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Lake County Independent, 17 Oct 1902, p. 8

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,ý.Tbe Greatest' Thg Rich Grasses! 0004 w eIakt. ~triCool lNights! See Lori mer! ROCKEFELL.ER. lu. Bbaddle, of ratatine, vlslled tids b ore a 10W dayi luti Weet. B.P. Roue sd famlly are moriug lab otel garden Ibis veet, WheiO tbep vli rade là future. JO"n Kslggsin building a nev ban cm bisLI. Thera mlght b. saveral otarsbailt luthialtovn to good ad- vasuIas The *M t rostof th1e seasoncame là the fIm of a tilling frouselionday n4M t 11t made vegetation look lite lbiry cets. Jusice Bd Pan~e venl là Ogema, Via, Monday là get him nanal upply of!'oeogreena îeady for the holiday tende in Chicago. *AnI excbange ays, "every blonde carneés ber ovu bead-llght." If thal las word wau reversel Lt vould prob- sbl.y be nemi.? correct. Inilations nov point là a varu and open vinter. WinI th. coal barons subuil peacelUy là lhe Wm sud povut of Devine Provilduce? Henry XKublant, vho woit, for J. B. Oronkhfte, bus bea uffering for a 1ev oaps vith a lame hip. niebas gone là spend a volliearned vacation yulh friands at Barington sud Algouqulu. P. D. ëbaddle ia belplng out vith the voit duriug hi& absence. Hoavy vibrations of thunder yulh traquent orabiug of iigblnug on usai- by objecta made tbings Ulvely voat sud north of Ibis place Bunday aveniug. The electrie dlspiay vas accampaniel sue flowol by one ofthle heavimt dovupours of tain ever wvllnued hors làOctober. PRAIRIE VIEW. M. Bobeaier bas bought lbhelindolpi farts. Uta. Houry croeder h.. boon uerioualy Ii. Ohas. Lereti bas loaed the Chas Ehapper faim. lma Emma Storm la vortlng for KMEey Bohrooder. Lillian Purdy spent a foedys wyul relatives at Part Ridge. John Borooder sud Orrla Meyens sMent Bnnday a% lIeu homos. 'Mrsud lira. H. E. Doles bave te- tursol from tliu veddiug trip. Min. Mta Butbe, of Chicago, spent a ftv aaicahing an frienda hore. Mr. andUn t. 0Ot t iaba are rejoir. MU la the birth oi a baby danghter. loba McLaughlin spent lionday Ville his rbeb.î o. atAringbon Beighée. Mrt, sud lire. Bade"e sud dangîler, lims.Ebrat, movod là Chicago Monday Augit Boii h«s juat oe.upiloed a yen hbaudsÔme farm hous for Mr. Lnt. à G. lisether. N. lierchovatl sudi Mmra.Johnson vesChicago viaitors lam eek. Bgo Pegla gsohbave a nov bain bufft on is pioperty. Augut Holtz ina le do I o itr. HALF DAY lia .GlemSiola visiting relatives in Chicago. Xisaniel olat bau goue là (hl- cago là Voix. J, 0. Bobroeder, of Chicago, vliteid at heme oyat Snnday. IM f.lenry Sohroeder Jr. lu 111 sud uimer Dr. Loctysis are. Oui gania barber made a short visit vi»treatives la Wisconusinlait veet. J. A.IMasos bas rluse d trou hi@ ftnp te Washigtou vIre lheatatended the G. A. li,, emament. Mis. Cha«"es Jenson simau a couple 0f duy. Ibm arsmoci his veet ilth ber daUbm salàObifsgo. Sons ftm bis viinity ateudod the danc* ab Long Steve Saturday evouing. AUl repart su excellenime. liba Helen Gleeson lnol recoverng frou bler Ilineesof typhollever as fatsoi ber many Moinds oould yw" for. But va hope@co tla baiof her convaloeonca. A number trou Ibis vicinlty aLlen- ddlB. HLisns a le lait Saturday. IMy more vonl bave atteuded but il va suscb a beanlifuldey the faruers fit sasU i imunet b.