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Lake County Independent, 1 Aug 1902, p. 2

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THIE INDEPENDENT PUBLIMIED WEEKLY. ADVEUTISIMil RATES ON APPLICATION. BIG BUILDING BOOM. INCREASE 0F TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT REPORTED. CE111cial1,Satistice.train Fortv-five of tha Largest Ctle.-tbosern.nt ta eI 20,000,000 Feet of Tsnbe Detruction bY Light.i.g. lu connecti.n nis sonne stulltiQs 01o tise production of brick, tise gelogcal su""7 reports tba t tisere was a reui.srka- bis lacreanse io the number of buildngs aied lIn the forty-five largest ciie'. of thse qounttyin l 1901, as compared wi'th 1900. In 1901 thse number of iliiog permits issued n as 85,571. lu l"uitt wus 68,417. The gain n as tbî'reforp nilv thac 25 per cent. Thse value of thse buill higi erected last year was 521:..1 againat $241.556,585 lu 19W0. a gain of neariy S55 per cent. ,Xtboiigi New York WIS.afirst iu the value of its bilings. wth $136015,697, tise nunsier uofîie- mita was legs by 1056 than Piliadîelphlîîa where tise total vaine ofthtie new bîîîld- Ings Wl.' osly $29519.7410, and 1,60.1more tiss in Ciicago. wisere tise total value was only 33,962,675. The average value ofthtie buildings rected lu New York in 1901waa $17,768, lu Chicago 39,7761, and in Phlladelpisia $3,388, Tise >ear 1901 Wua one of nnpreccas-red actlvity in tbe production cof building brick, thse total OuPLt being vained ait $51,048.6M, as compas-d witis 343,099,512 ln the yesr before. The conmmun brick proluct in- creased in vaine frotu 33,621,514 lu 1900 t. 343.503.076 in 1901. TO BELL CIOVKItNMENT TIMBEai. 20,000,000 Feet ltu Minnesota 5inSBe Di.pog.d Of. Thse Interior Deparînnent ban sent oui notices asklng for bis for the pue ujîsi ber ou sections 13 sud 36 of raci of tise townships of the Red Lake resers 11110 ad of a part of the 'Whiite Eîîrîb ces- erration, iu Minnesota. The autî,o s the beinnint of tise disposai of thî houi ber aud the agricuiturailansudof thosui two extensive reservations under auneat eftihe last Session of Congrens. Tise timier toise disposed of atounuts ta about 20.00,000 feet aud cnvers 12.00 icres,. The law requfres t8,1tishe sale shail be advertiaed for six monîba in muo't harts of tise country. TERE DIES BY LIGHTNING. 11lieeSt*orm feepe 0ver Pittahurs and Véciuity. A terrifie thunder aud lightuiug storm, 'titis a hetvy rain, vislted tise vlclnity of Pittabarg. Pa., tise otiser eveulng, calta Mthirt deatis ansd mnch property dam- &ge. lu Hazelwood the Preabyterisu ehureh W&&as truck by iigisining and tise etleis Ibrowu over, but no one was lu- Strai. At Haya' Station, Street's rus OVerfowcd ils bauks aud flooded the iil tIRe. Quitle a nomber of resideuts isad to tiee for tiseir lives, go qnickly did thse-r'se la tise creek coame. Tweuty-five biîdý tnga. residencesanld stables vere truck bY 111tignu ila the district durlng tise twet-ôve minutes tht Storm Irevaiied. Leucu. aoe-mait Us.. Voflowing las the standing or tise clubs e tthe National Basebail Leagase: W. L W. L. ]Ntt.surg .. .60 19 Cincinnati . .36 4-1 Boston ...41 85 St. Lous... .37 45 Brooklyn .. .48 89 Philadeipii. 85 49 Chicago . ... 42 40 New York.. .26 54 Thse clubs of thse Amerîcan Leagrîs stand ai toliows: Cicago .... .44 34 Washington. 40 42 Boston..46 37 Baltimore ..- .37 eu 1Phladelphia.42 34 ÇWrveland ... .36 4-é ,$t....ui... .43 36 Detroit ...32 45 Grestest Trust la Fnrused. The gresteit trust tise worid bas yet men. ,àacosbuation which vili have ais- ainte controi of thse trade ot Europe. America sud Aila, Sprant uto being when a semi-offielal aunouacemeut was made lu London of thse merger of tiseilu temtsil of Rockefeller, Rtothschsild aud Nlobel. This combine isas unssucstioned Vropniltorsisip of tise great ohl fields lu the United States, in Itussia aund lu Si- berla. Jndget d.H. Shoves, luliste OCircuit Ceunt it Kansas Cty, ilecisles] lua nil- ten opinion lt liste taculty ofthe 'dan- - usi Training Higis Seboul, a municipal acisool. bas tht igisu 10 prevent scisouana et thal institution fnom jolnlng un>' se- cm«S-eociety tisaI bas nut tise apprus ai cf thse facnhby. Omsaha Indiens LIter Prote. Tise Omaha Indiens isels] i meeting ah Penden, Neis., aid esouionus ese adopt- ads everely critiising tise systent ondes- w viicis they as-e gomes-neil, snd der'iaing th" yare i ps-e>'tu0 speculators viso ',ork in league vithInduiian agents, visu phun- der- andi ciss ient e of Itîr full rigits as] bens-its oftIhein landa. Shoot asud Rob Postnnstr. L. D. Zimmrmnn, poahinastes- for s quarter of a rentuvy