LAýKE CO7JJNTY .' PEN DENT< iArt--~vvilIA Lake County, IIinc7is=Iday. OCtober 3, 1902. Vol. X -No. 52. .,.. j.*- ---- t- I I FOUR ELECMRIC CARS ARRIVIE.&tutfr nASK FOR ;il,§# DAMA6fES. Conas 9Iat wel~"gtn iitaa- Favorable Weather lte OnlY " %11. coyeadIlufi Cold W eather and no Oth tmtuti gthvedsrc Cndition Neceseaf Y to u aunf2. tan, ~ e B. H. Anderly. waulegan. f>~ o r ilistu-4il I vOi ition ofiMoaud. tg laMidNtion ýt 1ee o. B. Suit has beau elartet by E. Wayne utai ii- i <iti ~ ~ rLyon tileateti boaffl1 4 consentidcoiby, ihoir attoruey, in butait of Mra. q rl iw 0lrMonday four modern 00 aivail1 opîsîuîuat'Od decaeJoephiue Meltyrand litîatiaughe Trn .or aILibrtvileVorriean it ue SmaaîHopistruboplW 95* e aleriat u tha Circuit Court te receoir? froniB. Wa Pl uor~~~~n~~~t ~electric rendi. Altougi toln nov ara cnvnion. The fa«il i t te malter H. Andarly, prepritraih Lbt- iekni w Suit! ~ ~~~~~~~~bave boae reelt aa Cnonix vitaI r. ycu lie habeau no avilla Hotal anti Jamais TTlgsOWe viii uut hatialieretiheremacl ai 1 uttM.Lothe building, tdamages occaameionoud bYi T hte e wliULtbc olieredforà cupl Ofincliluet, coulat l Iibeaunomi-th ehofJP.MIyrbta avnaq sainpîîqe's tofFaIl arifi<Wilitel' vahe. 1'ibe tour lu question "a0anageai untier ther tfl Hlopkins In- dat ThJ P icnye aunti aeha W t-i îlr l-a înprii s.'I lît'y're trilersOf teaopeor tmr vaimiY sîruclîn.a. McEei-lanti ioone anti fathar 01 plautifis. rt xunl Reaso The remainnfiai' viii ouDADla n olslcuntel ale omdei01@ e e raIn theanaked l8 110,000. &nti other uecongirly lectricai eqnip- taat B a aa i" b'for ator September lti theitINDEPRNDRYT ment anti benne require more Uim e ~>andi Lake coinidi tg the metatr0f1ulseia xautv con - ____ huilai anti prepare for aiPmuent. If instructions, anti oUSiltthe viii of the fintiing of MontYras hbody in ~.,R . K r. .~ the cars tea"rive a a e oJuigetiby Sita mjorily aslte vIEsi the district. Wrigbt's inubar ahat, anti the Iavîdencca F R E D -OKR 9 Ilioisebere tliIvili ba au Ornemen. anti acqulascati. Titaivas notblug daducteti at coroiner'. LIBIE RTYVILLE'S TAILOR. EAch carian 13dublC e asi$&ad lw0 lstdo.vili be rmambaratiMolutyrarankhh singlea, tus omioraby aeatl g54 fliv $0savonuglauten off viley as i pasangers. Aithoutb aareuliy au- iFariner Inheriai PO 00- hotai bar, vau escortaiti homevarti b; Dr. . L.T AY LOflvatopetn i ealYst covefl e naugit James O'iBrien, 0 o tie, anti hl& ir. Lighthoty andi becoming ba17 Dr.J. . AYL Reau ha obeervad W0 UiyIhai lbey Attorney, Mortimer VilSer, O ot uin, intoxicateti anti unabie go proceeivas O)ffice ovor Trig & Tavior's. are niellant In appearalea and modemloflat Saturday for NOV York anti on placet lu the lumbar shedi hy Llghtg- ";u1W:"Llituaigul. The cars pal t0 arriva viii Monday smuet floi Iliauti, bera body, Bob Splilman and Brry Librtvil n oi s. hainciueoseti, lacrically heaieti antiOBrien vilii hapliiet lu charge o01(ialiovay, ltae Ivo iatter havinfi beau Teel Lîbers'vlIC - igi.tat,aoflte vary latenl patter n, ana othe alarget ele inl Iralanti, caîled iupou by Lighibody 10 Mais1. C àa nicsidrabiy lre ia teetmtdvorttMfOO,O. OBrIe185 8NazI day ticînlyro'l deati bodu WILva nommner cars, a nepbav aiOitaelais John OBrien, a fouud, anti the suit lu question