AIflu flAIU L3 O., LICIfflELD BROS5llProps. February lot our ahop anid show room will be open for businosini the new Bnlkley building, Iàbertyville. q W. will in addition Vo installing ho>t air and hot water planta, do &Il kinde of:plumbing, sheet -! anetal wofk and repairing of Zevery description. Wtt guarantee satisfaction and @hall airn Vo render prompt service-.i We will attend Vo every job which cornes our way-nome oo far or difficuit. Wheîî we can be ofuse Vo you cal 44, we'l] (Io the rest. 'Phîone We"need 'your patronage. ____________ Plumb Ing and ###UiPIt#4Co.,Ufw ffW~@@@eue vwpvfv Mailta Orgaard wuilu Ohicage structure may 'nform te the hlghéaet I deai. Mondai. Lot us cor,- ira. tiIs foundation from the etand r physlcal tréflgth. The Fied Houri le cutting cord wood for nueoalty >eruon should have a W. J. Dletv. beatiti t -d .er tirat the mid ma, at"an te the hlgbest degrea of mental Peter Neyer shIpped a carload of stivit Iol apparant W adl persona of expert- hop luat Tuesciay. ence or observation. ln the majority of Mzrs. Meikie hau sold ber hlorse te caie our mneand vemen of Duneua Nkk rabe. o GlIer.Intellectual êtrength hâve been persons cf if lo ( hmer réal; piysloal endurance and sound bodies. -John OÔrgeard bai recelved two We have knevu students many tire@* to wagon loadu of t ernîluze. give up Ighai nourse of stdr and no home 1nerveaus eka. The road ta knowledge la lin. M. Meule vent ta Chicago tenait and toilsomé. Titéré arn ltfalle o 5riday retureini Mondai. falurea and reaka of examleeona ail lng thé va,. andi they ha"e the atvaittage on B. D. Wells and daughteItuth vers tiroir aide Who brliig ta the etriualie the Chicago visiteasTueoday and Wedaec- lnvlafoeation of sturdui country irie. IvPanitoe. viglhils Pure fieah air andi dzi. aurrounded hr fertile fied and wooded 0. M. Foaket le lillltng io!s tee house, ille. has helpédte 10 gve ite Foue people filthia bvlaltrenaitth. Thée ercise le thé tee belng traningd front Dia-ood the open air. the feaim lise the ridins and Laie. vL*Ina. the skatIng and revînt,.aIl have Er. nd ira.Rd tewrt, f Nrthbolped ta Mard forth tata thé enrd rounn Mir an lie. d Sewat, f Nrthmon Md vomen eQtulpped viti t arous Lui. ?fb., amé viatiltg ad fieUda bsaitU by e& he bsenB, or>fhe saloon bam. vith tita deblltaitea nllineeebas lof t aur Young mon treu from mar of the vices The lic loWofiers are planning ta no sammon te rt, Foilth. let us nov gie aeu eellent satertatinent ln thé conider the Intoeetual foundatlon tbat Dur fture.Ivanho. bas Ivan ber Youes recopIe. We nu. future. heleveibat thé primary ebject ofoducatlon Thé gravai road le beleg raply le net tae lie abllîr te maite moner or te oontpiaied between Ivanea andi W. become Pellebeti or ta make a reputatlon. but hislaefrma noble citaracter. andi thla gMkiner'a corner. luludea thé attilement et true culture. To IForeman Houri of thé Ivanhtoe Con- Obte, thia culture thé noeetla Dot se muoh for bocke as It la for tImne te medtate andi aoiidiéd liUing Company. reparte forupiltina objecta for medtation. butinent boom leg. lnonatrr Iffe vbere vé are net lwas mi"e Rase Hanon Whio hb eausurroundet br a revd of pteple te1 viting with lier &anat, liras. B. Van. Opprtunities lor med#Malon aremmaih grester tho n l ie&an d vhen ve are eut PIev returned home Tunedy. undOr thé cear eY,. flageoli: rta thé bras àLr. Oato, Ms. onsnW&andti eng the beatliea ofnature ail round i Mis. geto. lia. Beslner'souirminda viii uneonaciously bhome ilîlet Mother, la Yen ai. Dr. Dawsoni, of vith pure andi noble thosghs. Thé post Wauconda, la attendlng ber. Bryant tella us. 