at Lynuvilie, lus]., vas fatsliy sisot b>' In'arobisers, n-ho scured oars-35)0 iu mous-y ands]made <hein escape un a issus cas-. A poase s tu pussuit. ____ Cmorn Betîle DamsagesuCropa. Tise s-esn Scetle bai doue immense dam- ailtlu the crops in mauy districts ln tise goves-umeul of Kiserson, Rusai*, sud lu a lare ansofsutBessas-ibis. Tva isundreil thousans] acres bave been ravages]. bienigiser Sh.ep ia Oregon. On ' u udens-r'a creek, Grant Couty, Onte.. 280 ses-p beionging 10 J. C. Nlisos- of MouaI Verson vers' siaugisteresl, ps-e- î omabi>' b> seillers and cattiemen. Arma- ed men came upon tihe Sans] aI nigitSl ud Us-est buckshol loto thent. Dradly Cols] fsou. Eletric Feu. Misa Eatiserins Graham dits] at Le- guisport, lus].. auj au investigation b7 thse coroner sisuses that ber deatis was direetiy due to cols] contras-led s fs-w dais iefore n hul it ing uden an rire- trie fan. Fines] fur Cuasiisab> 'Ph.ne. To use osîhis atiuîoihs-eracu 'id ue)r , sous omen tise teihupbuns-cuuiiie turbiuc lise pence, aeu'urs]uyt.hoiSr. Louis police Jus]g e )s. S. L~. iu-a prorninent pîui>sîisn. nas iîed .15 â01.1 c:IaI un that chrisge luiesuise Ubc at 1k-I telepisone opes-sior. Enormn.ooleaiShortige. Ws'th aipsueutu ut anthiracite ruaI tru tihe 'nIs regiens sbovîng a sisortage ut I 29tous lu tisree moutha, as euin- rear, ans]»aisua ofa À& e t4< aUtrike la 9M4 ht ie 1New se ta luz *e UTOPS NATURAL GA@ PUUM Rudiasa Judge aIssesAmainet Espor- ttlion of the F5utd.. Judge Ryan of tise Madisis, lsd., Bu- perior Court isane,) s pespetusi Injonc- tion estrainoftise Richmnd Natunsi Gas Company~ frouuu olertlof Ils pnmp- lng sttios ne.r, se stoIe. Tise Ricis- moud compauy foriiieýrly bad tise station lu tis eamutern part of tise coont! sud af- ter tise uppîîly of gos had been exbatuted tise pampausnes-e rentoved tu New -Caille. Judge Ryian findo tisut tise puis or coin- preieurs taise gas 000!y fromithie district and gise it 10oîotid P ^iii i lnlarge qusu- tilles. .iîle tise peo jlle s ho lir e lu tise immediate neîgborisuuuuul 'untiot gît it at aIl J eites mi, b Ianwishich pro. 'lesssnthtie puliîing cf gas an'uY fronthtie peuple t1 n isot ilju.olly lelonga. Thisccourt funtises-finda tbat anc comn pasiy alone pamipa ont O f tise gas tcrrllory 180,000,0W uulic feet a day. '[bree oth- er companies tike clçîu ou ,<l4tJ00 cubic feet a diii t,, Cicuago, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne and Oio cties. Tii' docîs ion wiil be facrcaciug lu ita cili Cia if it ta sutalned isy tise Supremne Court, for lu tisaI svent no gos could isbcîuiucdot of tise mmeuiate vicîulty of tise roducng Wels. CORT 0F WAIOlis ENOIiMOUS, Britons Ws%'r.ed to Prensare for a Day of Adser.iiy. Sir Michasel Iliiîk., Itiacis, lu suaddress lu L.ondon denliîug itis national tine, tise Chsancellor saîd tisaItishe Ciinese aînd Soulti African nara bad cost Great Brît- sîn £228000,ÇSX). of wbîch is autut tise taxpayers bhave aireniîy willingly conirib- uted £75000000. Tise expenditure isad been borne wltisoît serions lj017 to commerce, sud £1)0,000.000 bad been borron cd on easy tprnus, niicis Gre t Britain'ontuinlental sîcgibors envied. but conid not iitotate. N ext y,'sr Sic Mlichael Hicks-Beachs said ise lcked for a remission of taxation, sud lie ms'arued his bearera againat tise constant gsowtis of national expendituce. urgior thit preîuralicus ooghît tu becuîîdî fuir ua day of adi ersity, sud tisat tise revenune.tilougli incrca.mîng. soîuld nul be îîîîpairu'îlinl tintes of peaî e. TRAIN 110115ERS trEcUIE *03.000. Bandits Hoid Up Patienuer Train on ihe ea c entral. A sortis l.ound pas8ager train os flie Mciscan C(entraIltRailwsyn'as belîl np by tlîrev Aueriesu lîsudits nuar Ilîrnieil- lu, Mexico, an thie Wells Fargo Exprelss car n'as roblîed of a sont estinialed nt 353,0)U.00.Uneof tise outlaws boarded tise train nt tise station and became engaged lu a dispute wiîb tise conductor about bis ticket. Tise conductor, after a bested argument, alopped tise train to eject lthe passenges-. As tise train siswed dowu two otiser robisers sprang loto tise ex- press car aud wltis dra cl weapona 5corn- pelled tise measenger tn open tise safe. Tisey touS ail tbe fonda and vauiaised loto tise nîgist. Itus-ales were immediate- iy diapatclîed in purait and tbey toolk np tise trail antishe depot nisere thse train a stopped, tollowing il into tise mouno laina. TEXAS UtSDIR WATER. Loet Star State Bas Worut aHsin lses- Mucus-Tes Drounes]. Tise rainfali lun'Western Texasa, 'shicS, la cisanacterizes] as tise vuret emes- known. conîiuued for Ino dsys, sud ten ps-ssons as-e hnownu 1 bave lbat theis- livss t Stepsens-lile. Several bouses ises- e ve surrondes] b>' lie ovesfowing ut a attesa, ans] B, Witly, lu allempting 10 rascet hi, amlly. vas drovots] gitis bis is i tIle isugister. Assistant Conati Attornuey C. C. Ooodntr vas irovusi la an atternpt tu rescue other usemisers ot lthe saine famiiy. This cloudbunat vas tollosues] iy cloudbunsl lInVesternuTex- as. ans] seas of nater ihave InondaIs-s]the counIs-y, casing great ilos tiste rail- soads ans] intenruptlng traeie sud travel. CORN CROP 18 ENORMOUS. Kansas, Nebraskaasd Ohi.hon-s- 'ill Hast Grest Ylstd. ITopeka grain menu, fantens ond tise railcoada looS tonusans] 10a srop cf 200.