Economize. Wlat 'i' fati cati we lelp yccu in tlîat li11eý WeIl, I gîîesimyes. Il* ycti u c.ut it ini the least cal1 aroui' t and we wilI couivi 11ce yoîi. We have the beist of everytliîîg at the rroc4 reasoîtable lrices andi 1In Meats.......,.. We lead tlîernail. We hîîy the hest tÀ> be huit ani dil at a close-' nàrgiîi. TRIGOS & TAYLOR, Libertyville, Illinois. 1 Our J l ewelry Store nu spVy 70 <(% viUha veytia bie esudk 51bsIt dmV ntgu is voesti e. W. am e b.dquartea 0eô 66lm]Emgte" ]Bro." WE HAVE A NUMBER 0F Second-hand Organs and Pianos. Also a fine line of. ... ::V 10L 1N S:::: to pick from. TUNING PROMPTLY DONE. Wheels and sundries on hand. DARBY BROTIERSq, Libertyville, Illinois. Carpets... ..Now in Velvet B_______ Tapestry kfIL >Ixminsters and Wihton UtiPets. Ingra in s In ail patterns from 35c to 90c per yd. We certainly Iead in the carpet trade. Our prices are such as to warrant your oatronage. SMITHI & DAVI.S, EEALERS le'i (itnoral Merchaudise. Libertyville, Illinois. * PICKED UP<HERE AND TI'ERE. 4Local Items of Intereet to Libertyville Readers * C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. One Effect Sunday, October 2o, iça., eai a:0 . m. TO CHICAGO. vals 41015. Depart FroM New (>0420. 1,a-reLii-.rtyviiie Arrive Cil.iag llm..... 7U4, m. .... . . 9 ! W, . -.....c' . c 5e. .I .. . . . I 115 P. mc. 144 66 Pjc . ... 7loircM. BuaNDA s. No.lbs... 7vU M. m........ . itu a. i. -148 . 1G J'. M.W..... TO CHICAGO. vax nve. FRqOM CHICAGO. 1 5a1 1DA . Arrive nt New Dopat. 1- .'C hirago. ArOc i 1.-11 y,111,, 140 131....7.4a . M. c"ac. W. -lit ... 21010 0.M . c 4 .Wm. - 17. 4040.6 . 466,p . 14 mi p.c i.IiM. 68 1,11M. B05001, N. lu.4300a. m. -10 460a. W. -ù pc î (. M. 1 : 41p. DM. W 1 P,404.1.6. 6 pi. M. FRON CHICAG.O. WEME VAiT. Deiart From Oid DePct. Arrive at OIdI DePot Lea-veLi..rtyvlk, Arrive Chiccago. 1 cî'.o Ar.'lc,.r ic. Vû 13 -2 ..7 a M. ....uc84 % .M - - 141 6w . . . ea - 14 .12 3Vc&, . m ... ý........: 40 P. M ~ c m)i.m..p . .M.7 56ip. nM, No.i3 6 26. . L. ...... 73 8. M '9 hcc@&Ys w enerd ram'? Dir.-Robinsou made s businemse (rp to Arora lait IMonday. C. H. Averiu ham reuird hie home On Newberry jcve ('cA. C. Waiiey, of d&ii- cago. T'le lofant 6,11 of Franck Cooiper, of beltiîtîcu, wse iiruidSunday afier- 'i 1e eiecirWc-rcjarifrauchi8erasl passed tir the village iboardi apieare i usuother collimil. ilii Warren is bebluci thebluockt a ,i rigge suri i avicrm maicrket, suri locoks fa i lr. Mccncay iliglici recient cliy sud the new village ( crr nrrbera icotk tbeir sau.ic Frauk Coopjer ixc snffernug wviib pieu- rlay audtceuoîîic-fo arip tir lova for hie healih Mir. A. B. Chamoberlur, of Chictago,t bas renteid'C. I. Avenus h% ocuge 0ou D)ivision Street. A baliy arriveci ai L. Il. i4hucks home '1uesday nlgbt sud iiis a boy. Yon cint tunch bey with a 16 fool pole nov, Dr. Kmithbhad erect.ed ou lias lot lu Lakeaide ceme(ery a granie monu-1 tuent, laut eek. aretow of Wanko. gan dId 1the work. A. B. Lewie who bas becu eau serions. iy liilai bis home lu Waukrgan ln nov able tu(orcisud hic permanenct re- covery la but a nitIer 0f iime. This bai beeu s flue veek for farmers, vîth