bwaiaiedaith e «ftomai Libotyvill i iMoa.-eood-olm emater. FRANK I. J=,cd~t "»~m M A!lAà5 SOVOon AWPI- Prldey, October 17, 1902. IL t d Tise Week lu Politien. f Hernie efforts andi meaure bave beau determînesi upou bY the Repubiî- eam machine leaders ai Illinois. Titss la ucemuy t 10clrchlren 1th. ei lureadai biselgmade lu tise Repubiical r&uks by General Apatby. Durnultise pami tva mantba na interest vhaisvert bas beau ahovu aven the Siate suong I republicans, ansi bat littie mare by the democrata. The firus day's rela-1 Iration lu Chicaga luat veel feu tucusande behindth ie average. Il1 gave lise leaders a pollîl ap ua andsi 0ounienoes veeiselsi. liotioda oui of the eglar vil nov b. attemptesi9 bo, bave every repubUiCan vais tu1 DIUaIs reglatenesi Iis veok, tise lut eteaco lu many cîties. Thon ibm negubill vill bo enjoyesi uncier th Wg tent. The histarie «Flytua Squikdnan" ci the Tanner regfima, and Uns menmrise dash lisough tise prairies o! Illinos leeving iebiud a biameoaientbudeian sd oreatlug un- baundesi onefgy andi acion by Ite preonco among the rank sud file, la ta bce Iritatesi by Govrnor YTes ansi bi, pat leaders. Itlelmdelerminosi 10 viols even! eounty Su tbe Mtansd entier spell-bindens aud lileratere fan anddonear is roule. Where tbe condil- tions are critically closeOtise traienviii probably give open-air ententlimeu vith a full vaudeville -"bolveen speeche' each nigbt. This methosi la bing vorked le GtSîcga bY Mr. iLoyim-r andi nov the machine vaut la try Ir nlise tlown.he.stte voer. rjîf- S .-, i. n.,,î a eW (ne bel Il la Wi . il 5>.1, t..vot.-y OP &brougis eoîtsîu.tricta. Thie train loto OM- asence, tperailaone vithin efew daye. Trie priniere aifGChicago are .1111 fler maisslate Hopkins. Typognphical uuionm are againal the cougre»- man for unîledStatiues enalor. It le etâlesi tbat GavoeMOrTasm ba sosesian orden directing a&l horde ai State tepanmenti go rtuud Ibe -liv. per cent" evy made aggnsi umpicoeavison it la domaudesi by the untployo. OhanlemCherry sud EBd Curtis, rivale lm a Ieaokenihp a1 the onei anse. ï" e âoiig cntumace. lib. Ourle va&" Uli. cherry1t e ltup on hlm cauvm eS ause he, cubei, lla m »Musavine t 106a stf 151beigva-9 adginMmjepardialug hMa ehaue Ifte elmetia the Legialmlue. lir. Oisom ca nu ioe htsai ympathizsi wM ie larival, ansi continues negotiat- tmg for votes mernily ou. The ellua- licnbas eheeresi a bit. Tis t a due tu 15e slicig fthis belng put Up lu many diatioées by the Demo=nat. Speaker. apelà-bludans aud sivertougled cralaurs aie nav being listei by bath organinationsansd tiecocuntry Wvii »Mocu rilles i vilstihepromises andi &*Selemelis oftise.agents ai pari! poltie. Cougnemmu n u alsiveil, of gpringfued, tirsetena 10 break into tise pare by beorning a candidats au the democrnalle ticket for Govennar tva years comling. lin, Galdwvell la s bismma hoIse l cones lua a cau among tie agnîeilturai elemaut, sud ha le 4emfly imoothin utie tovusansd nlîles Baides Se bu mucis moue3 Mud 41,0111ave expenlonoe as a volé. <Oe.'-Ho vonisi bomer tie RepubU.- eau candidate qeile as moult il ual mare tissu Sam Aslchi er, the logica cius of atise Pary. Maaoa Critîcizes. Tise tolinving comm"cteaiOn e'- plaines liself- EDMITSBpEFlfDElIT: Ilnotie lu tise publisisosipraceesi- lugE of the Boardi of Supervlaors af tise septemenis m sasin tisai 1 am oneditesi vi15 maiug tie mation te la! an tie iable lise tva items reeed 10 lu Mb. Conety Troaaurona raport AS 0107k hireansd sunsiies. 