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Lake County Independent, 25 Jul 1902, p. 5

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I I - ________________ i liter,o Ly wlth 11115 il. 114Son arle 'riglit. a visiting ,riekri, rit. home in 1 g the u i'k cllaesses 40ka tIi. tra days ckod. 00w becomel e t0 rie; 68hea it aul avnsivaly a food or to trelve of daja. any aISeS Icao get pay, and orner in 1 bave a id Cao b. dance 0110 on Milwan- '. AyEaB. ezobiange. 31-Ut t VIOLINS BANJOS MANDQLINS OU ITARS FLUT[S HARMONICAS Libertyvu lie DEALERS IN Ail Kinds of Musical Instruments. lblo i aPICKED UP HERE AND THERE. SLocal Items of Interest to Liberty vlle Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. In Ettcct Sunday. Jufle 18, 1902, at il0 a. M. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHIC5AGOt. WXKtI DTli. WZlt. "tl, DEpsrt Fromn New Depot. Arrive at N-tiu lIcît. l , 14I.h.rtyviile.i. Ci.eeg .. etle1g0. tA, LI 1e Il - M. Ils 7.i a&. Il .. . . . 'rI. Ia, I <J.... 7.8 . M . 1 . i. 1 144 . .. . ,:2îm.......R.A,1415.I .. 1 1 9:SeatIl,.1t 43 il.IM. - 1441 .. ..12 029 p. ln.. . . . Le) Il.rM, 1:17 4:X) 1'. Il ,4 e,, 14 i.... 6151,fll.fa). ... . , û t l., SI . . wp. t.rM1'u III. f.14 r:Iiip. ele esI 51 4A2,27I Il I~e I ~x i-T'y ' uiîr4îhiy foi' the,' jiidIy mîarke't. .. .. .. sait ~$~' \I ~ a large' ostmiîlete' lili-' of'Saut and! ( aîîîîc'd i'ie For t iytii iii theli llis'(J handt-n thiiîuî., but thoI )ti'14t Triggs &Taylor, Libetyvile, - - Illinois. JEWELRYOI SILVERWARE 'z f thie Mo5t keliable Makes ~ 1847 Rogers Bros." A'= FINE AH ANDi CLOCK REPAIRIr . Arrive at(Illtet i)at 14t .....5 M20P. rt .. i I e 9:30 I tellt teà Ethel Taylor gooto t.Elgin t- ol-it 1C . ILstermait t xtî ttihonte relatives lein iat citY. trreiî V 'rrglei S uDdea'.- James Iriggs la lmprovlng bis re.ýi 1 'eday Dr. anud M tro lie,,ltiongo ti, dence wtb. a [remi coat of paut. rauq, " ding ut 1"tlîua Litto leMaucbe lroctor viaiedwitit 1lie' local W. 1 uI . Areto , it ber sontIli iscal'go te Paitweek. M rsIt i 1loi'k TueevIay tI tvriîoo J uly A parti î,f Libartyvîlle yortog peoil 2 'lb mpe'it Tucéaui.y ut UsgeaLke' eiî,ylig i t.oeeaville, of ,r.,ySlakr', was ru autoalrî n i t..rerday ire S e tiigaI i tg. troligbi Mliss l lils M.CatIoW, out Evarsmtnla Mr i,'îr, wll t t ,w tî,îsal'l s1erding thiisweîek witb MissLm81atIl ",tg ai -,refOy "ii""\, , akota., Cleveila. I,Krr,1Iaylur Isns te tg 118vo-ati.,r 1,' A. Aplpey a()i,, bis tallîion u IitueRidge l'arti, "tutyvilie, i,wa, Percivai t( ', W l. Leslie, ef lows, 'uIoaaiig Y wLI tbe 0111 R siinre 1 biursrdsy. anit lm le osto 1 miggt t 1103 ceg Wice Mine Ethl 8 St.isiey, of. Cilîtago, l tîs 1m viiting witb ber ecousin, Olive N%'llm, Iitî Ladies, Aid i ite Metbeellt for a few riys cureil wli give a r1 tIca t Ib Dir. Switib andi Att'y Mac Guille louve bioine (if Mrs. JLnCater. Friday Frilay tfora tee ilsyrtouting ut Lue after(10, JUlY 2,1e Ail lire cordiaily - .