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Lake County Independent, 30 Jan 1903, p. 2

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qS*gIDWERIKLY. D BANKROBBERY. enOiDTS BLOW VA&UITAT STEEL- VILLE, ILL. $ No.A.. moussas@Md Avrrîva mat lu as. toa mae. 0&W0la Caaii- as LasassId lu aaa te Ta * Sobbesu bIaisop«u lbe vault ot he peok et 8Iemvll1w D. at a o'cleck ou a ipsaft morains- and Iecured $3,000, s-tt luNich tbey eseaped lin a canulas-.. Nitre- s-a uae»d ta open tus vaull. sud Oexplion155s-Oer. oece"aabetore tho eabascoui gsain oullanre. Oua mis t he sorh insd the building, s-hil oerhs tooZd Luaaiou tii. ldts-ulk cul- n eiPaul =mmr' an cousin uGlia- «es, mine, s-wu sakenad bité report et te iraIt plosi. H lanesiOut f » frtont s-lndos- los-rd lbé bamk sud «ws-thiamm s andiuis-ou lb. sldes-sILk X[qhurrWsita theamii and lformed the -îooiois. Thes- thon irmed thbamsei-e@ «M steed bock tos-ard the bauk. Thre. qgt explions-ere board in tus ban!, boIMu" nluictsuccession. Mm Zin- Musla the moantiaa. ramne Out O the bseaaie uaboutins- tu br hoaband. glisabbat on sa-aiturned bs-ardt.e v.men d, fourlablus- a revolver 51 ber, ~iqt jhut op or JIU Nos- your beai Il&*Tuanins- tathe banh. tii. roiber h5coan eal: "Ai-e 700 ail UtJnHurrÏrsup ani ceniSa op the. u~,for tues- a»aafttasrn, but1 i sIl -1kw tii.bei off the.SMaUtMs1I-sea 110 sabbats tien lo o te bt su-à MUsT MÂDEt ton PAT TAI assas LégiateI.aed. M5m aa' Ctie10ct. gapreeeutativo OCapbel bas int-o- 4me« a bas Ita lb. heKansai Bouam lu lm.an abic-bodied bachàler bals-ca. the. mo et 40 an 65*$W a sea, and ail *.b>efl i esters bts-eau teas-e oe *5a sex. tii...taxa te o Il Ws e"ol ua. Àcuelaa n ha bI 'IO @t he b. oolfntui siedaarIofu quw ~5Iistateosofcers. This Provision Sat Gov. Balles- an Lient (1'v. -= batholors. 10 s-hom bera" là- et unge s-wom.n bave 1,1.17 pro- -WUUCK ON CAR DURINO UTRIK. - »eiLti Pet...Tri VIatence la i Utroat atas-a,'Troublek. owl gt. tha afreet car trikea nu t- jing 5mae tha othar is-b talu sreck ~*e Sat sia Maasaka afteu clbs- ~~ ~ m halO u 5 th tIrack user River Bo. 5 othBaud. Tiie sork *as =WPatir em@orsfuii. staecar s-as ~mIg veaasn-t full speed s-.n il bit obtuto.Tb*i.damas-e. hos-aver. ~~~-îlUciftu0 makaIt neceajUs- ta beha ar Oui the Une. The. stroet »Mou m m sdon,'thos- sera concerned St.Uah tPaye fterKi..eu. £ A piulnat Young- tudeul of t>-rltn ÇWMM pal t 1h. rate out P7.5itaplece lWt*o hissaes- hlcb b.atol trom a fair -~ Te s-uus s-onanreporled the. t 1 Le danuthLe ...W. '4do- Wlvsha @assetetarecl of a iî~ eWw-Wdiip s-blé the Young man - uuoJf or e » Oe h- wsorasuffagesupporters have 4juo yleidins- members ofthlb SI IA L-gWaur 1hs1 a bill grantins- of ils thét.balosw b.haasi 11k»asoo. Thé.bil bas been favor- ýoportà& in ellu bat ouse@, end Oov- ul aBos-bau .pruasd hi intention St d*àm -it s-h..pa"e&i Ans-w- Tetk mile r itbe. do&lled bliii athar, Smth Waiker a à i lA"- npoliticien,. wiiliebth a'tier 1111e t "nuer at i home, near .fffer- eois, Oh. Youns- Waher beane lu- - Ioaad becaus. is fthier niatiaad gee.. Trado Gro-i. VusPlus lie iraI tour mothe o! the. i't ldeai year tha exporta from li4 tue utua Unted Stata. atuounted le ffl M8.73, asainat $38516.2Q2 lu Ou r»tfoodlus-mentheaof tue prevloans leuilMe-r. ___ ?saalut nt McKtiny IBauquet. WDlM" MeKinles'. brthdwy amniver- eM wu-asclbratd at Canton. Ohio, WU ba banquet, aI s-hlic Prealdaut 5eMTOvr sai cbf autelI ami spaakeur. 10l atte sud bisparts-Bt ilsitad - Mpm licEiney and W awu Canetors-. ff.tAbto srock Iin ew s-Oeay. Twanls-tour prsous s-ere cnnahed or lou a l iatb nsuar njured by a ~ an.d collision ses- Cranfr. N. J., Iats-e« JaerseyCntral auburban and les-aI Bine p.se trains. Tiie vruseaas- 0k ira sois-asburned. tobacco iscr, Detro,'ed A large facton>' building- lu Rîtunond, Va, owuod by Newtou Vaus-in sud ope- saai as a tohacco slemmins- Pant bs- Un. Continental Tobacco Ctompany, s-az dastroyed b>' line. Thi os La bcivy. Lmnch@ Seaseaýe Cmsuled. The. sentence o! deali passed upon Os!. Arlhor Lync, s-ho sa fouid ptyo!fbIig troason luLoudon,. baa baerommoled to peui servitude for meustîr Patients Barte-i to Datb. Mre thon fift>' Iusane pti.uts. ail of visou wsera s-omet,,ws-esbumed tW déàtb lisa fin ai the ovInes- Hach asyl>usn. liciland. __ Ohio flauklng Hu»ai. stsas T'h. baukios- bouse ut Bous-itou Ford & Cou. t Burton. Ohio, assgned lu C. IL