I saolimost liîku-i suespi tis uth, uy Irpeel 10 be very duoisud Aua EasyJob. lo-îgi!,son, ud ue u l rde ort10 qitt.sotxif sou come ta me sou iliI A certain umembet' ot Parîlamreot bas Ieîiser tsi morrasu mui 0 o f course, hocîerfarnaîng an actusl ciarity." oxpresuset! a pronouncet! dlobellet ln tie says hure tise nigbî?.' The note ta L.ady Grace luas eoucised Mosi t fise wondertui talesf toîd oftheis l "0fcouse.sydea," adI, ar olat-Iio muchbttisanmeterme: "Do spore Winl- rode off. Tise day seemet! s ltîle duli ta fred, sot! pursuhke ber 10 corne ta me. My preco-'iIy ot chîldren. lHo contendA1 Winitred 5fller lhe hall gune. Sisdreadedihos.anl an,! utl issuhae quarreloul sud IsaI tiese orlea are ustsilly mnnufaci seelug Mr. Hastings agaîn, particl a m 6a 0 s terribty dtl.t ured by older potsona, toiti tise sole before Lord Harold;. ant!tht-naisevn Mabl i ueiol 'nfe!titisoaetot mkn mslgra!g -dered if ber name iuauld hormntianeti opentarma.bOnce of Saiissu-re, is tiseot-y me RlAVE STAYEl> DEATH'S HANDI P'ROF JACQUES LOEB. o'N nneutiehcutent made hy Prof. Jacques Lçuu'lunaitise L'ive-sliy of Cicago la te the cifocut (at on a minate sesIe tiese I-ret et otem-nah lite lalu iste Mpoenet ofnuanktud. Dr. Loeis deluvenot an st!droaa at hie foarteenthis als meeting o! tise Amen'- con Pisysiologucai Society ansi deacrîhe!a s suries or e-apeeienta vits abicla b. bat! beau eccîumi ris05 set-ee suiîh tishe esouthtie lover marine animais, en- pecialiy Ibose tuf the ses urn-bmasdl lie pruteoira papler vas estuile!.-'Tse Prolongation or Lite o! Cafurtlluot Eggw ofthtie Su-a Ut-chia by l'oiasnm Cyanlt!e." Dr. Leb mnaintainedt! ta bis ýxcllirents pt-ove deats (o ho causet! by tise vork of au actiso agent an lise cella 0f tise body suit! fot by thse decay oret lel- soues. His ebjeci usas 10 anussi theae tivuîy of tiiaagent and!hb. daims tisaI Se vas accessfuî. Untertiiaed cggs of tise ses urciss ere piare! bu a wa'rk solu- tion of potassiam cyenude ansi abaudone! for sos-et-ai day.. In ordinary condmuioua an onfortilizot egg dies in a tev isoum. deairoye! by tise deatb agents hem uviîb ut, At theienofeteral days tise ege were again oxasa- inet! sot! ere fouîdt! u ho suill capable of fertuiiation and! ut produclng sea(tisy "anias. In explaina gtise resuils, Prof. Loeb sait iat tise "mortîferous procoses" vers doe to the actions if cerhain feruintq et an unknovn nature. sisese destructive teut!enry suas uonlteractedt! h ie Potassiuma saits--Ciago Amerucan. A REMARKABLE SITUATION. ARVILOtJS FIAT «I JUnce Sa..'