a a~s: s e SOZ -il iuJW 1" w lom..,D I<ý IW* vratciaabogdey. aftupe*uiliy 60tà A R R IE D the suMoet h dreamry da. F Elliseyat ~tu 1 h. trîchea 0515% th fghastly semblance out h. pro&mi. tlyh ~K A P T~ T ~ ~ wont liwholb-d sn o,.vd a"iidôliisd NOI' I U ~ ~ UI I U bituait. Rtmsmherlng the Palattlsud- T, - LVIC1A ..4.L~ ~ den change lu ber. endl datlug b-ook tlb-a - .-t jchange ta thteil-outtut is Iat oft1h. man _______ ______ oho had hecome su haletai, ho taIt bhla whole ano n i.. la wralh and bMlera.e By ~ ~ auersthe . owaril who had traued on f an-manîs weakussfor somet basa pua'- pose ut hie own. de -18068800"As Ilyt 1 will ad it uutl!iih.mut- ku tered. "Hteo-il have s man ta ddelwth eh CHÂITirR xi for ber lias cot you dear, I knuw." ftrom tis bout. Let hlm look to bitmsat In lt wu* vmvy dreri ai tht Couart. Tht "Yon are right. motter," bie ad. at thonu!" a doeed and dsrkeued tonmne, the general a sudiltu. desperate reignation te tht As tewrat-hfuil w u®ât jedin ro Umat or silence sud desootiueu. ail truck tact Ibt bis secret o-as bis nu longer. bis mmmd there cama a taIntmuvemaht pn S Iver Grant'.s on wtetchedatss ansu0 But thatu mi un-n taat flot hors. 1Ie he Ut lelpeus fut-m hstide hlm. ÀAle fuai"aildîttoual wut5, bave been afuil, but Iopet my danger change like a flutterîns shsdow crois ovea-Or - EUla mother o-au i11 sud broken, andi unDow. ani. tbank heaven, it isnule too the distortiti face. the hesîy breathing wn "t-er brief interviews hie saut, enta mure lte" ceaseil. Tht pale, col stars semei teoBs. Wierli lthou sf er-e. hour beavili hier "Has Il conte te t-at?" sail is mada- reflect thentuelves ou tht pleneas of tht ar PM.sorrow wsa preing on lher ld. e, maaiy. "Oh, my boy, nty boy, t- tbiuk fenuraies that lowly troue loto col m hi.- 1whosa mhe coli. for a Omi, put sle tht thal yen muut sufiîýr. Why dii I1ti-er moility. wi ,Wb-tmslasmenue ut bis ounngreut trou- have lber bers?" - No neidta lu uâli uw-uoe ilfor th. de 61r hilstbought-s aa-sturaidti la it. "As I sai hefore, eau one beîp une'a burdened heurt lu meure Ira fatal secret. eu ai l t is own dors, anil itu sagre- fate?" ald Ivur, wearilyi. "Heuven Thteuhol, relalus hband Ihal Ivor clausaIil %Mtlon vith the mnwobost base andl ig- knowu t uever wurnteil tu-lune htr, but oe&nt t nwe gpesr rha ibe naureai hail fathameil ta bis cit, t sinply colint belli myuelf. Tel ihe .opensto-lIbt suo-erntapesse orI$ 'As meu as crerytbing lu settîti uni iase 0gondl andlbrave snd t-ne t-at 1 dontthcomrbsti n.bur t wl eae lh i.ut h utraight I &hall go nbroud for s monda Uiuk a mnucouil be the urorse for lot- tht nt>er-s ic oumberuthturer tt lsi ah mu two," ht si une niglt t-o bis miotter. iug bie. I csnt pty mysoîf, but I shail tsor rt ca ail aae i uun - #h MnL Grant lookeil t hlm aioulY. neyerit orget ber. There, ont ]et- us taI1. (To it continued.> on lit hsed mades ler bitait ache mauy s ime about Il, for both our sake." Pd___________e #» note heur cliauseilhoeus aunisite bai 'She-s-he snrely iloitu ot aspect?" au: %ol yet frund courage luak the cause- sai Mrs. Grant, anxiously. THE FIGHTING MATE. h "Âbudr sAbe echoeil. 'But. my dour, A bot flush crept rap te Irors brow.i1 yen have boeu way traim t-Ie Court uo Put imb urordu hie ueukuesa lookeil cul- Furcet Wa Mut Beelveir Uaed eut1he j1ong! You surely vont rush off ugulu puble aunnmanîy. What wesk-uess dots Oppovtune Tis. hjat-Jut as ion are mater bere?" nul wben framed ltu speech uni tlacti A abiha t uta la an isolateil world. t "Why nel?" salIvomr, wearily. "There heture our eyea as accusation insteuilof utNu only dots the litle floating vWlage la nthlug for me ta do hem., Everytlilus excuse? deptul on tht to4nesaor the planka u lu mch perfect order tht the vertet 'Dont salik me any mort." lhe si, beneatb I, but tht satety anad couttort n.i ~uo5to tii hm ouI fii n rsuo bukil 'Yeun hava îonr secret, let me outIbose on boat-ildepeuil ou obedltuce r able execse for upsettus ellting ar- have mine. Thetîtme lias zont by, moth- tu intelligent ot-Jers. Tht man wolier imangements. Sometimea 1 Uink." lie er, o-heu 1 coold natt t your feet and tell t-tlts ira traie ortetn, as dues s chief- tin iadded. htterly, "that I am netnulluthe Yeu ail that o-us lu my heurt. Soaetbing tain utfs aîf-auvagit trîbe. by phyI a' lght groove. l'm tired i tllitesa. A bus put fine sway froru you uni alieuateil force. Frank T. Bulcon. author et gol &poil et bard work la ubal I1ueil. îeur sympathi. It setesa oly one te Uic 11% s pity 1 leftthlie service; t mgit irouies ut Fatt flat your-frieiud--eb-onld 'Tht Men ut the Mttchant Set-n-o."tri bais exchaued.' s thodrlta 1jio-one Beryl Maradensa la nu ailvocate utfrviolence un tht partI ""I I 'blts'resl euemy, dota Il nul?" rit ottiera, but, as he expils. If ther. e T'he painti, sorrowtul exclamation eut Wa ioyen meun?" gasped Mlra, la nuon-eigbt ut force bebhtnd an order, a thort hI. vorda. He luoked t bis moi..Grant,'gruw n liy o-ita. men wIll aIo-ays bc toundl who o-l dI or asdsasw that her tyeo wtt-e fai t i ,l mear.t-ba. couard snd apy, svoniu' obty. Ont 'of Mr. Bullena tearUest rot- *aMMha discovertil my folly And Ureatenei ollectiona ut sallor lire la ut au Incident "$'orgivtme," h sali, geutly; 'I diii lutrude oanIlt-bhat lsaAl," sali i-t!