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Lake County Independent, 14 Nov 1902, p. 5

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You want groceries and go od- that s the kind we seli and at prices no higher than you pay for the poorer kind. Let us try you on groceries if you are not already a patron. WE -UARANTEE TO PLEASE. TRIGOS & TAYLOR, li6acquarters for arocerles. - - Illinois.1 Hlave Voir a Priend *Born in November? Then You Should be lnterested in WI-at Follows: :: . .:: Who irst came to this world below, With duli Novembers tog and snow, Should prize the Topaz' amber hue- 1 Emblem olf fnends and loyers true. The Topaz ilait a commoîl jîw' ~,niuclî the mlore dîsirable' for tIîos- rivit-i l flI 'i é-a r L. We havtc it iii be;iitifll sê4ttngis NViI ll oi î4Mk at tlîenm Dairby Brothers, JEWELERS. Libertyville - - - Illinois. INTER 6OOD5SO Our shelves contain a complete and varied line of tiens, Womeris and Childrens.... r Underwur., nice line of Ail Wool Waist Ooods and liannels. FLAN NIELFTTES ln 40 patterns. Cotton, Shaker and Tennis wý-.,FLA . S ,SMITHi & DAVIS, DEALERS mN é1neral Merchandise. * PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. *Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Effect Sunday, September 28, 8902, et 12:01 B. M. TO CHICAGO. Va" DnAva. Oaoart From New Depot. Leave L1hL"rtyvllle. Arrive Cbivgo. 1.1 ...... 917 a. in------------.5ILa.n. 140--.... is18 n----....------..10:15 s06nM. 1 .l....-1228p. m------------...1:40p. m. - 146 ...7:P . .............----:00l.P . auxnAYR. 13 o .. l 9:17-ita. mn----------.ý-10:06 a. nM. - 140 ... : 8 . ......a......--- :-la- P- . . 14v - ...7:1MI P.nm------------v:Ip. m TO CHICAGO. vin DAVI. Depait Prom Oiti Depot. Leve lb.rtyvlle. Arrive ttbloafo. l ......6:20a. m------------...7: aôa. n 134-...7:3 . .......10 - - - 46a . PROM CHIICAGO) vis AIB.y Arrive at New Depot. L'--CbieOso. Anrl V., i,1 b- c y V 11 . No. 131-...7.4u s. mn--.-....-------:i . mI. M1 ..... 3i.m. ... 10:43 a. 1M. lm-- 2:IliJ, . ..... 1 45..0 17 ..... - -4:00 1, m------------4:52 IP.1M. 143... 6:Oi05 M. .... 4 l1 . . auvnDAYE. No. 147-...9 lom îl m-.----------17 a.m. 13-... 1 -2: 10 P. M.------1:46 , 1M. 148 ...-605 1,.----..-------02 gM. PROM CHICAGtO. vUKES Daia. Arrive at Olti Devot L.ae vtiloago. Arrive LI .-rt <ville. 141 .... 620p. m------------..7n13p. m. WGNo Trains Arive or "ev-tOl Station iiundars O. 1. Luce la building au addition to bisi barnu on Lake Street. lien %ýoOlridge unoveti loto is nev banse an Essi Park Ave. llatnrday. Walter Aciten lu bame tram a titre. mantha riait At Fergue Falls, hm. Jamea Tnlggs contemplai.. remcving ta Oalifarnla, probabijl l teéspring. Dy. andi Mis. ttChenney, of Etigen- bon, Win., vere the guetté of Mns. J. F. Clark Saluudaj. IL. 0. Garner, tbe nev hban, lias rentldoa!Mrs, C. Ahnthie bouse juat vacaled by Ban Waolridge. Gilbert Luce te excavatiug for lte busemant of his ev bouse ta be but on conter of Lake Street and Brainerd Court. Mrs. M. J. Clark, mother ai J. F. Clark, ieft Weduesday for Springfield, Misffuri, ta ipendth ie vinter vlt ber dangitter, lira. Baker. On Sabat mornulg Dr. Itobînuan vin velgit -A han." u Inte evening be give. lbe fourli ln the séres.. "'Christ ounlte Faim." Jane. Triggs lut