- (M0,000) busisehs of cors, 'fisis i.aminsnon- mous s-s-p toc ont Stase lu naise, but vistu couples] wiIi NsbrasSa ans] Okla- homa lise total yseIds] uscousIneredîble. Rlepnsaentalimrs cf lise Chicago Board] ut Trade Whso bave traverses] tise tiset States sais] tisaItise totl yield of corn lu tise Is-ritor> ms-niions-il vuts]exceesi 500.000000bubbeis. Chuiera Break. Out Anew. Choiera. wniicis as]bs-en iminising tor a n'ek, sudds-uly neresseil tu ses-en- îy-igisî cases in iaasila Saturs]sy, lise las-geaI sînce tise outisceok. Tise ressuomai of tise i105sanine on fr-uits ans]vugela- hies posaiisiy accoats for liserecueses PouPosonluIceCram liscause bis selisearl, Mss-yRobs-rt- son. huis]rejeetes] bis proposai ut mas- niage, dames Lar-sen, a young Kansas tarisses-. licones] luis-.cSlsing ber dents. as] Iben sisolsudhIles] bloseif, Sue aIe ice crs-sus inIcobîciiseh bas]louons-s Me..engrBoy.' SIniSas Rude. Tise Chicago uossenger boys' stribe sudd]Ssumsuly nîgistin a practicai sictory fus- tise enuuloY'-s. Lliuting ail dny ans] assal ithilsboSun litectivePses-r Johnson. n-bu sisises]bis ussalant, dia' gnsteii tise trikera. Body Sewed Suns as-ak. Whitie wimmning in tise bay ucan Fus-h Hamuiton. N. Y., fout boys diacovees] tise bsody ocfa man tics] la i gunnysack ini lie bumises. Tise tiscoat va eut ans] evideoce asewedtise vlctiin bas] lot bts-n deas] luan> bous-s. Wstss- Famine in Ts-lidad. Tise vater famine. ubici bas bs-en tbreatenlng Tinidas], Colo., for sa long, la nese a rsality. Tise city la withonirefis protection, ans] vater for domcsîic piur- pussalu be punebases] by tise bueket- fut. Januaics la tor- Annexaton. Aillise plantessof tise lrger 'Weisst inu dieu lals]amse îalking ut anuexation ie tht Unites] States, oo'ing tlu lies-dissutia' faction hver tiese mal llimOunt0f mooey contribules] b>'tise tapes-lgovs-rnmîet lu iselp tise suicar isduuîay. Si -1 . LsisCsiclas IsiI. At St. Loumî is e jus-y is e 'ce ut Bas-sy A. Faulkner, chargus] nilules- jury in cunétician ithstishe udie" scandai. setss-ns-iasverdîu'î of guiily, fix- ing 1iuiis hienutwo 00 5 s l in he 1110 Irntîuc>'. tise Maimum Seing ire un. Prc.-etsAlipruvesFindin. 'ru'sîdcu o sîceveltIappuinu sti,' ins] ing ut tise chulît-mss-Uallanlihe cases cof Msj GIs-nans]Lien-t. <isuchol, conici. th) cf aduiirterung 5551er cors- luiFilS- pluuîs. Senolon Mylt..iior tSouath Corvilua bas deelines s teuades- y lise I'reulu'nî or the vscaocy on tht Unitedf States C.uait ot Clama. To Detect Lighhuingi Storzsw. WiIJis L Moore, inspce.or oethIe weather bureau, Asa&bout te lustalilat thse obear'rston7la ubau appmwtuo sud foreteillita appearauce lnanay given locility. Tise device Ai tise Invention of 16ev. l'atiser O. L. ODubacis, a Roman Cathoiic pnieu of Cleveland. FKÂR IDlVAI0N 0F CANADA. Briltis Lordé Diturbed by Satitlci ut Immsigration. In tise Honse of Lords, Lolid Burgis' clerc. Liserai,asîked Lord Ouaiow, Under Secretary for tise Colonai Office, if be could îuform tise House regarding tise alarmiug tatenienta Ibat Canadiau land was being tiougist p by Asnericaîîs. of wbom 200.040 ocre sasil bave ecou- grated to Canada Ibis year. Tise Under Secretary aaid bc tisongist Lord Burghb clerc's figures were incorrect, lu 11 tise numiser of Amnericans wisu emigrated 10 Canada waff 17,q87, v. ile t10 hie lîout nevent dlate Ibis yesr tise nuebsUer 'w aa 24,100. Tise Under Secretary astî said Miat in western Canada land nas beung taken np wltis unexaaild rapidity' lut only by Anicricans. but by Englishiîu sud otisen Enropeans, wbicis bud fuir 10 suake Canadian wb'iîtfi,'lia an impurlulît factor in tbe wbeat sîîuply of tise world. CLOSES UP S.CHOOLS. French PesId.nt Onrdes-s abat T-ettY- ai. Be Shunt Its. Preaidenî Loubet utf1France signes] a decee sutt-d isy tise Premier. B. Cojmbes. onds-ing tise fuscible closilrc cf tWenty-six congregoîuosalist achouis lu l'anis and un the departoient cfuse Seine su iscis bave ris-eî,did , i-eulnilta rly. Deees ulsiîug furl-ibly iwilas- acijoul', iutiser delarii'nls us l lueaigu- cd uo soon as lise prefeit',' ru-pot',lre- c ceived. A serions siuîatioîn ie pneu aîIiîg, ii tise CntIalie coutry aroud Birest-sIoa acclnof thtie ciosing of tise oiîu izes] scisoola. Tise coustryside bas tisuni_____________________ ap ars an sd la delcs-mincd 10 remsut uîy attempt at tise forciiuîccxcltiiu ufthlie THE GIREAT COAL STRIKE. orders ut tise Premiler. 