-u, on huard teEast Lothlan. «o« mainte paIintvasu*alwuys a Jbitterly. 'As tur as I arn couctmuti, dlmatiffl *misor t elîow, Y0u know. A h.etiglit do bis o-oral, but for lier sakte Tht menu beien demurafled by a 2lteebngea litat ut urelgu air, wII t1 have hb a lbhy lia silence. Yeua can cowrdly second mate. o-ho vus flinailly d e gue i. I promise l'Il settle don hardîy wonder, though, t-lt I torhie bisdlchageil t Bombay. Hie succeseure ]@te a pattern ladord whea 1 et-raL" proaonce ler.. 1ar n ter nov, &Maie hwus a splendid spe<rlmen ut a aeuman, MIy demi boy,," ulil Bra. Grant, saud- alall know IL. 1 bave neyer aoked th. notful 1001.1.ftnely proportlontd. andl uf 4y. "why are you no cliangei? - Dssatta- particolara of your mystenlona itlaci a very pleeault face. lsd îou siv ert-moet esili content- vith Ibis man. mother, but 1 cannot sur- The firtsmuornug heo-as un bourd 4d, 1 lbk ,-Don'l w-tuas yoaratif liifer hlm uni longer." onufg le. Baut tel.-" "Ieor." *lie criel, trtmbllng visibly, "do we vert wushlng decks. Mr. Eaton, lhepoumosd, sellas vtith pls ow utht Yeu bnov heuwdanserons hie -uiaionuthe uew second mate. o-as itaving a loo- trashiami lookbad deepecieilou hlm face, provok?' arounil tht ship. and stayed torwurd. Wh a w-bs lI.of cars wtt-s round te '"Iatlther bnovBaur car,"lite auswtr- wblire to-o men wtt-e paaing wuter baisusom ou » th. eil wt cold contempt. "He rau lori ont ot tht big vush-deck tub. As Mr. 14 am ntualou sorts, 1 ttuk." lie bisckmaiii on me us ho pieses, but lie Raton passed. mne outthem. carelesnly i "FurSape things have ges onttuealal nul tep nuder my rouf agia ot- ln- allnglug a bucket tuwsi-d tht other. modir l4h oe; 1 do't bnov; andI Yon suit me wlth i presene-thutt 1so-tar." drupped l ilasd rut tht deck budly with rSM*t Boneotat t h.ery cheerful wben Uns. Grant'% face grew ghastly vida lt dge. Wtb a glauce ut tht uew ut- j1otdemi, braie clteillow heib-u oil ut sudien terror. Joti.te les= hi. rine. s tn lie wt 'i)ont say tiut," mb-e erteil; "iondon'tfilcer. bit but-st ot mlut-loiniua curulng écannsly seeite leamu 11.la a tourbnovw-b-t ion art being n n our onu t te t-ler ;Bon fer nul cutcbing I. Mms I m-il b-eaiU rtght-Inst as 1 baudor how danterons b-o t.." Mr Eston turned quletly lu hlm sud » a i e.."*Nu, 1 don't." sRai ][uro-It sop-saId: 01 cip- if ion thiak il w-li de Yon presseil passion. "nor do 1 knout the se- "If you dont .lut tinit foui head i>np sa-i Mio. Grant, preseali, -It in fret otrbhtu pwer uver yen or the mys l',11 shut It for you!" = t@ uMa . But you are t00 mach tsry lbat b-s leattil iour loit sud Tht mani. a linge New Tut-k nonds. 1wMre.udoer. Tee vt socWty; crm- sympathi f rouame ince.that il-tuttociptdcle yM.Etnspe »Ms1.IkW Tub-s ont.friand ýwith yoL" 1bhunrtwhe lbrousht Ibis man omierounrscptdci'dby n.Eouspe- Ir troraid aigtly f h u nIt lok. trode up lu hlm. swearlug Tb-saks. ne" hot »Id. "My owna rom- "O. b 1 -l-.s! h t-e.wtl.hotrlbly and lbreateuing t10 bli hl. Vou suts me hast. Btsides" b-e aideil. and onvereil ber face 'itit tremblîug For auswen the second mate leapeil ut 'OU of tb-e hespm et mem I bnov. snd b-sudsas ah. shranb- back train that hlm und seized hlm by thet lb-ot sud buvei mam5, 1 deuitrIU ther Le one Iteru. sccuasin faom "DOU't Bai that, wststbaud, and tht Boit minute b-eo-as 40W I 1 mlly locué pn as a frIsai," Ivor, for Yeu vrong ft. If I haie errei fyiug ttver the rail Into the ses. *(Ç ml.faha?" suggestad Mrs. Grant. lt b-us hetu ouhi tfor yon-uunly for Y-eu. Mir. Raton turueil swlttly, sn uos - lie toab-ad agft tly. Who-eltse on aUl tht turtli have t te lort mast lu fIat to catch thteollier min la "Ne etmdul ltaît sud 1 sbold't sud rare for?" mIl rush t hlm olt-h a squartly plast, Meh.te a&k hl No; 1I an su by mi- "For me!" le echotil. sud gazel t ber - " . fLo't tloktb-me itry selflsb-,"olisnlaonder, "t caut nuîersuî yen, t d bluw ou t-le clin, o-hidi landeil hlm àditi suddy. "runaang away sg o o thtr.'hit-elisn deeper humiliation a clucklug lieap lu tht scuppers. mWAnie. 