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Lake County Independent, 24 Oct 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT . Vol. XI-No. 3. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. October 24, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. -IdW ather and no COA Pre'pare for jîîst tlàat condition of affitirs hy ordel'iDg DOW your ~tfirSuit, Ovorcoat or' Trouer:e See nîy samples of 'Pall and Wlnter Wearand learn iny prieff. Thiey 're FRED CR0OKER9 LIBERTYVILLE'S TAILOR. rhe2Oth Cent =asStoe, n«. mroI.- B.luff salin illest nae. the Ue' lyilie Page Schack Bloc k Lbertyvle, iliol. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, LAECONTY 'UBEIYVILL Me over lTriggs & 1Taylor's. A vm. 9 ____________________________linvluig a uumi f 14Dr. E. H. SMITH, ~"Office over Lake Cou nty Bank linu; 8 to i P- . andi1il, ap. nM. DAI.LY 1' LIbertyville - Illinois. Dr. C. R. GALLOWAY office over Lovels Druiz Store. Llbervy*l'Ie - Illinois. Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, of ChiCauO. ha cPned a DENTAL OFFICE Suflutkw8llnk.ov.-r Suih &,l havis0 b ers eMevIay i ip iey on Wl is Ilsrom m a i n.to.. -, rn Libertyville -Illinois. kD. R. GROVER, M. D. Physiclan and Surgeon. ýRockefeIIer - Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG, aPhylc hycan uurgeon O re le -Milnois. pathiy RndsCoun candri o cckefeller- Illinois. SFLORA COLBY PHOTOGRAPHIER. FUIOIN lB ULKLEY CLK. ý,tyville - Illinois. 01F. BUTTERFIELD EENAYSURGEON. eat st d e taiain eyirie -* Illinois. intilriio tonrerou octle itresbouts 1 ti'Osre 10 lisI piop- orty 01 Ihose vauting li, SOlI. Have saome hplendid blaigains foi huîye". SD. C. LORIMER, Libertyville mlinoas.J 1>LASTERING 1 arn prepared to do plastering in central and western Lake County on short .noti1ce ... Iguarantee my work. Let me estirnate your MY PRICES ARE RIGHT. 1 make a Specialty of Repairing. HUGO PEOELOW, Prairie Vjew d .. Il 0 s 82. tf. LINCOLN LUSK, AUCTIONEER. P. 0. Addreas, Rockefeler. Illinois. Residence near Swan Schoolhouse. Wblen con2templating makiug a mie cait &round or addrouan sd 1 viii gusz- auece satisfaction. Sept. 26-SmoP wRiaHT DymoN o &C., Libertyvîllo, Illinois. Listues Intereul Bearing Cortifi cates Payable on Demand. In divdual responsility, PISTOL SIUTS PROE FATAL PeatrikSulivan Demi. Cor- aner'. jury Exoneratea Geo. Thayer. OMît W. cAEMionELECTROCIJTED. Patrick Sullivan, aifBig Hollav, lhe farme, vbo wvas .110byGia. Titayor, of Graysl,es riy Wedueslay morD- lut 0f lut vaal, ailer biooling fmb lte lattei bonne, as rocounlel la oui lait limée, ilel Kt 1 ococt bluulay moruing, of the vomsdi. Coroner Taylor bellsuon tquent onuday mileimoon,lte flioviug Jury horing évidence: A. J. lay moud, foree; G. B. lbtîsug, Jameis Dalalel, Floyd Hiarvey, Abert Wlley sud A. D. Snell. L.George Titayer vas lte principal vituesoasd blé teitimony vas gIvan Ila breon »senoeansd provi a meicro strain. Mr. Titayer iselà kooly Itte faetSullivan diol as a reault 0f a sola ied by hlm sund thongi no blamela attaclmed, yel doopiy regrets ilte terrible iatallty. He saM: -1 "Itlve at Grayal"ansd sm not engain u sy businesset prmaet. iAm acquaiutod viit PaickalSulivan, itavlng kuovu hlm four or ove Jeans. SLst aMvhlm solve vhou howuvaton ihome Welnooday mornlug. I hoard su avtul Dotée lu My houae &bout ton minutes ta Ivo vednoday morulag. iThe cousu sMid: -George shore la someono dovu slm'uI sii yes, I itearIte,5 suad jumpel