1 disi nai make the motion nelttier je the moian pubUisesi ms made. Tise motion vas --%0 laY an tbe sable untîl sucS tîme sastise courts bail decides tise case tram viici lie ble oiginalesi." If yaur -publisises praceediegs are accoudlag ta tise eo97 tuLrahbetiyou by Mr. HendoShen lise tvo erore ebonisi be cisargesi Up la Ulm.. J. A. MÂsON. We bave iaoked tise matter up ansi and our pubiiise4 report relative tu tie items moutionesi la ideutîcal vils copy turnisises. F. . JIlST, Editor. For Lake Cemetery Aeociation. Tise Foi Lake Cereery Ammsitioo viii meet vitis lins. W. G. Barutable Thursday fnrenoon. Oct. 23. Vleltor, alvsys velcome. Elinl Butter Market. Butter on tise Elgin Board of Trade monsey vu& fin. as 23J ceuts. Bales cf %ha.weeok 64.000 poueds. Buttet MM evesk lu 1901 21J cents. Notice. tir vite harlu loeti MY bfd and 0 m _d.. hum jusi couse or reseon, 1 vIlM01be respouibie for any debte ec.tsaeled ly han. OI14-p TUODOSI PrimaTRua. I seaFer .itent.bIlIns IKj*gsU-byvii.M. lwWItm ai wabbidotmTP# UMmB sk vs r»eel'adfor bUs «Ms a ImIter tram J. A. liaOx, oai PratIne Viev, descriptive of hie tripitu Washington. D. C., wvsea iseýtteSided me National G. A. a. encamplnent, but mufuaiemll thse commnnuication arrvesi 10laie. Perbapi tise Slitai Ur. lissonsletton wlll inierest aur readers, even ai Ibis late date: "-W. lait Chîcapa Oc,. bIb ansi arrivesi1 né 0lcninitl about 12 P. M. I emmeheofaiarnivlug le thai smre cltyj Zearly 40 years &go andsi; thlb.mre hour, tram vhere 1 erossesi Into Keu- .uoby, andi la th'Ikai tihe foot prinle in Mb. mande ai lIme yoer humble servant bas madie alne. Ibt lime, wiinclnde tbroe yeares et vIce le thée boatreglment lInlthe Union army, Iurlug whicis 1 vu le the bospîlal over moyeu montS. vltb typbold foyer and aiher diemeu andi. travoles inl nome 25 dîffereet miates, enciuring thse sardispe ofi mm! Ille. russme wauder andi foui gratoel for tise bealtb lenjo!. «Oun traiu vu madIe np o! six aleopona' thiree day ochcies andi a commissary can, andi wum ou 1he hum" su v o bu lime trou the atari, arrlvlng ai Washington IlîteenIsoeum hâte, but "Il mîgisi have been worse." as tva section@ foflaViUg tma re delayesi by a wneck sMd sd uanorasibWaabington outil Thurmday mornlng. Tmer. vere elght lu aur PariiP-iva tramNewpont, eue tram WMRMh, vO frum Waukegsn, one tramt Libertyville, one tram Wanomda and myseff. --l vili write mmt for nont week, con- cernlng tise encampmeut. J. A. liaSac", W. have ua roecieoi linr. iamon's mubeequant communications lime 0i <ami ta preas. EDIvOR. Auctîon sale. I viii al at publie anotion ai my home lu Llbertyville, an Saterday, Nov. 1, oammneuolng at 12:30 p. M., ail of my household goode, vithout roserve. liegula r tum. C. B. SHEEMAN. INDUPENDENT & INTER OCEAN, Bath one yeur for $1.83. IVANHOE. SUHOOL NOTEs. Alumn Ulatvîllea are rumoreti. Carl Darfler bas enroilesi for eigbtb grade vank. Tué Succema Club la evlnclng un- umual aigus a1 aetivlty. We uav bave a fine aleanden plant, Icosi by Frank Smith. lmAda Kuobker apeni Satunday and sunda! ai ber homo. WmnTD- lirve Interest lu evory deparimeut oi the SucceS Club. Joi a. VanPlov, preaident ai lb. Alu-nul. vli graduale ira. Beoit "oge $hie year. Let ve larges. Tise habit ot punelualllà Saose o0 lise peateat puomnot e csccmu. Otuith11, of tise lsss ai1900, ld IeaOhiug lu th.lSchults district. He likesh»is