1 fuel ls lb-a hertlb-las for m." ion couli ailer tinste-oehow me thut By Ibis tîme the other men bal setu Ailo-agt ttht paie, hussard face, tfailor f oli ufmine had placed yen lu tht frai andl rualitil oro-rd. aboutug. fmmilb-e eq sthal badllent ai l b thi-blaman'@ puwer. But t knoo- 1hi1 la ."KIm hlm!" Presently Eaton o-us tse- btt bod heauti. lIra, Grant bnev net possible. 1haten glilty seret on cenler ut a bowling gang thretting= mahutatwas rlcat. *wb-ieh be coli tradte, andl*Il my et-tors bis lite. But lie aratil itmatf itvth ast "Ettore I go" ront-lunedivrIen, enti. huis been sacias t aboulolnt sbriuk . "gb- eaul somcetblag t viah te apeuk te fruai contessîug tlu.wet-e it neciltul. "normun," a hi-ndi brun bar trom tht d 7" about. morbier. Ii lbt tmyonucle If b-s la troubliez Yeu, Ihtetening yenwlndlaza. andl none ut them dat-el tact o-in Li lb-e habtt raiion su ayearly gve me tht power t-o ci ion of bis îy- hlmolt that terrible o-tapon. The a Wllsw-aee et rive handrtd Pound*. But rani; tien te shieli te womun I love. skipper andl the IraI mule came rush-W uvym s ay hob-ebas lft neodlrsctloeis 1 vuuld net have my mut-ier t the mer-lgfrad nl agi hmev s r h. te Its rontlnunuce, I suppose Yeu ry of sncb- a vllain. tht ide ut t-be second mate, lu two t hroulilbe Il te su un us hetore.Have "OhhII. huali!" she criel belseen minutes tht wohuIttoue of thtshlp wo-us Fous ankins accouaI t îYuxr uvu?" ulil atbn that reut bis heurt, 'ionuion' t alttrei. îî o-us never ugain eessri 1"o1,"sail b-lumorbier heitatiugîy, bnov uhut yon sauj, iondon't kuow 'nittalresort ta violence.w Sud grovlas strangelhite-h I I beep ion sau." el_________ b-be ment y l, t Uiiub-1do,ufnd o-at 1ienttaiselu,' "But le ilt n couveuintu?"sakeillbe asuvered, witUigrave teuilemuesa. A Cal and Doggeret. a ivon la surprise. "Conte, motter, ion have bai te cou-_"..0use!" tie vrute, 'Tht cal -Ina long He couli nulthep wondering ou vhat feasian ot my weaknus to-night, tetut-n Are duugliug fron thei trees. bis mother spent sau large a mumi, eling confidence for confidence. Saritly yen 'Te cal ip sprouta, sud lu the swump, t lb-at h. rut-tI bought Ani nev dresses. ran trust me, andi rair ..- The cal-taiîs greet tte breeze, s w-ualhâte nu society. and, ta his knowl- Itlunmure fitings auldigha r-nýs *dg*. gave very lit-t-e ta cbacty. tics for Yon. Iha lest-e iOn to thir - - "The ieg 'nora bloms, t dogs-hu i, "I hbave Dot foundui ilsm," @lie sid, drels inrry."' t5rts; 'wit sesef-trident au emlirrassment But tIre terrible sotie vert iis oli su Tht dog-roue anurelI mci ,fithat Ivr ouli nul but notice it. "Tour suer. fie couîd nutl slI tent, unidb'rAnd ln the w oudeonue novmai a" ri arle usked anu quetions. Ht was ai. muId net vin front her et-en tht ver) Tite ilr- tootteil violet, t wuya îery generouz. tuaintest tînt ot thul mjrtery SaspLiu5lber "Do net te st-Iao lie eu.a," sali lite, ber hspplneaa. ber future. *'The rat-bird r-lla,.Uthet-tIc rang. Iver hastily. My eutiuaty wusa sorlySite grew cuirmet aisut. uniet-en h'gun Upon t-be Cat-akitîs iigh; par'doaab-he, but saI amt soins away 1ta u peak of bis proposti jouruey, andl Tht etamount dth utal for prcy thonsht Il besl te tell yen thal your muke susseattunis sud arrangement& for lu yen cat alpa nîgh, iney w-eudbe eaer paid Intate hauk. il; but tht Bnal perfect accord beIw-eun eni drava by cetck thun uccumulatinï mqtber uni son was broken-somthing "The do-star ahînea once more La la y.ur osa bauds, sud s lemptution te lurkcdinlutheir heurt* ut whidi tey c-uid hevn- i servants. But, of course, yau muet lde tapui udnheu tbey putted fer te Corne. yet us ail b. merci! sion pieuse. The usual quaaterly unangb t sun wth thi- grave regret ut séais- 'Tus tinete l cesse du-matir tIennes, b w-lu lie psu hy tIre Ian-ers. liitws-iIl aspprehenaîua. nd tht firtilchiItour-b o! And aeck te ripe dog-berry. no mure ou tht sr.bject."1 dittrust. "I tliougt ot asklng Beryl Mutsien îten Bta. Grant, uinrled santi@peut asusite 'Tht ral-erpIllur tels upea stai bore whilli.Yeu aeun-ny," sai Mr..wu o-s. ut p 11long atter nidnigbt,wsit-t Cet ao-bs vines besidet Grant. tirnidi> ttbhe iàsur-h coin-ing uheet uter aheet. fier banda %book Tht curiug euat-art that talle fort te me" su ebe gatherti tIr-m uansd placti thent Inria lie river wiide." Ivor tursedi& i face asile, lu an envelope uni sealci I. Titensine "BY ail menu. if ionun'iab i,. b. an-took the caeile and crosseil t-btlong,. -'Tutus afler do-dais, taI tht. bard owerti. "I itought yen wuli havePbad dusky reont wit teeble stepa. Paug Hlmi dog-eared mnunscript ber bere for Chrsmas. I nitrer tapertel i-fore a roseutoui esertioire, site proceitil Puiltîp orever, Dog-gedly, 't ete hrem t VauAbe-y." enl te open une of ils aai drawers, and Ht crept inta bts erypt. "I vante-i ber tuacromît-, h ste t-e nlk froathence s puper covered o-tb 10 .sait! uîdbis mother l--r vu.figures, vbic h@si tudidiulently. 