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Lake County Independent, 25 Jul 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT uipany wir l'ié- tlie, tPage UCE, MEINT .iers' d as- lioQn. Vol. X-No. 42. 1 arn selling suits at a re- duction. Want to dispose of summer patterns to make way for (alilgoods. I offer some real inducements dur- - ing the remainder of JuIy. ..GET MY PRICES.. STE VENSON, THE TAI LOR. Libertyville Schi Llbertyv - - - Illinois.1 OVER anck's Hardware Store, ville - - - Illinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLERO PAUJL MacC>UFFIN, un RNCEBLIX . .... Lihertyville. Illnois. 'rLPt40oNrNO 26 *t... * î1.îea_ Dr. Charles Galioway.ý DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS Offi ce ove rLovçoIi'slJrug8ctoro, OF criiCAiJo, flnutm astR m1 - 1iÀi, eTO,i1. M. Libertyville, - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over 1 r îgg-s& Taylors. fia opened a DENTAL OFFICE .'itîillit t Liiq'i5 to-re litote lie mmv lie friud rpgIl,.-Iy on tWsesljfdayo. tram M . mi. to 6 (MI P. 7 to10 11, M.ii 'l t o n-i M. et- n- D. R. (i ROVE-R, M. 1). Hesîtteuce on ttniiaîiwtay iitîjitii Pa Jrk1 Libertyville, IMinois. ýPhysician and Surgeon. Dr. Crie M. Grbver.' ROCKEFELLER, ILLINOIS. tlosocopathla. 1'hyAlcian and Surgeon. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. lpeciaI letîtîtivtitii I)iiii-st<-s iA hyslcian and Surgeon. of Woli-iit (t IIir, 'iif. [tasi'5 Riiii'ti ( EOl'î0iýnTZ LEItitfN ittTiEL O.G Far ihr.'.ît-ti. .riii'n ;ta.--------iio1 Wl t-i .i- d ]"a Gun'- -, - - Ilin is Dr. E. H, Smnith. "MISS FLORA COLBYý DENTIST. PHOTOGRA Officeoavenr LakeoCou nty Bank: H M t-5,llai.îi. a1 11,, t. ". ' Liber Libentyville, Ill. S TUDOIOIN les Illinlois. APH~ER. ýrty vlle, Illinois. STEAM LAUNDRY. Lae o.la , Ail Work Neatiy and WIM YOO&C. Promptly Done. Libertyvîlie, Illinlois. Boîid Bros., Iittorest 1earinR Certifi- catisq Payable ou Demaud. Libertyville I - llinois, Indîviduai Respansibillty, $ioo.aao. FOR, S AL E! NleAIN 1J. i.Case 12-Horse Engincii i Separ- ator, one Sat- tley stack- er, High Bagger and Carrnages furntshedi on order. Vs/aer-ankailLay assistant If doa.frd. in GoÔd Working1 - -order. Price $600. EDW. F. STUENKEL, APPLV TO FUNERAL DIRECTOIF. J. F. STEMPIËL. EIVCRETT -- ILLINOIS. eviinigton Hieghtm Ilinois. '0sa..55 Tu Jan, 1-p. Libertyvile. Lake County, Illinois. Friday. Juiy 25, 1902. TWO MORE RÂILROAD VICTIMS. Mani Killed at Rondout and Another at flarrlngtoul. Au auknown mani, ebose ldentity wae tacer eatabliaitedma as m ioseaekl, of Milwaukee, wa kiltled &bout midniglit Wednffaday ni maiweelt by 8 Ht. Ianl frelgitt train a& lLondoit- lu àtctwas titerally graund go pleeff. CJoroner Taylor found papeta on tite body wiicit aaalted lilm tugetting loto communîcôtbon witti relative@ lu a suburli of Milwautkee, voore the mati llved andti hua determlutug lbis ldentlty. Boseackt wit four or Ève alter mou waa atollng a ride on a cortit bonu t I, Pui frelgitt and was ordered aIl aItitondont. As ltet-ain aiowad up aIl jtxmped and lu some manuer lioaaacki feil under te car viseela. 