gcoocralus. Oardene are groving niely au amis sud grass look spien- dlil. Currants are lu full bloomi. lire Frank iuionb)erry, vho vau tallen tlc the i'resbyteriau hoipitai. Chf- cago, la.t veet for trestment le not lîiucg uase vnias bai ben boped sice wcjclc. lier coudition le prnc.arioue. A iB. i'baWicmlaiu s genteman vho pcJccel tlcrcrugh liire a year &go sud prîrcIs.i - i titer 1r lwcc l ebrrragoin wctIl as hait clZ.uhUe cccc'iiand rldiv- ing hccrccev lie lm ait 111v lir groccndli vîthiiic e 841 oct Mir. andci brm.A. 1i itadzinatky 01 (A11 c.sgc, auccýun,, (1e eugagemcent c01 their tiaugtr Eliai ta Mir. iercy J. Eppeusttein, crI Elgin. lMuas lal veil anovo lu Lîbertyville haiving speni severai summere birrr. John Neumeiccier recrived a bal dlozro beifers. tborocîgbbred Swiss, troin Water Fisis, of Mystic-,('Oun.,t (bis veek. They are s choice lot sudt form (11e nucires f a splendid bord oft caiHle auttilpaird by Mir. Neuimeliter.1 il'lce party vbo on lait Friday igbl tocck a rcciîesanti vhîp froni the Liberty-1 ville hotel barn, beiougîng to Bniiockt Bras., ofl Waukegaoi, vii pieiuce returu theni tat heLibertyville Hotri snd lat once. The poty ln kuowu andi villIho1e proeecuted if (11e articles luncluetion1 are uoi retururd.à W. A. lirane vas graiet a saloon licence ai Mondoy nigbt'i umeetng of tlie village board. Be villii utail bar bitures lun(11e room nov aerd by falm as a wbolesaie ilqtior store and con- ducl hie pooiroouc as at preserît. makee (the fourtb salace, meaningi au lu- came of $2800 a ycar tc (luc village frccm lilese. Fridsy igbit of hlaikth 1e j une bugs vere vith us by th1e millions. Tbry came ot 0f (t1e grauud as If by mage. aurday moaing under every arclght 1the grounci vas iteraiiy covered i eh (hem. By 1t1e vay. 1the 17-year locuste are ducert(bis seasan but filniito 11e bopedti (ey viii mise con- nections. Horac-e iuikiey lias ordered materlal for (1e (vo tory buildiug1he vilii ect Oak ies proper(y ou Mlivanker Ave. Ammemstrlilouci l 5ikilcg lii@ annual cille. Martiu CouMlin, of Vierpcri Mich., fcrerly oftibis pluer, and a brother of Mrs. Kiane Moore, cied lait week. Lincoln Lîîsi soid bisC (lydie staliion to Clevelandi Brathers aIi laiusvilie Moudaty. 1the c.ou»dertio]1 icning 1300. I. J. Bockeiman sold hie properiy on treeltaolire. Martin Lyuchà (is veek. Couadaticu $2ciicic B. Li. Miller rnegotia"the (1 ceai. Foc i mpair goid bowi-cl ai)octaies. O(ier von have isal'dy Ideitifying proîcerty aîcd psyliig 25 ects 1,cr (dus adi. Wordeic and Luns 'el rl t'ticewclayj, uigh(t for Minnesota. 1inna gori for ber heaiih sud yl reniain t1err iu- deflitely wile Wrdenl expecis ta returu lu a couple of vecrie. 'file opinion la goDerai abocut towu tisai the elecirie roaci lm (o exieuci westwarci 10 Waiicofdsansd lsa apari (f t11e sysiem whieb il lm tu Le bul connecting the laits shore andi Elgin. tira. Henry recenîiy re-x olvrd aamthiug 0o1 r$4041 from lhem gaverumeut, owlng tethue deulh of her son Arhur lu a camp in Florda dur-1 fug the var vîiuSpai. Lewis J. Rouf, lbe Frenchinan vti banbenu lu charge aif(the manufacture of their praduct, by the Macaroni Company for noma lime, Las