'ltac-eobc-srph b-e? Di o ueo- mucis ut be-r- "Tite aurm w-II sonon lemaies pn5ow,r.This cat i by grlma-trh, "Ai mucs aunue generally sees etrvis.- Abe s"iin à suppreastdi hlptr. w-bld And ct-atepai teppeil Uie ttoughts iturs at s count-y lbous.'ans-erýIi. ie d Inlut mare utfeur Ibun et relief. "A 1tctuuut hsfn <oastraieily. Yest- bat une icur mr-suwd thon fret- Ntctaoge hnfr "Dota she til th-tite oisof thterbni] dom." And ao, lb-e trangest forru of vet drvasu terrily V'aked lit- Grant. pui Asit t at word left ber lip-a suasden That wver 've heardtll sains Ilil subnhe-t au If te driveauwany tdat iauan sdd iainema seemeil te numit ls IbIs tht puet tond compsi- memoci of tht- other. - bot h ri ansuisht, WiUi une sapreme 'rTe s-sddu ,rl "Tes," masîlber son, crt-ly. "ste isat 'effort t seif-commaul te t-t-ed te tn l rent k 1-cailea l'upol!rMnby une 10tut-tet caila- urar-ti-herpayk-' dm tiapr bark mb Is druvr, bu 'h~!to IN TEXAS" :7;1,~~u S Regalalo:"'SîîfE. FIFTEEN PERSONS KLLDAND,0g The oleomargarlue bill has passeil Con- M INJURE titrend. The 8enate accepteil the Houas MÂI4 a menilments to the Senate bill. ThetbllI -~ flot on1reMles to oleo, but alao to but- Two liuadr.d Duildinigs Swept Away terine, Imitation, process, renoiateil or by Wtud-tor.u Learta a Parlautof adutlterateil butter, sud imitation chracue, Dievsstatts vFlue :Mlle. WVide-Fire andil al otber substances In the seniblaur'e pof butter or cbeese flot ruade exclislvely breaks Ont lil iiii.. uf pure and unidulteratel milk and - cream. i. l remoures sueh imitation pro- A cyclone spresil a pratio uf death and dmets trian the opération of the original esolation fie mil" irrn width andl uf Du- package dteînion and roakes thora subjeet unown leugth zthroangh central Texas ta the lawd of the State into which lhey itortly betore 6 oclork Monday îiigbt. are transported andl offereil for salet. Thie storm centerel i n iferveli County Probably the mont important section la ndl wept down ul.,ii the twn outGin- that lmpoalrrg a tait orf 10 cents a poundi rse, the cunty irai. teurlflg tu pieces upun olito artificiallY colureil to look like robably 200 buildingsa înd killlug at butter orny shade uf Yellow. Ilhas laut fifteen andi îjirLng Oifty perdons. been repeatedly clairurd that thia laa% One-third uf the I)iaîncos bouses wre will drive t-be oleonaurgarine manutactur- wreckeil aud runyinmr are now ordy ers out ot business. Oleo frite frona arti- alintered beaut. rti-ed uver a uvide fOctal culoring ta taxed by the bill une- res, fouttifut1 cent a pounil. Any person The cyclone etrrrd, the town aluiost wuho mrixeasuvlth olco any artiticeial col- withotit a moment*, -iruinit. The reai- î,ration that causes il lu look like butter dents were whbly rnprepared, for its lu defineil by tIre bihlli e a maiaf- mmiug snd if they hrd hee -u-srned ut turer poail subjeet lu theta lu lposed up- s approacli their irt-,rrt efforts coulil on mînuuacturers. have avalled them jirrîhiaf. for nu bul- The définition given in the bill ut vari- [g ut human consrucrîtion coulil wîtl- ous ar-tîlacial products nnw frequentlY andl the force urtihe- storur. IlOitura urlil as pure creamery butter ld impur- were tora to shreds ruhile the friglitened tarit. For instance. adulterateil butter eupaunta were orhîîtutut ofwlndows idîathe nantitgiven that article produtced or eating auliper. Itr,îken timbera cragli- ri- uixing. reworking, rechurnlug ln milk Pd duovn upon tîli-ni orils. Many per- Ioir cri-uni. reffiuig or lu aîiy way produc- ans, the roufs of ihi-ir houmes havinit ing a aniforni. purilied or improacil pru- hen whipped off an.1 themnalis toru asan- dnet troni differeut Iota ut melted or uaf- der. w re whilrled îiîong wlti thte blut tintcte-d buttera, or butter fat, la whicli ad the debris. an! av-id. alkali, chemîral or aux sub- Ruai-a Do, nthe Valley. otanve mobatever ln lutraduccil ftrrthe fThe atorm camne frntnthe northwr--,t îrrîre otfileodlri-iig or reravlug can- arI paarred clown th(. ualley oaf the Pn* iiïdity, or ans Iutter or butter tut with hoxy river. on n unrh tilîîîrose aigýt- wlîiîtathere ln mixed nuy substance for- nateil. Aithougli lh- region helow fllren- elgfl tu butter, wlth the lutent uf ciueap- rose laflot denseli 1ioîulated, il la rt- ening the cout of the prodUct; or any arteil that many 1rr-rr(iis were kille n u btter lu the manufacture or iùaulplsl- te laath ut the rcr bile Irouithout tilhtlIon ut which auy procéa or material la Vlley. urialwl1th sny halent ut csusing the ab- The day had ber-n ii- rît oppressive sul. . trr îtaInob.rmal quilntities ot water. inter. fria whieh iirt