LAKE Vol. X-No. 35. COUNTY IND)EPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. June 6. 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. lm thse iii iîthi of thie gi-a i îîte hiîbt there aie, e otiit boys. 'Ilese boys aie briglit boys they wotiluli't gî-adiiate. fand briglit they caiti but ri-aliLe1 thi, juopI e of wlioiîi tr biîy ti> 'ress ail the gr:îlîiatiiig ho: we tati coigratitlatêt tlîetîu tll STEVENSON, THE TAILOR. Libertyvilie - - - Ml IL4p ringi Al-1 J'- liiIl .rt nu f.i i 1 1iiv SUIT OR OVIIRCOAT. FRED CROKER, 1 lbert>tvIlle Illinois. Illinois. ers' Lfld ,our, as-, ions. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORqNEY A- LAW. LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. acuÂNuca *LOCI. - 155~ TELEPI4O$ltNO 2 *te ,55 Dr. Charles Galloway. Officeover Lovel'siirugStoroi BOUERS SOU àTO eANSI)4TO SP. M. Libertyville, - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over i rîggs & Tayior'-i. îtlani. 2 1îý4 ii'l e. IGCIj. M liesîdeuce on Biroiadway t9pposite Park Libertyville. Illinois. Dr. Orie M. Grover. tlomeopthkc Physicien and Surgeon. .-4ýpeciftl attentîîingivei to Dîgses of o! Wonicu îand ('broliv )iceee. For tbre yiaoils Jiinl1ýr0h, filin, arid. ci.< î î...g i 1if i PAUL MacGUFF A f torey and Counsalior st NOTARY PUBLIC <Ippioz OvEit LtiE COî'NTY1 Libertyville. Ili DR. AMOS J. NICF OF CIIICA(lO, bâie openod a DENTAL OFFICE At Libertyvilie, B,tier'o io S4mltirt)î Dvîst'mtre wircre he founid regu"i-y o(iiW'u. m ol a. tu. o6 6 81p. ru. D). I. GROVER, M Physician and Suri ROCKEFELLFR, ILLIN( Dr. H. O).B. YOU Phy'sîcian and Surge Gurnee. Dr. E. H. Smith, Tîmothy, Clover, N~ DENTIST. Hungarian, Red T office over LakoCounty Batik BleGas Libertyville. 111. Field &[Lawn Grass~ MISS FLORA COLBY $eed Lorumad Todder PHOTOGRAPHER. lePi.siRes9.k e irte Libertyville. CHARLES STEMI i 2r 1f if Lang (rosie. ly *UL XLE y BUILDING Illinois. STEAM LAUNDI Lake (go, Bank, itokNal WRIGH4T DYMONO & CO., ýl okNal Libertyville,liIol. Prom ptly Dor IdOues lutereït Beartig Certifi cEit.s lPayable un Demanul. Bond Bros ladividual Responslbility, Sîoo.(oou. Libertyville - Che Cost 1$ foi For a telephone in yoL of business'or your reý 'Von get te ic'the, l :lu<i l'wiiig si Colutty l'elephoîiucCouuîîîuîiy andi(!, Chîica.go T'eIephoilîe Compianuy. For Information, rates, Otc., wî te- CONTRACI DIEPART 4qIISDrug Store. ur place sidenc-e. molnection iî rMENT, Libortyvillo.1 My4 DOWIE'S MAMM40THENTERPRISE. Board of Revlew Appointed. FRE ON EDI IL Judge Jonues a nounee is i.ap- AMRFUDDA NFED S Cîlaîjm lie WIlII Etatîlieh p<itrneut f (George 1, Stewart, 0 Som r Oprn ,Orgoqt ugir Retnery waukegan, andi James Ilfi Steldm, eT Fred Butler, of Round Lake, e p n n i ta sr Sur iluery Hîg1iul'n art, as lameuliers o!f tlus Meets ilatlîetlc I)eatir.0F HJ Yearea Board of Seyiew. lit. biildm Fred filiner. wiro wifir bis famiiy O U Followlng bis lieCorîtion day ser- le tire former pregrident of? tie Chricago lived où a farm two nuIre west of n if nery D epartIIIVII . viceDowe altinnee lnZio Ciy lardware Foundry Ca., auinl a min- Roulad Lake, wam tnnd dead lu John n Strdyad aliix ekw vh ice lhweallopelutit lans fr theber ofth61e ilighland Park 'îty conneil. ConvermeS tIleld adjolunlies farmu t(>1 atily tul il rtwekw etbihenta ri coe tedlafat e Tire geutlemen uamed and Citarmau 'l O'elOck ÏlhurBday nuoring. vîll liavu Il great .Special Sale to estarlismentin ion f tie ureaiTiffany of tireBalottaiof Sîîpervieors, I16 seemll Bater bas been lSifering l-rae ui opiig. C tP cs au gar reiuery lu thre world. 