@pont là the fields. Uri. sud Mr@. P. Moyere have so11 thei bhotel adproperty là Ur. Poriolat, aofVboelfng. oanallralion ,500. lir. Patioia$ valI tate posa.- sion Nov. lut. M. Moyens and famlly bave puroha.d a houmansd lot of lMr. Proctar lIn Lbortyviile sud vifl 500 mova là, Ibeir nov houe. Ha Learnad a Great Tîtith. Il la mailof John Wosley Ibat bo once laid la Mistrms Vesly: -Vhy do you 1t1llIaS cild the mm@ lhing off and over agan? "Jobsn Wsey, beo ie once lalllngla .01 anongt." Il te for Ibis mmu.remaonth" yen ara tbld agalà sud &aan lIaIChanter. lala'. ongb Eemedy cures colIs sud grip; tha" il oun»ta anay tandeaey of tbas diasases làresît là pneui- monta, au IlIatItilla pleasauMd sumte tatit: ormamie by P. B. Lovwr. Libertywilie; OzànvLAxPUAEXAUT. EVERETT. L[Avrence Vanihu, of Chicago, &pont Thurmday vlsltIng aI boue. B. 0. P. Zoiuansd family have lousd their summer homo sud retunued là lIeu houe là Chicago. lira. J. W. Oooney sud daughters, Giace and Myrtia viaitod at John Carolans aven sunda,. lirs. Jobs Viot sud three ohildren, of Wbeeing, viid ber parents.,lUr. sud lir. Jobs Horeuberger ovor Sun- day. The Cudvorth famlly have moved cote,à starin earDiamond Lake vbile a tamily by tbe namne of Casosar viii oocepy the faim mat vacaled. lit, sud lire. Richard O'Conor,cf Rtghvood, ar the happy parentsef young dangîler. That's Ithesson that Richard vlan asnoh a gealails1. Uri. sud Miîs. Auguat Zieman colo.1 Percy Cr11107 bas ietnined là this bratod lIe4rUnil.vedng snnivei.ary bwduala C à hiago, aler apeulîug a ou Buulday. Vbey aulranol agbout veet cm bis faim boe.. hiity invilol guosta frai» thu clip. .Tom HOuingovay, ai tue Noth ÉIoirs Yoltry Faim, speut Vhorsday I witI Ur. sudlira. Wiu. Edwsils. Remuas Pegelov removad ta Fox Late, Vis., an Tburaday vhene le in lUA proprialar of a flne barber chop. Kr. sud lire. Hocktlovuer have givon up the Chas. Elopper farim sud vili lue lu part of Au.g. Meyer@ houas.t 750E ASMOTHE C05EP05»Et. t Mms.Purdy anteraluel relatives lait veet. Xiss LIllian Pardy vîsited In Park t Ridga lust vet. Kuodllo Bras. have put lu a nev Monreb feod ginder. Ths Kualler familles Tlsted et GeorgeomiBuisBunday.t Misé Jennie HlItbas goeeta Cu.t omgo là speul the vinter.r Mles. Grof. Tench sud Kitol, of 1 Vheollug, wrvenu on onur sîtst Monday. lira. Thoe. Nelson, danîbhters Jessie #Md Greces Pent s fuv lays af laut veot la Chicago. Ou Vhuisday Oclobet 9, 1902, lit. J. V. Spisgue celebrate<i bis 901h bfrth. &W y hilnvlitug bis relatives.tea Portais hm lisbcsitslity at bis home bois. B&veaofaibis relatives acceplel tb. invitULatinsd a mois anjoyabia tume VUs lad. Thom. vba canin not cames eM&S 6eangratnlatious by telgam. Uri. BUrauaeMO hein 183l4 vbeu but $V.alY4vwo eans 011. He la nov liviRn atle farim hieh a in*al oulP"albis. Hope ho uap live la 8» a UratMM -y mare blrlhdays. Natur&i Anxioty. M9otera regard apptoaching winter WM MMUDseIOe, hidien ttes01 oldn .qaSIp. No dheossaconte Mmeittîs lainsi an croup. ira Maslteoa .0 'aÏ" m Me 15aufertla Gtan hoe. pia haaen aMd balte thé doclto 82 pum lel teadily tla eou4o COMbCume.Liquides fw11111184alays Inflammnation, ro. ~*~.Absoutl @%te. Acta 0- ougb1I, colla, aubrotan sd luug "gensIen, limsupon, Ga.: "A laI4iIas. 4 e avoilcles jis bals tom 0e MYiqlga Joseph Vote ilataIhome recuperating