. Overnoiovng Treasury Ton i -FiILLIG DY 1THE --Q."5 Mucis for Me. Glagre. As vils prIs-ste itidividiîals, moat gos- -rnnentes ae cisieuiy conrerued wvus ut- 'isiog waysand niuns 10 naSe thise u coule ettheir lrossuriea sufficleîihly gîcol o meeltishe outgo. Italy lia peacticaîts saukrapi sud iber peuple are drives tu th1e verge or de-iper- atin ont! rehotiiou by use pt-ssu- ofo axea. Tise Cerman Emperor iv ai is wIaz' end@ uo devise meaus for rabaiug the monos- ueesssry tfertthe carYing vout jjj if bis pet gIiemes. Es-eun ici oit! John Bull la fin-lîng diffieuity in rasing the whiseevtial to meel isaent-runt ciionson, Tise grestesi prairie laud "fillbng"* so greai is tise oxpeuduture oousod hy tnovn to nailoade lu tise West sin uder the Sentis AfrniesotoSt -*av ou the Ciiago, Bumlngton sat! Witb Uncle Sama tise suxitty 5t-100 Quiuscy Ituîhrosd ut a pomîituas-n n as 'roms su exocity opîposite case. Ilisin 'Sugar Cnet-k," snt-r Ottuîmsva, lova A haine la ao mucs grealor tissu, isaex- alley sevenîy-onc foot tdeep, holarea tue creata o! iwo h iss2,(M 0 t sport, ià ba'isgiIhet!uap 'rise su'ak toîlirequire u28,000 cuiteyaîils tif goauiung and vilI not ho fiîiibt'sl for a rt-ar. ashiotgisheçgssn tn June last. At tise toup utone o! tise billa tbree' ai-sau hoveha tuuap cl:y in lise cars, ahîi'h a dîunrnly ente pasisî ushi-ne tisey uoiu'îuuuîhciloada lho tise volley 5A'iih onetla oauî'p'-rî"dupon the bullsut! tietiaIhuer ilport restle wîîrk tia bt-idge is îîuu-, ilalung as tue usuint ad- uauuu-î's 't'tl 0uttii'.ru itt u oupleted tlavilI iue 275 fuc i ta-b at titi'base. 'ro urîîv mue ftoelertuni l ood ,uî alera tobicis s., ruîsha oig Siigonrut-ek" thurtîiny-flue- 'fouit arceis)lave hi-en coaîraeî'u( One isonsreul anti fifu> tien acre eouîuloyoîi in t lir constructin. lq,-sit(ea tisestocu theo st-ch work entauttu J1J0f00bricks. EX SEcaITÀAY OF-TaRAstaRY GAGE. penas isnîhi. ta sîn box us ou it-fu,,i ng. anI becu îîîl" xu'î( as.to boa at!sisu of 01 an tnî.i nît ioust antl5 nr--iu suapîus'ltgros l ii itis, UniItedlStates ircosuiry fondau( s uaîe -îsîs! n-iS'c- t-otan) t,'t inJ. Cage nîîlîlu'ssoî( bunîscit overus bilt 1,i, antI i4 0u1 huitglu'! t, surn noT!u'r ,tht'1im.Vel bI.estîc M. situioe Neo m buue in tise btstoeY oa hi- T'nit- et! Staîrs baos a Seuni'tary oti'heIns uns hoc onuîronled suihstiaua o uîbhu'nî as Mc.Sisawumuaitfai-e. At a Itime sien lise oliser great couunhnuu-s of liii sutuit flou tiauusul vos ai thec nul ofthftiti-n- tellectual Osourcs tadesvuse urensfor atoppiof thi' ttenat'uilouiu nd o tni! tl gnousiug dehitatti' Utedb Stahtes avli- alîs le ahstoa bus' wt iillo0f uts enormoas surpilus, àn ilitihy swbiS is in- cressine ho leapa amui! iiiiu,W Tise svoilblo iuîsi huuîhnue ls noir about $175.000.000, nxî-tisie umthii $150,000,000luin tes rt- vfîînîl. Th, excesa ot receiplu over uxuî fiiau o ur tise ps-st six iiouihs lias bue'o îouîly $4.4- 000,000, muore tisuau(ule lise exî'oss for tise corresoinding six mooubî et Ias year; andt! iis îiespite theîo rueîion an abolishing of tise iterniee n orue laxes. Tise smouuuu of golti, tr's of ahi îlcînant!a culshanding. snd heu! o inthe îu-suury arnatnts ta 71 inOO c10 oinuî. Bosît!u'a liais thene ta $43,00,M) ltina goît!centufi- cales. 