wan, sud ve predicfor anhlma euocemmf niyesr. Tise Succee Club debatea tise questioas of tiserelative mrîls of Ciy and country lite, ibisa itenucon. Omeas lants ti e have beard tisai question discusuesi befone. Tise lino- Up le: AffimatIve. Audnev Docker, Rthl Wells ansi Roy Ames; Negative, Harry Poakel, Opel Smith andi Carl Darfier. Tise Wrigist scisool near Grayslake vits an eurolrnt of twenty-four re- ports cl six absence marks fonr Septamben. Wis an orolljuent of îlveniy-flve vo bai twonty-sîx absence marks durlug lise sanie penlosi. We muet do better. ISlalefain 10 mate tisai mont ai aur cames oi absence ver. duo to elokuosa, and aiben univoîdable causes. We falild osi1publIais lie namen ai thon s oa ilstise blgbesl ivenages lu lise diffeneni grades lmai sprlng andi so doin 1 nov. Tise leaders voue: Elgbt, Dean Wele; Sovenîl. RnIS. Wels; Phi, Loia Smitb; Third. Betle GCham- barolin; Second, Emma Knebken sud EmaiJChamberlain; FInal, Dwlgisi Dolpis. Tise nazt regulan goereai ezamlnatila vill be iseld inlaebruary. Tisane are evidenee sta there la a jgoosi naturel but eplnited content nu for Brut place Lu the lupper grades. BuMmrFO Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must cat the riglit food for growth. Iones rnust have bone f ood, blood iminî4 have bood food anîd se on thirough the list. Scott's Emulsion is the righit treatment for soft bous in children. Little doses e.vury day give the stiffness and shape th at healthy bones should have. Bow legs becomne straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness cornes to the soft hcads. Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food will cure it. In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right foiod for soft bones in childhood. Send for f ree simple SCOTT & DOWNK. Chenaleta. 409-416 Pwlret. e#MW V9914 The Osin. xseers vere a$ wesl rom LaeBoSuday.1 Mri. andi lre. Cari Boreuson have returnesi bc Iheir home. E. Y. sud Bert Galiger wers callers at West Fox Lake BnndaY. The Junior Aid 8001-MY vill Meab with lies Gruoe (liger au Saturday oct. 95tis andi lako supper. lir. aud lirs. DUlley, af Guruee, andi lira. Hamilton, ai1iRollins, visiied vus lire. A. Tweed TueadaY. E. P. Galiger ai $bis place vîsîtesi Waukegau Tueada opompaulesi by Bey. E. B. Whitney, Seymnour, Iawa. GloesUke Hat Cakes. "-The-saltent selng article 1 bave in my store,'" wrllea druggist C. T. Smith, ai Davis, Ky., -le Dr. Rings& New Dis- covery for conaampîlon, cangha andi coida. becaume h always cures. in my aix year s ales il hms nover illesi. i have Ikuovu Il in bave sufferers irom Ibroat andi Iung dlsoaaeO. wbo caulsi gel no holp franc doctors or a"y ather remedy." MNothers rely an lt, besi physiciaus preacribe lt, and P. B. LoVEra.. Lib.rlv1l; GEÂTSLAI PHAEMACI guarante asatisaction or refend pries. Trial bailles frec. Begniar sIres 6oandi $1. WALDSWO RTH. lire. E. M. Amea bas beeu qulte alcis. lire. Doerl, ni St. Louis, le bore vislting at MartInLui'a. Dont forget lthe basket social andi dance Priday nîgisi. oct. 17! ia Ethel Dietmeyer in atteudlDg tise wankegal bigis sohool this year. D. Hegerty bas ronted tlie lioran plaes. Mr. lioran andi bis maIon rwill move to Chicago. Herbert andi led Shbea are expected borne irom Dizn acon, where tlueY have beon attondlrSg sooot. Norman Sponenbtirg ans i vie bave begun boueekeePing ln the bouse blongiug tb Jobe Borin. Tisos. Strang and' Martin Lux bave