touis a vote atsot yphaidlfevern vhich tept; hlm là lbe baupilfor aix veots. lita. Jes. Vote sud infant sou aie vitIh hm. Dan Van Amasforîl vu asdie theo subjecl of a surprise Party on leat Fridsy evoniug. The Party vas in the nature of s bard Urne. Party sud the cosumes veso Try grotesque sud raggy. A large number af Evereît people heiPOd te aveU lb.esuze ai lIe Forer oxcuiridan là Vantesha ou Uuuday. il vas the occasion of the organisation ai a nov court of Foresiers aI IbsI place. Allhaugb the day wuvasTry dlmWpesbîo, ailcamis bock mayiug thst theY hâda&fine timeoand ere lond in thibolrm Of. !th. hcipitaty o! tb. recilsuts ai Vautesîs. Thoas vIa vout veeo: lisua sud liesdames Matin lielaly, KMlosiCouvay, Demnis Gibbons11, Patick tnhreal, John Corolan, meussi. James Vote, George Yaf. Ne, Michael el, Peter Davson, Dict Gibbons, Jsue. O'Connor, jame. Lyaus, sud MinsesAnie Lyaus sud Norah Fitzgerald. On Wsdmesdep aflernoon 0nt. 8, ai 3 a'lcl oocurral the mairiga of Gertrude, poungeis angair or mis James BradlsY, 0GI lont, te Demie Redmoul, or Nebraska, aIet3. P&biots churcb. HaI-y Bradley acledl as bais masn, Imabelie Bradley a niseo0aitlb bride vu lIa bridemaîld. Rergava twus vite dgandie aver pint flBaI .1k. Bite voie s white sud plut pîcture bel sudouait inklutroue. Vho brid vma atired lu a haulsome crestian ai rosi luce ovoribte 511k, a tulle vellaud cartel bride rases. rR.v. l'sther O'"aUy perlormel tha )carsmony. Tbs ohurcb va.taalafully mlSacoftl yul Pink sud vhite roses suMd wbite iîbons. Lorette Bradley a180 a nelce ltithe bride piapol the veddiulg ma. Aller lb. cenomony aa recePtIOnvas bell at lIe bride,& hou. vboto about a hundred luvilol g90sts&bal assmblaI. Ur. sud lia Radmond luit for su uxlonded voddtug tan Otho le 6 o'100cktrain sud vhi umt hir home là Nebrasta. ýTheir Mury friands sMt relativesulle ia axtediug là, lIethelIeuaries ton. elakiagoMa sud vishiag manp, Maa Yom asmmppyehl.llits. GEERFIELO. Arthur Portai ia on thea iot liai. 0. B. Eaalon'a bouse le rapidly progresalng. Misn Lisais Pts, of Ein in vWti- lug lu Deerfleld. Mmn. Jut la ~isitIng vitb ber noes, Mra. <. F. linhlte. C. F. Mlîke@peut Baturday sud Sonday lu Deoriild. Richard Goadfellov ia visiilung vltb O. A. Paron'a family. The . E. viii giva a mIualouiary propram November 301h.à Rev. lieller la iving German elouos to quite a large ca"sh Iis I&LaU lias bllla Relu, of Ohicaga, vwaile vltb the Mimais V~ orSundap.t lu. sud Unr. Ang.Shepp, of Glekcce, viaited Deerfleld relatives Bunday. lira. F. 0. iederstedt snd daàglt liuldred have been vialting lu Chicago a fev deys.r lit. aud Unr. M. Horeuberger Opeutd Bunnay sud lianday lu Chicago visil- Ing their nephev, Engoue Encler. The Noîthliold Luthersu church bld their Harveat Festival Bunday but en£ accouât of ralu but feW of Our people attended. The Christian Endeavor tapie for@ Suuday evening in "Self jatr, SCor. 9:25; si. 6: 16*26. Temperanoe service, lire. P. L. Jorgenson, leader. 