rasuits. Dr E H MIHMATIIER DOMAYS. bacoeror. b vu bchadiet a 1evllit Ila a civil action antiual pressicn- - Dr. :E. H.SMT H Aitiuuuigb a tes gangs at mon are et yacks ago, lait a VM bi hy iich is tie in for seaiig liquor ta au habitual <i)ffico over Lake County Banlk york iaying tracta, Iitling, azcavating, autira fortune §&OUMitiioiiw thaeirukard as mauy auppose, but for illIlt 1 l, ". i.etc., but ludifflonit progreas bas beau ancieu& lava i eof e»Mgand go ta the "<.eliing anougi t iquor te cause Intoxi- Libertyville Illinois. - madthte peistmonth. Weat 'cni lelsua i i.a rte.A iinvic amt et. tions bave beau sncb sas t mate il older brother ai Jugs as WM illeul Assiocated vith Mr. colby la anei of Dr. C. R. GALLOWAY Caihoun, No. 14315. OCbo À,. iea m:ntibieaaouably jearslilveti on a MB retea ara age ComoisupeÎt O rtrio devod o rany eatiter cars vii bic iteha orte a thliaKummer anti court. LOaI - 'r he greatest sire of high yunnng botwa e baC. litN. W. tracts ha ldietdei;aIcountrytiance@ duriug ticînlyreA romains e wratatou to tItclass carrnage horses i Lake Buff anti Milwvankee Avenue ltaevinlar. Brimiiald, uaear Peorta for jutermient, Libervyville - Illinlois. 1in Uterlyvrlliun bMovember. anti tva praminentt physiciens frani S11vig ~At prenaàdouleiatractisnlaid caiT Cv Klei ho latter City Ikedta apot-mortafliea- fromLtbrtyvlle&bo% tw mies nd Hrm" Eltiut wh "va " of01amnation, aslabllabiitg bayonti denbs Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, 1 p ILiîol N Putrei MOrO asigee ckt vg aquat«of a Liitrtiie "a WO 0vkeiilit by au dibhresuitetitrain aicobollo poison, of cIt'.Ou. han CLenltd 4h gli î,ricid arriage mile aifLake bluff. Grading for the ealatlccar btVeiflNort Chicago sastonnai by the Carouar'sjury. Rala. DENTAL OFFICE andl r,,ud host-s thai' tva tracts in caxupietei a causitiarabie and Lait, Biuff seu!dap evaniug. tives aifticlutyre have intaretatl l1.ia "Blii. ýali vIl'I- auY tallion lu Wconoi.. portion aifte way andti viiihoaud Il vas ciala i a Uheliht on tahenisaîvla lta, casaand t Inii ey f4- u.4. Ii b as mred evu'fllylite jutitas acon as gnomestcen ha vorte g e ti arvs uightalanti baneltebc mlyd ous t u - .arrige aund nad bonesu'a atvantage il u la10vplanes. mt vhfda 0 s h cw'Oe Areymplyt.ona aass L>brtvle lini. ttutLave sold inam $Th lino fle uevdepot at Libairtyvilia wu eut lun 100, te i ter baiy Ur. Autierty mainlalus Mityre dit -----i, $121i etch Hoe Inaise la comfpiletdas te lIs salarier, tbnt la -Iuitiet. Tite ictur vlbit Wici thelita lappeer Intaxicaltidvtile lanltae D. R. GROVER, M. D. tî,"îtr, of EPther, 2 141; al ne iahat vithin. It teau itpcaiug cnverVtes Ramollitae snobthat tha total, albhoitgihaevas driutIug. Ha Physician and Surgeon0. rlices. 21'JiSenator structura o vitrillied brick, tetrra cagleacar nantifp&«" mOS nhurt viitu ralvaiet OuI of tebuilding vithout Rokeeler - llnos. àlthi l, '2,141 trotting roof andi massive aciagan brick aveu laImytg t11110111mIn u a ldeed asùàattc, bidtiîng hiescompauinte f Roceftier - IviolS. t 'i2 1,2paclgand mauy oumuaanvppotiga white prch roof.