- n- - i trîlý . il-2d Dr. 'tayir rasd rIte hope 10 speîttia plemaiselVacation aithIe Della 0otimle rcusle. 'l bey lbave ibis rek. tirs. UOClevelatitiand lber sdator, Misa Allen, uf Cbicago, are speediug a toupIe ut1tisys lu Madison, Wla Dr. lubiesuen il preaclitsuuday mrnrlig on " lie Infallblo Mdan, seni le tbo evenieg on "A Dlscovery.' tirs. Dlla IDavis, ut lows, ln viitiug wth W. E. Davis, Cbarles Wltco and famlly aud titer Lberty ville relalival. Mn@. Robert Proctor, suri Maurice audRis Fannie tlaylor sud Lloyd ejoyeti an ouîting at Lincoln Park Mir.sud tirm..Chartes i riga are i viaiitieg LibartyvillO relatIves, aller Êpeetirng a pleuaart vacatnicîamping ut FoI Lake. Wblei i akoil rhal course rould cor Le adulteil tu the village Ieanle casa AttoltieY Milîler said eoîlbaticialiy, 'il wlll be Irbil 1agaie.. Thoera nu 1,0 au ee creaîît soeIal anti haldkercblot sale aIthie lruby. îoriae eburcb parlors I hersdsy evo- ilAng Alignat 71ù. Ica cream sand cake, lac. Plan te got. 41A2-d Littl holia Duffitî as bIllon by a dog tbluegiig tIi Jnîlte loure Mou- îîay. Dr. U.llowsy cauterizaî te round sand no serious resita are au hîcI 1atedi. Fred (roker, rite snd dauglitten apeseit several days the tirât ofte oeek at the Wisconinl Deli. tira. Croker sntdaVlla remaîniedtu tiliranike un te return ri tp tfr s ferdaya rîth frl-eds ther e. Il. Il. Eger ditributl tbrce boxes 0f Cîgars aniolag thuse rwito stslted el removlug is mactliery rum tite buneng storerom Wednjeaday.leury i,ellevos laexepresalug bis gratitnude by mure t Isu rrîl. Waler Darby, rito la ai (reoley, Coloradou, niere Iho.reutl ritrpes ut beoeltting bIseitoaltb rwrites fltlite le mucit inproveti ael believes ho nil flot rture to Ilinois, as that climase lm more t lbs Illug. Sith Si.t;Davis anti Vin. Vsronil etcb titis reek purcitasell a set of Simirp'iitîs mpitirig scules. Tbey are te atest devico tfnr ai once wcigblng sud corupullng values, un tbo market, sudcoust $t65. teririly tille q-e il..-1 1'1 . m.t il .7 il, 'nt ,nica lite t tn 1i. Lu 00'eSt 1 i i0 i 1 00 1 00 . 00 1'00 .. .. 04 ...... os ......... 017 .... .....os3 .....goS 01 .1 l it rial day lîit Wm tasiea l Icne Andtirtîe Rsgan II s.t, Otr,,1e lth .[-May, la tics rear '.olr I Th11 ler iwalIk rtill amlte4l lie 'lia traulgi. I.ut e, ite Msny trouflîsdam ciii; Fin l ia Itatî Thes asase oewt rai ta1%saUsa pipe s"ltake thronab. (2ard of liaiiks. %%e i iait 0.sitti -r'iy iliau l Our PIRE RUINS AIJTOOBILE PLANT New Iilertyvitllt iastrv Collîî plelelv Wreckeîl.' lTheexi.plosion f i attl etank couuieîcled witb or a part ut a laibitt frnuce, causotiaslaze j'lot aller tto, eWedneday nuicIt dsntruyed wbst lu Libertyville is terutid -"Ibe auto- nililo factory."l'ropî'riympeîaklng