oui o! bel an sutaklug à revolver wviicilaid au te bureau vonstulafols af gloire. Il soundedâl asIftitesor four mou voe la the house. I oponed lthe é rdoor, aMi »v a man esading luate room holdiug 1the broten auleido door lu big hinde, He sai: 1 viii loau yen te, look me ont lacis.' I Mid vit"l a0 you doiug hbe., sud te raisd ltse dcc, as If 1e vas cmlng et me sud saI, '1 vilii tiWIvery - inulthe bouse.' As he came s lardu me I lied Mud 1111hlm lualte vit but ho hid ýo &top or lot go of lte door sud I ired @gain and strual tim llaiteéibis sud ho 1.11 to1the loor. 1I lied ugain but did sot bit hlm. Thon 1 vent bock upotairu auld reweeld ne dawv it a ligitî. Ai hotfl, on tbe Iloor before I gothLie igitî borBi. 'my God, 1 am sitt, bul 1 dl nt éuamer hlm. Vitez 1Isgetthé ligis 1 veut $0 » eo th e m nvia yes, tisloch.s111e Pa.l.ieo siid'yn itaveo sitme.'I1 Mid, yes i1gtoma1 bave. 1i ld bim Ivwu sorry sud silsi vbat ho vas dolug hero. Ho sli, 'l do' knov,' and asked ioi a drink cf vator. i got il sud put a piliav unler itis itoc. 1 vous mb lte Dt roam a tses if tehai murdoîed the girl sud lira. 4ývers, sud bY 1litI ime lte vaman came down, sud i voul ove: la ir. Harveyis and asled hlm la go aller thie doctor ui 1 ai stot Pat. VWhou litoycame ve Aftod hlm ent as lonugo, 100k aff hl@s chirl sud deoi the vonni. I vent aller Mmbaal Fritsand sd F. Biok sud s bus la tate bîm home. Ua vaulel la go la ttte batel but vo inally persuadad i bl lago home. Hie vagait sd Chain vero onte floor under a table, vitit ring bidkontrou, valait. NeIt moauing I tound i two aals holceen lte boues sud barn sud 1h btIon soutt ie or houas. Bo alloupted la get lua avindov on ltai aide a1 baoum wheio te girl sud Mr&i SOyers voeesieeping. Thoy board him bôt dii Dot dore mal. a nine. He evidoutly kicked in the bor asfil vas iroken In a greal mauy pooces, 4d ie foot priluleare visible au it. 1 supposa ed vaswuome oeaxy tramp tram lte raliail and bai no 1dm Il vas suyono I1ev. i thougitt My Ille vas lu langer. I bave kuovu iBullivan sud lt a iedrink s poil deci but ve voie ounlte boul of terme. Aboula yeu fflago tn he vanted 10 go 10 Bigmu and dii nol bave lte money, 1 loe lm hn ave l sud a nov overocalt tovms:." Oltoer vilusasubunhtilaedTitayei's letlimony Md l oce, rflecin lubis ovileuce furter aald: "Ho tld me befaro vo romoved bim rtra Mr. Tiayors boua tshio vas imiel!la blâme for bina 5101. Ator te luquesl 1the piysiclana held a pool mortem sud lb vas doter- mInei oue builat pissa i liiealy ttrangit te lver and vas certain 10 cause iét. The Coronrs jury returnolte fllioving verdict: Patrick Sulivan came la bis bath sa resull cf s bulle% ied trom a revolver 1 ite banda oi George Titayer, of (lrbalae. We exonerate sali Thayer, boUoving teuts o wusdoue lu lofons. of his persoandnipiopry. ELECTDIC LMORT EIiPLOI1C KMLD.1 Tituralsy moaug of las$ vebk Emîli W. Naiber met Instant loith et ltei Barringtou clecti litght pover hanse., Caouer Taylor itolau iuquest Fiday1 lte facta dedualed boiug sa llovs: Wednesday îmomulug M. Snobier, wha bas for nome moultua beau employai by th1e O(lticga & Norbvestern Bail- vW" Co., ai a membeof te Carpentier sud bridge nrev, relurumi tea work as su "auitant la enlnoor viii Rager, la charge of the vcricaiftse Darrimg» i letoie Light 0o0 i. L ambe, "Iue& frlghtSblitemt agoinig hlm. Apau tey colle! la itlao o aretui. Re tarted 10 val ou cîorn seyiug, 'I*an't ho afrali for me, I eau val sa