1Placars-î avse Exodes ut AnhrailtMiners May been postes] lu tise Iownusis u ing ce- SO-,the Dîffienîlir. fisitncc 1tiste police. Uniesi tise anthrcacite stnIke lu suon FAILS FOR NEARLY $400,000. setIed tisere la a urciability tisaI lie ru tirs reglon wiihi Ucdeaes-tcd iy Ils adllat Suspension of Cuban Catie aImporter minelira. W'(en tlue sîike was atll youong blIay Col.-s Other Crasise. sue of tise distrcut leaders salis]thia If Tise ibouse cf B. Dus-an. Coubaucattie neceessary, lu onden 10 wn, the atrîkena' imnpatc, it Ilorssua. bas failcd forne0cm officiais would tllbe every miner out tif Y $400.008. Issu geccal colsiiiuiu',icO th6e eglon, findung svork for thesu else bouses in News'Y'ork ar- saîd to hue ausiotuf visee ans] nul lu-ving enolugli mina tise crediturs for $150.001).'lh,- crasis vorkers to opecate a sinugle coliery. Il camte liSe a tisumdîrchansd tsay result items tisaIlise ticeuit usu no hidle huat. lu ullies-suspensions. 'Tisc ass c f the Airens]>-45,000 aduilî minera havi' iîft talles] icou ares-aaud 10u beabout tise neglon anîl bise foîund profitable ut th iseaiilities. Mr. IDuran la a (,allie vos-k elsevisene. And uow itla sclimcd impos-tes-, boying ctîtle i0ns-xie.o. Souths upon visat appears in0lie excellent âno Anteica sud Mobile. Tish mîudae thonlty tisst SOOlIti mos-e minons can Se csuse Of tise taillce nas tise deailu froin ' given vos-k lu tise soft cosi restons ot diacaue lu Ouban pastorea ut 4,400 ]tens] Pennsylvanie, Ohiio, Indiana, Illinois, of catlle, tise coat price ot wiicis nas Iowa, Kentucky sud Tennesee. ovres-$120,000. Tis inustise fraitellîurse tSisould tiese 30.000 leave lise bord ut asy consesauence lu severai Yeas, goal districts lise sînîke sibuation woold De grestiysilmplifled. Wisen tisestrikle DEMANDED *2,500 OF CAsHIE RIwas inaugurales] tises-cvert oniy 10.5,04.1 hdi îes ie rcntslning 45,000 affect- Loue Bandit Maires UnOuccessf-t At- td isy tise cessation ut labon beîng coin- teilntpi 1 Robs Bank. posed Of isOYS. uld ms-o, bosne. sud on- A loune ubisen attentpted tolu oilopthe claslfled vorkersabaiout the mines. Tis Fontvilue BanS ai Fontville, mnd., short- t eau Stlie e ot a glance tisatishe plac- ly bsfore nuon tise otiser day, ans] a1 tise ng of 30,000 aditions] strikers ait n urkt point of a revolver dentanded ofth6e lu sortecoal districts nili force lise oper- cnsbues- $2500 in cash. Upon tise latter'.sIors elliser lu grant tise concussions de- refusai 10 omply f tise rilerfinedes] amnded, or tabandon their umines, lan wiic t, hiiu.sant out ofthtie banSkaand stsrtcd for An investes th ise mt au. of 3511,500,000 lise woods. A pusse follosvcd, sdateMi. ttaul ies etv , rn surnonuding andsisooting hiixuforces] ithie anthracite region Il vili be Int9il lu sunneuder. LaIes-tise bandit vs.l cubIe for tise opesabura luos-ok tiseir taken to Gseenfieid ton sate kceping, mines. es-eu tisugis they couudidmport wisere isc confesses] lu a teiiow piaouer 100.000o mn. The State imv ps-usides tsaI bis nante in C. A. Hall sud thal ise thatnu anshbe loe]lumt le s plomber. He siso sîs] bis home la COR os uien ish lbe ls eetiicto maneh at Mrlon Obl, su Ibs iss bieen Set a certiflnict ltah ecessary to have emPloies] in Indanapols. Ivo year-' experlence lu tise mines sud TWO MEN DIB 0F GLANDEIRS, Pais en examination.1 Tise ohtainmng of vos-k oniside tkt su- Brothers ln Mînalesola i Oricken by thracite fields for the- trikeri aiogreat- Disae Peoliar te Horsts. ly Simplifies lise dmstribution or relief1 Tise Minnesota Sathuard etfisealitondfalls. At tise national conveuticu0 lu bas been notifies]tisaI Henr-y sud Robert Indianapolis measores for sncb a fund Scbnam. brotisers, wiso lis-es]ou a tact ' es-e taliei. Th is ltilus miocra Ib>' in Becker Counly. dies] ut glandera, a a tY$tilsu cf ussesîment nilI pay Sip.u\I- disease commun asnmg horsts, Tiscy matly 3250000 a usceinthîo thua tuiud cas-cilfon a isorse afecîcd nitis glandera sud teliss- u le>'.receives] front otîîn and une of!libelln'as atrieken don n. Af- branches cf organizes]bllot n ili ssveli ters- eveuteen days' ilinessac ise d. Skort- tise otnl to $500," a svesk or about iy itten tise second