resigurd hîs pobition. Itla msid lit will returu to Frauce. "1eht i.Panl road viliiialle some important changea Inluthe (lir of traîne cammenclng tiuuday. A train yl Le put on leaviug nov deociai 7 :3 a. m. daily excepi Snnday. A ncuday train vliii leave Law dep@t at m P. M. Tue W. C,'i. U. viii mont at th1e homle of ire HBarry tiieson, (ienday afteruoon, Alay 1111. A (ru cent te& vill Le srrved. Vroceeds i ii 1e useci toa prchase a ecreen for (tue 'i ecper- suce Ilospitalc lu Chicago. k.veryane luvîted t ucoecc aîciship lu a gccod Ca use, A imper, cittiîrg forth thcil the signeris ic,.iive IL trc be fur (11e Lest iatereatcc utfth vvillage (bat anoiber nrvspaper [Xe ioc.otecifbore sud piedg- icîg support, le beîog clrc'ulateil iy A. W. Waido smnoug 1îIertyviiie bcîsluesea men. Mr. Waido bacc a persoual griev. suce, dont lite (lie editar (f the INLOrPENDENT a uitile bit sud la 'igetting even' over the choulders of bncinoss men and ritizae ho11einducri (a igu the paper. Wr 15lk no excep- tion tW an enciraior tuaet-art another paller. 'Chi1e la a freocoauutry and there rouai for um al, but tbe aulmus vhicb inspires Mir. %ados@ action la (bal of the mau ooho being oppoird poiltically ceeke revenge by attemnpi- lug te, injure hue olcpmnelit lu a bnéi- ceou vay. Many of Mr. Wsido'cc owu friende bave called à% aieisoffce (o assure us (bey are Iicno vsy counecieci vih bis -'schetuo' sud (bat ihey deplore bis action. Regardlrccs 0f (hein opinion sas tcr vhther crnoui anoiber nevspapr rcmessential (bey do ual vaut ta 1e ldrntillcd 'eitlc a move- meut ebIclu le prlroarliy 10 gratify the Iudividuel haireci cf a dinaporiited office seeler. Prliaày lgbi oanmeeting of t(rochers of the Preabyieriao iStiuday school vas held ai the home uofl'rofessor satMlrs. Knapp. Drlug the eveniug a crovd of yauugstera congregateti about th(1e hanse.,clioutlug aird (browing gravei agaluat 1the windows. Tva of th1e number vere recîrgullet sud Satur- day morning 'erre trîken befone J ustice Churchill sud eüch fluec $300 andi cante. Itla sbelieveri i i iiproveoa lesson ta Ihese yoccng ravdiss. It 1isa sure tbiug the dimgraceful actions of thirer or four youtigeterc abocut town I - 1COUNCIL PROCEE.DINGS. les. rof the Board met lu regulor sessiccu. fIli bcard present. Minutes of April .111(11resU andiont motion af Kaiser sud Corlett vere1 accepteti. sommer LinUBTYiVILLU, APBIE 14, 1902. Board met lu adjaurned session vîtb il présent except Jual. 19 waà nîcveid sud secoudièd (bat Ir4ctiuig adj,,curu ta April 16(11. Car- le1 d. W. C. o i, Cierk. Aî'lcrL i6tij. fiarrl imet pliriiiiiiii o adjourumîîîît. il prisseut ecept luat and Proctor. &ioved by Ccîrlett andi Kaiser (liai oardi resoive itaet 411(0 a cohniitee or the vboîe toa cuvas (lije plecilon rettnrni. Carried. Moveci by Corlettand Kaiser thât E. Wayne Coltcy having reisilved 13 vote@, a majorlty casi ait1the electioc, be declared eocted présideint for thie enauing year. Carrled. Moveci by Kaiser and (rabbie ihat E. W. liniierield haviug recelvecl 133 oie@, s majarlly raut at thé electionu, ce deciareci elecrd sa truste for tIhe ensuing tva years. Carrieci. Moyed by Shberman