1-11 Lire In Parli. ",I juas%àee o b0ave gone aU ta pieces," write. Alfred Bea, of Welfaie, Tex., "-blliousnussand a lame beot lad made lifs a burden. I coold'l est or sleop sud 1019I"catmonl 00oru ont ta voit vlan 1 began ta une Eloclilo Bit ts, but tiey vorted vouders. Nov 1 sloop Ut. a top, cen est auythisg, have gainod lu sèreugth sud enjoy bard vort." They give vigotona hesith aud nov lite ta voot, ickly, ran-davu peopls. Try thoru. Only 60caI P. B. Lovuxs, Llbartyville, GRAvSLAKU pHiAamAOy.1 QUENTINS CORNERS. Henry lieyer basreulad the Ueo. Baker fare tor a SetofoSeara. Chi ahe oater bas soldhie faim 10 Wu. Papper for $78.00 au acre. Douais Hunliaglonmade a ploamaul milI et tbe Cornersluit londgy on1 butinons. Ai Chas. Noyer@ andin mie luit1 Batuiday ailstoct. etc., .011 won and 84 gond prios Pied Pemder, eofLsksM Cornenr a 1 Ournt c haseoMmsDow, amising K. L. Docteluas. Vui. SBobumaer bas moedltlà Palatine sud viii suate that place.hie home al; preeut. Oso. Baker vilI o@il hie, farmiug piopett sud yUl try lbe big iy for a changeocf luct. Reporte have t 1hst the veddingi belle viii soon ring lu Ibis viciuity. Il yUll bc a double affaîr. H. L. Doctelman sud ton W 1 Ille veto in Chicago lait Prday looting op the1 butter sud oh.... markt. The electrie ioInd mon are flot desd,1 but mtliion lest sud vorting. Il lnaa very good route sud they should gel Iota of business là Ibi setrrilory. Ilsa a gool tbing-push il aloug. Died, October 3, Mis. Mary Schmidt, age 83 jean sund s fov Isys. Inter- ment totk place ab Long Grove Evan- gelloal cburch. She vas one of the aid sud reapectld mers here. Vu. Quentin vas at tb. Oounty seat lant veet as a grand jurai. The grand jury gave ordera for a pIllaI cou1te b. put ln jail for iaune patients sud found ail affaira là O K aider. Fronu Another Correspondent. Mima Mary Dater vas a clty visltor ffiday. WiU DBauman wva sLong Orove cllai Bunday. Johu Wilson viaied lis parents aI Palatine Buuday. Born, ta Mr. sud lira. H. A. l'ablman, Ot. 1, a daughler. lira. George Quentin, of Long Grave, vua Manodai caller blre. Mim. Levis Keyes, ot Raellie, viaitel reiatives bers onu day luti veek. Henry Daer purclasol a colt st Chau. lioei's sale lait Satuilsp. Ouirsohool tarted Monday viNa Mise Helen le.»., of Chicago, toachor. Cu..Sturzo, af Prairie Viav, niada s plessant cail 51 the CornersTnesdsp. Mmra John Wuitsud dangbter Ats, viatel relative. et Barlngéo oeel lais veet. Mr. sud lira. Ang. Graver enter- tsined tolalive. froa Palatine sud Plub Grove Buuday. liba Enima Wagner and illUIGrave., of Bouth Cbîcigo, visite dit (boa. Baker&'& Bsluiday sud Sunday. lira. Clarence Sisur sud lirm.Clark Kayes, of Palatine. are Yilllug 11m patnte, tir. and lits. Chas. Meyer. Little Walter lieyer bal Ibm miafertune cf belng ktlced lysa bois. A plyotan ai Bailglon ilasttauding hlm. Forty Ysara Torture. T. b. rtoilaved trou salsriaI disessaller 40 pears tortura migîl WOU icans Ihegrattude of enycu. Thliîs i owhtDeVitSs VîlcI a Séiva dil for 0. Hanap, obuge% Q., ne mspa. -DWIltt'Viob 0H au« l LONG GROVE. lit. Saison la holplàg o. j. Horohai shSkO corloirgvdeys. Jact Picel visiged Long Grove trIsuds Tuaadap ulght liiUnsud Xl.Andnav Blahi voe COloagovinloasTnela. liartis ailer.fourami al girl vas buriel Ut Buffalo (troTs prlday. lit, anidlira. Rotersud ismli, et Woalstoot. sited nt Mr. Bleuipelsa several lya ais eet. liU lm a Dater, of Rockefeller sud Mina MaryBater, or Quentinao Corners, vWtoda their sator, lira. Goo. Quostn uesr aIys last veet. Ovlug la a alighl mlaundersaudiuig the publie sohool diIInot begl Cet. 13, asnaSsId là lait issue, but yul betta Ma.sy