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Lake County Independent, 14 Feb 1902, p. 1

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.,AJ E D-OITNT INDE-,PENDE-NT. Vol. X.-No. 19.. Libertyville, Lake Cou t~li nois. Friday, February 14, 1902. SI.50 a Year in Arh,~na- Just a littie+ ab selecion di= y'outhav vt oked Thbl what you will bavetoa + e f.you czn mery bewgau1a«»jof SPRsçNsîANDî uUMMER 4 SUITINGS 1f. =erbfi ewâ moma 1 tatIamn peepaed t tii«y ee"y tase. 4 M elU %ew a atestim o &atobwiw md Whie" effectm which wiU predorinte Over 400 other pattera thougbs no * cwour eed confw ort t my "tI md p+ Sa " 14 andp tlsrght. fit f.~rme take cuaiyour cleaning, pieu,' fing, .hýg STEVENSON LIBERTYVILLE. TAILOR: Fred Croker, TAILOR. OVER Schanck's Hardware Store, Libertyville BENIJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY ATr LAW, LIBERTYVOLLE -ILLINOIS. 801lf09 BLOCK. .... TfLSPWNENO . s uoa l$r. Charles Galloway. Officeover Lovli'sDrugStore EousewaIPSoU 1 TC 3 A Xes P. X. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trlgge & Taylor's. -o0Uas-- f te 10 a. m. atoteà and 8. to 85C. M. ILemidenfé an Broadway oppoite Park Libertyvîlle. Illinois. FORSWANTED Highèst Market Price PAIO FOR ALL KII4DS OF RAW FURS Chas. Stempel, Long Grove, 111. DEC 13 ta 7913 lR MISS FLORA COLBYý PHOTOGRAPH [R. Libertyvllle, - - - Illinois. PAUL MacGUIFFIN, &ttrney aud (ouinsellor Et Law. NOTARY PUBLIC OFFICE Ovrnt LARE CýorPTI BAXI, LiberiyvilIe. Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over Lake County Bank heour: 8Ste ila. m. and 1toa p. m. DAlLY Libertyville. I. Dr. H.0. B. YOU NG. Physiclan and Surgeon. 8E5IDNCZDOPPOBITE LBUVAU xUTj Loo1. Gurnee.- -- ----Illinois. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS 0F CHIiCAGO, ha@ openeil a DENTAL OFFICE At Llbertyviiill, Buter@ Block, ovér Smih & Davi' store where ho may bc toun.! reguia-iy on Wednéadays, froin tO00 a. m. to 600 P. M. DRq. 0. utGROVIER DR. DRUE M. GRovERq Physicians and Surgeons. Offlce and reéldencé three doorB veat of church, iRockefeller, Ill. Day andl nighit calleaunawered promptiy. A pLà3 iclau always ut the office. W. dlspe.nn ar own Medilcine. ; auïo-d -STUDIO lm ____________ £ ke LoUD, k STEAM LAIJNDRY. wRIGIITDYMOND&cO., AiL Work Neatly and l-en Intereat Bering Certifi- Promptly Done. cates' Payable on Demand. Individual Respoaslbilty, $oo.ooo. Bond .,Bros... Ldnt. - 1oIllinis. iAndrew Wagner AUCTIONEER. LLIIMlCOLN LUS K, Salés conducledin lubath the Eugilait AUCTI ON EE R. sud Grusau languagea. ~~oIlis - Ilinois. Succaîstul sales ured vhare éaup)[oyd. à vhé cotemp1mtins aklnga sami. ussst or add u-e4lix su-geai . ,,. - LAKE AS iii AS COOX. Blir Crôwd WitueumeuFinish Fights et Fort liberidan. That pool rooma at vertti ladolng business vîthant anoyancead finish Prize lights nt PFL Sheidaare amesaeo the Lake Couaty spoetUng man's caioadar. Just vhat bua becomo ai the Lake Connty Otisen'. bagne formol t Lake Parus for Stu avovéd Purpose af keeplng 014 Lakeé Oounty moraliy correct vo know Dot. Jual et preent th" a ote have thîng deidely their ovn u .a Ttroil 9f thé motôny ofipuce ainoe their returu tram thé Philliplues, of. licersansd soldlera of the Twenay-ntnth IlifalitrY, cheered the spillng of blond la the mou hall ut Fait Sheridan Mon. day nighit. Six prise boxing Conteisa formed the programme for the aveniug aud in tva Of thoim .0141er aspirant. for pugiliatie honoa. er. knoced ou$ and carried tram thé ring. As the vanquished flghtéra iay uang.