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Lake County Independent, 5 Sep 1902, p. 8

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a % AF' LUND'S AGENT,' Lie always has something good to tell about the North-west. Mr. suû Mra.Fra"l Knigge viii be hem lnabout Ivo veeka.f Pias Terpning sud fsmily are t the home of Mr. sud Uli. John Rouie Jr. Mr. and Ui. W. D. Porteons enter-f taied corpay from the city over1 bmday. Mm . E.P. Harden and son Bert, o! Ohcago, vinited friends bore over Bunday. AIberi Euigge. of (Chicago, la visit- Iug is parents, lMr. and Mmrs.Wr. £ulgte. Mr. and Ui. John els, of Irvingi Part, are visiting friands boe for à fev dsys. li. Dcer, of Chicago, viited et John Mocfrides residence a fev days lem vee. Misses arne sund Floente Rndolpb, 0, Chicago, are visiting et Mr. sud liraKinga for s fsv days. Joi Baise, Wif s and cbild are ot fr0. Souths Chicago, vliting lMr. Reiesa father sud fsmily boe. Mr. sud Uli. Irving Payne carne1 fr0., Chicago 10 visit over Muoday9 vltb Mr. Payneas parents hors. 1 Mr. sud lirm.Schvartz, of Chicago,9 vere the guasis of li. Schvartz&a parents, M. and lira. iosen Over Bun-1 day. Oe. s.itl, A. L. Wilbur and Dr. IJ. B. Grover al bave creditable sihilits o! ttsorongbbred poultry at the f air Ibis veel. And Dow the contractors will soon beaet vork on the foundation of tvo more uev bouses bare. Lot the good Work go on. Miss Sarah Suov vho bai heeon itb friands hore for several veals pat returued 10 ber borne lu Chicago ou Tuesday lait. Ye correspondent acknoviedgea tbe recept of a ôomplirntary ticket 10 the Iake county fair tbroagb the klsdnessor fheb. IOPECNDRNT Manage- ment. Thuls. Miss PeurilicArthur sud a young lady tiend, of Wsnpsoa, Win., stopped over tu visît M. sud Mrs. W. L. Eicb, vhilIe suroute 10 Valparaiso, md., vhere $bey vili enter sehool. Tehaisurance direct froin President Frost It tihe electrie rsilrosd wvu bc bulIt fr0. Librtyville tu this place tisafaillais ebcome neya 1u On? dti- sens. Rtockefeller viliihave a gannine boom 250W for once. B. A. cramner sud farily are boes fro. Ogama, Wîaoonain, Wbsee ey movsd fro. boeslaut spring. Mir. Cruamer says llodlseller te gond eiioigb for hi. sud bh. yul blid a bouse andi male is home bars lu the future. 1 Mr. Cameron came ont from the City thse middle of lait veel 10 blokover tbe nev cigar factory and exproed himasU as veli plessed vitb the new location and very bopeful for the futurs grovtb snd prosperity oa unr town. The foîoingitem clipped from imother paper. viile notblng fl oW1 physicians msy be of iterest aud bonclât 10 some of yonr readors: 'S8carlet lever and sarlatina are tbe saie diweans, ai eau b fouad by referring te Wbsters Dictionary, Encyclopedia Britanuica, Johusonsa Encyclopedisan sudjoura Cyclopedîs of Practical Medicine. Scarlatine.l only the Latin word for acarlet feyer. A great mauy people make the mistake of thiuling ýht saIsarla lina la a modified form of acarlet lever sud sorne are under tbe impression tisaI l la a diferont Mesnasefrorn scarlet fever. Quit. a number of people seem go bave lbe Impression that scarlatina is some sort cf a mild, Contagions. euptive diasee h11 la nol daugerons, sud bas very little Il any connection vitb scarletlefver. Thiis lafot so; the so callsd scarlet rash or scarlatîna la acarlet foyer sud lsavea juil ai levers