19 wyul, cnttf iervlvn idwrcr with a nervons trouble and at 2 o'clock ehrt ou opni. C P cs t girl 1esas epo 111>mniftreaa i tueterveixhadwihwl l-e-ti o Bae t h hgas mlyllomuath ulwxll paesUnpou this a maie sesieuto. fIrnureday moriug got aip ad left is ~ wl o e-tii t aH tîi u the and i viiihb bu lit near th1e lace factory. _______bouse. About 3 o'cluîck oeerch vas Already ire sîje ireiras closed c~on- Looks Like Double liulrder. iuseltutedl for lminbibis famiiY.G e ts Seln Ev t tracta wlth (uital plantera for s1111- John E. Mnlianoy, aleil 51, years, a Nelgirbors asistedt anti util M o'clOCk ini Milliîîery (oo<is ever seeri liereahujîits. *lsf meute of the ny enagar te Zion 60li>e prominent farier reuidlng un tire ex- no trace coulti ir founti oftire mau. AMONG TH£ SPECIAL ITEMS WC MENTION' beiîîg 'reined. trene norttirvea put f cfialie oon6Y, Thenlire vas tilecovere iIn 1Mr. Cou- \I FI;AN lBAS 0ý"E TOO. andi MillsLoul» ]Brown,biis iouge- verse'e flelti, and i iatiapparenutly Iieen aShirt XW aist Mats we aire A Waukegsn piper Insiste tirat a cireesgd 0 elesnoeholdr-ing Brn aie 1 iermmohgnoepat1%t o oaly asaulted etIil O'cioek t8un.y Coroner Taylor vam surmoneti and Mrd atn ats t oae neae tire nortirmulimîts 0f igt.josephr MimIet, a farm bndir ait t e f !golug te rK shligR itloI'tltCty. ifeaye chargedth îfithorJ eue. Anebtota vie- luqluest. h l r s M t yp, btîtt 'I ire factoîy situation groAeInter- flue cft61e amult&ai. ncousclous Do 'No one bellevem Biner met wvîtir tout M t 1.and etlng.kuither invetigatiou shows det alie of thre talicknime ascerfalueti. puy, tire general opIiuion g tirat Pattern H t tirat tire contemplateti site of 6he $3, Mînnet le mislsîn. iu a delerluin ire vandereti into tire 110,ti(m1 antI-trust glucose plant la t 'lire couple woe r audti yiîrg ountieleld andt irre succunheti. 111h iepsarunt selle uant onîy hate, but hie a good virere tire extensuIve pretiilary jfoor of tire houa. hortiy iflfer naid- lieceasmeti as e promneut Muson. îlieplay ofiftancy colored Chiffons, Rlbbonop Irirluge have been matie ou thre E.' * ,nîgiifby ChlBi ga derisnotirer veli liked biy bis neigibore and Quille, Flowerts, lruajueulsi, Braldsanmd E. property but lie as faur nortir as tiere ainad employed eftirhe place. le acqualutauces". A wiTe aud four ciii. iNillnery Materfala ai ail kluds. extrene inortir, limite of tire clty. lu foulait1Mr. Mulinel Nîtir two bullet dren eivive film. lact, Wauikegan'e nortir bouudary i- vonuts luaiis bocal sud tire vomnnsN I S H S A E secte tire tract Dow under conelder- skuîî mid Licou frotur.t. lioy lvturks Like a l)oi. amolli. 'lire locationt irere iras fliâad- Etigardr' lm*dWly âsiinîued liaîktulèg le Va d.ot fies la vauiaee beauseo! If extrme @Insveraîtof tire ueighlbre. 