tigitîtope." witon victin Ion lbet Ct thte end I alt e hom tne mmed bis footing, ciulcted viidiy viit isà tani», sud fell. A sickeniug armai aud ail vas over . N lan paid 1the penalty of toalisit ccxlesuess. Ho died viitout iegalnlug coosiouinosa. Noacus compauions niy ho vas mairied, but viteorte lied chitldren they did ual knov. The romains vere alon to his homin aChicago Tnesday evening. VARIOIJS RAILROAD PROJMCS.. Rumored Change of Liberty. ville Blectrie Rigitb.of-vay. Troubles aof )Fox Lake Eleclrie. Tva New Projecto. lite Counly la beoming a conter tai sleau sund lectric raliioad enter- prisces. Ilal a dulilveel viton tero lulà .asom.lhing doing lu thte rslirosd venld diroclly affocting tis couuly. The lust of "binge" for titis vreeolaI futeresting. Firet la the umar ltat lteLiberty- ville loctleriaigbl-of.vay is te lie citael. I l laliid11mb bite original plan of branahlug tram thte main hune et Lake Bluff bui been abaudomisudd thiat ro a of iBeudout the fine le tu, ha tunned northward la Northt tcagav. Titis change prosents many ad. vantages ovor te original pli. nol lte lunes 01 ai itila its obvictllsg tho neeeslly of axpensivo croula«g o!fte Soilhventern rallîaad aI Labo Bluff. At North Chilcago tuete lachm are odready ounlt ein the ltestam rosi, sud lte aiiei leugltor Irak i4 mal coulderable lu centrant 10 lte expenso of lte original praject. ContInuai i.lay Intunitbiug con- strauton aiflte saab euIof lte lino leude coloî la Ibis ruinai, lbough vo are unable ta canllrm il vîit any dogmce of autitontlily. Ai TO FOl LAIE ELEC'rTiO. Prommoter. ai thte Fax Lake electil rosi 10 rua tram Waukegla liotbe lake reglan are havlug theu ovu troubles. Nov te bond aompany vito are la finnos theo projet vii l sproince the moneyaulnslte Foi Lake lice smeon u nindepen dent ilght.f-vay over Wasiington sîreel rtîm ves l SOmiîdey BodIin Wautegsu. Tite Mîtlvaukee Eicolilo tas Waahlugton sîreet mauopolised and refuses 10 do botelettan" le hioir tracks tu te nov raid. Aeoadiugly tsepro moters vlU drap thte entempriso on- tirély unteas an Indepeudent outrance cmn 1e seocurotainWakepn. Titey aeno Dow iOvorlngta indume rut 4mmao#Wou otmeltua aagl lOg nov, piactlily ontrais lte Wiscou Central, sud kuovu Ihat Iheli ougminesis bave advisel lhtavwiug to manX gradua, carves and poor construction filvould eo aîmost s ooaomical losccurosanew rigit-of-vay sud build au ludepoudeut line froin Chicago 10 Miwaukeo as go propoîly reconotruet aud doulîle-track lte preseut îoad. Furter, a more desiliabie outrance 10 Chicago viii restilt. Thetolod lino eau lbe used tor freigitlaud flic ew ovraipaBssnger traffa. ît in also aîguod by goiug oust or te proient right.of-vaLy e mare remuneratlve terrîigry for e pasacuger lino wiii hoobliined. tlb 1a 5lac&t litI cgluecrilbave quietliy beanengaeol urvoying tor Ihis pioposed nov rigitt-ot.vay,ald ltaI one snrvey ros ltrougit Liberty. ville. Fîmther devolopmntus i lieb vatcetel ilit bon Interest ho, cibonts W'AUXEEAN WESTERiN IAILBOAD. The railiosi la cooneet viitlte St. Paul at or nhat Warrenlon tiiove, pro- motel by Waukegau meu, vas tormlliy launohed Monday nigitt. Thetueurca- pointons are al veli kuovu business men: W. Hi. Dodge, John lieaiey, 0. A. Murray, iD. A. tiiedy, Peter MeDermot C. F. Iugalsa, W. W. Peare aud John Judge, wbo villi John C. Keller faim lte unIr board of direelors. Oflcoîs elected aie: W. il. Dedge President, Peter McDermotl Vice President, C. F. Ingalla