broîbes- was s-riscu 3 2,<00j)(9)l s muntis. Thi,coîmpleuln is dotsn by lise saine illîseas ans] sîs djed the tact lb cI su many mmml sce earinrgt afls- evetee das acknaa.Tis usI-goos] nages elsenisere asnd thtisaI nni(in ter as epoteilto he tateboad o be uistaimsed isy 50,000 more uft ieu, nl 1erlh vas teored thoftise Sîstersoardutbc ,fficicuuî lu kes'p front nant tise fani- isesibt. astise dai0f tIestigatson lies Of lise strikersansd tise few niso tay atînibuth esamahtupox. luvealgsun remoin urauîuoyed. sisoes] ise iseae labe gai)drs. If tise rObblng ufthtie anthiscte fis-Id OPPOSE KISSING AT GATES. of ils aduuuî mines-s gces ou, tise opera- tors viii bu forced lu cotes 10 ternus Tickuetl Inpeelor. ah St.]peu, Su, A CIME Praeliee Cnies Delay. l_______N ACRME Tise ticket inspectons ai tise Uniuon pas li- Car ie.aPyscs * o seuges- station at St. Paul, Minci., nant P ' Sur Fnb aPache $5fu lsling proiibiteil sud as-e dsawiug sOp a Tiem suwiso oses is emps unn ileitioli to tise dinecturs asking tisatI t be*The namnewosesadbiso swpers ape forisidden t tiselgales leading lu tise trai h efiaiy.gi-îuer a ndaiieslor seuars p sIIed Th'risclspetor. got lise ides front hcly1ruug iehlpoe oua l i. i the reîuuied ondes-s ut Eastern ruade. lstuic -nu' teephon rManiy r- isd "u~e ontrae ossmsuîis luuiîg uîuîîlc. orn.. îu a'rime, seil cause a telepohe doe"liulon r itl o rîî'îu. hit tsi,b thidIcim uuo thi-ara il or hears ouit u gelIl ru- nîhi u-fs-ethc reulilie tubi- legi.iuncurcs ut puiiisg the ocf gales. [cIavsilsuin ugetiing tlii ih2 fi odur uud îîaY nvnueu tlly ouItir tise lise cales. Tbiassamne people- 1555 basle poche tt.tI umn il hobuindulcesin il. Seessttîlg nitus- ne ailluf roolsstonan I"omuni, ,ua oi' iu au oi' bons- and usure uuay bc round luuîîisruluLn Court1dc nfîîg uîsca 3ts ans] hme lu iiso."ssvsarilug sulei unbussdeniog bis nuiuid lu CHOLERA OPIDEMIC ALABOIS. tb lh'i.elC perstor ounlise oubject of telcilIo] c s.rvice in bisaI ety, lise de- NativesAitaches]ilu Cairo Fa-1Desd fendaint. lut S. L. Getta, nis arrî-o'ed S.dd.al,'. 1and in en puce cous-t candidly idruittul One buindrs-d sud tweoty-four e-- of tisat lbe bl 'cusseul roandly aboutmItise chalets have becu seputed lu Ciro, teilluhone s. svice, but flot et lise i pero- EgYpt. Tise drlnking founitauns bure1 ton, 'le uuoutained that be bas]limot dia' bs-en ulos-i. Tise epîdemlc ulà of a Mos51t tcbed tue openalon's peace. viruls-ntt ebasacter. Many ufthtie nates ,lîtdge Sdener, Wiso beard tbe case,1 de- as-s sttseiesn tise treesansd (ie in a ciduil tus-e pinltst Fis-st, tisaI tises-e as fen' minutles. Tise vîsilation Js suco ut 501 aiIiciit Provocation 10 psofaiy; the Most s-vers- experueaced ton ucînesecons], tiltIt in invarlabiy aMlesve thue. Tise Britîis garrisoîs bas Seen ce- and neyer protective aud that bts-dotons mured,. sith lIse exception ut a satal de- il bas nets-r beeni excusable ou tie pies lil.lc lie uOpen desent. visentilise îrocps f el eca;tisrd, 'bltthe workiug as-e now ' eenspild. Prinrlluit Is w have nul iseen invoti- Dr. hal . Adooaldiîs-d b3, oudem Inventions sudtisaItise, Dr. CarîtiK. Aansi esd. chinîe utfisoling corsesaet a person ovrs Dr, Csas-lea Kendall Adamus, aged 67 uieîh'uuueI mnll 0ttlu- yesrs, fos-mnesly prealdent ut tise Uuîver' Anuth li ssur]îtîou u in sich tise offensse sily of Wisconsin, died atilt.ediands, Cal., Wa.cummuîhed. fnoîn iriista' dis-ase. ater a ingering Iies.Dr. Adams bas] been aiîing for MORTGAGES SUBJECT TO TAX. several yess.One Billion Dolars Added lo Chhiago, Tt B-l estauby a Mois. Tailable Ps-operly. M"ir. William B. Chandles-, aged 40 A bllin dollars lu tuoney, t'epsesentî'd yeans. and bs-s stepson, Muses Cisandler, bY tise morîgages iseld lu Cook County, agres]26 >eana. vers- tskeu frosu tieir IllinoisIai iy h ie varions big moue>'- home, six miles sosîhu cf Bloominglon, edn cipoaosliung bn. Su. sar esiyiisrn ie trnn sd trust and irussance companies, la Ils bc esbiyieaten b>' white caps.- added lu the taxable properl>'. Reporte ou Parking Induats-y. Il lu elliî that tisei. morîgages repre- A cenouma report lin tIse pacbing imdnlîtsy h&clen ilnIllichmlrtgages su cthe, abuows 198 concerna druven uut by ibig qu]llu -s If.ol the otaes l alsni.ioI soipanies lu ten yeuds.Ililinois planta ilth 11- iuslnu doule.tax atin sutise decs-'asd fs-om 81 to (W. Total captl i n uer. 