cousequencea aucb ai deansas, cbrouic llduey dis- case, or boart disease aitbe cases tbit non-profeasional people diagnose. ThesInnocent looling casses 0f@car- let foyer apread thse contagion as Wel as the typicai cases. A Remarkabis Record. Chamberlau% ougb iiemedy bas a remarkable record. It bai been lu use for over tblrty years, duiug vbbchi lIme msuy rmillou bottles have been1 sold sud used. Il bai long beau tisei standard sud main rellance lu thes1 trestinent of croup lu thousande o! bornes. yet durlng ail 1is ime no cas bai ever been reported go tbe manu- facturera lu vIsich, il failed 10 effeta s cure. wben given Uacson ai tIse cbiid hecomes Iose a.or even esa onu as thse croupy cougb appears,tgIl viiipreveut the attack. Il te PleaSut 10 tale, many chltdren Dite fi. Itountaina no opium or other barinful substance sud may b. given me-uufisdetly to s baby as to an adult. For ale by F. B. Lovxru, Libertyvilla; OAÂYSLAKU PHAURMAUT. PRAIRIE VIEW. miss Emma Manu, of Chiecago, la Heraliberger Bros. sbbppad a car spending a fev dsys vitb ber brother, load of bopa Frlday. ,Wm. Manu. Chai. Sturm siipped s car bad of A. C. Richards and family @peut Is ot Chicago Tneaday. Frlday vitb Jacobi Bastab sud lamily Ois Meyer, of Pullmnan, speut a fev et Northtild. days recently vîtis bis parants. M. sud lira. Morris Muson and E. P. <ridiay shlpped tvo car loada lira. Foote sud dangbtar Lela re. ot omis frorn the farm thîs veel. 1Inmned home Friday. LeslIe Hutciinge, ai Oienvev, la MissGres Alleusdorf, of Cicago, spending s veal vlth relatives here. vas 1the guesi 0f hem cousin, Misa Johf Scroeer wo b ben ii jennis Holz laut veel. tise musle for the grand dance follow. Iug the soldlers' encampment at Graylake. Mir@. Ilaey, of Chicago, wbo ban beau ,pending s ew daysa ai Mr. Aranna returned home willi lier dangbter Annis Ibis veek. lira. aquira, of Iowa, wbo bas been vistilng bier oister, Mrs. J. Richards, and other relatives bere la 310W visft- iug la Oienview before retnrning to ber borne. Chu. Johnson and fariy, Mr. Judson Mason and vite, Mir@. Pnrdy and dangbler Lllian, Mr. and lirs. Auguit Rostand Eddie vere smong those trorn ibis place who attended the soidiers sencamprnent at Ujrayalake last veek. From Another Correspeondent. Mies Mabel Loorns iabas returnied te Chicago. Harry Loomis IR atteding the caruival at Elgin. Chas. Albrocbt preaed hay for J. i eirner asat wsek. î ils Ethel Koadier la entertalning 1ber Cousin, Miss Hazel Smith, Mra. Ettenthaier, daugbtar Mary snd flanîie Kuedler are vliting reltves bore. Among tiiose whe attanded the Boldiers a'leunon at (iraymlake Thurs- day veTo: Mr. and Mrs.@. Il Moers, Mir. sud lira. Chas. Johnson and son Leon, Miss Laura liprague, lirs. Angust Holat sud son Eddie, Ira . E. Kuedler, daughter Flosie and son William. Ye correspondent vas at Enedier Bros. mi lait veak ta sec thse new engins Whicb tbey bave put in Ibis aurniQer, and vili gîva aur readers a description of i.IL la18a 1)4)horse power angine, and was boult by the Murray Iron Works, of Birlington, Iova, I la stue Carliesapattero of englue, the cylinder being ix by thirty taches. The balance vheel alone Weigbs turce tons, and governer go sensitive that by tleiug e tbread to one of the rode and pul]ing wlth one baud the englueecanulie broughit 10a stop. The englue mares seventy-flve revolutions