Williams for tue hoeneit o ils cred- ébasa. Itî ia nderatood tie asaets ara ella. Wte$5m0000 sitb lablties t *8300, »00. The aafts ensist largel>' o! tarin &atsases. Maguis Lsbor De.outrst1ou. Pos-erful Soclalit demonstralinu aili 6emaie siiortly lu London. Fitty lion- @" uuauploed s-onkmeu sil! alseni bi lu Tr9taigar Square soi pas reso Ittmoa skios the. goverumnu for work. Duver Aitoa Raid Up. -ses~'. FIlAUI> IN NATL'IALIZATION. T-0 lIeu Areelaiou Carge ot Aid- mu gAllon eluB.,u.oeVotem- Police Offirer Kaplan snd Nathan Leviu, proprielor of a saloon, s-en, ar- rested in St. Ioii on ai. iiidiclinetit re- Ioired by tue toilerai grand jury char- is- tieora-ihfrauduiently obtalin! for allons crtificatos of ciîiseuahip, c-to- moniy kuos-oaus nauralisatioin paPera. Tho ludictinent charges tiat Ort. 1 last Kaplan and LoviluinuCompany oui Blernhard Fetdmanu. an sien, viited lie fil. Lonia Court o, Appoalsanud ased as promplers ta Kelduian. s-ho made sP- plication for nturalisatiun pepera. The deteudants, il ia cianged, jstrucîrd Folal- manun tumaie oeil, li a etslaoentu 'lat lie bil resideal lu the Unitedl States for tire. yerInpreviens t the date et his altainins- lis majorit>'. ou the day fI- ]s-lus- the trio again appeaneil sud Fel- manu, b>' sanarins- to hi@, sialemeuts o f lb. previoue. day. oblaineil the docu'miente etitlns- hlm te vote. Unitedl States Dis- ticI AtlIonne>' Dycn sttd tit b>' tie su-idence secured be s-ouid ba atuc te prove that bundreda of alieus bsd oh- tained naturalisation papors liroîîsh troud pnevloua lutuathélecticu ai-No- remiser. T0 TAKIK CHILI)RIN TO FAIR. caital.t a« Plan for Go-.t siaof of- nl. Louis. John IL Waller o! tocitord. loa-n h.. aunoideai to lie s-olds fsirdirecm- lus-e paus fou- takins- 300000 o! ihe sehol rhiidreo o!i Sbate 10 a-lit îhe 1L Louis exposition oeil yeiir. Nifr. W1aler la a fariner and repitutiat. Hia _des in leo rs-aiseexcursions by traiu ani b,' teauuboaî 10 S. Louis. Ho tat- cd that a emprar,' village o! hue alor>' cottag-e.s ili ho bni!t upon a fdlteen orne tract. tu ta uaed as ds-eling bonnes on batiealu addition u 1thle rotaïedbe sas-I bis pans include the enection uit a seitarate building for hospital, librar>' sud restaurant purposeas. Mr. W'aller etilmateu that the excursions con ta. car- rlod out aI a maximum cet o! 120 te esrb puplil, s-ich amounl s-il! cocon transportation. board for one s-ee!,.laon- dry sud mediral attention. i-AUMERa i-OHM A COMBINATION. C..operattveOsaraiun 1 LieSock A»- sudation Os-au.jd et Lincoln. The meeting t Lincoln o! Nebrakai andKamsacs famrinrafor tue uurpoeofui tannIns- a c-operative grain sud la-e stock association roucluded lhe ocher evqDoug. 'A temponrs- orgnisation mas offected and sdjourtument laion ho Feti. 11, il which time lie permanent rguuii- lzaion o! lie assocition ws-ltb Con- pleleil. Eaci counîr in Nebraska la le have a single deles-ato therein. Tie tes- lutes of tuls session was an addrea% b>' fariner GOY. gavage, luns-un h hocoin- mended trutisud uns-ml the fanmera 10 orsanis, ou. o! their us-. AMERICANS GUT A CONCESSION. vîgisI to Prospect for.Mineaeit onuBig Ters-ilor,'la Aterla. The ris-kI ut Amercans ta prospect for soid! anal oher mineraIslu n oeaSi- balrim aheon grmutld. Vlîin tie ares 200000 square miles borderlus- ou Ben- in& sesansd the Antir oceun given as mniuns, trading- sud deveiopment conces- ision te tua Nrtbaveteru Siberta Coin- pans-, lb. sameprivilage. have beau ex- tended lie American prospeclor as Bua- sien&. The n.ws ao! lusrconcession t-n the. part othle rompans- came in a cabie- sram tranohun Roset, o! Seattle,.lie ÂAmercan nanas-lus-dircetor o! lie cor- uortion. ___ Deatis Prupisso,'Comn". mue. Samuel Rlnckîbue, a nestiy truck fariner o Fouburs-. N. J., iad bis for- lune toli by àa somau. Nie predîcted tuat HInckile s-ouId die befono 9 oclock that nis-it. Haes-cul bume.and tbld bis sifzavat lie palmisî hail sald. Ties- isd a s-eod-isugh uvor lie marier. aud 1thouns-t nu more about il. AI 8;45 ociock HInclo. feu aor dead. Mirderer 0lven Thiit, ee. .1, Hertford, N. C., after beins- out ts-auIy-four bouri lie jury In lie Wiicox munder ras. eturued a verdict o! mordier in the, secoud degnee snd the, deteudaul s-as senteuced 1tu lie potentiair for thiuts- yaan,the full lrit o! the las-. He s-san hrodsiti tus murder et Bla Cropie,'. ___ Xits-ht Tnane.CIlleu