'Go forth under théope ski ad Dt %0 Natures teachîna.' Thé Tventy per cent Off on every blanket ronfla people of lvanhee muet almoit ot aMd c0a" atMeWkes forlthenDoi tour nefeat have thelr mlnde oceupleti bu va"hi Botter taie ativantake of theu thouffbta lunavelpatit, vlth thé surlîr andi peaose of tue country. 10W tfloes. Besidé this apasive Influence ln thé Thé IvanLboe ichOo Md thoOeéWho tellecuai lf@ oflils Youeg Peple ivaahoe1 bas hati many active influence.Ai OU! atentietilest yegr are gaieg te havé a .mem eers@eta the Dit and vs thînk ef bonquet as thé home of HarrY Pokt thé eorenuapent lnthéesebeol bouse aeroaa saturdai evesing. théevaui. and thé lessoas leauedt Ire. net oI, ta books but le citara3têr building ai lvanhoe in thé ColleeWorld. Weili ve ralse thrâttuheIfluenceecannes bé Extracte fromn a papi? relatit the ré- setImateti. Wq titi sot alwars studyin l thon daMs. vodais uet cdaim tiat.eepecilil cent Alumni banquet. vîit somé cf or old sohool teaeora hern »&. Teailmaiter. Ladiesanadt Gentlemeon: to.nlffbt. Thér couid poaîbln teil soeé il v ita Lsgreat lear anti trembillintaI 1 lonies of théi treubleaome pupili. but. vé reepondtote iis toast thîs oenluz. 1 fosi trust ter will lorbear. asaurédt litMY i audience la Ie the Position Yet ve knov tiret thé leuasns arned andi of thé e etiioLttntatuo f B cetain ectite hprineils inotillld lu thon ,dais wve wtc wte asketi by a vyenprompone juan aucit ai ta give us areJoondation. And sas bey a lecture bh itelmor. "Mount Veénvins' thé public Soboul bai bééen lu the past. sa veéolti suit thé People 0f ie lOve 1 8010d- tg le to-day anti se Itfi ii continue te hé a ver, weil. @Ir, very velil ndeéd. a lecture nt important force lu thé foundatlon bu on o Mount Vesulus voulti suit thém édueaUion andi character building of thé a «rosti;eai bote than a lecture hi F0u le Young people. lu the 1111e church ou thé tbIs tovu ngaowver MYu' alttI.. événina hiîî, ve lernet vitre te go te ned the la nt on MIt. Veauvîns but on thé toplé, parent andtiagiest culture Bud how va oelvanhoe le thé Collegé enrd. Iteortsinh i mgit recelve thia Christian euituréto laiau lteretinh lopin antioeemou fttlng brosdeaed uplît our rilve& fer tsaleOccasion. Il le impossible te sPeak h nelculad prte ier h cf Il tiré influence ie thé collage vorît i teas h aécta nisiIta ieo h leanhoe tas ad and l8havinacootinuaily commueti bas béeauau n luenoefur ireat1 aeil lY ounnapeople go forth eue bu' ceeLgod. ThéouYeung people vho havegesoue se.ekiug to bulld thé magulficet structure eut lion Ivanhoe, have reaion te hé prouti of a noble educallon ou thé foUndatlen cf throir home tavu. As the Yeara go by we aitadîlaI. AUal<cfailthéîou goris realîze more anld more what Ivanhoü bai Who have gens fronm Ivaniote 01000îeednsfo s vould bé a long one. And Bo wth thés. surroundins lullueno6g r,But thé question comes te us. "What le te Inspire anti tronathe the. ve blleve théInoundationtsatg ivailhoe bha. laI"'àA htmthé student.s vho bave Loue eut fromt gréaI building must have a aIldt eudtc.thîs teva and Who vilI continue te go out and likewlsé a goe0 éducatIon muet havé a Insu the collee wrld vîli menit ani degrée lirio foundation. le eider thats thée super- 1cf bhor tiratmal comete 1 temr. FREMONT CENTER. ' TF'REMONT. Joé Tagner matie abusinesstrtp te Mr. n 'vents te Barringtea Citiaglaiut Mondai. Nonday.c lira.tG. M. Trant, son andi daegbteir Mor and Kipfel butcheredti Ieirf vére Waukega i vsiter$ lait 8Bandai. vinter méat Ta.