ÈLAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, VýI. X-No. 48. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday. September 5, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. RUNÀWAY TEÀI CAUSES DEAUI SIliEST FAIR IN XANY YEAÀS For.,Sumd the facionable set &long 1 mn, J L R 3S I D M 3 Frank Meneban Fouad Dead b? la Whet the Dhreetors Think enuber saveral wili participate l E DS E MNteakshrwi tenadofthirl Frst (ilimpse ofl.. . ifoadîle, Noi Hlm t I l n @ polo pony race. The races Friday will PAR NIEHome. Prove. At lime of going te preis Wedneiday ... .Fall Styles. - - - M Mmorninfi, every Indication la tbat the -- i L~-~ LJWe thie jury fii that b!ranUin T. Tuusday, entry &W 09 the gré& IlAie N U ~ W ~r'~ .Snhan came ta bis deatai by being Couzay Pair, brou«»i a bord o9 fair wiil, In point of attDdaice and WooI Dies Gooda --in black and colora thie fayoSt veavo and Bluff accidentally tirovu fronm bis bugg enihugiiiic eubi»Of. At thie exoellence of race», excel that or &Il pattern;pra.aneImi OoScerad .iuîy. LI BERTVVILLE'S TAILOR. In a runaway ait Round Lake, otjsî« roeaal ahiielfri The previons yeas. Fancy Colored Weol Walstinge-We show thos. ,ery popula ~.b<tla a ratal injury ta baies of hua brain." AUP.rintendmnk wuee 1118s1Y vienou WF Ilaieal goada tu many designe and cotora; prces range Iet make iii to-ilite g'arnîieits aijil donCt elarge 0 uch wau thaeverdict of theOoraneu repote visiai elhfSdi, ssingius I E FINDS flJ.J DU DEAD. fram .......................SOC ta SOc per yakrd tulage- jr aca nutgtdtesa dtprlsplcsIm biiaAtieFancy Colored Cotton Walîtlngs Tiace pretty wasaale «onde the exolî:ît1rc. Ilv Itilitfrtviolent doath i r . Umlan, Who vui main hall, and &boult oulds and Frederlck Trichel Expire@ Sud- are very dorabie for eafrly fait atreet or bouge venir; price of Illel t4 gvi«l orlfrs rg)ii) ate tii kilied euly findz morning. aiong "midwareSeuWeeMd tente were denly et Ha,@ Homte Ini range fromc................................. 23c te 10c par yard iaibiifl >Frank, wbo in about 30 yoana or aige, ctti., buing orecgel Mt te finlsbng Libertyville. Tennis Flanlhs In great varlety, ahiaafg taie nov deoifnian weon ai thie ataple patterns; prion. rage frona....1Oc te Oc put yard Our loft bis borne Thuraday nigait ta attend lomes put on tbol already up.8 grad I See my line of samples before ordering. a danceaet rayalake. Afteir the dauc ilare wlU hé au euI*Uonaily large Froderick Tricliel, a vel knogu Vra ein IIIGr-twSxny pne n Se ho started for bomne and tha gau thie nambezr of stands tkb * ear, Sc SAY Germon, wbo roakdei on 8prague Street knitting yaru n Il colora. round h lat sen or him aive. aiatling af thie oi Se doli racke, An Libertyville, wai dlacoverod lun anst-h oa ocse ose awtotqeHntebs YÏ11 be -I t's time to think about fali apparel. About 4 a'ciock Priday morning the striklngi macieso, iUows, gamoes. ont-hoase, dead, by bis wîfe at U8< $1le >cotu onite rare suda. W. aiee oem An« cagen night gatcaiman Ai Amatira les etn. The marry-govmm Il lap and àMonday xnornîng. stls uviieda ...nd................. .....a...o $2.3 pe SI: rets Paanioue, Round Lake, discove.d Mr. reidy for buaine. Trichei bail been aiîing sinn uce t Rb for lents...................... .....8 tabo SOcl bea B.eneban bostde taie rand near entraee Hersie anui cettle abatia are filling September suffearing wîtAi dropay, tu- vrlbn or ths stram es" an trmlag ibotn an iii b Dr.