CAE-" " SCHCAO Terrifring Wind, Bain and Electrical titorm Sweeps the City, Maimost rivaling ln its Bereeness the gale which followed the Galveston hur- ricane and accompanied byr a downipour of rain wiuch ai the City ha" not witness- ed in years, and an ine ,nt ]ly of lightning >f the lashi, ;114andforUed cg froui t 'f the e T iu day night at S5Alckthait carræd with it injury to peosid dmaet. >roerty Foýr .one uminute, acrigto the we-ather forcceaster te'widrea-hod a veýlocity of ninelyluil.s au luu l eD m'inutesacodigto the -ror sAofthe weather oilice, haitf:an inch of rain fell and the fleuun f the barometer were such a.4 to ajrtle e-en the w'eather bien. TMie stormn camp after a day of the moet freakish kind ofwahr in whuichà the thermomneter reached 89ý aloing to- ward 1 p. in. and in two hours following dopdnearly 1N degreesý. luring the afte.rnoon and early eveing the sho)wer& showed all manne-r or oddities. Raining heavily ai] over the eitv, nt ogrslarki it was dry, while laI vanîton it rainaed and up at IHighland P'ark It was rain- less. Theni canw- the heavy thunder soeethat started in shiortly after 7 So quick did the gale e up out eg the already raging stormi that it nearly blew the okutsandofhiers off the bridge of the City of 4hicago and the CrtphrColumibus, The psegr we-re huddled nin the cabinis and during the life of the bl-wepeincdal the terrors csinehy st.,rmseâ.ickn.-s amdirfear. On the lake the blow lasted fully half an hour, but, having iilear sea roomn, the boatà reached their doc-ks safe- *Y allthou)lgh with a badly scared lut of dESSIE MORRISON IN PRISON. convicted Mnrderee- Begins sentence Mlis Jesse Morrison, convicted of the murder of Mrs. Olin Castle at Eloradlo, Kan., ha- entetred uipon hertwnyfv yearf sntnc in the State penlitentiary. After being out twlv ours the jury in the case agalinst Jesse Morrison, VALUI AGRICUL1 BY C Total Pros 00)0,000(,g ýl_ ,1;iý::,:ý ý -M -' d NÉÈS ASK MILLION. ý - " ý .The words were in the formi of a ques- - 4 1ý ý ffl S tien, and though the Virginian had start- I1 l. ý Iý, E R E B Y A T Eed at rst, he drew his torni up proudly.l APPEAL TO PEOPLE TO AID AN.- ý1 ý 1BY ALEXANDER ROBERTSON "Taking it for granited that your con- 1 1 THRACITE STRIKE - 1 Jeeture is the truth, what business isa ••-jeferte a rarle.' "iffere w"eert." "Lote, ta* sewing Girl," that of yours, may 1 inquire?" he sId, "6oldmakae tLisron,- " Wedded to wuin o- Din..with somne show of vwarmth. CovenionAdotsMithel's econ- Thrarse ,, . ras eracy, -Etc., E. .*ounare impatdent, Roger Darrel. It mendtio--Lcae Uionhere e- ý ýý " )rÈ -X " " " " -f lecy l>usiness in so far that Miss e -l. Itual Independence, andIliberated à wori eessdfo i. n te1nnFundPubAic . _ -'. - e,* moudis my prouiseil wif, and II:W .. . ', of human beings fromn the bondage of msef,.neý E - -- -1 1-1 1 -- 1-1 -hooves a man to see that lher honrre is i - \Opinivon tUrge.d frueArbitratio. nt tarnished by clandestine meetings bIe inteod-ahoeddcrn CHIAPTER II.--(Continued.) 1 For heaven's sakte, do not turn away &s o sc steoe aejs itnessed"I eiernth ld.shoe dcriel 10n atenon wil Cro ,;ý,,, i -d y oi il kill 'ie" ,n of a perslonal devil and the natural de Havinig declared agatinst a g--nerýal neaferoo wil Cro ws c yyo w me aid the Captain in pompounes .It of uan nture Evolution, strike, vndepted a report caling ou the forest, her thoughits upon the ama[Lge R loger,- she vwas cam now, apparent- "What you say 1 brand as an mnn Aein l 1-M et that hadi come into her 1:f- she Iy, though heaven only knew the state aus falsehood, sir, whoever you may bie.,, environment sond the advancement ofAi ner ilo il, contri utl . , ,KN me conscious of the fact that shie her poor lacerated heart was In. "Roger, -For Ithat I will cal] you to an accounit - - -civilization lare pleasant terme to con. A tuent ito ab vthe striki; .antharalitil nolngralnthtsoeon ol o aewldwenyu nut einta Roger 'DarreL. In the mentime 1 wish1 OVERCOMING DIFFICU'[LTIER. Jure with. But it is a self-evident fact, m lspo ided fr aaintean',I la gainât a tree just: in frontl of way, but 1 forgive you, for 1 do .not to ask You a question in regard to this By j.w. WeddaH.D.D. based opon a cairfu study of human his. nadu seI' a si appal to u a 1 . With a start &she looked up :1nd, lor think you traize what you are saying meeting. Was it a voluntary one on the Some one has said we need not look tory, tbat the whole moral tendency ei Orui