'li train was movlng at perlimpe ten mlles an liant and i ddfot coma toaa iqtatidatllt a Iondout. Thte body vas an badly mutlltat]mas to b. iardly rccogutzabla as a itum"a for.. Atter lte Inqueat Undertaker fHeati totak charge of lte romaine and preparot] tem for slpment t10illwaakee. HB§ tuait wu a dillilcult aue., but ltae body, tiy tlé atilttul manipulation, tinalty as- sumadth ie@aembiance ai a human. Thte Corouera jury, conastsing oi J. A. Bradley, foremmu; illepiten Taylor, J. J. Lancaster, Mat Alkilai, W. J. hmitli andi T. F. Braderlet returuet] a verdict ta&&'tlam Boseachl came la hit tisat by beiug acldentaily rnn aver by train No. 71, utlilondoul an tlie 0. M. & lit. P. ratiroad. Kilt by Shoot. Eslward Bouzgman, who lited worksd for lte Auerieau Malleable Itou Coin. pany at Chicago tilghieuda, a aubszxb et Bartntgtan. but twa days was alruck by a Nortbwenterti passauger train falurday evenlng vila valkinsg on tisa rigiàt 0 way aut nd stly tila. Wîîlîà aofollefsian nlammn lat his boardiug boams astartai tavard Barrlugton. Notilng a "vwUi engIn."- approeuhing Sisef sleu 01a parai. lai WtrsMd maSe hu. vu hbatby a pmenaagesI eUt»aaomlng tram bebinti. Re vas Dot Itrow for and tisera vote 110 bruis.. Onu mbody esoopt J un over the boREa.L ieRft renulai froanlte ahoot. IS .eeUhg. às aphjleun as- g 1,stougis t. ua%«a boart vu bhum bj SMe utS Dourgasavs.u a Ia , hlmbà roielases .ltvlaài.B« Tout UBSo. Ha 7. Croer's jury brougit tlu a ver dIlet lu aceordauce Witîih Le atVe1 BOY Ilorme Thief jailed. lleury Etine. eîgitteeît years <Iii lmi lutthe connby jali, ciargcîi isthl but-se atealing. Te theft OCCurre l ast lieîk nt Wadmwort. li I in i ad been wtrkîeig for Peter SA-loase-r and one nightlie i tlt uniceremuuusy aud teeîrit day thte horme belongtng bo Jamfim W. Bat-nos wuas sed tram theo bat-n. l'lie dtsappearauce ofthtie youug man led lii suspicion restlug rpon hlm sud word lias sent 10e(Chicago. il'he rehuit wui tht Monday lie wam art-ceItodili Chilcago wlth theÉliorse inlu lts tosses- siou Chiîcago, detectivem matitîgthie art-est.le lait nU lut-nîe titrsi-te the ctty. 1ie boy waa brouglit ba'k anduitgven a liearlog before JilstIe Moore, îof iGraystake, aI whictt hoi-waived lexamina- lon sud wah lakeli 10 the ceunîtylaui te sieit actionuofthtîe grand jury. EtIlimue i8 agood locklug youaîg tOllow aud lits set caunlot be acconuted for liy tlîiie Who kuow Iliu. le isii i-l cou- nected lu Chilcago. Itariiem aud Joün Seliloaser, btter kuowu amsGitruîee Jtack wlio daimas to have fiurnimied evîdeace wlii led lu Elliliue'm arr-at have ptnl a cialrut fr tlie reward ut $101, otiler, il iy the coutty ftrt-hle trrest ofthtea iorme thievos. GRAND DANCE .. AT IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILlON, hlall l>ny, t1t. Saturday Evening, JULY 26, 1902. Music by tProf. Smths Chicagfe1 Orchestra. DONT FORGET THE DATE. Every accommodation First class time assured all who attend. CALL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. N utîîertîts candida~te tttr the N'arlotaa4, Ilti L<'s. i lieo- ectîive boaudi i tlt i hepubt liettit <îtuty central ",tliitittlee ltI itn Waitkgan ttaturdoy i--t lixe'd te ilote tif lte eottnty i'iiitluias Atîgîitl 2iitand 8s.leî-'- fitayatttkî uutt-ad tif Lîbertyli- as lte cout votitîo place. it laIter action vai iiu-il by o coimutttlea nf lrayw1akt- tttzt-us Wlio were ounlband lu thé00 tiîtî-lsoft titsir village, aud cîrrled 01 lii- ldit. The aisî For coi-lt of tlitee 0 ci.y offices lu lic illeit thora area ttli'aiy several canitiaes, moule bsvt ig atiiuened tier Inteuntins toligbtîîe nelis- papers, altera b"R g vîîwed cau- didates, but flot liaylog w, yel pulilcly annaunced titemaolwo, andîîiltl utitors parsulng a tîll haluS. For connty Jadige, 1) I. Jîittee preseult iteumbeut, VIIioi- aadidtate for re-eleetat u ad Il i, gLerally coucoîelei as a1<tiaiii' t )Wi. (J. T'. Ieyîtecker las96 Cit,ilte anti 18 by ito meaus a Yearlinug .ati tîiitbsiness.. Be coules mnder tis eud J il f "vttwed aaudilates - înbu tt hWIiîiý4puli-Iy auîuounred litmaeU.