oiily the pýeo ,f Tiîilk or ct-tam. lienroat but aigu theruihout Texanstmif- P u -aîr ovated butter id detinî-d reed. Toward flifht a dark clouil gathýti Ira lcenbuttler o-bicai as been subjocteil Pred lu the wtL There urus nothie tri any prareuu by wrub il ts niei. clu,- litest wind lun Cl,-rnec. but ateadily lficd or refineiladmae to remmle qlî mnot fStatea. The regular Weekly crop report of th. weather bureau was compîleil before the .weeplîîg changea ut weather thruughiout the West and central WV-st were report- ed. tt soyaz The week eudlnc ou Aprîl 21 waa ,rarmer than the average ln ut Paci coast and Itocky Mouatain regieus, la the Misaouri valley, and tie northern districts ta thet esitward: Il waa t»oo coul lu the middleo Atlantic andl Southeru States aud deciçfrdly dry over the great- er part ut the central vrnleys sud tmid- dle Atlantic States. Sale l badly neel- til throughout the Roi-ky Mouut>tu dis- trictsansd central valleyr, and noulil prove beneficialinluthe umiddle Atlantic Stau, whlle excesa of molture bas hit- dered farm work lu portions ot the cen- tra: Gulf States. The latter part ufthlIe rvek was mark- ed by abnormally bIgla lcîuliiraturcs la Kansas and Nebaska. iiît-tuifylug the drounglt cunditions lu those States. The situerai westher eondlflon8. altboîiglinut conducîve tu rapid advauc; ut vegeta- flou, werc favorable for farming opera- tiena ln nearly ail parts uf the country, The progrens ut corn planting hbabeea râther low, except lu Missouri sud the Sonthern States, thia work being about llnialied luilite central sud the west golf districts. t large acreage ut groudu la prepared r plantlug lu the States ut the central valîcys. sud saimt platîns ha. heen doue lu soutueruIlîlinois. but noue elseurbere liaitheard ot the Ohio. The early pisutedin la omngusup lu aouth- cruKausasa, where cultivation lias Le- Kun. Wiuter wheat bau cuntnuîd teturaite slow growth. arnd un the- urole lm lu lets promisiug condition lu the principal urlu- ter wheat States oftheli central valley thon aithte close ufthlie previous week. Maisture sud milder temporatures are geuerally ucedeil for this crop througbout these districtisurd isinluthe middlle AI- lantie States.'rhe ouitook lu Osîltarula continues promlslug aud te croîrlba% et- perieured tlmprovi-mpot ou the nrth l'a- lacCoasat, The germnatiou ut esrly sowu aprins Whest over thtaountheru portion ut the apring vwheat reglun bai beeu slow, and seeding has been retarileil by freenluI North Dakota.The lRed Itîver ualley Lands lu Mianuesuta arrc dryiîîg uicely aud aeeding begau ou the 15th. Sonie r.- -weedlug o-lJI be necessary lu Miunesota as s rusait ur the dust alorai ut Aprit 10 aud 11.« Seediug haprogressed tavrr bly un the norlli Pacifie roat. IdIGHER PRICE8 FOR F00D. Freal Mente ot Ali Kiad, Poultry and Butter Score Advncts. Iligher prîces for varions fooda. pur- tlcularly fresh meas andl butter, whlch are regardedin luthla lourlabing coiutry as necessaries uf lite, alt-hough loraked upon as luxuricu lu somne othera, bave unet only conte, but they are bere tu tat. Mureover. accorrdiog te ezlrv-rtat-lond ut meninl thetrtede. t-bey are llktly lu igo bigiter till lu the very near future. Il 1inflot ouly beef that bas advaucced alient aeusatirrtîally îunlîrice witbiu a tew ureeku. Lambb sud mtten have grant op. as have ho« products. asuuas have poutltry aud butter. Lard ha. bitta advancedl 1 to 3 rent@a apounil witiina tew moulhn, sud lt hba bncorne kuowu that there bahoen formi-ilsrme sort of a working agreeme-nt beto-eiu the greit pruilucera. who have bell nteetiugs in Western cilles to rome lau nueratandingi as ta thse couduet out t-ba busiiess profil- ablYinl view or tht grulually advancing prices ail aloug tht lins f romx hog te lard. Tht risc lu t4ie prieutfbutter ia mid lu bo chiefiy abeculative, Dot lasturus opon auy attempt ta corner the mar-ket, but owlug lu a belief amuns tho - iary- men that Congrena o-II pas the proprsed taw pruibîtîng the mnufoacture ut oltp- "Gece, don tt a5rlng weather make a feller ledi grand!" margarine.li Tht uiance lu t-hterite ut pouitr if l: -CiauRecord Berali. a synrpsaetlc une, cor- uuii-rmttui ite I h gh beef mat-bet. Tht prîie ut bei-tln1f te chaud grew ansuwoiftly it udr unr-crioure fler, na> r î-u e--iîrrtîg 'ditT the camions. aa thtelrultcer hboys it. fi fr donnouson SontrveIt CountY. rtu bbutter.' "'ITisr ir elie-vil Itri be nom, sbout 3 e-isa opunil bigittr titan Of a sicilen there o-as a riicity lcousffit-îîntly inrai lin btiritentier thr' l'irsix meut-bs ago. sud tebuildings outhle loumel 1000 oition utflrone- r t-renorati-ilbutterratint tregan lu rail. Wilh saus-illug motion r lut- t resnltlng frmî tht re-urtkinrsin