n ti (-in i di M ei Work er ,, tell opon a strange irtý You were unwise totreaaln here, to seek part Of Miss Richmond, or did you forceafrcossndadsesorur oy the race was desperately downward un- vetoI t(ilýiis san . cr(, aThre wasmno itakieg whaý,1t ew, I ylon vt e hen yodsw hab Iwasbe1n hrantomainlte ssinaio?" Lad.a urHoy.anOiuwrwllmae tl headennofJeusChis, te ine t elk atrdy ftenon ndad , athughdrssd mchdæent ad ingtocae fr ou bu Icanotam .I am the cause of the meeting. Does it much, in right around uls. Te trg lbeaor Teappelal to the pmblic recitedaut mach more cost1 l aparl than al yh out for th ee e im uarti" isthat satisfy you, sir? Whatever blamele of a valiant soui against the aodds CHURCHIES NEIM)GRADUATE. lenigth the hardlships nd low wa!ys of o es Carol h r, hl-r n aisteu-vi."si, thenso absoluteiOh there mysbeput t upoeme. eIre that lie about akies ail ground holy ye...oer.te inrdcardhtthyadivd of- foreign pv, n lre ir Yutabcilied, calmly, ground. "Fight the good tl ight of faith; B l -R ui iersthel a ta ibeyhal l. ý Ë kable gypsy simpliabou1t fher fc rl m oe lfelrelou o b 'I accept the appýiogy," returned the lay hold on eenllf."D trgt AS multitudes of graduates have passed 1ti 1,thl 1 ric i aspirit of hirir m end peculiar c-ouu-n lost to nme forever? Am I to live ,on in Captain, quickly. wer yu r ad the gr ond whont fo hecleg n niversity hall&s, rae .san tiltretused tu vieilare i,tel, "Sta, chld o thehous dwlershe he fture-no eve theaimlss lfe o "Tat i wasnot eantforan aol-eou snnd s thoy gom olmanyof or alrt eligous orken haehem atle trpos ofdh<ao '. ,d. h"Be mnot i hst e puoleve ofme. aitenst, bu ah t s lof regretslofainoy o oad s elkont oCertainly there are "eemies enough fudtemevasking: "Why dnt tors - as tdelstroy r-the mI.,* in'un Il e n ,c o e h e w it h t h p u p o s e o f m e t -l s i e n s e t h atye n d o a t h m ei t e l f 'w o u l d i b en a a n d I p r o v e i t t h u s.. "1 a b o u t u s t o is u p p l y t h e , n e c o n d i t i o n O f m r e o f t h e s e e n t r t h e m e m b e r h i p o f l n i t th . rgtli 9 l t h e p e p l e i a[ l a r g . o, yo. orIgavrsmehigeo el e l oydoo m o hi vig There was an agile spring, andiwith his Opposition by w-hich ,every resoluite sou]tthe chuirch??' It in true that some of 11tn z 'l -a b e pressure to bear . oni l grv.beoeopen palot he slapped the Captaia in the aains Tefe fteolshgutthem have become tanch members of 1o ic1,: rs otl,,E an( iithratit.ecoainter ests tou "Something to .say t,,me?'()f whom 'You lknow not what you ask. Roger. ,,.face.Th .c fti oils ihýtact ive churches; but it ls also apparent induc themtotreajt conidera.tely the itroold you talk', a kl d ('Iroi, surprised. In the time to comle you will see that -Interests lurk and confrontt us every ta h ra aso dctdyuh pelo h iesfrabtain "Of Roger IDarrei. mry course vwas the only right one. I bear *Yýou wil hear fromt me, sir, and this where. We are in the e!, nmy's land and tpasste byrealiiuanestifedtdutns. ime of i], lthefetresfof rbt.h rsion we The three wordls ent like aln arrow with yýou becýause of my love, and for hu mh h iteeto orlfmuet fighit toWin. And thesevery f,) à nlashort, there are many conservative Lnu ý,bire-ss by "Molýther Jonesý," vwhli&h meto the iheart ,,f the pl,,,,,lv. and the rsesn that you are madl now. 1 returnied Ilhe Captain, taking out his when overcome, helpi t,, hlher thinigs, inswofe httecuc snt a eevdetuisilyb h eblack eyes, qu'.Ikto see, the starth-d co ,uld hardly Iwait to see you. The very pock'et handkerebief and rubbing his This is the significanier of thre svril·)atrcin g whfenough ofthe collegead nb et Ni n. She urged l the desi-Iylegtso - Bof pain, took luen ithel ves ,l1,ýa seconds seemied bhoure, and I thought 1 cheek as if thad been contamiinated, ture at Numn. 14-09 regardinig the giantsersciy men, ohatrtherlegeis d noiore pose at the Conugtdireionl electtios this la that one could asI";v ,ImIne wa ,s abould lose, my senses." Ioerutred an exclamation. of the land. "They are brer(ad for uls'" important and timely question that can fall veY,ary man lwhwas faivorable to, &ifaction, "Where and fromn whom did you hear "The Man with the Black G;love," ne said Joshua and Caleb, the heroic ino)r- h se hnti:"htms h gvrnetb nucin" S Carol saw this, asul ,. r- to ive a-bý,out--Nora W'arner*?' heSasked. utee. ity of the sies. Instmai of hindrancechrhd toeisteatninad Threnneainsbugtnby er intitious streugth. Mie