Oct. 20. The Germnlu«bconi opeus lionday, Octàben le. AU those having ohilîron vboni lIey vial 1o have ooflrmed are requestol là have lbem attend an &bat day. Iivt&ioii are ont foi tho veddlng of Misu Emma Zihmner, of Long Grave, te Thomma L. Wl.., af Chicago, 10 occur 'Octobei lIaI at Bt. Marysa Catholil charoh et Buffalo Grove at 10 a. m , afier vblch a receplion vill bc glven ai the home af Lb. brides parents. out 0f DeatiVs Jsws. "*Whem leM a eemod Try nesi Itou, a mversetolmach sud livoî trouble, &bat 1 bat suffered vitia for yearm," write. P. Use, Durham. N. C., ",Dr. King'a New Lite Pilla %sied uy Ile sud gave perfect healtI." Bost pilla an eitb sudauly 25caI P. B. LovEliL, LibsityvMle; GBÀXOLÂKU PNABUEAOy. LAKE ZURICH. Bohool botksud sltionery at Emil Fiant's. Kra..Win. Bictnue veut to Chicago Tuesay te visit relative.. C. Morison, of Barrington, vas a plaianteciler lu our village Tuesday. Bam Lapoote oot hle vacation sud made a trip te Mlwaukee, Win., Ibis veet. lits. B. A. Filoe lufI for Texai lait vee telà tay vllh relatives over vister. Jobn Hodge, of Roctefeller, wv al làvn Batm"dy ahatlng bande vitb al frieus.. Jact Raymond, of Vole. sud Frant Rosey. of Wauconda, versienlà ta Tueaday. Chu.. Bhoiz, of Chicago, vas hore over Baurday sud Sunday vislllng bis relatives. Mir. sud lMma John H. Foibus ver, visiliug relative. at Foi Loto s foir deys tat veet. E. A. Groeeveal, of Ueli, Wls.« uho sella the famoni Murphy cigare wau n vow Tuesday. Fiank Mayer mate a pleasure trip te Chicago Mouday lu company with George Zimmor, of Long Grave. Vu. Bebumater. Sr., hbas malbis farim about li mile. sanI ef hure te Fred Peppen for $76.00 su scie. A Palatine party canght a 15 pound pictural luit iunday. Who maya bit-h Ing la no goal là Lako Zurich? Victor Winneu, of Chicago, came ont foi a bunutng trip Tuesday. Vie la the boy that shoote vild tuttoys. ilonry Hlîman ai roceivad another car foad of cholce bulle aud ballera vhicbha viwii êsoli et reamlnabie pricea. Chas. Patte» sud famlly lait thair summor cottage bore lai t3unday sud moval bok te Palatine for the vinler. Fiel Anderson, formeriy s reidont of Ibis place, callect on frienls hors Tuomday. Fred ia nov traveling for the Lund Land Agunoy. The ball gante played lait tunday belveen tha maIied sud single mou vua sueay vloteiy for the latter. The msrried men are getting ton, old to play hall. United lu mantage, Misa Huma Plote, 0f Ibis place, $o lin. Vu. Mulet, af DvIght, 111. Mis. Melon la voit tnovn arounul ora, being hotu sud raised here. Ste ssahstd ber molber, lirs. L. Flot., la the hotel busineos bore for several yosre. lMr. Mlier cou- duco astonaorial parlor at Dvight. Thair ionda visât thonu a happy janiney thtougb life. PALATIN E. L. BeonnettIol on the siot lisi. Miss Minule Ohms la speudlng a very pisont ime ritI relative. lu Fenris. lire, Kahu'eldt vltodber mother aud caled ait athor frieuds la Palatine batuiday. Mine Mary Popp sud bar sistur, ai Highiaud Grave, vote oalliug ou friendi haro saturday. litsud lira. Paddockt hadfor their <nSut eoentiy bai brother, Geo. A. styles, 0f1liommee, I11. Mariio, ieoently là Chicago ai the houe of the brille, Miss Joephine Dsbl te Mr. A. G. Bonnat ormerly of Look Qut Foi FevaP'. Blfionineuan sd Uven dhdrs a s la smunuap be prevaslêd ?z