<y. Audréw Tagner &pentiaocoupléet days luti veai viitlog relatives le thé City. Geo. Dieiz loft Monday for an oettenedt viail vttb friends anti relu. tives ln Milwaukee. qulte a nomber front itéréatendet thé miaquerade hall at Round Luait It Wdneésai évoung. MLime Carie Wagner entortaineti a Young lady filent tram bang Gravé lusaBturday anti Suntay. Joéeph C. Do! fier anti Albert Suitiér vere Frement callers lut Sturday evening. Boy about it loi', M. end Mis. Antrev Hertel loft lait saturdai for 0h10 ubere they vUi apmua a év veka vlstting fiontis anti T. Mathér drove tWo hérd outoutile ta Ivauboé cene dayitat veek. E- Knlpfel veut te Grayqlaie Wétiné.tay with a gaaoinî éngine. E. Stelie hauli a 1Io" of cool from Laie Zurich for W. Donley Toéstuy. 49.H. R. Nyoranti Auguat Seéler savét vooti for thé Fromont ores nery Mandai. A surprise gPary vas given Chris Hiaphe by a number ot hIe friads. Ail reportéti a gooti tint. A number o! the youeg péopléeof this vliity atouffet thé masquerati bail At Laie Z nriih Salurtiaiévoniag. 0. . LOonia, 0 f Beoil, Tis., spent Omandai ltb bis friand, Miss L. Dréstien, vha laviiuog ai thé home ai UmseC. Loomis. huaiTager santi .5er Myl'e tOnoutf ur young mea batthé mis- **%MIay ft 0hio0vitere té yljfortune Sendi yeniag et ha'rg bis qouti ale, voéeu visitingfrimeMd auti 0. vluvaY vhllé watuat for is, L ," " 11Iw éyiet to put on béa bonuqi. 1 * ileé vue )"Ohutla q" it » ii uns. Barry Boléespenl moiyvl bar parents haoe. Mr. Tonner vas laid up for aàf éw dors wlth IsiripPe. Louis Krueger va. Ili for a fév dors visth catarrhe Batritis. Teddy Keetiler ha bée snffeng front ai attaci of mumpo. Fred Bloke hati li e arlY vendi osppiy aawed Wédneaday. Chas. Sturm saiîppedl two car Jeadi of tOwck tao heago lait véci. Dr. Keatta, of Chicago, wai 0611ét proesésioeaily la Eluil Gosavller. aira. Hertel, Si., boit a severe &tWac of heurt veakness Monday evenieg. NIickPaît aed vife, of Gilmer, calleti upon lire. B. Krneger laat Thuraday. Mrs. Herman Hlchy Jiv aid te bc gaining heatin lua Chicago hoapital. lin. H. D. Wetrnberg and daugbtei, Emma, veré Chicago visitor@ lait Wetinesday. Jobe Scbroedér, of Chicago, speet Sanday vsitieg ai home and ealiing upon his maoy friands. Thé cbsrch service dIi not matariaflze Sunday ovlng te lack of tire. Btter luei néit tInte. Percy Hertel, of Jefferson Park, vialteti hie grand parents, lMr. andi lits. Hertel, Sr., over Sondai. Jake Holst ls planning to bnilti a barn on te proparty ha latéiy pnrchased front Hugo Poelev. lirs. Luce anid chiltiren, ef Liberty- ville, are Êpendleg a fev ueis ith Mrs. Luce»sster, airs. Frank Telle. J. A. MaBot., daugliter, Misa Sosie, andi iMieJoîsie Mitchell attenedt thé feneral etflin. T. labestér t Evanston ant Saturday. Dr. Honderson, of lte Lakeside Hospital Chicago, vas called t0 Emil Gesaveller lu consultation vîit Dr. Lockyer Sunday. Professer Hertel'@ orchestra fernlahed music for the sannail hall of thé importil club et Kaiser's hall, Chicago. Baturdoy night. lis. Borringer. vite