W.t.." In ash.ort hine ouI>' elgil citiez lu tie Btth o! Tonnes*"e sil! bave lb. priv- ilies-ofutselîlus- ltoxicins- liquro as s Weerage. This revolution lu lhelilquon trafis lu Teunesasee-lilietuabrous-hI about b>' lie Adams bill, ws-un pnoiits lie sasie of lquor nlutes-ns o! les tuan 5000 luis bitants. Germai,' Expuata Aciou. Gerainasbas uffereal volutan>' es- planation te the UniteŽd States.oftheii bombardinent cf Nan Carlos fort. Il says action s-as forced, sud dlsuvos ans- iutention cf opproasins- Venezuela. Great Brilalu bas seul a proleat lualIer- lIn saual sfurtier use o! fonce lu main- lalulus- bioksde. Raptlo. noves-. mau,@ Beai Victoir Mrietr o! East Nes-ark, N. J. s-us klllad b,' lie exploaiou f a el.eel cylliner et tie marne engin.sud ma- chine Warka lu Harrison. Morter s-as asalallus- in lesîlus- s cylder sIth con- pree-ad air avien tho bead ofthte genera- Wor biew out,.sveu-ug bils heifront his Ara.,' O55er I.le ss-d. lieut. H. Chas- Evsns. Jr., has renIelv ed adiues fron lth. War Departinenl thal he s-as rehaseil frein errent and sva, acqluilted of tic change ons-uih e wsa court inartialeal. Thi e las declded vin- 1tory fir tiie youns- lieuteniantWs-insthie sono ftua consul tenenal 10 London. Re.saan la 06101t ilttouaree' The numnber o! mllîlouaires lu Pnuasia bias lurenýsoisnos 189 f ront 6,016 Ou 6001, accou-dilns-ta the senrail ax r. toms. The. iate Herm Krnpp'@ fortune abhnuuk dumtu thie hat tires yor. $19.- 7wo)O,botins-nos- asaessed nt W4.750,- 000. S§,tedtab tugIs 1 ltL FolIois-lu-hle sdvtre o! bis duclera, trirls-luCrus-nPrime suta!, s-ho s-lll Mmsuma lb. res-ees-aIonce. -Tht.. Sackhel.5 Lmi bl&i The amallaalreal asate 4eai evfte - Soummaw inlaminsasiolia sas effewc MWe elle, das- s-ha. lie oss r e Donsidson Glas& Block purehased o!fP. H. I'tersou a alrlp of laund three Incies n ide hy 120 fest long. The. prie pstd n-as $500.Tii. transaction la slo uniue lu that il tank soi-ral montis o! noge- tiation. DETECTIVR 113 $HOT DRAI>. il la Ouppoa.i ffiayra Are Re.tiOUs Bible for Reaut Rouerr. Two men, s-ho are suPPOW dta have oibeil the ban!, aI Union. Mo.. durins- the rerent bolldsys, s-e located severai mites s-est ut thra lu s rabbi b>' a Pin- kerîcu drientive. C. j. sciuînacber. The. detectivu-. disgulaod neasantuer, calied nt a biouue snd tound tavo men ioa-ily nedi. île organilard a Pose ud re- tîred te ullsck thoebouse. He s-as shot deai, sudie@pase led. Iater the pesa. ottainei ru-enfonements anud relurned ta Feok lthe suiîposeat oitera, lua anountnry br-road Wiilliam Meereick aud C. F. NÇieheiser, -h rmpeelea u Postsa met two mon au horseback. The. torelark riders ordered the men tu 51011. and upon their refusai dres- their recel- sera. Myersieci and Nieheiser upoord lre and emplied Iheir revove-rs. Il ma-as neari>' dan. aand lie>' ouldnt ire 1) tie test sdaantsge. One ahut t toast &truck ils mark, for ou, of tiie suspects mn--ld sud feli fronhils snddlo. Tieî-th-* ynr man qickly ctmmbed dossu and helped iris componlon bock ou is borne aiid tir>'o-e an-as-. SALAMi LAW DECLARED VOII>. Obi. Court Iuu'alldate* Act Affectîn- Officais lu Nverai Conuates- In Cleveland, OLiro. tie Circuit Court hsîîdod dos-n a decision declîîrins- lie malar>' las- te be illegat. The decisloui s-iii resait lu aitcuty oÉndalo being placed unden the fee sYsteni, sud l cause a 1usd mudifle lu the counîs- ofices, as liey have been opersled on a saterY btini for the lest tell years. Tii. dela- lait affecta tie countiea o! CuYsbega. Summil, Lrain and Medina, snd fol- lIs-a a almitar decisuce cf the Suprenio C'ourt lent "May affectins- lickas-uy (coul>'. BLAS'5 W1TH RAidiET. W. F. Lewila Brain Ms-s. illit WrlIlgh lu Chicsgun. Afler imaiiug bils housekeepor. "Mr%. Siella Wright, wn-hi shaîcietinluthe kîlciien oftbilshome lu Chinas-o, William F. Lewis sous-ht ln vain for asoier ic- im of!bilsmunderOua rage. Faililus-tl mid the man îe saugtosi, Lewsl returneal t0 the, South Side and s-es aboultea nter tho home o! a siter s-heu i. s-sa rap- tumeil iy detectia-es. A .urugsle folIos-- ed. durins- s-ici iae rut his os-n ilîoat alttor admittins- the murder o! lie ws- su. He probatl ilsl die. FINI> BURILI MEIN AT DINNER. iteacu. Gangs Work liard te Sa"e CoEU- panloua. Who "ld NNo uer- PasIL Iteseuins- sansaaokeil Itrenunl>et the, Brooks-ood collier>', Pottiville. Pu., le save liree mouns-io s-en. entombe In