Wolwusithéibmaisa i vIlIDailis »Use Barly RI*m.These t-a tq"%do4f i Ty = Anmhon Sales# PBPN SALI. The unnen.lgnsd viii sol et public auotion on $be Geoo Wiener fsiu sitnilod lé mile north et Roillesa ulI pl6m sud I mile soulb af Lots Vtilla n Baurday Oct. 18, 1909 eomm.nclng as 10 a. ni. sharp tb. foliowiug pioperli lo.vlt: 290 ol.o cava, sou. vl be -lunt t ime oa iae or acen; Durahitl, 2 pis 011; 4 helfera vilIoeilI, Colt omlng 4 yrs aId, bisot mare 0011 ceming 2 ira aid; voit haras 12 pis aid, vaigîl145; boy mue, Il pi. al, vaighl 1180; 4 bîood sovs, là shoota, 18 oarly rail pige. tant heâter, uarroir 1h01 wagon, vilsetiraI vgnf selcoaater. pulvarimo, nearly novw; %«oring horse rate, nesnly nev; Deoaîug Mover, uaarly nov; aeador, coin cullivalàr, .lnbbie and sol piav, bey tact, liCOormict grain bludea', double voit hains, 30 acres 0f coin lu shoct, about 15 tons ai bungarlan, 15 tona ai claver sud timotby, ô tons bora. bey, 1300 busbela witel cats, 100 busheis of rye, US uilîtcans, hsatiug steve sud many aller articles tuo, numerous là mention. Fiee lunch as Doon. Begnian ternie. W. B. umaaxon, Piop. WALvxa WuiT, Anctilnoer. Theunuderignol, bevlàg sodisl faim sud being about t0 quit farmlng vilI oUi nt public %nudion ou the promisese Simile. sontb af Lîbertyvîlîs sud lé milesuarth ai Hat Dey ou Vhursdsy, Oct. 30, 1902, comuenoiug atI9 a. m. sharp the follovlug proporly to-vil: 22 cava, full blool Baisa bull, 1 yr aId; full blood Bviss bail, 6i mos. al; ful bbod Bvims coy 6 prs aId; 2 Aier balle, 6 mot. aid; 4 betfeia 1 yy aId, 7 loera 8 mos al, Iau mulos 7 sud 8 pis aId, brood maie 9 yrs aid, braod mars 12 pis. old, mae 4 yra aId vI 1700. 7-8 Clyde; mare 3 pis aid, vt 15W, 7-8 Clyde; Geldiaug 2 yns aid, vt 14M,7-8 Clyde; 3culte, 3yrs old; 2 cl% 2 pis al, GOlding Bte roal, vI 1100; poop. 4 yta aid vI. 900; Goldlng 9 yra aId vI 1200; Berkhirbor ast 1yr ol, 2 Betshire boat-, 3 mca aid, 7 brool sowa, 30 shoots. 7 pige, 14 Iambe, 2 tbreshisg ontflts, complote viih siosu, paver; teed cutter, Bunitoue food giludor, 16 ln; No. 3 Baby Delaval separator, 3 trnd pavais, ilar ttti., Deeug barveser, nov; Dearng corn haivester, De.ruug moyen, nearil new; Joues movot, 4 coin cultlvalàrs. 5 valthug plows, sulky plov, 3 truck vagona, 2 aprnsawagon@, milvagoû, bey raite, bey loaden, aida doivoty hey rate, bey lolden, 3 section barra,, largepnlvsrisei, corn planter, a".i boise boa, veodei, ptate planter, 6 sta double batnoua, 2 mlàgle berce«, 20 acren coin la shoot, 1000 bu cala, 250 loua bey and strav, quabtily houas hol gouda, ete. Ragulai Terus. OjN 1 . LucE, l'tap. W. H. APPLUT. AuctIOneen. ALBEEF gàuzRs, Cerk. Having otl uy faim 1i yul dispose oi the iailovlug property on tb. tain gronnde, Libeityvîlle, rain or Miine ou Batuiday Oct. 18, 1902, oomuolng et 12:30 p. ni. sharp: 5 baad voit braI hoilas, 1l yr-cld Kentucty mare, 2-yr- al, dsm Kentucky baba aire Gamaleon 0f Oskvood stock fi&m; mctlng colt, smne bieedlàg; 7yr.old mare driver by Ethan Alla» Wikes; 6-yr-old mare sanie bielinfi; àa lcormltcot.. bînlai lu goal arder, triumph grain hluner, Bradley sniay piov, faru truck 4 lu tire; bey tact, lover sulky cuill- vatàr, Keyalona bey londer, coin planter, drilsud chect tuver allacia- ment, top buggy, bey farts, harpoon fort, carrier, palleymsud 150 fest