it was lthe wrrliiui01utluvoutor -1111b1 Blrown, a rose wbu receeetlY nOved trt Ilbiryviie trrom Citîragu and relîteri Mirs.litele I orinsu'm twrîr rry bi,îldting 0u1 Milwraukee A ventue, r leero ie it ,tal led smorne $0100I îrt1,rth f macbluery andti oolS 1and1 1re1ared ru 1tertect arnd marnufactuire an sutuniO- blie bottier.fls demaudri reqirired the rreetloe ot se addition niilcb ras oniy comrpleted iltrwe andsu tr. Birwn bai just arraugeil morei machine- ery tboreie. Jrist what caria, iltIe explohion Im net klttr. A mscitilst boa triateil the firruae. whlei a sa snerOue, bsvIng bee useil but two dtim, and ras sttendiuggo10 ttier rork wrile lte leabititt bealevI A sbarp report fulloreil by elouda ot amuIe and limmodlleily tbe building ras a roas of dames. Nottslng rassaxird. An olti structure sdjoluing, in wntcc barirare dealer H. i. Eger bail sturoi a large amoîtel ut farm Impiemelst ras sisît badly lîrrnai; bol the borliC eiîtrt.4ofutLîbertyville's local lire Cuon pany, orf wbili everybody la à member rîto icrits s baud, ssvedlte bilîding frot ototal mne, andth ie assembied spotctaturs assiateti tr. FEger lu e atieg onit ail of bis macbîeery. clils loms la buît nominal. tirs. Penuleîau carrlad learrauce on beîr builings lu the amount î,t $4001. tirlBrown carriail $2100111inaurauce, but l bs liralm lbardl laiesîlisate. Msny luveutions and six or neveu enginea ut bis un conslrriitiou, besîdes modela suad pàtterria, represeiitting years utf wrk nero irn the rnidleg, 10 55y ,tuotbleg outhe equlpmeet outil lit 111e tiartory, rblcb rau ail expeesîve. Bature lte lire wus out Mr. lBrown yawu eegotiatlng for anotiter building. lie bopos to secure lthe vacant creamery sud If eutti1h51 nay bul a structure of bisuwn. He tale inunoay dîis- rcurage by is loas, andinle uother tund ase.itancednriteg Ouîr reteut tad gain Le in oporallun, lhoeigb ]usl ,sresveeeilt. khite .il .1ELLRtt, ntr i rw sntnnsae Miî . MCOLiIY eXr.Boncnotnweae Me,.Jse. tEova, J uni a nord atu ttaImuct abused J. - ,1) tilt. (Ira alnge. Wilhin teeinuteesafler Collases. the explosion rater wau belng Ilrure Ice otta Colapaes. on tiheiamesandeI il rred l Irougt tbe t-.oEiENL elibahItnfrmaionlot utt te tire sdmirably. 1'lea act that tot the citrIcI a large ice itounse at F,,, au adîuluinig structure ras navoil guos Lake cntIiapged W-eeeriiyogbt. 1) tot show itt eeiieey. Wilbiiii tweuly t, lme ut guing lu j si cmlieblstbil eet uoflte building barnoil stood Ibe line lias beea u ont.se.rvice, or tlitI ei J.JJamioi tînbîuAe sud wbl lthe part ut il mIi rcelt,'sFoex Lake, wlrid waà biurieg lte ilames lu an and we are n"ble tIl, ,,iitiriua the slurY ujpposite direction, yot il ras le lir iltai'] partîculurh 111 teoti ior thb' (danger several tIloes, anti a Atream ran iiuei. ttrrîwn 0ou it oicaEsslonaiy. ' ie LilsorIyv Ie Lî,oeu Conventiorn.e Itha oorJiiig lepuîailcsr Cuunty convetione ril helie bll at Ursysiake lesiteadl utLil,.