Socrelmîy, John iiesley Ticsg- ier, Ramer Cooa Attorney. IL. J. Slmith, Citief Enginoor. Thte cater mîked foi by te nov compeuy ls loi a rigitl 10 buiid a rail- ioad 10 lte bouudary line of Lake Cony. MILWAVKIEE AVENUE ELECTBXO. Dniring lest veol meetings voie itol at Witeeling, Notitbeli sud athor Cook County gtavus. lgvo the faim- ers lu te vlinlty au opportunity to con8îder the franchise wbhlte couuty judiciaîy commttetaupie- pred toirlte Chicago, Milwaukee Avenue and Inlmnd Lakes Traction Company. Titis compsuy proposes la bulîlan eleelril lino tîom th1e Jeffersan Park terminus aofte Mlvankee Avenue cable line o te chain of lakea, ouîlug proitabiy st Foi Lakte. Tvo-lhlrds of lte rlght-ot-vawattoWitolig'is undeî contraci. Theo franchise piopaiod provides for an elghloen foot îoad-hod pavaivlt macadam snd colin block, to ho bult aud maiutalned by lte maad. The leuglt ot mal titrougit Cool Coaty la about 15 miles. Notiting &As l rates appocrs lualte piovielousi franchise. Thte eompeuy inteudra la do a frolgitt and express business lu caucection vit thlie passenger service. ISOBTHWESTURNS COUP. Monday morniig sfter lte mou opposlng te construction of a isliond nos: vestern bordera of Lae Forest bal gosse 10te i (Jiicego ofies, mah af titen belng Chiicago business men, Ch1e Norîbvestero road rusbed two Construction trains to Lske Forest, benidos 10cm.ad tva largo gangs ai men unier supervision ai Supt. Hall of lte Nortitvesleru rond. Tien and rails voie laid acioel)eer. Pan avenue, sud lte vaîl of raising 1111. la ltegrale and pnlling lu cuiverte occupli lbt.egang vhlcit aie alili engagi on tite voîl ai canstruction nos: Lake Forest for te propoaed ex. %"&sion from lMaytair to Laire Bluffi. Titose oppaeed t0elite railroal gaIng lt rougithlie lilokie sought tetadrive lte roamIa ihallfmile militer veel. lb vas neceusartelaInoorporate about 300 acres 0i1te ]and iylng ve8t of 1the cty, sud a politian vas preseutetele lte citY couil Mouday nlgitt sklng for aunexalian. Titase signing lte poli- tion voie Delovan Bmlit, A. B. Dicu, 0. A. MeKinoot, E. J. Kennedy, Lavrence. Kennedy, Frak Bibitard, sud Patrick Farrell. Oters viteOvunland lu lite lariiary prapased te sunex, but vito b" noi signed lte Petilian are James Andier. son, James Carey Evans, Mr%. Ragan sud th1e Onveulsia club. A ismon. strsuos vas presenlol by Mis. Hagan againat eamlng loto lte City, sud su injuncllon suit van ltîceatel dil ber ]addvas;not left out. A Id Gade, Whto ia engineering lte anxatlan project, thon piapfula osnbi a nov peutiic Kt an adjournei meeting aoflte cauneil, la b hiel Friday nigit. An eoecionbas been ardefed for Balurday, Nov. 1 ta vote on lte ques- lion of annexation. County S. S. Convention. Titqounty Buuday sciool couven- lion ecasolas Gisysie oMurdamy amd la pronouucd ei o f lteé most Inter- esting aud Instructivoeaveritou by th1e organizallon. The Bnnday scitool vorkers are highly pioeaudover tee nleamnt given tbomx by lte Graylale pecple Antiocit invitod lte officeis te hold lte cOUituion titere nemI 7mai. Likoly lte ebocutt veomunitlee Viii secepi lte Invitation. Tite olliceris elealod taovw Y. D. Everot,ý presîdent. L. J. Yager, vice presedent. Dr. J. IF. Bomer, 8eay. sud Trois. T. Arthur gimpoon. Normal vork. ElUzabetit Evrot, Primauy vork. Mr@.. . Drues, Home Dopt. Ezotuve o aomittle: Bo. LAi. Pianatehl, Major a. S. Vau. <. Cl. Roberte Y.W. Moody, J. HE. orceliti, Elgin Butter Markt. Butter on