l the, mine b>' a uni ot dlay. But whebr the reaculus- gang reaciad thIiimpridoned men they were calml>' eatng dinne, unu- couacieus tiat Ibe>' sen. imprisorieal the Bilent ruai ofthle cia>' glviug thetu Do notice that the>' s-r, cut off frein lie outaido s-orld. Eiient b, Cave-i. aI Natlie, Ps. A cave-lu occurred in a mine trench at Natalle, Pa., killins- Joseph letroms and hiels os-Join. Il yoara old. andi Joseph, t) yesrs old-aud falally Iuntrhis- hils eldest non. Michael, 13 yeara ld. Pelro ansd bua tir.. boya lef t boule ta procura roal sud hmd bren aIt ,ork saine ime tefoeotheitop o!flthebreak col- tapean ad caiight them. ,Nebraska Las- kuorked Out. The Nebraska Supreme Court ordenu-il1 the dismissai efthle auit againot lie1 Union IParifin Hailmoad Company- for $635000 for alleged violation o! theieS-- breas maximum frels-hI ae las-. Thba dochames nncoiiaitulloualtli e at creallix lie Staeboard of transportation. s-liei asaseftie Penalties esainsI the rondt. WomnmaKiled 1. Punir. Fire in a fanlor>' building aitliehermer o! Crosby eud Itouston treeta, Nes- York, adJolulus- a f ve-ator>' leuleenuland a cgglr farter>', reaulted lu a punin in boîh paces, duclus- s-ui hfeur sunen toat thielives. Zorn jury Uasbi. 1u Agfree. The jury l in tn ae etDr. Louis zor, a KansasaCit>' dentisî, chars-rd s-i tue murden ut Albert Senimît, re- perteal thiatl Its-a inable 10 agure. Zorn s-as releaaed, ouhaill PoudIng anolier trial. georgslansd South Crolinse Shiken. Two &bocks o! eartiiitake aere gener- al>' fait lu Savanah, Gi. Sewssreonolhe settleuîeuits aioug tbe ceait ldicste that Ihere tho>' sens of a suflnent viol'-ce 10 put houa.. le onkins-. Oives . rmîlonlistult.. Aunouneimnt lhan been made ut Yale thal Fredeu-ick Vanderbiltl han adeal Il 50,000 tu ils $50000Ô Rift 1e the Shef- field oetifie arirol ah Tala in oudon ho bullal a second dortntort,'tor tue tachooI. Prîsoner Commi.t@Suniside. Brt de Shans, allas saveel, held ou ts-o chargea of tons-er-. romnanitteil aui- cide lu lb. conut>' Jali nt Butte, liout. He iad Inken hesvy does of strychnine. morphine and cocalue. Hars-ard ia Nuew Goerfor. Duncan Clinh HeYs-ard ias bu-on ln- aus-urahod ula Goveruor o! Soti Caro- lnas. James T. Shouus-a s s-om lunas Idaeulenaul Govennor ho eucceod Jamess JI. Tilîman. ___ InJueed un Fencin-r. A anuall bon, ainlresldeut HRfsevets rigit armst aa fracluneil duritg a feuciait boul withi (eneral Wood.l. Ibm icians sa>'ylit iiihave mouded in a fes- daya. ____ Killed b,' a Train. l.atherine MnMahon, ageil 70 yenn., sud ber dams-hIer Elizabeh s-ere killeil b>' a Bis- Fourtrain aI a crosains- ut Shelis-, Ohio- ____ Boi. Mars-lu Deie SlegoL supeilor Juige Stussburg lu Smo Iluan- claco decideal tat dealUs- inmars-ina s-as illegal. Tba décsion ateste aaris ail bruikera lu tue cils-. Brick Plant Da.iaffd. The. pant et lia Menaelo Brick Com- panz ut i Ws-o ats. Pa., saerataidam- "çp is- s à* of 51.M00. a. -hars in bmuS -.ge i *M M0 COURET AVORA BETTLERS. Supramte Court Rend. Dona uDocatn Advenuee l iorthern Paciie]Ro. 'Tho United States Supromef Court reft- dormi tbrough justice llnensuopinion affecting the. Norhern Pacîifi Railroad land grant. The case nus that of Peter and Heur,' Nelson,. s-laclcaleal tupon uusurs-esed land s-thiu the Sou-liera ilacIie grant. luth tiie Iin rermîton>' ot Washington, lu 1881. Thia n-sa afte the ralîread cumniuyn lad filed ias oel- erai msp shos-lng ifs prepoeed drlile location. bu lhe opinlin handeil down by the court ilfn-es held liaI the tl o! tih, settteras-ui lu-tetitain iaI of the ralîroad crmpm>. fial ltunlil tie dellnite map s-as biled t lgness had cou- troi oethle lansicthi uIte s-raitn e- gardiens o! the gi-ornai ialt. lu o dls- sentins- opinion, Juetie- resor sAid tho opinion reverses tie jiadgmenit cf lie court outwts-uy yu-irs ago. t>' hicli the lulerlor Dr-pstment badl ever alne ber-n routrollidlundeahins-pofth dispuates betaveen Ilhe raltroual romnis>and set- tiers ike tie Nelsons. Mjillionsa are in- aolved lu the dcmo CONFESSES ATrEMPTS Tu KXLL. Nelie Mulselo-,,lita rs .-Oid.Aduastu lle-e Poison ta.lier Benefacto-a Nelle Kuisele'. tou 13 year-old adepl- idl daugiiter ut "dfr. and l %lrs. Isaac B. K-ciselo>-. o! Couuiîiy N.-Y., nio nus receuuti>'sent to tue susqueiinVal'tt- ley 'Home. ut Buigtsatmn. tianritien honte a coonfessmio lat aie, md toru îystemstirslly aduiniisterlis- poinon te lier tester parents, wcuht lii.in1e cf kîli- lug theni se that alue couulai ebtaiu tini proporl'. 