- . I.. ( iou, in Rals a candidlate for j i gîtantdt las adaresseit lettera telMa rli tîI litIl parlo of lte catuy o- iiiig tîcir aupport. Thte ex-Selialir iiniws stîme tilinge about poUtiamnit o iiely titree corneredti Iglin lasure te rt sîtît For caninty elork, A-.IL. Ileudes Is lte ouly out-aud-OtSepliliicau candi- date. Thlie are otte-r-t, atti goitd, capable mou Who art Catitîg Iouiglng glanees ai AIs berth Med chose fMonda are urglug Miein 50 Watt- a try for Il, but Wito are beailt. Il te probattle Waukegan vitI Iavg ï0titiý-t candidate bealdea Mr. fendée, or tIti clerkaitlp, and i Infot Hgisl»É ]Park INs aadtdl bave a man. Thislanîre gueaing' as ta alita affice. tbm te othors, and it ta beilevei wboefflOpposes Bendee will have to <6*1&Y exeepttaual geueratsip ta lae"- Whoeu It oameo$tblfl, reîulicansm baveas god a550» t eadidates frant vitoi Igo', aPe. Frank 1D. Prîtacti, Mliabsitu. 0 (rmysalaelias annoceà t bluauIOUgh the nelis. papera andilsa!4WWg oqusidlerabte isutuag lu the oo*UIo$ laas, lie la lpas.ba ie0he5UM Olendidate for i h lb. oB anmd ta we#iviug llatterlng A.gurMOa. roB Uua try"whn a o« e W mdown te bamlnefsa lie itas lote 1)MINe mare thon îele--are bis ctuididacy. tut tram noUFon flts trîcaîlm gay ha will look aller [lits Itloetss illia determiltattuu I-i wini. i ram Lusk, of Liltertyviiie, Is ail a vio ed tanudidteîas nis 'lilt-f ofi l'olive tri- il lîdiilpiî, ai lttgttlaitdl Park. t btn (t-un Waukegiau C-ulie Chiet <of Police Urtu-i, Deputîy Sitertf Blrownt sud Dav id %4 obl. ilowever, lte 'ciîuutry' ila y prîcadent autilleil tii shertîl sud te igît iwlttlie between the coutry coittlitati-s. We don'tic- wliere Waukegan u ta vi-u eutlte.1a -tIuik it," ia Ili tylvwilI bave ittîge aud clerk 10 ils iri-dit and I)îmitîîtty mare.r (ici> N.(irif lty tbirila llllttig Ilitt lte tnexlttred terni if lte hte f t M. I ootm, aost otîr (Lh iomiualtiti for treahutrer , Hli lias cloarly ittuin- strate(] lits etîgîl)tliy., lih becâîiie îtecessry, as mamy 1IlievedIditat offie catîtît bl eld nor,'tati a terni iiy1 tlie same mau. lnt un Mr. Gitley1 8tmlily i'tllled OUVI tr Fotes terin,t tue iaw dot-m ,tit llilY lu IlistsuI-f stance. L. C. Prive Sit and R(aymoand. of Waitcî,iiîîti are aloCandi- dtates for theoffilice-. Wancudatw itI î,eucide ltetwoen thet- leumou belt-lie allier titwnHisllItexpfre-s a preterentîe.E l-itlerltondeut (ili '(hants Marvîni Wllt bc uPPO.-ted ty F N. Gaggtîi, of Gurnoe, anti by the îrlueipal (ulthîe Hi ghtlantd Park pubicti achaul -, W. C. Mceuîzie. AIlthrîîtigentllement tre itctlvely at work iii the ltteresîs ot lhetr cantîidacy, tatdl iteli las t coui aidertabliefolIos tîig. dates soittdoit tliies îr e, buIt te îî t wtiettiitîtitare Ii r the lîl lîîîI-î Upoti iy îî asl îîtî i iitubîer iiist ttkeiy LI, ibu -l-ift'ittiilt. Nio tht the Coniiventiont t is -11v ealled Catîti- dtetts iill -rop oiiut' from every sec'tiont, atiit stîtut ithte aler Musm mayIbc te wlti'rs tii, t.igltttîtg sirike's Bairn. t i tritg tht e i-ci- -I ectricl t i strii l httrustov nglit 'Illhit wi't'k ttgitttiig strîti-lia large tîtr i iiii te Mrts. tWii Pt-e lc iantiWtest i"f i .range Ill ailti titi- tttiiiiiiig cits î'îttrî'ly auîuid NIrt ilbIert, te-nant il te farnî liait beei d railwig'i' us lail.