par minute. They use a rope drive from angine abaft tt inau eahafî, the pulseys for Wbh va wre made at the mili. The largeat ona la 100 luchas tn diameter. -IngerIng Summer Coids. Dont lat a coid u at this eason. Ilummer acoide are the bardest kind t0 ours aud If naglected rnay linger &long for montha. A long siege Ilke thîs viii puil dovu the atrongeat constitu- tion. One Minute 000gb Cure wili break np the attacl mt once. Sale, aura, acta at once. Cures congbie, acide, croup, bronchitll, ail Ibroat sud long troublas. Tise cblidren lîke it, F. B. LoVELL, Libertyville. IVANHOE. Everyone goos to the fair ibis vcek. A.L. Ritta o nildiug au sddition to bis barn. 0. M. Foslett la ptittnlg oi( e oe msoblnery ln the faciory. lils Alice Smilth entertaned friands frorn Iova and Chicago last veel. lira. H. D. Wells returnedlulat 'lues day trom ans extended visit iu Miechi ltb Iypboid feyer la nov couvaîescîng.1I D. Harsherger bas beau apand. gau Percy Oridlsy snd IByron Sbapter, afi lng s fev dys bors vliiu'g bis Miss Alire Payne euiertlied a Chicago, vsed their homes over sua- broibera Fred sud Chiarles. friend tramin, oswelli, md., the 1mai lir@. Buavel mnd dangbter Rnth, of veek. Amherst Junction, Wl., are viitiig lr.sdr.Crmtnrapoig Attorney MacOnIU fusud aiter Ad, bler brotber-in-lav. lMr. Butter. .and.Cartompevelvtonar l(ira('rt fron Lberyvileo-slid tbena hro Uir. J. 0. Larsou and dangbter-ln- toua borne people. Snndmy. lav, Ira. Edd Lamson, returned ta tbeir borne ln Arons the tiratet rthaJames vauPiev vas homo trorn Henry Helfer ianaisociaiad wtb Mr. vOekl bcg o uns m ody Ueo. Hercher in theathreshlug buiuess Hrman SaolUje abpped a consbgn- The lkeCoanuty Chbristian Endeavorj Ibis faitrment ofgwoet corn tooGrley & Maxon, Eslly vas bald boere on last FrIday commission marchante Chicago e- oening, a goodiy number vas bu Mss azel Smith, of Sherrnervilei, cnl.atnac n odmeli a bas been viiting lier cousin, Etbel cul.atnac u odmeiî a K nodier. Prof. Mrtela orchestra iumnlahed eonJOYed. EEEIEEDmDN'T If one day provo& better than another at the Lake County Fair it wil be Friday. For races there wili be the 2:35 pace in which eight horses are entered.* The Free-for- ail trot, the best trottin g race of the fair; it will be made in fast time. The 2-40 trot and Iast the running race. Be-. sides a Polo Pony race has been arranged and that wilI be exciting too. Barring unfavorable weather. it will be a record breaker. LONG GROVE. Tbe Pair attracîco' the uouai quota rrom tbis vlcieity. Mms. Ochar antertained oompany tram tbe City over Sunday. The anthrax scae l'as moatly anb- slded aithougli oie or tv0 cOwa vere leat lent veel. Mira. Bitzentbalor and grand-son and Mine Mary Itltzeuthaler, from N aper- ville, are visiting bore at prenant. l10caune citflic fnerai oflMr«. 1P. Wending, neSaltryker, at Nor'th North- field 011 Mnnday, ltev. Kalen aouid not 1111 bisl pnlpit. Sallera' bave. without any exaggera- tien, One af thafluntattores ln the County outaide of waukegan. Corna aud secasud bc convlnoed for yoursell. The INDUENDENT bas mades spectal arrangements vltbthebakealscounty Taiephone Comapany to telephone newa 10lis cilice. Geo. Quentin bas Consente& 10 reprenant Long Orove and vili be propared 10 telephone ail Items of Interet, aubject tb bis judge- ment 10 tthe INUEJE»NDENT office. It la rnanifestly