duIv;ioi no-v From a gypsy girl who seemed to Somte years before, while traveling in we may tarnt them tobe ins ins .tead seurvcesdofth e cle te nonanddiesiy tesia-rl iunitiltee app bouin bwre htat somrething terrible was about to [be ýknlow you- Barbara Merriles." Europe, hie had met in the company with of weights. Makre breaid of the giants gaut?8 rcial dnia ihtoesgetd Jade manifest, and while her soul Iick. "~Barbara Merriles!" which lhe was makling thetur, a strange, and go on fromn victory tu victory, grow- It seesa ppr htthe pulp.t t a ,t PresidentMicel inhis ae ss on ,-ý e.d with apprehension, shte assuimed a lHe repeated the name after lher, and mysterlious man, of whose antecedents ing stronger an we go. ,Itoeuatt ra t t raut te must nthe th eist dayofitthellonvetbion ad egrl 1 W ýhat would you tlae of Roger hatred that mde his voice vibrate like a One most peculiar cirruustance attach- world. Take your b iranices and over- fu r l ac i sgti leetru tcat th re Fdtllow d ing is anextactfr the cnion . Jarrl, girl?' cor e---ne'ltrung. ed to his prtence Nwas the filet that lno come them, making stepping stontes toareusome me who pass fe rmcollege whers' upltogi ethe eople.hetai "Ras it never occurred to you that "You du know her, then'shle asked. mttr1 he seen he invariably wore higher altitudes. Use the worfld as not ne rmrl or al hrce, If It i8 the purpose of the col oeraet oru kis loyer of yours has a secret ? There "I have good reasonto. Why, you salli u pon his lefthand a black kid glove, abusing it. *"Be not overlcomle of evil, but an Pd thremaiy bemohers wy ho n ter detro)y our union, then upon th 1e pria- something in Roger Darrel's past thait know somte day, but It han nothing to do Speculation was rire. Suime guessed it :overcome evil with good. 'adffereear e satsfiedwith ilm.a- et re e ulc.rvatlIi ie tatI 1 llUchll your blood with horror-a skele- with our present trouble. Carol, ls there was a bet hie was carrying out, others But here ls the Sharp alternative: Over- But te no rm a college gra dateome a k ýpnin drastic m eu to p reven teln. thatlerhe has tried to bury these years no ch. lac orme? Must I suffer still that his hand hadt been disfigured fromn come or lbe overcome. Eat the giants forth hmnthhatals ale e rand hun' -kcoplir en t hir desins. e twihe ac. ek u hchwl o e etudrfo htodsin? Speak, and with a birthi, while one even whispered It was or they will eat you. The people thaât gry for truth-a mind that shrinks fronswhle i a urpo r cr.a h the sua % l nd. Ah! hie has decelred you, as he word decide my future. Shall It lbe go, his lier that the Count Romanloff, au timorously and faithlleussy cried out, -We loetogtadwl o epc ne-lglpwrencme st oki e ve m. of wrd bin te ye. r ta?"1 he was known to them, was somne escap- are but grasahoppers," grasshoppers they lcultmdt.Th olg rdaed-ire to sriman.Idle ynou, h i altht s o d nd n obl ýe Seturned upon hima then, lher face ed political Roussian convrict, Who bhad were, and as suich were disposed eofminder hslareTothniepl neolto, leeisn o mrr eaon wihywe shuld meal tat s ad" alean åm.bee banedon hehad.the heel of the vengeful Canaanite.' "It and no church can gain is interest by tau w e a aki g r-il lntnr t a we r "What meane you? For heaven's atie. " There in but one way, Roger. Do not Wlhen the Captain rarised h is handkier- :te a land that eateth op the inhabi tant@ referring to the evolutionary theory with her ofi a corporat diln-ubibe mpeýlled to ,cpeak, girl Don't you speeI am stilingyr' try to tempt me. Let mie remember Yeu chief to his face, hie did so with his left thereof." True Indeed. Eat or bie eaten. erl asacstcrear hegad- hIltckwhnhewuttokei. qllacled Carol, one white band clutching as an honorable man. I am going nows. hand, and no wonder IRoger gave vent' We cani soact, cravenlyv and eringingly' ates of rect yeara have learned much mwet(wilthat our utt .oiheýt *«e perfect throat as though elhe was al- No, do not try to kiss me; it cain never to an exclamation when hie saw that it |as to invite defeat of "the ordinary ele- a bout psychology, and the clergyman that ,ligation to the operators, with wl.imm we toestminable to breathle. bie agrain. Thiaik of me somnetimes, My was incased in a black kid glove. mente and agencies that lie about Us ,would hold their respect cannot pas« it have agreemnt, require lihat we ,Ihan or wicked gleam came into the gypsy's lstloeanI11 hllpry oryo." "Yureog.z