TUIE BEST TIIAT EVER WEN T INTO AN OVEN T IlE .. ,BIG JO FLOUR" FOR SALE BY TRIGGS & TAYLOR, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. BUY ITI TRY IT! EAT IT! BEAT IT! SWhiIe in Lîbhertyville don't laul to cail on DARBY BROS., Jl-WEI-[RS. a i x) lin, l andS ~ ' \r i'ii îmtrmmîîiemmts of al h iin. Als agenîts forliald* v ili Iiallo~ tîld wlîet-er & W I ii sollwi îmg Maeclîiies... .X f »n .,,n n i wf n'IA lami for . -lîî~ it .. . . . IIî ' \ i r ;ia;ii rn-J lilireil Premium chem* 4p_ 4p We purchased the North Dakota premium cheese at the recent [air. If's too goud to last long, so order now. We have the plete stock' Most com- of ladies', gents' and children's sUoes în Libertyville, and se î ý cheaper than the üthers. Try us and see if this is uiot the case. Snmith & Davis, DEALERiS IN CGeieral Merchandise, LIBE RTY VILLE. 4PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. 4Local Item' 9 of 1Interest to LibertyvillO Readers * t ------------------------ C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. la BII.ct snday, Jus. 18, 8902, et 12101 a. M. TO CHICAGO. FAOM CIIICACO. VINE DiaT. VUEX nLys DeDart From Nemw Depot. Arrive et New Devot. leave Lberyvile Arrive Chcago. Leave Chiao Arrtv Llfrtyvjlle. -134.... 7:5. M. ............5 2& IL M. No. 131 ...7. a. M ......... 838 a.0M. 13 10.... :20a.0M6... .....10:06 LI . 1 33......2. 030 a. M. 10:43 a. M. «140.:18à. M . ..........o:U 5.16 M .... 210P. M.......... :6 . M. -144 . W2820P. M. ...........1:400 . - m.....400 P.. . 452 p.1M. 14 ..... 7:0P. ............00 -.M- 139.. m.......... -M-604P-.M- DUNI)AY. -143...6:06 P. M . ..........7 >2 O p. No.8 ..... @:Io . M. ........ 1:0606.suNIAys. -14U ...0 9la . M........ . 10o: làa. M. NO. 147 .. oea.Mw. ............1:]Ma. 0M. 148 p. M, . ..... e 4 p.M. 136. .. 210 p . .... 3:46 1p.n -143 ... 400 p. M ...... . a:5 p.1, SATUIMAY ON0L1.. No. 1490... i:2 P. M. .. 2:270p.06 TO CHICAGO. FAON CHICAGO. VIEDAIS. VEUX DAIs. O.part From Old Depot. Arrive at OId Depot. LAave 1,iertyvIlie. Arrive Chicago. Leale Chicago. Arrive Lihrt yvilO. NO.M...16:24 a. M10 ............ 7:34a.0M. - 141. : .0... 52 .M . ....... 8:» .0M. -134 .7061..... .... . 466 oi 0op......846M. 16 ...... : .ML7:U P.0CL --- " , ' D . . . . . . . - BUA.60.N w.......... IM IL . Congreesman Posu and vIf e attended the tair. Miss Irens Bain, 0f Seos, Win., van bore à fev das.lait veetasn1the gnest of Ireas Triggs. Iru. Dr. B urniti and ara. Cavanangh, of Evanoton, speut lent Thursday vllh Mn. J. E.'1'iggai. Lakeside Cometery Association vili meet vitb Uns. Allie Tupper Devis, Priday afttrnoon. W. E. Miler ta lu atldndance upon the regular September semions of 1the Board of Supervisons Ihis veek. Wm. Caler regurned fr006 Minnesota Ibis veet aà1111 Ivo car loae of mltkers aud apriagers, vhlcb 1e olters for sale. Th1e suit of village of Libertyville vs. W. A. Deane tum beeu appealed by Mfr. Demne, 1e havIng Clsd 1the necessany bond. Thursday ut lagt jear the gage and grand stand reoespts etth11e tair vers $2,422.25. Thuraday tais jear they vers S2,'221.061, a differeuce utf$12O25. C. 0. Soyas Ibis veet aold 11s bey residenca on Brauerd Court 10 Francia Tripp. utfiRait Day. COmaldertion $3000. Mr.,liojen