-rtyvilit3, s ebsegettitat Caused uîiiîit surprise I:dliVer te counly. Tibis docisiiîu as arrivini at ly Hie executi Vis 'tmmiittecofuttht ilePtaliicau CouenyCentrai Commite', iu session ai Waukîgae lasI Saturday. tbe reasîtîn allrîliîld It!lîg LIit trMysiake lm mura certraiiy locatedad sld c"Ii set itetIy sa rgnr crord wîaîl atteil. lTe rasi reuv'îi lantat raymlaki. ls alîvîr titUitrrtests. 'lIitrec ereiisli tative mnisni re ounbaudStai t'e meet- îuig sud tallai slnd arguslt Iic avir tri tlitelr lîîrrî. greerng lu turi.b a bal sud ltatinmiaiscîuld i h all rcahoîîaily. Hur about Lîtîrtyvillie At tite isot conventini l' hall raiDntl cîsu itrept ont nor chairs arrangodt, in fIset nul eiougb wtisleute bail Iî mentt tite ielegates. ibere was romtit crîticioroaitftictr lie l'y ',îtlide doiegati au! Litertyville's IuiIiffreraîi., and te relait om but a riatîrai Coeu- sequeuce. When aIietIe, r cOnvntIont lm tee be calleil let lsi me a sceclelo rI lie Ie land I whre ILbel,ttge, attlail argument isiil, ýle our lavor as tite leetrie rousîit il by tittLîie place Ltbertyvilia fur andi abuve tîner townna ah tu sdvaiitcgeous tréaevlerttioner tacilities andel ,ceeaslbility. 1We sbîtuid aiveî boar ir u ile t lt friteLhltrty% le in agarît tleescuan te iouvet tete place, îî r ii bta1l1) t' local re1iulians 110 snelitIlte ttlw ehall la in a mteeîtirbtttiîtg tItrex. 2camionr. h2îclie.îîîed Letlera. lii.. ~ ~ hý lestT~ e'W.oî-i 'île lIeg J.iy ur. Ilsîsi bI I Ma'. ee Il Thîitle Cîilili..ssioeers Notic.e. Noticee la ertiby gven ltat 1iirmottîo itavieg Jaicela IbLiltos ou ttîs rtro prti, are uttt il ltaIsanie matitl le out or dotr"yred and eut ictt toi prteiua gala or go Li) e îeed, udr torj.itaity îIl a line of nîtt os titan teenieor uore tItau neua hîiîtlradd ltr. is Ilel lice applios asitua tnpublic lttgtnray'î sud ralirosîl rigtitt-ol- rays iii towit iA Lil)erlyviliti, tec itgitrsy ciwlroroIssi ors bieg liainla for the faîtlitil loer- furutance ol tînir aubordiettel alîîîng thiIs lin.e iie anty, fur it>uitllirfv- suce out titi tW it SUC c îam, Jroi- vlded tfor rîî Wir' ,îitm iRlamur Hree n, Llt iY hiug Ilsînîre t aout eto IlitilI dollars. DEa4Nis Lîir 'Iit1. riitse leetiitiiee,'otustt p il Libetyvili .Aeîg .1 Slglit iiîîîirlîns lîten tislat a man and caîise miter .al laya' iîiii f i lte snd niîau bllod POIsoti î(levtnlîîun, atîmietîroas resaIt lute l, ls0o!a leîl or limîits. Iblt , Paliaaint iai trill su antiil)utie lniment. Wheîî apîîlled tu cela, briseand bena sil reaiit tem lu beal nînbokly and wit,(,ut matura.tion, sud Ireveutasmyansger of bloond poiOue. Fur salO hY kFIB. LOVELL, Llharty ille; GRUSÂîsAuE PBÀIMCAT. t'irmeorceassloes t'iolapo is Igtme ne coeil ' -rual8ing" the uîtly tire