m, he. adno .sucubig ocicustncsorwecn naguatfageerlsupesin f Inkl *rbsHe watched lher out of sight, his whole forgotten you. Roger Darrel, and the fact stand blly fo rth anc"onurr e n-rivet rta he cachsoudn t e obtird.they a no n he Iy o -e -Idsten to me, then, daughter of the framne strained to the utmost tension. of our having once tsaveled in company vironment and wring victory out of de-careawywteoltnorhenw onrt. iliue dweller, and 1 will tell you of ihis Oh! what agony was in his heart, what will not prevent me fromt runing my fapealn vr u urudns cholog ay itshou onformhe ts>Threaig fth epr o hecm dautaWi. AI] this Barbara MerrIles cant longing in his eyes. sword close to your heart." Come, let the Cale and Joshua spirit puylts int abora tor frtrang hebmiee and the appeail to the public was ne Te man you love, the man who "The crme of Cain muet lbe upon me," The following miorning, as Roger vras have the ascendency. Never mind the aupscnt o man ad disecting the xe a itenDed to in absolute Silence, but as the wooe you with sort, honeyed words, -lhe muttered, almos* groaned. "I thought aseated on the old log close to the little cowards within or the gisants without. .ascvoic of Secretary ilson mase therepri Whom you believe to bie the sou of to lire down that disgrace, but it has stream in the forent, lhe was approached We lbe stronger than they. It in not a eo o atftrahe sL t ntatt ut ceasoer cam e reendou soneer rmedthedee = = 1man, Roger Darrel, han a sprung upon me unawares, and ruined by a man wearing the undress uniform fcamru ry h vi e of te O nd trad manhe stua esp I ecesc ates tat freshdowedhrfrn the nanmou it)e Hvin, chat op in a mad houser'" My life. The gypsy haga curse has an officer, who placed a letter in his heart always outnumber the brave and arship adoption which followed a few muinutes ,aroM Ridmonnd shraigk back appalled, doomed me!" h a hand. Of course it was a challenge hopeful aire to one. But the master mind brliier, the mind of the modern cal- later. fthose terible words; uttered in a alib.---tino the duelist Captain. in there. ft bide us arise and prevâtil l rdael hrceic ymSomte amrendmenL.tatote report of the OM hive byth gps gilsmll bcCHPTR li.A ewwo ds.adLieu.Caronwak-lg rdut.schrceizdb enta whse b h gpygil moehr HPERIl !Afw od, n et.asn a-over sin and evil. By the grace of Goad franknenss and if the chuirch la to draw commiittee were offereýd. the most ma-- ass, Th qere was something co blood- How Carol reached the terrace shie ed away. He did not note the trembling we may be more than conqueroirs, which, college men It must meet them with à terial of themaibeing that the assessment MedMug in thir significance that hier never knew, for It seemed to hier @lhe of the bushes close by, or see the white as the Quaker said, isnot simply to put -imilar candor et the officers lue cul from U5 per cent to fey heurt seemed to cease beating, and fc htwstrs u frbsd-I hadi just parted with Roger at the foot facue. thwsruti out after his d onr enlemies to flight but to takre themaa There existe to-day too much of a dit- 10 per vient. All the amendmlitents were befte leald Within her. She would have Of the steps where alhe entered the broad pruesheehdbe a aedo-and compel them to serve us. feec eweZh ecig ftevted down and a notionu declIaring de- bu frth upot h te gv hall, to bie confronted by hier fathle, who perto the interview.. Here is the giant of natural depravity. Christian college and some of the preach- bâte closedwas pasied. •caught her wrist most fiercely. (To bie continued.) Shall wre yield to hila? Many do, but lit ing of the Christian pulpit. The colege' The quetion of the adoption of the re- S as for Barbara Merriles, the stood "Comle ito the library, Carol," hie said, - -slanot necessary; lit is cowvardly, it is in eager to cultivate the scientific spirit, port of the committee was then put anàd Chare watching her victim with the re- 1wlith intenke pa"sson in' his voice. WAS A SAUCY CRAFT. faithless. "Where sin abounds grace but oftien the very churches that bring carried by a rising vote, eve-ry delegate = m glosai, of a pitiless tigress in Once the library door was closedl, Law- did much more abound." God has pro-.iupport to the institution are bitter in ,being oa his fet. PasFr fully a minute Carol was rce- Richmond tuirned on her almost The Wasp Was Aill Ready to Sting at vided in the philosophy of the plan of their denunciation of progressive