rolurnesi inn. Wabington 1). C., visono tiey ittendesi tbe O. A. R. on- campmeel. Tise loalt ader of Ben HUer recelved au Invitation te, blp organîze a nov court aofIthâtorder il Libetyvîlle, londay nigisi. Monday mornnng Mise Alice Lui vas takou 10 a Chicago boipital for trealment. She ta enffering froi nonvona prostration. Peler Duncan bas porebasesi the Suthserlandi place and vIlS meve ta Il lu Ibe nomr future. lMr. hinîerlansi vilS make hie borne vit bis daugblen, lire. A. Clark. Whfle opeeleg a box, J. C. Mouni, of Tisro MlUe Bay, N. Y., rania teponey ..ill lirougi tise llshy part ai bIs issus i. Itisougisi aIonce oi ail tise pailnsidsoreoes h18 vaulsi cause me,"-Seosay@, "ansiimmodiall!ap- pie;d Chaminana Pain Baim andi oeaslo"aly aitrvmrsa. To my aur- Prime i ramavesi ailpain Ma nsioee Mud the Injuresi parts voue soon hdeflbd.1 ft me by Y. B. LovEn.,. Libentyvllle; GBATeBLAÈZ PHAEMAOT. ROLLI NS. Miesande Esivarde $peut Hunday ai bier borne. Lute Wll and simll yul mon MOVe tu lise Gen. Bailerisitl bouse at HsIs.eaville. lins. W. P. liacLachlan asid daoghter Presislo vero lise gueqte n01lirs. H. C Etivards lait Prlday. An oe iandmark, the ebeese laclory ai Rollins, viii soan bi a lblng of the pasi. Squire Siseidon bas porchebae it of Wm. reinn sd vîlI move Il 10 hie tarm ansi Il viiSbe coeverled lete a barn. Ira. W. 8. Harrison, ofi Ha8ting. Coi., wrItei. '*Siexd me a 5()c jar 0f "bIsberai' Salve" mi oce, as my 15111e boy lea ubject to croup, andsie Ila the bel ting 1 ever eses. The weatber la favorable ion croup asid I neyer vani 10 be vîtioutl I." BEt use. Quick tosot. Forsaleby F.B. LoVELL, LlbrtyVllle; OBATSLAKE I'HAIIMACSI. PrSce 25 cents. GU RN EE. Thomas lMcClure vas homte over Bunday. Mr&. Ormsby relureed tron thse cily Frlday nîgisi. A emall crovd altendes tbe juincse lut Piday evenlng. Bl. B.' Dixon vas le Chicago on businoe« lut Saierday. Patrick Tuckor, ai Wadcworlb, vas heon nbusiness linday. The nain Buuday nigisi doodosi many besements lu the village. J. IL. Bracher returnesi lrorn Wasb- ington D. 0., Bundsy aiternoon. Miss Amella Wuslouiold visiieti relative& ai Warrentoe Grove Sundîy. Ira. 0. Winters, ni Russell, visiiesi ber parents Isre the lallr part of laqt veek. BBNJ. Hl. MILLSR. Atterse. Petitlon ta Probate Wil. SIaIs oft lîlînot. ms Lake ounîr. Gounîr Court. Laie GuulY. September tarot. 1501 _l~u tissiatr ofthIe Probate o! tise Last 50i dTestame nt of Fred Trelishel a m vrons wvI. lisamar tancer- h«i.. ecergiven. tisai on tise 911h day f etmrA.D. Ioewa Petion vu l iel tise ont rcourt o! Ld4eecount,. dnSois.aaklngtatsa teSst ii WSsud tesla- tePoaie. Tosane Potlion ferte sia tisaItise ollowlag namodess oare lith 1h. ineiat-law and eteea: E ieS jý4!hireailav ai Hermnan You are furtiser n tied. tisaI Use headna of the <l,~~ ha& beaumset bIrât Oout orth 2thd&r i i =oer X D. 1111W aI is iourotte otlok ele freoo.a itise hourftonBouse n the uken leais th onwvo sder raukeau alnrmuil, Goye sen a.nsd shw aumneaif a u have Wlus mfiad SIsowuisolfaho a5mte Pr jhaeWl hudso c ti " fflnv L Heure». Countr Cloni- Datai ai vautegsu. S"PtL .lut. 1 bave myeer mM ilu rmungetdei. Brlauglu youn sip&%duns Md wli.uaan- 6" oV" ebti. IL.B.Gia=g, Usa D~.I1r Laks oivFl$h y&el00. lisianle Temple Bldg. WueS 1 LOU60is à. ORMZlist y O. L. Broand vite Je E.Lem flot ilblk 13. uolh addo Lke Bluff wd 1700ou Ella Latkoviieand bu@in.0PallI Laîkovîr lot&s blk e Hlutin Ou à Co euh Waekeagan w d............. 460ce Donnil Driakeli sd vf 10 Donil Sueivan e te filas1)le fi a MtDiiie'.m tub HighlIandi Park w d ............ 