1Mr. sud Nlrs. Kuiget--> ia-o bueu umade veny iiil] îit-)lifter thoir meols, and Mru. lKîiceley la îîov an lu- s alid as lb. renuli. ifi lsleged, ofet1h. poison takeuin mb ler s> teni. A iilh- bon informed tho Kniseleys tiat Nellhe iaildtalter i ta mgltr finut n lieu hi-n fcter parelnts s-on- le-id sie c ould have theur uropertr alîîl huit ilue had div-n tiem ai dose s-iiichs-lîid (iltlaeii. "Mr. muid Mrs. Kuiselc> îheîî relled Ihul flic girl ataked th,noi is liii Sm mud rot - eir propenb>' if ihey bohumludu-ml After liey iad become fil again lin>' diueovoerr-a tint saipackage ut rat pison lad ldisap- peared. MISTAKE CAUsEg EXPLOSION. Ts-u Mens Kilied b? Dynamite Biset lu Wabash T-..el et Pittaburs. Ts-o men s-ore killed sud four serins- ]y Ijuned nt 7 o iock lie othen molli- iog in the eatero, .(d of lie %Wabash tununel aI Pittaburs-. by an explosIon 0t dyniamite, canard. it issaoid b>' soin. oies turulo oni lie etectricali carrent nîllieut necei-.iug tie proper signal. Blants bail been preliared b>' thseilgiî cnes- lu lie enatero end oet hoelaadins- and Day Foroman Florence bmd s-une lu sitii Nis-it Foreman Taylor t0asee«s-bat fini been doue. Witii the foreinlis-re four s-orkmen. Aslthe Parr ses soIns- bavard tie chars,o! dynamite Fol. oue at lie top of lie gaîft tuîned (iu lie eloctrical enrrent n ithojît notification and s-heu Taylor, s-ho rarid the niron. m- sorted thonin tie charge of dynamiate lie exploioin !olsed. Anueicsun Die la Beteat. Itlia reporteda thIle vluitteer forci ors-suizeda t -Boiluo, proianuie of tam bales, P. 1., 10 disperse ladrones haa been defoaled and that turee Amerianus, lucluduas- Mr. Osbiorne, a tesclier.n-ena kiuied. The lodrouesi outnenaberod lie solunleea.e, srmeunded lie latter îuîîd boloed theni. The Auuurý,-ana ded fusht- lus-. StrombolilaI Active Agntu. Aflor a briet spel mut ilaact,euity the voicano Sromboti, iu the uMmdihrraîiean. is as-aiR in eruption. (;rünt qoantitios ot tava and atones are benuthtros-n up, and 10 an iumense distaiefrouethie rator. The cnocf lb, volenu-oinueaPPed n ah a hilck cloud cf amoke. shiim.nlsAr- I>elad. H. (,. Due & Co.s Weekty ltovjesa re- porta nîereiaudiae shipmreila till drîs>'- ed ty precerdeuc gi-eu teh fue-l; bnying tuberali n sîute o!f ihpicis; Januar>' railroad cumnins 5 per cent oser 1002. Buébatd ndiudWtt As-phyaluted. j. H. Biertaut sud sif, Louise s-ere upirxiatrd nîtiuslorsl ga ai Dnyton, Ohuio. Tie gaa had geai,0ont andl tien, '.ouiluronogngin s-hile thoeiiu.aud sud nîfe nere sleping-, stangloil Ihoî. Canal 1Treaty ws-th Colomnm Afler a long dela>' and suspense s troals- for lb, consatrluction ut the Pan- ama Canal iy the Unitedl States At been algnea b>' lie dipomatie represent- aives o! thua country anid Colombin. Sîgu Alsaken iUauudsry Tresty. Socrehar>' of Sîste Ha>'anal Sir Mi- chael Ieriýrl Brittishambasiador.liai-e slcued a treat>' providins- for a apeedy a,-tlrmenl of the dispute over thie Aa»- --nui boundan>'. Colonado fle-lecl. Toler. Nonatuin Teler has beeti e-eenl.d by Colorado tagalaons in jeo session, &fter aecnnîsg a quorum b>' tringles- lu auî absentee tro a sink boal in an ambu. lance. Long 1. Named for mnouton. At Topeka, Kan.. Congresaman Ches- ter 1. Long s-as nominatoil b>' acrlama- lion for Unitedl States Seuilor te0nue- ceunI W. A. Harrs b>' lie joint Republi- cou canenes of the Lékislature. Bt.esiard.seut of B&u Calls-l. Thneo (lerusu wiraiips bumbardel Sou Caries. N'euelfa. firnu-hiudredi of ehota. kuulimus- Ielve soldiorsanad tuant non-nomhisianhs sud IainIg the, farts la ruina. ____ Eus-eue NM-ertu>' as-ed 18 * the *choohiioy pu-lisl" ot New Yok. diet frein lie effoctsfa ta hes-recoii-ed lu a bout t scitute . H.L,. sith Eus-h Mur- phy i> aseo!fNew- York. Lynch and Born a Neg-o Jehn Thomas, a negro, s-ho obot and kîlltea Sheriff Benjamin E. Or>'.ot Si. ('bariS.' pariîi. near Nos- Orleans,, s kLilled bis a mob sud tua body s-as burocal Bay' Goes t l Bprasu. Court. Juige W. R. Des-. o! Canton, O1110 bas acceptai the appolinent t th Uni- tel Stanta Supreume baurb. 