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Lake County Independent, 21 Mar 1902, p. 5

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T RAT av wlth ilus' frm, eiastic step, tihe ruddy com- plexion, the brlght eye-wlio attracte attention becau.seot bis very healthiy appearane-is a user of our groceries. Thatle how he got bis marks of distinction. His heart, stomach, liver and ltîngs are all ini tiret .1aâs working eoiîdi- tion. If you want to be like that man use our groceries. You wihl iiot find an iiijurious qutality in thiem anîd thse urices are away dowu. TRIGGS & TAYLOR,' Libertyville - - Iliinois. fi Speclal 5ar~ain~ Ini a S'-Colid- iîaiiîl AdlamiiSchaaf Pi:îiio as goosi as îîew anîd a gîîod bargaîîî for auyotie whî, caliu ea secolihbaud i îîtriisiit. New Talking Machines on exhibition; sesehis week.... Bring in your c(ippers and have them ground. BROTIIE; Libertyville, Illinois. Wall Paper,.Nf Spring designs on exhibition. EN roil 9 is 1902 desý We sell borders at samner per roll as side wall. Paper is cheaper this year last, and more beautiful in design. We are headiquarters for paper and window shade the latter in ail colors, from 10c up, in- cluding fix- tures. SMITHI & DAVIS, DEALERS IN IPICKED UP HEPE AND lr 1LocajiItems 0f Interest to Libertyi ,IIW'ýReaders.; C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. lia Effect Suady, Octotuer m0, 1901, st imiSi a. Ini. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. VEUx DAIrS. W paie [Jeprt Fom Nw [)pot.Arrive Mt O@W Dépot. depar FromN.W oCah.cag~o. Arive LIIcrtyvtlle. !Leave lirtyvle Arive Ciclago. yNO. îis.. 744a. Mn. ........... 8isua. i. 18 .... 75 .M ........ 5:d ............i2:1 P. . 3:44P. M. *é ..2.. W20r. M. ...........liI5 9«P*" 17'. ..<5:06P. . nCm<aP. M. 14-P 15 . M ~. .......:4P .1...85 * -ls .. 6:0 . M. ........... <MI:54P.. suNDAIS. RUNDAII 13-... 2:10 P.. ..........«rte. M. NO *.... 75a.M ............ 9:0S. IM. 143e. . . . :0 . ML.sia TO CHICAGO. PROM CHICAGO. VEZE DAIS. wuE£ PAIS. Dopart PromOld0WDepot. Arrive et 016 Depot. Leave Lberty ville. rrive Obienso. Leave Ciieaxo. Arrlvs Lierlyyile. NO. ». i.. 5I M. ...........71:36. iL. No. l.I 55....... :,&M.<Sai& . ô ..... 76a. m. .......... <SS.fll. - 141. ierp.m 4:3* . M. . 15..12:goP. M. .. ý........ 140 P. . là ..... 0P.uL . 756 p.fl. NO.iaI ..... 62 a. M............ 7:ILM:DI.NO.l ... 9:3I L............ 18IlJS. M. W ..... swP. M»..........:0 P.lDM tram Sainîday. Chua. Lyounbas a Position lu thé vire voîts ai Wankegac. m. Ji. Wheeler left Tueeday noon foi a viahi ta Us daugbter Mabl ai (Cham. F. 0. Wels, of Lélt!, Xian,.@Peut la feu days lit et vét itU bis biother. a. . Wells. Biet Ausiu acd vite areaspndtng a fév veeks lu Chicago vith Mr@- Austln's parents. Tas collecter MeredithI islcrnéd bis bmoots Mndai Umvng coiiected vithin about $SisJof thé total ta' Oft Iis tovu. Bée tue fiuest Dlinof ai pZmiluiIu- eîy éver shavu li is lovu ai Mia». F Pralines. Just recelvsd. A party of surveyors bave béen i vi sp gr (ý bis p.operliou L$hW oue dita Ere I Davis. At tUe CaLtlboitéObU!d ibis veét a mission la boing heid. FallIer J. J. Docaber preach« 95@WY evecing sud usai attend, I>dIIcatholilcs&Bd protestants. pabfl Donabér la a brillisci avatar aciffli arnesi speaker. fis discourues se»MIIY sPOILeu Of. l'lon. Corielittusa@ he coniraci for improvineuts onUn eOHIBaîimunfanm coutit of tavu vhMsii ili aggregate about $13,0041. Dr. II0der80n vWho oves the