le lu give posmseaon by Janury. Father dsnion atteuded 1the non- lirmation of a clans of 300 persone a& Mt. Mary'@ cburch, Waukegmn, Monday atternoon. BnhopMUnidoon confirmed te cas, aaied bylbinleen piesta. E. Wayne Coiby recetr negotated th1esale ofth11e property et south.est corner of Cook Ave. Led lirainerd Couxt tlu lra. Mugie L. Crawford, of Chicago, and eh@ yUl tari 11e erection of a modern residence theneon 11hs tail. Si. Paul Agent, Fred Alîsman le off on a tvo veeks vacation , 10 1the Bisek His. Cha". Smith la attend. lng 1the exprss businesdnring bis absence. Fred, itl i a »I, la investi- gatlng goid mines ln vbich 11e holde stock. Dr. 0. F. Butlerfield viii mate headqnarters lu Libertyville for the prenant. Bis profeelonal card ap- pearson irai page uft his issus. Dr. Butternld taAensi NIaisVeterinarian and Iboronghly coupeient 10 treat hors, no malter 110w eriou beir sictasen Cornelius (Jifern, son of lMr. and Mrs. John Oieru, vho grsduated trom Ignatius collage, Chicago, has nov gone te, Kantakes te tale a clansi- cal course lu Mt. Viaisurs Collage. Hie vilI aloo tales a course lu vocal munie, bsing glfted Vitb a vsry talented voice. C. Hl. Smith purcliassd à 0-toot lot on oaut ide of Braluerd Court, adjoin- ing E J fisuers property on the south, Tuesdzy. lMr. Smith viii arect a dvelliug there tala fal, Ihongh il Vii not 1e compietedunatil spring. Hiebam reuted 1the Stafford house ou Mil- waukle Avenus for 1the ululer. tu ieru prî iQtns frade. This office. NoSta Pound 0f bard coal ta 10 b. bmd of 1the Liboryvilie dealens and f urtbermore they eau mate no promisse as 10 vheu they vili 1e able 10 furnish Ibeir patrons witb Iheir winter supply. Th1e pries, If 1te coal vas Lu ha bad, would be $91 a ton, aud il may go bîigher. Chris MoGnire, a veli tuova and reupeeted resideut uf Libertyville, died aU bis home inIbis village aI 9 o'clock Monday moraing, aged 75 jears, of cancer of the msmacb. Doesaed had lived ln Lake oonnbj for 45 years, beug 0one 0f 1the ploneer setlIers. Intermeut vwu la tise Wauke- gan Caîbolie cemeterj Woda.sdaj. Th1e United Stales Depargment of Agriculture iesuied Me1 folloving crop report for veet suding Seplember 8. ',Weatber fair, nu vin thia veet nightasool01and damp; cSinleaIab standatili and machof aItilliib. a - uNlOATe, No. 18,. ..:30 à6.........1:4 à m Mr§. C. C. Bulklej ta rscoveriug rom 1e? recent mlees ltUes. C. B. Katon and Vite, ot Dserfieid, viaited at 1110e. (olett m uring 1the fair. The lady vho 101 a Jacket on the fair grounds emcitana sme by ldentifyiug and paying for tbis ad. Sobouol opened Eonday vith a large ennolment. Evy seat ln 1the figb fiebool la occnpied and 1the lover gradesare Il veIl filed. Dr. Ham 0811ailVRY bronght b oOur offies Tuesday a large ttnssian Ibistle dug by hlm atonE 1the HL. Paul right- ot.vaj. Il le a mofl5er sud 1the Doctor declares thereavle Iota Of 111cm aloug th1e et. Paul. Stated communication of Liberty- ville lodge No. 492 A. F. and A. M. I§aturdaj evening, Sept 13. 13uiness ouly. Eacb mmber of raid lodge le requested i10 bc proemut. B. W. BICLa.zv, W. M. E. L. Fltz fiadolph Ibis veek pur. chaaed 1te Palter tan t head of Lake street. Pant Maroumul cloried 11e deal, $16,000 being th1e parcbase prie. Mr. Fita£ iedolph resides lu Chicaguand ta ceshier of 1t1e Piano manufacturnug Company. Ho viii improve the propenty for a soummer horne. 