impossIble for Ona person te ohtain ail desirabîs neya frorn a vbale ccmrunity and therefore, Mr. Qo1eutin needs and orgently desîras the bearty co-arperation of ail persona lisaViug an intereat ln thàeir commun- itY sud viabing lt vorthuly represen- ted lioee llitems vhicb you de- mire P Iblimbed to Mr. Quentin or any of the force at the creamery. Tbe Long Crove neya viiiliecjpat vhat 700 maIe ite Iberefore kep )ilnewsy, spicey and reproetative. Not Doomed For Lire. I vasutreateai for Ibres years by good doctora," writen W. A. (.reer. MeConneliaville, 0., "for pilas and fitula, but, vban aIl failed, Bucleu's Arnica Salve cured me lu tvo veals.' Cures borna. bruisea, culs, dorns, acres, eruptione, ait rheuni, and piles or no psy. 25e at P. B. LovaLas Libertyvîlîs; OAS LAKE PHARUOAT. APT A KIS IC. Will scley vas home Sunday. lira. Laura N uller vînt to Mssouri lasi lhureday ta viit lier parents. M. Noyoe'a men from Arlingtou fHeigiýs are piaterlng J. Stabla 0ev bonge. lis Martha Sbey and Miss Clara Welaud vîsiteii at J. Stablai Wednes- day avening. Fred Kohl tram Chicago, vas ont last Saturday 10 see boy everything Albert snd Conrad Lauermaunn itb thelr hast churna, tram Chicago visitd thoir relatives and friands Sunday and lionday. beau viitlug relatives down east are e.pected bore Mnday. J. W. Brodie vill again bc prIneipal of our achool vbich be bas So sbly bsnded the puit tour ymars. lira. Kianera' residence la rapidby nesring completion and viii be ready for occupancy ln a short trne. Altbongb Our tovu la incoported, Improvemeots are Couing alol,, but 'ha baye atteuded thbo Voodmen as itlaisnov aurveyed great results are picnic t Lake Zurich Satrdj aven- auticlpatad.6 1 Ing. Tbay forgot aibtaabout taklug tue girls alotîg. Pred Schley and bis sistai, Miss Itariha, attended the pieute at Lake Zurich and stsyad aver Sunday vith thair sisiter. Ira. Oharlos Klepper. Miss Emma Scbsr sud ber cousin vent ta the city Frilay. A stranger at the depet took tlieir saichel mvay. As ho colidr't louve, ha gave IL back agate. - The lire deparirnent bsd their regular drill Wednasdmy aud the difereot movoute esgone tbroegh vitb abarlty. ht la rmrored that s large croclary mannlactory la ta bia erected an tbe site of the old brick yard vblch vîli employ 700 mou. The bine veatther of the pastl few veaka perrnitted moat of the farmera ln tII vlcinîty ta vbobby complote -i vaut ail the vOrld ta kucv,' la loaked for. vrites 110v. U. J. Budloug, of Asavay, IL. I., 11isat a tboougbly good sud Au unînowo man vas lostauiby raliable medcine 1 fonnd in Eloctrbc kilied by the é; 40 train Tnasdsy sveo- Biitoers. 'l'ey cured me of jandice ing. a mile soutb of tovn, and aslia and llver troubles thai hiad caused me had no papera an bis peran ludanti- great anffriug for rnsny years. For s ganubua, al-&round cure tbey oxcel flestion vas Imnposble. auytlbng 1 ever sv." Elactric Bitters F. J. Knacbeumua, - ager Mevaral are the surprise cf ail for Ibeir er ofatuisvcena eeap vondarful vomkIin liver, lldney, sud yas o abbulsricUs e ùgal stomacb troubles. Dont faîl ho tryoper&lor 'Or the Chicoago, Milvsulee tham. (lily 50 cli. Satisfaction lsa& St. Paul Itialvsy bas boan pro- guaranteead by F.11. LOVELL, Libîerty- Moted to tbe train iiispatcbors cillIce Ville; OBAYSLAZZ PINÀElUÂov. at Chicago. miss The Page Woven Wire