and Kaiser (bat G. A. Wright bavlng receiveci 122 otes, a majority euti at the election, ce decîred elected as truste for the nsuing tva yeiri4. Carrled. Moveci by Urabbe sud Kaiser that L. B. Hanby baving receiveci 124 voies, a majoriiy euti ai the election, 0e de- lareci elected atrustefor 1the éeu- Ing tvo yeare. Carrled. M oved by Kaiser andi Orabbe thai W. C. ilanborn having receiveci 110 voies, amajority ceii ai thoeélection, 11e de- ciareci elecird as village clrrk for th1e cnsiîing year. Carrird. Moveci by ithermau andi Corieti that neetitig adjccurut10April 23d. Carrird. W. C'. SANBOHN, Cierk. A P IL '23, l14W2. Ai ibisa adjouruied session ofi the village boardl Juit vau absent. Th1e franchise cathe Chicago à Mil. wauker Electrie railroad vas resu sud ou motion 0f (orleti andi Kaiser urdi- Rance 149 vas passeci, Corleit, (irabbe, Kaiser, Proctor Bnci Shermau votiug sye. Moveci by Corieti sud Proctir ihai ineetiuigadjourutoAprII3llih.Carrieci. W. C. ocaN Village Cierk. APRIL 301, 1902. Bjoard met lu adjourned session ail members heiug présent. The minutes of April 141h, 16111 sud 24d were roit and on motion of liher- min sud Practor vere acce pied asud approved. fI wau movred by Kaiser and Corlet thai raliroaci ordinince No. 149 be publisiiec sud acceptauce piaceci on Élie. Carrieci. Moveci by (irabbe and Kaiser thai P. (i. Howe 11e alioweci $5 for service of repairlug tire englue and a warrant ordereci dravu for saime. Ayea- (lrabbe, duit, Kaiser sud Sherman. Naya-Corlett andi Practor. Carrird. Moveci by Coristi sud Kaiser that ordinauce No. 160 b1e passeait. Ayes- Corleti, Orabbe andi Kaiser. Nays-- Jus&, Procior aud lSherman. Th1e presideut votlug aye. The motionw'as carried- The license commttie reparig favorabiy au rebate af pool sud bîlliard tableliîcence uof1R. A. i'ontuw ut vas moveci hy Kaiser sud Corleil tuât 6 $ 11e ailowed as rebate. Ayea-Corit, (irabbe sud Kaiser. ay Jul i'roctor aund Sherman. The president voting mye. "ho1emotoion vas ciarrled. Moveci by Corlettand (irabbe ihai îJames Keiri bu alioweci $2 MI as rebutée ou village ti. Ail voting aye. Alter a favorable report cy (the finance commitiele it waa ,novecl by i raicbe sud Julit thai the loovig bills 11e aiiowed. W. E. Davis............. . . ..$ 5 ccc i eo. Wigner.................... 5 00 iB. a. Miller .................... 5 00 iC. N4. Dnraud ...... 0 L. leniki .. . 00. c 7Paulî MacOutllu...............00 1A. W. Waldo ................ 18 Il() s F. H. Justi ....9 i ïC. H. haiser .................... 17 oi 1 H. J. Proctor .. . . .. .. 13 (111 F. iirabbe . . . . il 41 C . i. Sherman.............. 19 oi Thos. Cor let................. lm (-il W. C. Saubarii........... .... 22 25 iLake Cocîoty indepruclent ...12 2M rB. H. Miler .... 25 0fi fJ. Keir . .............. .... 2 M4 t . Braith.. ... 341Oil P. 0. Hccwe .... ............(K) R6. A. Pocctrw ................... 