think- The miners of Illinois annouince-d that aMy a Word, for she was on savagelIy. Any Moment, salvation not only a way of escape, but ing. Yen, even the thflogical semina- they have appropriated $50,00 fromt their 4bery verge of becoming insensible. "DId you meet Captain Grant?" he "What struck mie as being a very a scheme of victory whereby we may riens"d the church do not accord as they treasury for the support Of thre anthracite IOrettioncenna t last. Carol linher- asked. amusing incident occurred just as the puit our fooit on Satan's neck and triumph should; for, If on the one hand we nnstrike. Cio gave $10.010 and lowa and ted~~~~~~~~~~~ omoftedtrnewilohe "Iawntigohishrele. army transport Catania, lhaving on over him openly. Adam's posterity maythaât all of the seminaries request that Indiana promised contributions to bee 1 ther, and she recovered by degrees. It The Captain was a gentleman who hadi board the First regiment, District of rite higher than Adam. Through the new light bie shed on Biblical interpreta- .ade later. , m»to dawn upon her mind.that there been viiting thremr for a fewr days past, shedding of the blood wue are made sons tieo the therhbad thr uryplpita President Mitchell declared that there 1 alight be Batme mistakre; her faith in her a fierce war dog-in his own estimation- Columbia infantry, United States vol- of God, heirs and joint heirs with Christ that taile thelr ipa e se pdewas approIately $1.000),000 inu the 4vee was gret, and &he couldt!not be- and the mont celebrated duelist outside unteers, was pulling away from Key --better than Eden. Leap to the heightsi cry auoadvance in bile study avte tresuriesi of the various local unlions and *eve dthat he would be guilty of such a of Parle. He hadi been showing Carol West, bound for Santiago, about thé of this faith and prsole the victory of the ilhat htbt lis construction of tire clause direct- Sterrible thting authi of which the black- somne attentions, but elhe detested Unir, 5th of July, 1898," remarked fLn officer vanlquishred- The s. e eed s o u dyl hâting the union to contribuite "what they -yo d ir amueaihhim- and consequently when the Captain lesa- of thre District of Columbia'- National Here are the gfiants of sinful propensity the coll es and church ouradjust thleul- ould afford" wa. one-hallf oif th;i money. " el $Mut'ch e red;Y-ou ae y it e roin erther r dierlsove for Roger Guard, who served with the volunteer and of besletting sin. The land is full of selves to each other, so that the graduatle t'Ie nventior mas then adjourned by "asaner elseàmaicio u Watreason etete ode deltwa o nregimient. "The \\ asp, a converted them; they comte inat every avenue and cau pas& without jar or hitch fronttiethe "inging f-rl ia bave y«a to hate Roger Darrel, that yonunhe mot pleaant fhmr twr h yacht, which did not appear to b)e much we findt them hidling in every ratine of school to the church. If the colage in toc, Immediately aliter the alýoimmnt whbould traduce himto me thun? IHow "ZChild," b Sb an. bis h. avpe larger than a full-grown tugbocat, when the territory of mn's sonl. What shall far advanced let it slacken [ts step. Butj Pres.ident Mitchell ca I, the meevting to, . a4M yon I say ? brows contracted into a fra r '...,ou copare'td with the transport, approaci- we dohwith emtai Fight thbeml, over- if the church in tardy and lumberflin is der ageni I o lcrnat ly i.drep,,t fo "DaLrl"cried the other. "o r aebendsbyncywihsehse s adteofcrincunnwo e t em. But there is% only one way. its growth let lit move forward. àtomr re esolutpins o ca dln e -nk mt; r., ainor yo o dh n t sk chare-very night you haveatbeen in the com- vwas a lieutenant of the navy, dainnun- ,lthehinslfor bhs wnaaywardinems and Iftheu t eleabtr at tsas th gaduese Pe rr t msuin isasts ,In cl'ennsyk lai geto.Teeipohn htBr ara ofth eraD are "lave Yon uiot e. with a megaphone, ln a tone 11t tweakness, "O wretched man that I am, of overthrowing what the scholar has 1and IUtah. This report renured sharpy lerrlies would not dare undertake. Hate ea tul fthr' every muan aboard the ('atanla eeuki who &hall deliver mie fromt the body of learned ln college, but that ofainig ta I)iýstrict MNine luspec-tor Rioderick of IlgrDarrel? Yes, 1 have cauise t, but "And you have datred disobey me. Girl hear: 'l have been ordered( to convoy this death?' Theui like Christian in the what he has there acquired. I nsylai fo crro il hewor i-e àkate