wveak sold iti résieuce taeItudolpit Epber, Er. Considration S330. Mr. Epker ln. tendu ta mole mlta evillage. H. B. Pegiov, of EHall Day, bus been negotlating for PFd roke'r reitence on IÉUU*ee Av..,., but ve are Infcsn.d lt e saibb alim titrougit. Thefte vI ibc a tu osIt tuand quihtag #A Meb ereet Mms.L. B. nom. ffl. Mm, . . UMMsa iauspiem 01 tbe LMu &W @"§OuBofutheb.M. Z. oburef.6-2 J0na.UIaB m»N tIà bernasal k4 lton vu* b. ' MM lu u . Mr. N..., bhmael boa.roue la bis Mai.W erna. 114Mgha. à- lbasrealed lte mon" hmbene » tFem pfeques. Tbe reeepUloeic ltehe Maodist parsonagfono, hiay eving for lte rature ai Dr. Iloblinsnwuva averj mordial anti delîgbitlime. Tbe eangregatian vene prsent ln large nnmberi. Dr. Smnit madelte atitre.. of velcome, anti Dr. Rtobinson repli Abondant rafiesimenis vene brought lu andi sernvt.. Peler havera anti fauliy maved I mta tLe hame jocently pur clased o! l'ractar Bras. on Milwvaukee Ave., luti veek, fuom Hlaf Daj. Mr. Moyens sold is oti al; Hall Day ta MB. H. Panlolat, of Wieeing, vWho l nov ,ouductlug the place. Mn. Noyers bati liveti coullnuanalj lu Haif Day for 58 jeRanillis removal ta Li benty. ville. W. E. Devis vas snmmoned la Waubkegan honday for jury dulj ln the ocuntj court. TLe es nbefora lte court vere condemnatîonuproeed. lnge brangbt by tae C. &. N. W. ralîroati for teir @pur tbnongh Lake Forest. Iu ail titere vere close ta aaveuty-ilve defeudantu but of titis number a&U but Ilve or six bave settilet ont ar court. Mr. andi Mis. L. Z. Proline sud mau spent Sanutay vstling uciativea iu Chicago. C.Bi. Sherman anti vire expect ta leave for Ibeir future Lomi! I-mlmyra, Va., naît Tuesrlay. The baller lun te electric liglit plant bas beau repaired «ani otrrelît la ta Lé f urnlîsitet TJitiiday niglil. An extension aftVeiltj fr-et iv being bulît ta lte brick ochinney iltlte electrtic ilgbl plant. Io afforîl a beller tiraft. Titi Lake Couty Club viii give a dance Titanksglvlng ilitt lu Liberty- ville Tovn Bal. Cicago music. The baja are arrangiug for s good Mlme. Ail InvitaiS. Local deaiers are bavlng a gondi denanti for the produetoth ie Rocke- iter Ofla onpey. Thise îoncaru te turulig OuI supelmcigare anti besldea. snoberatake mtia!action ln patncnlzlng àa'*bomne ndumlry. If you Lavent trieS IUem do @o. Thte LocalOourt of lite Trib, o1 Ban Bur meetoe aIonday nigit. tirerai catildatu are ta b. lnliaged ai tit meeting yuL te PrmOise of many more ta follov. Are jon amoug Ibeni? If not, vi t a? Adv. Barry OaUavay bus bee buay try. tng ta locale . "rauntis" la the ligbt canent during lthesitut dovu of titi electnic ligâtI plant andi bas aucceedeti la Ivo case. Witi tâlte varions im. provements ltai ba4ve beau made a supenlorlilghtI servIce sitoultirn-cuIt. Ooutj Tiessurai eleol L. C.l'ui Ias 11n tavu Woduesdaj mencrlug sIgnatures lo i 3300,000 bond. Mr. Prile.bas as boutimen thirty ofî1,lis nelgitbns andMtiCinoneIlucentral andi western Lake Oounty, mont of vbom vounateeret t aiu bis bond. Titis speaka vail af Mn. Prices standIng lu te commun lty. Mir. Frost Lasu namiv et sunaeeded in soecrng a franciie foirte exten- sion of Lie Liberlyvitia electrle lins ta Norlt Cbinge, Te malter lIs slli peuding. Froit Raits a perpelnai franchise, ln eluru oiainfi ta drîv gravel for the village 10 ipresi