5 00 B oved biy ùrabbe aud J iel (liai 1ordinance No. 15cr,11e recousidereci. Ayea- Grahlce, Jiâot, Proctur andi Sher- mon. Naye 1'C.rlett andi haiser. Carrîrci. Moveci by Jiikst aund Sherman (bai crdiuauce No. 150 11e laid ou t1lie tab1le. isCarrird. llMoveci by Icet aund Corîltici ad- oji)urio Carrinci. W. C. SANOviSa, Village Clerk o sommer <Inderwear,..... Mciik .l.aiie>, aiil tliild- rlil s Simnier ltîderwear iii ail kiîîds and priceci. Yotirs fcor Biisiîiem4, TELs A C Oc and lsc. A pîîrcliase of 15 dozeni Ladiem' Beits, conÏ11risi1lg a Maîîuifactiirer's samnipehUe ami odd <lozexi higli grade helts-tlie 25c, airtanid 50v kiwis -is the cause of these Iuo îrices: iMisses' and Ladies' îiali size Beitza focr................................5C Fine Lvather anîd Satin ululey o Beits for .................. C Fiiîcst Leatlier Belts ini Black, Brownî, Siate anîd Patenit Leatiier... 15C THE FAIR, - Illinois. votiug sye. The baud of W. C. Nauboan as reiti aud an motion of Grabbe sud Kalier vas socepteci sud piaced n nie. Tie foilovlng resain(ion vas pre- senird andi resd sud on motion af Hanby anddliniierSelti vse paiset, ai votlng oye. Be It resolveti by (11e Presideut aud Board of Trustees of 1the village ai Linertyville ibat liceuses for pool andi btlîlard tables 11e lîsurd on th1eaime terme as beretafore ta, W. A. Deaur sud B. B. Anderly for 111e euaning yeux conditloned. ihat (bey preaieut a bond as pravideti by tbe ariuances of ibis village, etth11e f011 regular meeting o thia board sud Il sId bondis areua preseuteci at sncb lime the suldliceuces' are ta be farfelleti sud of no effect. Psseed May 5, 19012, nortb 0 f is prearott buisuneso block. h ave beeu toleroted ta the limiit sud If Preidru( E. Wayne Colby appotciteci Appraved amy 5, 1902. it wohl lie 4o fret eep wilh liais abave' (bey dni turu cver a uev leaf and bis c9lmiiees as fol lovs' E. WAYNX COLIIY, Prealdeul. osu va dsore ratcs belov. 'Theîrlarge r 111atpretiy soddvîr. determineci action Fiuance-Wrlgb(, Buttrlel, tIauby 'W1e*îua . tailns i Oi e ueviy trees standing ou the site vere cut viii ho taken ta have lmposed ou theni (reit- Caniett, Kaiser, Grabbe. e qualifimatiors ver he ule su downut(bis veek prepsratory to tegin. refarin achool sentences. Libertyvilie LIcense (rabbe, Raiser, Corleti. 0moinfKasrndCrt we Lng elcovatiug. ln not cunset viih huit boys, oun1the Buiildiugs Buitefild, Wnili, plceio 1e Nex Sal)jth illbe pwoth eage'coulrary oor lcrs are velu behavrd G rabbe. lcdofie day aith(1e M. E. mordu. In (the moru- ansd veil mesnlng, but vo bave a fev, Llgbt, Pire & Wter- Kaiser, Haoby, sud refsersreporta fonce commure sd log lin. Robinson viii preach tw ail 1t1e yau eau cantt(hema ounthe filgens oI bnttertield. n eerdt iac omte n leagurers. 1The Junior division wiloaebaud, vbo for (1Mirvu t ond sud Beslt sud Sal(ary-Hauby, Corieti ou ibeir reposl vas an motion 0of ibat of (the comuimccity îbanld 1cr ent WrIgbfi Cort sud Kaiser referreci baci for mont ut :i.003andt he lntermediates aixpantin 345. At 7:304 viil1e a ipecîilprograni ta the rofarin acbcrcci. This msy asei oved 1y Kaiser sud rabbr Ihat epasun by (eirgecoseigof declama la Pretty barsuu cucgnent, buct th(, $7idc bu ixed sai l mbulic-rer for rhelio îîovîug bis vere recoin-1 tionandmsie IL.. Chse r Chi oE PENDENT has 80 OfteU relrained rnsoing yesr. Carriecl. mendeti for poyment icy the fnance caotenar vii i