usv nope; iran plg trough, cars, 2 double voit beinessas, a lot of cooiay mutk csana, nuw; 5 gal Iee creani freezer, nov; 3 lange te oreau pctai, Prairie City seeden, hey rata, Kaystona planter, vssIiug machine and vîluger, 10 gaI codfe.hotter lane bond achn as une lu restaurants, bog scrapers, boots, sud gambles. oast slave, voal beater and s lot of alla and onds. Reunar tenus. J. V. AyBEs, Pnep. W. H. APPLEY, Auctianoor. Hiving ducided ta quit farmiug, lb. undeasgne viiioeilUnt puble auction, an île premusa., 2 mile. north-esit af EBah Day sud 15 mile. vreal of Everaîl, on Vedlnday, Oclobet 22, 1902, cou- menolug sI 10 s. ni. sharp, lIe tolIav- Iag property: 60 heal ai catie, 20 cava, 8 milter., balance aptingerm; 20 baud ai 8.yr-oId, 2 vith calvos by aide, balane heavy sprihgersi; Durham bail, yearliug bull, 7 steers, 83îna al; 4 yearhg haifira, 7 spriug calTas, 3 vont bots., bisetkmare, 3 lis aIl, vi 1400; biset mate 3 irs aid, WL 1300; gray mare, 3 pis al. vI 1400; driver, 10 pis al. vt 1000; 2 colts, 6 monthe o11; double woit haune.s, 50 Sons tmothy bsy, 60 tans upîsul bey, 10 acres coin ln ackt, Piano mavar, set hatrove, 3 lu tire vagon, beyyfaite, uav ast bobe, 20 aipplng Cano, nuIt vat, ldtoIler, lay iok, vool isot saoa plov, polvorilsr, grlnd aoue, gravaI boit, 2 valtlug ploya, milt wagon, single buggy, 4 loren heu@, 25 turteyi, tools and Othet articlea not metianiel. Regla terme. IsANK VTrLna, Prop. W. H. APPLuit, Auolioneer. The uudeîsigned vyii soli tpublic aucýiou, vilbout reserve, ou the A. E. Desue fatim at Ivanoe, on Vhuîmrday October 23, 1902, commeuclug a$ 1 p m , the falloviug property, to-vil: t0 huaI or caIlle, 7 Bvisa ballera le calvo lu Mach, 7 Durhamuboitera te calvo ln Marel, 2 ballera ccnulng lu lu Marct, 2 hlee comiug lu lu Januar 1 heifer comng ln lu Decembar, ; hoUeri vilI ecu by aida, balance 2 yr oid hlis, soriel haras, 7 pra al, art 1000; lunuher wagon, 3 satol buggy, sel bob Maos, neaily nov; sulky cullivator, setl igît laiving barne"i. Reglarters.J. N. OEoAED, Prop. W. la. APL4y, Auclioneer. liaviug IdaIde te quit fatuing the usderags.I Vil] sel aI publie auction. vilboull reuve, unuenapremisem f mHa north-vest of Rondont, ou ril- Iay Otoear 24, 1902, comenociug at 12.30 p. nu. sharp, the falioivg or So-i: 4 chaice nilit ocvs. waco, 2 .îr-eld lelfeis. 2-yr-old bull, «M bohrne, Il pra aId, velgît M0; blact horae. 13 pis aou. veigîl borb rate, a dragp, ses double harnais.bI trt, topo sud pnloye; 2 doe. b.cic4ons,8l<001 se,10 tous of Lama bayl labair 7 orea of corn la flou. sous honeboil feînitur. il«a. ular ltrm.1 Mus. C. NOBDOT*à.AXD, Prop. W. a. APPLUT, Acoioneer. "eig @bout te quilt armlngsd lâtanlutelgo te IOW04 1 VIiioeil as publieautolo vithoul romrve on the Robert 1LI iternioue mâle uortl.ut lot DiainulLake aud one telle sonth of Rtockefeller ou Wiaoonaln Central on Tueady, Olobor, 28 1909. con- Menciusgas 9OI.m. aharp theboill. ing duoribolproporty go-vil: .hr, of caIll, eoniaisg of se choie mutl cuva, 10 wllh calves by aide, 10 sprlngors, balance militera, 1492 yr.old hellots, part caming l la.eprlng. 