01e01 S. B. Lltwiler'sud vi to Gertrude B. Frank iotàa Baud 0 bik a Mapie Grove in oe U-Flo w Od...................000 Tberesa Pfauueil ta yrank Stains- doofer 6e 5eXi(anti ni2rda wt, se (M sec 5-4-levid......................400 Alvins E. Ravage and hus to Chame Webb It1i blk S Davies oi to Auttoi w d .................. 04)1 I. B. Webb sud wvi lu Chas B. Harrison lo't e4ipafford'a adtititAnlOch w d.. 1100 t dIbre of PredI A- HOffm5n 1 t lPeter Novera lot luvillasge l alDy w d 30Wt lesaith VilSo nud wf tu G. & M. Elera 1.R. Ç.sares Se s15 et $o20-44-12 vu.........-* I *«.. Ieo0 F. D. Weeksanud wfto Anus Y. Ford « iota si and 82t blk 2l Waebburn Park Jeo T. Ayres te Erneet Heehl it acres ineM sec 20.e4lw d............. 10000 Jno, T. Arres teErnest Recht parie % eau 2e-44il wd ..................b9" 00 EmSly B. Cook et al subivision of ta 1.2. 'a lsu sate îe 4.11 LSberrvile 1nte . bîke......................... Martha B Wortby to iman na T Roger- son i 12.blk 32nort h adldition tu Lsk Buffq 0d.................110 Wm. W. K. 1inon subtivisSOD eutilled Nixen',a ied te Oaklandsi ubde Waukegan tutu e blits ............. AdiSstrP4E . Bovilie deceasesi te, Holen2, Booville part or a W M sec18-44-il d ....................... M Wt Win. W. K40ou te AfliteA. himilis 3 Sots te Nixona eaid te Oakland siubS Waukegan ird.............. .......1lu 00 WltaiS, Msensse o Frank Goraloki Sot Io bik 20 Wiaahure Sprintge v i..-325 tW Jane Feriumon te jane W. Coudait s part lot 4. bik le Millara led aid to Wazkeus q c .................... 1 0 Jane W. Contigu ani huete Kathaine J. Orady aeart lotS. i ikla Mbla 2udaddtoVraWukegae wd ..... go o Waukegfae Oua Luit & Fu16l Co. te North hboro s 0 <o1. propertr Of Waukeean 4. L. & F. Go.alWauke - tan & Mishîsus Park w i .... .4A 10 E. B. Bkinutr sud vf 10 Peter Baker lot 18 Sikieuer'e5 euh of lot 289 Lake Foroet v d ............. ........... 225 te F. P'. Dymond te Fr-,Dk Proclor lot le hik 13 G. F. Wright e add 10 Liberty- vie w di............................ 3 0 E. W. Procotrasd vi to Frank Proctor lot.andeà blk 13 c. F. Wrtght's aid 10 LlbertYviiiewv(........... ..... cf te Mary A Kelly andtiiue l Mary Corkln 11W % nW ltseol244311 wd.i.... 2m01)5 Mary tjnrkIn fa Wm. J. Keliey nw Àl nv  me 26-43- I l..............Sel St1î m 01 H; ,nrî Votaed w! .lite F I.Olc 'W 4 go M sud v m rIe 8W X(08%eet c 1:3 sud e,ô id@ nvi noedse 24-43-1e ut.......... ............... 25 (9 Emma Wicksand hau'to Wm Thomston lot t Wio.'egub Su ue3é1altw i... su100 Henry lieGana andi w! t. J P MeCann te acres lu se t ~5-11w d...... 4W te Jne Ali. Dovie, andi w! to W. H. Chanuhera 114 bik 27 ZMon City Sease 450W0 C ' A. urrar 10 F. 1. Moirav part lot e ldtIii îorgies! î.wu 5,f Waukegae1 .. . .. . .. . . . . . .... . . . . C. N. S>ad. Attorney, 132 lHartoSrd Buiding, Chksgsr. State o!filluls County of Lake. go. Gount? Court orfaLste ocunty. te the Oulober Terni A. D. 1912. G. Frank Wright. AdmIelaîrator of the estate cf Mary J. Myrtk. deoeaeeulva Arther L. Myrici. Ethel Myrini. t$ale Nyriokansi Frank Herrlutton. Petition 10 eil roal.estats te Pay dettu. Amfdavltol Ihe eocre8idenoot fArtier L. brck. Ethel MyrîiiasidDale byrick tiefendante, abose naines. havlai bons liSed Sn tise offibce ci-tie Clori of thse <Jnnî Court of