'tSe'0poet axatisetas.ton iscnnae nas 37,310.11).tise Ilrul and lise owns-r of tise mot-u AccsesAnerlanTr.opa. gag u,i s' socs] ou the toue>' luoed on "lic anti-inperialust cohsînitiîee las an- lise iicm-a n<niuiui-l tlise suIl t ofil, ul ipl, ne lu- Acî e ru f t0 tise fiitrescompls-sIby lîiuc, and accuac'd Aiîrrucan troop'i utf the o'l t uusuîie f 1)(I'eetbI'r, mîtruer. rbeliesy, torture ut Filipinos. Tise IitOthueII i. uumît r crtguiges fled mmm fiee Ps-s-ident i. as-ced ta ins'esîigsbe, yeOr. It cI, fofiusat IE, .....................$Xtii.2 Chicago HrrchsuontKill. ibl eif W1814.......................4h4 )72h5.- X..'%L Rothscill,thi,' 'u-I-knots'uChsi-. 1195 -- 1U ,5fs cago macschant. kîlled i unsel i-if a c - 181......,., - 47?l97 voltes-, insosnieandsudîisecsi suifsring 10-------------R,993i peuîmllu.g the as-t- Hua estate lualgures]....... a"sruqumame.lis e wees e r.lZ jMo-itgeugtu lu 100ajouet- F&thuk«wetfelt lu Nsbrsa. eedti> sud lA0, aMAn,1S0 t %. Wtt lIowa. South D4ata a*i ilu4r. MO00 ThéerMord or evsey nui nu Ohî 0U clii tilgb "Il di n tise lu fhu oeWu Idg,» * MW *018---------. JIJDGE JACKMMWho SENTENc[D MINEUS TO PRLSOf4 Jîîdge Johnu day Jackson.,vise las justI sentence] seves-al organisera of tise min- es-s' uniss 1 joli for ronlempt ut court, sn sas ufthebsoldeat living Jorisîs lu tise wr-d. lie Is non cloaung eigisty years of lie, fort>' of n iicis isse seen open' on the Fs-des-ai beau-h utf"M'esltus-rginia. Iuîdge Jaukon nas one of Linýohusm firat ippolotouents ofeste heginnusg cf the sur. Allisougs a Vurguîîuau, he n rus trme e lise Unlion. lic huis]bs-en promirenît tu isirginia pelitica bs-fore tise var, ans] vas on tht Bell sud EvereIt ticket for Ps-ci- dcutial electo-. Jijdge Jackson ls note] for tise nimie- ans] lie s]naatiec ciaracter of thiseljumnetional sent. he bas issues] lu laisun disputes during tise hast hait duisen Yt' rs. MARRIED HER HALF-BROTHER. Rsyslation of 1h. Fasit Causs sa Mis, souri Woasu te Comiai ucida. Recause ats' learue] 68res' montha afle- ber suas-s-ige tisaI ber hnsbsnd n as ber hait brother, Mca. M.mggle Wagner-, bride u1 Ps-e]Wagner, sasvesîthy young ta- r living near Russellhe, Mo., ssai lowe] cas-isolies]and expire] in gcesl nguny lu hec lisusband'u tamis us is lita tîsme ous ier lilus.Tise suicidesss- ev elation Of ils cause sisoeked tise omt nuuitY as nutimg else Pesr dis] in llg bltas-y. Tise youmng coumîlîes-ce devotel la ears other. rseir mee-ting osax su r rident, thes- couraimp Si-f ans] lis isoncymoon ideai. ilcently tise bruIe disenýres] rontans-sdoles neIsI-,I by bic, isbanil of lais 68i'diood tisaI hiewax ber mouisers sou, ber on-n haIt broimier 'saot aise bas] nulses-n for Itets- 3,nus, ans] wisomiîas-he Ilieves] 10 be deas]. Sue dis] nul cevsaI bs-s-diseouery lu ise-bus- band, bol site- Ivu or Ibres' vs-eS ou isroosiing des-ide] 0 oulndise- ife nstlise unI> way ho end ber ms-nIal anguiss. HUNT FOR TRACEY ABANDONED. W-'shlngson Cusunties, Aft.r Spendiug $10,000) Gise Up Ch.s«. Afle- fort>' days ot continuai pursoit by men sud UIoudbounss, sul organiie] effort ha capture han', 'Tracy, tisees- - .. ..'si ous] ore n con - ulclbss cdes]. Su f4c urther posass vli -.Tise puirsoil ut Tri- 1" cy t'ugs Clark. G" oselita. IL s-w t a 1 Kitzap, Soootlig, ans] King Cuntues. Wasington, h o s cos1tishese rolînties S 1,0. Tise tact that Orsegon de- OAthtan T 'tiMlP'. cines, lu psy Mn. W'sggoner, ofCiseisalis, lise nenard for Maen-ihis Sbod]y baî dons- nucris on-a-s]lie fiat dropu of tise Tracy but, il la sais]. Tise isry of tise late Blishop W. X. Ninuit. writteu b>' bis daugisîer Mary, ln novr lu press. Tise îles-,Dr. dohn BacrofttDevins ans] JoonA, Affons] have jutcisas] tise Ns-n Yos-kobserves-. 'heîlotBiiop of Aucklans], New Zeaisus], viso died reeenlly, vas 71 yeans ut sgt sud vas cousoerate inlu1369. Tiser. nire over 5M0 active Christian Endessos-ena. ail youug mn, amang lise Bocs- prisoners lunlise Bermuda Islandsa. 'Tie Enghisis coofs-rence connectes] wrtti the Unites] Nos-aegisa Luths-san Cisunis n 111 probabi, bols] ita next nmei'ting lu Tis a es aclaver alltsration ut Dn., Blanchsard, visea speaking the lise n ot tise spirit of pis-sus-et 'More golf tissu Godu tors fards tisan Christ." Tise e s. a-ad Mis. C. E. Varney grss]- saIt egether 1h01 ys-is- 51LotSa-s]CouI- leg, Mi. Vas-sne' cs'vl.ng lise segret of B. A. and Ms-e. Var"sy thiaIoftB. D. ThFt R. Dr. IL, &.MacArthssut ofise Caivsu7 Daptiat Ohurcis. New Yonk. hma taliti on a kisetu tour il varions Che auths, An iiino'reas- e i The ami" ob." Ptple as-sgoing te b.,'.t be - *»-d5U-tcug et 01P >IM Z gA i i n a TUE FICKLE WEATHER. QIJAKES IN THE WEST. TOWNS IN NEBRASKA AND DA- - KOTA SHAKEN. Tanhlon, Tilden end Norfolk Among ClieonAffected-Parte of Caiforula Also 5'eol the Diatnrb.ace auddSonne SlilahI Dma 1.tDons. Eas(hb u,' lrîngw the agi- Au esclisquake sisock au severe ai tu as the lîî,aoîluIîi t (if ilserions isja cause consternation lunmanyplaces la nm- 'uIîi' îuli' bth'i'luaig of cousdaa ported ftront towns in Nebraska, western il, bull> asîilu,'l radi, frits ssr Iowa and Souths Daota. Thse disturis Stomma sl îu>,l îuî'lîp.'perty La8M suce occurred aiscstly before 1 o'ciock sections. and ti, lroulllt re,.toraltimtO MionidàY afternîu n ad lu-tedfrion tleu tustructuresésîia u,hîluî.