1Ile attend. thre Ouly imens u e! oclibÔmiuci. (DIYNSN flois. Y tace l ireille ( verywîie ift thlang phyt;icianaen ff&buirt iritirpatientasteflotu letaoiNorthr Chicago boy vire poinlt andth ie lîroposti ete laefurrTe- ween lua crifi«,ciloouition ntsudI erecelivedia severe irock of eiectrlî'lty ci * 1 613WrPR I1C E inoveci fron tire I'ty Iroper, tirougirlu feareti fuir ijuries wili prove fatal. tat week %Vedneeday. Telephone No 0.WueaIio cloue counection vîitirailtiippitug An eflectric vire tiangling froru eNa iî'ltis lartirer 1* lmeaeîily iccees fridley A Candidate. pole of tire Chicago ýt Milwaukee l'.ec- 't lb uhe street, as tire tboriinghifire laid (ieoe N. (lnIdley, possent incumirent, trie rail wiy lions,lu front Of tire zinc ouf lîcar tire u'irtlî limitte frn ir eri- lehs aîadidate for renionunaflon as factory lu Northr Chllcgo, le reeponsbible day lZoai exteîîtiîîig ame fr clamtaah6the cunnty treauirer onthtie relurîblican for tire chlide condition. WednesdayB u o e Notirwesiciiri'il loa )I9iititui tire ltît. Mr. idley vas iertLedWti llvirenire vas :psssig tire factory tireB u g e r ey pruiîerty» tire ineiîred tera of lire ste Jlin M. boy seizddth ie wlre sud wae kniocked Wlietiemtih., fariitIRci's ii le'tuoi'oote, anidlthe generai.liîiiiiirevrcaiia en iti'iay the iigh-voitage current. are (Il, and ittiri' nine 1'irte-rlrint-, e are tîîait Lie wolildDo lio e elJgibiî, for an-lBe vas picied up a few miontes liter no l e C, u i , oo ii tuier terni. and cîrriedt ilshiehome. (Ou regain- R a d W a g o n s t1ol J'oJlIdLý,IIýta 05i Rh Mr. ùriîî'y iras bati UNmrure jpaiîu ng11 eiia( nsc.u e&ee f as afoultirebt goiii e ChanceS tii îtî'eriie anes iiilok tire baffer o u ii<i lei 1 heby's vvomsysten wa8ie"isIy %Wuukegau'.A fltlii~AEF. not tireCasme. A lengthy oîpiniuon iry aff3eteil. 'linet light tire bey begaur 60 VJITH RUBBER TIRES IF DESIRED. IM 9. I itES AXN. Attorney teneral Alai, rceurereti lu barkl:lge a deg andtbaniras nitteti only i ortfli ret tino-'in filmiiiijeitaciuiasc im euers 0on tire subJaciMi. Afinlu Rsocir onude eincettiren. I lmleonly it 1ci oi oia cirieer JohnîîAlexauder iiiiciiniaYeoic ilm ieopliionimuid:*îWlirre a meail-fines, irowever, thift te muiI-CI llt~Oia arterion aiiuice(l tiu hi', foiiiwerft person la eeted to eerve au un. lestetion le nade. tu lîrice .and have a lirat fl@is at ini iilhiete , îe Bore a expîreti terni of o&ce ioif Sherif or Evenftuairecovery o! thre châliti1 le arey rn geitirriug of 4,VMii li.rsone lu liou City, Ireasurer, ire la uot by reàenon thereof protiicted by Dr. W. H. Wttereon o!fodvrit rx ire Rsid biis nly prirpîiae in building renderet inieigible lae muecced i m Northr Chicago anti Dr. J. Ci. Foley ot which to select. a lion wumtoroug iaoiolugir miuey 60 sels.-' IVaukegîn, vire have affentiedth ie boy outirgit tire city of Jorîîîrilein lirevionaly,laIu AIgUtorney tieneral pitieut. Titus fmr, hurvever, tirey amy,______ antiJoadeatin6 peuple tirer,, tu aweît the Mînrice T. Malauey oe~trued tire liv iris condition te serions. Trire nervone ceming o! Christ. aimfialf1. At thea 4clnsion 0f a aysteinva sehaffereti by the eirock. 'IN -'rom the preseut outlook i ifvli ieugtliy opinion hoiW*. -i am there- 8uch casles ate are- Sre or n idw Sres L A. nof iremauy yeus abefote veaiwilllhave for, of theopinon » * MM a pu-oefliua d l .4111pnioC, go profili. L W everal, o eit te" Md Dowl % -'u"n oîaatirer eleet.. o >ap ointnt o uent pliaflaÎms d snrg o ns5 id it. I h a v e th e rn-in th e sta n d a rd sizes. c we yl inake enougir te accoinplsil semve an unexpited ferno! tire office One phYIrysici mYa: BANK, OUi greaf purpose.", of eherlîf or treasuret, lhe la not, by This may hoe aue of tirose cases, but '[irs Te theîuue of Dowle'e taIt anti every reognofihrew, reudered Iaeigiiîle te tire resemblince o!thie sounud matie Tm,nrk vas tuishnow tuat ionCity le su'cceetiimnelt. îtftire people saecIlt tu by tire patient to thne barking of satiog tire fuiiiiinent o! tire iropiremy ot elcct hlm t ta ech ofitce." le only a coincitience. Ifle not imita. inLS itii.lhteeulen âii fM.Gi-tive. unctirmnifesttions are a resuif iH a. B . EI E 3R 9 HO S ',I,)ii , IýE 4 iA ýiýi I i-A iENT. lys eigibilify, ant i Ie liasdeterînuneti of tire lisorder8 of muecles anti nervea s ~ +,,î~ lîos l'armeiun ti- viciuify et lion C'ity w endeavor te soeure a reannmiiutiour. of phonation. Tire only monotie th ire tvill Illnois vere muncir perfurberi last veci vireni duseaneti memaboesare capable oftumait-_____________________________________ tirey learneti eeeoftire enalîpex Fox Lake Etectric Roud Stijlilog may resenirle tire sountime iiiety ek, over patiente in tire temporary irospiiai lu Hanuiluug Fire. a tiog. andthie reeembiance la likeIy tiIl nlr'ay lre /.i<îbal escaîrirl mildvis et large. PImooters of thre proposentieleetrie ibe exaggerated by tire Imaginatioin .i I 1i1' ,y§, fron A delegatuin Calieti on1 ftiten ronaloufeinWînkegan ft) Fax Lake arethelie utenere. lu irydrophlobie tirere 1 I P Attorney S. 1). 'Ialcott snti urgedlfhlm by no e n n of trItifie eby remuren enscir nanifeititonesîrnetîe, Sp i g Fu n h ng . fi. uriffy tiremilite bioard of irealtir to of tire building orthtie Ake Bluff aud fiey are firougirt iy some poisons Su go tion anti place e proper qllariuii- Libertyvilie tondi, vitii lte proposeti to Ire an imitation of irarkiug tlocalise Stable Blankets in ail Uine opont tue infeuwt place. Mfr. "al- Western extension. I iîeY deelare îI îlatire pattite vere iitten by tioga. cuitt aceej'dingly telepironcîl theo "rt bot- o le ieDt L1 lml orc-szs a d a i rcs 9geon. mnssnthtiey pronîsedtu toattend te Dow inmely aquestion o! rlgirf.ef vay. liyaen,.1 r upycie-szs ad a i rcs tire batt r. What stands in tire way la a soeeng dent. ois. tua.1. oviîii. it of ippreciafion of tire virions great Bouquet for Miller... S',Vat Iaads. %V. C T. L . Coventin. atvantiges ta accrue 1rouinlire building A h eei eortcCut i hi' Lite Counity W .r. .t'. viii of tier oad, an attitude UhicliIls par- Atvetioiecf D ecntlcCute Ihave a large variety. N G. irîiius annuel ilutitufe sil conven- ficularly manileetei by noine properfy (uenun.unoratei loing 1 tire elw etem............... 5 IN . tiî,n et (irayalake Thîirieday endi l'il owuers wiren tiremiatter 0f securînig renolutio4e planseeivetr eIwn eîîie"lo etes...... on. dlay J une i12 anti jr. rigirt-of.wayileRonder oouidenatlou. liaragrapir Ail l)etr lair l'as... .. .. .. . .. A sieuid rogan ba ben po- herul ba ben te enatrdug f emrci,dthaf ve express our ibigir ( >filoli Paris . . ... .. .. . ...................... 25C ria B peni rgrt re enpr-'ir uelisbe tg duanuirT lpreclafben anti apprevai ofTCte onfî v itict anti mostlirelpffi sund entertalu- prohibition patioet for riglt-of.viy, an cl conduct ou thuf sterling democrat, ilnls ng sesionsare prlimieti !fo r ofir dayS attitude nef Indicative of Interesf lu Mr. Eldon Miler, for lits femniesa devo- 0 antiev eningi>. tire project or ippreciatuon 01 tire Tivor- tion f0 duty as e nember o! tire board *Lap uusters .. Aillutreeeillu licvor ae uget aie renis vriir uilfolo~ 11ehueof revlev of fus eeonufy. knolng tiret Ai tii teil coathmpr aeureda lefstlon. c wlire lotirhpoe le* t wuvaslargoiy due tu fies efforts anti A gooli 1I)îstei with kîotted fritîge.............. $ 35 to ateil. copleton. ntirng utâ large amount of sa Flithy Temples India. l'ire prourofertie lr h rje npropemtylireretefore unuissetianti Very iiice Motnde dusteir..................... . 