1Cuba te ave a CpiteL The Cubas Hisouf o!R.jaatatlva bas volai t. eau t PÏOOkO t. Il aItlti l ou *0 Ie océpw& PRESIDENT fR!C<PV0 9FrOM TO 1,000 LETnElle cetOAIIM.Y. a soma. et Tbe Are atur S,'om* ai ons itrtobe " assd a.,' f Thns Ar Abloirbylarge angle patri, sst neuforBThom Acrim-Aatte&- Ti ttbo I cuidta. . eigiit, bent ttouat the061W suued u Rndlug b... attention of tihe Senate Thuruay exoept crowned wlth the globe M4 sumd i RedUm TIS-for a tour routine mattero vhieh camo- e t Vitha n Opeed s ei ab up dules the. moraing bour. RBia tac. giiduatd luaaise, tb. wahlsgtos correspondane: priaaed ta sothorize the l'reiddent te op- placed et thtt top. HE quantlty M point Bigadier General Iderriam. te- mnuiltr oved et tireii, te the grade of major geurrai on bti. bte Honte. the. retired liât, and provdii for addi- lWhito, tionai termes of court ln the western Ju- @uorono Since dîniai district et South Caroline. The ir l'retdet IRoose- lexaliative. executive and jodicl appro- i vet bas beu ln priation bill vrac sentIeô confetence. The. ~ T 1I ofice the. mail ad- Committole on Naval Affaira soru@utiior- dram<i ta th eod by the Rone. te luvestigote the CUie magistrae Lessier briber7 charges In connetiez% bac heeu thi. lsav- witls the sohmnrine boat bill. The Phil- à~l. teslun story, and IPP.ae coinage bill reported by the la- it là teadlly 'niar Affaire Commttee.vrai rejected growîng. Pruba- sud the. ,ubtllotte prented ty the. mi- titi, Doet r Que nSoa ll wa doptcd by a vote of 146 ta Mau lu thieilidt lm t,,enty-czb Iepuhlcass eltin r«evu vuel, eywiîbth ie Democrats for adoption. The in e v ea ot d j A laska delegate bil !wassth n taken p. lu Uta ymenar s u d wà , supported by M r, Cushm au mau pesoul ~ (Rep.. Wnnshj. Mr. Wooten (Demt.. Tex- ltes as are sent te as), and Mr. S.nIzr <Dem.. N. Y..sad the. Preaideut ut thei. utad Statoami.sud oppOd f'M. anr fo..1 very certainly nu other man recelves r anr(e. 1. commuicstious of sucb varid ésacteT. At the. preseut time anywbere from tow The tatehobad billagalu ocnpied lb.e tu l,eOO letters are received et the. White attentilon of the Selaste Fridai'. Iurtuf Hous evry ey.In ddiionte hinthé. dehate severai splrited colloqules o- hoorse o oerda.lu p ltl u totersare rred. lu whînh IMenacere on bath aides hdrevds pevey o dey ed.ate aeof the question charged ltt@.altierswittb Te tirâtd tepin-oeraiilidaett.é obstrîîctiug important l.glslti'îu. 'J.Il Whe finIstopiluet t. desina ftionin Btirohuni cotluued lisre isrks lu oppo- Wiiia Huseunsl B itidssliitlo lasillon tu the ndîîîllsion ait Oktalioma. Lekeu littthe truatSd employa of the Arizona sud New IMexico. Durltini. Msethes- clu"d Whlte Houa. ubo makte* tire. or four morniiiit heur Mn. Fairbanks mode an il- toosfa fied te belp bar'. tripe daily toalthe potoffir. ta soeura efectui a ttempt te0asoeur. e osideration " Lydla P. PinkbamaB t"i mailt. pon the arrivai of the Jet- lif the iunilgrntlon blli. The Itoixue tlise table Coanpound cufte MO4 :rs at.tho White Houa. tbey are turued -'tý rivria te-Ieii-iain î'j. Tii.7 Includi-il ao iî:rfi tledam 1 l aver 1ta aclerk uhose sole duty Ilau sil.iosîîs ithe ili of <ion. Fralxo tha grlstok w about IL 1 5peu lhe eni-olopes sud uufold the. let- 8rl lit $110 a mîniiilthe ie îl(%(Ifîw (.eno. ergils t.na. The communîcitiont, udt ptte ta Frânijia Ni.tl.-y at $50.,umi toie widiw of 11g19 sr~,lf nfee a cierk wbo sorte the. misive. .Maur Iir Admirileul-iry l'h-iekni at$14). lTiei. tenus, pain lin the ab4a )f the. lettera pertaiu te what MIghtbu Alunira Ik-lc-uiie li] a% ,na tiIland l in limbe. At othOsdin :eroued routine goverumeutal maltera. jro-iitoa fer the ret -uiîliî n lie ter, lied aa vy, dcpreaaedf aud are turnod over ta one or auotiier 0f ritory oif Alosaîi inilOe Floiiue 01 lteP'- wbicb mde My work seom : oLzoreutîve departments. Thejurent s-nti i-a y a iiielgIqtp.Il aisiohiie s as bard, and I gre pale anid1 bulL of the Premîdets mailtgoes te bis4lte ritizoca.hip ild the quificaltioîn of Thomedicmne the doctor ga" secrelaries. aud most ef it they anawor r elîAloui rîiibtei îîlîîiifrr îT did fot do me one bit of 900d, :over their own signaturea wltiiout trou- the i-îeiimr,.Ille dtet cf waicunallait bu 1 Was thorougbly discoursged. binlg lthe busy iefi.!magistratevitiithethe. lii. t liî il, i )îpirîî.ductii wanted me to top wolt matte. -> o f course, 1 could lio; do à* Do.u'ta PeFrua. Mnufcnîiîvi. the i, ,hili-l 1,111 li ins fIrally began lto take LYdi Tii. Presideul doges nel poruse persan- . i satrdiiy. 