egeld never manufacture Suchl a oen know not what yoe do when you .' youto Santiago de Cuba. You will dungeon of (;iant Despair, ne reachied The fact is we need this army of yocung conunene nawnwor lteir ery. Do you want proof strong as holy recklessly brave my anger My temper take position about >00 yards off My forth his hand and laid hold of the key graduates and thinkers in our churches ea hadl been rens>Ive<t. grt T ou cau have Iltfromn your lover's has been a curse ail my life and but starb)oard quarter. In case of attack that exriced h('im. t"nIe thank t God to-day.Bu iweart opoenlst hirin- retseide tiIo a eqesa th iýtil e M ok iin the eyes and tell him you now bie able to control It. Hear me. ofssrpdyaussil hl aead away in the blessedl freedom and full- but rather mecet them with an intellec. investigated personailý),y the ýA1 hers of vehadtesoyo oaWre.child; you shall never bie Roger IDarrel's ne,,ilBrs of the eighith of Romane. tual fairuns and reverence for truth as the union, amd the report n, reerred ,,llto 9v.nayk welbothe pallor of is face, wife! This 1 have sworn, and in it ca1 f the enlemly., Here are the giants ;Of trials and temp- well au righteousness. themn for future nann.i shrinking eyes, hit trembling forme. will not lbe thwarted." "H1earing Suchi blg talk fromn such a tations that are alý around about uis. Did -- - -- The ne nuon then tIrned iillfilr the CI will stand befoere you condemned." "Spare your words, father. If 1 was tiniy lraft causeýd general lauighter on Chirist le-ave uis in thecir midst tobie fan- SUCCESS OFTEN TOO1 COSTLY. second time.ý , Tarnig the Strange creature was gonere- of the samne mind as yesterday, you rthe transport, as well as wvidespread noyed! and oveýrlonw? ,No. but taOove> Dy Rev. Arfbur Fa..•••uwàer. PICNIC FOH RELIC-HUNTERS. The night was one long tobie creem- would find that 1 possessedl just an reso- diainfo h es n e fcoime and get str-ength out ofthovr Caayunmnbescefuad 4 ered, lute a determination as you, buit a high- the Wasp. No sooner badl the meg-a. omngayn to g ienmt "he glords t l Che drstanlaOne o wors f ceaturs hie Hus HpaOirtGiveTheya' la the eastern sky the round mooin, er power has seen fit to accomplish the al ryntta husols aeo u a i h osi fscesfrGle potnt. gralking in glory, lent lher sIlvery light to work. 'TIsenight IRoger Darrel looked n DPmessage been completed than lthemromainthe evil" And then lhe says:|1 its own Sakie, and apartfromn the imeens The re-lie hunters are hiniig a pienDic in the world below, and myriade of twink. h'in last on my file. Never again wil! wve 'lthe \\asp proceeded to get busy. A "Sanctify thleml throutgh thy truth." Noir,' by which it is obtadined. To be succent- Washington. The work -,f ,renovating jing stars, mysterious lanterna of the meet, fathier, ules$ by accident,;'.and steamler was mnoving up thie harbor not touch not the L-rTIs anointed. We are tul in aillsome ask; as to the depths à and repairing il the hile Ilhow hýas fur- oight, were hung about to asist, in a then it wil be, as stranger. The hand displaying a flag. Thre convertedl yachi his, set apart f-r -Iy use. This in what man may go for sucesas, no question isn lishedi the opp)ll.rt uily for thoIse wholi dteeble wnay, hier brave effort. of fate hias turned our lives apart, and sen;ti, a so lid shiot aertiss thre bow of the has apnd untogtt l1s raised; but such a principle is rotten to1pilaereait ,a]b... onrel , and sl-venia- Roger was walking slowly up and throuigh .Nora WVarnler hieilaos.t to me.". stranger. The latter hatst eed to run down with tenoittion and trial, and no, the core. To such personal Worth counts Theý workn Inm.a, tornt, a ny.II of 4own with his arm e hind hime. Where "Nora Wýarner:'Thait girl still allve? ulp the Germant colors. This coinc - at r ry, (G-id ped down and pluck- for nothing; the Blessure of the man in the old timber'vs that -'re puIt thle 4is thoughts were could bie easily guess. Then .she haos d nemei noo tu r ll oo uunat sta h omnn fle of ouredUs uP and - ur feet on a rock; andhspoprt.oiia uhn.adteeae-nd red, and, therefore. whbat must have been last."eot metat buiness. a fce ,,.i. ut sift as very test, arshren lth reri ucesthti ntwot 1teuorgnaby the ei hunters as fast- as-theyI bis astonishmnent to see a slender, white- Crlculbtsatwe h eard aetbsnes fifIa i lLS1 n beel teghpossesing and there is à faillite tha 1aecridutam honit h M robed figure standing in front