'l'un IiOt meaus iiysuli iii-Si-, rotary Mes bol lu -tonhisssou i s usiitheî' ns doctian otifue national ui.it. 'isaiir h la in ttoe f-i iiiorot Iai(. St-unit mlat-y I .a g, bouughthaii lu$4i;,Xtî,MuI uttrîl th ofsîu' bondis, lutit ueitiser li'e ii u hs ts oîîuus,'o ultnt-s gouinIuulutis thlei. Il' eait boy(ui tisua in Xrl, it ut s l nflluul, a-s;lt,'Ii,îln are sOlisfiul w ils lhiser s-urta-mit,]!t woulsibe i. osiderot! bailili,yfuir titi Secnutany to huit!agoinsu hiisitaef i.3nul ucg tish miéuîfuît- Iuont! 'Fie 001)' relief restuasvitii iunur-.. ii h muis ftiulî- îuetum u e tuitu rut u r(nu-i -ainuiI1 tumîî ha inu-iriubtuhtuiuuhI)t li hans f9f idollarsms siuiulî ssoîî u îluenu i(-%!( saîuuî hotii-ilop ia th, nstional tust RICHARD CROKER ABOICATES. Thse îNe-. b eden of Ta.sma» 11n1t l. LeIs Nîzo.. Iivhunut inoker ii nu longerthe leadeîr ofth 150 uisYonrk'iammany b1.li. Ho bas nelirel fron tisecShairmsnsbip et tise Finance Couiaitteeatn! sIli soon sal for Europe 10 ,» sosie for au Isadeffulte perlat!, Lewivi.txalhie succemsr, vas elecw daI a meetiag hit! atnrday ulis. IMMIGRATION 18 INCREASING. Mare lnssnlranta Lest Year thsu ln Auy tther 'toer((jure SCi, A reportof t hsu' umtter ouimîmigrants ta tliii'Utnîitd hotu s htu :on asbren untelby 111.n EI-i 't 41,î'îîh ininnu tf thý bu"te rut iuseîîg. osanuî uTh'e figilu-sl vt--'laIt lei- ttoI uîuîuur sr- rui, lng luî s i-ni us,'a 4S7.918,, anicih,ailis th luoxuîuustf t hi' o cr 11(1). is î(î luigisi hîîuvuug îoulu' nctii'1888. 'The fuîlî ig lbI- sîtuisu thm- uîî-reuvu- or uIt- i-se of llîî' ,m ii,- oftut ropi.: t's nailit.uu liy 54, flu'tguuuu.... 11S4 ...îîu iek . .. '-u. t t letaun l'a luIre .... 1 iAi1 îles-eu-e .. . . . . SuNo tusr. .. ... 17t J'nu a 1 . . . . . . . Sors (s hiii1, 1521t Susk nIn...i S,71 'tUMMeiKmt!. -M=l Total Euruuîu .... 424,700t 1.1Ce7 1. 41t Mll 14W) 2,349 'l 1 4 12,248 2,6l73 4,16r, .69 7.155 m9 F:1.2n7 '5,-M0 1h07 M94 r, vu :37 lft,72t 4,681 2'it 1,0419 317 002 4C91,12. 54.284 BW>LONQ AN1D LoAq OOin Illinois State u Aotos ?s'partng te Issas. Touai AsaailR»Port. The princilpal tenture of lth, report la the market! contr et belveec the Chicago associations andt! hose orgaiut! autalde flisa IctY as regarda earnlng csjlacliy, Durlng the pasi year the conspanies In Chicago, 301 lunutîmber, bad au as-or- age earuing of 16.90 per couttil, seise tise average esrnlng uithtie 345 country associations vas 10.55 .p.r eotîîm, lu explausîlon of Ibis tenture o! the r.' potthtie uditorsasys: "Largo expîsse acuuus, unproducîIve real estate holdings suit bases on