9 yearling haoliers,.hbll 15 mon old, 2 bulle one Ir ohd, 2 bulle 9 moi aid, ail bule are Durbami; pair gray vort mares, Wt 2700; bey mare 8lIra old vt 1300, bisot mare WL 1050, 2 2-yr-old colts, ou* Normansuad one Coacb, wt &bouts1900 oah; 2 aucuins colla, oc o coach, ont haotuey, Tory large and niea, bay mare ooming 4-yru oid, Wl 190; gray mare, wt 120; bey driver wt 1M.05 brood soOv, 212 suoking piga 6 veeks 014, 33 atouts wl about 175 each. PolanI Chinabout 1 yr aid, Desfins coin harvester, noarly nov; Champion binder, check 10w corn planter, nov; 2 sulky cuitaors, movor, bey rasta, lumber wagon, truck wagon. mutk wagon, extension top surrey. nov; 2 valting ploya, 2 pi steel lever draga, houevs.. Valides Oultivator, bay tact, pair bob asigha. 40 ablpplug eau., nuit tank, corn shelier, 2 809 besvy double barnesa, lgbt double Libertyville haaus, g.hma,8pi oy nets, 5 in ligs.=40mOiur tlecoin nt via bale tataenua1114il20bu vIplle 2 acotel boule pupe 4 la:otd, li ochai, fort.suMd ahovousMd articles ton nummenous là metion, ltegular ltrm. HaisJa is, Prep. V. H. AP'Luiv, Aticuse. "Orm sw Banua ui. The Woa-at Porm. multitudeu art elnghag Ihe Piaimsset Iodoi, lb.en»V Isoepvàsalsla makcing so many .icLp=« ,'von sMd veat people stong by dlgatigwa tiep est, by olSenains ansd amu Sh aansd by lraonuOslj1 tu food 1pto lIhé11.4 of pur% eh, i ,te blood tM uakes pou test <col ail over. lite. Cilul, ef Trop, 1. Ir, vrltes "PJeta nuaberogi puaisI va troubled *111 ludigoalon sud lys. pepicla vhicb pev into s"avoce forae. Pr, lIyIaaldoee 1 use Kodol sud 'I'motingfour hotales am oulii.lp nîred. I hsarluy reeco.- usul 10101 làOU ailsmaera tram la. digestonmaddlyPeiasi." TOa loe afte lotiale. I6 digaese hMalpet;est, Bal bi P. B. Lovaàr,, idbertyvlle. Amercnionsamoua Bar. 'le. loch vith barraion sklà erpopScu, blotchua, soie., pluples. Tley dons bave lIeun, nor viii anyans, vI e ss h3nctloasAmniesglaive. Il gloleu 1h. face.EcesasaIheuvna butore. iIt cuves oie lipe, clappaI banda, oblîblains. luallible foi Ploeu. 2Uet atY. B. LovaLLia, Libertyville; GRaîvLAIu PiÂnugiox. The PaEe WovoWke FmoeCmnpun 0F NEW JERSEY. The new eloctric hue îîow building from Lake Bluff to, Libertyville, will have its cars in operation in JuIy. zEverything pertainlng t4- thiH road is ofEthe very bout kind, road bed, rails, cars, etc., and bemides the manage- ment have enclng the igiveu orders entire lins 5to Our Com- . it~~ w ith our paîîy fo0r il higheet grade of railroad fencing. Postés set extra deep lu the groun4 and strongly braced. The fence when completed, will be a credit both to the Railroad Company and to the Page Woven'%Wlre Fence Company. Write for Catalogue:- PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., 0. 1. LUCE, AUSTrIN CLEMENT, V. P., LOÇAL AGENT zoo Monroe St cagof. ubsutyvilia. Uue" - - - hlm of Vol r' r; VRIGHI BROTHERS Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicies of Materiais and ail Klnds:, Hardware: : : i Col imeT1oi ict our Cernent, Sait patronage a nd as- and eed.sure satisfaction. WNRIGHT BROTHERS, §Dr. J teK Dr.i1 Office ai 1Liberty Dr. C. office o éLibervN DEr. A of Ce Di la Detion BI, boab li m Liberty ~D. R. Physi Rock ef Dr. H. Physi urodneE 'Dr. C opal lapocai a We have a compiete uine of STOVES ANO RANOESý that we bought iast spring befo>re the raise in price. We have the right prices on Acorns, Stewarts,Gold Coins, Garlands, coflH AND SES Us.- SCIIANCK BROS., 1,.mqmgecc,

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