protteçtin wv bave. RETRIAL 0F DEANE CASE. T'fe secondt jury tisagreai. Auîoter Trial Set For AriuusI'2. i îîesntay the ias(, utf'Villageofcn t itertyvîlls vs W. Atiesîte, le whleb eloeudantlmIsCitargeti nil looping open bis saloon on a lpubllic lnolliay (.1îîly lte contrary lu s village urdie. uncean sdlte rders ofte!etovillage 'remitiert, cameti rcî for rotrait,,lite jry In ttwi lirst barlua faîling lu agrise. i wo veniras uft Irtlve oscit ne evitauskiendlDot a siegle jurur itîsîlivoly an.ceptod. Everybudy le ..ibertyviiie seeutoiltu have formel ai unitoraale upinion sel Il ras lecîdedti tuadjouro court entit Weoea lay rntrenlantiplace lte subpuenss îu t anrdi ntfa couittable,s IlWrs euideul Marsitai Fraiman rouid Le trile tnt sol trie tituber for a jury le the village. Thbisrasn(lotue anti C3onîsltle Atiten rent tutu the country tofnt muen oetttio rrems vermeillu ltae case sand witî bail itt furmold t Oltt it r os 1weoty i5ublioauaei lthe fîdltîwieg rare accepted sudticeeeîîilsd tiiej inîry whnieb ioard thte case: ILW. lillin-(y, Win. Weilm, A. W. (amey, Iraîtk Ntitholas, Eti. L-yneb, B. .. ir tîîug, Win. tiini, Elh. Harris, Ju, Miller, Sceyler Strattu, Ot)a Da sut lteury lteikoati. As ile bs irst trial 1u it nlesses noe alinîti by detondant Done an sd tite ensmecutor almply pruvoil by Marsbat Frsbmnlthe saluun ras upie .Jliy Ith aîtd situred %Iat l'restienut Culby bael notilisd Donne to clusîî ou Ihat eiay. tir. Degue lu bis stîdras linulte jury site Lbits versin ofth ie case, înalifY- loîg bis aet le tbe grurînils the orilance otr tIti portiîoe in quiestioe badi ievar betore been aulorcoîl, aed obutîild nultbe littls lima. Attorney Miller made s fnîrcofut adîreas, iîuitiug tar anti spîesling lu the jury lu itrlng lusavertilct utguilît. lie denionstratoil beoîid tiîubt tite ordinsoco rwas legal anti ounseqrîenlly sbuîd hbe oreoti regardîesn of preodienl. ibortly bafure 5 o'tIock lthe jary r,Itired to consîier s verdict anti It ras mideugit tan utbey ropurltid tbey roull benuabto lu agre, le tact biad votedtu 10 agroeelu dagree, d i ora lisi'harged by Justice CLIurcllIr". Te jury slondi savon for sciluIttal rîtlHe tive tavorcd cinievctiun. Jrîslee CiturCItIi lias CeUtnusL lthe c.amtesud Il nu lbctjieid a tirtr111e itaturdliy, Auguat 2d.- BANNE LkB the am beimnMlatho* UIc JULY BARGA1.Nç Jily, the-' diii! mcrntl, iii 10111-ie're: ibut we are iletermiut'c 011- it to let it he dcli withlisn. 110111- ur tor îe iii fui! of good, xvi' !îi\tutthe lirice way dlnwii. lli-ailthe liâ.t. O>- Nieiî14, boys', woflen's, miss 411- Iiliri-ii'4 and! infanîts'. EE lammnocks....z::- A nive liîîe at redtîweiil pri 4'w Croquet Sets...-.ý Fouiîr, six anîd eiglit baIIM. t'Gassware.-.& A good a.