soies ant! sPpraisemu'nlq 0of îlî saînie, s rom- hinatlos ft-oun Iu'ih'a îuîbee of Chicago asociatios hbise siiffturetl, accouits (argely for tl Iasîr 'ning rate of tise concerli na utisot uity oui conîparet!tit tise exiuit maide by tise country. Tise tact rosmu lis., lii suver, îiîîît the net rate earnu'îI ty lt' gru'ut nunjorlty ot Ciicago assoucitionhms je ah luiil 11('one1. "A. conarjon ifutthe figures quoted siovo suils tise inu'uuîne rveui froua otis- et- legitimato sa,!suente nvestnients lesst! te the concluusion tIlat ina calmenta lu tisese institutioins le sncb mot-e profita' bIe."- The report slsîatist $D,127,69.58 toas tisiutrsoidi îîîbg hie yî'ar us sOcOllt ofte ura umsî, os againot $8,5A,817.20 ln tise preu-tdiîîg yror, snd coe'rniîig tiss tise atîditir soyti "Tise dcureaoo un tise losna aset, uttapile tiss slosu bg, b, Iargs'Iy altrihohable ta the tai-t tisat i a niii(er of associations isoérotiing iiiininbex are enî'îurageui te as-ailthiniselvî-s 0f ibat provision of 1h, statîlut@ bit-bslîriits tise aplication 0f the toit(iuirasu-sIvainue o!flIme sîsaros plodg- et! as a cresîl! untthe joan.-' RETAIL CLERKS DESIRE LAW. Illinois Prosectils-.Aâaoslan Poe- fes-5s Orgasîzallos aititprlsgfield. TiseIllinois Itutsil Clerks' I'eotecîia'e Association met in Springfield asii por- tectet! Ils organisatIon by tue audoption et -roituititon andiiitis e sloe't is oftuf o porary ouilvitrns V'. Il.fNlao.t'if Ci'isa'go vas lect,îl î(îsirnîan anti().ar 1). l- ter-son of Koaunorwus'asiideu' a tcat-y, A uî,îîîîiltec uon rg.îaaîiîîn vasap- peu nt-il I t iii cia pluau Iui <f rIl. Babcîuck, Si T.gici(. j Jihsiatsa, ci. cae;.M'ht-aEsîma Laimipisre, (ialet'birg; W.V F' Keashirger, Sltrilîgfieit!;A. I, Scisreder, C'ictago; llî'ury Frenchs, Springfildît; J.T. llurtuîîar. Almun, sut! B. J. Bec-ker. strdu'n. Tis ommit btee la ho vork fuir a universal Suînda la3 uinig Iav %tritier hatise onu'in farce lu Ohio. In tise eveubnge Ie uit>igat-s 1 tbe con- ventiou enjoyetl s banquet at tiese t. Nicisolas Hotel, Adt!reaaea vceomaile by s uumheof et noiesi guons, mlclnlg "eVernt ottise cily officisls. Tise second day'. session elosot! v!th lbe association a member ot tise ts!. Federsîlon o!rIsauor, State Seeretst-y of tise Federatiors, W. I. Mrstue of Spring- field, perturmei t the.eî'rmiiy o! bt-lut litg liseInfant order wlîhin tise protection of tise iseger bod!y. Tise oly sîlisr huai- Vns a ccoutPlislied suas tise electitîn of melegates to attendl thei'Sîste Fedoraious convention, tee behiin Octobor in East St. 1,0114. vive svere ehuisen, as tualots: J. E.Ihit-mani tifAltuis, Emma L.npbî're andl Osmar lîoterorîn afor aî .1.ug Il. Johsoan of Ciciago anti He'nry Frischs ut Spr-ingfietld. Tise convention closet! afttr deeîdlug teho ud the lent meetiug