soutb a latof fa rea iii bulld s nesideucé sud DMN»O(oller lupiové- meule amotingtcPsOll, vUile John 0. Neumister vho oVfls thénonih litait Of the faim yl speat 35,0>51 an bis Pro poged rerideuce as bains. met heivéen Lake Bluff and Libery- Inquie ai titis afOM 21-4-p lite. Biter Mary Domialia Buiger Sied Miss Blolce O. Fuler, ot ChletgO, BtundayinleChiosgo B, Merci boapiai Ipeut the laut olUte veet vitUhoneraitthe agé ot 72 7010 uSer au ililuasof psstdpareuts, Mr. sud Mru. W. J. tvoveets. DssSkÏ»dueto oid @ge Fuer. and giovîns inkm!bis. Tbe décodent TUé Ladies AId ai tue i'ieabilériau hâd been connso" w itU Mercy boa- humob i iil mesi vltb Mrs. W. C. pital for yéara. Usow aN a @laer o! rovn nei wetTbnisday atternoon, Mre. Patrick Welob a9 ibis tavu. lai f ardU 279h. lltyiy iemaSite hM lhboed luthéeme«. A. M. Baltani le boue for a veet vice af ber Lord miSalister of uexcy. wItbhbie vIte. afler au extended vos- aduinisternfll t ie vanta Of te il ère trip luthe Itereste a1 the St puand tScontforting W» NmollicC us cane the ire be représente dyiug vith vhom ébe carne Iu contact. TUe Ladies Ad of tUe M. E. cbUech Carl Flo t lvi»i a sStunais and wili givo a 10 cent tes lu the cburcb paluful accident 04 tue Iacaroni pariars ridai atternoon, Marcit 2, factry Tueeday. fSe vas wmlasitlg in A. cordial Inviation extended V)a mi. uperatiug a kuagUoSUg machinesmed Dr. ilîbinson's uoreiug sermni iu~le sIn ous manne! 1I*hrigtit bad wvs . -.1 the..gh,,l. w A-die »Ui FAIM -fREIlNAIL Lîbertyvîlie kepublenns Have Warsn Cauicua. No Contest Atuacg Deutocratu '[vo esucîlses vexe béhij Saîniday lu the tovu ball thé repubiicans geltirlg togetber ltu basement 0f tbe building sud lUe démocrate itld forth upsiaits. iteptîblicais vers oui lu large unom- bers, 154 votes belug cae n ae ballot, vhîis thé demacrati boid Ibei usual quiet canons, no contensabelug ou for ani office sud ail eaminaiioiis being by alamation. H. B. Eger of the repubitean lava commtéea calied lUe républican cau- eue to aider. Frank H. jusi vas citusen chairman mud B. il. Miller B@«rotary. John MeCareticu and 0. E. Churchill vers appoineéd teilers. A nation vas crrléd ta vote by ballot for candidates for nomicaionr. On Informel balot for supervisai 82 votes vers osaitamo 16 différent candi' dates. A. W. Walda recelvtng 52, althera tram ans ta, six esch. The in- formai ballot vas made formai sud Mm. Waîdo declared thé nommne. 95 voles vere cout for tlave dent of vUlcU Fred Oaoker recelved 94. on informe! ballot for caileclor JAi Morse récelved 61 votes, W. C. Acen 28 and J. J. Porteala 46. Then fol- iovéd a formai ballot resultng s ifoliava: Morse 82, AdIeu 10 aud Porteona 57, tIns givieg Morse a clean majaiti. For ighvai commisalotier IL W. Bultléy reoSlved 72 votes sud IL. Epter 65 on thé Informai ballai. A motion vwu made ta procéed ta formai ballot. Anothér ltaithéu Informai bai- lot bc deciared formai. Belug unabis ta décide inteiligenti balvefn thé tuer of myes sud nays vheu tirai mo- tion vas put te chalman caled f or tho, formai ballot vbich resuiied as rollovi: Buitiey W.), Epter &i. PiFed (3em ens fr co sable sud (le. Wiseerfei achool trustée vere nomi- nated by acclamation npou suspension of thé rIlles. Thé chair appoluted E. H. Smuth, Jay Ahlansan sud L. B. Haubi towvu 1oommitee for sncceediug yean acd ithé caucusaiJuned. Il iIEMOOBATIU TICKET. As etated ths democials vuted 11111e lime iu Iheir canons mau nominations béiug by acclamationi. TUeIr ticket Ws Ir uperviser .... ., W. E. Miller Cleit................. . erry Flaben Collectai...... ......C. Frics Aceesor ....... .......L. B. Behanct Conmilsoitrs of Hiighvays._ .... P. rauk Wiimlcgt oil Constable................ D. Limbermi A tchool trustee ............ M. (.iîerin Il(LxsIt AND CI700LETOR PV t.t OF'. A Oerry Fibber, democratlc candidhte foi clortansd L. H. Scbianct foi colector mppeared befote Cierk Croter Wall Parer. We are agent; sfoi. the celeb r;tted wail I aî ><. of Alfred Ieats à-,Co. Thie paliers for îjîxality and excel' le'îcy of designs are ad- iliitted(ly tie fiiuest 0o1tUthe miarket anîd are soldh at ri-lit îirces. --0 Wel-m!7 Carry i stov*k the Iar-gest andî iîost eoînplete lhue of wahi palier, window shades, tariîets, rugs anti iiutttinîgs every lrutglt ilito Liberty- M'lle. __0__ 14 the tinte to Select, efore the lins' gets brokexi. ban"ptg WarkiLng,' d at utght "eK *'*a d b i 1 rnm1oseved fromtlihe___________________ Ch he toJ à c oi crsathe pBq5mcd extendleg *'inldngaman," vitidisube s ,run e h llalhebad eu tickeTh. b wtn Committee li, l)oed lait SUndAy aadtaiehnds'edUo aehm Dame tn place 01 Th .(. .C il neatbhilIt WnsS t tirait ear@d ie oband vauld t0dGoBehOry The . C T.U. III011etathel ie. eta e b m de.Luchi 17Do L.. H. Schmfoks On tillb ticket. 01 Mis. itta Bille, Tuesday afternOol muttd Marit Iltt i hit asitv. Afui ai erde vere eut tlioughtme vere tare, m.rb25basall»tto. fulst-and ti 8n namdeeiied passible bc viii Republicana oi Lîbertyvîie. tendance la ea restly rquested. rgain the U e of hie ba d. D is. This las republican t nla flme a Thorun R Iussel pnrchssed a lot on Gaiioway and Taylor atended hilm. the West mde of Brainerd court, ig in It in oueat thonseiJuries iah i ii and caunol il be In reel.tY? IDe said for M. Pester, vbo proposed erect- retre a le, days ta delermIne Ide h1i e50~5 arm l ug a modern remideece thereon. amputation vii î, feauy,bunt it leimportant that it bc made Mani-- 1.Plester test veet rdd oi everytiig posible la beleg doue testâat Oui mutinai lova electioli, as12dzW Per prsnigte aml t-mlIoI o Save bis biand. The lad le but 16 thîs election furnishos one of the tiret 1 o rpesrpeeîigtesml Chard bis reelîteece and perty ousiepm toi tbe poîltieal napîmanîs. and lhue of the- St. Lo~uis M'f' Co., bought at a Scboot street for Mr. Ohards eiity lu years of &ge. white the priieciples of sueh, vho arebi sclitfO reia pcse beno o the oId (Jbard farinui et edee mllk tu bc lhe camieg paver, May coi beci isoîtfo eulrpieeal st station 1 Get Tagetber Republicanti. solldiî imed and tUai ve easy hope fac seli youi a first cliss garment, at the price of St. Patrick's day vas observet lIn UThe fact ihat tor att but tbe mînor thoem ta îemain vîth us ve muât show the goods. These Wrappers are made front Lîbeityville vih appropriale servicem love offices therc vers two or more ta ibem tbat ItlaisOur Party thap malles a tbe Cattoiou ircl. A dance large- candidates ln the repubîîca cc um %bt airâtîmi tep possible, houces Is fast color percales, eut full, with extra wide IV atteeded, 100k place lu tlUe Tavn Satuirday, sud Iu every Instance mec Important for à untted effort. 