àaremartable liglital taeCar vas gaod lgitl Iu a ctearfii-maner. ________________________ ort g,,d ane. lie vilii lutact no raliraiti tapaitareaboutes uat toeta. Tiai p.naagraanti crav .igboty, vito startiâaalviit ~' H O . Y U N h - lr,1 to s !W mars Comparatstili in alenanea. In te verajote oaniuleyibut nona vara Mulntyre smysetai once l itane .t r. Ili a bceant, bedlotin ctain lavalorisi hbt.air thite m med Sn >ecOimetdeoi; PhysiC an and Surgeon. vithfhotiand Icold valretI. A large Thte cois hâdbUoMliaturit b the alupid antiveat. Sire of il. A. Wright's carniagehtoi vai liug ruenm anti ticket oafie,. la vueOwkr inlu aoWW'o oots. tUr. tir. Triggsla nbraugitt ibautae lI-eI'u.l..e 4-i i l li it for which bc has refuaed $1000. sbpvr lwa u eracpylrIlfrfgttait AL7 K.. Bisarna leouyas avuer oirltaebuilding, aoa Illinois 0.blpte a@"M laliaaas ocrusl uet byrillahruaj Gpurnee -- lfleuir ioo. Abe"e viiiiboa 9rocmn Ualfor tu W* tfo a ttN $100 th @Uqu m cnsly bii v n povar -atimoaraantoiW.i ati7.litongt man ~. O.M. CR0 V Xulowerstaion.onW . .T. '.0C' fr- Autariy. Beverai fine pointe ai iav Hoeo Dthlc 'vI r r,1«t eo C H A S . A . A P P L E Y , J uet asat of the epot a large carla m eig rc nv l d a d th g » y O oxlua&la bcha rectidanti vark bas &Wea Titre viii beau aasîe mctigIalieva 10 tba coutrary, It viii bc N'N . Libortyv ilie - lilinoig. beau tilayet ou thl becuesafaitu- anti conforettce oi Late (Joun yW.O.dIiiicul te socur@a afavorable verdictà For11-Pa.l.1iit cessant raina. t viii nov ha alartet. T. fi. ai thaeloacrana M. E. cburch for the plalutilli. 4 Il.1 itT ha viaticlIaver Mt. l'gui anti E. j. Tbnuraday, Oct. 9 ai 10 a. mt. The Rockefeller ilîlois fà j.ST. tE ractas t itontiaul la vatt untiar meetngvwili ha a very important one, Two lirotherm in Congrensa. _________________________ LAST L II l .vy andi dirt iling hlaigdumped tigig 10 tbe adoption aiftae av w Ilrnpai)ars bava mauch 1teav H. MILERbetvaeu lita spiles by thea train load. stage constitutioni, andtin ismuon relative 10 hugana N. Folle, ai Boston, BEN 1Paies on ithar aide aifte tract, 10tedasired bIbat a gooti taiegalion sa ha brother of (Jougraamnait eOa. Etimand ATTORNIEY AT LAW. I arn prepared to do support cross vires go vhich ara Pranant iront avery union. Briug Fous, ai this dilstrict, lte former SCHACK BOC- TEuiP4Om[5 no 2 plastering in cent a ttabeditbe trolley vire are np anti lunchi. Te* anti coffea pravidoti. baviug beateu Meivin O. Adaianlthe0 IIiAttttrud I0 i4t.I1 l' <il tO ae for a cousidarable distance tae cross Elaventit congrauusianai disitrict for0 LibertYville - IlIinois. vn etenL k irea Inlc.luit re. Goarge larden Deat. Congres Co ny nshort lu tact vark ls al &long n te Early Tuesday mriug Mrt. Ueo. Fon vas assailaiasanua ny 0cf 1 County Oflvarian. departineuis ai construction. Hartan, aifhRocafeller, piatdta bar protection, a iriend t iira tratia. U..FN. notice ...... i lanîy a question o1 veatitar uav. fiuai rest, mter a 11 lingitule"-. Evary cagaf1 le itaiy, @tate antiUR Attorney aud, CottaOselor ai L,-. Barring the subvay untiar Norlt.lier dealb occurrat ali Mt. Luta's tianal machinaevas set tao rnait a NOTARY PUBLIC. I guLraftee liy work. vestern tracta at Lake Biuff thea linaoEopiWtalu Chicago, vitera aba itbâti ligiter vito bas vhippadthlie entire ortîce over Lake C,, Batik. can hacampitet lu30 vorking deys. b6ean aken for treattuetau. buncit%0ta a