the fit-st Tnest!ay la January, i19tf. THE OLDEST MAN IN ILLINOIS. F-iadsM. A.th..y Cosasta HI. liirtis days Abose thne Cetury Lise. Frsncis NI.t, ulony etfMI'esn Ciunhy claires toeho tise oldeet msn in5Ilinotis, sut! his friezida say that lho has the docu- mente a opt-ove the tact. Mt-. Anthony lu noto in bi» 102d year, andt! isre ia ey' et-y onuinsry inidicatbona tbot bis Iamp of lirc su-il but-n brightîy for some lime 10 rme. The cenounaîn rc4s Wi suîbbis ulaulehuer, 'trs i1). C. l'reenaanon lber fine tanna tbre mures sius etf Blrîouuung- lon. le su-onu-i inl tlso I inty, Irelonti, on MIv S. Ilul. an.ouuîmai cquunî- 15 lins bren su foîîatr as lui lise mu breeo centuries. At tbe a5ftor 0f lUe emignatoui1,0tu tu ucountry su-tub bits ar- enta, suho thiselrves livedt!eblho oSîr (O sears oI!. 'tIr. Anihooy sers-rd asv;i coptin lu tise l'n'h reîllion tif 11(57 tua Canadas. lie fit 51t am,- ta Illinoiuus mn 11,73, au-I aas v oi-fus u "r,lv îîurs vils tisee outlryaotlllninn tuua t ho n-uI cl usto; titînu' W- lisse ail ot huisfaulturs. audtulkslvetihirlulin- ingî) utfte day a (un thm" epuîblum toos ln the 1iigioning ouit utslite. TROLLEY CLAIMS MANY VbCTIMS tsolensd (011, Tu.o, Figure Prou,u- ni.tin luAccIde.t Rirod. 'heisc yery police report ofam-iili ast! accidnta![mimthinbî('uigo lu onth lu 11901 ft-e w-onu 24 ilu-ct ru car aîuî- dents.,1(à3 pîrnsulbiiag njîînusl. lu noventy sesencu oau'u ilcthu ri'saltet!. Cas- oline andi oit rsuîsd 1-14 fini-s, ninrîy- it-ree by theo cxplolsin uof taoa.s or aloi os Five peuple ave-rt ,uîrun uleats sot! lavu-tly-lt-ret' haîly birrî'(l'lThonu-I(rh for 1901u î'-uuupunu's tii uruiuly ustubhuaIâ of lfl00 I(iinit EKIlOthe ubo ituuag. e- saîiof fnîîm gas(lo.' firs os ,$l'o'SSSiias agaunsu $41,9i17 tor 1(11 b I Ef tisene tocru'117 g.usolorxî îîus.r.-sultuog un Injubies tu siaty rigimu lersnsi tul filen fuitati tii-s.Suriet i(inorcuients vnuîmiîr- col 81Hl.1>12 ihemsis lu, ug injoru-ulan!d12 tit lB . FIX ON ILLINOIS SITE AT FAIR. Directoire Granut (pace,.quai lanlus' porance te tisai fos Missouri lie, TiseIlîlinois Wonld's Fuir commission made stiufumhîiry arrangemnuts uslb tise building atndlgrot-iuIiv niiee of lise I.oti'ibuîa I5uinchuuue EpîîvhioCompnpuy of St. Louis four a site for theuIlîlinois buildiung. Il la onih-ntooul, altîhugh nat oficialiy given ontl Ibum t liii'Illiinois building av(Iiieocuip) lu pau-ooîquai lia prosahuence ta tissl gis sn 10tt'(,Missouri Shate bîuilding comumissin. Iî s-it ble locatet! aouiîevcrIienu uantise NI usuari huilding, abichis ustou e one o! le ueta ROUTED 8V DISINFECTANTS.b Important structures on tne grounds. The members of the o mmsson oxîunsss-d Clevelandt! (eaBld of lie Awtul ihenmacîves us 'iuisfied w-ih this(îlu. (e.uege of Smallpo.AYUEDYT PN After heing