dou lhi trîeets. free ortai cos&. Itlah Leleve i te fraucbiîe alI evaniiîally La granleti. Masuna. Bnnb Bios., of Chicago, vire tui tavu Wednendiy accomapaniati by an aichuleet ta makre iraigemente for lte Improvement 0f Ibvîr halel pur- chéaset lut eeak 0f James Trigga. il la prOoaedtu 10lengîhen tLe building 30 feel rallier tIbm raie ilanotiter 4onj. Thea nîv addition la ta be tvo atoules igitanti ounlte it fauonof lte addition lb. bar la18 te pliceti ani-lte pool ant i but ard tables, viit a noutit entnance. antithug La entlreiy awjeente tram lte itl iprOper. Titis grillmaake room for a large parlor, v-it lavatorles and tilier icî'omnlotitiong ou lte tiraI ihoar sanc sa a dining Bl. 0. toantner anti K. J. Proctar rom tere lu Chicago Wednesday selectlng Tbere le nrgent neeti, îaricularlj ai aa uit for tenev banb. Mi. Gartiner Iij stage of Llbertyvitte's ativauce- aisen purcitaseti a sulalle mite, baub ment andi progperlly, ot a business fixlures anti inînlînne. The mevbank noua organîzaîlon ta&$as vîit lu- itumtjdiug la bling puati viit ail dushies seeklng location, onsîider anti pas vible speati aud by iialurdaj nlgitt suggas ieedlioal iegialaion, aiîate vill La restiy for the rocf Jateta, antidtanmea tLe sswavn d wvaterkrb barrnug untavorabia vealter. propositions andt t co-aperate viii, Ttoa. Ciaphai, Of OGune., l back the village board lni everj possibLle from thie Philippine. andi Tnetiaj vwu ay for the besî interesîs aof ur i cv in Liberty'ilie viitt hts uncla Harry llg littlaelctj. Organîzitions Of "ti Almauti. Mr. Ciapitan complaineti of kInd isalunaarlj iveuj flp.tciae the colti, mol bavlng beonme se. cllj anti bave coma ta ite camaldereti climateti. FoM eprtuec 0 smuet an esaequls e ecouncil. 110l it. stade tatoe amp amoaptere SmospubilO spiriteti individuel la anti peneiralng brosses of Lakte oouatY vLan aur business men bave cou- pravsling jugélutiltitIs lime, jea ifieaeoe la the praper person onacelslte change lit caused i hm mare siiera bu) raliing. Sncb a mau coniti cau titauillte FiWilmoe la lte Islanide. upan the business men, ack tietae galber etaI B spulatat iime anti tait Mat WiIi, vito vorbs for Fred Croker, lte natter aven. Fron limaI Informai pinlîcipaledt ua procession lu Chicago meeting voultirareitthie sppclntmoest Baîundaj given lu comeellon vitit a of a conmnttea ta draft a constitution ort of carnîvai, lu tact wvatia- anti necesayroisnul.. md ralalions, gutsheti bj balng citasen tu reprenent anti a lutIle Iater could lji effacée à a king, bis companlan la untobing permanent Organîiaion,_ pnopenly a bevitcig queeu. Mal 14 a menher oflcered, anti vitt gnoaticammle.. ta of te Chicago FnoubClu 0b viicit lok afier lte varions departments. t00kPu alute oria.Major j'on snob a novemeut to anchsità Harrison dtiiveneti an -atdre.. anti sumelul culmination lu Lîbertynill ningieti viitlte more ditiiueté il l b. abeolutelj naceaury lti"ltae canse, Mal amng lte number. Titan factional dîffereao. anti feeling e«. a a ftuai ionor Mr. Vill a Is. aut La ignored. The movement appeare t u lte Bnntaj papera, a&H ns uIl nlinyLafttnih wblch madie Itte more ueelufa min 16Iof diaCranet Smere b Monday viten lha came hucitaearth native, viteedominant desine lu $o do ant i LîLrtynhlie it noue Lut lte mont possible