taudatllltitoul avan Tva yearîago tir@. Hardan estaluat ltae aidofai aingle politicien. Ila LibertyviIll - 11 li noiS. Let mie estimnate your W. C. T. U. State officers. an fijury 10tte batse of bar braie veultathapeapla anti lbey dia the -..w orkIl The @ate convention ai tbe W. 0. T. causat by a fai anti latex an abac es t. tir. bas intenta te carry bis ...... . at Paeorie Balurday lectedtheUtafal- tormttDncing tiesfuis. Ilvwu fuor Iruast-tariff f5ght itligtheastage COn- MISS FLORA ioving aili oicars for te euning yaar: thîs alment aitewuvastaen ta St. vantian and immadiata repaira ta the PH.OTOGRAPHER. MY PRICES ARE RIGI4T. Prestdeut, Miss Marie C. Brabut, Luka'@slit&ieah mightl reaive expert staga machine vili bha nacasmiy. STUDIO IN eULILEY V fi.......-<Chicaga. troattinant. Ntbing can stop ..(ongressma' Libertyville - Illinois. I mnake a Specialty of Vileapreaident, tirs. Lacia EB. Tyng, la beraethlthecomutltloge@ an Foin;from snccoedtllg enator fleur. Paons.. estimable ladiy, knovn vidaiy for bar R ep airing. Crrenpondlng aecreatry, tire. Mary ganerous itospilality. Bitevas an Braken Arn' ns e imes Front [Dr. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD E. Hlopper, Chicago. eirly attliar locatiug noir Ivanboe, l'raye'r. V ET EN ARY SU RGEO N LRcrin sceay . Ble (Jouit. jeter rentaving vitit ber itumbandte 10 Buatay moarieg Thomas llidvell, H lUGO PEGELUVV, Rumin,(apg . liy ocktefeller. Uer agetiparants, tMr. ana off bite caunty's aldesl anti boit Assistanlt Statue Vetelna,iaO TreasuLrar, Mis Amelia Cram of thte andi Mrs. 1). M. Puluam t 1111 liveanad tuowu realdeuls brokte bis Jetft arm at Lietvle Illinois. rii wIlimais, t dstic.madee Ibair bomea vilti rs. Harden at tita utiouider. The accident accurrat il >'.Edtkof atae lilinois Watcb Tovar, Rlockefeller. Thare the presidoti ovar n bigsthoie West of (larnee lu a very Mirs. Helen Headi, Cicago. the Berton Hote], a utotiteriy, genlal, peculiar manner. K~tI1 uîîrrlUifLlf MDIMIfl n mudtetta the constitution Itinti h&ela tesa. tMr.Bidweillihaiti leIntanceiront Co' Q 1141, . wcadoptati rataiug te dues frani Bottllon tth u8anti, Ivo daugitters bise ueus ram eayiug bis prayars. WRIGT DMON & ~ ~ mu~m 5.60Cents a 0l1..urvtva te dseet, May antiJula. lHewetghs about M*0 pounds anti ta Triple Murder Trial. 'The former la tirs. James Wilson, a1 qaîte lucide, lu gettiug up ha fu anti LibetyvilORoctfori; lte latertirs. Robert Ioate, lu thtc ut>-cienl bis an vwas broken. L ......e i 00' Eart W. Ellsvorththebaoly living o1f iockefeller. 'rite inneral vaut balt Mr. lîisueille iatout 75 yeîrm olti Isen a Ineroo rca iîîg (t.rlli itu si aifthe tratgati n l wviicith iehl@ rsday aItIRoctefller. an>lt theaccideout ta therof<urt a vary Isueateet 1ayiil i liR ('ii -fsiba anti mthar anti A. W. Anderson Tuserians one. 19 la atd is Condition cae Jaall.