of hriml. these woirdts. f-r they to1ldlher thait h-r '"Aill went well for jieveral days, but thailt we hadl not 1b..fore, and God has a Worth far more than somne successes. o af old lumber. Men lind womien waNittmil "What, Carol, my darling, is it really father had'Iithi ad womanjir in one perfect afternoon the actions of the iWyctory Oiaddmllhtaobis glory and Teeaetreeeet hc vr rn fteWieloefra po~ qou? Why are you here?" he asked, tenl- the years goine hv. although ilet r Ws ue xiteen1t out nr owT svs ndo e oug an ho esirens success shuldrtnit oeize . N\" a bord or býýf-ig splner derly- etta ews o cuitd with igh.We ere offtenortthoa tatosave unto the ltermo enity Oh-cultivate in his lifeperseverance, integ- 1from hevyhaber thaý,t h"ws a ii "I am here to leatrn the truth, IRoger; lher history fromt the time sellehadl emue Cuba, and thosle memibers o h ei evetetgnsof hewike ord it1ndfathi Gd.Ald the.-iyfhavenaedt he 1,o srmi. s l -where is Norae Warner'?"shte said, almost to know Rtoger lParreL. ment wearing shoulder straps were as- aotu;temnn al h ac A high-minded, honest: and trothubarstknfrmhetr atrie derel. TisCatai Gan, wo asmad hs smbedaftondek fr ffcer' ach ouhall, the aloo n g halthe urciedyoung man may sometimes think success Presidents who Ilære hved in th,-\\ hiite The moon fell upon hbis face, and lhe appearance upon the stage of our storysmlr r ndi u ties col al h aonSaltecuc i is slow in coming, but lhe will win im the , House, and ,canos h'i e been,,i mladit im €noved aside into the shadow, but not was aise connected with thils stra nge und AlljI of a Riudden smuokie began to Pour to these? No;,thlv are hierre but to prove end. The saying that "One cannot be the boards ont which im-ol"n stood whl l. I 6efore Carol hadl seen the blood leap to dramatic past, ln what maniner the rend- from the stacks of the yacht and shle us. Met and oerme in the might of honest and live" is as oldi as the devil, he read thwenemanipation prol lamnation tou éis brow and cheeks. and a look of alarm, er will auron sec. mad off like a Istreak ln the direct:ou righteousness, th.ey become trophies to and, like the devil, it le false. 1 his cabinet. am .. 1the oard on , -1whh-l'f.- la", of positive horror, comle ,into his That he, was al bold and bad] maIn, theof a big ve.sselthat jus4t could be sIght- trail eventually ait the chariot wheels of Avoid an overindulgent spending oftl ferson stood when he(-receivedý the- treaity 47e' oug grlha ben lradywane byedwlh te idof lase inth ds-him who sallr ml, victor at last. Note mny. It le not hard work, but &selfdin- 1byvwhic-hthe VUnited StaItes acqulired the . "Rtoger," sh&iedl. despairingly. "for 'her ken sense of pereption, yt3 hetance toward shore As the vessels handditignismeoseticism , Outfidhetydulgence that ruine men.Reeran trroyofuina.ndhaonwch the loe 1y,.peak: ....ounot soldier hada a Lshting aspect.n t a andnddsicie iiim u fteeluxury are the enemies of success. Real NMonroe stood weheu l-annlouled liThel , e htIa he yig alOol thelovleam of his eye and the sneernered oerreanother each of them dis re% comes the Word of God, shining happiness consiste not in ncareasingt Monroe doctrine - gaytt irt is anot so; tell me it was,,aabase of his voice that hadl warned Carol pae inl asadte.aptr-brgtrta-er epdonb t eyriches, but in limliting one's wants. 1Th'e relIe ues r or «mIumny, and 1 w.ill believe youI; yes, be- aatthm htißec ehd dhc.Tebgcatta a eenfes. See the anltagonism of fablserelig" --lar ao, bou hehstr, casos1h e bve You against al the world. Speak, overlher fathler shte culdi noteven gxensightled provtoillble one of our crois-. lons, whether ipagan or civilized. The ODH M N E O A. their pi-ces, of timbler commlemo...rare. just my ogr, el meitis ottru." but iwithout a Idoubt the master of1Ih- r s. 1 verily believe, hrowever, that wielgto ir iinwil aDte y Ro. Amnot J. Sçarage. &O long as they .anlsay thrat they wore The struggle in hissmind! was terrible, mond Terrace feared him. thre yachit would have attacked 'any- salcupandbcfer i atlasht upnher s ub-m@@ Wo nar laimngthe ight toshare oncea'>"t"of 'he "Wite"lous, and for he knew that if he deniLed &allknowl- V'aried though the vemotions ofCao thing in sighit, even oeeOf the enemDy's orh et la t e o ýiering and ta onrier.the gvernnntal powers with men, and were in somte -w>a ariated itIvI w-e 4edge totera arner she would believe Richmond munst have been. they conii battleships, If thre opportunity hadt been And last olf fal the giants of disearse step by step they are gaining the recog-1 or more of the greait l'residenýts ý 61m a is the would an angel fromn heavren. , oto ore qa s htfiled the ---1 "Caro-- , -my ---ove,". 