faorltae good orf the comnon people te greet hlm. But vIillg. Tis te cancedati by &Ula.m- Iban, Itévas a bol pans wvi le t uf.t*emesiiMndidesîrîng snob an Min Monroe of tite Newv tuglan ognh on qnnen Pîssitent à. ConservàtSoof Mi unie, Suaiet, vii lime Viella puplie, td«b 1 om&W.. W04la15 ugge.tad easn i BULKLEY BUILDINEI RENED. Albert Lîtchfleld WailI Stu rt i'iusubing Bumînessa. Baker., in North Store Room. i Albert Litliel bis rente l tue south store room oflte nov Bulkloy buiding &ani viii launc ino thIe piumblug anti steam ililtlng business. lu îlle basanent le viliihave a work mihop and on the ground ifflor a show room, svhare wiii bc net up for lnupec- tion plumbing goocis, Aence, bot air andi hot water eaterm, gag Illaimlatllg outilla, etc. Mr. Litchfillibas for jean vworbed for H Il ,Lger inctNcbanck lBro,, basides Living worked lu varions western cilli, bence bas ample exparience lu bhie ebosenavocallon. Hie wiiioccnpy the store tlmmediately itlnii conîpletei. WILL STANT A IAKERtY. Mr. FretS Yachtmer, a baller of experience and vto nov bldo a positionuas foreman lu a large bakery at Evanaton buasrauteil the norîh store roon a oltebuilding, ln îLe base- ment Mr. Bnliley viii rel a large brick oven andi Mr. lochimer viii condncl a restaurant on lteIliraI loor. Hils purpose l ta do a vholenale n veil as retait busIness lu baker'vq gonds and glo aupplj dealers. Titi Yohlmer family la already locatet InluLlbentyvlile, living lu ana of the Prie cottages on Scbooi street. Gazette Change@ aints. W. L. Farmer and Frank M. Weet bave purchaaedth ie Waukegan daly and veekly Gazelle andi are flon lu nnrai of lte papens. Mr. Fermer bas acled an edIlor ofthlie pipera for severîl jeans and Mr. West vas fonmeniy clty edilor. Pred Whtney, Chas. Whitney, Win. Uplan andCi . A. Murraj are te principal tookitoldoes vitse intereit Meuirs. Frmer anud West purctameci. The nev avuerssuareScgnizeti bj nevipaper men at--"bustiers of abiliily" anti te aid Gazette viii untier ieir managemnt titrIve n ig bas not af late. W, visi thtoren very auccesi ln the venture. Ooti Cigars. Snobe, if ion viii luiolet ou smoking, a cigar thatlu milti and pleastant go jon and agreeabie tao<thers vilo Iay smell your tracée. 1lria crime againal yourseit and titase yan ningie vitit ta sntoie a peor cigar. Ilernember Ibat The Special, lite Like Oonatj Favorite .and LA Famencla, lte titre. especallj popuiar brande put Up by Thte Rockefeller Olgar Ca., anti Caban Belle, lte test citeap cigar on lte markt are brandi jon can smok@elanti enjay smoking vithout being offensive le thoasa arauint yan. Try a Lake Oonuly Favorite or a Special. Pot sale by Lake County deaers. 63 4 i The Rockbefeller Cigan Co. Unclaîmuet Letter,. Th, tof tucamc toeaLbryil 111,. pomtoMticcfor îLe veet endînS Nov. il. tVberi aitiafor theffl ctrs ay iiaiver. ttoed. lloy M.-' i arpeuten Logpe l>t,aRd N. N. Tiliman JAr. Il Whalna Mr. M. WAiiU M Ha.~e ostiter. PEOPLES' COLUMNO Ad. m-il-rthi. baud muet uI.y. b. uuid 8. .dvmSn. Raft, 3 cietsper ine per mek. 7 wîude con.Utuilng à lins. F ALE or 'lIADE-Mlwaiikei 1w,, roll Cern buSk4î,r Mlii trend power 1l1 Roau cendition. S8. J. youuLî 5tyl-54v F R iENT-ilroonht.i c LaoAr-. F piR toîMa.. NZAI. Ipi n. L I.rïl, BENJ. iM. MILLER, Attony. Adjudication Notice. Pîî ilo NotlcfilaR lierohoibv o t hat the, SubsurîberElxeutrix of til,: oufWtlt and Teeitameont of Fred Trî.l.