* J. L. TA YLO R, ta tee houai grenada. Noir gai the rapîbîy uMare taie hog Mid abeep peus. duced by aiaut trouble, Re~ ad rybn poul&Il wta olora e arr ogeln wuhfl ritin e tfor -, office over rrigg8 & Tayior's. spirited tâai, quietiy sating gra The poultry exibft Ptatutse ta ha grawn vOby weak taie pait mout lam ibu nalvdh u ooa arggial Abn o auas-7 to Io) a. ma. 2 to II and 6. Io.n lll p[.l [m suI d taie badly broken buggy, evideno. £004. reaiized. ai did hie gite, aie coultil liraUnere * iisidnc- o BraoiîayP(i,;în1i'rk. 0100 k gO mL. ing taie violence af Mr. lieneban'a Wednedy morulngl aur reporter but a short time. Whoen ho ate Libertyville - Illinois. doai, round ail arrnpmqt eomplote andi for tai. aseut hils ever vigilant vUfe ___________________________Thot. lieneaia ,fataier of taie viitim a& Uime or Soit" %0 pgff a rait crowd nat.d tg and al ter ais absence of ouiy G JL< NT gai Immedlately natieti anud aurried la on bond and more0Mn jcelgi. a re, movements @aebcame alarmid inois Dr. E. H. SMITH, Botes Bro's tohMlu's auide, ouly tefind bilaquite Th"-Flyiuf Bâld~il are boresm sud nventigated, findiug him de"t.Tehu N.19Vukgr.L -iat huhtebdyw ti es.I oui lu ta judg. trou Ibeir parapher- Marahal Frealiman happened tlb eehn o 0,Vlkgi.B DENTIST.~ ~ ~ ~ .. DAR .. l'e 'ad ails son bad driven a spirited netia taey wiii i a novei aud An- puisng soit aiulated lu remaving taie ____________________________ Offlice over Lake County Bank ..D RY ..tes= ghouen aie , bhome, but was m« tsreating exiiibit tiae ~ oon as vll bady tetiebouse. Dr. Tsylor ganisum-________________________ Houra. s to l'à a. w. and lo,Ii. rn. DAILY excellent borseman, sud aitbaugai taie ai Taiurday aud Pniday. moned, but did not hoid an inqust, Liberyvile - llinis.borseshad ruu agay belote, no ans fait Every race bam B11.. Taie entry au hoe bail been doctoring Trichel for Librtyîli - llioisnervonji, AS Frani's skili In Aandlîug "i far thi (weday) afiernoan sevorai, mentaisand aiad warned iiim Il11k or creia May bc theman provions occaalots tended ta foilova, ebawing nue 01 Aborée, ognor that ho gonld pua aay suddenly. luIn l i i . c SDr. C. R. GALLOVJAY s4wuraî aI ally boîr at Dur Aileyien occurre teii Csud résdece taite doctor ouya fe: geais &goU îi( Offce vorLoili Dr-.i Sore ara hurt ra onLakr itret nover bc knavu AS tao one flw 1t. It Hma Esoerei b? R-shdc thst In eaae of sudden deatai ail Iond g 111K 'IIIi~ ~ l - NoUli, 11<01 Vi, Ili, ila presurned destai gai laastntmaoui Allen K SulianV Chiciago beuabae doslred it, sud fortunately "i IIIIIV> kUi~ Jl ________________Frank__ teneban wua one of taie mant Chiester I) [lady W aukegan "frItz" As aie vus famiîarly knogu rS'~~~ehu .ietvle wuevyal a luargte tramte naur sfttnckry ofyta fa. andar Lri'taieak Tribeli isinan It glcl lie n Kimn t popuiaryoung min ln gestern Laies likèr PeuteccstChic.ago abu +iotvle aairoaatd Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, furnîsa the pft ansd edta- coanty. Rie ad haute a1 friands ta Fio Enceli Chlicago indnstrtoas min, a goad citizen, 0f M stkoffl rad forinstiolnk.si l n uf Chicauo. has aOPned e e.% nil vaiiie.wom bis violent d..th le a Mid smd 3SOIX Clam. Trotina. exempar habite sud devoff te bl + ed o npcin DENTAL OFFICE rreparabie blog. 1lazel Crattan Gr't'uV'm I Vies. home and wife. Hie contractild ropey 1 have a large assortrnent of lined Stormn and AnBnt.r ili..osr inil ~ ii>.-~ r. ~George, praprior 0f taie Rautikd Jose Patchen Hackett Chicago a year Asc vie ernpiayed a$ thie stable lnes gb"rý1o,,rMay .,t.piJtl,,ilî W-11v.. Laie Bote la a brother. Pather sud Birdie Robin.a Herm Aritioch Macaroni factany and steatiiy grogewinALi ur Libertyvîlle in -o 'in'. s motter afis survive, «d te tlaem la J J M jr Mcr.ley Antboch varse. lu via bo coaisulted panail- r Wool blankets ini briglit colors and late*t L1etyil Illioh etirde lcm ta luM h ai Kate Mascii Maypole Chicago Dent Chicago specialiste. AllIAd hum patterns. 