Lake otuai, notice Sn herf8hy £50512te the sltArthur IL.Mnrlck. Ethel MTriait aud Dale Myrlek Usai Ihe eald petiîoner. C. Frank Wrlohfadmlaltral0rélii ste of mari pétSftoln e IIIoueity 00,511of Lake toonîr. ale fora sbooreefar thse matea tioe rp'al-e belonglsia t0 lheeestsie .f said deseseasi. or s e elaheft as mar hl@ nesede1 tpa hîe delta of i decese aid enlIwp sefclevstre li llAnouS. uiildedene-iourti terest lu lie BoothN soe th ie West hall of Use sonth-eai urtrof section 1 and Use northisn1 a tna he criib-eaat quarter of section 21L Aise dommueng a li akie on the caI lUn, o! sectin 1. hetveeenie lorme= y owned hy CyrneBath iw. 0. Hutoi n andi runnine no,'tht01rodg e a mtake: 1heure West ona tarallei ino ewStih, eSouth fine of taSti fane. Puerode 10 the half Sentione Iînn; thenco enelI te a plaire on tise lineofo and ovtied b te seuti Heat sudni uia' Soun; thenetto cit Ion sali line. 16D iode a teh t'laco o! )(ltti. conlalulat 11NOrces. ore or loto ln ctillon 20, aItlentowasi 4t îtorth. rangte Il tient of the aii P. b excpezutngth-rt,from a pletie o ai au 'leecribeit aitlî,llovts,(onmenalnta etisbe Inteirsection of the MeoisauSe Grove ansi Dlamonti Laki, roasi ou the West lino of the .iîîster oniseotion 20 ut a point tg chaîne ati-i 22lini., eouth oi the nortb- wetcorner of tat i Starter esctlon; thente ruenînàr ccitt alnnt lise quarter section Uns8Ino hiusd 70 Ilînks:thoate eSat # chaîne aloi 2h, links; 1heure north varaltel vite theuluiartor SectionSÎes il chales and es leSte to tit. conter t0f eau rondi; thente souuth tel9creeWest alon is thecnter o! Mid matI 5n -inaInd uillieks 10 the plaie of betnnlnut -ontaining il 3-10 acres. more or W88,. Aie-t u'n.-ptteg hat Part of 1h, South- West qutart.'r of lte eooth-eastt quarter o! Secîlon î. teuýpcrîb)eti sefollowst Coie. monder et a point fin chaîne ansi21 lilnks veut (if lte south-eaet coreer of eaid cetitlofl uS; thAnco nerlu 18 tisa, s ad 28 lIns: thu-i. ve, l0 chaina and 93ain lks lItnt' oltsîItuigrecee7i haleansd gt tlnk.c.ticitOsoîîth 22 diogreo, east @ ohuisandul3 lîikn10 îte soîtit SIc, otthe üotl Oacil torof ealul ,section 1;thence 't t3huuriuuanti48 Iilktho 1the plaie of hA«Innluic. oontaSnieg 70_4 sures. elluateci le tic townon f LiherlyvillSe. Lake Goutt. Sliîoti. cli taI a culemone hbu hoom tevue. l-t cf cabd Court agfiaSt ois re- tîumnaltts'ti,tth.,Otoher Tortn A. D. 15,3 et tiali court 1t e "holden One tise iret Mondiy in Ocot- rrA. D, 1902 5alsth ouJrt-housa te lte- Clty tof Wauikegan ln celid Lake seiînty. rNov îunit-.e nushesaid ArIser L. Myriti. Etheoi ici, sud Date byriticsaîllper- eoeatly lie toi appear itetore aau Coîîntr Court of Lai- on onty on tise f1rot dar of the Y trn hervoitobeholoSin il Wauk.upan Se calîl Coutl y tas afortaiti. enlise frlet isondar la Octolc'r A. D. 11113. andsi adt. aseer or ifnuur 10 tht'caid asiminlerater'., ietîtlon ,.di lsrtIuticesme andi tise uattere andi thînca lh'rI.c eh d anti etate i vilS ho t.aien a- oneefl aa s de entereti n afair- Ym aewdi 10teIhe prar of taId petStin C. N. ItuRAccutatorner for Adieinitrator. î-i4 AsToaaL. EaNnZes. Gleri. - BENJ.IM. tMILLER. Aftoru.y. i'etition ta Probate. State 01 Illnois,.j sa Làie Couuty. i tCouooY Court. Laike Counîr. Ocober trm. Ioeu le the Mtter ol he Probate of the Sat WSil and Teetan'nent of Chriatopher Maguire. deanasod. lu Probal. To ail [s'r.0oawbOntthie may coneer- Notu leohereb? vorn. Ihat on the 