îi,l ,ioo,.aw.îiviii attend lte Counti tCourt of Lake Coint y. aI a tem thero to b. , itn nt the, couîrt Houe inluWaukngan. ln val I Cotinty. on the firit Mondai of Junuari Ilont. 1510 l en ando where ail versons t.avtne clame mfIrnnt sali ongata are notlivîl and reuii-eteîi te preacuette isoealnteîl Court for adîîîdloca- Lion. gffrxaaTaxîcazL. Executrîx. Waukega. Ocober 2c. m . 4-4 BENJ. M. MILLER, Atorney. Adjudication Notice. Publie Notice tm t,rot,y given tilat Lbhe iiuba.,rlber Ex,-e.tîtxi or il,, ta-et Wlti aud Testamnte0f Ctrtollie.r Magdte deu,,ssed, wiii attend the Coînati Court-toftLakte Coîînty at a ternilth6zer o , ht,,- tîoti ltbe Court Flouse la Wank-iran. lu cald Coîînty. un lthe fret KOMdiof .lîauy nexL. tii vLwhan d whare ail peot"na Lavins aims againit said astate are netilleci anti ueqflete' tii proemtltaea"m- t0 salit Court for idîndici. uion. LizzIz Xi lxxttS. Ezecutrîx Waeksu. abLer i214 mlsu. 8-4 Ready Made ... SKIRTS.. 1 have a uice line of ready-made abuita, the. lateat titingu, sud ai right prices. Ycu îbould a.. tton. French Flannel Waists lu ail uew colora. Tbej are stat tliadyj eue- lamera are iaoklng fan anti I am aelliugtem il pnîces lover Ihan equal qcalilj shirts can be puroitasat for lu Chicago 1 bougitl tem "close," taI'. viy. MillinMr, Cloaks .and Furs. For vinlen var. OCal anti gel prices and t eafor jour. self Ibat Icter reailbar. IWERYTIiN FOR LADIES. Mrs. F. Proine, WîNTER UNDERWEAR8 Now is the time to buy your winter under- wear. We carry a full comDlete line of haif and ail wool un- underwear in child- ren's womnen's and met,"s. Wall Paper. We have just received our fail line of wali paper. Nice clean patterns at right price. Rubber Uoods. We carry a fulll une of children's. women's., men's rubber goods for shoes, boots and feits. *14, ool Dress Goods. A nice line of cash- meres, serges, ladies cloth, cheviots and flannels at lowest prices, consistent with good goods. r SneA M P L lr Eat( Ur N E hvs 0d vh o Sc15OUthe 397.009 doa ingtoese virle s ud binevititealu Whun, veau agreat varlety of palteaMdtiolon con- limitions: plein white, white M ant, andi green, alik overatitabeti, fancy coloraiS Th yokea andi borderaetc. The gootis Worth $16.00 ta 318.00 a dos. vevwilillit t 1.00 Th32100 ta 327.00 grades..............$.28 anti $1.30 Au a natter of compaimon v. vint ta Mention that lb. grade w. have iteretotore mold t $t 1.00--antiIl vu n gocti a Valdo ae gauy$tore oan5»1l as th&a% Prime-la Immu tian hailthie aise of %t haal ve Wini lu te future n»U for ONE DOLLAR. Don't leitaspect theee gonds; they Wiii make elegant Chitas prements for jour frinde lu case jou don't nodaymare for yaursoif. Libertyville - - - îIlinois.J ...PURE DRUOS.... At Lovel's Drug Store [NT TOILET ARTICLES ND PERFUMES LS PATENT MEDICINES Libertyville F. B. LOVELL, - - - Illinois. For a telephone ln your place of business or your residence. You get the incrsased and growing service ot the - J. County Tolephone Company and connection wIth lbe-, Chicago Telephone Company. For InformatIon, rates. etc., wrt-«c. CONTRACT DEPARM Libertyville

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