19-Iole Bros., ete taie co rent I theit &fIlae- Wallace Duaeub'ry lieýrtysîlle bis Ocei opeleas sa Aaad Air. ln. D. R. GROVER. M. D. tien. 2:19 Clu. Pc0ging. -Taylor. i physician and Surgean. Lake St,. Libertyville. "Teddy"l Jr. VIits Lake Ca. Degs, Marcai Devine Chilcago ' DHutten fi alf scurvinv 0fm Fre Corne in during the fair and inspect thein My ut "ur-Bell Wison ullvaitChiagostore will be open untili hloon Rockefeller - Illynoas latd vooevegltai Jrl. e u~.-Jouai McMs.m Chicago ad some property la Chicago beaidos dey__ Cftn ekwt . B . WCl Gates Ajar sauthujeai Fraeni, Neh otiior mouDs, belag luit maderately each dyof the fair. Dr. H. 0. B. YOU NG, red a& ~ unu Ruair' hemi Vone Laiteî geitad. _ Physcia an Sureon Feont _ L," cke Salem, Wis Democratlc Convention. C . H. KAISER, limas BSuuesbL*= i6an îchet jsdmce optoslt Lhan llîîtel Skia essesth O ree - - Illinots. 1 arn prepared to do 0n mutulu.sbgetfln a ow sloguli, ant 9mrn exeîtîugorbsgefrtaeppoe0es san seng Dr.~~~ 0.ern M.GR V Rnp central W bon -Tecldy -arrivodl ai Laie For- raenilipae ominatie a candidate for minority D .0 M.G O E , and western Lake etacrmwdoi boysow«a on btend, do- THURSDAY. représentative. 8a,,~tt tt.,it Cii~. î~î.., County on short douta@ son looded lie. Noasoonet hati Gratitudie Gr'tn F'mP Vie.s Deninott, of Waniegan, yull sgain re- ~îw.r.......îî ii. i- notice.... taie train stopped tItan taie Young man Allen K Sullîsan Chicago ceive thie ondorsemeut of Ais party for yorffl. Y.arn Vî t. l Jîiîi r i0t, t j ump.d ta taie platfarna, put ais bande Chester l) I)edy Waokg.aî représentative. &L aîilM.dlai , î.îtl Gi1-Io(lii la.... la i pocioti and asumed au espic- Wallace l>osenl>*ry L.thertyv île No Iukliug ni vbom taie democrats Miti. OI'-,, Ciiguarantee my work. tit mien. Frefo-aA ain. yl umme for varions connty ornaies. Rockefeller ýi-:ni.lFe-o-alPcn.To M ake Room I .-- -Wba& kind of saute do you expect Baby Kîid Parlker Bros Deccîrala, la eau b. obtaned. J. K. Orvia, of Let me estirnate your ta bmg up Iu taie DaIclai?" be gai Col 11k Thîtuason D>evine Chicagoî Waukogan, in talked of for County 1wl ips fm tc * BENJ. H. MILLER, aaied. « dont& iuaw wbat iind ai Major Muscovite McMahon Chicagoi Judge and AI. Conrad, ar Wmuiegan, --,.work ...-game gel ga%," aie replioti. "I expect William Mac. Castîr Chicago May b. put up for Sbeniff. Mir. Con. of buggies, surreys, road * TONE TLW ... tb ave agoad timo, md nope te go% Stranger t> apai Chicago rad vas elecled by taie democrats wgnecltavr 18CNANCII BmaocX Tt£LCPMt4NO 2G 1 i,,e ..e oaiit onegroi Igtni oog aAt, ,î,eSrc yeare ago, and sîrved vita Wlit Attend 10 ilîlsInes, In (ChicauMO MY PRCE AR IH. nm a'I 1Ctn"eot c' Carrir J voîveSrete close margin. 1 do not - 0 .....Theodaxe, Jr. lIsO Ulke ai1M fathar, Ro, lte, Kidt Schoori Elin erodt ta Ailmif aud bis party, but Libertyville i n 0 ni S. Ref erences f urnished ftram pramineot gins luke bis fathter anti taikalife léi n. fMl -hoser cndAtion@ are nov dîff erent and ais waîît to carry thern over, parties in 1Libertyvilie and fatAier. H is face labrovu gîth ain e.afMl Runun2l 3 chances of defeatiug P'owell, tAie i atms tl h * PA UL M acG UF FI N. other sections m'here and Aio ls o1 average six. for 16 Yeara. F.ntraes 10 chose night before race republican uomluee wouid not bce one luftmut tiie ti Atonsm oneor at Law. Ihave donc Il gohd rimmed spectacles. iadged a 2:50 Clam. Trottaug. lu lAve. space they occupy for Atrean olelwork. couidérable distance belog tie bridge Folie Belle Cr't'iî hoa P Vara As ta taie otber couuty