came ont Sun- dey ta aiay vitb lire. Wm. asciuler, retunedtilb lira. Sohuler ta River Viev Tuesdai an aocouai of thé big ftre la thé Piano factory. Té ver.sein ta bo ear &ha% lira Atienabacb, vite apparetiî snoces&- fJURY stooti an aperatioa for gali @tauez àabsort tInte ago, titi nat rally aisvas expecteti and i ded ten daye mien thé opération. Thé entirecoemmenlty nast a1 thé river vere, conslderal startled aid horrifier! whea titey hourd cf thé murderons attaci upon lir. James Lyon@ liai Thsrstay lgitt. lMr. Lyons bad @pont te day in Chicago, anti wasretornieg hont6 ln hie wagon f rom the Everett Staton when a etranger limboti m ltée vagon andi struci lMr. Lions fohr or five terrible biova vith a large euh veedraci stahé. Thé hora. beontlngamanagéable etarted for home se rapidly that thé vonid-be robber vwutitrovu out and Mr. Liane réached home axhansteti front thé fas e! blod. Dr. Lociyer bolng calléti, founti séveral sévere anta anti contualani on lte heati andi louna thé loft esandth ie boee vér 1h complelely batierét Inl. Over a dozon stîtches ve neededtet close thé deep vounds luliiteti by thé terrible véapon. Se for lte patient la In un Favorable a condition as eau hé expecltd. Cerd of Thanke. Té deairé te thank thé uelghbora and frIands vite aealeted and sympatit- izéti viit uâ during ouirécent boreavé- Mus JoHN licBaR:no AND F'AMILY. IIALF DAY air. Steen andi Iantiy havé moveti Inlo thé upper liat of Cap'. Jolinsona houaa. liésîrs. Josepb Churchill and fluant Gleaien tranaiactcd business In Tauké- gan Tueidsy. deusr. Jhirlia toote andi Jouas Hoaftman are alowly reroverlug front titeir Illue3s. Henry Smitht badl an attack of In- flammation of lte bevelé laitwveai. Dr. Sént attenedti bi. Mise Mary , Baker, of Quesîles Cornera, vent home Sattuday aller havluig stayeti vitt B. T. Footes tfamliy for noet ime. Réy,.Fevier, of Diamoati Laie, wiii hold services at the Hall Day citurcit Seudai Jan 251h et110:30 a. m. No sur- vie« vere héldlti la ndtar on accouaI of thé ohnroh not béing béateti, but a lie la guananteéti for ett untay. DEERFIELD. George PFétis lo on the alickliai. Miss Julia zabu la vistinglu Chicago. Mrn. Jenka le visiting vlth lira. Hoyt. New Conlury Comfort. Millions are daily iietlng a verîti of onalort lu Bucilénsa Arnica Salve. il Mille pain front berne, scaldes,et@, bruins; cenqnérs ulcor ana fever soies; cures éruiptions, ssI rhoeent bele sud flons; removes corna anti vanta. Béat pilié cure on eaiib. Only 26 centa ai P. B. LovurLas Liberty. Villa, UEATsLAIn FRARMACY. A PTA KI SiC. Miss Emilia 84a11 epeut Souday ai home. Fred Kohl vhéllte hfl% faim itéré lasi Saturtiuy. Albert StahI vwu a Long Groe callér lait Sonda! evaulug. lins. George Pfl.ler îisitod ut Joe Linkla eue day lent vrai. Joa Siabi sotd eoee!fbhsieté,t ioec le Fred Icohi, 0f Chicago. Joa Lini bas movéti lnuhbenovr re'ldeocé vhtîh lhébuilt last sommer. lies ChritisaadEn'liStatl anti lira. Rd. Nutier agent a fév tays lu Chicago lImm veéi. Péter Witiuer, of Buffalo, Groe, ma14e a bulé on triends andi relatives hère lait bSurday. Mi.Amnale Scitt, viteha@ ijéén viltiug relatives anti friénds hère for thé basItva omenthe réloruedtot lier bonté ln Citgo. Miss Christine StailhI ccetnpanled by lier couelu, MIa. Christina llrahm, si int tl it loir edaye of thîs veei uttit trIend. anti relative@ aI Grayalaké. NORTH NORTHFELD. Adamt