- leum on the mat tundrons of boys la biné shoutéd and vhistled for thoir victierous comradéa, thé dia swélled by cr0,4. of otyilans tram Chicago, Waukegan, Highland Park, Liberty- ýllle and Deerfield. The pragrai Monday ulght wvu thé second of a serles of boxinhl contesta at Fart Sheridan this yéar and consid- orable critism la advanced agsinst snob entértalnments vuiere knock-out-lighis aré pérmitteil and AMissionfées obarged. 1Ilai.aeértéd, howver, by the offlcera at thé pot taI no army régulation eavers thé master. "Thre se noa rmy régalatIon reiatiug ta the.. affaire apéaicaMli,," sald orne oUe«. '.It voulil b. ln every cause éjudg- mént af thé omeecra la command the& vouid contrai." At Fort Sbérldan thé contestearex permltted under sanction af Oolonei Thorpé vba la ln commuaud. Itsleana Innovation inu t Ille braught avér trom thé Phllllpines by thé boy, of thé Niatit Iniautry. Thé mou hallaut the f rt vwu cravdéd with soldierusud civlisa& grouped on mess tablés and atonie &round the ring1 éréctéil lu thé conter of thé big room.1 AI CuIlisou Of Wàukegan offOIt.d as référé.. Ohéérs rang through the hall, "heu h. announoed thé iras flght.l Thé Initial oconetée aatéd but oné round aud a halt. is vusft asd ltusnsd vas won Rip Priva»ta l bhaaatfour uluntea. Prîvate Artrambo vug knocked ont ln the thîrd round of thé second cou- tet by Pr valu lBrand. Alter tha twa knock-outa there vas a buzz af auziana conversation, it was vhispeced that thé officérs adilor- du-ced thaitbe remalnug Ucoteta ho iftuiteil 10 tour round@, vlthout kuoek- outa. The retoee a moment iaster su- nnunceil that the remaladér of the pro- gramme would ha "haoxhng for a de- cision. The crovi lhisseil st thîs but there vere no more kuaek-outs. Lewis Buru proved toc mucb for Prîvate Lyon and thé latter'a aecouda throv up the apoige lu the thild round. Thé fanxib fight vwu declared «-no contéét," sud thé 1111h, hétveeéd er- gesut Buhéraul sud PrIvai. James Fee vas an intaresling bout vhlch the raf- eree deciared a dcaw. E.WAUKEGAN. poings et the Coeury saut of Inte"-ot Nicbalis Bidingér, a realdeut 0f Waîîkegan alucti 1865, dled St 1:25 o'ciock Fclday ight et bis home on Sheridan Baud. Death causumnated au ilineae extendlug avec a perliot two yeacs. the ageil man having growu varse two weeks ago. tVhile ho hadl a comnpication ut troubles, hi. latestl Attack vas beut failuce. Mr. Bîdinger va, haro ln Foison, Rhlue, Pruama, sud hbli val outil April hé vaulil have beeu 75 yéars oid. Inu'54 ha came in America andl thé saine pear lu Chicago hé marrisil Babara RIein vbo died hirs in '91.In la6ithIey came ta Waukogau vbare Mrc. Bidiagen et- gagédlnluthe salion bualnues hhch ho fllaveil unîili1891, vhan his sons Frank and Augual bought hlm out. Juilge Jouas heard ascase Saturday mornlgtbal"rocaiedold times'îoe his mînil. A. county judgé hé va, caliel tu bear evidence producoil hy States Aty.TaicotWho sail that a conserva- toc hé appoiatéil for George Tiffany, a man vîthi vbom thé juilge as a boy clerked ln Tiff any sud Luas' store. I1ý was a cavé sbavlrng boy one bail proitél hy bis appotunlîles sud thé other bail gens héadbong 10 tbe dust. Tiffany, a collège éducatéd -a- vitRi aIl thé ailvautages lu his youngér lite appearadin l court a pbyaical wréok trams drink. Only on January 27th bt» agéd sud eateemned mother paaaud avay. Yetaqiay Tiffany vas Ilued for bolug druuk sud as hé bas about $1600 vartit of property loft, nelghbee thought l boeutouhave a ommu"atr amed. Dr.