siaourget! sitis unosuai se- SLMRAYT PN vurity 113 amuliox, Cleveland,. Oblo, I la ucrable lasanue InetiiOloset Penela nuis-fruc feulnailuittruies of lise liOtihence. -isaestet! lyCoaline, '[e iîo-suîhî ha bî'rn irugt aboutulîy lise Tise trusieus it ther insane asitlia for it-so' 0fofuraldeîyt!e as satisinifectîunt. the iuruurshhî' ai Puorba bave coîîîtu-îo 'TI' hm-tii-sa momhi3et! bauo len s tsar- ail lise arrangemnots tor theeîunîng ut tuîgis fumaigatioun of aIl intertet! locali- tise inasltituiona ouFi-b. 1. 'rhe inastitution tien5 xvuthîfurmaîuheiyile gas, tise procesa vas îsorouuebîy inopeu-îruî uni! tise ruin luing e u'su'mld us uten as l~e sutlt-tles nisiorsa anaouticoitise followi-ng an îisougist ni-mi-svnt3 - JIutgt'd f ou ise vîru- tisenmore insîuunîonî ofthIe siapiulmoita: Iu'fle of (hoeîii.lini un 115 guvilnlho'CiiotcerS, Januus IL Couvay, I'rorla; uaiy. ookke'rper. J. S. Stin, AI'lot chier ln dismuuansing tise efeus of lise sYate- englncer, 0. GC Itu iii Peoria; asaisi- matiut aork of! t!bnfiutitag onlt'ed bY unI engînu-er, Franuuk l'at'ier-, G<ieihbrg; thu luslit! eprpmînu t, lin. IFridichs sait! matron, 'tins, tC'B. 'in.-u Pehoanua; i-hit thu.ît for flue yoass rouviuuuus to a 1101 ý4p> carpontr, Jý S. Gitloi, l'u'rîuu stre' tsitunhle cityliai]suni-ver hum fmoe fratn kueprr, Rosmue Ualnturt. 1,ltsIIelec suuaihîox. Butuseetu Janîuary ani! S'ptom-tico 0 . Wallhace'.iutui. beîr ofthebo ast Tu-Or 1,200 rase-s w-et-r______ ueveloîtot. The public blhî officer Thse(tale Miuj le uotedt! ta i esery case usiere uhe ton- Admirai Srbloy ssiIh bu.' lii- gui-ahsf thse maideisyde gas synlesa bat!itoon aset!an maryland! Society an Mluisit tIoChicago, ut dislntecitilna nofurîbenrcasoere l'e- TenwHrio tetplc tto pet-ted fnosp that Immediate noîglitor- is e OeuHarrion court.et plie atato bsond. lHe tiseretore recommendet!d wU .l stmncur.lt»e It tisorougis tnd! ystematie dailasfttion ofa"etxeettut!Wabsh avenue. evatry bouseandst!every enlore ultinia Wile skatIng ai Dnuang sand P.NM the nelaais Soot! yes'camas et alo tm t *3 ian hamrotsky iseo" vers 0" atreftt. e eisaipz rogo me ke snd vas deoyissd anlcAT 7aIEDE 0,8 Tise ilrlede serlal globe, vbicb viii bO io tise World's Fuir nt St. Louis wb tIbo Ferrîs visol us-s, te Cicagoanasd thu, Eiffel tower te Parla, vîilb h ie lars structure lu the wovar nd tu!ili reMAl IX permnentattraction lu St, Louis $s the close ofthtie exposition ln 100. a la lu bea sgreai obsevatin globe ~' steel, yhlcb vilIl ower 700 fout abat. "J grount!, vilS obsers-sinry toyers 100 tasI-. bigher. llaaging or suspeasuid garda...