LAKE Unv eja t sn.- : COUNTY Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday, June 27. 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. We ixed Up"* 333~ A large îînurnheir of genîtlemen i)t id tlîey wilI I ook iiatty on the 4tIî. lé Wt-"'ve )îee-îî "workirîg overtimei& to 'lu it. We're îîot 140 riîplîed ilîow and1 willlîîg t offer molie real bar'- gajii ii, maile-to-ordvir ,lothiîîg. we ia',-ve-h entoi)blIiy t"i tjalk - barg aillsî< t lîîî p as1t rroitil. h t lioî W Pv're - rady foi. yulî. G alle il) aligi see lis 111(1lIet lis 1rîîe tu \!î,l we cnai, 1ave, yoI dllars. WM. STEVENSON, THE TAI LOR. Libertyville - - Illinois. ýd Croker, TAI LOR. OVER Schanck's hardware Store, Libertyville Il-liînois. Dbe £Ost 1$ nlominal For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. youl get thjeiicuec<l and1growilig service ()f tlîe lAke Coîîxty 'ecroi uc r~andr1 iclîrntimi îwith tthe For Information, rator3, otc,, write-' CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Lovel's Drug Store. Libcrtyviliri. llînOllS1 BENJAMIN H. MILLE R, PAUL MacGUFFIN, ATTORINEY AT LAW, Attorney andi (ouumellor at Law. LIDERTYVILLE ILLINOIS. NOTARY PUBLIC -;]w1b> OFICE OVER LAKE Cor '<TY BANK, scZANGI L DIC. * Libertyville. Illinois. TSLKP"OrN ro 0 ,5 ~rd* ~ o____________________ Dr. Charles Galloway. Office ove r Lov ell'8U)ru gStore ROUEIS FECU i TO IANDr TO M5 r.M, Lîbertyville, - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor'ý. Lesîdence ou Broadwary oppomiti l'ar Libertyville. Illinois. Dr. Orie M. Grover. Itomeopathic Phyrulclaf and Surgeon. irrrlu 'l . ,t I ,r n r . ld) q For tirreA '2,4 P-1 Jîi )'trhi- Medl, CI 11-9Uîl ~ 1 , Dr. E. H. Smiîth, OffIce over Lake County Bank Libert.vville. MI. cake dluu. Banks, WRIGHT DYMOND d& CO. LibertyvîllO, Illînols. Issues Interest beariug Certifi- oe"payable on Denand. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS ha.s (pefled a DENTAL OFFICE At Lîhrtyville, Bolirs Bltock, ovur Sith & Da&vis, rtoro wbare he mav be fou ud regi.arly ou Wedu"tidays, from 8:041 a. lm. tu 6:04) P. lu. 1). R. GROVER, M. D). Physician and Surgeon. ROCKEFELLER, ILLINOIS. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. P-hysclan and Surgeon. 5 '(rDT.' t~ 0l'0tTK 111t ITL 5L001. t. ' 're. - .- - Ilinois. STEAM LAUNDRY. Ail Work Neatly and Promptly Done. Boind Bros., Libetyvlle - - Ilinois. MISS FLORA COLBY PHOTOORAPHER. Libertyville, STDI nim, 11no PROHIBITION19TS NAME TICKET. HoId couuty conven ion lu WaukegaunSturday. Laku Counity Probilttoniata held their Couty Convention lun'lempur- ..uce Temple, Wsukugan, t3aturday. A couinty ticket vas uamed, dlugatul to the Statu convention t bu fiseld dit Puonsa July lut surd 21 ebosen sud thet Connty CentraliC'rmalttereorgan- Ized. Luitu a auro for ramp aigu uXpuiISCs was raised sund IL wu sdeidad te Loroughly canvasii thue Onuty. Tbe -oonty ticket Ilu asfollowm Sharit John (irgaurd, lvanisOP. CouLy Clark -L. I..Griass.Long Suirt. of Sel.,,I, Wu). IRuel liigiaud Park. S ie ha sleeu,'Lf r arlldatea for (ouuty J adgeansd I reaSurer vas leIt tu tha conuty colriuitteu. Dalegates ta the Statu Convention aic: H. p. DaviduonI, Eut. Yuomanu, P. A. lobnson, 1'u0. F' Jusuimane, 'i.uOthJy B3aco,,, liiilhard Dinddlee. itcv. A1101, il.. J CIrus, IHenry tShepard, ltev. W, 0. fhrrns, IL L. Gras,,C. W. Hudson, John BIaley, IL, . Boumer, Mrm. Henry Shelirard, Everette Mrsb, Prof. W, H. liasieli A fujoli it or alteruates vas almo Lanmaîl. 