1). C. Lorimer remntinnbürod 11e editor vitis a large boulekoft .NrtI1 Dakota tul creano eec'se >icb toot tihe bne rlbbon 1t Itheo fair D. C neyer lets lip utn lpnrUlity 10 adivertise. HO la On"e or 1he lMost pesstntu. vigilant, Judiclous mâver- tisers ve ever met. b»ere bis succeas. fita ide& ln giving mn Me cheese vos go bave us sitoulils excellent quality, v111h e cms aacandidly do. Furtber- mors, va stand resdy tu svap more sdvertising for more ot that ceeese. A partial lîint f ezhibitors vho were aaded preminmn mi 1the f air was published lis a Waukegau paper and ammng other noticable erors wau>t1he omission of (Jerbard Serc's name ma wiuner ut a bine ibbon ou creamery butter. lMr. Sbhreck in/juâtly prend of bis produet and uaturally wauts aIl the boeeil 10 bederived fnom exhibit- log nme, greateul t f whe1 In t., 111 the publiaity o!1 the tact licmates bine ilibon butter. Next Munday lan1te laiIday ofJubile Week asth1e Id. E churcb, being «Young Peoples Day. Ai IbermornIug eervtee Miss TomaIs Tyrnall, ot Wanke- gan, vilitalua addresm, and Miss Minais Wbitioam, a aiter of lMrs. Dr. Riobinsun, vho bas j us% returued from Europe, yull give a doecription of nomne of ber travelo. las tbe svening J. 0. Wolff, M. D., of Chicago, Who la 1the NaI. Preideant of the Epwortb Lague, and also ev. OVIr, of E vans. Ion, ViII mate 1the addreeees. Fralk Walworth, th1e man vhom Il vas snspliobsnd lnew somtbing of the disappsarases of E. Hoch'a borae, stolonIvo wves eago, leagafin Iocted up ln connection vitb 1the mfaîr. Sun- day hoe caUled up Manager Lawrence by selephone and said 1e eouid deliver 11e etolen borne aud wold do 8>2 for $25. Later 11e wai ann«etd on ns- picinhs, but bu a lied te divulge auj information, If bis posseaese&au, vbicb la doubtul. Bi@ nulies probabiy re- suit f rom over ludluiganoesle cbeap vblsley. Another of 111e farrms on MUvantes Avenue south of Lîbertyvilîs bas besa sold tua Chicago business man, Who yull grealj improve the sarme vith nov buildings sud tennese. Mr. David N. Hiannon taa1the purolseser. He bought tromz Austin lament tihe O. 1. Loues plso f 200 acres and e V under atmnd ihe pricespald tu b. about $25,0041. lMr. fimuson ile of th11e lirm of masolu & Hiannon, of Nov York and Chicago, and lu largelY lnterestsd itu the Page Woven W Ire Fonce Co. 1Itla1 Ia intention 10occupj 1the farm as a aummer boome. tallais vitboei more varm veaiher; Frant P. Dymond vas able la vîsit everytbing dry, but cra vilI nul Libenlyville frlends the. tiret of 1the suffer for vani t nin; oýber crupa yul., but &gain returned te, Lakesîde good and cof th 1e vaj.'" luepital Tnenday, ezpoestng 10 e At 1the barutlfnl COlsver home lu discbarged pormauentllj Sturday of Lake Foruttvwu solemniaed 1themarri-1%hi& vesa. Mr. Dymond la vocoverisg age ut Milas Ada Tuvue go Mr. lRobert icely from 1the delicata opevulion Dr. Victermanu, sept. 6 at 8.30 P. m., Dr. Hendereon prformed for empisma J. 0. McClure offciattng. Bnidemaida eight vutks ago, wbieh vwu most suc- vers Miss llie and Carni fe oriot coui. Au opening vus made lmb mud ironlesfl . Fncuter nd v.he1.plural cavlty mnd à lurge quanlîy and rooeme J.FonottaandMr.of pa vaccated. 