offices ve . stoves and winter goods NOTARY PUBLIC. ....of bis nose, add te bis rosemblance &0Kn Muloîtt. Deerlield bave nat ciron beard nain suggested io riig office over Lake Co. Bank. bis m'eu known ine. Bidi Robi Aiena Antiola by taie démocrate, sud ouiy et taie 10 r îg Libertyvilte - Illinois. HIUGO PEGELOW, Bturday morntng at 9 o'cloci Col. Alii, sîllr Antaoch convention viii lLie dotermiued Jusl _______________________MeOuakey, commanding offic«e t Port1 J Jr 1 irlrîý Autaoch wbo tbeir candidates vii] bce. Prairie View 1 IlioS.lheridau, turned ont the troops lu Lucile I' Fîshier Waucnla "40W No an aveM n MISS FLORA C0LErY btt.Aonor of taie prealdent's sou. Belle W l>snr ielslr Want Free Rural Dellvery. u ~ ad aem ny Taie apecial train ou ghichi taie Me Rudolpai Epier As cireuiating a If yo have cas > offer îîîînrrmî;îîn î,m Cullougb party went te northtîru Win- FRItAY. petitiou among larmers, Dorti, ait yovt C8Smsabugyrih STUDIO IN BULKIEY Si NU IfIR -MN cousin ,lelt Laie Forest et 5 o'clack 2&35 CAuam Aacing. sud montai of Lîbertynilie, gaihaai y.yu eueabug ih linos. Lbertvill - lhiosFBI :ia:ifena: udsvt Lady Wonader Buark Chicago &bat:arural:ail route li e otabiaed, 110w at a lower figure than 1tiien on at iome place lu WAacausin * Belle WMlso Suglar Soain, g toiltart froan Libertyville. .yo>i will again be able k>. sud herdte %h ltieru citheBubO'Rel Vgi, Soon, ll he ropsedroute la fromt Liberty- GE RG P FR S .Party vili b. midi acording te thoir Queen Lallian Acker Salemn, Wis ville ta a point neer Warnentou Grave,. GE RG P F OS .advico. Tairee days Warin pent isabing M W A Acker Salemn, 'IVs tbonce montai to oout and Oaci ta VETERINARY SURGEON. ln the laies of nlonthern Wisconsin Black Gratten -Cr1 iira P View ttngpi.H .B Ea R il, p.. be hlare theo Pauty itarted for laie quail Frai.îor-Âlî Chticgo TAtere la oppoeition to tAie ptopooed Lb orrtA,-iiiCt.iof the ...<..,' ileldiaf taioTrttng. route by s number of Biondent farmerasietvll lios ReUaniD, V. W£ i k F I ie padn oes assio lash Lihtin McMaao Chicago Who feau taie shoAilment of taie Pemt- __________________bila___ Mne, e pudtingu govra day the bg HumoStaad eas<ur Chicago office et tat place. A remonstrance la -fi.arrtages furnlshed onilorder. garni ragions, suddai Teddy as neveu Crystal L. Leonard CryaîtalLake b.iug cirauhated, m'Aiia bas ta dite, buhtaDed big game ho lsa oing forward 2.40 Clans Trottin«. lver 100 signatures. La e~ Q l41 , Lady assistant If deired. go thi: portion ai ails outlng gîtai par. Mamie Wheelen Kiely a Chaicago I Laker go D nl azel Gmaltan GrIain Fin PView ludependent Candidate. WRIGHT DymoND & Co., EDW. F. STUENKEL, AtahHué unaig. Jouie Patchen Hacairît Chicago UereA auaa aelAiE Futieral Dîrector. Atal oa uueig. Kate Masco Ma>pole Chicago vho la mamig an Indepondent run ei d for Libertyville, 11111 1018 lis. Grace Snell Coffins mummer Wallace Diiienb'ry Lihenlyville for taie légilature lu Wasmenatoriai e.« Everett - - Illinois. home, usai Antiocai, la lu charge of Tbree-quarter Mlle Deush. district, pledges bimWef ta taie An-0 stockn..i her areditora, and &U thée peracual Entries cloue nigait lielore race itiative and referendum, public agnor. 4 stcT susInectlent C'tf ..ý Ja .1<0 P. lupoyi the aione, Inclndtng fur- Frank M. Bltan., cf Milwaukee, gelA sblp of public utilities, and nomna- f 0 niurpanine éivran riA, nwngmn hremuaau i m ion of candidates by direct vote. h * catfis PîayatbleOn liemaîrel F_ S A g S lIbise, bas bien attacait g Uta ly a starter, fHe gahZaddt worasmo/ g O I I QI~ V cMtm ai i SIÎ0oO. ExCaiaf Atf PoiceA SPECtAL TRAiNB, sud ABme gîthin tAilrty votes of, neu , <