ý3mortmiant ofg MeiCs anîd botys ' sitits anîd pa )îîr 11'c ciititer i14 aIlluinter. Every article oit it is a hargaili. CALL AND SEE THEM. se -su4 _-Iwo glas ýants. MIL Shiris WeII rmade, lit illiesOver Shirts, whîite' groîînld wîthi bla.k, pitnk and blie trpe, olrsgîîaraîîteed fust; ilulit. ind ..o , Shrt fr Siimmer' wear Al v Milai The Libertyville PAINT\ % TOI OILS ~PA« F.B. L Libertyville - te frciti 14J to 17; at 50c; our pricei Pair, - Illinois. DRUGS.... 5Drug Store. ILET ARTICLES 'RFUMES ýTENT MEDICINES LVJ2LLI - - Illinols. Dhe COU $ Illusal For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. Ytîu gent thte iucreased and growing service of the IÀ Coutity Telephotie Company and connection witl Ch!icago 'I'elelîullit Company. For Information,. rates, etc., wrte - CONTRACT DEPARTMENT& TO CHICAGO. WOS 1 DAM Dopart From OId DePOt. i..-li,.ry'il'ý. Arîvo jl-ie Nu.iti2, 6:ua. m. ...... ...........1r 7 >17 . Il54re......M.4 l.rt MU.NttA55. No. V12- ... 62à. M. ....... . 7:31I. e,. te Iteieard itutzen bas been ubliigd tu rBsigu trio position asaconîlector ounlthe Chcago-Mlwaukee eloctrie rond ou avccunt ot bis beastit ant ill louve in a fer daya tuorItosroîl, SNwMexicos, whore lee spectm to l cato. Everyon utoite trelve jurors lentae fir8t til iot tua village Deaiie Hurit maluaisie a oleil "gnilty.' Andl yel tera rare two votes "euot gfhti antd oua blottir onthue f1naI test. Il Iook@ as tougit some ofthlie irrratîi itt bave fle courage 01t Iein convictons. A genteanurio oarns bis lreail by te areal ot bis brur lual-t $10rocautiy seuewehre lu Libortyvîlte. 'liteo tal In question eau i11 afforti surit s lti, fiaviiig s tamlly tiapeeiiontu lion ii le la ablot i îcouragodI n bis efforts l toiite roney anti ofers a gooilhi portion of te amount as a renard 10 lte hiler, if ntonneil. Intormation ai ibis clIce. Baldwin Pianos51 piano Iluning Promptly Attended to. Ail the Latest and Most Iopular Music. - - Illinois. [Bargain 1 Weeke .-. '15 tpn il A lo i t«l iI, It .î <il2nllît go .0l' at . - A l()t il' liîit Ii B îî' riits )1 1 l ) t lt.1 ~ - eiat f1în0111 50c t I' t............ 10 tur- :.../î' I ; iuî. .. e . G roceries. .117 .iriC lit ) t;bi -I nul i0:11 jnî.............. .......... . 011oiî ztii i/v l tt\ 'eilaIîXties.. . . . .... , paltuul4C N1 aîlttt- ;1isod,.. .........' SniTti & DAVIS, Libertyville, Illinois. LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. lilinolO. on AttelUGU rnis tle lita ont, Oe i- eslum Otthul 17eiili adar b7811130 Youir eattie VM-h rîtlin. Na swIldW whniteteait. Tuai lu rînter. tan'tt Ili relliti to rît boufflu of ttat buig D-ý- rion talla.. snllhng lIe 1 fae and ey«1? 10 ea ina appled ta i fer rmintets. - surai'sr and I Remo ver for" 1a4 IA IL, or Lake ConoW f4 ller. t £aIm . mil eeýeA fr KL bé V li 1) W A bit ý)f* i;oý siiiiiiii,,i' hats . '2ý)c Battle Ax Tohacco. 1 1 P1,19. 1 Lovell'a Drug Store, 1.

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