1 bave shirt.4 and deep ruffles. We guarantee Hall St. aPatrick'@ cight. ot sterling worth and ablty, cairuralli bacc plaoedai tUe besd of oui ticket tett etebs itn rpeso h De ya xrcS md r11reaulted let @ame lively contesta, sud against my vimbies acd I tear for tact leit etebs itn rpoeo h cuDfruI'tras prtmed pce vuhte r a. [bat vas tbe place of due consdeiatioli, sud medissenslin market. Usual price froua $i.oo to $ .50. andicoilet articles bave become tamaus. for "cnesa"U been crealéfi lu %lie paut, sud ifAragdl tw lo. lu ibis% village Ueo. Fairbanks re- Il vas a -Clésu eut' canoces. There sucb dissension muat continue I vili ragdi w os aire presents tbe conceru mcd, hra makinglaagttt mypl oytehebd balise ta bouse caunvas@. yhie gods. 'vas no Sap pîlcil aiany urne.atIa tmiapioi aiebs Ever uoine reolvmi suficentofthie ticket, Wbo viii accepi defemi (Je..A- Wright acom-p.-t.d D. C. m jorlty ta dispeliail daubt as ta bis kindly aud Insiead ofthte creation of a ve ry Lorimer, local agent for Lunds Land rlghi#0ta aplace ou htitcket. ANe0c, taSontbfakot.olereaouabe repblicn eaufole th8 5 c a n d . i. oo . Agny oSnt aoa eving raoal euli mctrtecombinatinof i u li factions. But for 'ign. Tuesdy lion. ir. rIaia oe- lghteat excuse for cot abiding by the tue sake of Our parti and principles 1 Plates i ýtn nlndI btcu-décision of ibat canons. Persoual incerely bape tUai a united effort ty reeuefor orne defeated candi'-easy bc made foi the balance -et lheT HF A I Aedrew Cbevalier vbam ve simied lundate for nomination ahould nul aud ice, s thcî ret veli justîF AIs. ltapt eek8 paper atisauiiedFred Fuvicwi l alcier an excuse ta a tune A.eW.ectf LLj, wîthout provocatiau. takem exceptais repUuiMan for "seratchug" tbe cholce AW ,L, Libertyville. - - - llnolsi p rice ota tistatemeet. He dlesties e ut 01,a mrajorlty ln the cauons, ___________________________-____-----_______ ay iat bc bit ick accidectaliy chaice la ane emlceuly qualited, us Scharni Noies.- durlng a goid ustîîred tussel. 1lte Case. The 11gb Sobool viii have a base- 3. Pirce vent ta Western lIlin A f ev alleged republicaes are par- bail lue tbas yesr. Tbey are com- Juniction. o nw âýOI8 us ilculariy bFor an telephone inn m yourplaceng arl t hae day owok prlimnaryarrngemnts f thé party nouinefor Hlgbvay Com' gond gs&t. F ratlp o ei o r l de alteo w-tr a v p eî mîssianer for ieasons puréiy persoa]a, TUe bookeepiez clans 18 geîîîug of business or your residence. ! than fri or n e ia & va-tamud tasoeeuland are advoasidg tUat ie be aîong yers veli. Tbey nov have borickb. olet et asco pace.ta e e sraîchsi2.'" h fimstantacb boliers bankers, aud wiiI prababli bave a You get the increased and growing service of the lak f forILA. anovai ba plce tai iu t r Inlerepublican rauts. trelghi agent woan. (Jounty Telephone Company and connection wxi t FerCiLainuisuofSit ibe <oty bérnuaeri gstl mmnsh The bays of the 11gb <obool have Chicago 'relephone Company. leatmwaeqanidte, of vftée rlmntll thribisYea;,Y.-andcbutitheni a u ihesecuied te aid vaultilg paie, vUlcU lfirme e busîdsT irtuiuelitof ger .oneb»ubt hyar uîbas bec outioaInusefoi quie a whie. For informnation, rates. etc., wrt-- anial ertlizr wll c virytues of Let républis:ans mcli ,a déecar ta theThbosaeDtvr g aues tarmens hereabouises.fflTniee mo e by .ena8ey iitvchrCONTRACT DEPARTMENT, and frmar gen rall are watas g eil bbgestimark bllg otlly tive mudfemai gneahi ae siciu "ba- They never veroe sud neyer ca eent Lovoli's Drug Store, LIbertYVIllO. iIIlnoI5., vî'tb ltereeitthIe accote. bea.1ny god to te Party. They are _______________________________________ troube magersThe Physical (leography lass o! tUe wal Chbas. toyes bas the catraci and b. »gr bas aidercîl materlal for