Weberrla on thée lickliai. Ail Tricr la a ernéomet présent. Misa Caile Gutzlér la oi t he ici tlt. Baverai sîholare a bve miavéti choel on acceunit o! bavieg mumpe. George Srllg aid vile front Iowa are vltIng friads asd relatives taré. ?red Wolf anti vitefent owa axé vlsiting trient. anti relatives &round bore. Thée UiltdEvaugélloal etorcit ielt protiacti meetings one vési, titey cîcééti Montay svenieg. BeY. N01.0 pastor et thé Evangelicul church la alili holdihg meetings anti expecis te continue. Seo tai thc méétigeamve beén auccésf ni. l'hé Secret of Long Lite Coni4ate lu iespieg FaIlthé main argans of the body in béalhy, régular action, antille quiciti tiestroying mdéai uagrm@. Eootilo Bilier rugulate stamacb* liver ant i itnoja, purie thé blooti, ant ivu a aplendid appetile. They von a atiérs la aur- ing iidnoy troublés, fémaléoam- Plainte, nervous timusae, constipa-. tion, dyfflpetea. anti m&a. Vivraonsahealth anti sirentu &IV"@ fonv hene.oney MOI uaatendi by F. lB. LovmnLbetrI.;OAa &AU 3PF[Jmu&OT., la OcJàgo v==b Aboust abxen ai our jomg peole gatigretiai thé hoe a0f John anMd steila Orroli on Sunday evecins ant hati a moet senjoyabte limé. Lagrippe anti tonsilla are Von prévalent omong théeohool ohildien of Evero4t Agnen, Chartes anti Anai. Zélman, Péarl anti Roy Whoeleaa COonpelled ta bé absent froM 0ach001 by thée lcines. A large number of Evert citisena met andi arganiséti a Litérary anti Musical Society ai thé Everétt sohool on Saturtial évenlng, Jan. 178h. Théy elécteti the folioving eflicrs: Piée., Margaret Y. Cardlai; So.., Blu Carroll; Tros.. George Yoie; Pro- grant Committlea, ERlaSoie, Kitue Nolan. Wm. Canolan, Janitor, Frank Viugitn. Thé lection cf a Vice Président asti a Srgéant-at-arms vai poalpoueti outil ltée oil meeting vblch viii taie place on Jan. 24, anti for vhlch thé tolievlug progrant bias beau prepareti: Rell cali tu ha answrét by quotationa tram Loagféllow's poonts Beitation ............Grace C5iea Sélect réading. . Mari Corceran Bong ..... ............. Wn. Canotani Quéry Box .>. . .... rank Vaugbn Easay ...M.. Iargaret Cadan1 RéitatIon .......... ..Stella Carrol Vocal Sole.. . .... .Georges1 ore Leltor Exetane.1,IFrank lbbona anti4 Richard Fitzgerald., Ail tlîoseé vbo:sh ta bécomé members af thé bi ociéty. vîll I ndly give ttsir nanues 10 the secrétary befoeothé ineigATTEIIPTED O icEtl On Tiiurstiay eveuing, Jan. 15, whiée James Lyon@ accompaniéti hi a yesng feilow by thé name cf Jeé va. going bonté tram Everett about 06:30 p. m., théy vere acoosted by a atranger, vito elintét o thé back part cf thé wagon. lie tartéd a conversation vitit the occupats, skleg air. Lyoni IU he tdut iu ow hlm. jair. Lyon@ repiieti &bat hé diint, anti thé traugér thea tait him itâtthé hat vorieti for Joba Bures tiurimsg the nummer anti von nov on bis vay ta vonk for John Tolly. Justeu héo seeéti peaklag hé svung a wooi-raci taie which hé héiti lu hie hanti, bit 10e 0e the itéatianti inocieti hlm cuot fthé wagon. Then héturnad and bit Ni. I.ons ou thé beadti tiee.1 fa the méontime the hors$ uhicit vas a high-aplrlled animal ron avay anti ovenierneti thé wagon as they ternéti the corner osar Lions'bonté, tbrow- log ti. Lyoua anti bis assallaut est. Thé lattar lmmeditly disappeareti whité air. Lyona va. carriéti loto thé bouse anti médical aid summonéti, vheu il vwu fosodti titthis sinli vwa fractueét aboyé thé right éye anti hé bti a long deep gah on theé béci of bis béati. Hé la slowly recovérlug but It la possible that hé May iosé thé use o! bis éye. No ahiempt bas beeu matie ta capteathé robber. Robbery oertaiuiy va. thé motive for Mr. Lyoua nanaUy carnies large surntso! mouéy on is pérsen.d Albert Wagné i veltét ai Long Groe lait Tneaday. 