îth, actinty « fiftteen seconds.buîiding trous itm aîls isy stockas Ob Tb'si wnas tise firut s-rîiluliikse , î'k ne i-s. sgli î'u'cl liil îlîus and gel M ever fali i Nu'hru'ka ini tise lî-lury (i.f tlisexpori >lc.-t î u,;rlîud celsy. u Statlî'.l'lie suav i silt 0,-r a sirs-lulinuls sîiii', hI . ii.t11eleadincaval. about2_X) tmiles squa rs'. 'u c - flatIs e crhuot u l l;I I 11grain U~ tise di.stiirbance n os alr Norfoulks, SNci tends-d lu î rlu ili, oîl,,,îi nsjnr but '1ilds'n Ncis., reporits thlu,- il' rL iThéisi îcsydit îîliionifIl irci'is&iihta sork. Ai htisa 1, Ild(ibes wuthirum usowsin huy railmua.y 'cli i -'Ihilsit sol doWsn, brick n olîsss -ce cra.ii %%cils piirtu-d tr JiiiY 1,.-ur i u it ulrgerOu dril d p aîd Tollier daînage resîîitcd. lait l'or enso)Il(2 r lit .1iii Isceui of Tisree distinct sisocks n c iretl ai TlMon. c,rrliîiisg îu, ril f liais) At the Saute 'Indliaen sgel, y asuralIL .(iion& Cl'. c uic Up n-ev lt ' abisocs ere fil. 'fisc! use ru'seluni 5îîntî litI,. ii ,,îIl. iukand couilus- pas.lcd b! du'u'îurliotibiiugs. 01, ihlue ioa ing. n hia sud W'oui'liugi ati îîîîîî ti'arîl îsîîî iit ifo i ' utilonerons d-. quakectcrur',Io liiiîiiso, uliouîhul iity î >in ii lIn,'cli liii ahI liiustry li us-urve r ii danh lug of tIl k tud turrîîîutuoos endui IiUs sfrilînthiTII am Théi- IniiuiO s hoiîldinîg fci isiii b"uuiufuî,, iuu,> î'îu lii.ea îl d y. ll' loturu'ot i '-lîro froîîî thé' îîi.îî'1rrî plie s!f li i..' ti ll idliby tsi drueg, tory. llîuîîuiru'dî nrll gaîlîeru'd in thuî'Ili'g altlîîcl 1 i , ati re nuaItu-, ew ti lent n bui I l iu i'ok.caîuîî'. lriglistutel ordo im li Iiifil.iiu are mil ed tise gollîrîug anîd tise dances usure turdiîd lu> îl.'îu o.( î,ai î se brokeruno). 'liii -eagencies are uoîtar agi- lu a i t k.i îlî'r,' ileus oi. fro nnoiît Il .Ne)raskas tiI), iparatiru- 4 l îl..lucou,1li is a inotints ti s e credit tfor tiii-di'iturbaiui'e. . long cr. io l .] TIlI, uIý u.i a.T. ih 'lieo lîîîndred toile s feuilute di.%InurI, eaî'î a l, ii uarn i, 4 .1 ii, e155 ci sulces. .Auîiuug tiose rî'îîuriingthie ibard-ltitile a i trli. I',i AIforaise eut siosukare T1iliiu'n. ()nil, lPete.rsburg, ligil ir baîli, .0I îî' .l iii, tBun si Elgin. ' a0=liuCAlTIT ( eNoirfolik, of i'i.,"i . 'lI ' iiiucti5f iii,î Nuc igli. ltuîuiulai ud Cisc-fliioluitulI.lu- iTir 111i ui.îlu'r. us'~Il ' i i. lIl I i l ' l il iniutt4 .At lîlulilu- CrueS ktluri- ns, ainouîyt 'u iuil.' u - ilu-u&'altssdIl tii'c. Ilioso olu,,I î ii 111"I. 1tiîi'r iluTi ~ "~ li rîîîîîllîîg tou's Ilr,' I, iiIug lliîii il sdd I . u . ' i i ), j~D Il il,îtht' lrr I'ut lo- ilî:boi oîut fThie lufi >: ulu !'i l. Il dilii.t 'Crrsis. Nuu, ilu; Ci-l l:,Iy -oro l'. uîd 5.1 1.1. u .iu I.t1lsu', I i i imeL.D l fuir euh,' ....1 ti l,l oloui, h ls- ril' Iluui.It i' 'i su.îk'r os larV tuer. Iili uic,' k' Il., .îIIjliiin lir.- ii u .] ' Iluurtbtyn. inui ........ i . îil. tlIillait on ~I 'T. Ii . .,ui , osi fî., ca iuiui-air lue tus- num.aurîuptiuîî ii.V- 0.I..rî,rinfluiec Yiuiiitui. iS. Il, ltiltas 1hilhi , Ire pîsil. u i , I lai bt siiuil',' i llur îi i .TITlIt' dî..tirhI.uîIu' e n y'î [sY. lu houevé eunore ý-Ihuu'y fî-t uuuog tise l' fi.,u'ututi. uil bkuîno.- cul inh bouîîui.ry 11h'io ,'l,,'aNuluruiand tI,'t it')' u.,-.1 .I ,l sIt ,er Sroutis ill'ua oîlîîîb o niîî er l Of, aulho i ,l'Il I I . . linaiait t f.e lu iI.iîî lo-esli'ke 5505 lulrel, i dss . , r 15if .ut u',rnîi1hl,' îînîu rt , il.' I i,- Sun if glu, hi ut t". fI, - .i ' tliîig uitil lb' u'îil'rlî-u ru s'iutusld li i"I., ,llul l. fu ir.sîcufer te il.n eI enuhîi.u ui i24,soo-. rt,' .194,5 luiis - ul1.. u : 75 '2 iI e-S and A sescre c.urthiui;îo). eshouck wax fe i la ai - ' ii , ' îi ii r il'117i~ Vaoiic 'lley.,Cl.et liI 141: kl-,55o i- ti.7i,7l-Isa tIlirli seco'nds, fui1 lia@5si, ausire tisat a-uul 7ku.t" . k id -wid il-liem. il uchi. ,,i l lîloltw. etc., lcr I - ,, i i . hbu il , crali Il ,oonî troi su'Iu o 111.1 trnîtîîrî' and t - I,' . I.,(uî' , - . uît7.164,- ullui-r arti.l- is ne,13ou'1-1t 'Tie îuuîlvue.sirruku'i nitisturcs-r and rau ftrnu i lîrî bu csue i, u'rîng F" , '.rîisui lu rellîru, as othier lîglîtur sisocks ioun-ItultUi. il -lulfIIi lîuîîued fus- sus obuts uflursuard. An- t1 ..