75 Sar-d cove effteirdetile Indiat n teunewvirciraboutit ho epartîcnîarîy ai- untaxed lu tire ianio eliyprisEtafu lî i< rc ltidises..I uteti yanrd ysenIvîti 1Cr. brtireotre basdbeen CleDua yoi snen i r Ki::'s p. roactei vro u'l e:nethe reaf lu atire nnd ypries: iae S gleliariiesselini varionis styles aîî<t trinis, lit îrices New Lite PIeSurid avoiti untoit ie vrtr ryn ninn rris ioliei.iil F niîeery.'lheygiveivcly îîvers, active uei of Lite Connfy iras boeenans lerefofore avoitiedth ie burden of tax- tliat defy coliîetitioii. 3eeds bowels, goout digestion, fine appef ife. o! transit teast anti vcef, tire tarit fopatiIRtîorhi cuyboafe tberticir- OrAy25ent . B Lo*F.,i,,m Ibetyvlle wiichbasimoste mu ttre ceunity's juit alhure of tire burdeusq of taxation. Lor. (BAYLKEPipopulaLbertione; f roi e onty seat as C . IH . KA ISER, weli as t male ineonnenieut tire sorcial t5eeoratlon Day Race. Lbryil lios ~~~~~ ~~anti businesscommiclation of tire 'î%tir shandicap mark trf tvo bours, Lbryil iîo PEL, ~people generaily. 'le' oanfemupisterî tire full rriiwance, James E'. mii PInLs , R N relireî iiremnove tihe condition andtiii ielr ît thtie iIDIouDi ia iln le GRAND DANCEU opena wù of comeuî:eioiiýau fron te gidi ,%r îlei.i,(rlyville-Wankegenr SCoutity'eIargoesCtyal steaot orrm'ior n )-r tlor i Dy iy liuani Bll, AT gîinerumeincn h e tlu' kly popnue-(î',îl iiire l,'irt i iii, . iier li' rp 3 *. ier, rl uî' iiu etttiC , ii riliff e seetruri t' fu11rw, uii Iz 'ii l.,Itîlly : IIRTEL'S PARK PAVILlON, iirri ILr:y .sîui,'ii:p-upro>Fcity tail,- tiiuakifo Il' iri.(ui fand ll'lit lien l îmUcrîîuie miiýl iteial. , ri rrr1îrH Irrgtrciiiet i e. ~ ifaec-rii offaire euh i irimo cliit i , ii ::iti, t li. t t u t ilg r rt 2fi nobi iee iîrelEnvriir iiri, ----rris c 11 11.ln a eIiC i ou SSatud [ Vefnn hll Gi flîu an i ivir thfia Tu *raiti lifore imuy uan(ttir. m h IlrniS 3 JLINI3 14, of19Q2-I'tticire 1ieri irml accelîted pr l'îonîg tire eietlgrolaut 4thoou > Iîlee ivaîhoe amp.Nîr '2f~ If.~ A tut at(itegani and iforc a Minute vuil luolti a plenie rit Situesers <lionle. LONGLEY, 10W & ALEXANDER 3 lhidapcoei r u, igiiieafl aete se011Inner, [litUe-fMt MuAlc bv Prof. Smifh're * (iayelake July itir Extensive e"ielaiirlmili-y!leu,,bu iao ii S Chicago (Orchestra. .rangements are Ilnig mrade. Aniaurge th eotaa ea--pelpw 3 tir îlenîlyorîî fir aih rityiake. ~ -.4 ilue ririnrîugil Iniformation trornîtirhe md neverfindtibmvanting. if you care îuora ban viose mater&l to se7dyour«Ilui irtlerti, l i sîlong tire rouriîtebt OIi-lafadii,, viose shape j, 7aultieea, whnse snîchîng us îiplese aud Lead Tiere Au niiii'triluîiict cir, u iwii cutiterldoent grnw dingy, corne ini and lent over thee t.0a>lerî Low & 3 ON FOGTTEDT.* Lin iae 'rîtgî ('Airel. nate ailrni irrriirevUl N lite Alexanders. [bey induide the grils "ELK' Brantd gourd,. ith th Eve Ry E THEco ATE.ation o!nLoeanfon, i Curee MinuteiCo g, irs riIeîi ou Ili