àîbrachieubsed ompWuia Thé judge usmed Chus. Gorbm (louaérvalo.. RSld thé inumwu"iaai BAiD FiIT (GRAMMAIE Four Hors« ]Born in Gardinier's 1 srn. Four valuablO horsen anfiocated lai à lire vhih m emannldoee ar Gardi- hiers llveay bliAr aiGryaukt 1:30 Weduudwmomaning. BpiltrsanoUs eOrt the local volinuteer oré compaay eelined thé daâmés 10 the One strnotlé, ailthough Dr. E. V. gerveys Une Slence w55 St lèverai times la émtt danger, as vere Othér né.rhy =_dluge. fjudil beon leu quiet s a ioportion af irsys- lakieabual .Ullr oud ae been avépt away, ag the ire vas in thé hein aof a tittuey thlck.iy atnddéd vlth voodes lntréé, lu tact It vas Only lbrouth O"sr yack on the part 01 thé local Mli édies théfliames veré checkéd, de*.b Other favorable con- ditiarn. Tva hersesbutned blouiglng t0 Builoeka livol t* Waukegaa sud vere splendid animais. A driver vwu lu chargé, bit, abrougli a 10.4 et Young pée oui t ram thé couuty mat to Stiui A dance a& Grayalake. Another haies belonged ta Water Bd- varda, and Mi.Gardinler ovned thé aIlier. Ilt aual édho hait heen offereil aud retuséd I 10 for hibhrnse Tues- day. Dr. Harvéay liovéred thé dlames about 1:30 oofig*and immédiately notilieil th.el4 rd. Mc. Gardinlér ramhail ont la ht re baet lu hapés 0f llberating the borea, but m hé openél thé ar hei W eeet of dame burat forths, driviél hà* back. A général alam a ratioS id then h vas thé local tire émpm#gol 10 vork vith auoh aLdutlrmhb érgy. W hile thé1 110 are a tl)t b, Mnr. Gardliuoebhà barn inauréil. 19 la bard Se en a.elve ho, thé ire etartud. The Ubn va» lcckéd se- curelY and M9w G#tnler bsd ta force thé looekbeféSi e MSuld open thé donr. PcesIy à 0194r &tub lgnlted nome etraw. DowIet« »«W" edtoo Quletly. Bentoult« 4 GW like Dr. Dola method o1 dlitaacf bodiles Of thos. vho diet*ionCity. il eaiok too mnch or ~ ta suit the«é apen hearto aud tbey are golg saPU 11, ILt Lait Mdll Pe sapper", va. ive as o!a. W. Frr, ofsea $be Nàu a - il Cary. It vus leaI tell Ihst Dovia bought four lots lu thé cameqy, lu vbicbhe bas héen interrlng bis deadin lu scb a quiet manuér 1hs1 theéoemeteryaso- ciation doeanual Rmaor0f hountil tbey se0 thé neviy made. gravés.. lu ardér ta kuav vitlsud vhea boillesav@are trred thore, the ladies' aId aociety, lu conuton wlth thé coetéry asaoclation, bas votéil la purchâsé a livé tout trouionee.asd placé tg about Ithé tva acre tract. Iran gatés vill ha put up ad easx- ton yull ho appointas vitose duty wil hé ta koep thé gales lookéil sud de- liver thé kéy ta parties only vbaune kuova vho la ta hé Interrédin hothé cometery. Ait laId. théra are about 22 or 23 gravés, tva af vhicb ar, lu thé pan- pri lfield, thé reniaainng lu the tour lots bought by Dovie. Thé sextan tram thé stueé hé lisap- pointed vill hé abllged tu kaap a care- lui> liaiofa! IIibadiles lulerreil lu Bau- tan coméry Sud Le tunerai eau enter untîl thé record l18Umade. The fence la ta blia a uhtautilioue, to coat about $500. There yull ba tva drivé éntraucea vilh bugé arches. Convention lDate Uncertain. Thé Republicait counly exécutive committea ai Lake caualy bas am yaî net no date for the cnunty convention, lu tact su far as eau bc ieavned bave nlot oonsidered tihe iubject, although il la genérally belleveil an early cou- veutiou viii bc bell. Mcflonry conuîy républicana vîli hl thelr convention March 41h snd lu seorra othér ecunties convention@ havéeen callel, ltu act are belng bhell esniy &Il avec the site. Sundav lichool Inatitute. Culer direction of Field Worker Ç7. E Rcheuick anîd Mr&. Id. 8. Lama- reaux, StaSe l'clmary Beretary, was bell a normal bible l&Ualtute it Liber. tyvillo Wsduenday. Thoro vero mocu- iug. afttrucon and eveulng nesslouii sud ail veré hlghly instructive and lntérestiag. White th. atteudance vasual tas large sa adbeau anticîpateéilat ail sessions, pet