0.iil.l liifiii,-thie lniiI Pikham'a Vegetabie Coun" alil one-lenth of the. lettons wbieb art but-.lis au maller iof filet. tli sliiio.lin t and feIý hetteraf ertaan sddrcased te hlin. Iudeed, it,' cent- lit, in-rribiLîu îît uieii-lkuiuut&oîdol molcations a day la a tîterai estimat e iciiorse cf the !m'tais irerIluta. As bottin, eandrfeycredaknd sam of the amber ws-un comesaniuer bi@saonuos. he bill,ui,, raid tiifore line .»-n- i waaentbtirl ud,1 mgo a eye..Tii. bItera wîîcî by recaslofn ut " a u,îmlier (of Se-îalî,rs s-raffirdiIn pretbalbao m o tbolr seemlng importance or the doubt raiiiprti, fli i 11li !SCll],t h i j e 87Fi forit."-Si, New ork U of the soretari.. as tW heir praper dia-rassje cn f tl.,ioljlîlorf-c a - ll2nd St-' , New Yoof r a f positon do fiually psas the. gauntet and ibie ftiu Afllr ie all e billo"s un- *55 solot bue'tf"oc )' coma lute the bauds of lthe Presîdeut bio ui isiioOiodliW5 LydIaF_.PlnkbBs Y 'V%M hlmsetf are dlsposed iu ou. of tire. wsYo. agin calieteir)iiini Noir SINi,~one ok CompoamadeufOeU"Be ti. lu the cates or mauy of toher letonres i lie Il Hoe anilîilly i-icf-i.ed iloii- au otiies- sua s bave fanle& the Jettera ovêr ta the, secretarles wîtii an lel. tt 1.a at. tueodii Indication of the, character of the. repli ienudt di sîîîu-nuigtel 41%1()rienîAt Inllo lie sent. Tg a fewso!tthe. lttera lthe da ioulioit,]i, 1îîîsKtîe ta indithe Presfident dictates replies wbilihe ignes -g- -. I Ile g- peraonally, aud ta a ver,' iitud nom- NI'..lIe lriitil-l, dot..il-i ber o! porsoual f rielada ba peux, coufden- .jdwst I IJlilui tint lettera. I ifinai. oidîitlhi-rboitireuo, Natnratly snch Inscriptions as "Per- tîtiri-ient gilinot "Ir-. ('o-toit -liosd- tonal" aud "PrIvaI." rannot b, regard- modîiIt loi, -,ni ljeîîuarti,- .d lu opeulux thé. White Houa. mail, l'to o, iflier uilrTe -sieoirci thera are s a lu s-un the, lnitiaî,d mihtepoogýI 1IIIIII fPi't mayInsanoe their communication reach- beîsiunli, Iu loiii' ic'., n iloed il ln dy Log the Prealdeul peraoually. The. op- o teîîan-o.iitiiriui aoo rîriotton ll fslad proved plan la for the, s-nIer ta place bis ÇîîOîIy l . th ti îly onat i-ui Initial& or Dame lu autogratin te lu i.1w- lin-n u iicrn.eof utth, dèplruîriitiin et loftIbaud corner o! the. envelope. For for tfn-ses f ront570.100 0 $0000.) Instaure, a cofidrntiel note frornt the Prealdontà percutrfrlend, Souator Lodge, beau, lu the crner tb. Initiale The locie o fr îrîîîîvson un- H. O C. u lua amajorlty o!rcases theI.ioy laiîintrie xti. rinient u of l -___ provision@ of theée safeguards ta super- it mmrlil serviviCi- for iieaiiînI- Bigon.for the. clerk;s-ho open@ the, mail l-a .o ii Sllali i u i not t a bas rom, by experlenrs ta recoguize lu- li r d li-at r irgthix 44iaouhou stautiy the baudwrlttug of lthe relatives .-cmmaayaa>wn sud liniates of the. ciief ezecutive, sud M.Qov nI1-reo h miu uthelers go tiirotîgh without motrata soîlctl"Ii. îîî'îI,:,i:taiîiiiiii'iera- Dr. C aldw eII'o teu. Somelines indviduels net peraon- liob int. the î -îf ctli-r tuiinî-sa soate atiy mos-n to the Preaident. but ws-bu n tre Si-ate iîîilo 'aen Siarîiîc L.hs bave learned of thé. plan lu vogue, seek lltt if New Yo1k. altemprd o t"1-1aIlup ep i ta ranh is cars by plactug their Initiai&s omtterpr rviii o h ou a isatve or oeealoually eu W tar,- piîin ofa dcun-pt. pr.uti h- 'cufr tiiad lke so r t t e t h e r u e of sff i n i r t i n i ti a l e o f ti ca t i .flo t iir e i r n î. M i Q u n o 'u b h e t'c a u s o t e rn d I I i nome one knos-u toe close 1taithechie! J Ilu ' Nifieu)ig1-lme o magIstrate..Snelb efforts nover avalIleSa.'Fle flu itteîr r-olîedci, tlY hos-ever, for if the. decepton la net de- liaI thi. ocild li, o-ilI- Yalto-luit a MaCFe'y oiW. M."c. Ss tected by lie asaorting clerk. the, acheta-Note on trcie ,tîîIîî ibll. A rsîlitlu n ati 1-ta5u: etrs lelter la turned bock lto the proper off.red bly ',%r. Morgan, of Alolauîa, (Ie -)a, i l lutigl".MR chaunel by tho Preaident s-leu bcit elets qiîI-aiiilîiîg triee,,drttiiisutoilDr.1li-r- iiIt isealiS. bodiss- tre-bâsd " Its character. ri.la îliiuiiiiore dlori. ileh Nsiuiiuss o l r- sd sdat 'lhe wirk Lof aus-,rlug lthePreisidentlal îî ho lirîîi-ît o i t eri-tîîr Iîth. 7-ra .u.l idilstesss a , l sit; Ind.1 ee.ssud it Wb mail js a tank of iirrnîîean proporti os. -naol îi-a i -iIi.il lerSenliateo 1go Il. ..th-. f- 1i..i.a. ratt. O5 Au effort la made ta acktiowledge iluorle iii a loîng cî'î.