ý bIis sup lu air, rates, music balla, pI0 gsrdeuoantu! sat-lonsother deviens te, socalamusement vill be, provided'for. A gret osclisenna for conventions viiibu part &f Ibe-atructure. Itrom th. top et tbi. giatt eel bildi!ng, ta ha rescbed by aixteen rapid l eeatuurs, thse city, tisa greati weep o! tise Mississippi and tisa vurrouuding romnantie rural saeune»~G ba seen for tblrty miles troada!,Thea causptny organizedt! l exploit Arcbitaul F'miete's ides conslisaof nome et tise vealtbent men lu St. Louis, anad tise globe vîlI cont vises finîisbet! lu lb. sejilh' borboot! of $2.00.000JO. FUNSTO1N HOMIE ON SICK LEAVL Gauscal Who Captured Agnieala A,- rives antS"a Francies. Birig. Gen,. Fred Fuistasatise Kauss Who van distinction by ctpturtg Agul. oside. arrlved t asn Francise Ibu, day atternsosn on thse tramnspr Wasm os tva o iuhsis'lck Issuet shiames. Gais. Founati,yWho unalen'vMî is ae- tdon for appeoictif ln Menia, ib sai suffering troim tisedises» »d ae6sw operation ujîl hanisecessary. Darling *9 general'a absence in thse Phippinse a non tnt!ier toas hors ta isim at Oaklamd. Cal. , yere Mrs. Funsiau ln nov sta.ybg. Geeu. Funston'a plans for bia bave have uat heen mamie.lHe saidt! iat tbsy large. ly rest vi bis vire. Be waaglsd te bear of ber good isealtis, and he viahu ta take a trip ta Kasas aua soon as ba la able to travel afler undet-golag a»- oîber operatlon. SENATE'1 BLIND CHAPLAIN. le- '. MMilbua'a. a Failiar Wtgua' on tise St met* uf Wasington. Rev. Mn. Miburuslaons of thse bet knootn sd mont universally respae4 men la Wtasington. Every morulas ON THE WAY Te T5ig CÂPITOL, Wblle Cougres u n huaeesslnou le au b. seeu ou tise sîneets juat hafore tise Bflea la calledt! t order. Ho nsualiy la accom- paniet! iy bis uwo uaugistera, CUPIO IN ROLE 0F SHYLOCK.- Demassais *06.66f for lIas-h Pis..ad of Fireh sud la Awarded $60. A Chicago jury grautet! $1,500 dam- ages In tise bt-crisof promise cage of Lizzie Millet- agilat Henry Iluienlng. Misa Miller suot! for $5.000 damsages, «ds am pnaof tisaIse usas entitledte ta iat - auna, derlurot! sielo lst liity poussai la aseigst dorng tisa toto aeeka fao-vlng' Huoninga mat-nage lui anoîher vomais. For ClIs tesson theo nase bas been kuova as tise 'ît.I("(ur point! case. Misa Millert- tuhme stand aud em-' pbsthcslhy cuonadicteci Huening's chio dîf-s-tit lier aoaset!dislS, ofdo melle nespanui!uuuus w-as the cause ut bis refusaIlu îuîsnny bu-. Suiesait!, eà. biu nover mou, le - tIt'atemouta attzb- ateui 10bon. 'rhe vert-dcIglisobutî $50 for uais, Pound! utf desis bt. A Germn Colony tue Okiaisomua. It la roportedt! iat 40,00Iacres ofraN î bave been purcisasot! lu Oklaisoma. uoff wilcbasGermas coIouj' of 1,000 '1.1W wiii aaasa ho settiet!, Coforat!ê tai for, lb. satm.cias et settla1o, tisais tate. vblch Ma" b. taise iS tom 15sd un plw TAI1. id NN "m i a thiisi IF18 ot da tram d parla o etable blem 1I davniu1 ive bot vhen Il vomas certaiun frienais but tise %se." ifIL- table C "M4 oi - f