î,hélb, srvem ulluer liiu'iuy %look wasuxs elt ilt .1. M. punIol't17 -rs . hlii ni,, lu î i5 and une lat il s. ni. Mîitday. A :srgs i.band u lT î.~oiil, le.nu llaIl wîîlsr tadno s Sîuied ulover, lis..euith mluIi u ..'- eungu .>,and the cnaced et ni paces. 'lie S.Issa Ye, n'%îi ru'u.l 'IllonlTbu 1luriet river bcd *IîIIUycisanged al places. tsîîrIlIir uugrih ehé 'a prsl tIl Meager advices from Los Alamos, Oea! lotuing mosi viSe îr oîîîuake tise efl. Sauts Barbara. repus-i sial s se '.bat uoiides. tiun. if interest fer tbe sisock wuii f'lit Stînday nugbt et about ïDéIt fi w n- s- l tur llsuistle. a olk hri. iîg $15.015) daisnge lu tise relcuts pro rity I rutthue 'item Utnion (il ('ut- I'rotîn cuere i. ..rf e eNos-fkwe tus> IltI ;Iîrro go u'la IAtIlorr"ua cuil.',g.'.1 uuu- d lri -uv,,r'vpoint "I-il i ouI turs il asatru'îîîuî cf nuIt.'r two ( -I'I ; o -ýI o -l ful.t du-..î.[ h fiilu, i le t-t Il, i, oIlfiw- 1 l a itl 'lo.t. i l îu lu, I.ii lîiy or llrarrc.blit iinhouiig'vus uîîîîc A t O il, î.i r.filucT-'îiî'uo dis" Santa 'Maurin ill,. llîij,too. lluhî e.: -r- uofi. -' ll.uuf .55116< fruisu cai lI t'tl .i..iuuh trt> ii hîu lo,' I ' ..- o ii, î losts,al cuiîs 'i'vi il--.i lîr 't,,ýi.tleilkmuik CHURCH SERVICE BY 'PHONE. p"i uii.,' .uu. 1 ex- ,,f 0- to-, u i~, ule1icirs tiesult îîf 's'.ar iletween MisaiC'n- n 0l. lioircii-d If île rducsrirai is ic n la~ngon il. foluiîils iii,,. ' ";1 Ill sel tht Ait ' .îi,.l î. Iuîd . tis e ru îîu'uîuuîunî 011. lut ("t l , 't Ilu1. Liko "ta - tef il-, r-Iuuuhi loi Siliiuiutifpli w4 -u',uîîîî.îil î l A 'oriel ias twwm luI, . îuiui.iu.Il .' li- lus. f l log Iciiii' o r . r iul tio iiT h o liu'iiru ..Iuoul h 'li, l', -u t'it 'utMlluîit i h-I u1 t 1111,io e c rnlirs c' Ii..... l 'utluu h"" '. il i hI tIi,'îcuIluuI llh i llIl lIuiî i l lu , ii f -" f tliî> granger lît guII,îuugtul, 1- iluh'if"ru'un ii' sluo uu 'lu' Ii.',lu i l1, a o i 't tilrem 'li' iuuu i ciT ) i.iut iu l"h- 10 ch t IIîi I ah .îî l urgea sirz- tIi, lh i, u if lu ulu lu, alir fuir tilue lui'fo ifirn I I - l ru-1 , 'AS: .t'h-'ros-iu l tLIa lo i lo -ulcil,' lin,- grio- n îlus-Iý. sisuuré' In tluim l u xi, u i, and. o i he pli Bti l opa u iv, ha".lu î'Ot 'Tl l y sf- pli'hiI u uI.I lu Il , ,i 'uilil.-0 fort iu u" u l.ti.it' ii i lîy tleBe-l'll tof g.uuuo'ol ur- 1, C'uuuil i tuio , 'irlu'ili uihliriiig ch(liu i>au- Ilho. T lin lu: IC'l .lits 52 .* ' s lu', fr,'u-I iIlu lo o.ii u u 1 ils, rival. tIi - rut îîc'îî 1h .i.. I liflth cevioat ilîlî' îîuîîîî uîîîî *lv,î' 'l'é . (ru n ' h11 ru. Il.11 In , , l i , uied in tt luIi> ael 'u , Il l t heii' l ru u le Ifthfli lui. ..... lii, Il,, -Toi'i. lluss aloi tu%illitoi)i iliu' 1,[4 .ul 111i.. 1111uhlIlii'(iloiri h- îl ll l 4uttlu'g.uuu fl flI issui i'u atuI uif',u lîuu oioýtl.oT i tîul,î Ib ir thtI i i u 1 uuu.u ili'frui1 aou,îsIR 550 1 ciilibs i îuu' îuu î..r .'îuuuîu Iluh îîu, he et iii.- îîu. i t. . ...î.îg lut lu, in is s su g "iui. îîdTl,.o lr. iSu rîu'î u' a Sui 1 i tl..1 u"c ulieiits le- aluill h, .-î %las a.ëli' e I 'ilal TilI i li;u ; 111hlo is-te i>l 'lii'o uhil l i". tIhu'c sy t, oi t héIlu iiig fuir itu l f '.fu i -u'rly cII hog clîî. ufu . lllli ii ltrî'îui Moluî su ld u1 a1' lli tl.'uci li' 11r, Io 1. A, i' tlhé .,l .ii rg' oti Ilhé ,lî,ud_ ex 'il. i l I fuîîî.uliii i ls fuir Jaiy de- puointif uiliii'"lilu'lu' "l.'I- fi Ti :i .k,' r li lillu lil' u cu ri> lcoply, il . .....i t r i ii.ii fu f ' rlîuit:lily RailI l i o l ui1iiiuitli f l' ile.S te et Ilî......u iiioiki fi lîî iii jiuîîu iîllig cuill> y ,, j.,î i i f 'At 72 c-ma. hli ; .ili u îu'î l otîl, I'ii ii Tu Jult' 011uni le l.hl.. ciuul, se5 tiol Si'r.uitiill h li ifthuisfao rîei, iglîîr tliii t au:ii i o, .11,' ietise CivU pr ilier. If th,,u'î' r Iliiilu lliii'si't -Irie 'IarIl i iiurglut beil- bllaiec 10 Oiiuhsrguu tise -' cllii ii. Ile . ri u ban I> liug .u.uthle~ i- ceive aelnsi a 's'îîel l Ifor anoîbur cisi, r, is I and i luetter ps-ia'ct'. Anud if h, c(us Dut îuî'îiu'se in itihue .u ~u1 lic la Clluu vaîl- ouiinon tu prisas caluOcabaouut li ulting lis . tlýl ii li ii.$4.a)to lusll. .0 îippuug grade«, Sl il.>truili s.l hidu's ut luau'set'iu k 34.25 iii38)1, ',!bu . fir 10 choicesII 5 Iîll ond li uuuurîuîuiili- ijoi, tu $4.40;, Ili . 2ced, 7M, ta h i-nri u'd sahuuî'uumoto, uurs 1c,,t:,ucilu cors, Ni). 2, 58, ut lu',; ittNu. 2, Iîss'.uctIs c ll'iuboix toi)u clos' > .ta u t50c, rys-. No. 2. Nfic uti7c; beys, liai- ini otby. $11.M00 16,(00; prairie, 36.00hi Intm.i.gNe, itan, 312.50;: hbotter-s-, clucii-crcstenlie à@ docui', ia e uuu'î u~ uiuî'd y ii- N-w lTd-uptiré.),ie . siipu, .0

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