'rhea a drainage Culver, of New York. The happY tube.wuvamonsrtsd and Mr. Dymoud couple ltI mmnid a aboyer ut ice for saboeffn tbmoud. Dr. Beudersoa, vbuae tour in the verni. Tbsy vill b. M il11 m suvgon là f8*6 vibunig hlm homela Lke ores Ocoberlit anr.m oviable îsputatioll, Oegmders 1te hom laLie Pru Ocobe li. v.oporshlon m snîîroîy segOamuel and Vgqoeum'amny triands am&W about Meff.. HM. DYnsosA wil-uaioy LbtloOtb ripUIe cu s. ,"muvla As t.v veeka O More nev sud substantial idevaîl are lu course of eonstruction orte bo conatrneted vithin à fev weeta, lu our village, thon ever before ini s lite portol1. A cernent vait ls belng put lu from 1the norîli lne of 1the Heath eutate t0o outh line 0f M. B. Coiby .1 Co@ »tore by a Chicago contractor. Cotractor Bell, of Elgin wiii com- mence work next veek on a cernent walk to extend lu front of Chau. Kaîseros, P. J. lioctelmans and th1e Bauk properties. Tbat completed hoe wili iay aspbalt waîts for Mtesars. liryaul and Avenul on Cook Ave., (IeO. Vovier on Brainerd Courtisud aong entire sout ide of Brainerd Court from Cook Avenue 10 Lake treet. Chas. Woolridge. Mai Kobuer, Usrry Gleason, kirs. hidley and 0. E. Cburch- 111 are &IsOn te have saphal watts put in. It la said 1B. J. Proctor and the M. E. cburcb on Milwaukee Ave. and M. 1. Pope on tichool etreet, con- templaIs uew vaiks Ibis taîl. Fred (irabbe and E. W. Dusenberry wiii have an aiphaît vaît laid &long Ibeir property ou Newberry Ave., a i vlI L. B. Hanby and Chai. Avenui opposite their Division street property. preveîîted services, but 1ev. Johne was nnlued 10 slay ove? until the following eveuing. Whll 1the 6audienIce was treated toma donmlo portion ln th1e excellent ddreuseofut Lev's Lee end Wheaton. 1ev. Cross pteacbed Wednesday nigbt to a fune audience. Tisursday nigbt occurred th1e Jubilee Banquet, munie being furnialied by th1e baud, quarteta and choir. 1'. R. Greene, of West Pullman, deivered the toast idrems. Une1a,,ued Lettero. 'hli' >7o>f un'aimud luItter. at Lmert yvl lie 111. î.tmv ri.,wee.k .in O .11t. la. When. îliilofr tino,.,> ttore ose ","r- tla,,d, Uailnglnu C'. W iljlinîmo Mn. Ellen Wi , k Jnni> W. WÀRREN M. HEATH PolMHàbsr. Take Carso o the Stomach. Th1e man or woman wlsose digestion in perfect and whose stomacli perfurms its every function ln neyer sick. Kodol cleanses, jînrilies and aveetens t4e slomacb and cures positively and permanently Il stomnach troubles, indigestion and dyspepasa. Il lin1the wondertul reconstructîve toute thst ln maklug so many lol people weiliand weak peoople stronig by conveyng to their bodies ail of 1the nourialiment le th1e food they est. ev. J. fi. HuIlaasy, uf fioliaday, Miess., vyten: Kodol bas cured me. I consider filthe boat remedy 1lever used for dympepuia and stomacb troubles I1vwu given np by physiclana. honol saved me. Take it &fter mallo.5F. iB. LovrLL, Liberty- ville. For unlnuanl nttlo asol orn show to ho held at Kainsas Cte. Mn).. lina'20 te 25, eXourSilntIck.-t. WIJI bu, soilOuit, lmotoe2for $11.40 rrn I ':1! . Cn.nnd un 37l Mt . 