1Main Uraf! us bresklog Illistour- year-olti colt. Grand CIDace ISatnrday nulît, Jan.24. Corné on@, conté ail. Andrev Heorcher visllet at Mise Beach', lait Sonday nigtitt. WiIi Umbdentoci sudtGilîbert Falîl. mai saivéti ootifor Fred Stockilone day lait veci. Mime Cbitalua irém, of Buffalo Grové, aud MIss Christina. Stahi. et Aptaklslc. vent ta Gisysiake lait Satur. day. Andréw Hercher neturneti front thé Poslry Show at Graylaie Saitiay svéning, having goodati ecsaon thiée W. CJ. B. Fellah. Hé von 2 finit prises, andi on 3 partritigé Cochîns vou 2 firet prises. lié bai ggs le saeon for at 83.(K) par sétting. A Sclentific Dincovery. Kotul tdsfor lte etomac t lit which It la unablé totdo fer ilsélf, aveu viten but sightly disordéreti or oer- loadeti. Kodol supplies thé natural jnices o! digestion anti tooi ltae work of thé toslote, relain lte nervousl tension, white the Inflamet muscles o! thal organ ars allovedti te rst auit héal. Kedol tigeâsa tlyoest aanti enables te etonacI sud digestive organe te Iranefoînt ail foodt mb net, reti blooti. FB. Lovaz.n, Llhertyvlllo. PALATIN E. iBr, le tr. and airs. JolitoLln- manu, a daugbter, reoently. Mn. anti Mis. Ingleking entr.tisned fieda trent Chicago over Suuay. Mir. anti ars. Paddock bat for their guets lir@. Et. Styles, cf ClcBmpalgu; 8léa MiU. Alice Style, o! Momence, recéutly. idre. J. H. Behleîding anti lrs. Saiton vîltdlin. 'V. CJatlov lu Evafuaton Friday, Jan. 16, Il boJliebr blrthday. V.é are serry te s«y Miss Cara Beigmanns la bligeti go leave scitool ou acouet 0f poor héalt;alsa lis Marlou T@ller. Bora, lgoair. and lins. Strauss, a douffhter, Tneeday. Jan. 13. AIse 10 Mri. anti Mfs. Prieîcit, a daughler, Tetineitay, Jan. 11 lira. H. Schlerding 1sf I Sunday evening for Tueson, Arisona, 10 ha vituhér daughter, airs. Wm. Hoome. Mrn. Rouas la not éxpectedti terecovér front hie illneas. Thé Palatine Court af Honor, hait Ils ansalIinstallation TbeLrsdey évéo- lug, Jan. 15. 1'he menthérs énjoyeti a boDquet ai cloaeaf lte ézrcîsés. The aider ta one cf thé largest lu Palatine, having 100 mambers. Unoontalous PnomlCroup. Dnntng a sotitin andi terrible ailaci cf croup aur littil girl was suconncious front strangulation, ssys A. L. Spafforti pestimater, Chester, lilob., anti a dosé of One Minute Congit Cure vas sinietmeotanti repéateti aftea. il reduceti thé swelling anti Inflammation, out thé muoua anti sbortly lte ohilti vwu réstlng eu anti spéedily récOveréti. gt curés cougbas, colits, ligrippe ant I al thicat anti leeg troubiée. One Minute fJough cure Ufflle thé Ibroal anti ché ti $» uthéelngs tu cotribute jPure, beetib.givieg oaygén Io the ood. y. . , oqai, Llou7lffl 't, Kia sHelen Keeve vus a eity vIioit Nias EmmoeBluru, 0f Aptakioe visiteti bore Montiay. Mesdamu StociekaidQuentin ve Bazringicu vMatona Frday. lira.*Fred Siume0f Chioago, @puat a fovra14 witb relativues:he. Mr. andie. 