9th daY O! 8.ytOmberA-D. 1902. a Petition vas fied Sn the <ontv Court of Lake Couty. Illinois. asklnu thai leisat WSS and Testa-. ment of Chrltophe Magnire. deoaeasd. lIe dmit ' o Pro 1te The Mame Petition urtIher late. that lb, loSwiuf ued U rons are ili the heiraat-awaud = zyle Magtlre. Morris Francea Reautre. Mary Th Mislto be 'T1homas Matuireand i jet E iiw Iaure Yen are furthr nacftIeh. tatthe hsring cf the prool of eatd WSi1 haabeeas@et by i Court for t etb d 0f Outober A. D. Ion2 Kt tSeiboer f teen %Vlk ln the toreaoou. a the Court Houl Sa Waukezau Sensa@0 GeentY. Wh.n sad ere rou ean avpear. il Yenu008 lit, antd show tange. Ift Dmiou have why sld Willl houid neolIe a mtted to Probate. ALRSCUT L. Hanes. Oounty Clrk. Dated ai WaUkegan. Sent. 24. 1092. MANAGER WANTED. We deaire to pmploy a trustworthy lady or gentleman 80 manage Our buel. nos, ln thle Couaty and adjoiulng $mri- tory. Our boue. la volt andi favarably known. $20.00 StraightG CshSaisy and ait Expeasas pald EAch Week by Cbeck diret frnt Hedqmat.s. £]!PMUe maney advanoed; proviens ezperlemee unneoeasary; lIoU baiMase. &A- dieuTbcm .ea..çWo'- agm 880ces ~Ç p. ... I ~ yLung d gipp e tot me wlth a bal toeb Myrends said sconsump- no.'i tho iBed Ayers Che' Pecoranld vas promptly et'en A. K. Randies, Nokomis, ISU. You forgot to buy a bot- die of Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral when your cold flrst came on, so you let le run along. Even now, wleh ail your bard coughing, It wIil ot 4îsappolnt you. There's a record of sixty years. Thrs au": 28C, ik..l91» Cnouft 3'er d-tr. if ho mystako t, then de o: ho ay. f he telle yn not to taks t. Lin ,lot "ei e St.15e Wl, One of Ayer'a Pille at bedtime aidae te Cherry Pectoral greatly ln breaking Up a coid. J. C. AY ER 00., Lelet, Mm. 4 4 ryik rylkItems of SIntereste* ietu. Adlaîuîe parenV1ts. ÈePPnt s'iurdiey witil his Mr. Tr<tlu'ii wOet ut i-utgîu v itor Vitle'iîtjîe. i-tran »n( iflt liiiuitijy uit lu rliiugt.uui. Cluil Cradt Ni ettt t1s.'filuit oftt!tî.' u .it 'in-vîtr. NVuc lîurr v K-'luuv, îl o li.îuîî e cîe u-iriîl. lwz To uuiluu -ltSl". a e hmutuitett ltutîtIl.tak. Mir. i Itou urtL lutte pur. t Sil Sittu Wlrugllt er'etîutî MruI r mttul I-eI.eîrg.' iiît i-uîuutsre viuitiiug Iritiuts in 'gisi Sire. C('toi! f Fluu[akt,, 'sue.tlu'-g-tu. st of Nire Siuritg Suusulty. D r. ansd MsI.nuSîtuffýr ttirt%,tl el itîtu Eui S'u-,iuutzltî jta e'ts t1le' I)ruel1 %%ualti erîtIsshoule uuu Musîtît.Av-. Roy uy irri, end ull'etr-y Iluytl tif Vtîtk"- guaie Su îîtley.'Ie'. th nîtatl us luer'» Mfu isetd.i Fou, -fsut. tMary Aî-uutleutuy, l.ileýrtyvill". .Sle'ttt Sitlurdueylt-. N4tuik t u uetel uct Msuîslîy ot utlu M r, S'Jitîttî ste tnd ii luI wtt eleetlàst slave s!lite1lutaI te k o%. utit r' V..t oe, t Mire Sititiieltr,' mieldlut Istlsuiughlti'r, Alitýe [utve-irt'turîis'd tt t lueur boîule st Chisugo). Mourris Soc'idur. tuf Buîr-luugtosî, Wte., wa tise gluelittif Mie, WINriglt Iit %.iday of thié week. Il.. -Wheeiuuk v.ill cu sti s-iter in partîc'rhip witli hie' Slîeesr l lie Mi le 'Aiuilei 'A't ut utfutrk -)tf OaîkIturk, mîit it lu fu'w situye selt tk oil lui riettul tsi.1lj[ %%lirîis.selsskslit t si îiî. lt.s'utu luu it e eîtgtgî'l Srtutit 15Vrîgltid ndu iiti itîtttî%%eil l s r'u tiet' lltuulr tsctin. W s., us 1,.