tva hanses t" Je tgett,.repblcu' oe 1g botook ala tip to the Fieli'a Roy Cometi, af Walunul have, ine, PE L S CIU& bc rectel ou eanl Bide of Bratert yonrliackei mirsîgbb. It is cola- CiîbanMmu u hcg ma ils îsiuvug bis subacripiion ta _________________ esp ~Court, one for fHenry Litcbifield. tauecpoged'of uen uéschit nstance Satuiday for tUe purpare of studyluS tbe I i~v-î.'evrw. rom hiesStation- COIt 5ALE-WIhlt,, WuandOt a tv atry lgb roo stuctretUecocipetent, upright and atapled for branches of geolagy. Thée nmUer of ery ve teame oitayIsproprletoi of the tin g f %.ai 75. a.' .lug. h1 otbér for E. J. lieuer of somevbat the officiai lues that viii bc ne- acoli ne trip vas abüul iveniy- Arcade Riestaurantteai lit place. is jH. E.BOLLRS. , *til~. II 4 ' sîmlardesgu quîedaithe.th'é.. ftr peudlug te faienoan in many Libertylil9.acquîaintalaces viii F0 8&tE-.Nw dnd'i. arrotel abat There are Qise of un vha did coi the Mlinaum.ibel ilspersed toi dovu- baie vitb pieseume of big business F' ai luIs o 'ffis,. buggy. a W . E. Davis ad bride reiurued front support he tîcsîl n m e e l oe. Fenteversud wpîscas et propéri!ss the soulb Satuiday eveeiug and ver S encti case, and we uasy fur one rsu hr fLcueCus. ict lrclé aiaa uromanea4ysici. pw t e vrmii elco'ted by a contingent of or anober Us Inellueil te IndnIge onrBs »atc C tao l-__-- -- yonngsteee and some "aidsters armed pnaa pt uOs bubb eiedicgbt, isarcb là(;, a etLaehen WANTEI)DCssU d for aid oCam villI %in pans, aud sbot ganus, and the dbrd gta --scratch" te ticket. Union cburch, 8. A. steel viii deliver . panys fouudrm. Llbertyville. 26, numerous ater etenasis enest7±sary on To do go viii be pour xspubiicanlg. ,alecture a oume Lite tu DDrie Dur- lcausepre i oér3260 colts mcdhave Fa Sreea a bage. Mev mcl ocaios.bad poiitics sud oniy tend gu bradin ILIthé ab aroumaa accacut 0f neyer Injured but one and lbat gibîs. Optimum and Armé Tonlato. WkbU A>tTsuit 0ftlite recent sate blowtug thé breach let oui party. V pan re-tUe folis Whoito id at bome in tUe 'i'bis record speats for tsélf. Patron. ani Golden Yksiov C3erei. LreSi a LaoForent,v nef hé s ifeliectIon vs eau blmi b autvBys l u sautb ldnn1ngSite var for Sonthernin l- geo mlicet. WM.WfiItAM«.Aptakisie, adEarlr Srovbalî(tltOt James Anderson'« are vas demoiished viicicase ibeme 1a but ans courée t. depeilce D. tei v u orofit.Mi.2-3m-P th. BAI L.Hseu li5t the iii hsoeno haves batik. Water purstie-vate the ticket Sralgitt. Lot thé highest oider, vhite as a mlmlc WANT, -u». of or aecr ad ad reonale. nd elinsto ho a uaurpsse. EnientBul. ery%. *saunor bel ByretteofChicago te la ocusd a Seat aubeier Bail. dMuet lie in goel (3W. mreA aiu ébodmnedsdisoai. a dtelatarisonuespbfoydry.h ou epl flbryil u.iI v.cino wtth John Uraffitit for a Jeune of the Let Party pride asertl imef sud no re- B iltéeM msnRU o iiV Teyugpopeu letvle Marhilsd Ae. Clr.A.CW building lha la about la ergot. tSteel publicaunceeS bclunSoubt au to lUthelcier, wviibhéthé attatinaet the rjthoiic church viii gîve a hle vanita viti bcsput lu mnd thé latent résuit. toutb sudtantet îirtalcmt oii f tUeLibertivilis Tovu Hail, Mouday nigiti, Bpns 4ui erasMt iMar Ml aîcb . SOhic sgo m uibassinent f ms In b u-rimto tes n o as eletricai burgiar ataru systoeu*v1ii hoecourse. Apili20. He ls spienii. We gaged. hp go munved lu heenn- a te 0 luvéiwe b= u mu amve4 eet. EvexybOd lxivitleS. 23-" DARBY mu r-v 1

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