l vas énthuMutic osudi- ences vhloh greeteil tespeaker@ and nowvivgon and lite vas sntbuaed ln conseqnonbe of the Instituts. A Caohier 'leatifleis. Genlemn:-After tiiuty yesrs of "aansd pains causel Rip ooumtpatlon brought an bp é.d.nt*hbite, I baye roumd more relief lu swa bottlea of Dr. Oulol'a BYrup P@pdb m u of aithé huadrala aiof tom iwes 1bave ftit.4Msd It**0 PlUe églvlas 70ou ts m.iap, = Fig ou have us 4nat gegartfos efor m- ÀOED- LADY FALLS DEAD. Coroner Taylor Hoids lnhîîucati ut liirhwo-od Over Remalos of IN[a. Mary Kingston. Tburaday, Feb. 69li, Mca. Mary Kingstan, vho lîveil ltbh ler daugi.- ter, vite of Masbai Moore, of 11gh. voildrappeil dead wblie la tbe act af aslatiug ber 'laugliter in vaahb Ing dlahé afler the evenlng mnta. Mca. Kingston va. 75 years of age and apparently ln good heaith. SHie had flot complalusilof feeling 111, lu tact vas chattiug as @he proceeded about lier yack, lu a mont cheértul Uanner. Suddeuiy @lbe gaspeil snd aank ta the fdoor, dylng immelately. Coroner Taylor vas tsummoneil aud heid au Inq unît, the j ury reuilerlng a verdict af death from naul icannesa incident ta olil aga. Il w vaoly aluce May that Mr@. Kingaton bail liveil wîth ber .daughtar. coming tram Fou du Lac. Wln., wvhere bier rematina vire tlien for Inlerment. Third Death ln Sainie Family, John Knopf. Jr., d(ldltLonug Gro-re Tuesilay, of pnuemonla. LutI veok vo uoted the deatb of lits father aud mothor. af the maisédiooses, wvh lived onauna adjoîiug farm. A double fanerai vas hell sud the aId peuple, who diail vithihu a few houra of each othen, vere laid to et at the saine tîmue. &gain this wenk tue tamily waa caileil upon ta sacrilice another loveil one sud John, a min hast luIllfea prime, vas barleil Thuraday. H In vite la nov aimost conatautly at bier motherns bedlee sud Il la feared tliia but s malter of a fov houri or day. oe déath vîli &gain visit the bouseholl.- Thé afihoteilsur vivora have lu thaîr nepeated bereavemente the éanuoéî sympathy af thé outire eommunlty lu vhlch they live aud éverythiug pos- sible ta alieviate their îorcow Iseheiug doue. Lent la Here. Lent began Mouilay, sud thero viii lie aml lulI social oveuta for a tMi. Thé cules for leut sasrendIn luCatholie ehunoheas uaday are exactly imilar te those of lut year. In part the regulatiane are as fallova: résh méat May h ei aeI 511 masi on Sund"and sune, aéb day at the VAefeiUalon ulMods u oSpè Baturday of Emhér véék sud Hloiy baturday. Fienh sud 11mb ae nutalaliavei ai urne meal. Custom, tolerateil hy the cburcbi permit@ coffea, tea or chacohata, vithU a amaU placa 0f breail. 10 be takea marri- luga. on.lom allova the use of eggu, butter, milk, etc.. ai eveunug collation. Thé foiioving persona are nat oblIgea ta fut: The sicRi sud thosa lu féébié eahéib.omen uuralng child- ren, &Il angagedIn lulaborlou8 andl ex- biausîlvé occupation&; the young who have flot compieted tûeir tweuty-tlcsî year, sud Ihose wbo have ceacheil the slxitéoth péan. Tiiose excusaI tram fasting ou ac- confit of *geoc bard ishor, may use fliéh méat mare Ihan once on the days ou vhlch Il la aliavel. By su Induit oftIhe lStb of March, 1895, vorklug people ara promitteilte use deh roai once a dSy on aIl fast aund abstinence dsya of thé year, ex- capt Fridaya, Asti Wadueday, Wed- ueéday sud Saturday lu boly weak anil lhe vigil of Christmas. Another Olil Setler Gone. AI HaIt Day occurreil the deatti of Mns. Kaîbrena Millet laut FrIday, st thé adlvanced ago of 88 yeare. Deceaseil bail lveil lu the vliuity of LHalf Day aluca 1855. ShLe vas tiret marriad 10 Mr. Engel- berry sud stierward