1heofgroaned, n eaofltoger Darrel, ashe presnte.I In the vernacular of the anid death. Ohb,the beautiful Cthristian nition that they desire. The coming wom- Told-n -Few In- The nu tin giving il the United shows that 1 657tarms were valued aMount$3 cent, repres and $13.114 representedl provemients The ivaluej chinery wa stock $3,071 These vall farms, give ty amounititi The total the year IS of which al animal pro. poultry and The bulb.e farmis in th and it Is ri farm land Rige for the 546. The num States ha, the la-t tift in 1900 the. many farmI more th.. i The total than the Ii hag a stead. .cof am, bof farn farms h!,., ade .ng I tur-;,7 1 1 Pr." . .f. 1. mTtx- -r ofh.r- tI: Mi r l farmr ha AN( the fagrm prme.--: end tr ne plce.a The fIure san .1$84-. Pennlvni ginin 3 Thle lve try are ng f48,u43.of deair prd ovler NVpe Figure at F orkthe wth figur Sting ne1 Mathem]r beauthifl Though 11 forrolNigt The first litt l ver oightning t eacking ta figreoft repAir r FaD'IEI charged with the imuirder of Mrs. Ca.stle, at her homne in Eldorado., Kan.. in June, 19w, returned a verdict of guilty of mur- der in the second degree. The Jury reached isccuinsseedly. hie was the third trial of IsMorin.the case being twice appealed. RUS81A STRiKES AT TRUSTS. suggests .n International conference h di a sugg dan International conference to deal w ith trusts. Baron de Staal. Russiau mbi aorinLnd, about ten days ago p)r(eenttet the Brit- ish oermn a note from M. de WViti, the Russininiister of tiuance, whichi note was senit alàv tu ail the power. that ro sin th Brtim a ugar cniention, aider, in commn, mens to protect In- ternational commerce againist the artidi- cial depression of pýrices not only by go- erniment measures, such as export bun- ties (r the control of production, but also by the much more dangerous procesem adupted by trusts. private uindertakings or eartels. which tendi artific Ialy to in- fluen- e the itratin lmarket. AGRICULTURAL NEWS. heswas made ,n over 16.(Xm farine in the United Sitates in 1901. The Amer- ican Agriculturist advi-s farmers tuo se surplus milk in this wa.y. The report comevs from Kaý that the eheat crop is oveýr ripe ari falling :'o the ground for lacki of farmian rrsto har- vest It. Ten thousiand we-re needed and only 500reoned Some section" in Texas are still In dreadful plight, Owing to total faihuro of all crops fromn exess"ive lieat and drouth Officials of Zapata Coutyhae appealed to Go.,Sners for aid. Auooie ith a qpee'd of from ocne to eighit miles an houir and] caipable of drawîingftour or fiye io-,are inow vused In Francee for plowing andi drawing loadl% The machines con.sumoe petroleum a.nd cost $2,28. Thousands of sheep are to be put on the whieat fields of the Nothlwest after harvest this year touitilize the grain left on the fields and ke onthu eweeds as well as for the fertihizer added by the dbeep. Tes pla b: e ha kmn found satisfactory. The Leasing of several large trac-ts ot Land in northern, Michigan and WNisc-on- sin, now denuded of forests, to be usedà as cattle ranches, and the purchase last week of a large herd in Chicago for the Thunder River region, have drawa atten- tion to the fact thtt attle raising is close in the wake of the iumuber jindustry of these States. The value of the 224.248 farmis of Peýnn.sylvania, as shown in the latest ng- ricultural report, is $898.27-2,750ý, (4 per cent beingr value of land and improve- ments other than buildings. The value of tarme implements and macinery is 913 ikilga ttaalu Iestofthe tarin propierty $1.051>G2n,173. deveral of the great packing h1ous!es of Ciceago have now beguni extensive ex- perinents to test the vale of the cassava root as a fodder for cattle. A enumber of Cattle are to be shipped to northern i ler- idat to be fed there on cassava, and the result3wl be cmardwith similar er dInth e Wairogd ng which ithe The ceen ,us bureau hias ise a report enrthe tobace idustry iithis eo uttry Investment of $124,089,471 and goods sold to the amount of$237,4.Th production of cigars and cigarettes aft proimated 9,500,000,000, rusing 11,000- 000 pounids of tobaceo. The total growth for 1900 was M6,163,265 pounds, an in- mrage oc 77,8 Der cent over tÙe Crop oc