2thi. bettne C. M. & Mt P. rallroani. Boles Bro's .... DAIRY.... Milk or cream msy be hocUr :uBy bour aI our eadqusrter on Lake street. Il shall be our aim 10 furnisb the purent and nleae- 'ut mutk possible. Boles Bros., Lake St, Llberty ville. W ONDICPUIL-h tcu ey arnIpea, atura. Rood s Suas- parWamaka URS@LOO& CLEÂRANCEl SALE$ ln order to make room for'fall goods. wre are offering special induce- ents for the next two weeks. Lawnus, Batiste and Dimities, formerly UI)c amnd 15c, nov... 8c Ladli' Mmslu Inderwear, inciuding ýNlgbtgovus, Corset Coversl, Shirts sud Dravers, *l.n( to .......... mens Neetties, loc te liens@ Undervear, 25C t .. ..1.90 1 . ..S0c .51.50 Ladies' Hosiery, plain and fancy, IOC 10 soc1 Meonu Janenville Ovenalîs, th1e standard lu prIce sud quality, pen pair, SOc t10...SOc Chiidren's School itokiugn. 15c and ........... ......... 25C mens (Oloves, dreas and Vork lind, ljto.51.80 Meusa Fanniy Shirts, 500c lu....... ............51.00 Wool Drens Gooda alarge, cunipiete lins ut Cash. mer«, Brillautenu, (Jheviot. m»d nolfelty drees guodm ai right prise. Dressing Sacq ues,.@. Six mlozpîî Ladies' Ali Wooi Eiderdown I)remsing Sacques, made ini1) different stylesm and 4 different COIors wiI1 be sold at thîe price of material, at erD t+.CD$~2-M Aettial value, $1.00 te) *2.00. Libertyville 1 . -, ( ICE CREÂ S O DA ICE cmiï You 1011i nd It Ast7. Il.LOMei's Duo $tort JIls otosNrpoular. iot uWeaddks, sucb a$sDoime Jukead Loua, Lcm Loua, tc. F. B. LOVELL, Libertyville - - - - Illinois. - - - - Illinois CDe COU 1is nomla For a telephone ln your place of business or your residence. You gtit thet inCreaeed and growing service of the IdkI, County TolIephone C3ompa.ny and connection with *à Chicago '1elophone Company. ~'n For Information, rates. etc.. write- CONTRACT DEPARJMENT. LoveiI's Druq Store, ___j jubiles Week. This la ludeed -'jubilea" veet vitis th1e Mthodiste, ln aIl the signillcance th1e Word Impiies. Sun<iaj moriing vwu bell t1e Initial service of t11e veek, and tbat being --Old Polsa Day" th1e services voe made psrticularij eutertaining for th1e aged, vilo vers escorted from far and uer 1 com- fortable chairs near th1e pulpît. At 10.30 Dr. Rtobinson read 1the historioal bookiet vblih he had prsptred. It described Libertyville and the gpowt of the cburcb la noriheru flminois on th1e old circuit and ant1111. station. A large number of bookiets vers laten by thé audience as souvenirs. Th1e venerable T. R. aterileld, Who presided ove? 1the Libertyville charge 30 years ago made à feeling addroesto th1e large audience. An original song prepared by Dr. Rtobinson, entitled *'omevhare" vas rendered. lun1the alernoon th1e veteran chapiain, W. fi. Smith, ot Park Ridge gave an excellent patriotie admress v111m711 aaneIjoyed by man, old soldiers. Comrade Eu- merski sang a aveet patriotic mong and many veterans of the church Sold ex- perieue. AI 7:301 a splendid sermon vas deivered 1o a crowdsd boums by former pastor J. B. MaOuflu. These old pastors vere varmiy greeted by th1e delighted people. It vas a day of reai enjoyment. Th1e choir rendered superlor selections and th1e solos by M. Ailes Davis charmed ber bearers. A ladies quartet gave several swe,,t rendillous. Modynigt i ulemneul veatther 2nivý- -rr