PRESIDENT REBUI<E8 FUNSTON. in su a ac.oouy'ug raîntuli haut w-or treatmenl ut butter o-bit-h s net rî-achite hike s ldeluge lite a-tuidaltorm tt-re ite a nu> btht defiition ut adultî'rutr-ilbuîtte-r. 1MisaICeass. e mrtlePubliie Dsas ni, tbrougb the bîuieuasection ut Gleuriane, rThe bilu imîostl a nube 0f or erul ofthetcPhtlippine.s (Jiiln. jeveliug everytig t-laI toul lu itapetth. taxes. Manufacturierutoruceas or ren-a Preuieut IRoosevelt harepriniandeil Tht arcs ot annîilatiour aa flot- ut griot val butter *hall iai $50) a star, anît Cen. Fred Furat-on. Te Kansasu figîter f vilth, but- te-ce -as limmense idamage oti manaufacturer% ut adultemuteul butter $0X)tJbas been or-r--rtlorceltediscuauns tîther ide ut tht storm tenter for t10a ut er, airîl uny pet-sun ohm engaitsain otfte Piiitincritstiu'rlo. 'l'hîie intht pi uni eue-haIt uies, tlireproductionroutelthrrass arbnt--mu swlu refait ut Gr-u. 1luitona rer-tntitateaient I 'Te cor-on t-t illîe utai enrosi- aloodR lire-conallerel a manufactuîrer. V iiletlua aspeechittitt Sr-natur loar ut Mussa-1 littIclutuonr-.oie utt-be ceter ut the sale dealers lu aiti.teratt-l butter uvil lit rbnsettas au'illtir-le(il hau overel-o o-hrling monler.Il nos a fini rr I- taxti $480 a >-ar asdr tr-ltihitivs $48, ci conscienc" lure- and iuppolr to lube ont' of the ee-riperun selinog thi' prorîtct in Itou 'rhe tollu-in it i-tîr luregard te tIre staucbe.t lii flic St-at-e, bau ing be-it-ou- quantîties Ibrin tcn o prnos bing erruil- mailter vus mode puhble b heitWiar lDe- srtruceti r-t-l a viewto oit-slsuliur tt-et-ci a etîlil deaIer, pst-t-et:r fiercest ouTe'luss amis. It prot-tI 10lire' Manufattut-era ut pt-icse or cenaratlei WrDprmn,'Nahntn-i: but a trail pier-- et matchuroral, bverrirnr, butter, or siolti-ralei butter,.Wo dru nota m Wurepurtnbythe l. sitrutou. ilr lu tIrherî.o l aebuilding lu nuol.udly psy itis pjecial tai waIllie puiihei by aarn ilirt ebel shIe o i) esrln- ermale racked, tn m-ianid lort-tIt it uill houe flne or nrt lemu thun$. n d ,uo uiot- motr-e o a eoIh iu r --s n-ie to ho- rebuiltt Ibrn $.1.ri. n-nr-eat-srts nho vîj'date public discussinofutthisotution inuthe A haig n cirnnî.ti rt-l utlie- tilasins th iti cîoî na ill eru-înîlîîud. uanrî- Philippine" and aso 0 texpress bis t-e- n-s a crer-Ileur Salooîre ut-cre i- îtei-imtionoutr i îtirrcn îîîiîl tr ti-t ire taex, gret ltaI îunî houldil aa Sulerou theî air uanild l. t-o aO>buiiy. liii'>'I> aà filinertofnt-lets thl$.ni()oUre more tht United StrIe-s te oInt-nt ut rupîblim d net-e t-lpîuri Ileg5ira thirt-Il nutîXt-au $5Mifoi tnt-rth nfrnu.critieiam or discnusion. 'se-Vri-em nt brugi thIbm-airt- 't Vtlbet-arne eutfîlic uîy, WIL IAN CARYllTSAN-Gu:II Ocr-upnts iluit kuorvo. FROM PORTO _ RICO TO MANILA. ..Acting Si-rtllr- ut iat-. The'big geuci ---stoct of Lily & sons re Ai..reuTrooasto Ma ke Loiugei Wsr '"Bris. Cen. Fredetick 1iruttou, ('mni- 1h.- t-mur--a nit o ls . mublepm tur- 0n ritJisrney ion Raecor. r.ioding I)epat-rît t Colorador. Den- oer e r% vlly m tee ir n,(fthe longe-nt irurtter eru in teiser. co." big tratuttiuuiu ti-nmaihtlucre tor-tory ut sean bas bren n tîroni-nbyil),în' - o-art-bouses îr.lingigu lie-rendu& C NADA LEARNS WAR LESSON. Suri A blorltirritb uhop w o-u ttn do-ru, iututt-, o-tir-hha bseu oro-redIo triu lalne WIiCn Bt Pana tri-n Ibm brick fieptace hting powtdet-'u ltecntutloe-tgalonu net'aIlp Cmli CDter Pln te luit. liluis. The baitlionuins ei rmO tatioisel Cauada'u der-lsion tu profit hi tthe les-2 Fiee Adalits Tervr,.. lu Porto Rico uîd ruil go ro ntî Ilre ltasonosouthlie Bue-r uvr for be-r owin le-1 Flouing tir- destruction b>' storni fle tilnl. tenue in utt-rse-iug muet att-ttion lu slat-tedin10 bt-rurusaorsnme ot tht burld 'Th iredrrtent- pornnîîîm- rîistance la-recu Encluni It la arguci thut teBoer ayu-c hugt.T'his rin-m-ad tunie ameiog te nom- hbee bn.places r itai-,t lIthdueïrdIt- entbas lu-e-n ierînuntratdtillube tIreE siigrec denthiroftGîtai-oui-. "berc i'as eier t- r ttIre i'irihi hile- tet-crk lîtul ut efecti'eos lucolenial defeaut, nu nMay oft -iioînattltag the fiantes sud if ut steuntutipa andl railroais o-lit-h thtl If il bus net norvtot revulut-tonize the astt-ung ior- ielad uprit uop the cotlis' soîdiers talu:foltour-lrugrestrrthuin bhuIt nerul metbodof t artare. tout o nuld tatomtablî have been firearvetit the- circunnterene etr-lic glottre hy some- Th measure itrloiluctil mbe the Ot- tIredea1r(m rîir-,, ubombtale oIna ea ftlhlng like 1,500> lirlite ditstonic biemstaw-a Iarliamenl increaaing the nilitia lu th ueter tl t îîey balubytht losauglaut ver 14,1'10 miles. Thn-eIrhliri a III bave 100,000 rtfles crentes force trnal lui lb. parto t t-;I i h niuh o travel 2,M() milet-rou s hr