lte Elgin Board of Traie Moniay vas dru aI 244 cents. Maies of lte veek 488.700 pounis. Butter came veet lu 1901 vas 22 amus. duriug Wdnesiay lu vinlug a build-1 lng aud volinulers 110 tao itte uighl sbift la allov Mi. HAUr $0 coceive S noeied rosé. Mr. NiOEbf haviug been employed aitte pleut tindor Bloc- trician Dowuing, bai Satin cousider- abie Juterest lanel1.05510 Vork sud wvas oonsiderod by Mr. Bugt compoetn go slendvalt, lte alcinlery sMd lectric appliances boiug lu excellent order. Everytingý,. vked satistacloiy duing WoddÉsy ulghtibuîtobn«1 Mr. Naoiter veut geohbatOff lte main ahort circuits trou Ibcad lhe muet bave affldouliy loucflhieisltIbatnd la name part orfMilbutngs on lte board, ltaudUng lte mit-off lever viit hie ilgi.L eo i od a sock o012,000 volts, lte on u~Mks ou Ille body batug a imail buru on0lte end 01 te loft liumit aud serculte tuer1 aide of lte liret Ivoângeraof lte rigll1 baud. Juiltalueslime 1ho ma bath ls ual knovn. At c o'clockift . Hager, vito ilvèentsa lte povor fise, vas up sud nuced .eu eoqlfrom lte exbausl pipe. Pcty 7lnutes inter ito vs. summouci lto e plant. Ho Jouait the englue aiU osopped ai île ovu accord, lteé lhroWe belng open. William Erueger, osepoyed as lte Highliands peaood the paver bouse at 8:30 sud looktlauaIf WIi Hager vwu %hors. He nallcod a body iying face dounvard, armsagiotnded, oer te uvit board. Withant vaiting la malte su examna#« teoituriled l te B. J. & E. lave, ai informai F. J. Livards lte oporale vimo ian ga te pover bouse, viov»A th1e body sud Selqbonel la AlbansRI obertsonthie manager otflte loctrie Ligit C(o. sud $0 Dr. Wechelt. CAeLIESShqlaS coM LIFE. Josepht Nalan, a caryo.itor employed by th1e Kesly Brevine Opany ln lte construction ai Iheir ilm bouse at Fax Lite .Ion tirty-siz fono lte ground .Tuoaiay morang, au"lnug Injuries from viiaiho dilel WtIilua fev moment». Ceraor Taylor iteld su laquosbltenome dali. Prom lte ovidonce l appeureS Rlan vu ln unusualgoal spiriste asdmy. ovtng go a raine luasalary '1» bad been grantci. Uc ba i M e sceuded lu begin vornsd sI.phqupac a long oigbl Incht beam proosaiui 10 dance Mnd caper abut, tale g»or of 1h IOab o rfal. l a4~atenlbien 1 4wivtug Vil e "lo'Iok eMt Libertyvil le C. H. KAISER, - - - - Illinois U~etes Rang$ Cai willi ra Ibard or Sofi goal or Wood. 1 baw a §Ndl & sorlrntt-ali rdeil maRes, and aun sdi1. luq as 1lm as 1 cou. slstetlv came......q I~. B. ~er, Wefl~Ille .~ t fluais. Is now ready t) show you the fiîiest stock of Ready Made'COuthing and )verî-îuats iýver slîown ini Lilertyvillir; aise> Wiîiter tJidsrwear, GlIoves aîîd Mittewa. 1iAt lBooits anîd RiihherIs. <hrmai oxs, L'ggritis. Etv. NimIlieu Kn' el'ntsifori ioys 7 10 i(; yeaîe- te kliiui lita r. Tbey coit a little more. hunI jnailty je remembeîed long atter puice ti. forgaîlcu. We havo a fine asiailmeut, ail bougitî fur spot cashi. You are ieupectfniiy Iuvilod la examine te gooda. We aie ibere loir 'iys of te yack, relu or siine, 1e serve our vuntluîmers andi fîlouils Vauus For Cash, E. W- PARKIJURST, rigitl of-way ln Madison, Ibence dovu Madison tb Spring eshot ot meot lte Northventerii. if Ibis eau bc scured te deml i iiibcocarried titrougit. otoîvs inte lina nrom Waukegan 10 Fox Lake domu Dol promise to materisllae lu the vory er future. A INEW ATZAbiI OAD. l'he Chllcag, Elgin and Wankegau rallroad, go bc tnown as --The Lake Belt Lino," vas lncorporated at .Springfield Monday. Tbe ew cv m- pauy, which la