1We&w e ntertained their friaeaa a party an ilnndây UmssVilla Queéntin le êpending o veéi's vacation vit behr parente ber&. UmsaBertha Sturm le spentiing a tvo veeau viation vitb ber parente bore. Win. Quentin anti H. L. liociolman madie a busanss trip te thé City ibis Misaon Mary Quentin ant imoa Baker viBllé<i nt George Qetîn gaturday. Uri. D. Smith ba& retilte Pulloth placé and vili move hère nomte tintue Fohisary. aisa MaM Baker returnéti front an extentiéti vit vitit holiday frientis Saturday. Miss Clora Naîntéir, et Barînglen,e viaiteti ber alitai. airs. TiII Sioocél over uday. is. c. Titi. of Brrlegtou. je hères viellenber daughter. airs. H. L. Bhléan ai prenat. audoiph l'nralaki anti lady f rient, cf Chicaoe, vére téegoue of hie cousin. ai. Teaier Suutiay.v Thomas Mohîér, etf'a uevsa coller haie Sonday. lié baCiiredtt ta vonk for Heénry Baker thé comng intener. Henry Kropp's borisésrau say froint blis itesnéar itéreMonday anti vére net caught unetil théy reschét Laie Zurich, but luciily no oné vawu hurt or any sérloui taînogé tiens. Tvo of our toit pepsiar yonag ladies thîni serionaly cf goieg lait. partnéraip anti open up antann1aIxýr- tag establishtent lu oui village, sas thîi goodsare le temnand at présent. For fuithar Intormnation apply te thé0 reporters. Two young gentlemten f rüm CookE Conly camé te Or 11111e village Sudai anti érée vitientiy lent, ou k they trove tove Whoytauk antiM Burdoci tréet anti nct getting ào glImpéescf thé dsured attraction, tbéy 9 toruéti aid trovo igo Palatine. t4 LONG GROVE. P air. Relmrs man hauleti vooti ait 01 Satuîtiay. a [ho Page Woven Wire Fonce -C OF NEW JERSEY. 'l'ie iîew Plectrie line now buildiung from Lake Bluff to ..ibertyville, will have its cars iii operatioîî in the sprin«. Everythiiîg pertainling Vo tlîis road im of the very beçt kind, roadbed, rails, cars, etc., and besideà thie manage-, nent have -j ifencingt.e giveîî orders - entire line toour Com- i with our pany f o r 4-LL highîmt grade of railroad fencing. Posta set extra deep in the ground Lfld strongly braced. The fexîce when completed, wili b. acredit both to the Railroad Companiy and Vo the Page W1oven Wire Fence Compauny. Write for Catalogue:- PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., 0. 1. LUCE, AUSTIN CLEMENT, V. P., LOCAL AUEU4T 200 Monroe St. - - Chicago. Uibényvil o0llm"s WVRIGITIT 1ROIIIERS'I Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Buildera' and Vehicles of Materials an ail Kinds......Hardware::: Coal, Li Cen Ame, We! solicit youi nent, Sait patronage and as" and Feed. :sure satisfactioný We have tell set of 800Oanid 100 lb Platform 'j(ales that we w~iii c1ose onît at $8. 50 anîd $9-50-'I ley are stanidard unake aîd wîllnrot last lonig at tîlîs prîce. Do you need a Set? SCH-ANCK BROS., Libertyville - - - lilinol&, FRE ESTubs Yamer INDIANAPOLIS, IND. DeEN om Cea lug irua l Imm 01? 1w ilat Thits vauiable-journiq, ln additionî 10 the logical troetment of ad agrie-ultturals*ubjeto wnl alao discuma the. grat lasses of the dd«. then.l.y addiiîg test 10 itu c9luonu anaîd giving the farmer aom.tbig to tItizik about aude front Ie every day humdrum of routine dutim Wla 16 . t et Thblay Days We Offer Iwo ForIM9 Pdcg 01o n~igRE MIDfpfmDEIT- Th. Lbadlug Couuty Paper sud Tu E AIIERICAN FARIIER Both One Vear For $i.5o. Thiti iuptrallipld ofer in mlade to ail new aubowrril.srs, and ail aid Ou 1h.. j.ay upail arrearfs aun rnw m o àtrt.v .1 lvéSualpi uoî.iem n' A fm . lrs ail ..r.lers t. TUE INDEPENDENT, Libertyville, 111.