Fonce Conipoeuy 0F NEW JERSEY. The new electl'ic line now building from Lake Bluff to Libertyville, will bave its ears in operation ini July. Everything pertaining to this road is <fthe very best kind, road bed, rails, cars, etc., and besidem the manag@4 ment Iîav fenceing the givel orders -- -- ntire line to o>îr Com- wz4 4~ ~ ~ ith our paîîy f or ~I1II-. --1 hge rd of railroad feîîcing. Popts set extra deep in the ground aud strongly braced. The fence when completed, will be a credit both to the Railroad Company anîd to the Page Woveîî'ýWire Fence Conmpany. Write for CJataloguîe:- Rock%-ýlgf%--,IIer Items. fi fi a] h m v v fi fi fi a The name guarantees the .quality.. Schanck Bros. Libertyville - - - Ililinois. FR1 DAYI THE13FLYJNU BALDWINS Are even better than advertised. Every performance entrances onlookers. For dar- ing feats they excel. No such exhibitions. can beseen atacircus. They are simply mar- velous. You'il see them at their best Friday. The big Midway wiII amuse you Friday." It's the day of ail others to attend. DON'ýT MISS FRIDAY. BEIB~R TIS-IN -f11. VINS M Vo See Dr. Offico c OUSA 7 t.j 1,s.I Li bert Dr. Otto Knaak bus à position iu Chi- Zag. Mis Mabeýl Moble la vlting ln Chicago. Miss Florence Moble isvitiug at Frauls, 111. There wua ssurprise party ai Plotersa Frlday eveniug.t C. B. eastou bas had groaaad broken for bts usw bouse. Mr. sud lira. 0. B. Eaiton vialted ai Graylake a fev days. John Vetter and lister Mayme speut thse day at Lake (Jeneva Batnrday.t lira. A. C. Strayer and cblîdren, of lsuvlev, are viiting ai J. L. Vtteras. Boy Parlons aud Wrn. Ollovay are iu norihero Miciehgan Witt] the formera» sont. lira. R. B. Chéassnd daugbter, Miss Lyla have retnrnsd lrorn their visit lu the saut. Chau. Parsonslaud famlly spent à fev day. ai W. il. Wimoîs ln Wsnlkegan lust veel. Misa Hazel Vant la entertalning ber friend Miss Helen Mayer, cf Chicago. Miss Mayer la an attendant ai the Chicago Muical College vhere abs von the "diamond rnedailait Jnne ln violin playing. Fortune Favors a Texan. -iiaving distressaiug pains ln bosd, back and storniel, aud helug vithont appetite, I began b use iPr.King@ New Lite Pflls." Write, W. P. White- head, cf Kennedals, Tex , and sonu feit 111e a nov man." Infallible In stornach and liver troubles.,(>nly 25o ai P. B. LovuL'A, LibertyvIlle; O BÂTs- LAKE PIsARAMCY. SHERMERVILLE. OUa the harber saya business s rnsbing. Wrn. Wallon sud family, of Glencoe, spent Sanday here. Mlle Oarey bas been entertaining friandsf from the clly the pat wveal. Blernhsard Listeman and fanily, of Chicago, spent isat Snnday bers vbth friende. The Brick Co. la doinga a lonribing business and are sending fot I. cars per day. D. A. Beaver sud fsmlly, vbo have Ass Ltbe; lane Cat * Furr PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., AUSTIN CLEMENT, V. P., 200 Monroe St. - . . cetao. o. 1. LUCE, LOCAL AGENT Libestyville. IIIin. WVRIGHTIBROTIIERS Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicles of Materials and ail Kinds: , Hardware:j Cern Lie, Sait patrongeandas and Fed. sure satisfaction. WNRIGHT BROTHERS WE SELL THE-mo>i Staver Buggies office< Hou r,, s t Llbert, Dr. C Libers k Dr. k ln Bul 1 Libert D. R. Phy Rock( Dr. F Phy g9urnt Dr. W.mso Rock' t BE, BEI WiI Att Liber PA' Attor Off Liber VE

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