backed by seversi Chticago capitallAts. liasbeen ln pro- cmr of organisation for inearly a ycar and a hait. Bo quletiy buac lit vaî been donce tat righls-ot-vay voe seeured, surveys made sud franchises got vithout publiclty bavîng been give o alte promotera' effort.. Thte nev rocd viihobc ly miles long. and viii mun trainWantegan, III norltoîrn terminal, voit titrough th1e foi Lake regian and soult tirougit Wanconda, Harrlnglon, Elgin, Kt. Charles, Genea, Aurais. Joliet sud eventually ta lte Indiana shore 0i 1..:. Michigan. Il vilii mn talc0Ch- cago aver nome loasod lino ltai dom uat ut proseut louch t aIWaukegsn, conuoating ucar Si. Charles. Thetoitel Ue liii cross fourteen diOleront rail- roadai. Thte new company vas tluoopoagel vitit acaupital stock ni $100,1100t, viticit vIlI ho incresel later au conditions demand. Actual building aperatlous viii probably ho begun viitin s 1ev moutn.. Thtis la 1the projeat E W. Slees, vito fled th1e Incorporation papers, ha@ hoon qulietly voring ta @Avance, lu western Laite oauuly, for many mouths. WIECCRBIN CENTRAL IMPIOVRERT. Witen th1e Wisconsiu Central rail- road passol from contrai of th1e stock bolIers ta bond halders serrerai montits ago, Il vas predlctod vent improvemeuta vol tale place, sud snch ls ta c ho ie case. The nov stock itoiders ai thoir annuai meeting la Nov York lait Frlday vated to double track lte systlm tram Milwaukee 10 Minneapolis sud piaoed ln lte bands oi the direator.viit power toa ct, 1the proposition of building uIndependent line from Mlwaukee lInOhicago, vitere conuection t a ebc maie viit te Illinois *Cenral affording au opentng intlite sonlt. Il i lie latier propo. sillon 111*1 interouisLakte aouuty. Hore li thoeIe. lu a nul- @aoll; Tho UUb @OODtr vmesa nolruaoullet, Wlse"" Omaa a nlbe oli. ir 4 .,y . 9 llosiery and Underwear. eWe dlimplay lthe moisé complote Une of Ihoroughly vell maeoand rlUable i hosiery and undervear for Mon, Women sud Obfilrea, la 11<111. medium aud iheavy veigt fabrici la a varlely of qu&Ut«Io 50suit svery poctetbool. Slery -Everyeing from heevy voli s efor lien lgo5the gluent ecash. mor goeUg er bby.Wot anton or flecoe.uoRm. Thte lamnons "Hercule." Meool Hw let10 c1 Ms ud pir The "Munsing" Iinderwear [rW me, but lihtiug. mont comiarlbdurable anu saaiasy Union Boîts sud Umdergar. meuletha modermmcher andskillod labor cSn produos. SaMunu a pontai viith yonr name aud address and wevoii mail you th1e nov illuburaiod MAUaai bookiet. The "Staley" Underwear and Overshirts [or Men. Wo have so1.0 ango MM of$heo garents ;thé111mmnof Leke ouuliktaI SI asu anuceary bore Io elaborateo un iti, gSadqualillo..We'll y simgl this-ttere are no botter StlUng or more maioalcoy vsag »desaa made--mdthey colot y«. bu %han =alvaluons la any otite, aeaiui garmeutsI. WIli yon nee tem? Noolr chargeifor large atm. $3.50 tu11.00 par garmenl. "Forrest Milii? Underwear for Chidren-é*Pro are oseclally f0101 uai aers nf Floooe.Nad udrgmtn. We 0U17 a complote lUneof t haïs gooansd asnuud ou Uie of nudergarments for ceh$& rent lu nexaellod for qualiby. vasiely sd paplar pric. Union Mulfti, Bloqlg Gelrment$ sud tva plocà sui», rrn Tepbone PNo.109. Voagn l FURCOAT1 AT KAISER'S A littie early, but as they're just !l the asortmnent to éeleet from is large. Now's the tixne to bily. Ikobes.. Goat Skin Imitation Buffalo Coats-,.,~ Goat Skin Wo.mbat Dog Skiai Corne in and see themn.

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