atet-ti Iransi- UnitedSt iates negular armuy. Iflai.etl- ofthirre uclona o taou 00pot-tt ruintSilnJuan tri Newnport Neo-spected taI tht Mebourne Purlatuenl pollé>r)e sa gtowbutfaboutn1,Mplace ndil1.000 nules over rhi- t'hi"isPwttekanti o-II take a simuilar ste-p imneiliat-ely un popuîîlat Tougry buaîtîrsidall n-bue i, hio and Big Four csnlrnaltr i S. LouIs. behaîf of federat-el Australie. litest wtnt-emmnînr-rt-Ibrouslhout lite taîr-. Atter leavflog St. I..maiiii thi-i nil travel sLguficuuwetis ttach-d ta t-te appoint- Amians thî-urure tht Mlin famille-r,300 miles on t-he- Mi-iuuri Pacifie- aud meut ut Mai. Gtu. L.ordl Dundonal tu vbu uhft-ui rnautfrruthtefecu u tt s.Oer 2,000 miles on t-licSauta Fi tuliSani tht coonuni utt-be Canadien forces. Re cyclone. (re-Ia Bilant oas caier 0f1 rnlc.Ueande a-rinreY o-llI nas hy tac tht muat aucctsetul cavulmy the Fîrlit Nationial Bank.,filae home o-as only have heen bignu, for lie-y o-II bave leader iu tht Natal campelgu und la t-e-1 diretlliIrln thrahit ot the Storm. na eoft Iema avoyage et 8.,67 miles 10 garded asu tht communier, o-ho, perhape, ljjiIum s u rumi bail l njureilfer Mauilu. oppilit aHIoinolulu and htong- liasprofiteil muIsfr-uni bis South Atricusu t frontite site- rîtftlahome. Tht mentheru b-ns. &fierreadiing thePhiippine cr-rexpeeieneu. ut bis tamiatîr.1ai1uo-b-un. are irai, utre t-ai they vih Le ar-t butoIr-e-ilsof mile.snfN-u tia fourni lu vâornîsplaces l inte tslum'tt lte inticlor. ,e e lee Thte companies that su-lImake thla rtc- Building rt-ne-s ot Cincinnati ruant au patit. ond-reaklg an journe>' are E, F, O lelgitt orîr day. Troin lu.Few- L48ne%6sud H ot the litieuth iufantry, uni the Jarnes IL.Rer-ne. Ne- oTr-ko-aatut-o Store Manfacturera' Association haie parti yull b. cosnspui'd of about 3Wl men fut-t a rubber t-îlot. boriti rit-ima if Wovt5 5 per cent, sud a dozon officeru, init a major cons- Silsa C. Cr-ut tsciel r u tht port At Iîaitnttrrnm Ki., William McC4rti, manding. Bure-lus serions accident tht ut Newr York, las drad. à rsilt-uiuiblm-iti'ra n, abat uni kîil lbit trip o-ii ocrupy ahout forty-six dais. Onethtiussand i a-iirciJnrsentnng the -witr' oniInn -tmg site bal.a-ut-nitoaont a JOY IN A BLIZZARD, building traIes nf ?uiagara-a lla, N.- Y., penceu' 5% milt-i tgrnflfil hmu. stril for an silvîaleo truwgsgtan, inr it "Ifi'- ronrlrA. NiistnuuY C tCuapn' api- LillesOff a Geashuppoe Piguene aFivneeight-hour woolr dits. tlI$l.SIJeiNew YTutk. iurorportttt, Western PSttes.Th ota bseeltfrteee- ti Iuit-tI mmrril llibnig hbusiness. MoIn- Recause teDakutrîn in itanesota, Ne- ,tlae onrt-binsein Jet frin tethe- $%-y.' ao-nrr .. u sta u ini he'$40. ort;a uand oabee ldln he eilmemri ot Roy V. Cashion, thse Okla- azlile ith.11y-W of mot ueetsonbleblizzard t E hu bmartougb rider tulauo-as killed lnluCuita Grue. Mut-InnoutAiliona las annonne- et-tinatebts States have prubabli beeu durlus tht Sparit -Aneriran o-ar. td ileat lin- r il reulgu. Alexarnder C. saîtil tront, a grasuibupper scourgn, o-itas Brodietclietn,rant icloinel of Boosevett'. an Iusw-u correspondenat. T'ePinefluamru ryma J. Gage, former Sitcrotritu ofe arougit ride-ts, o-ii succetil hlm, huvilas utalSietr e n eil biardLad0UthTrunIitSts Tstu lCedpeadeut I. sready been namud i -yPreâdftt lLoogM- houAibt tmilions utfsrassupO t .and ut £le UnietSee rs ~maye tveittou taire the pice u"an tie tZiîlfltc thelin sOlicameltt jtt5lnItIme to kil ltb h N -. kTu,-:11e auoseda là 3*&-tewart $ Mnpha tra t-lU1 ~Who lredaga fen aeemi bu"hàl #- ., -. e -,i pu Croiparatively feur Seusturs have ee- tablilaeil bonmes ut a permanent nature lu Washlington. Nul une-liaIt urt lb-m malatalu a Iroiekeeling establshmnt. Of Uic elghty-elgrht Scoators uow hold- ring nette lu Cougreas thîrty-thrêe lire ia hotelsansd ten lire lu aîîartmnent bouses. 'rhe populsrity or hotu-lusud apartmeut bouses as aboIes for Senalurn la tuhane- ed for several reauîîa îeculisr to the lives of public mn A boui- carnie. witb il social responsiblitiea n hich are nott aI-a>. t5îiy 10 avoid. itoweyer agree- able l mlght bit for' the Seustor lu il himolcîf ut teur. But a lite lit à hotel dots flot mnu t-but tht Senater la tailis but a Minuit part lu social affaire.goualt oft thoge o-hou eneterîainteutu are the muaI lavish patrunîre hotels. caPtatelll sine during the lest feur years ail tht large -bousîes have made extensiveuIra- lrrvu-efltî, in wlaln-bthe- idea out islh enterîuirimeut uthe part uf gueula has büen a Iroinnîl îrtîtitoc. The P-utoffie )eîartiueut bas under coîîîlderurionthe quetionî of 'placitîg on ont ufthie postage s anihia uftheI - Dew issue the headi! o -U, eoumsn n-ho ln cunnecteil with counîtry, No par- ? ', frlar peraun bas S