'l ha newv (oliirty Central ('omulttee lm cnorî rserlor the ir l i rwiig: t hajirman Col. Liavidmon .,occetary- Leo. 1. Jeauwne I ruasurur--lirry ibepard. t6 A.'I rueudeil, 'itinthrop lHarlor i Mary N. Brame, Wadswnrthi. P. A lt,,lnon, urayalake. Hj,urry Itheprird, ,urnpe. Elw i0oluomn, Wuukagesn (,.. W tiirion, Waikegarr. 11. .1. Cirrus, Lakeu13luIT 1'.B. Morse, Iilertyvilie. 1 Lirbard Dridies, lvaubou. lIimotthy Bacon, Wauconda. IL. L. Gres, Long tirove. Mrs. L, C. fiole, Deurrielut. Johbu Biley, Highlanid Park. lion. Il. D. Patton, Who for nin@ à ears vas cbaîrman of the Pan- usylvaila litate Commiittue made a speech sud told (A campslgu experieti- Take Notice. I Iereu ili hlia adauca evury Satur- d'ay uvanîug tisrOufiisulthe seoir ahe Diamonrî Lake Park, DiauOiid Itake htnýrir y Chiscago orchestra. 391-d Aý J. Krvo, Rtockefeler. SI ERirrLL t o( s'-, LIl)rtyviile. Managersi. Tile bloriotim Foîirth Attrrrfis ru r1r1rrluiitY for arotber 'I those pn)lrlar daucosl at buctule P'ark,.lialltC)y. iL ocrurs the evun- mug ofr Lie Ith Iblera riIl airo bo a graind Illuminationr. Dance commences 1ut 7( M uul by l'rofasuform tSmith, itcitiert j ertan110el.Ail kinds o! ce- frai imeuth eerved on rthe grorlinrle A girtrrltronc avrrrtr <I 0.1,1 -ithif tj iIY PiIcuic. IvisintieraCamp. No 1251 M. tW. A. ail! rrria pieýc iSl irrsrs rovu, crâ. iamka JnîIY 4Ls. Extensivearm- r..rgarleitts ara berng Made. Arrange t', rp lia y,-U 3r c ti, at Gravslake. 35-4-d Virulent Cured. rtartiug proof o! a vouderful ail- vaucu il, Medicine le gîvun by drrrgglst G. W. Roberts, or Elizabeth, W. Va, Au crlit Mau, tlere bsd long suffered wih wbat gond dotors pr<nounued icrrarrrble cancer. Ilbey irllevur isi ee rrrpeieri'e Lii bhoauri EIactric Ilitrsirnd sppliud Buckiune Arnica salve, vhiir treatinenrt complûtely crredIiru. Wbeu lectrio Bitterit are trmon Lu expel tbliou, kidney and Microbie poisonsust the samne ime tht. salve euxart,; its matehiau bealing priwer, tloori diseases, skin erriptiou Iirîresandi mocus v'iil. Btters trie, al e cat F. B. LOaL.Libserty- Ville, GRAYS srakE IiÂiI GRANDADANCE IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILlON, Saturday Lvening, JUNE 28, 1902z. X Music by Prof. Smnith'a Chicago Orchestre. X. DONT FORGET THE DATE. X Every accommodation X Firot clama time assured ail wh6atten4. CVorl.ctryLocLe utMoke feller. The littla village Of ltR'-kfeller liq not exactly expeileiicilg a5 "b),om and yet the locaton of à «Mal] iidusotry, wlLh Ihrlght poslblitles 11,1,4giveu an Impetus to tise placa. lr.cCameron, of!te ic 01 o!Flîz- gerald A Camieran . Ogar InanUIfactur- ers, of Chicago, bas5 spent mDai5 dellghtfisl vacations lu sud about Rockefeller and bOcSJte lmnpressd witthe LIa sdviablliby oi removlug hi@ Ïactory thera. Tii. leessary alipplng faclîties for sneh a business are affordel, and emploeSS CauiIlvu mnch cisper tIrera. Tih eruit luthe tac- tory is uow localed lu tIra Knlgge store bil.ildug, whlolS bas been vacant for mono, tirme and thetlirrugreatly pleaasd vîtistheir Change. Fmploy- ces are certain to appreclate Uocks- Tuler. am compared vitts Clark treelt andI cousee'îrîantly il lis serene. 