(I l(nvl1 era tcillai, vas piaceti u tria],l, i Rural Free Dellvery. îs iiite crîlîcal. W ood sboct 'u.,sday, chargat i v th L k o n y n w b e e a u a individual raSP,ýtI hi ity, murdrnthe lirt tigrea, lteaai traIee ail noubas inavoral D uralh cuny $100,00 ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~allaging titat ho piannati anti assinted raalai tî ots nscasu> iaialult ou $100,00don-oder. lting Anderson. Tite testaiof pratiau andi iltwill ha iuteresllug ' 10 1tedal iJohn Cunninghtamne - o.riages frknavon de ulino htI Monul te poalffilce tdt- cirt lutdynightî at bis bouta lu _____________________________ -gotling a jury ta lu pratras. prmatalchl tinlton malle nnuhu aav r~AI~~' ~~I Lady assl.tot li deired f'" , »,1it r-M."Digawgwi F . O IR I OW P/V --roinent [Doctar Macealieatit. P lteho imttsfor taI daparîment kuOvu reatId.e ai ltaconnty itaving ÇAITUAIROF E D Vt.F. ST UE N KEL9 , Dr.Mafit, of palatine, vas fon Aa vrtfo l te a fiscal yee?, R far yoars beau lu teundertakiog MANU Fnad Dratr. l a ucutclu cnitonl t t.otafa .102,4)8, viic in laaul- businesvith Wut. Whitl,as vWelas m Funcal Diector la a unccrassecoaiiion tithe ,44l>var lte ippraritu- mintiug bis tarn. Ha vas about Mabe Everett - - IllinoiS. duOP ttahant7eo'cleact.foalosirs omosandlouvesa_______ marbe niht aout7 o'lock He PadretsJon .Catbo it pitntergofiat C.. . fi J'an ~ ~,haleine ha coulti ha raMOVet ta bs Anction Sale BIO. 11e. Jhn ( tathen, paor HghanSI GrýÏnite ~~~~~Th oucto b sodntha apaintbT îeIî0tt'tINDIT prentaauctun iPart doldet ià hie tu Highland ________________________ 'Vie dclo batesiet uan paient as tbay sitoulti haanti aur pricats Pr a 2 3)0 clock Tuetay. Desait M l' l LN S nt Late Zurich ant ieba evitently Se L I N O L fS K il e n ir n t is b u g g y op n r e tu rn in g , , t g .,I . i juaONE. et sasha lurnet &o drive hnte, hlmaa ie aprly te hasoiti, ,t ahr l alymiannououtty Donag-l, e-VT FMET bfis are furisabbyun, antiflita Irelanti, lu 1830, antiwuvas ortita ..d ---- ooP m; nH e l a $1.50 a Year in Advance. men's Fleece-fined Wrappers on sale at $i.oo. )iaced on sale today lm dozen or 216 Pia.ce-ilDêàd Wappee-- danti quaiitY for vhieb jon have alWaYs readiY paiti $1.50. @ses range tram 32 ta 44 ln raguiar colora. garments aaie &ecellently matie andi nestly tzimmed-lbey be a ganerous double fionne on the bottoni. The Wrapper taolory vantedti 10 ufli heme garMeIs lntoready cash-they madie us an offer- va accepltd-and nov yon have a chance (j ual whafl yon neeti a"c gar- ment@) ta make two dollarsdo lthe vork of three. ephone No. 109, ekea.DL LOSE AT 6:00 P. M. EVERY gvENlNG BUT MONDAY AND SATURDAY. ______ Homse Blaket Seasoe My stock of fail and winter blankets is in and j ready for inspection. 1 hîave~ a large assortment of Iined ttrm and4 stable blankets.4 Wool blankets in brlght colore and lateet patterns. Corne In and Inspect them. 4 Ce H. KAISER, Harnesses and Horse Furnishings. 4 LibertyvillO. Illinois. wat tow cryfem vr in fa ct m e tl h space h y o c p o watosetc.,twanter o now rrIvifg Note the Good Points. &0> Te Be Comfortabio, abusmuaihaesoit anti pliable. ' Ta Be Durable, abois muât ha Oi good natarli. O Te nei tieathful. I shoas muet altard prataclio<t. Ta Be Econonikal juboas muât ha reasonablo lu prie. Alil Thesa"(ot Points are combinat lu aur Mayers MilukenteSoas, Edvarda, Sienvoot A Ca. SbtoasR, M. D. Walis & CJo. sboas. (lutituati carpeliler A Pallng lihoasl Wili yau examinael&ham? E. W,. PARKIRST, . 201h Century Cash, Store. @UChiat msk. Las.u vils Buy Now and Save Money. 110w at a lower figure than a you will aagguainn be able t0j. H. B. EaER, . LLibertyville ... Illinois.