teu Mn. Miller. Sho bail beau a vîdow anvaral years, liviug with ber ouI, son, AT. Enzel- herry. Thiua ara tLe old achîlera paaeinig away. Aimas: avary week va are'i casled upon la chrouicle the death of' one or more ai Ikoaa to vhoam la due thé houar sud crédIt af orgaulrlug and mslntainlng thé hait calluty lu all Illanoia. Do va realiza thal lu a fev short ypecs uat ane or the se pioneera vii hé ewlth os. Soinethlng< Thot WIII ho iOU Good. We knov of fia vay ln wlch wa eau ha of more service 10 aur ceaderti than ta tolil tbam ai smethlug that vili heof ai egoal lu than. For Ihi% cea- sou ve vSut ta acqusînt then vitti vuist vo consider one af the varybat remédies au tLe markat foc cougbs, colIs, sud that siarmlng complalul, croup. We refer ta Chbeiln'a Oough Bemedy. We have usad il vltb aucb gond reaulîs lu aur tamily so long that 1%lhbbcome s bousehole noes- sily. By lia prompt use ve baveu't auy donbt but Illat ilobu limeansd &ainluprevonteil croup. Thé tatimcuy la given upon aur ovu expérleuce, sud Wé suggé.t that aur casIers, especIalIy those vito bave amaiebidren, siways keep It in Sheir homes as a mastguscil ugainst croup.-Camdenu(S. C.) Measen- r r. foirsmleby F. B LOVELI., ihértyviflé, <inAYaLAAF PUIAIACY, JMEK L, vsuhoe, ]B. Au Immune. As by vaccination you mnay hacama immune ormte tram amslipox, se by tmklng Dr. Caldwell'& Syrup Popoil% Yau vIl boclmmune Iran constipation, bUlIUaa ,dYm»pepa, sud ail stomsch sud R1troubles.60oc sud 51.00 toWua.L*0X by PF. B. Loaia., TO 111E WOMEN.e %V. isilte aîiluuî; t4-)-te t i lleil 4)f tii- i( iiiitY the a rri val ehofîîr NEW SPRING WASI- GOODS. The lino ls the largentat ni rw.st -ornprei>engive ever ,,xhibitied in ibis .uînty and eitajne many pince. la tIl, latemt coior elfth ate facy BA I ISTES--.ORiDED l'IiMITIES 'nercerized stripàd 1:BuDERIES and AIZABIAN LACE MI'LLS. SEERSI CRER TOILE DU1 NOIZD 1>ari!..1'. C. liINOii&MS and fancy MADRLAS. AlAn a copletseline of IXHI H (i OODS Sncb as ISOlA LINONS -LIAO S - VMB(tiIRICS and LONG CLOTH. LACES AND EMMROIDERIES. %Ve bave long been recogized a.4 the I.- ulece lu this liue hoth in aasoctmeoî. qualîty aloi prîie. iir stock today liuthe largest ever dispîyi1 latii-i .îty. This la the tVme tbdo vour aewinu. This le the place to bue' your matýr1a.q mserLoW PRIC Telephone No. i09. Waukegan, Ilinois. CALL AND SEE OUR LINE 0F Steel Ran ges,- Woodand Coie Copking 5tô've Also a fulll une of Axes, Cross-cut SA, -Wedges and Beetie Rings. 1 carry a fulli une of Glass in 4su ssucs. i-i î~ Libertyville - - ...IIARN[SSES... ,SINGLE lIA RN ES Single atrap . . . .. . . . .. . .$ ..... . .« * - . . . Foidéil atrap ............... ...... ... ...... Single etrap, nIekle trdm.............. ......... .................m Single tap (extra qtaaitty> geaulue rubber trlm ............. Place Your Order Now for harnesses for spring work. We wilI gi," the order more attenîtion anîd bave it readjl promptly. Pricits as Iow Libertyville as uisseî with good workmanship and' C. H. KAISER, - - - - Illinois, e CROM IWELL Tours foc Cash, E. W. PARHUKRSTI, BLOCK, THiE. 20 T~I CENTURY CASH STORE- liasi, :ît recelvéd fOS mie- bîlucd salte et Me SPRING&SUrlr,1 CLOTIiINE 1ltIv a lîtîie early 80a q abl. bîtuSomr Oathng bo wlheu yoiudo vang hhem l have tue goode fran $S.«@ $14.00 a dulit. Whou you vaut PabSim* bave the McMlilIen and 0" god makes. ,Prlcéé Ileà ASleTO BIE THE agW Combination Button Cuit 104 s- -Vl4V iaivemse FO ti.0W - . --& lis rxuvc:ttit;u. iLý ý ý . , - ý i,ý -r ýp $1.50 a Year in Advance.' (118ffliel -4. 1 SCHAMK

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