~titîn 1h et bir i aIt daY,andtiti tt iaiHV'v,1t'tIffltrIiye,1i liiissiiltte stii iîîiîgsud tilt iiI, put- tii ttle-tî i]-tii-r,- las u ii- ut sliîck, anil (fiit îîîly nuo ute a-li i tii rit u -ailt itri it ty forlu nat- etretniîtauce as lite tigtitng 1boit @trucek the tbarn ut aîîiîtit e customary citore lime. Elgti Butter Market. Butter ou the Elgint Boardi ofl'rtade Monday wulitlimt 21iil; 20ituba nferoîl and tno sales; ltsIwtek. 21c; tast jear, 20c; output for weet, 800,000 Ita.. Cet out Luai d I f lon iMuqsab lup. ROBlIER SEVERELY BEÂTS GIR ls- At tLake IBluff. Sitel'aIlla (er Stetie Mlîlliandt Eseaaes,. Miss Margaret Iausom, Who a aslte guest rit ('lartes A. Ilanders, <if Lake tliltt, lias mt lujiiiî ty a thlef wttite skt-tî-iîung IuestiOy, and severety lîraton t lu lte atrtiggte sitewas acci- îleutlily îîîîslieîl uer a higli bluff, anîl the woutd lie robbeir tounltd, proiatly tearieg tIte-fulil inuld uIl lits nit4ilitei.tvictitti. Iliss Itasuaom lotIlte Flauders ibonne at o, ttuwaltuod loug lte bluff, and arrauged lier sketch liado ond blegan work. Ithe reutainedt] iera unlil near sîudaîn, wtou a reliber attacked lier aeiziug lier arms aied deniaudlug iter pttrae. Site attempled lu wrench iter- self looaç from ieI grasp, and st up a abiout tor help. With tlitIltaeman slruck iter repeaedly and comutaudet] lier to keep qluiet. A-4thtit 10 sruggled netter heCaute aWareo f lteoir proxltalty ta thti bluff wliiitdraps (Iown a ta heedge itf lte luxe. jutua lite Young liomaus sltruggtes îere tîecomlîtg more teeole site lmtitailji sud retieti forîy teet down thie eîittaniuîtnt. J heu lte mon rau diiwute sliore oui dîappeared lu lte ltitOr. Witli ier reutalniug sltrelitli Miae ltttnsoiimdragged bot-self paluttîtly lcîîsrî the Fiauders realdeuce, reacli tug there hlaf an fleur Iter. Wlieu sit ld of ltae altact iter trleudat onoce notîiledth ie police, aud titen slummaued a pityslelan. Tlie gtrl's conditiounwas prauounâced sertous and lier removai te a placee liera site îould ho entrely quiet w%8 advlaed. bite was laten ta thte itoul of tnienda lu leeitworth soo ierftabcstedraggod aretltel lte Ftaatders itause. lier family bia beau notItie]ofuthlIe allait by tlegrapit. Titey are weathy and realde lu iBayonne, N. J. Marahal Pilerce, af Lake Bluff, organtaed a pomanad tas beau isoarcit' lng tite entre nurtitsitore ln au effort ta artcal lite vante-be tatbbor. No cet 10lls hoemabouis lais beau mounît 'Il was a Young man aIlla a dark complxon,' said maraital 1Pierce. -Be îas about ri foot 8 luches taIt aud vas dreisset lu a bine isonge suit. He wore a straw biat and a whitte ahitl iTe place lilere lte attamuplt robbary ok plmea la a favorite ane tor sxtatsandmsesarem requentiy smen t<epubuicau Couuty Convention. A l(eptllcun 'ouuty Convention wilil b ie ld lunbuolttte sud Wlitles lith in the CVillage etftirayklake, Latre Ctiuuty, Illnois, on 8alurday, Auginil 2:1, Csi'2, aI two oacîne pni., for thie ppuroe ni placleg in noit- nationu îandldaleo for the fiititwtug Colit uty J udgtî. ('îunly Clîrt Siteriff. i neamuret-. Sutpelt-tnuenl of Melcliît. Il liavtig hticîtresîîlved ai the nteetLg of fle Ctiuuly CenIralin-a niilIce thial