01 fuerrru bt twelYO or Iliteen Irands viii bucurpioyed at lial, but thure la auficlaut rooru for eipaslou and vso kuows birtt tbat laUne 1Rkefeller wl l honnit a thrrlvingiudusutry. Gremcs Nnred for Clerk. R. L, rus., of LOng rove, vas nomlinated( by the Proiisttionlute for coonty clerk at theirconveurtion atur- day. MIr. Grunu le tise INr4D5PINDENT'B CIr- culation mianager and agent, kuowu aI1 over central and weelehf Lake connty, isi dutles bsvlng ueO»sated btsCalil- iiu n uusry every farnl, lu tbat sec- tion, sud wlll doribteesa recleve a flis- tering .'complimêfltayy vote". wu caunot candldly predilct mnore forr hlmbut do kuov bc ln the r>gbt Sorrt of a YounugMau nd ia rredît to tira ticket lbu grâcs. l>owte Ba@Pocîler. 'Ihure la at leasique tovu inLise tnitad ktatua wberelhe Amuerîcan bey vilii ie nuabi e to expreshi@ patrlotism ou Fourtis of Jnly. No aa muît o1 pov. dur viii bu permitbed lu Zion Cty. -W'll do away vith tuse noise and b.ll, ubwich ihm , sse on Mrkuri the Suffer.. Apoplettc Stroke W.hile lremiding eat Church Celebratioli. George L. Stewart, o! Waokugan, vas strlcken vitb apopl!!wble acting as moderator at the ixtletbs auulvermacy o! the Mllburu cburcb, au avant cele- brated lu tbst village Satnrday- Il vas mat at the opeulng of tisa atternoon session. Mr. Stewart was about W announce a hymu. "a huai- tated, placed bis baud tc, bis huad aud sald "trI like to.go on, but 'm unable to,- thosun ak to a chair and was 13n- congeions. 'har bueas consternation lu the audience and willing bande rumoveri bis luaulmlatu forr to thu home0f bis brother, Wm. li. Stewart. lDc. [aylor, o! Mliburu vas sumuionuri sud Imme- diately rualiilg lMr. Stevartea condi- tion to bu vury nerionsE, sent fur Dr.1 Klgist, of Wankugai. '[bu physîciaine dulare bis troku vas due Etua bemmonhagu of tbu brain, rusultlug lu partial paralysie sud eoncudud Mr. Sitewart tu bu lu a ver! prucarlona con- dition. Blis ltîruate recovery la don btf ni For mauy years Mr. Stewart was a pillarIn th ie Mlîburu Cougregational churcb; a leader of le choir sud super- iuteudant of is SMunday seciool. Witb bis rumoval Lo Waukugan bis futereet lu the old cburub neyer wausd, sud lie speclal aventa auemud Incomple withoul bie prosnne. Jurige Joues but receutly niamad Mr. Stewart as a munibur of tbu Lake Couity Board of teview for 1911., vbicis position itliqe farud ha vii nrv bu rnaale o accept. ES NO 1CETTFtI A late report from Milîburu ln to the affect Mr. Stewart in uo btter. He la muablu toSipaak sud it la eaid canent sue, altbongb it la beliuvud bu reeog- -nzes nuar relatives hy Ihuir volcns. Lttle hope of hie reeovery ta enter- lalnud st tîmu of golng te, pros. dsy. Firlng o1frO-eackeris sud Lor- j ilPICK IJPS Je il puorts ta thse mont aillY business 1 knOW A men trick vas neatly vorkud at of. l'il deltver a foiUlbrofJuiyoration, CiierubuSco ruouirly. 