s&lsth@bchoir. froto publisibg acconutsaf Ihefie Moveti by Urabbe anti Kaiser thot commuttee sud versou011notionu of caaprpelraird aud 11e digraceful oe&-a ilceuse for pool anti billilard table lie Corleit anti (irabbe alloveti anti Margibal Freshinan bas bren lu- poches of a few f (besie youugccirre. (1e saine an faut yezr. in accardauce varrant ordereti cravu, ail votirug aye. slructed (a rigidiy enforce the dog aut or consideroticcn far their parents, vitb ordinance No. 126. Carrieci. W. C. Bauboru------------$501 ordihuance receu(ly psed by the l vouiti ereinabout glise ho foreevear Applications and bauds Irani Peter Gea. Boehm ............... i15 ic village board. If yau vaut lo preveut Indulgence. l'rrbsps liait pnblici(y Pe(ges, B. B. Auderty, F. Endenin sund M. Frrebimau ............ ou ii yonr dog beiug kiliedcitI on Treasurer beaun given thecm actions Il voniti bave W. A. Dogaue for saloon licenser ere IL l.iieaîcou . .. ......I150 l$biuck, pay yoîîr tiz sud receivo a been botter. lu any eveiii, parents preseotetianti an favorable repart of Freeman Paver Suppiy d'o.. li i 1 tag, ubiclu lag attaehla Ibothe inge'a bovîl e uo iaiaialon lbe rupeateti liceuse nammitîse il vasmov6d by Schanok lirats........... ...... 75 ool Iar. Every dog roandti iobnla m.hdemeanons of 11101, boys,canat Wright sud Oouuehl %bat repart b. Preidt aul ays appolaltmeaisfor M ilii bt e li. langer expfttl enieU0o m OUT ur ataooepied and heences granDis. aul enusini jea r aeMd cmfollous: 1, E. Wayne Coiby, Premienolf Me board o0f iruetaers oathe village ai Liberlyville, Caunny ai Lake snd Biais of fîlinois by and vih the casesi sud ativice of 1the trustesi@aoraM village, hiereby appoint 1the foulla personi a 11te offices ai bereinaflet nameti' nBr.H. Miler,Vile Attorney; L. B. chauck, Vilifage Trmoirer; Martin Frealxmuu, VIlla0 E. WAYNE COuicY, fi vaaz mveti by Bsuby aud Qrabbe tbat appolutmente 11e canfirmed. Carried. Moveti 1y Hauby sud (irabbe tMa$ itreet cammitiree ho empored le, gravel atreets as (bey deem ativimetla. Carrîrd. A motion regsrding th1e maving et partition lu village hall vas lait. Moveci by Grahbe sud Kaiser to adjouru Carrird. W. C. SA'NBOO5, ClOrt. U nclaimued Lettre»,. y'rrIlowl ,uM a list of lccetton smalninu la LibtYIrIIN&II.. irc,ctoMrce, Man i. lai. Wbsrc rrOillDfo7r thceilitters ,ar **adver-, Fartmr ho . Matlcvier(Ob. NeeciicccccS.4B. IRyal J no. Siiriîik'r lic. C. Tius Joo. Tdouiu l Xs -s ls. WAaSIN M. HKÀTH POcctînailr. 'Tlie 1lazk Importdti reali Dca ilialliou Persifleur No. (13617 w stand ai Llbertyville itis suu Tbis Mtaillon bas van ceven lusi aI 1the Iesdig Bone, Sbows lu Iiîý He is pronounud by colms af ew horameu toho oneof the ho* suatians (bal evaf A1 g a couaty. S$>10 maulm a rowae by O. A. ALi Dress GIods... Wc Ic la\t- ii4t redeivedîta large îiitw stock of Sumnhler 1 ) ccs icînls iii Lawncc, I iiiitites, iin -ci s, Mercerized and F 1~rerîch i i îgbanis witiclî w" are seliiîg at very Iow [rices. Aiso ,a îîew Ihue utf1Percales,. Kroîigoes and ltlîiiî white7 gcuds: lars. OIS.' mg of prampîly ware Store. nt rue guar- ars. sa shape. iug need Ui gond portia ,guhle. 1 ibertyville. "?MM