bée-ndi-iidu'ilupon. althonich there la no douàl)t that Mar- r t h as Wa»liuton j i nllha' the wonaaa IX8.) onorcil. This orl Le the' firwt anu)M '.nri of theAsilaNorcu' inuad la t-but ilcîrrmvot. Notinîg tmore bearîti fuIly ill itru tes tht s«Mail thrifttef torelgoirs lb-sa the maIls. %V'Iile ne write fur rainumlsiou sirruai ove-r 73.O(Oiletteru sayear 'ne -ece <rut-v59.000t.000. Wlile qtunupail sud shirt-paidllettera ne s-unw 3GJ 5.t-be torrrgnersa sHict ul iath 2,1O65.352., n whitn-e are obliged lutripay postage W hile se seuilsbr.ad 49,157. postal carde o lîli poil reply tht> - seuil uoly 27713. WVe utle more urogle candi than tbey do, lentlng th-m ni-art> three-ateru ut a milîlion iniia total utof 8iO In u hort postage they impooe ou us annurislile the Sa ut about $3004.OO l'or uendiug aud recviviug this mail .Urt-grierumn-t tuais s22u,00ayear. Tii, postal reritrîs fer Iarr-h. as curai- lut-id nith Mardi eut lait )est-. for the tty largewt pratoffiicte trithe cuuntry, .lîrawa uet li-cres.urt it)p-r euutflît tfrtal rei ofeu tbtiitifty o1,ilb u-t-e lu-r cent, ut Dlit-vr, n tiIl, DîYtriî. I hio, e-,iind. nitb 34t îret Ft,--esIlies ceitted rî-. s uniii rulît i' trIn StI . lr, 13, Albanuy. N. - -10, anud îri-Il uis.4. The fixurer for tli.. tmw ilartg-'t olirr-rsbire id rer-tipI ut sllitl,210t. su irir-i-î-'rtIltpet- cent for Ni-York, sudlrrr--i.sIrr,!$8W,7510. il n rrt ua f 5 [i- r u tnt-u I 'lîîcsî'. Tht- i,rerîurî.s r Iiiut - uk. pnt ftruain lic Pr"su..g -.thi rîainn uit ail i-ru- îliiyeu. tisir lplane utr mahluity, trian wher- app(%înts-l. puace ut euîîuluymeut. eni rute of cuî-îuin l'ho bous ilîrna lthoeare more Uian 2,700 Surîtlis un titi- iayrlls nf lthe govet-niiaeut. nut -oinriut I-rur-.huIt aaInaîrn ire ti, ar- r- rut-n Oi a-otirrue <If tthe4t tiiîithe wuieîtIlng orivt 400 Igo rhrtaugt iri- an plirun Jrrlineyturt Tit" Joues tam- Ily un s r-lieueot-rr. ithlI.»),.o-hile lirn, n n r1uJ rrîronî ri.r.- rien-k as n oce fr thitl1iî firn(tiîn., t-110 nîrsrk fat-. tSrnr, liannui f iurt a'nr f tht uni er-mne-lrir -nr rCnrg-re Ht nsirettii g,,iff ti n l- rninrîe a ni touritî-nîur iî c i l...niîr-usrrthat he mii un ire uortld. Ir.- »iili ý.rit-r ta s iIrme rn 1et-Orrt. unIr.1- i l a- ies ta. ,tiiird ip--1-rtlre. rti- rn-e-r iaraalune. If mu- . : rri ni %tir hr.nrr i ivîr it bly i nrnr rs innrrt,, r -îtirîr all l ui,- nriite- mcr Sir.rn.- etaiuîrlît- t131,1c.lie saa luitr r raol dtirg. it leni, t ,c,-r.ro nrrsultaI liii'Ag- t-irrltur-.ii I>i-îirirr nrr tr tias leatridt- t seIn.. kFr,m nr-'trrrrr uncu.irncnveei h r( raigent, r la Sirin-t-r airrtes tlitchuer ,riit.rrrýlrrciet unr-rmnin-rn i tathercoin- ,u .tî u -11u n .- s- red h> yanunr- ri-ttr-t innt tir u rr.iir l-I trn 0 t he tti m ruriir--tnrtbr-ttrt- r --ton unil jierir-t rtntg, lire tn rtthir ur the tîr-nitr- ntrrn.r-1- im r rît-s-thtetotit- er Iii -nif trn arin-.stir,- Si-ute. His l iiiîîrlr ifircu taIn tnttu ireul uboîe In ci Thigite ie Si-note lmeame SI- le ruul t nfr t-hi' rmtiliou 1isin ru litr ould iriifail Ce-o i bilips. bWth irt- yr-a in n inM'r. I'uttua reachti scon nlto rthe tait purkel t ob islong tro-kr-tot sardrIrn-w fectit a pîug ut to- but-r-. 'mu o b- tit,, nu cheiv aud suit Ion oru h-mrt 3i ing un w-r-I. Everyhuily lt. an-ounlnce uurtl an order isaned hy lthe Xii u- ipirni-nt ail lthe oh guld lot-r'i-InOtlets, siroîruandl truppitîgaton buol at lte vr-onse iuartermesters' de- lueus t-hrringhotit the counatry are lu b. sen-tr to tIre Pliilnidelîbta cmlot, lu bave thbe guI1 andoiulîrer tittro-teil.'Tht gov- e-rrient t-ll lie uvetl cepuid, as there la rîu iraurmoneqilantity on baud, and mort mnirn.'!lirs ln thi eo- wconrse thuu selling 10 ptrrstcîparties an formerîs. Wiiit-lnu R lîrltandl t-benieurbema ot lais upe-ial vmîraeuy trit-h.' eurrnatiuu ut K-ling VdarlXIL bau- er-cIded lu pay lhitrr îuîrinrn"iîrîrt utlir - wn porb-ets., Tht>- bat-- unr irrtrrnred lthe arturlties liere. It cnet tit-Ir.îýid $20.000 onut oflia I rivt-ae purr- Ir, teutip tht dignity ot an .enit-rie-iii er-i-nîît . nue nr UieQueeu'a dinnîrnîd jîrbilur-andl tptortîrrong Lr r tI tt ili îr-niiabl> t4rfrîlsam or st>', ICoingre-eruIll veule t50,000 Ru pay tht tir-gs-iait.dulot-e arndrntrses sud te î-elm- irruthe rînrîruerotnu Jnrconu wo-bu luur- rel -xJ nto-. uiffrlo ira i t i e ilmenu $2010u ili gnttir t-lu uirgreonsu andii ile- lors. tîri- rininoor uuîrs-lo licD. Mann lie- lut $10.4nWt Tirein, r-onmuuilrcid smol- er.t r-în'niiw btwi-tiill t-ttnater riru i -nlrtrIa blîllcregt luit a crnrrirni tnir Inlîîrre lInto tht con- dition outihîîrtAlwer- peplcne ut tht Unitedl Stalet. Tht btll 1irovideafor s conîmis- &ion of tine persona. tu le nomltautel by tht Presldeat,. «ch 10 rectlve a *Ialmq 'Dr Mon0,1