'Tie ladies of visen 'luxpîsîuta IhOprt tbe Tbeo- thse cisurChuaadvurtisaudsu teecroae cralie party la tO Mtes lutbe vorld's socill 5 hlclrIL vas snnouneud &Il politica.' sald Dovi. Siiiday. Iadies vnuld vear bloonrere. Every body tnrned ont intudsing a bund- Womrsu Horraew'fltp AItiOcli red case hardened old stinners vlso ~. .taa~. -. fiaa »M uAMMa ea qon-çà lm jega James Barustablu, a farceur, vas Tii.ladies kspt tiserr word but the borsevblppud by Mre. D. A. Wiliams, "1bloomers" proved toibc large rcd vIte of i'ostmauter Wllilams, o1 Ati- roses voris t thiîr bote. ocis, Monday. 'Tbu trouble aruse over Au agent of the Standard oi reports wlieb Barnestairle la muîi to copanjy racuntly madtean effort tu bave clrculated te the affect i lrât ha cc1ore a leuas froni an oid Jasper und seeansornu young voinan in3 the conuuy farmur but faliud. Whun nudu iathlng In a creek on thre Out- skud tbis reason for trot lemmilng, bue sItkrts u(Atire village. Wlllamae la muid rcpliud. ' Wlien God madu the eartl. to bave compeiied lianataîrîr, O.lie put that oil i thora for a ptirposa. rologize Lu the yrrriig Womlin . i îay tall me tiat the earth triur, run lIce. Williamscrerieted Barustaisle au aile, and itI my bu tise o1 vas put 10 accompany bier tur ber ovu homue, tiseaougrease iL. suppose they pump aud accordlng Lu he allugation of ail thiat ontornt and the aile geLs dry liartrtabla, Mr. Wiliams drev a ru uri rutebsud the eartis stops tornlung volver aud vhilîe b had Barrnutable, lu tIrenmîidle of thenigit, Wouldnr'i Iis ifu plledtise whîp. Tisa oatter va beru a rI I0f B fI hus Irean taken lin tth courts. Maruhami Fildiransd Companiy of Chi- K irEdward Dying. cgo have ecred tire contract for Ai Kt e ua ge a le e o t E g a d d furni uBl ng Ildiau roe rvatilu ne vus AilLis lage ailes epot Egladrir'othing and imilar supplies for the Kiug lu a dylug coudition, tbougis oning yuar. Ibi isanuImmense cou- those reports vsry ti a cousaidersirle tract, ruproeutiug 4rrlrit)l yards o! duogrea. Onu ta prrznied 10 know tise gonds possibly half a million yards. true condition o!firisrase,s Oua paper A ew of the items are as folluva, show- viii report lmr alighLly botter, auuLher iug the scopu of the coutrant: 10,495f as growing vorse. mens sommner ouder shiirts, 2,ri5 I ri any event tise1,longs conditionum ru s ,30dzumisshsead1 truly serous aud ail England s i iai, ,luoit isshoeadi suspense. O1 course the coronation 455 vomeus', 3,7-,0 yarde of lînsey; IH, bas8 been Indefllnitly 10 pouoed and a 7f;5 yards dack-oluuflianuel dresir goods. ailtadow of gioorm bistrrr over Loudou. r,5iI( yards grary dresetilaunnul 6,511) yards gray dres linci; 6,095. yards Tbnnk Tiseir Frteuds. misile corl. C,W pairs giovus; 18,3rJ5 LiseWarren Cemrrtery' Association yards elasrtie tape. 76(1 doZun thimibles, desire to most errnoliy thauk ail thouevho bave