-î loohîi iOi. At lie on- insu nst us e erol.7ibélir mauner evercommunication sont te tie -iîîîiIlîrieii mi ii îiiil cinill îl r i- White Houa,. Fiv. or six stenographers îrolliîion 1 lii cmas iaseîl. Thear Itîî'se roe vU-GI. BLLzi Ir are conualiy erployeii typearîtlog lthe-malleîrauci- o rîîîrli h li tmtr 'ff ~hi. d-ness-. u- sfora flusa uMPb jettera ditaîrd ytheiiPretideut and bis plriil iîlli.Triooili toiry aed îîy ., book 4 î.suaiils secretaries. bilai as il -d njîiîî.sinlîge -oltof pplsawpC llf - The general publie and partlrutarly the ilîî rio. nlidjii 'il. wiieh full.o-- Pp l y u C. e 9 cmilne portion cf it aîîîesrs ta ciierialo -liS lt etuarletiit.asu"Mr. lBurtoîn > to b Zt. r htheulietaI, nheronsattiere la ne pou- lit ge Ohîcitite rof thiol ot.-Y ofuIc le liillly tuâtaIaleeauntreacia lhe Irea i eoiiiîî icîfli îîiyi dent luriolate thhre in reasonîhule suret>' governmlt loi, ard Iniaa.o 0thîl a missive We a memiior o! is litnie- - -iu V 8 Ilote famlly nill reach Its idestnation Seiînlu-r QIiio made an effor udy every lelter addresaoed ta Mma. Roosevelttl o i,iisjdî'r ilrsle teoeubill, tbt ftiiîeii P«a h . el pIlo >r any of lhe childreu passes hhrougit ex- 10 îbord n qîilîrliiioîîina rotsînmpellî-d ou À 5.tlit tor and auusu(toNU§*" srtly lhe saine channel as dueslthe mail thot lîîclîlîit toslliii the Siate t tiia-ùl erpala.a ilia net blisterlutt letgned fer the hoad o e ii ousebotd p ore it t2op. m. lie soaedarcit îlher th eiai ,* raa - ruad i. Il9wisl sud thechancesa aIt nII ilever rouie hiillîiî. lon er, or. testi-.îthe, aenimîient s-b u , sud r.ll.e i. dsba alM coder lhe oye cf the. lutended recdieloit if the Si-late. the vlt- standing 17 b wO rsuusiuiend lsloi.ault *$ tu" lentje t. « ples1tiai eo cha s as a" art qute as remette. '-Iolen roisfavoirThe ît.y nvasi-ii ei~u nn a~.etads mi m. i', Ibellis eosurslgio mad <f517 ssp_ Topt eAd. Fuuu,' snd Alaurd. î<ojiiratjo if thei-otatellooîd Ibill.miiYA totaw t ei at l lc Tii. loin dl~uvaod l lii I l tle exretionîî of a uniîîr desîted lu.a vstil ie i.ndslt i astalilab Flouse mail are sarled. Some are aad, i.1oeti by 'tir. Sucott, of IWest Vjr.ii tiMsol 57"tti.ste. orOtb@i morn bureroo. ous aburd. Manyon the pensvioni lacs. 'rueFlouse deviîte-d Prims lia atet&l dragaae wrienaaplostetuePrsidnt oraId thie dao illot elorîrd front liei- mdi- sebysaudi iîasau.t t sLais~ag a teritireappal e th Prnidnt'or l .i ifliti". jiousing sahout ts-n.-nt,«Ieaay.. à ~tub. by rsali. chory Couvnt No artiouaid hacceoptai b. 0B inl securins thoen, geverotoont berthe. Most of tiena Ivoire of a munor charaeter jule mmis anerrlus sc ee.a Th rue eggiog tettera' tont a i-ast pro- relatjîîg tle it lins of hiolding curt Dot genuilae. portion, rasiging ail lie svay trainithe etc., tut twc ci-rt,-of geniral imîportance. CN[&fhROU6lMAMIACTIUM lmpotnnltiea o! profesuîlouat beugrinue On . e s-lillet lie original pnei-ige Il atate et..NewsVert uQy. le tie requesta ofcf hirchiesanad chari- dejasiun of trie tîiîireuie ourt tiy îîîk- - Ytable organistions seéking aubscripîlons. ing itit(iieuiîîg liquiora iuaportcd l iîoAI 1,It may ho noteid liai e-or>' appeai for Sttes objerl Ii tle jîîriedlction cfsuic m nid ws-un beure the tlightest oevldouc. o! States. 'rhe bilutis desigueil te prnîeîîl 1-posible s-orthinett a lîirncut avoir ta sone, i-s o ie ider tilîr îîigiîîat-paekago e i-A chartable organisaîlon in rio remmunity ici, cf liiojor Ininip 1rohibition Staîtes. î traiewhlch il bas emauatpd. Greal quan- TIhe îuîher bill i-itir ienate billt luiin- F t11ieq o! anonymous lettera are recelved ceuse thiesalarie-s of Federal judgoc. M ansd a surprIsingty lange nuîrnir o! ap- -pesta cone fraim posonus iio stick 10 en- lu thse Natiossai CapitaL -listIthliad o! the Prealdent lu polios aff William E. Curtis soas New- York morîgiges. Fînalythere are theo hreal- Denuocrats are unlted au Alton B. -tar- .uutug and "trank" ieotlens of varioonalker lis presideutiat candidate aîîd are kiuis aud lie nuibher of communications actteel>' boomiog hii.& d f etbis klnd rnerledlaisimîily astaundins-. AgrieuituralcIt)rîîorlîîîeut oxporients 1,m.NEY,, MORs-o EETL aBRtIHT o Comparatively but aa iall portion 0e t i'hh iulterulru1 faos icillîîo b aouon- NMYC PIXO S ET then.ho-ovr.Ir doinaletsîifilet d b- r.Wjl-yluu'îuo pope biliînn >t,âzu..AN YiCMPLEXON Sai $En" r.e mi M" 1 dl M

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