oaci vîtiug precetelin lte i-îuitty tie dcciared a primat-y dia- titlaind thol ptimary eleetitus or î-aiiitsc lie eatled for each ut Itie saitît timary dimtriels. I lab Ilire- fine receitiweudùd tbal ptimary etec- ttîînsor uauctîsos be caitetifor aci prirmary dîttttliu saIt]Couuty ou fi niday, Augustt22nd, A. 1). l7iii'2, at file notutaiheur. Ilht repnesentattau tom eaeh primat-y ditrict ulit le ane dcleateforoac '2 voles, or major traction casit tor the liepulicau candidate fuit- treidont lnu Clu. The ot-vetal pritîîry distrrcs wl t hin lic eatilIltid Rnd delegalesti 10 aiad Couity Convlen-itionu as folloliui liait Iiiu Nel, îiirt ti catît CVar nc t CV.ikeitcti, lot Ciaiktigttn, uit. Ci îtitlegimn. 4Ltt V.oîî'goeh, l it. -di!ijlsH, 2Id Ltitem t uville Friit Ela Ci- i CCi-st1elicNo.el2t 3î'-iî iN luii u-u, i Vote Ddtugales Imm 4tlî i :14 7 3 2' , -t 14M 14 1i7i i57 Iiis 4 111 -1 i7u 13 i ': IL.1). Wytiin. tiairmtu. i.i. weli, ei-Lttoy. 1- ci-t ealor, Li. W.(Ctok, il the l'xecutive (tnmige SIak Headactie la ialistui ly COLNttîialtol u tîlgtutiou stud lutîuan h,îie i ay lie cured andl te cause of the titadachbe removat] tuY the e n ottf D.Ut-. CatîrrlisSyrup Ptp.Tiis spteudld raniedy nîay 0e obtainaed f F. B. LOVEtu, Libemty- ville, lu 5ic ant i $ bottes. Foley's tloney . MdTa $1.50 a Year in Advance. T1ir larVest in liye lit pj-t t-sn aIl NOmrner Ifreas Gonds aud great reductions aonail - Retitianto, Oddsanad Ends READ THESE SPECIAL ITEMS $1.30 Blue l)uck Outing SkIrts reduced to. ... ........ .69c Each $1.50 and $1.00 Fancy Wrappers factory bargalua at .. 89C Eada B.d Sheeta,--lemmed, waghed, reaciy-to-use, at............ 49c EMck Ptlow Sips liemmed, waoited, ready-to-uae, at ý.......... 9c BAClt à Chlldren's Tan flose Gnoe 25e valuea-reduced ta . t.....1c Pair r Silk and Lisle (iloves and tuitts-at...... ....... ZSc and 30c Pair r Jnderwear- ahi he Ilglt, deairalile, aummfr kinds. r For Monaiaî.......................... 23c tu 50c per Sarmn.t For Women-at .... 5c, t0c, 15c,23c nd 5Oc For Chlldren-sa..... -.5c lu 35e per Sarment Lace toslery uiew dem gns lu exellent values for worneu and eloildren ai ............... ..13c, ZSc,35c and 80c P ImIt ourNt-ew Basemeni llalearoom for Bargaina ln r HOBt) 8FkLNISIIIN O UDS. R.LONON&L Il Telephone No. 109. akea.Dhlos Buggies Su rreys Road Wagons WITH RUBBER TIRES IF DESIRED. I eatu suit you as, to price and have a good variety from which ho select. ýScreen Doors and Window Screens. I have them in the standard sizes. H, B, EIGER, bLfe tvii1 FLY TiM 1 have the largest and most varied line of fiy nets and lap robes in this section of the county, and arn selling them at specially low prices. Colored Mesh Nets ............. S 75 'with four rowu of tasseit I O0 Shoe String Nets, 50 laah ..........O.O10 Round Leather Buggy Neta, 50 Iaah........I75 Scritm FIy Nets. per pair................ I1 00 Heav-y Cord Teani Nets, per pair ........ 3 00 Celebrated Wagner Ncta ........... 3 75 - -LAP ROBES- - 1 have a particularly nice I.ap Duster for ...... A good Lap Robe for... .......... Stable Fly Sheets of ail kinds and specially low prices. Li bertyvi île 1 35 35 sîzes at C. Ha -KAISER, Ilios TtiE la Good Moncy For1 IN avuay Longley, tow & Aleit MAT p0c5,s5005 t. Oap'aa ESi. .ess I. si12. O Itn-e n4tw,. Shp..Bl.' bARKHURST, IOPRIETOR iury Cash Store, 1

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