lielpariunaIn sny vay 112,455 pairs suspeuderu and 28,645 l u thae rection of our sodiers monnr yards of ritbon ;J21,130 yards ced flaunul e ment. ALMA l". ROSE, 8ecy. dres tuti sud 1,5r45 grosbuttons. SGrand Celebration- 1N ur LiAKE .CLU \TI i ILrLi'IPate nI rroue ng ce ut J t ionjA t )jlit ýý G N burt rf Irle ',ugrrtrrg r ttr'River rtrIld r1o r a kgrir arnri Nrrrt ir tr. t~r li Corrnlty en orrîrros ,rrrrrrhtriaku ,r AIl kiids of Aîirni'iîîcîts, Gms -' Excellent Speakers of National Reputation. Dancing Afternoon and Evening. Big Display ot Fireworks in the Evenlng. ,,.gverybody in Lake County should be thee Purse Profit Price \ îsit otîî îiew I asecii t "aler'rouîm andt yon'il find -iillusit et crytlîing yoi iîeî"d fiiithe liîwe of biouse ftîriiibtiîg nucccsiticri at priv-es tlîat speak for economy. .A FEWV HINTS FOR THIS WEEK.... Hcteuen V.oor Hpriuge noilad steel sprlng sud ayes 25c value f or .... IOC 8 rIlt Granitai Watur Paîl-jut '30 of them- et ............ ......... 3C 7x9 Inch Frencb Plate Mîrror lu oak frame-St.................. 29C Littileitant Ilarueng Rivetere-a bargain aL ....... ý 45C11 Package of Aeeortad Harneas Rillyta-only ................. ....05c Slotteti Cllnchi Rivets par bo-uly---------------- ý-----Oc Ituvolvtng Leather l'uncfi-4 tubes ouly......... .............. 39c Malluabie Iron liorrie Bit-I ilylua--each .O.......0C Curry Combe a spmecal bargalu at...................... .......O05C Sprlîîg Mouse '[rap-with tbe new safety laver ................. . OU Scruw 11005esud Eyus at 3 foc .. -........O...ic White Sheîr Papar t packages for ............Oic Hleath & rliIllgan's Buggy and Mouse Pets, Varnlah Statauesud Interior Enamels In ail colora. Large and amolli cana ready for une. OROLXj)QN &SOn5-, Telephone No. 109., PR IC meu Su rreys Road Wagons WITH RUBBER TIRES IF DESIRED. 1 caîî suit you as to price and have a good variety from which to select. Screen Doors and Window Screens .. 1 have them in the standard sizes. H. . ESG 3R9 Li bertyvil le - - - Illinois. Pw FLY TIMEPo I have the largest and most varied fine of fly nets and Iap robes in this section of the county, and arn selling them at specially low prices. CoIored Mesh Nets ............75 "with four rows of tasselb.......I1 OC Shoc String Nets. 50 Iaah ....................I1 00 Round Leather Bug"y Nets, 50 laah.......- -.....1 75 Scrim FIy Nets, per pair................ . ...I1 00 Hcayy Cord Team Nets. per pair ........ 3 CO Celebrated Wagner Nets .......... . 3 75 -LAP ROBES- - A good Lap Stable Fly Libertyville p Robe for.............................. 35 Shoots of ail kinds and sizes at specially Iow prices. ..- KAISER, Illinois. The 2Oth Century Cash Store. 'l'lie' 4th orf .July will soon Ire lie're il'l ierlalis 70 will waiît a iiwsuit; possibly, a tCcw liea, GrxeNeektie, Sclgi lirt, Shoeri, etc. wtc liat c a fille he to select friîiandîlwlîeuî jitwant of eil uytîi iig iii olir uine w'e are here te, îlease yoîî both in % ours toc Cash, Eu W. Parkhurst, INDE PENDENT, À ~. i k Bluff July. best nage- the o ii r il be Page j" Buggies I -il" Fn 1 cemý 1 1