-ri-, fir. wVruglîti lutta iri lIýiîuc. aeuu, cuill tttt 'lt 151t-e W . G. ltis t ltti' 'iiStreiit o i . t' iti t (lt. 2: 1. N iti re te tie it of tltt ielîtr, iiîlseil s'lulruiitt t%-.i lis.Ssttrîly u, ýoIitttsIttt-l Ii li1er museur. item.eîitru for, turtnd ti, i s-pusrt.u-l tilot u'itty( stittîtît cv-i ttscsut itt ot ltt' NSIC. T 'I . u'.Ililî te .l'îg Itlîl ttul'Iltl îlu* '.. lus oil im. aliltabutit ttIdu'u:tîm. Mre. J.luMaytu î'-î-ii utsîuan tlnî'ei- niîlut ittril tif tt' ituurriiige ofi i i55 Aîusttut'îu'lInSe. -pt 1il otî ti.1. Trtesy fulvi itt. NI1>), Iti. îri'v. luta e luet sot friendtinut(i rtyeltke se luit in -tiura' tîîlatittus.and 1%ul s' s ofetsf uslattît'ueiitlo l!,e t. tlieîr, They soil ituit lu- twr tu]le luurtsnli tliuridiu. Hay Baiesi. 1 &m proparesi ta bale Say for auy deimlng 10 bave thelr bay bios. AUl orslers pramptly atteuded tb. W. C.' CUnvWOsR, Ereot. Long dsitance 'phone Evereti. Jan. 1. p Auction Saie BuS@.. Tise IEnE)PEIIaET priets auetiie bile as tise! sisuld be and aur pîlces are tigil. We publiais itisout oharg a lisl of prapert! ta bc soiS, visere bis are turulisesiy unan sd tise notice le aur piper neacises mate restions Iban tise buis. Coi analIser piper lenlise count! cluculatesaes wldely among iarmers sas tise 4Dp»i- DENT, isencs ntle#C sales Ilu li piper birlg far bettet resullata ss elevisere. il lIt t not posaible for the proprletara te publilabmare than a very 10w aoflise numerous lattera recelvesi lu pralse of Chamberlainsa Colle, Choiera andi Diarîncea Banedy andsi llllg af lie remarécableocures. They came ftom people tu every valk lu lite and fr0. every ual. ia the Union, Thse 10110w. Iug trom lMr. T. W. Greathouse, ai Prattsbarg. Ga., speaba for isei: 1"1 waulsi have been deas i ov but for the use of Chombelalus Calle, Choiera andi Diairoog eamedy. Il ouresi me of obraule dlarrhoea ~ite myeuyeara ai suffering. 1 eauneyer ogay $00 much lu praisaaithalremedy." Parusle by P. B. LovUL, Libertyville; GEaàis- Lâa EPU&EMAoT. W. H. APPLEVI Lte W illeTIONBBR W -J w o c 0 B UCKNAM &BOCORS Graysiake. Illinois. 4 Ever stop to think what a '~'~< ,, ~lot of service one getas out of a good sack suiit! It pays to get the riglit kixjd to begin with. 'riat is th, solution o (f the clothes problem. - Better pay even a dollar or two more and get the added style and quality. But we ~1-doî't a.4k any more for K. N. & F. Clothing 12M DomT BM43MI ~ K.W. e . %IACIK Sulir ' ordinary kinds. Vaatly more satisfaction to yoîî, though, from heginsîîlrg to end. Ouîr Siiits ansi Overcoata are made aâ oil y best clothi ng is made. That means a lot to the man that wears the elothes. Just received.,t> FUR OVERCOATS You will need one. ln Fait and Winter Garments we are logded. Grayslake. Illinols. ONE C000 TURN DESERVES ANOTER. You buy your fail and wlnter sut ts, overcoats, pants, boys' nuits, chlldren's sults of us and we'il give you the best value for your money you ever recelved. 110W 15 TIIAT? We know how to buy and how to seli. 1 hive received titis week 125 coats, some with veta too match, ail fine quality, front $1 o $'20 suits, ail good styles. Fine goods. Choive of this lot, $4.00. Worth more. Suits not ln stock ordered. A fit and satisfaction iguaranteed. A full stock of underwear. Large Uine of shoes of ali kinds--best makes. GROCERI ES- A complote stock--ail sold at the very Buy of us and be convinced that we are right Wm. W. J3dwagrds Grayslake, MI. 1 moved October ist to the building just West of Strahlg's Furniture Store. E. B Si-ERMANI Grayslake » Illinois. Il Id VAL 1 1 a